View Full Version : Trump budget extension fail

05-03-17, 18:27
While I was admittedly a Rand Paul supporter in the early days of the election and general believer that Reagan was right regarding "Govt. is the problem", the recent budget extension appears to completely fail the supporters of Trump and in a larger sense, failed America.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says he thinks former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton would have liked the recently passed deal to fund the government.

"Looking at all the smiling faces on the other side of the aisle, I have to ask: are Democrats still the minority party?" P

Paul said people would be "tempted to think the $1 trillion government funding deal is like Christmas morning" for Democrats.
"You’ll see it in the news as an 'Omnibus spending bill,' when it should really be called 'the Status Quo Protection Act.' President Hillary Clinton would have been proud of this bill."

Paul took his criticism of the measure further, saying it "tosses out campaign promises as it continues to fund the welfare state."

He said the spending bill also does not make the cuts President Trump recommended to multiple government agencies.

From Think Progress - 14 ways the budget lost bigly...


05-03-17, 19:11
I can appreciate Rand Paul's point of view, but it's been pretty clear for a while that budget filibusters and government shutdowns aren't good for the Republican party, or the country, either. A lot of you may disagree, but between shutdowns, CRs, and sequestration (a word that still makes me want to vomit, years later...) the military's material condition has degraded from hollow to downright dangerous. So say what you will, but our military leaders need the ability to fiscally plan ahead, which they haven't had in years. Could they do better? Sure. But the brinksmanship politics ain't helping. Not apologizing for "status quo", just saying there might be a better way than last-minute budget bombs to get those Trump campaign promises through.

26 Inf
05-03-17, 19:16
Paul took his criticism of the measure further, saying it "tosses out campaign promises as it continues to fund the welfare state."

I think we need a strategy, a concrete plan to kill the welfare state.

Just cutting funding, is not a plan. It merely passes on the expenses to either state or local governments, or charitable organizations.

How do we break the cycle of poverty? By that I'm talking about getting kids out of poverty. Whats the solution, take them away from their parents? The need for foster parents far outstrips the supply, what do we do build big orphanages?

There has to be a plan, and so far we haven't any coherent ideas to address the problem.

One of the problems is that most every candidate throws out campaign promises, that they should know they wont be able to back up. Trump was obviously the most grandiose this cycle. The problem was people believed even the outlandish ones. Really, did any of you actually believe that Mexico could be made to pay for the border wall? A lot of folks did.

I agree that filibusters and shutdowns are not good, what we need is bipartisan cooperation on a long term plan. That goes beyond a legislative cycle or a four-year term in office. Cue flying pigs.

I got ideas but I won't bore you with them. :smile:

Rand Paul probably came the closest to having actual plans to accomplish his goals.

05-03-17, 19:17
SSDD story of my life

05-03-17, 19:29
If we cut back entitlements our military would have the budget ability to change the name of this forum to M4Plasma.net.

05-03-17, 19:30
If we cut back entitlements our military would have the budget ability to change the name of this forum to M4Plasma.net.

This. Defund welfare.

05-03-17, 19:47
This. Defund welfare.

Pisst. Put your ear real close to your computer and I'll whisper you a secret.

You ready? Here it is:

Defunding welfare is not a priority for this admistration or the GOP Congress.

05-03-17, 19:51
Start rapidly closing down our overseas bases and quit playing world police and we wouldn't need an astronomical "defense" budget. Gut welfare and entitlements. Work on a sustainable budget instead of increasing national debt year over year like it's going out of style.

But oh yeah...Trump will fix it all. Just like Hillary. Two peas in a pod. :rolleyes:

05-03-17, 19:54
Defunding welfare is not a priority for this admistration or the GOP Congress.

Welfare is one of the key ingredients for the perpetual bread and circus diet.There is no voting our way out of this. I'm actually surprised he didn't add one nickel for The Wall just to save face from an egocentric standpoint. R or D, the only difference is the floor pressure on the accelerator...

05-03-17, 20:09
Welfare or any of the other entitlements will never be defunded...ever. The only way we'll ever get this mess straightened out is if the dollar/economy collaspes..Only then, when rebuilding from the ground up, will the will be found to say "we can't afford this anymore" Only when we have a goverment that works for the betterment of the country, and not for the betterment/ benefit of the party, will things change. Until then, bread and circus's for everybody

05-03-17, 21:08
The best way to diminish poverty is to minimize taxation (no welfare) and eliminate the regulatory burden on all business.