View Full Version : Musings of a Delicate Society (And a question)

03-28-17, 23:39
I was talking to some blokes today, listening to the radio, foolishly looking at YouTube for things other than 80s commercials, music, and Greek Catfights.

And I pondered....

When was the last time I was really offended?

Not irked, pissed, put off, or bemused. But honest to goodness offended

Everything on TV would have you believe everything is "offensive" but I honestly can't remember when I was truly offended.

Like I think Fvck the Police is a childish joke and listen to it often. Or some "radical" screaming "kill all cops". Well....Police Department is downtown if you feel froggy, have fun (you wont survive) it doesn't register beyond yaya.

Someone trampling dogshit with timbs on and doing the softshoe on Old Glory is highly inappropriate and maybe warrants an ass beating but I doubt it would offend me.

Neither would pissing in a baptismal pool. It's a normal pool.

Or edgelording and bible burning. Ho hum.
Or super edgelording and burning a Koran. I dont believe in that BS, but if I did it's just a book. Provided it wasn't my book I paid for...just a book.

I could go on and do not intend on making dares but....really, I have heard a lot of racist, blasphemous, mean spirited things in my day and nothing offends me.
.Annoys me? Sure. But jumping up and down in outrage? no.

In fact, I almost want to be offended just to recall how it felt. To feel alive.

I envy people who go "but muh genders" or "muh huly buuk" or "America had slavery"

To feel strong emotions over well...

Don't get me wrong, I feel repulsion and disgust, like people messing with kids or dogs.

But no actual offensiveness.

I been called a beaner, tonto, "some kinda ay-rab...maybe" and sound a quite a bit more like William F. Buckley than Joe Cousin-fvck.

But it never truly offended me

I feel like I am missing out. I feel like there is this kindred, unspoken kinship that I am missing out on.

Am I broken or is it the world?

Like Christ in Piss, poor taste....waste of time....but meh.

I've been accused of being on acid when I bring this sort of stuff up(I'm not) and while I dont like such accusations it never grabbed me, tossed me in a corner and offended me.

Perhaps I am morbid or perverse. A dimestore Albert Camus, even

But I almost seek the forbidden feeling of being deeply offended. Like to the point of tears and legislation. Maybe even marching.

03-28-17, 23:50
Clears throat...

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elder berries.

Your welcome.

03-29-17, 00:05
Congratulations Firefly, you just proved that you have a greater understanding of world than the majority of people who are in charge of this world. You understand the general bullshit and insults are nothing more than words and desire just to live your life. Which means they will hate you the more because you don't buy into their bullshit and won't give them the satisfaction of dropping to their level. I'd keep an eye out for black vans though, they may be wanting to drag you off to some reeducation camp in the near future before you break completely through their veil of bullshit and see the deeper truth, that they are nothing more than insecure assholes who live to offend people because it makes them feel fuller in that deep vacate hole in their chests because they have nothing, have done nothing, and will never being anything.

03-29-17, 00:05
That's because you're not a pussy

03-29-17, 00:08
I had to ponder this one. For a minute there, I thought we were in the same boat.

I had some a-hole driver in traffic repeatedly and intentionally cut me off. He was messin' with me on purpose and for no reason. That started to make me mad, but what really got me was when he flashed a fake police badge at me. I immediately called BS on him and challenged him to pull over and show it to me, at which point he rabbited himself out of the situation he'd created lickety split. That behavior was on the offensive side, but…

You want to be offended? Go back and look at ANY speech made by BHO or Billy Boy "I did not have sexual relations with that woman…" Clinton. If you are not genuinely offended to your very core after watching BHO lie to your face for 10 minutes, then something is definitely wrong with your offense sensors. You need to go get those bad boys recalibrated.

03-29-17, 00:46
Nikonov 2 round burst

03-29-17, 01:07
Hmm....Ioathed Clinton and Obama politically but as people...didn't offend me.

Clinton screwed on his wife. I don't agree with such behavior but cannot blame him. Look who he was married to. HRC at 19 was a piece of ass but age was not kind to her.

He did things inconscientionable and dosrespectful, but nothing offensive

Obama was the biggest Oreo ever who got put on all that muslim, hippie crap by his mom and her shackjobs but if he pulled up in a Camry to take my daughter to town; I am certain she would return entirely unmolested. Perhaps bored and disappointed that a brotha could be so square.

Not even his wookiee wife offended me She was one of them angry black sisters that never outgrew it. Wore leather and had a fro but did it to fit in. Probably
still had cream in her coffee given the oreo she ended up with.

Just words from mouths.

Or even dudes spitting on joes. Not offensive, but inappropriate, unhygienic and warranting an ass stomping.

Lots of reactions but not quite "offended"

I guess I'm getting old and not caring.

Even "Yo mama" jokes end up lame or silly.

Or white dudes with Swastikas and skinheads. They mark up their bodies and run their mouths. They sound stupid and ignorant and in the 40s these folks would've been shot by the Germans themselves all because some pederast chickenhawk is pumping them full of mighty whitey crap.

I actually feel pity.

Same for the stupid kids waving hammer and sickles wanting to be communist (yet bemoaning Trump as a Soviet collab). Ignorant and stupid warranting my pity more than anything.

I've given this thought.

Every emotion but being offended

03-29-17, 04:16
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elder berries.

Oh yeah . . .

I shall fart in your general direction.

Take that!

Outlander Systems
03-29-17, 08:50
Things that offend the Outlander:

1) Juggalos
2) Tyrants
3) Miley Cyrus

If hell is customized, mine would be spending an eternity in a trailer park full of methed-up, glue-sniffing, fatbodied Juggalos.

That is literally the most horrifying thing I can imagine.

Big A
03-29-17, 09:23
Things that offend the Outlander:

1) Juggalos
2) Tyrants
3) Miley Cyrus

If hell is customized, mine would be spending an eternity in a trailer park full of methed-up, glue-sniffing, extremely horny, fatbodied, Miley Cyrus cloned Juggalos.

That is literally the most horrifying thing I can imagine.


03-29-17, 09:23
That's because you're not a pussy

Nailed it. Right here.

Doc Safari
03-29-17, 09:23
I have gotten to the point that the only thing that offends me is when someone on the internet takes some off-the-cuff comment to task by posting a ten-paragraph dissertation against it as if to not only show their omniscience, but also to embarass the person posting the original comment.

The other thing is to reply to a comment with an insult because you know you're anonymous and you can truly say anything you want online without consequences.

There is just no polite demeanor anymore.

Look around: the trolls ARE the internet.

Outlander Systems
03-29-17, 09:38
That's even worse...:(


03-29-17, 10:07
I'm not offended by much, but when confronted by some skinny jeans wearing neck beards with a "Coexist" bumper sticker, I do like to up the ante a bit just to see where it goes from there.
I'm reminded of a dear departed Uncle when these things happen. He had been a Cowboy, a WWII Paratrooper with Combat jumps and a Purple heart, but by the time I got to know him well he was a tired old guy who was slowly dying, withering away.
His old rust bucket of an F250 got cut off in traffic by a Frat Boy in a convertible with his lovely girlfriend sitting by his side. The Kid honked and gave him the bird as they cut him off, my Uncle just kept pace.
I was pissed, but my Uncle just pulled up next to the kid, stretched his arm out the window and double back flipped a 44 oz Slurpey cup full of Red Man tobacco juice right in to the kids lap.
Seemed about right to me. Don't get offended, get even.
No muss, no fuss, the old guy didn't even blink...

Doc Safari
03-29-17, 10:14
I'm not offended by much, but when confronted by some skinny jeans wearing neck beards with a "Coexist" bumper sticker, I do like to up the ante a bit just to see where it goes from there.
I'm reminded of a dear departed Uncle when these things happen. He had been a Cowboy, a WWII Paratrooper with Combat jumps and a Purple heart, but by the time I got to know him well he was a tired old guy who was slowly dying, withering away.
His old rust bucket of an F250 got cut off in traffic by a Frat Boy in a convertible with his lovely girlfriend sitting by his side. The Kid honked and gave him the bird as they cut him off, my Uncle just kept pace.
I was pissed, but my Uncle just pulled up next to the kid, stretched his arm out the window and double back flipped a 44 oz Slurpey cup full of Red Man tobacco juice right in to the kids lap.
Seemed about right to me. Don't get offended, get even.
No muss, no fuss, the old guy didn't even blink...


I remember a recent incident where it was bumper-to-bumper traffic from a railroad crossing all the way back to the next traffic light. A pickup was waiting at the stop sign on a side street to "cut in" to traffic in front of me.

Now, I know it's customary among polite folks to let the first car cut in from a side street, and I certainly don't mind doing it if the person is pulling out of a drive-thru with food or something.

In this particular case, though, the guy was aggressively trying to cut in, revving his engine at me. I pulled up just enough to prevent him from cutting in, and he started honking at me. I knew he was honking so I'd look and he could flip me off, but I never gave him the satisfaction. I wanted to teach him that the aggressive approach just gets resistance.

He never did get to cut in front of me. Too bad the wimp behind me let him cut in.

03-29-17, 19:52
I had to look up "juggalo".

Not offended by it. More irritated by the stupidity of it.

03-29-17, 21:55
Last time I was honestly offended was when I was teaching a child safety program associated with the PAL using martial arts as an incentive. I was meeting with a director from a local community center and he expressed to me that he was very interested in the program but wanted a "black" instructor so that he could serve as a suitable role model for the kids.

Was wondering if I could "coach" one of their staff members who could then teach the program to the kids. Not sure what offended me most, the idea that I could coach somebody with no previous training to the equivalent ability of my 20+ years of experience in the martial arts at the time or the idea that a white teacher can't be a role model to a black kid.

I was seriously mouth open insulted and I was talking to a person who didn't seem to grasp they were the most racist person I'd dealt with that entire year. It was like a person applying for a job wearing their KKK uniform and expecting it to help them as if they were a member of a respected organization.

Basically he said to me:

Hi, we like your idea but we don't have any respect for your skill level and we think anyone can learn to do what you do with a couple weeks of practice.

Also we don't like that you are white and we certainly don't want our kids to have to deal with white people or come to respect them so we simply can't have you teaching them anything they might like because you are white.

I briefly considered the offer to "crash course" a member of their staff to show them just how "easy" it is to learn what I do and for the chance to completely wreck a member of a very racist group but I decided even that wasn't worth my time. That was about 20 years ago.

03-30-17, 03:42
If hell is customized, mine would be spending an eternity in a trailer park full of methed-up, glue-sniffing, fatbodied Juggalos.

. . . while watching Miley Cyrus live in concert twerking with her tongue handing out for all eternity!

04-02-17, 08:50
Find out the hard way the 'hot vs crazy matrix' is a work of fact by once being married to an 8+ redhead hairdresser.....
'Every fiber of your body'-level insult.

Outlander Systems
04-02-17, 10:00
I have a tendency to get sucked down documentary rabbit holes.

If you ever find the documentary on them, I guarantee you will have a newfound perspective on misanthropy.

I had to look up "juggalo".

Not offended by it. More irritated by the stupidity of it.

04-02-17, 10:12

I remember a recent incident where it was bumper-to-bumper traffic from a railroad crossing all the way back to the next traffic light. A pickup was waiting at the stop sign on a side street to "cut in" to traffic in front of me.

Now, I know it's customary among polite folks to let the first car cut in from a side street, and I certainly don't mind doing it if the person is pulling out of a drive-thru with food or something.

In this particular case, though, the guy was aggressively trying to cut in, revving his engine at me. I pulled up just enough to prevent him from cutting in, and he started honking at me. I knew he was honking so I'd look and he could flip me off, but I never gave him the satisfaction. I wanted to teach him that the aggressive approach just gets resistance.

He never did get to cut in front of me. Too bad the wimp behind me let him cut in.

I get that all of the time as I drive a F250 in DFW traffic..... I have found d that when these entitled people get all pissed off and flip you off the best thing to do it look right at them.... Smile and wave politely...... That really gets them mad. ;)

04-02-17, 11:32
I am not offended easily and think that modern society has become a bunch of entitled screaming wimps.

Outlander Systems
04-02-17, 13:01
Why aren't we best friends?

When I get flipped, or mean mugged, I look at the offending asshole and give them the corniest smile I can conjure up. I then proceed to wave at them like I'm a 4 year old kid.

It works.

I get that all of the time as I drive a F250 in DFW traffic..... I have found d that when these entitled people get all pissed off and flip you off the best thing to do it look right at them.... Smile and wave politely...... That really gets them mad. ;)

just a scout
04-02-17, 14:47
Things that offend the Outlander:

1) Juggalos
2) Tyrants
3) Miley Cyrus

If hell is customized, mine would be spending an eternity in a trailer park full of methed-up, glue-sniffing, fatbodied Juggalos.

That is literally the most horrifying thing I can imagine.

Justin Beiber.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

04-02-17, 15:06
Why aren't we best friends?

When I get flipped, or mean mugged, I look at the offending asshole and give them the corniest smile I can conjure up. I then proceed to wave at them like I'm a 4 year old kid.

It works.

Honestly, I don't even notice anymore. If someone wants to flash a gang sign, flip a bird, throw mugs, yell, scream, and cuss; I figure small victories for small people. No goofy grins, no sarcastic "thanks!", no "I know you are but what am I Huh-huh!", not even a head turning acknowledgement.

They'll be at home telling their old lady about this big ass mofo, "I couldnt believe him, could you believe that? That happened! Aaauughh!"

Meanwhile I'll be living life, no fornications given nor received.

I learned early only scared dogs bark.

04-02-17, 15:43
I tried taking the high road and instead of returning the finger I smiled and laughed at the road rage piece of s*** so he pulled a .45 on me. I'm not sure that it would've made a difference either way.

Outlander Systems
04-02-17, 16:04

Next time that happens, pull out a .46.


04-03-17, 11:10
I had to look up "juggalo".

Not offended by it. More irritated by the stupidity of it.

Woop, Woop! :rolleyes: