View Full Version : NOT "Blazing Saddles II"

04-29-17, 09:44
if George Patton had been black, the opening speech in the movie "Patton" would have played about like this:


"...Alinsky, you bastard, I read your book!"

26 Inf
04-29-17, 10:51
For the most part I like what he says. I just don't like his persona, I think he is an opportunist. Plus I'll bet he doesn't ride horses. His jail has problems and he is running around the country. Hmmm...

04-29-17, 11:32
I dunno. I am leery of 'celebrity' CLEOs.
Anybody looking for attention usually ends up being a dud

04-29-17, 18:21
I dunno. I am leery of 'celebrity' CLEOs.
Anybody looking for attention usually ends up being a dud

Yeah, I'm glad he stated a position and everything and it's definitely better than anti gun CLEO's who feel the need to grand stand, but mostly it should be a matter of recognizing the second amendment is a civil right and just go do your job accordingly.

I grew up with Nick Navarro chasing 2 Live Crew around Broward County and sending undercover detectives into record stores to buy obscene records so they could arrest the owner. The entire thing was baffling to me given that you could go to almost any park in Broward county and buy crack.

04-29-17, 19:04
Yeah....I like quiet professionalism. I can post semi-pseudonymously with my insights and experiences but if I were a Chief or Sheriff; I would very much be less Out and Proud where I am a cartoon wearing cowboy hats or buying tanks or putting up signs about how non-PC I am. Or like that dude in NC who carried an MP5 and wore black BDUs and drove a corvette with a Spider on it. He had a show making fun of inmates. He also was dirty and got Federally fornicated.

I have known men who were silent professionals but were leaders. They seemed distant but were 100% for their guys. They were conservative, God fearing men but in private only. In public they were accessible and tried to cut into a lot of the drug problem. Sadly all are dead now of age or health. But they werent gawdy men and they encouraged you to go clean house provided you did it clean (which is how I operate so no problem).

But people going after smut or strip clubs are going after the soccer mom crowd.

And nobody in my state presently is taking the drug problem seriously despite being a hub.

We could put a dent in it today but it would piss off the supplementary income crowd.

Either decriminalize it and treat it as a health issue or lets play Wildlands for real. But this pattycake shit aint getting it

04-30-17, 04:47
He is a Democrat I'd vote for.

I can't remember ever saying that before.

04-30-17, 21:10
He is a Democrat I'd vote for.

I can't remember ever saying that before.

Max Baucus is the last one I can think of.

04-30-17, 21:57
he is running around the country. Hmmm...

That's my problem with him. Whether I agree with him or not, he's a loud mouth and makes us (conservatives on general) look like idiots. What the hell is a sheriff doing running around the country popping up on every show he can find? He's almost as annoying as that weird little blonde with the "final thoughts" segment. Bitch, who cares what your final thoughts are?

Sorry, like some of your here I'm a fan of quiet professionalism.

04-30-17, 21:59
Yep. Who is Sheriffing while he's being on TV?

04-30-17, 22:47
Yep. Who is Sheriffing while he's being on TV?

Sadly, it's been my experience that it's a political position that doesn't require a lot of actual "work" and a surprising number of them have zero law enforcement background or any real relevant experience.

04-30-17, 23:04
Sadly, it's been my experience that it's a political position that doesn't require a lot of actual "work" and a surprising number of them have zero law enforcement background or any real relevant experience.

It's been my First Hand experience that most are pieces of shit and the only ones who actually do anything get one term.

It costs money to be sheriff and somebody gotta pay.

But I must put you at parade rest and cortect you. It DOES require work. Somebody has to provide leadershio. Somebody has to provide equipment. Somebody has to keep the good and cast off the bad. Somebody has to ensure standards are being met both with road officers, jail staff, and jail facilities.

You cannot do that on the TV or on a motorcycle.

Nothing will screw you up faster as a Sheriff than a poorly run jail or negligent staff.

You can delegate everything but responsibility.

04-30-17, 23:56
But I must put you at parade rest and cortect you. It DOES require work.

When done correctly, yes. Sadly I have had experience from Navarro to Jenne and it seemed "less was more" when it came to their personal involvement. Haven't heard wonderful things from those under the direction of Israel which is sorta surprising to me because I knew him when he worked for Ft. Lauderdale, but I guess I should never be surprised by these things.

05-01-17, 04:23
That's my problem with him. Whether I agree with him or not, he's a loud mouth and makes us (conservatives on general) look like idiots. What the hell is a sheriff doing running around the country popping up on every show he can find? He's almost as annoying as that weird little blonde with the "final thoughts" segment. Bitch, who cares what your final thoughts are?

Sorry, like some of your here I'm a fan of quiet professionalism.

Well I for one found his commentary not only refreshing but important over the last eight years while the first African-American POTUS and the first African-American attorney general stoked the flames of racial divide in this country.

Why should the left be the only ones given airtime?

05-01-17, 09:55
Don't get me wrong. I hear ya. I've just gotten to the point where I'm tired of the rhetoric from both sides and don't really care for all the crap on TV.

05-01-17, 12:04
Well I for one found his commentary not only refreshing but important over the last eight years while the first African-American POTUS and the first African-American attorney general stoked the flames of racial divide in this country.

Why should the left be the only ones given airtime?

While I may agree with you, perhaps at that point he should have resigned a took a AM Radio call in show?
He's going to slip if he hasn't already, that stuff going on at his jails is going to bite him.

05-02-17, 03:53
Don't get me wrong. I hear ya. I've just gotten to the point where I'm tired of the rhetoric from both sides and don't really care for all the crap on TV.

Ah gottcha. Sometimes you just gotta turn it all off and tune out.

While I may agree with you, perhaps at that point he should have resigned a took a AM Radio call in show?
He's going to slip if he hasn't already, that stuff going on at his jails is going to bite him.

I'll be surprised if he is re-elected as Sheriff. Not because of the jail issues but his voter base will more than likely give him the old "Uncle Tom" treatment.

05-02-17, 19:07
I dunno. I am leery of 'celebrity' CLEOs.
Anybody looking for attention usually ends up being a dud

This. I can't say I'm much of a sheriff fan in general. It seems like they ALL want to be "celebrity" CLEOs. Hell, even the guy in my small county in southern NY puts on a John Wayne accent when he gives speeches.:rolleyes: The one thing I'll give this guy is that it seems like he was a legit cop before he became a cartoon character. At least that's what I gathered from reading about him online.

05-02-17, 19:27
The last two Sheriffs for Sacramento county have been pretty good. The current one being the one to start handing out the ccw's that have libs up in arms....pun intended

26 Inf
05-02-17, 20:37
The problems with CLEO's is that many of them start chasing offices in the various associations. I had an acquaintance that was a Sheriff. Pretty good guy. Problem was he was Sheriff of a 10 person agency.

Got nominated to go to FBI NA. He went. Got involved with the State Chief's Association, the National and State Sheriff's Association, and the State Peace officers Association. He also joined IACP.

So each year he was at 2 week long NA Regional Conferences, plus once every month or so a day for the state NA get together. Then 3 days each for the Chief's and the Sheriff's conferences. and then a week for the IACP conference.

By his second term he was on committees for several organization, at least once a quarter he was gone for one of those for one or two days. Then he got elected President of the Sheriff's Association. This, of course was in addition to the suff I already listed.

Third term he had somebody run against him. The only talking point this guy had was 'When is he here?'

That guy was the new Sheriff. He was inept, not half the guy the former Sheriff was, and didn't make it a full term.

The thing that I noticed when I was active in our State Peace Officers Association was that nobody wanted to have anything on weekends. Part of the appeal was time away from work on the agency's dime. If most of them had to pay out of their own pocket - like most of their officers do - they wouldn't be active in the organization.