View Full Version : Fireproof

09-26-08, 22:49
I don't know how many of you guys are interested in Faith based movies, but if you get the chance you should check out "Fireproof". If you saw "Facing the Giants" it is a lot of the same people. The profits also go back into Sherwood Baptist Church's Ministry and school. Oh, and the Fire Dept. in the movie is my dept. and one of my old stations :D. There are no firearms, but there is a lot of fire, and a pretty interesting scene with a vehicle on railroad tracks with a train coming.

If you are interested here is a link to the website: http://www.fireproofthemovie.com/

Please don't flame this, I only thought that some may be interested.

Mods, if I veered out of my lane, please remove.

09-27-08, 12:31
Sounds good to me.

I really liked Facing the Giants.

"Stone Wall!!"


K.L. Davis
09-27-08, 13:11
Looks good to me... thanks for the tip!

In the 26 years I served this Nation, I had the opportunity and responsibility to counsel a great many young men on nearly every topic you can imagine... but marriage was a topic that I addressed all too often -- there are dynamics in a military life that make it extremely hard for both partners.

Oddly enough, on many occasions all I had to do was tell the person, that I had raised my hand and swore to God to do only two things in my life: To defend our Country, and to love and cherish the same woman for life. I would ask them what sort of man they would think I was, if I did not give my 100% to try to keep the only two promises I had made to The Lord?

Crotchety old Master Chief told me once... "Ribbons and Medals are a symbol of someone saying 'Thank You' -- but they'll never replace the real thing"

Robb Jensen
09-27-08, 13:23
Looks good to me... thanks for the tip!

In the 26 years I served this Nation, I had the opportunity and responsibility to counsel a great many young men on nearly every topic you can imagine... but marriage was a topic that I addressed all too often -- there are dynamics in a military life that make it extremely hard for both partners.

Oddly enough, on many occasions all I had to do was tell the person, that I had raised my hand and swore to God to do only two things in my life: To defend our Country, and to love and cherish the same woman for life. I would ask them what sort of man they would think I was, if I did not give my 100% to try to keep the only two promises I had made to The Lord?

Crotchety old Master Chief told me once... "Ribbons and Medals are a symbol of someone saying 'Thank You' -- but they'll never replace the real thing"

It looks like a great movie and I plan on seeing it.

K.L. That reminds me of what Neil Cavuto said about Paul Newman today. When Paul Newman was asked how he stayed married in Hollywood (know for lots of divorces) and how he hadn't strayed. Paul said "I have steak at home, why would I want to go out for a hamburger?"

09-27-08, 16:11
I hope that those who see the movie enjoy it and it would be interesting to get feedback from people who are not from here. Kirk Cameron is the only professional actor in the movie and the others volunteered and range from nurses, firemen, church members, and average citizens, to an active duty Marine from our MCLB here. This is not a big budget movie but we think it turned out very well and hope that others feel the same. It does have some comedy in it that everyone should enjoy also.
KLD: Yea, I think a lot of Public Safety workers here can attest to our married lives being very similar to military families and it is not an easy one and I have watched a lot of friends go through divorces over the last 11 years. Luckily I am married to a good woman that has a lot of patience (it does not hurt that her Dad retired from the Army).
Anyway, I hope yall like the movie and let me know what you think!

09-27-08, 19:16
I plan on seeing it next Thursday (2 Oct) with the wife, just before I deploy to Afghanistan.

09-29-08, 10:39
I saw it last night. I cannot begin to relay the emotion it brought up in me. Cameron's character was liking watching a replay of my life. While I had tears in the movie, I literally broke down in the car on the way home.

The scene where Cameron tells his wife that he has trampled her for the last seven years nearly ripped my heart from my chest. Whoever wrote that script, totally understands what it means to fail miserably as a husband.

Please extend my sincere gratitude to the folks who made that movie possible. I cannot express what it meant to me. Thanks be to Yahweh, for folks like that!

(Please note that I use the Hebrew Yahweh, so there is no mistaking to whom I am referring.)


09-29-08, 13:11
Kirk Cameron did the "Left Behind" series. I liked his acting in those so this seems like a good movie that I'll be watching soon.