View Full Version : Shaved front sight under kmr

Justin drake
03-28-17, 20:39
Hey this is my first time posting been reading on here a while. Anyway I have a 16" mid length bcm that had a standard a2 front sight from reading on here I decided to have it shaved to fit under the new bcm kmr alpha 13" that I got thinking its pinned so it will be more secure. I was too nervous to do it myself so I had a local gun smith do it since he has done work for me before and I've never had any problems with him and he is the only gun smith around where I live. So I pick up the upper today without really looking at it I know that was stupid but when I got home I started looking at it and everything looked fine until I got to the gas block it was touching the rail at a few places not at the bottom where the pins are or at the top it was touching on the sides I'm thinking of taking it back to him tomorrow and having him fix it but also thinking maybe I could just take the kmr off and take it down enough to where it's not touching it anymore but I don't have a vise or the thing to hold the upper reciever. Is this a big deal or is it nothing to worry about I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet so I don't know if it effects the accuracy or reliability or anything.anyhow if this was you guys rifle what would u do? Sorry for writing so much I can take pictures but all I have is iPhone probably won't be able to tell from them thanks!

03-28-17, 20:44
It will effect accuracy.

It's an easy job you could do yourself but you paid for a service that was done halfway. I'd take it to him and let him know what I wanted done with it. I would not go back to him after that. This is gunsmithing 101 in my opinion and he failed.

Justin drake
03-28-17, 21:03
Yeah you're right thank you for reply I thought it would effect accuracy. I should have done it myself but i will be taking it back to him tomorrow and making sure it is done the right way and I definitely won't be using him again.

03-29-17, 09:24
He might not know any better. Give him a chance to make it right. If he gives you guff or wants to charge you for the work he should have performed to begin with, then you'll know not to deal with him anymore. Good luck.

03-29-17, 10:00
I agree on giving him a chance to make it right. If you paid a fixed price for the work, you should not be charged. If it was a time and materials charge, and he didn't round up the time spent on it, it shouldn't cost you more than 0.5 hours. If I was your smith, I'd fix it for no additional charge no matter what.

Justin drake
03-29-17, 14:55
Well I called my gunsmith today and told him that the gas block was hitting the kmr rail and he said he would fix it but he also said that he can't guarantee it will work if he takes it down more. I know this isn't true because I've seen guys on here with there fsb cut down under a kmr and there's is fine and not hitting there hand guard should I give him a chance to fix it even though he seems to think if he takes it down more it will not work. I tried explaining to him that he doesn't need to take it down that far just so it fits on there without hitting. I really wish I would just bought the tools and done this myself thank you guys for replying I think I'm going to send it back to him and give him a chance to fix it if nothing else I have a bcm low profile gas block if he messed up the gas block I will put that on even though it won't be pinned

03-29-17, 15:22
Show him this picture from ADCO. In my opinion it needs to do more than just clear the rail. I like to see at least a tenth. Google barrel whip videos to see why.

03-29-17, 16:58
A buddy of mine has an ADCO shaved FSP on a 6933 upper that has a KMR. So it is doable if done correctly.

03-29-17, 20:02
I've done a few and I'm not a gunsmith.
Not that difficult or critical, in terms of screwing it up.
Show your gunsmith the photos provided above and have him do it.

03-29-17, 20:14
Can you post a pic of what he has done thus far? If you send it to me, I can finish off for you for free.

Justin drake
03-30-17, 11:42
Hey guys I just picked the upper up from the gun store it all looks goods it not hitting anymore and it looks done correctly I will try to post a picture later when I'm back home thank you guys for replying. I know I've seen kmr with a shaved fsb. I won't have a chance to shoot it until tomorrow but thank you for all your help. I think I will send anymore I have done like this adco but I will post pictures tonight.

Justin drake
03-31-17, 23:51
Hey guys sorry I took so long to get back and post pictures but the gas block looks ok and when I came home from work the night I picked it up I looked at it more and was taking pictures and noticed something my kmr looks like it been cut through and bent so he's not going to be back until Wednesday so that's when I will get to take it in and I guess get him to replace it with a new kmr or the money I spend for it. So I'm kinda pissed off about the whole thing my rifle was fine before I decided to put the kmr on it. Hopefully I can get these pics uploaded and I'm pretty sure he will replace the kmr. I hope I'm not overreacting but this whole thing has been a huge headache but hopefully you can tell by the pics all I have to take them with is my iPhone.so I uploaded the pics do you guys think I should ask for him to replace the kmr?

Justin drake
03-31-17, 23:54

Justin drake
03-31-17, 23:56

04-01-17, 01:00
Yeah, that guy just earned himself a spot in the "gunsmithing" hall of shame thread. Total hack, who does not know what he is doing. Yes, he owes you either a new rail, or the replacement value. The shave job he did looks pretty amateur as well. I can't see the whole shave job he did, so hopefully he didn't bugger that up too badly either. It would be nice to see pics of the shave job with the rail removed. If he didn't have the experience to do it right, he should have turned it away. I'll send you a PM about getting it fixed correctly.

04-01-17, 08:46
Yep. Replace the kmr mr gun plumber

04-01-17, 10:46
WTF... Looks like that hack inserted a screwdriver and pried the hand guard up for gas block clearance. If he refuses to replace the hand guard, I'd take him to small claims court. Even if you have an anti-gun judge, you should easily win your case. Good luck.

04-01-17, 11:48
It's easy to do. He just didn't test fit it or didn't care. If I can do it surely a GUNSMITH can. I'm guessing he cut it down and pinned it back on before test fitting the rail over it, was too lazy to take it back off and fix it so he jury rigged it.
This is how I tried it first, but I hadn't taken enough off I took more of and blued it again.



Justin drake
04-01-17, 15:57
Yeah I wish I would've sent it to someone that knew what they were doing but he said it was no problem and easy to do so and he is the closest gunsmith around me so I let him do it and this is how it turns out. I'm going to give him a chance to do the right thing first and I think he will replace it but I will never use him again especially for anything like this I also asked him about pinning a low profile gas block first and if he knew how to do it and he starts asking me about barrel length I'm guessing he thought I was talking about pining a flash hider I explained it to him he said he couldn't do that, that should've told me to go somewhere else but it didn't look that hard to put a kmr on and cut the fsb down and he said he's done it before. This has been a very aggravating process I will take some pics of the gas block it doesn't look anywhere near as good as the one above I can see the pins on the bottom more than I think should be there and one spot still is very close to touching the kmr still! Thanks for your help I will post the gas block pictures and let you know how it turns out I won't know anything until Wednesday about that.

04-03-17, 20:02
WTF... Looks like that hack inserted a screwdriver and pried the hand guard up for gas block clearance. If he refuses to replace the hand guard, I'd take him to small claims court. Even if you have an anti-gun judge, you should easily win your case. Good luck.

WTF is absolutely right!!! I just chopped the FSB on my son's M&P and put an MI 15" m-lok rail on it, while he was home on spring break; looks just like the one from ADCO. This clown definitely needs to pay for the KMR. In my jurisdiction, this would be a no-brainer in small claims court.

Good luck!

04-03-17, 20:39
He absolutely did not make it right, and he made it a whole lot worse. Good grief.

04-03-17, 20:42

I think this was put up yesterday, too. Damn.

04-03-17, 23:14
I've done several of these. It's pretty dang easy and makes for a nice secure gas block. I use cold blue to finish them, but I have also used High Temp BBQ paint and it works great too.

04-04-17, 05:20
The most difficult part of the entire process was getting the f'ing drift pins out of the BCM FSB.
Pretty sure my 6 yr. old grandson could figure out the rest.

Justin drake
04-04-17, 16:47
Just an update guys I haven't spoken to my gunsmith yet the employees at his stores say he will be there tomorrow. I just figured I I would let everyone know I don't know anything yet but I guess either way if he replaces the kmr or not I will still be ordering one and then sending my upper to adco I'm hoping the gas block is ok it looks terrible compared to the ones I've seen here but I do have a low profile bcm gas block I could get pinned on but I will let everyone know tomorrow what happens I'm really hoping he will replace it this has been aggravating process I sent it back to him twice and because he didn't cut the fsb down enough then the second time I get it back looking like this! Anyway I appreciate all the feedback and will let you know what happens.

04-04-17, 16:58
When you get a hold of this "gunsmith", tell him he has no business touching tools.

04-04-17, 18:47
Just an update guys I haven't spoken to my gunsmith yet the employees at his stores say he will be there tomorrow. I just figured I I would let everyone know I don't know anything yet but I guess either way if he replaces the kmr or not I will still be ordering one and then sending my upper to adco I'm hoping the gas block is ok it looks terrible compared to the ones I've seen here but I do have a low profile bcm gas block I could get pinned on but I will let everyone know tomorrow what happens I'm really hoping he will replace it this has been aggravating process I sent it back to him twice and because he didn't cut the fsb down enough then the second time I get it back looking like this! Anyway I appreciate all the feedback and will let you know what happens.

If you can take the rail off of the barrel nut, and take some detail photos of what is left of the FSB, I can tell you what your situation is re: salvaging the FSB, or replacing it. I've cleaned up a couple of nasty shave jobs before, and as long as there is enough 'meat' left on yours, I could probably clean yours up for you as well. I'd be happy to help you get this fixed up, no charge. It would be good to check to make sure he didn't bugger anything else up like the barrel nut, or the cross bolts. I wouldn't trust him to have done anything correctly IMO.

Instructions for KMR install (removal is reverse): http://www.bravocompanymfg.com/downloads/kmr_installation_instructions.pdf
you just need to loosen the two cross bolts (non-notched one first), and then maybe heat the barrel nut area to get it slid off.

04-05-17, 10:51
I wouldn't trust him to have done anything correctly IMO.

Absolutely 100% agree. It's the stuff you can't see that I would worry more about.

Justin drake
04-05-17, 19:11
Yeah you guys are absolutely right about not trusting him to have got the other stuff he was supposed to do correct. Anyway I went and talked to him today he tries to tell me when he got ready to that the rail off he seen that it was cracked I told him right away no it was not because I have pictures before I gave it to you last time and it wasn't like that then he says ok well it was a problem with the kmr which I know is not true. I told him he was going to have to replace it and he said I will call bcm about it so he is supposed to contact them but I know it's not there fault he messed it up but he told me to come back tomorrow and he will know. he says for that price it should have been a better product and I've never had any problem with bcm and I've already spoken with them about this issue which is not there fault in any way. He thinks he going to be able to get them to give him a handguard and he's wrong but that's what I was told today when I spoke to him so in the morning when I go back he will be paying me the money to get a new one or I guess will have to take him to small claims court or something. Bcm responded to my emails right away and I sent the pictures I posted on here to them so they know when he does try to contact them.

04-05-17, 19:25
Yeah you guys are absolutely right about not trusting him to have got the other stuff he was supposed to do correct. Anyway I went and talked to him today he tries to tell me when he got ready to that the rail off he seen that it was cracked I told him right away no it was not because I have pictures before I gave it to you last time and it wasn't like that then he says ok well it was a problem with the kmr which I know is not true. I told him he was going to have to replace it and he said I will call bcm about it so he is supposed to contact them but I know it's not there fault he messed it up but he told me to come back tomorrow and he will know. he says for that price it should have been a better product and I've never had any problem with bcm and I've already spoken with them about this issue which is not there fault in any way. He thinks he going to be able to get them to give him a handguard and he's wrong but that's what I was told today when I spoke to him so in the morning when I go back he will be paying me the money to get a new one or I guess will have to take him to small claims court or something. Bcm responded to my emails right away and I sent the pictures I posted on here to them so they know when he does try to contact them.

If it's the original model, they have been found to not be as stronger as the most recent all aluminum model. REGARDLESS, there is nothing in the process of cutting down a GB that should cause that damage to the handguard. That is a complete result of his incompetence.

Justin drake
04-05-17, 19:41
No it's the alpha model but yes you're right there was no way I thought it would be this much trouble to cut the fsb down and install the kmr

Justin drake
04-05-17, 19:44
Can you remove the kmr rail without a vise? I know you just remove the cross bolt and the other screw but I don't if I could get it back on there or if I could get the rail off to start with it seems really tight.

04-05-17, 19:55
Can you remove the kmr rail without a vise? I know you just remove the cross bolt and the other screw but I don't if I could get it back on there or if I could get the rail off to start with it seems really tight.

I don't own any KMR's, but I don't believe there are any HG's on the market that need to be mashed in a vice to install. I hear they are a little tight. Heat gun and a twist, nylon mallet at most. My guess is this numb nuts smashed your HG in a vice and forced the barrel nut in. If he doesn't give you a full refund for your HG, you need to post his name and name of the shop so maybe someone else will be spared this aggravation.

04-06-17, 06:01
Can you remove the kmr rail without a vise? I know you just remove the cross bolt and the other screw but I don't if I could get it back on there or if I could get the rail off to start with it seems really tight.

It is tight by design and should be installed or removed with a heat gun. If you don't have a way to hold the receiver it will be a pain in the ass to remove. If numb nutz didn't bugger up the barrel nut it should come right off.

04-06-17, 06:17
Can you remove the kmr rail without a vise? I know you just remove the cross bolt and the other screw but I don't if I could get it back on there or if I could get the rail off to start with it seems really tight.

You do not need a vise to remove the rail. Remove the two cross bolts and nuts as you stated. Then heat the area of the handguard that covers the barrel nut with a heat gun (a hair dryer will work fine). Once heated, the aluminum of the rail tube should expand enough to make it easier to slide off of the barrel nut with a little resistance. At this point I wouldn't worry about messing it, he already took care of that. Getting it back on, not that you'd need to, is not difficult. You really should see what else this guy did right/wrong.

04-06-17, 08:10
That guy is blowing smoke up your ass. There is NO WAY he can claim to install it correctly and then complain to BCM on your behalf that it was defective. Even in the remote chance he scores a free replacement, do you really want him to have another go at it??

Justin drake
04-07-17, 21:06
So today I talked with him and he doesn't want to replace it he wants to try to send it back to bcm and he doesn't know if they will replace it or not. I told him that he is the one who messed it up and he says he didn't I told him I have pictures of before and after. He said well I will send it back for you but I won't buy it from you! But I've been emailing bcm and they told me to send my upper in and they will install a new kmr on it but I would have to purchase the kmr again this guy is an idiot and I will not use him again for anything. My only choice is take him to small claims court I didn't want to do that but I have no other choice. In the meantime if I want this rifle fixed the way I want it I will be buying a new kmr and sending it somewhere to be put on and I still haven't removed the rail to see if he messed anything else up by the way the gas block is still extremely close to touching the rail in one spot it might even be touching it! I am very aggravated about all this he is still acting like its my fault somehow the rail got cracked and bent right where he was supposed to be doing work on the gas block but he doesn't seem to care about that I don't even know how I could do what he did to it.

04-07-17, 21:33

Does this guy own the shop, or is he an employee? Unless he owns the place, I'd be going straight to the owner/ management.

Just curious, but what part of the country are you in? I only ask as I'm sure if any of us are close enough, we would be more than willing to help you out any way we can. If BCM is offering to do the work, you know you can trust them but unfortunately you're going to have to bite the bullet and take him to court. You've already exceeded the prudent man response in giving him the opportunity to make it right. Clearly he isn't an honest trustworthy businessman. You've gone above and beyond. I think it's time to share who this butcher is and where he is located so nobody else here ends up in the same situation you have.

Justin drake
04-07-17, 21:47
Yeah I've given him every opportunity to make it right I offered to give him the handguard if he pays me to get a new one so then he can send it back get a new one or whatever he thought was going to happen I just don't need him getting it and then doing the same thing again. Yes he is the owner of the shop he has at least three shops that I know of he blames the kmr for being flimsy but I don't see how he did what he did to it unless he was prying on it. Anyway I live in Kentucky on the border to Tennessee. Yeah I guess I will have to take bcm up on there offer or send it to adco if I wanted to get a low profile gas block pinned on because bcm said they don't pin low profile gas blocks on but yeah I guess I will unfortunately have to take him to court.

04-07-17, 22:27
As elephantrider stated, taking off/ putting on the rail is easy. Getting the fsb off is the hard part. The video that was linked shows the shortened punch that's needed to bust the pins loose. If you can get it apart and the fsb hasn't been completed butchered (pics would be helpful), I'd be happy to finish up taking it down. I wish I had pictures of the one I just did on my son's rifle over spring break. I use a bench top belt sander which keeps the heat down and cuts evenly so it looks like factory part when it's finished.

04-08-17, 00:54
Your "Gunsmith" is an idiot. When I did my first shaved gas block, years ago, it came out perfectly and I'd never so much as removed a pinned GB. You should tell us who the guy is so forum members can avoid him.

I'm sorry you got screwed by some fly-by-night grifter. The KMR Alpha is a very good and very popular hand guard with one of the very best attachment designs available. It fits tight which is a plus and it is light weight but strong by design.

Hope you have a chance to enjoy it soon.

04-08-17, 02:09
What a clusterf#ck. Have a competent AR gunsmith / armorer fix that hacked up FSB job and install a new KMR. Whatever the cost is to do all of that including parts, is are your damages. Make sure you have documentation every step of the way to include a written estimate that states what the hall of shame gunsmith did wrong and what it will cost to fix it. It would be good if you have an established company like Adco do this work.

04-08-17, 05:54
Everything YOU need to fix this is already in this thread,

Step 1: chalk this up to experience and a mistake (trusting and idiot). Mistakes cost you money, and/or time, oops, they happen, now lets move on. You can take the business owner to small claims, the BBB, or the People's court later.
Step 2: Bust out a torx driver, and a hair dryer and get that rail off to inspect the barrel nut to make sure it is still serviceable. If everything but the rail is still good, BCM may be able to get you just a replacement rail for less $$ than the full retail cost with the barrel nut, etc (<big maybe). Check the gas block to see if that can be salvaged. Take pictures and post them here. We can advise the best course IF you post pictures. No pictures? Then nothing more to discuss.
Step 3: Aquire suitable replacement parts based on the assessment in step 2.
Step 4: The actual work: Myself and another member here have already offered to help you out with fixing this for free. I've posted a couple times and sent you a PM without a response. "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology... "

You are being offered good help here and you seem more intent upon complaining about the dumbass and possible liar who is to dumb to know just how dumb he is. Be smarter than him, cut him out of the equation and send him a bill, or a summons when you are all done. There is no need to chase him around the retard track yet again. I suggest you go complete steps one and two, and then the knowledge base here can hep you with steps 3 and 4.

04-08-17, 06:39
I completely agree with elephantrider; I couldn't have said it better myself.

Justin drake
04-08-17, 21:51
Ok guys thanks elephantrider Thank you and I completely understand what your saying. You're right I'm going to get that done right now should have done it already. I will post pictures as soon as it taken off.

04-08-17, 21:57
Ok guys thanks elephantrider Thank you and I completely understand what your saying. You're right I'm going to get that done right now should have done it already. I will post pictures as soon as it taken off.

Cool beans. Get some pics of the barrel nut as well if you can. Let's make sure he didn't mangle the slots where the barrel nut is supposed to engage the nut.

Justin drake
04-08-17, 22:18
Ok guys idk if the pictures are good enough to tell but here they are 4492044921449224492344924

Justin drake
04-08-17, 22:23

Justin drake
04-08-17, 22:24
4493044931 let me know if I need take more or different angle or anything I guess.

04-08-17, 22:49
Sweet Georgia Brown! that gas block looks rough. My condolences to you and your KMR for having to go through this.

Justin drake
04-08-17, 23:02
Yeah I know Thanks. guys any idea if the barrel nut is ok or do I need to try to get better pictures I think I could fix the gas block myself but I just wanted to put the pics up like you said so yall can give me suggestions because i just don't have the experience to tell if the barrel nut is messed up or not

04-08-17, 23:16
Good news: Looks like the FSB and barrel nut are still good. Doesn't look like he took too much off of the FSB, so it can be contoured and blended much better. If it were mine I would have taken quite a bit more off.
It looks like he went a little rough on the barrel nut. The slots are marred a little, and for some reason the finish is worn off of it b/c I see shiny spots which should not be shiny. I think the barrel nut is still usable though. I also see some scratches on your barrel near the gas block, not the end of the work, but not sure why they're there, or if the "gunsmith" did that?

Next step: see if you can get BCM to sell you just a replacement rail. They may take pity upon you and help you out and get you one with out the barrel nut, hardware, picatinny rails, etc. If that doesn't work, see about getting one off of the boards here or on TOS. I have a few laying around, but they are the original Magnesium alloy version, and I am not sure if that is what you want. Most expensive option is go get another brand new complete retail kit.

Once you get the replacement rail figured out, we can get the rest done.

04-08-17, 23:25
Yeah I know Thanks. guys any idea if the barrel nut is ok or do I need to try to get better pictures I think I could fix the gas block myself but I just wanted to put the pics up like you said so yall can give me suggestions because i just don't have the experience to tell if the barrel nut is messed up or not

From what I can see in the pics, the barrel nut looks OK. A little mistreated but probably usable. What you are looking for is if the slots where the barrel nut wrench teeth engage have been bent and pushed out into the outside diameter of the barrel nut. If they get a little deformed and stand out proud, BCM says to sand/file them down. Yours looks OK. It might take a little light file/sand work once the barrel nut is-reinstalled. If it were mine, I'd probably want to remove and re-install it, justt to make sure it in installed correctly.

Again, if you want to send me the FSB, or the whole upper, I can fix this for you. Should not be too much trouble.

04-09-17, 00:32
I'm a bit late to the party. I can't say anything more than Elephantrider has already said. It looks like there's plenty of metal left to salvage the gas block. It looks like mangled the bottom where the pins are more so than the top.

I don't know how people like this stay in business. :no:

04-09-17, 06:40
If I were in the OP's shoes I'd get rid of everything the butcher put his hands including the mangled FSP! I wouldn't want to be reminded of the experience!

04-09-17, 15:48
If you have a dremel and few of the round sanding drums and you're even somewhat competent at using it you could fix this pretty easily. Then hit it with some BBQ paint. I've done two and they look like shit but they're under rails and they work so it really isn't that big a deal. From where you are it probably won't take more than a half hour. You still have to obtain a new rail but since you were able to take that one off, I assume you have the ability to put a new one on if you reuse that barrel nut, which looks pretty possible. Even if you get stuck buying an all new KMR-A you could probably throw everything it comes with other than the rail itself up on the EE and make some of your money back. The barrel nut wrench it comes with is my favorite castle nut wrench.

It does suck that this idiot botched this so bad. What you asked him to do amateurs (myself included) do in their basements every day with no drama.

04-10-17, 01:31
If you have a dremel and few of the round sanding drums and you're even somewhat competent at using it you could fix this pretty easily. Then hit it with some BBQ paint. I've done two and they look like shit but they're under rails and they work so it really isn't that big a deal. From where you are it probably won't take more than a half hour. You still have to obtain a new rail but since you were able to take that one off, I assume you have the ability to put a new one on if you reuse that barrel nut, which looks pretty possible. Even if you get stuck buying an all new KMR-A you could probably throw everything it comes with other than the rail itself up on the EE and make some of your money back. The barrel nut wrench it comes with is my favorite castle nut wrench.

It does suck that this idiot botched this so bad. What you asked him to do amateurs (myself included) do in their basements every day with no drama.

The OP has already been given good advice and offers of free assistance. He appears to have come to terms with having it broken off in him, accepted that the situation is what it is, and is moving forward. Yet now we're going to advise him to go at it with a Dremel; seriously????

It looks like it already had the Dremel treatment. You state that yours look like shit, but who cares. It's pretty obvious that the OP cares what his looks like. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if the OP was as you state, "somewhat competent," with a Dremel, he wouldn't have been here looking for help.

I've seen more guns buggered up with Dremels by amateurs in their basement than anything else. Of course those same people like to take a perfectly good Glock and absolutely destroy it with a soldering iron, then post pics of polkadot stippling and get upset when people say it looks like shit.

I've been working on guns for 30 years and I'd never touch a firearm with a rotary tool without a flex shaft and handpiece! Even Dremel makes a handpeice with a flex shaft

04-10-17, 04:43
The OP has already been given good advice and offers of free assistance. He appears to have come to terms with having it broken off in him, accepted that the situation is what it is, and is moving forward. Yet now we're going to advise him to go at it with a Dremel; seriously????

It looks like it already had the Dremel treatment. You state that yours look like shit, but who cares. It's pretty obvious that the OP cares what his looks like. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if the OP was as you state, "somewhat competent," with a Dremel, he wouldn't have been here looking for help.

I've seen more guns buggered up with Dremels by amateurs in their basement than anything else. Of course those same people like to take a perfectly good Glock and absolutely destroy it with a soldering iron, then post pics of polkadot stippling and get upset when people say it looks like shit.

I've been working on guns for 30 years and I'd never touch a firearm with a rotary tool without a flex shaft and handpiece! Even Dremel makes a handpeice with a flex shaft

- hey I have one of those flex shaft thingies. I also have a couple of multi-$k professional bench mounted grinders made specifically grinding radii and the like. Those have worked for me pretty well so far.

Justin drake
04-10-17, 19:04
I've got a dremel the fsb now fits under the rail all I need now is to try to find a new kmr because that one is bent. I appreciate the offers for help but I figured at this point It's simple to fix like yall said I used a dremel the way I see it is I only need a kmr rail yall said the barrel nut looks fine. I straightened it up to where it looks a lot better than it did. Just need a kmr now bcm said they don't sell them separate so I'll be looking for one.

04-10-17, 21:41
Well, it appears I stand corrected. Glad you were able straighten it out enough to be satisfied with it.

04-10-17, 21:43
I typed out something snide but capt46wfd is a stand up dude. Glad it went okay OP. When I saw you posted I was like, oh shit, he listened to me and cut his barrel in half. :eek:

Justin drake
04-10-17, 22:28
Nah I appreciate the advice that's what I should have just done from the start or sent it to someone who knew what they were doing. I just figured best to let a gunsmith do it just for peace of mind but that is not the way it turned out. I won't ever go there again I'm not gonna let him get me down about it. I'll fix it the right way. Like one of yall said I'll chalk it up to a mistake trusting the idiot to do it. But I'm thankful for you guys help. The gas block is done I just took my time and tried it out to make sure the rail would fit over it I tried to make it look like the picture that was posted on here. Wasn't hard at all I was just scared I would mess it up to start with but after he was done with it I figured I could do any worse now if I could just find a kmr to replace the broke one.thanks everyone for the advice, help and support I needed to get it lined out. If it wasn't for some of the things said to me I probably wouldn't have had a way to tell if the barrel nut was ok or not there is some scatches on the barrel and a few more spots to remind me of this bad experience.

04-11-17, 06:34
I've got a dremel the fsb now fits under the rail all I need now is to try to find a new kmr because that one is bent. I appreciate the offers for help but I figured at this point It's simple to fix like yall said I used a dremel the way I see it is I only need a kmr rail yall said the barrel nut looks fine. I straightened it up to where it looks a lot better than it did. Just need a kmr now bcm said they don't sell them separate so I'll be looking for one.

It would be easier to buy the complete package and sell the wrench, nut, hardware and accessories.

04-14-17, 03:47
I typed out something snide but capt46wfd is a stand up dude. Glad it went okay OP. When I saw you posted I was like, oh shit, he listened to me and cut his barrel in half. :eek:

Thank you TF82. Obviously you're a stand up dude as well. Dremels scare me and I just didn't want to see the situation made worse. I'm glad the OP found the confidence to fix it. You were right my friend.:smile: