View Full Version : NMCI SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

MCASSgt New River
09-25-08, 23:38
Ever feel like this behind an NMCI computer??!!??


10-02-08, 21:16

NMCI has made us so safe from outside "evils" that it is impossible to get any work done.


10-03-08, 12:00
Well, Well, Well...As a former NMCI Base Ops Tech I can only say that you are understating the issue at hand. I worked out at MCB Quantico for about 2 years and I have to say it indeed does suck. However I was known for bending the rules and going out of my way to make sure my Marines were squared away.

In turn I got to go shoot and do other crazy shit not many others would get to do. Man the things I would do would make the suits cringe. But the Marines were pretty pleased with my work. Best thing is NMCI ends in 2010 and it is non renewable.

10-03-08, 12:28
NMCI does suck.


10-03-08, 15:41
So Grant no chance of you moon lighting with NMCI? I could have sworn you were all about NMCI..:p

10-03-08, 16:32
So Grant no chance of you moon lighting with NMCI? I could have sworn you were all about NMCI..:p

LOL, when I worked at SPAWAR, I got involved in some of the NMCI BS. Shortly there after, I went to work for the AF at Langley. Very glad I did.


MCASSgt New River
10-03-08, 23:17
OK, so I corrected the link at the top and now you can see my frustration!!:eek:



10-04-08, 09:40
NMCI does indeed suck...

10-04-08, 10:00
I swear NMCI is a subsidiary of Al Qaeda.

10-04-08, 22:54
Sigh...I hate me some NMCI. Too bad I'll be retired before it is.

10-04-08, 23:16
don't even get me started on NMCI.

myself and the other engies in my project are fighting assimilation every weekly meeting

10-06-08, 00:11
The Marine Corps got completely snookered by the Navy on this contract. The Navy needed the Marine Corps to go along to make the contract affordable. What a complete POS, the PM on this should be keel hauled!!! Non Mission Capable Intranet - NMCI.


10-06-08, 01:11
While I was mobilized it was not at NMPS Port Humene or at Camp Murdock/Ft. Jackson. NMCI wouldn't run the lines to the places. What a PIA.

MCASSgt New River
10-06-08, 09:42
The Marine Corps got completely snookered by the Navy on this contract. The Navy needed the Marine Corps to go along to make the contract affordable. What a complete POS, the PM on this should be keel hauled!!! Non Mission Capable Intranet - NMCI.


The Navy needed the Marine Corps? Were the one's getting hand-me-down's from everyone else...I'm sure the combined budget helped out but that's about it.
So, in 2012 then what will become of the contract, as mentioned earlier in this thread?? What will become of the equipment, policies, BS and propaganda and NMCI?

Could you also elaborate on this??

"What a complete POS, the PM on this should be keel hauled!!! Non Mission Capable Intranet - NMCI."

10-06-08, 12:26
Actually 2010 is when the contract ends and is non renewable. As for the equipment well it all belongs to EDS who runs NMCI. As for what's next? Who knows but it should be a lesson learned to never go back to an NMCI style system. The Marine Corps should take back there networks and run them the way they want them. Just my honest 2 cents.