View Full Version : Magazines (the paper kind) That Were Once Good and Now Suck

26 Inf
04-29-17, 23:54
Kind of wanted to jump on the bandwagon in the spirit of recent threads. Plus I'm waiting for my daughter to come home from her Senior Prom wearing what would have been my next AR.

Anyways, recently I thought, 'Hey my father-in-law in getting older and doesn't get out nearly as much, I bet he'd like a subscription to Popular Mechanics.' I relayed this tidbit to my wife and she said she'd order it for him. Several weeks later, I get an issue of PM in the mail. Upon interrogation my wife assured me she did not by two, but thought I could look at it first and then give it to him.

The magazine sucks. It in no way shape or form resembles the PM of my youth and young adulthood. It was so bad my wife told me that her dad said, thanks, but no thanks, no need to bring them over anymore.

For instance, you would think an article titled This Hand-Built Slot Car Setup Is the Cheapest Way Into Amateur Racing might be a how to make your own slot car track. Nope, where to buy one. And trust me you can buy a pretty nice Scalextric 1/32nd race set for what the one they listed cost.

So my complaint is it isn't for handymen, it is for metromen.

And, last year the NRA got to me. I re-upped for several years and they offered to let me buy additional magazines. I was already taking American Rifleman and decided to take Shooting Illustrated.

I should have figured out the first thing that pissed me off - both magazines have the same editorials, which is most of the content. Once again, the content is nowhere near that of the Shooting Illustrated I had perused on the newsstands, or maybe I'm confusing it with Shooting Times.

End of rant.

04-30-17, 01:00
Any gun magazine
Any periodical really.

Print is dead and you are getting opinion. And not even interesting opinion but the 13 year old girl kinds of opinion in the vein of "Bugs are gross, war is bad and junk. #Hashtags".

The internet killed a lot of periodicals.

The last magazine I read was Small Arms Review and even that was getting preachy.

PM, however, did an article on the AR-15 in the 60s that I used to have scans of.

Life deliberately altered POW images to remove hidden signals that they were being tortured in Vietnam so this is nothing new.

04-30-17, 05:26
My wife got National Geographic before she met me and we have had it since then close to 30 years. I used to read it cover to cover, and go back and reread them. Maybe it's me but in the last 5 years I rarely read an article let alone the entire magazine. I just don't find the topics as compelling as I used too.

Big A
04-30-17, 07:57
The only magazines I like any more are Recoil and Off Grid.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

04-30-17, 09:06
I really miss the old monthly print Small Arms Review. I was a subscriber from about 1998 until 2011 or whenever it was that they stopped monthly publication. This is not to say that SAR sucks, only that I miss the monthly paper magazine.

04-30-17, 09:31
Used to be that guy magazines were about doing stuff out in the garage. That's a long, long time ago. Now it's "Hey, this is a cool thing--run out right now and buy it".

Remember when car and truck brochures had interesting cutaways of the engines and chassis? With actual specs? Now you get pictures of the upholstery and the "sound system".

For culture shock, compare a current copy of the American Rifleman with one from the '50s. Somewhere I have a copy from the '30s showing how to make a powder measure out of a Model T carburetor.

Bah, humbug.

04-30-17, 09:50
I bought a Popular Science special edition on space at the grocery store once. Never again. The first article I read had so many ridiculously easy to spot mistakes and editing errors that I wrote the editor. Of course, I never heard anything back. Nobody cares about attention to detail when they can just crank out content on the cheap. But then people see it in the magazine and think that there really were only seven Apollo astronauts, or that large rocket fuel tanks contain Nitrogen. :suicide:

Two space magazines I still read are Discover and Sky & Telescope. They're still decent, although Discover has slid downhill the last couple of years. I'll pick up a gun rag and flip through it when I'm at the Navy exchange, or at my father-in-law's place. Discussing new firearm hotness is kind of a ritual we have. A lot of articles are mall-ninja ridiculous though- a spot on 5.11's "tactical kilt" comes to mind. :rolleyes:

04-30-17, 10:36
Not shooting related, but 'Flying' used to be a great read - writers from all over the aviation industry covering a variety of topics, from weekend warriors in their Cessna to airline drivers dealing with that nonsense. About 6 of 7 years ago it was bought out by a conglomerate and within a couple of issues was completely different. I picked one up at the airport waiting on passengers a couple days ago and it's sad - two good articles buried in a mound of self serving crap and stacks of ads.

Plane & Pilot seems to be holding on. I don't even bother with gun or car magazines anymore; just a waste of money.

04-30-17, 11:00
I don't read magazines or the newspaper anymore. I used to subscribe to several gun magazines. It got to a point where I wasn't learning anything reading them and itmwas all about selling the newest gadgets. I can get better information here and other good websites with fairly quick feedback.

04-30-17, 13:51
Recoil is the only magazine left I'll spend my money on.

04-30-17, 14:29
I do enjoy Mother Earth at the doctors office!

04-30-17, 16:44
I hate to admit it but when I go to the Dentist I read his Sierra Clubs. I wouldnt get a subscription but them hippies seem to be living it up. One article was about a guy who triked from CA to Chile.

04-30-17, 16:56
I can't speak to most other publications other than National Geographic and several gun rags. First off, National Geographic last I looked sucked pretty badly compared to the good old days when i read it.

As far as gun magazines go, however, I think I am down to American Rifleman as the only one I am getting, I do pick up Recoil as well when i see it in the stores. Other than that, the at one time 6 or so subscriptions that I had I have let or am letting lapse because I am tired of the crap, bullshit, outright lies in some cases, bad facts, and general excuse making that most of them will do. Now, I will say this, with the exception of American Rifleman most gun magazines, including Recoil I can catch at least one error in wording, spelling, or punctuation. Not usually too much of an issue, but not helping the case much. But, when you have magazines like Guns and Ammo that has had articles saying 10 round groups as test of a rifle's accuracy is pointless and proves nothing and that 3 and 5 round groups are king, supposing they do any sort of accuracy testing at all(that was popular a few years ago since I figure the writers couldn't ****ing shoot, which is at least more honest then just shooting groups closer and closer, up to 25 FEET to get the groups that they wanted) making excuses for a firearm that they are sent to T&E malfing due to the need for a break in period even after saying they were just now reviewing it because the T&E gun was out for review at another publication. Also the lovely pay for good reviews which is the only ****ing way some of these guns get any good said about them, anyone remember the R51? Generally promoting bad designs as the latest and greatest even when they aren't, dumb **** tactical preaching, and just the general circle wank of bullshit in an article that you can tell damn right well was written to appeal to whatever ****ing demographic they think the gun is for, .45acp because 9mm is for wimps, then the next article is how the .380 is the greatest carry round ever and no one needs to EDC a 9mm or .40, or the mighty .45acp because that too much recoil, "wait a goddamn minute here, pick a ****ing position and stick with it". Let us not also forget the fact that I have read articles that if they weren't copy pasted with a few words and the gun name changed, then it wasn't far off from it because I know I've read that shit before.

Honestly, part of the issues I think the print magazines are falling off is lack of desire to innovate or just ignoring trends. Shilling their advertisers even when the gun or gear is junk and then refusing to admit it when they get caught, doesn't help. With the internet and youtube there are guys who are going a lot more in depth and dare I say honest objective testing then most print magazines could every hope for simply due to them not being beholden to the manufacturer for their revenue and can be honest. And just like with the gun rags, if you do want someone to stroke your cock about your purchase I promise you can from someone telling you that the BSA optic you have on your hi-point carbine with that $40 no name laser is the greatest thing ever made and that the Delta Team 6 Ranger Echelon Sigma guys are running it but it Classified Three Top Secret Emperor's Eyes only to stop people from grabbing the deadliest death ray guns out there. You just might have to dig a bit to find them.

I could go on, but it nearly beer O'clock and I have to be somewhere at whiskey thirty.

04-30-17, 17:00
The Web killed magazines not by supplanting content, but by destroying peoples' attention spans. No one wants to read anything longer than a page and a half, let alone pore over detailed diagrams or how-to instructions. So magazines are now all Top 11 lists and super short blurbs with a photo or two.

04-30-17, 17:02
I havent read Guns and Ammo in years. It's usuallyba bunch of old bastards wbo are mad cause they are old going on about their Security Sixes and Ruger 77s

04-30-17, 17:06
I bought a Popular Science special edition on space at the grocery store once. Never again. The first article I read had so many ridiculously easy to spot mistakes and editing errors that I wrote the editor. Of course, I never heard anything back. Nobody cares about attention to detail when they can just crank out content on the cheap. But then people see it in the magazine and think that there really were only seven Apollo astronauts, or that large rocket fuel tanks contain Nitrogen. :suicide:

Two space magazines I still read are Discover and Sky & Telescope. They're still decent, although Discover has slid downhill the last couple of years. I'll pick up a gun rag and flip through it when I'm at the Navy exchange, or at my father-in-law's place. Discussing new firearm hotness is kind of a ritual we have. A lot of articles are mall-ninja ridiculous though- a spot on 5.11's "tactical kilt" comes to mind. :rolleyes:

Still love S&T magazine, which reminds me, I need to reorder.

04-30-17, 17:16
Plus I'm waiting for my daughter to come home from her Senior Prom wearing what would have been my next AR..

I think I can relate to that somewhat. Last week I went to dentist and then referred to a periodontist then a endodontics and discovered that I have 2 cyst growing under my teeth which require 6 root canals, 4 teeth pulled and replaced with implants and bone grafts. The $50k I will be spending could have been a nice down payment on a house.

The magazines that were once worth reading that have over the years lost there value and are not recognizable to what they once were are:

1. Architectural Digest
2. Popular Mechanics
3. Smithsonian
4. Forza (Ferrari magazine)

The Magazines that are worth reading are:

1. Oceanview (architecture - owned by Jennifer Aniston/Jack Nicolson)
2. Belle (interior design)
3. Recoil
4. Excellence (Porsche magazine)

04-30-17, 17:20
I havent read Guns and Ammo in years. It's usuallyba bunch of old bastards wbo are mad cause they are old going on about their Security Sixes and Ruger 77s

I don't know, most of the writers they got now look young, unless they photoshoped the pics. Kyle Lamb also writing for them, his articles are usually decent, though some of his things I don't care for. Neither here nor there. But the bullshit, "Oh 3 and 5 shot groups are perfectly fine. 10 shot groups? Please, they do nothing, anything more than 3 or 5 proves nothing." Ambi slide release don't work? "Well its a slide stop and should never release the slide that way anyway."

And yes, I usually know more about the firearms they are talking about then they do simply by watching a few channels on Youtube regularly. Hell, G &A had a little blurb on a firearm that sold at auction that Forgotten weapons did a whole video on, I knew what it sold for just because I was everything Ian posts and honestly will give to the guy's Patreon account before subscribing to G&A or Shotgun News, or whatever it is called again.

Sorry for the rants, I just get pissed with some of the thinly veils shills that are a majority of the gun magazines these days.

04-30-17, 17:21
I think I can relate to that somewhat. Last week I went to dentist and then referred to a periodontist then a endodontics and discovered that I have 2 cyst growing under my teeth which require 6 root canals, 4 teeth pulled and replaced with implants and bone grafts. The $50k I will be spending could have been a nice down payment on a house.

Ouch. Reading that hurt me. Hope you get better brother.

26 Inf
04-30-17, 18:41
I think I can relate to that somewhat. Last week I went to dentist and then referred to a periodontist then a endodontics and discovered that I have 2 cyst growing under my teeth which require 6 root canals, 4 teeth pulled and replaced with implants and bone grafts. The $50k I will be spending could have been a nice down payment on a house.

Good luck.

Serious thought, my father was 22 when he had all his teeth pulled and complete upper and lower dentures. As mom told me, he'd had a couple knocked out playing sports and generally roughhousing, got a toothache, went to the dentist and said 'eff it, I'm tired of wearing bridges, pull them all.'

Don't know if a dentist would do that today, but they did then.

My daughter had a great time, I was not worried, her crowd runs around as a group, have for years, all good kids. But dayum it surprised me how wide the wife opened the purse for the dress and shoes.

I have to do it one more time, then hopefully I can get them both to elope AFTER they are done with college.

04-30-17, 19:42
It's usually a bunch of old bastards going on about their Security Sixes.

Hey, I have the world's finest collection of Security Sixes and you just hurt my damn feelingz.

04-30-17, 20:40
a few recommendations to magazines:

Cigars and cigar culture:
Cigar Snob - better than Aficionado like the difference between VHS and Blue ray

Men's Interest:
Esquire- not as political as GQ and writers write about everything from cars, clothes, guns, shaving, watches, yachts, jets and vacations.
Maxim- Almost as risqué as playboy but the writers are mid to late 30s and early to mid 40s so the content is more mature than Stuff or FHM and focus more on the lifestyle of men in from age 36-50 (I'm 35:()
Recoil- obviously, but I don't see recoil as a gun magazine but more of a lifestyle magazine

Home & Garden:
Belle-based our of Australia but is what Architectural Digest use to be before they only cared about celebrity homes
Elle Decoration- based our of France but printed in English, it is today what Better Homes and Gardens use to be in the 1990s
Oceanview- $19.00 bi-yearly magazine owned by Jennifer Aniston and features more or less, tropical, beach style, island style homes around the world.

Excellence- dedicated to Porsches- and mostly 911's and usually have 2-3: 10-12 page spreads on Porsche 911's from every era.
Flying- aircraft magazine, better than Plane & Pilot
Twin & Turbine- aircraft magazine

Outdoor Life- its like Recoil, but concentrates on hiking, biking, camping, hunting, exploring etc.
Scuba Diving- focused on scuba diving, wreck diving, salvage diving and features topless women in wet suits-but not erotic

04-30-17, 21:05
I really miss the old monthly print Small Arms Review. I was a subscriber from about 1998 until 2011 or whenever it was that they stopped monthly publication. This is not to say that SAR sucks, only that I miss the monthly paper magazine.

I think that was the last one I cared about reading.

Regardless of topic, seems all magazines mostly suck today. I read the Rifleman simply because I'm a life member and it shows up. Several years ago I read a copy of Scientific American and it wasn't horrible, it would probably be the only print magazine that I could still read and find interesting today.

05-01-17, 13:41
Shotgun News/Firearms News isn't completely horrid. But mainly for the sales portion. But from time to time they get some decent articles especially with the older weapons they review.

05-01-17, 15:02
I still sub to a bunch of magazines 'cause what the hell...Gives me something to do while I crap. Yeah, they're all pretty lame these days I guess. The most informative of the bunch is definitely my wife's Mother Earth News.

Recoil is the only magazine left I'll spend my money on.

I used to love Recoil, but I've give up on it. Too many ads in that shit. I counted once and out of like 160 pages, 60% were full page ads and the last like 20 pages was entirely ads. Almost $9 an issue and the majority of the damn thing is ads...No thanks. It's like a Sears catalog of tires, junk parts, and smoke buddies with the occasional article mixed in.

05-01-17, 15:04
Once upon a time Time and Newsweek were decent. Just news articles, no spin. Since Bush the Junior they have really gone to the dogs.

05-01-17, 15:18
Per SAR, I steeeeewpidly loaned em out or tossed them. The ones I wished I'd kept were the in depth on the XM-8 and the one on the 416. They also had a guns of the Yugoslav War that made me want an M76.....kinda. Plus Carbine Williams' Belt fed .22 machine gun he tried to sell to the army. It looked like something out of a buck rogers 1950s serial. As in cheap and weird.

The only one I still have is an April Fools where they did an article on the M41A Pulse Rifle from Aliens.

There was this British Lad mag kinda like Soldier of Fortune called Military and Combat or some such. Each issue they did a saucy article about some camo of the world and got a braless girl to model it. They also tried to defend the SA80.

05-01-17, 16:24
All most magazines are good for is entertainment while taking a dump.

05-01-17, 17:50
Okay I've gone from reading a tremendous list to next to no magazines.
The last ones hanging in there are;
Backstreet Choppers, great articles for DIY motorcycle maintenance and customization for the Chopper and Bobber guys.
Recoil, I like it, it has some good stuff and more than a few things my budget will no longer allow. It does feed some imagination though.

26 Inf
05-01-17, 21:18
All most magazines are good for is entertainment while taking a dump.

My wife buys me one of these each year as a Christmas gift. Then she complains because I spend too much time en-toilet.


05-02-17, 05:20
All most magazines are good for is entertainment while taking a dump.

I didn't know they had any other use.

Learned from my old man, always have gun rags on hand for thrown room reading.

05-02-17, 12:04
Learned from my old man, always have gun rags on hand for thrown room reading.

Game of Throwns, or Game of Thrones?
'Cause one of those sounds like some Monkey Business...

05-02-17, 17:16
Game of Throwns, or Game of Thrones?
'Cause one of those sounds like some Monkey Business...


05-02-17, 17:42
At some point,
Magazines went from interesting and information to all about the advertising bucks and articles became shill pieces for why you need new stuff.

The internet became a source for interesting information.

I have no need for throne room reading.

I am a drive by shitter.

I feel the need to take a crap.
The opportunity to take a crap arises.
I make my approach, crap, ascend, done.
Like a CAS run.
My bowels are like a well trained Malinois.
Sit. Stay. Potty. Go.

Formative years spent scratching out a cat hole with your KaBar and doing your business with minimal delay so your are back ready to waste any version of little brown guy in any geographic version of forest/jungle have rendered my need for reading material in the shitter to nil.

I would be have a hard time getting through a fortune cookie insert or bazooka Joe wrapper before I was done.

05-02-17, 17:52
lol RA3 are you like Major Payne where you have daydreams of ramming Charlie's face in a grill whike you BBQ?

Taking a shit is one of the few moments I have to sit back and let it all out. Sit back with a newspaper or a comic book and just have a moment of Zen whilst voiding my bowels.

Just some "me" time.

I mean if I had to drop a horse plop behind a tree, thats a quickie. But, no. No, in my house I take my time.

05-02-17, 18:05
Hustler and Penthouse - the internet killed'em.

05-02-17, 18:17
Hustler and Penthouse - the internet killed'em.

Hustler gave you street cred but was kinda gross. Playboy was like looking at a Barbie catalog.

Penthouse was indeed the periodical of the distinguishing smuthound. Brunettes everywhere, no weird articles, brunettes and more brunettes. And if they had a black chick, they didnt make a big deal about it to score hipster points.

The Penthouse Forum were mostly lies, lies, and damned lies. No truck driver ever got taken in by two 19 year old Nymphos.

We knew they were lies but much like Pravda; they were lies to motivate.

Yep, you could go through an entire Penthouse and not see one blond Aryan master race knock kneed Barbie.

Those were the days.

05-02-17, 20:27
Hustler gave you street cred but was kinda gross. Playboy was like looking at a Barbie catalog.

Penthouse was indeed the periodical of the distinguishing smuthound. Brunettes everywhere, no weird articles, brunettes and more brunettes. And if they had a black chick, they didnt make a big deal about it to score hipster points.

The Penthouse Forum were mostly lies, lies, and damned lies. No truck driver ever got taken in by two 19 year old Nymphos.

We knew they were lies but much like Pravda; they were lies to motivate.

Yep, you could go through an entire Penthouse and not see one blond Aryan master race knock kneed Barbie.

Those were the days.

Plenty of blondes in Penthouse, I thought it was a decent mix. Playboy was hit and miss, seems every 5 years they'd have a truly exceptional playmate among the endless advertising. Hustler was great so long as you didn't read any of the articles or what they presented as erotic fiction. Cartoons were actually funny from time to time.

I once had running subscriptions for six titles but long before the internet came along I let most of them run out because I found I didn't have the time to sit down and actually look at an entire magazine and when I did I was actually more interested in reading about the history of Golden State Arms in SAR than I was in looking at the latest playmate.

About 10 years ago I started filling in the gaps in my archives because the older issues held more appeal for me anyway. And that is when I discovered vintage titles like Modern Man and I started collecting rare pinup magazines from the 50s and 60s.

26 Inf
05-02-17, 20:46
The Penthouse Forum were mostly lies, lies, and damned lies. No truck driver ever got taken in by two 19 year old Nymphos.

PM headed your way.

05-03-17, 04:24
Game of Throwns, or Game of Thrones?
'Cause one of those sounds like some Monkey Business...


05-03-17, 22:49
Does anyone still read Soldier Of Fortune ? I think the last issue I bought was in the late 80's

I used to love the ads for mercenary work in the back of those mags.


05-03-17, 23:43
Does anyone still read Soldier Of Fortune ? I think the last issue I bought was in the late 80's

I used to love the ads for mercenary work in the back of those mags.


Last issues for me was July 2001 but lots of gaps in the 90s, I bought it on occasion if I was in a Borders waiting for a table at the restaurant next door and then only if it had some interesting looking articles. I stopped buying it regularly around 1989.

05-03-17, 23:44
SOF is defunct. Last Issue was a year or two ago and real thin.

I read it in the 90s and they had a lot of coverage on Sierra Leone and Bosnia

05-04-17, 08:21
Plenty of blondes in Penthouse, I thought it was a decent mix. Playboy was hit and miss, seems every 5 years they'd have a truly exceptional playmate among the endless advertising. Hustler was great so long as you didn't read any of the articles or what they presented as erotic fiction. Cartoons were actually funny from time to time.
Man we are old...
There were some less popular titles that were great, but they each seemed at some time to have hit their peak and then slowly faded. It was cyclic.
Oui was very much like that, some time around '79-'81 they reached their zenith and then Hustler came along and changed the game by being a bit raunchier and more explicit. It kind of went from art to well, rather gross at some point and to no small degree I think Hustler was the cause of that decline. They seemed to have the need to bring pornography to the point of offending everyone at some point or another.

Ned Christiansen
05-04-17, 09:59
SOF was good while it lasted..... especially up until the last couple years-- it's no longer in print but RKB told me it would be available on the 'net, I never got around to checking.

The best magazine ever, in the whole wide world: Archeology Magazine. I tell ya, try it and you will be hooked, the most fascinating stuff ever, every single issue.

I have tried the large format, textured-cover magazines. Really good photography, some good info but for me just too dang much glitz and hypermarketing, largely of stuff that I think most actual gunmen would not use.

American Rifleman is still good for me. And SWAT Magazine, but I would say that (although I am not contractually bound to;)).

05-04-17, 10:05
Gun rags are almost unreadable to me these days. There is an obvious lack of critical reviews, and many articles are presented simply as paid advertisements.

I used to love RiderX back in the day, as well as Baggers Magazine. I don't ride anymore, so I stopped reading those.

Doc Safari
05-04-17, 10:44
I remember the days of eagerly going to the newsstand to see what was new in the latest gun mags. I liked the "specials" that focused on assault weapons or home defense, or something. I think the heyday of that type of mag was leading up to the 1994 AWB and Brady Law. Mag publishers couldn't wait to get issues to market to cash in on the latest wave of surplus SKS's or Makarovs, or to put out that scathing editorial on how this really was TEOTWAWKI as far as semi-auto rifles were concerned. I still have most of those issues.

After that period, the internet forums started to become all you needed to read for firearms reviews and new gear announcements and the paper mag industry has never recovered. It never will.

Doc Safari
05-04-17, 10:54
I do enjoy Mother Earth at the doctors office!

My dad loved Mother Earth News when it first started out. He still had the first issue when he died IIRC (we got rid of all that stuff). It was a low-budget rag manufactured with newspaper quality paper and ink, but it was one of the early "prepper" mags, for sure.

Later on, my dad stopped reading it because he claimed it had slowly transformed into a hippie and radical environmentalist mag.

On the subject of "girlie" magazines I haven't even wanted to look through one in decades. I was just old enough as a teen to watch the men's mags change from a flash of boob and butt to full-blown spread-eagled pictorials in the mid-70's.

I cite as an example issues of Club in 1976 were pretty tame, and by 1978 they were pretty explicit. I guess mostly now they can show hardcore in the mainstream mags, right? (I haven't looked through one in years so I honestly don't know how explicit they get nowadays).

But I will say that at that magic moment circa 1977 or 1978 when Playboy type pictorials everywhere were replaced with a lot more graphic content it was like going from black and white to color.

05-04-17, 12:58
Game of Throwns, or Game of Thrones?
'Cause one of those sounds like some Monkey Business...

LOL! Thanks for that....I just spit my drink of water out of my nose! Just glad it wasn't something carbonated...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-04-17, 13:25
I get all four NRA mags as I keep my wife and daughters memberships up and renew every time Cabelas has an NRA Weekend Event. They are the only magazines I get these days.

May buy Texas Highways occasionally when they have a cover that catches my eye... http://www.texashighways.com/current-issue

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-04-17, 14:05
I must say having found a mid seventies copy of Playboy with a Barbie Benton lay out kind of made my adolescence complete.
It's a damn wonder I didn't hurt myself permanently.

05-04-17, 19:13
Man we are old...
There were some less popular titles that were great, but they each seemed at some time to have hit their peak and then slowly faded. It was cyclic.
Oui was very much like that, some time around '79-'81 they reached their zenith and then Hustler came along and changed the game by being a bit raunchier and more explicit. It kind of went from art to well, rather gross at some point and to no small degree I think Hustler was the cause of that decline. They seemed to have the need to bring pornography to the point of offending everyone at some point or another.

When everything went hardcore it actually became less interesting to me. If I want to watch people have sex, that is what DVDs are for.

05-04-17, 19:24
Indeed. There is a very distinct line between admiring the female form and getting an anatomy lesson.

I can eat roast beef and I can see unsightly, unmentionables but I cannot do both.

Anybody ever have to deliver a baby until you could dump it off on EMS?

How people write country songs or feel it is a religious experience is beyond me.

There was a time when I was a very wee lad and actually for a short gentle time believed that bit about the stork.

Them were good times. Not like now where I feel like the Nazi dudes who opened the Ark of the Covenant.

I've seen a loooot of nekkid folks in my day and only 20% were worth seeing

05-04-17, 20:12
Indeed. I've seen a loooot of nekkid folks in my day and only 20% were worth seeing

Barbie Benton ='s worth seeing.

05-04-17, 21:45
Barbie Benton ='s worth seeing.



Probably played doctor the first time when I was 8 and had a completely naked female in front of me. Didn't make much of an impact besides obviously different plumbing, thought "ok" and we got dressed and I think spent the rest of the day climbing trees or something like that. She was about my age and beyond basic curiosity I think she probably had more fun climbing trees also.

Was 1977 when I saw my first adult magazine and the women in those pictures were definitely way more interesting. I think I was about 12 when I saw my first developed naked female but she was about 17 and wouldn't let me play, long story about why she was naked. But that is the day I accepted "the quest" and it was a pretty good run all things considering.

05-04-17, 22:09
I'm glad youse guys feel that way.

19 yo me was all about the whole beauty of humanity.

Middle aged me thinks every human function is gross and if you've ever pooped then you are going to Hell.

I'm progressive like that.

Anyways.....I miss Thrasher. Gaaawd do I miss Thrasher. I was a skate kid when I was skinny and a foot and a half shorter.

I had the Vans, sweats and psycho shirts. No skate parks but anywhere there was smooth pavement there I was. Especially if you had a drained pool. We'd cut class, blast hair metal and skate. No helmets, no pads, nothing.

One dudes dad did construction and built a half pipe from stuff he got left over.

Skating was a hard mistress. I started out on a banana board and busted me arse many times before I got good.

Then after a major growth spurt I was forced to retire. I tried again at 20 but my board was too small to do anything but roll around. Weeee.

I remember working a nicer area (which I didnt like because White People Problems bore me) and came up on some kids skating. They sucked and looked faggy but I asked em over. Wearing my Ray Bans and looking strack like The Man they thought I was gonna hassle em.

Nope. Asked about their boards and trucks. Their faces beamed. I gave one a bit of grief for his H.I.M. shirt because in the day it was Metallica or Slayer. Or Vision Street Gear and British Knights.
I said it was refreshing to see kids still skating and how I missed it.

But Thrasher was a great mag. lots of pics me and my friends hurt ourselves trying to replicate.


05-04-17, 22:18
G&S fiberflex board, California Slalom trucks and huge OJ wheels.

Yep, I was there and as soon as I finally got my dream board, every asshole starting talking about how cool BMX bikes and freestyle bike tricks were. I was soooo pissed.

What I really hate these days is seeing seriously cute girls on skateboards. Where the hell was that in 1978? There were like maybe 10 girls in the entire state of FL who could ride a skateboard back then and 8 of them were pretty dudish looking. Now I see entire fly girl crews rolling boards down the sidewalk. Sometimes I want a serious do over of the 12-16 years.

05-04-17, 22:31

If you were a Skater, girls almost lumped you in with the D&D nerds and Computer kids. You were like a stoner with no weed or pills. You werent a jock and wearing OG-107 jungle trousers or Adi sweats and day glo wasnt exactly as attractive to them as the preppy crap

Then Avril Lavigne shows up and girls kinda rock back and forth and go "I'm skating! Look at me! Follow me on Instagram!"

I had big wheels too. I had waaaaay better traction. I was never bored if I had my board.

70s were great but I feel the 80s were the Golden Age.

The BMX rivalry I never understood. I get the movie Rad and all but on a board, you could be more free and not get ass hurt or prostate crunch.

05-04-17, 22:42

If you were a Skater, girls almost lumped you in with the D&D nerds and Computer kids. You were like a stoner with no weed or pills. You werent a jock and wearing OG-107 jungle trousers or Adi sweats and day glo wasnt exactly as attractive to them as the preppy crap

Then Avril Lavigne shows up and girls kinda rock back and forth and go "I'm skating! Look at me! Follow me on Instagram!"

I had big wheels too. I had waaaaay better traction. I was never bored if I had my board.

70s were great but I feel the 80s were the Golden Age.

The BMX rivalry I never understood. I get the movie Rad and all but on a board, you could be more free and not get ass hurt or prostate crunch.

Also you could go to the damn mall and not worry about your brand new Redline bike getting jacked out of the rack. You just picked up your board and walked in. And yeah, "stoner with no weed" about describes how girls treated most kids with a board, but I was pretty much "f what you think" I ain't walking.

05-05-17, 04:16
On the subject of "girlie" magazines I haven't even wanted to look through one in decades. I was just old enough as a teen to watch the men's mags change from a flash of boob and butt to full-blown spread-eagled pictorials in the mid-70's.

I cite as an example issues of Club in 1976 were pretty tame, and by 1978 they were pretty explicit. I guess mostly now they can show hardcore in the mainstream mags, right? (I haven't looked through one in years so I honestly don't know how explicit they get nowadays).

But I will say that at that magic moment circa 1977 or 1978 when Playboy type pictorials everywhere were replaced with a lot more graphic content it was like going from black and white to color.

Screw magazine is what really kicked things off into the hardcore. Hustler was a ripoff of it and Larry Flynt fully admits it in various interviews.

As for the time frame of the late 70's, that was the great Pubic Wars.

The big two Hustler and Playboy were in a race to up game. Hustler won out lol.