View Full Version : People are Just Flat Out NUTS!

Doc Safari
05-04-17, 16:52
An older couple that lives nearby had a tool I needed to borrow, so I drove to their house to see if I could borrow it.

Now, I should point out that neither one of these people has Alzheimer's or any other cognitive disease. We carry on long conversations and they are both entirely lucid.


What I saw at the front door horrified me:

right in the corner not three feet from the door was a growing paper wasp nest complete with about half a dozen of the buggers working on the nest.

I said something to my friend: "You do know there's a wasp nest right near your front door, right?"

"Oh, yeah, it's been there a while," he said, "We don't kill critters if we don't have to. There's one in the garage, too."

Flabbergasted, I asked him, "Uh, you know those paper wasps can be kind of aggressive, right? They've been known to attack in numbers if they think their nest is threatened."

"Oh, well, we don't bother it."

I also got to see the nest in the garage. It was right above the tool chest where my friend had to reach in and grab the tool I wanted to borrow.

I quickly got the Hell of there.

I just gotta ask all of you, 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?"

05-04-17, 16:59

Nothing at all in my opinion.

05-04-17, 17:12
I had some lady yell at me for killing a silverfish... in the office.

As a side note, the females lay eggs in cracks, the males pull them into their body, fertilize them, and rediposite them. Absolutely disgusting

05-04-17, 17:48
They might be practitioners of Hindu.


Doc Safari
05-04-17, 17:50
They might be practitioners of Hindu.


Letting potentially dangerous stinging insects build their nest right next to your front door is nuts; I don't care what your religion is. I suppose if it were a nest of rattlesnakes you'd be okay with that too?

05-04-17, 17:54
Letting potentially dangerous stinging insects build their nest right next to your front door is nuts; I don't care what your religion is. I suppose if it were a nest of rattlesnakes you'd be okay with that too?

The Rattlesnakes keep mice and J-Dubs away


05-04-17, 18:07
Letting potentially dangerous stinging insects build their nest right next to your front door is nuts; I don't care what your religion is. I suppose if it were a nest of rattlesnakes you'd be okay with that too?

No problem for me but I am not afraid of wasp or rattlesnakes. Do you like cats?

Straight Shooter
05-04-17, 18:47
Some of yall are just cray cray AS HELL. But...that's your bid-ness I reckon.

Straight Shooter
05-04-17, 18:49
The Rattlesnakes keep mice and J-Dubs away


Got to the point I cant tell no more if you serious or if you funning. If you serious..damn.

05-04-17, 18:56
I say more power to them.

As I've gotten older I've become more Zen like with regard to critters and nature in general. I don't hunt anymore and don't really have a desire to go out of my way to dick with wildlife. Hell, I spend most of the time watching nature documentaries and a few weeks back I teared up assisting a Sheriff's deputy dispatching a deer that had been hit on the side of the road.

Just not my thing anymore. Live and let live and all that.

Stinging insects on my house might be a bit much for me though. But I'd probably still feel bad.

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05-04-17, 19:28
I feel that way then I dont.

Some people would say it is bipolar but no. Life is hard, cruel, and complicated.

Seeing a turtle try to get from point A to point B can depress me more than anything. To see one of God's creatures moving slowly and doggedly about the grass.

Poor little guy.

05-04-17, 19:35
I say more power to them.

As I've gotten older I've become more Zen like with regard to critters and nature in general. I don't hunt anymore and don't really have a desire to go out of my way to dick with wildlife. Hell, I spend most of the time watching nature documentaries and a few weeks back I teared up assisting a Sheriff's deputy dispatching a deer that had been hit on the side of the road.

Just not my thing anymore. Live and let live and all that.

Stinging insects on my house might be a bit much for me though. But I'd probably still feel bad.

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I'm the same way but wasps in or around my house I'll kill. Call me a tree hugger but anything else I enjoy watching and being part of more than destroying

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05-04-17, 19:36
The Rattlesnakes keep mice and J-Dubs away


Winston. I mean Firefly we know your life. We've had you under surveillance you're entire life.

- Big Brother.

05-04-17, 19:43
I say more power to them.

As I've gotten older I've become more Zen like with regard to critters and nature in general. I don't hunt anymore and don't really have a desire to go out of my way to dick with wildlife. Hell, I spend most of the time watching nature documentaries and a few weeks back I teared up assisting a Sheriff's deputy dispatching a deer that had been hit on the side of the road.

Just not my thing anymore. Live and let live and all that.

Stinging insects on my house might be a bit much for me though. But I'd probably still feel bad.

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I'm the same way, and haven't even eaten meat in years because of it.

Stinging insects and scary spiders though, I kill the shit out of them if they are around the house or garage. Been bitten and stung too many times including a nasty spider bite with moderate necrosis around the bite.

05-04-17, 20:20
I'm all about some animal love.
Hell, I thought I saw a kevlar laying in the street, it was a big ol' Turtle so I picked him up and took him to a local pond/wetlands. I'm cool all about helping that Turtle.
I have a friend that has a cat that is so old it dribbles crap. Literally dribbles crap, all over the house.
I would give the Turtle a 5 mile ride in the truck to the wet lands sanctuary, honestly, I would shoot the damned cat.

05-04-17, 20:45
People are nuts. Most people anyway. The ones who think they are perfectly sane are the ones I usually watch, they the ones who are all nice and chipper and friendly and then one day you find out they fed a family of eight to a wood chipper in their underwear while listening to Christmas music and eating some leftover pizza before getting in their late model hybrid and driving off the side of the mountain.

As far as wasps go, they can go and be waspy wherever they like as long as it far away from me, however once around or inside or on my home they get eliminated with extreme prejudice, sorry, but they bug me. No pun intended. Basically if I didn't bring it willingly into my home I wish it to remain outside of it, once it comes in, well survival of the fittest and all that. I don't go out of my way to take out wildlife, that said, I don't let it suffer either, had a groundhog yesterday at the club, get into it with a dog and before we could grab the dog and pull her off of the groundhog the dog broke the little guy's back paralyzing the back legs but not killing it outright. When it became obvious that he couldn't do anything but crawl about we went and put him out of his misery and buried him under a tree where a few other ground hogs were buried do to similar incidents. Had a woman at the club later come who found out of the issue and got on my case and another guy who helped bury him for killing the wounded ground hog. "Could have been someone's pet." What you going to do?

05-04-17, 20:46
I'm the same way, and haven't even eaten meat in years because of it.

Stinging insects and scary spiders though, I kill the shit out of them if they are around the house or garage. Been bitten and stung too many times including a nasty spider bite with moderate necrosis around the bite.
Bruh... https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170505/a4ca2a2daed61f59b3f4082b6d93c1df.jpg

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Straight Shooter
05-04-17, 20:59
Bruh... https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170505/a4ca2a2daed61f59b3f4082b6d93c1df.jpg

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Alls I can say, in THS instance...is THAT mofacka is WRONG.

05-04-17, 21:00
Bruh... https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170505/a4ca2a2daed61f59b3f4082b6d93c1df.jpg

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But, what if the spider spend its entire life watching you thinking you were its greatest prey and thinking of how to catch you in a web and drain you dry? This goes both ways now.

05-04-17, 21:05
But, what if the spider spend its entire life watching you thinking you were its greatest prey and thinking of how to catch you in a web and drain you dry? This goes both ways now.
You're fake news

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05-04-17, 21:06
One thing I'll add though, and my gf gates me for it, is even if I catch spiders in the house I usually just shoo them outside.

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05-04-17, 21:11
You're fake news

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Or am I???

The implications are endless. So, lets grab a case of whiskey and start the journey down that rabbit hole and see where it leads.

05-04-17, 21:12
Bruh... https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170505/a4ca2a2daed61f59b3f4082b6d93c1df.jpg

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See......now I feel all emo.

05-04-17, 21:28
Snakes, mosquitos and stinging insects of any type get straight up murdered at my home or place of work. I have a bug zapper on my patio, and it's one of my favorite forms of entertainment on a hot summer night. I leave the birds, turtles, rabbits, and squirrels alone as they don't bother me. I had a black snake try to let himself in my man cave door one afternoon, and it had to learn the hard way that snakes are not welcome in my home. Nor are crackheads for that matter either. If a crackhead is taking a shower in my bathroom when I get home you just might see me in the news too! :D

Spiders don't bother me, but they still get murdered as I don't want my kid to get a spider bite from hell. Granddaddy long legs are the only arachnid to live and get released to the outside. Yeah, I'm still stuck on that "it's bad luck to kill a granddaddy long legs..." old wives tale. Ants, silverfish, etc..., yep you guessed it, they get the Black Flag treatment if I see them.

05-04-17, 21:30
Bruh... https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170505/a4ca2a2daed61f59b3f4082b6d93c1df.jpg

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Well when that scary looking bastard starts paying rent, I might think differently...


05-04-17, 21:33
Well when that scary looking bastard starts paying rent, I might think differently...


Exactly. All spiders, and most insects, are terminated upon detection.

05-04-17, 21:40
Bruh... https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170505/a4ca2a2daed61f59b3f4082b6d93c1df.jpg


05-04-17, 21:51
I lay waste to anything that starts to set up camp in my domicile. I don't care if it's a bird, bug, snake, woodchuck, rat or cat. If you're not an invited guest or family member and you're planning on "hanging your hat" under my roof, you're toast.

05-04-17, 21:52
You're fake news

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Haha, that's great.

Anything outside beneficial (spiders, snakes, etc) are welcome. They need to set up shop some distance from doors and windows. Any wasps, hornets etc cannot nest on my property, but I don't kill them for flying around, only building.

Inside the castle, I am the knight of my queen. Anything deemed unfit to live is captured in a ceramic dome (cerial bowl, glass, etc), and awaits it's execution as directed by the queen. I take liberty with the methods, which ussually includes some sort of chemistry.

05-04-17, 21:58
I remember going on a field trip to the park in elementary school. Our teacher would scream at us for walking in the grass and going off the sidewalk. She told us that we are destroying creature's homes in the grass.....

Some people....

05-04-17, 23:59
I will murder me some fire ants... **** those things.

Also there is a reason that wasp spray has a 30ft range... Spray and run...

Also I will murder me some Tomato Hornworms because they eat all my tomato and pepper leaves. I also kill with a vengence Aphids as they also wreak havoc on my garden.

05-05-17, 00:32
I will murder me some fire ants... **** those things.

Also there is a reason that wasp spray has a 30ft range... Spray and run...

Also I will murder me some Tomato Hornworms because they eat all my tomato and pepper leaves. I also kill with a vengence Aphids as they also wreak havoc on my garden.

Something about living in the south will give you a proper perspective when it comes to insects. The only thing worse is a tropical rain forest. Insects don't care about you, invade your home, spread disease and some of them can seriously F you up with zero provocation. Doesn't matter how much you "respect living things" the day you have a black widow in your shoe and don't know about it yet is the day you will learn a new way of life.

I love nature when it's outside and not screwing with me or my property. Squirrels seem to have it figured out, I see squirrels running my fence almost daily. They respect that the yard belongs to my dogs and I don't have to clean up squirrel shit. I never get fed up and think "I'm gonna kill all of these effin squirrels."

05-05-17, 04:46

he's come to a sticky end !
don't think he will ever mend !

05-05-17, 05:41
That's nothing . . .

We live in a country that calls unborn babies "clumps of cells" and we can legally murder them yet forces are at work to abolish capital punishment for convicted murderers.

Yes, people are nuts. All you can do is keep your distance and enjoy the show.

05-05-17, 07:48
Bengal Wasp and Hornet Spray (https://www.amazon.com/BENGAL-CHEMICAL-Wasp-Hornet-Killer/dp/B000ZNRDWA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1493987913&sr=8-1&keywords=bengal+wasp+killer) is the best stuff, ever. I'll stand on a ladder and take out a wasp or yellow jacket nest with no worries. Unlike the typical <insert store brand name here> wasp spray, Bengal kills the little bastards instantly, and it doesn't take the whole damn can. I would probably pay double what it costs. Any unwelcomed critter, in or around my house, gets dispatched without mercy or remorse.


05-05-17, 08:32
45438You guys that don't like spiders better leave the wasps alone. Seriously, have you seen what some wasps do to spiders? Personally, I like a few spiders in the house, it's like free insect control. Of course, if I see a dangerous one it goes either outside or to spider heaven depending on how lazy I am that day. I have given some thought to why the plague ravaged through Europe so easily and have concluded it was because man had killed off nearly all of the snakes. You see, rats carried the fleas that spread the plague and guess what eat rats... Snakes.

You fellas should seriously consider not ****ing with the eco-system. If it is a danger, by all means handle it. I'm not saying practice Buddhism or stay off the grass, just think about the overall compounded effect it will have on the future of our kids. All those chemicals ya'll be spraying for wasps also kills bees. Bees are the only reason we exist. Without them, we don't eat.

Doc Safari
05-05-17, 09:14
Bruh... https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170505/a4ca2a2daed61f59b3f4082b6d93c1df.jpg

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That is literally the stupidest goddamn thing I've ever read.

I can't believe all the liberal feelgood tolerance horseshit I've read in this thread.

No wonder Hillary Clinton thought she was going to win. This country is seriously effed up.

I'd say we need to change the name of the country to FUBAR.

Doc Safari
05-05-17, 09:16
Also there is a reason that wasp spray has a 30ft range... Spray and run...

Yes, having been stung repeatedly by a hornet when I was younger reminds me that these are dangerous animals. My left thigh muscle is STILL numb thirty years later.

Doc Safari
05-05-17, 09:18
That's nothing . . .

We live in a country that calls unborn babies "clumps of cells" and we can legally murder them yet forces are at work to abolish capital punishment for convicted murderers.

Yes, people are nuts. All you can do is keep your distance and enjoy the show.



05-05-17, 09:28
LOL. Their property their rules. Their asses that get stung. I'm generally of the opinion that snakes and wasps are like communists. The only good one is a dead one, however I still don't go looking to exterminate them. If they are a direct threat to me and mine they are dealt with.

05-05-17, 09:56
That is literally the stupidest goddamn thing I've ever read.

I can't believe all the liberal feelgood tolerance horseshit I've read in this thread.

No wonder Hillary Clinton thought she was going to win. This country is seriously effed up.

I'd say we need to change the name of the country to FUBAR.
That's just racist.

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Doc Safari
05-05-17, 09:57
That's just racist.

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LOL. I am tolerphobic.

05-05-17, 10:32
45438You guys that don't like spiders better leave the wasps alone. Seriously, have you seen what some wasps do to spiders? Personally, I like a few spiders in the house, it's like free insect control. Of course, if I see a dangerous one it goes either outside or to spider heaven depending on how lazy I am that day. I have given some thought to why the plague ravaged through Europe so easily and have concluded it was because man had killed off nearly all of the snakes. You see, rats carried the fleas that spread the plague and guess what eat rats... Snakes.

You fellas should seriously consider not ****ing with the eco-system. If it is a danger, by all means handle it. I'm not saying practice Buddhism or stay off the grass, just think about the overall compounded effect it will have on the future of our kids. All those chemicals ya'll be spraying for wasps also kills bees. Bees are the only reason we exist. Without them, we don't eat.

Europe was mostly cats, especially black ones because of witches, etc. The average European couldn't determine between venomous and non venomous snakes so they all went and mostly because of bible stories.

05-05-17, 11:31
That is literally the stupidest goddamn thing I've ever read.

I can't believe all the liberal feelgood tolerance horseshit I've read in this thread.

No wonder Hillary Clinton thought she was going to win. This country is seriously effed up.

I'd say we need to change the name of the country to FUBAR.



Giant leaps of assumption much ?

05-05-17, 12:04
That is literally the stupidest goddamn thing I've ever read.

I can't believe all the liberal feelgood tolerance horseshit I've read in this thread.

No wonder Hillary Clinton thought she was going to win. This country is seriously effed up.

I'd say we need to change the name of the country to FUBAR.

05-05-17, 21:27
in Honduras the kids used to go down to the ball field and I noticed there was hundreds and hundreds of holes and thought they were small land crabs which do the same thing but bigger holes :)

anyway kid was there with some thread and gum !!! puts the gum on the end of the thread drops it down the hole and pulls out a freaking huge tarantula ! they bite the gum get stuck enough to pull them out then they freaking play with them !!!!!!

I never walked across that field again :) always around it :)

Hawaii has some HUGE centipedes !!! gnarly critters when they are about a foot long

05-05-17, 21:31
Teddy Roosevelt shot fitty men on San Juan Hill and even he wasnt a D-Bag to God's little creatures

05-06-17, 04:26
Teddy Roosevelt shot fitty men on San Juan Hill and even he wasnt a D-Bag to God's little creatures

I ass-u-me this is sarcasm no?

Teddy was a big time hunter, famous for his African big game hunting safaris.

05-06-17, 07:43
sounds like nothing is wrong with them, their land their rules. It was you that went to borrow from them after all, perhaps show some gratitude and not throw rocks for someone that helped you out.

05-06-17, 08:10
I love nature when it's outside and not screwing with me or my property. Squirrels seem to have it figured out, I see squirrels running my fence almost daily. They respect that the yard belongs to my dogs and I don't have to clean up squirrel shit. I never get fed up and think "I'm gonna kill all of these effin squirrels."

Just wait until the squirrels make your attic their home. Have babies in your attic, chew holes in your roof the size of baseballs and then chew the wiring in your walls which in turn kills the squirrel. Now you have a few thousand dollars worth of damages to repair and a stinking (literally) squirrel that you can't get out of the wall during the Texas summer. You will not be able to live in your house for about one month due to the smell.
Now that experience will change your perception... they are just a rat with a bushy tail. Shoot on sight.

05-06-17, 08:15
Just wait until the squirrels make your attic their home. Have babies in your attic, chew holes in your roof the size of baseballs and then chew the wiring in your walls which in turn kills the squirrel. Now you have a few thousand dollars worth of damages to repair and a stinking (literally) squirrel that you can't get out of the wall during the Texas summer. You will not be able to live in your house for about one month due to the smell.
Now that experience will change your perception... they are just a rat with a bushy tail. Shoot on sight.

Had that happen. Called pest control. They set a trap, caught the squirrels, relocated them somewhere and sealed the entrance. It cost like $60 and got it done before they had a chance to chew through wires and die.

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05-06-17, 08:44
Teddy Roosevelt shot fitty men on San Juan Hill and even he wasnt a D-Bag to God's little creatures

Yeah, what does this even mean?? Like Moose said, Teddy was an avid hunter.

Roosevelt and his companions killed or trapped approximately 11,400[208] animals, from insects and moles to hippopotamuses and elephants. The 1,000 large animals included 512 big game animals, including six rare White rhinos.
Are hunters "D-Bags" if hunting for sport? What if it's in the name of science or herd control?

Does killing an insect or rodent in you're home make someone a "D-Bag to God's little creatures"?
What if a mosquito lands on your arm, do you gently lift it off so as not to harm it? Cause if you do, you're a "D-Bag"?
What if the animal is destroying the foundation of your home or defecating in the attic, walls or basement? What if those animals are spreading disease inside your house?
Are you a "D-Bag" if you kill them?

05-06-17, 08:53
Yeah, what does this even mean?? Like Moose said, Teddy was an avid hunter.

Are hunters "D-Bags" if hunting for sport? What if it's in the name of science or herd control?

Does killing an insect or rodent in you're home make someone a "D-Bag to God's little creatures"?
What if a mosquito lands on your arm, do you gently lift it off so as not to harm it? Cause if you do, you're a "D-Bag"?
What if the animal is destroying the foundation of your home or defecating in the attic, walls or basement? What if those animals are spreading disease inside your house?
Are you a "D-Bag" if you kill them?

Or use "roundup". Dandelions just chilling and these people all "get some!" Going chemical warfare on their ass.

... or kill mold, or wash your hands. It's like Nagasaki to the bacteria on your hands. I mean. All this stuff is alive. And we kill it without a thought.

05-06-17, 09:00
Had that happen. Called pest control. They set a trap, caught the squirrels, relocated them somewhere and sealed the entrance. It cost like $60 and got it done before they had a chance to chew through wires and die.
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Basically pest control came out and put wire mesh on the attic vent/fan to keep them out. Momma squirrel couldn't get back in to her babies so she chewed holes in siding and roof to gain entrance. Pest control came back and used a cage with peanut butter. No luck for a few weeks, so they tried glue strips which resulted in a bald squirrel, more or less just waxed the squirrel's fur off of it when the squirrel stuck to the glue strip and was able to pull loose. Then after a few more weeks it turned into anelectrical problem from the squirrel stripping the insulation off the wires, leading to big repair bills. Then stinky squirrel a few days later. Pest control stated they couldn't kill it because of city laws.

All spelling and grammar errors brought to you by auto correct while driving 85 down the highway. Texting and driving... the new thrill.

05-06-17, 09:18
Daisy (https://www.daisy.com/) has been very successful in the pest control business for 131 years & costs far less than those tree hugging, non "D-Bag" methods.

05-06-17, 10:12
As long as the insect isn't inside my house I leave them be. Now in the case of the wasp nest attached TO the house, I'd remove it not because I'm afraid of a bug, but because its unsightly.

05-06-17, 10:40
It's all fun and games until those wasps sting the shit outta someone going door to door or a bunch of kids and the lawsuits roll in.

05-06-17, 12:50
Some of youse guys get mad over pretty pedestrian stuff.

Hunting I don't care about. Can take or leave. But Roosevelt did in fact believe in preserving our natural, national resources. And by all accounts was very ethical in his hunting.

Being a D Bag to animals is jamming fireworks up a ducks behind or playing a rousing game of frog baseball.

As for lawsuits over wasp nests, good luck. If I could sue over bee stings, I'd be a milliionaire.

If someone chucked a wasp nest or bee hive at you....maybe yeah.

But someone having a nest by their house? naw.

05-06-17, 12:58
Just wait until the squirrels make your attic their home. Have babies in your attic, chew holes in your roof the size of baseballs and then chew the wiring in your walls which in turn kills the squirrel. Now you have a few thousand dollars worth of damages to repair and a stinking (literally) squirrel that you can't get out of the wall during the Texas summer. You will not be able to live in your house for about one month due to the smell.
Now that experience will change your perception... they are just a rat with a bushy tail. Shoot on sight.

Down here we have roof rats for that, squirrels really don't seem interested. But if you get roof rats in your house, you have a project.

05-06-17, 13:22
Some of youse guys get mad over pretty pedestrian stuff.

Hunting I don't care about. Can take or leave. But Roosevelt did in fact believe in preserving our natural, national resources. And by all accounts was very ethical in his hunting.

Being a D Bag to animals is jamming fireworks up a ducks behind or playing a rousing game of frog baseball.

As for lawsuits over wasp nests, good luck. If I could sue over bee stings, I'd be a milliionaire.

If someone chucked a wasp nest or bee hive at you....maybe yeah.

But someone having a nest by their house? naw.

Where did anyone talk about doing stupid shit like that??? We're talking about removing pests from the household and you made the reference to "being a D-Bag to God's little creatures". Given the subject of the thread and your comment, it sounds like you're calling anyone who harms household pests, be it insect, mammal, or reptile... a D-Bag.

Just seeking clarification on the comment, preferably sans the usual hipster, millennial dialect.

05-06-17, 13:52
Where did anyone talk about doing stupid shit like that??? We're talking about removing pests from the household and you made the reference to "being a D-Bag to God's little creatures". Given the subject of the thread and your comment, it sounds like you're calling anyone who harms household pests, be it insect, mammal, or reptile... a D-Bag.

Just seeking clarification on the comment, preferably sans the usual hipster, millennial dialect.

First off, calmeth thy bosoms.

Second, I am no millenial. I am very much a bitter middle aged man.

Third I never once accused anyone on M4C of harassing animals, My exact quote was "Teddy Roosevelt killed fitty men on San Juan Hill and he wasn't a D-Bag go God's little creatures". The point being exactly thus. He was a badass who also happened to be one of the first, if not only, presidents to have a serious and realistic approach to conservation.

YOU brought up hunting. I merely clarified what being a D Bag to animals was. I said hunting I can take or leave. I go once in a while. Sometimes I shoot an animal. Sometimes I dont. Depends on my mood.

Fourthly, the original point of this thread was someone else irked by a neighbor willfully not beridding themselves of wasps. Obviously they didnt view them as pests or they would have called an exterminator.
If you choose to destroy any and all creatures entering your home from single celled microbes to bears; that is both your right and personal problem. Have at it.

You are either reading too much into this or you are not reading enough.

I end with saying that after years of public service and seeing some dudes head blasted open or having to process a homicide or just any number of negative things that some people do gain a newfound appreciation for life in general. Others in this thread have said as much and I must agree.

So take a Xanax and relax, buuuuuuddy. Nobody is harshing on anyone. Perspectives are 360 degrees. Its okay to have a different one

05-06-17, 14:09
First off, calmeth thy bosoms.

Second, I am no millenial. I am very much a bitter middle aged man.

Wishful thinking, I know. Just would be nice if you spoke like one once.
Being #1 in AC's Style Guide and all...

Third I never once accused anyone on M4C of harassing animals, My exact quote was "Teddy Roosevelt killed fitty men on San Juan Hill and he wasn't a D-Bag go God's little creatures". The point being exactly thus. He was a badass who also happened to be one of the first, if not only, presidents to have a serious and realistic approach to conservation.

Ok, so the comment really had nothing to do with the subject matter of the thread. Got it, thanks. We're good...

26 Inf
05-06-17, 14:18
First off, calmeth thy bosoms.

Second, I am no millenial. I am very much a bitter middle aged man.

Wishful thinking, I know. Just would be nice if you spoke like one once.
Being #1 in AC's Style Guide and all...

Fly, you got to admit he skewered you right there. :D

05-06-17, 14:32
Fly, you got to admit he skewered you right there. :D

This is a thread about someone complaining about their neighbors property.

Want my Professional opinion?

Here you go.

If part of Home-Owner's association, notify HOA head so that they can take direct action against said home owner.

If not under HOA, call local Special Enforcement or Code Officer to investigate and if necessary have home owner cited for failure to maintain property or if unable to conduct their affairs; have home condemned and have elderly folks investigated by Human Resources to see if they need to confined to state care.

That professional enough for you?

I could be a curt, grumpy person, but I elect not to be. Don't like my jibe? Ignore button on your settings and report button by each post I make. If I am so bad, I will be banned forever and you may resume posting whatever it is you post and anybody I really care to converse with; I have their email.

Ryno is not amongst those people so no skin off my teeth.

05-06-17, 14:42
I'm a happy guy & I wish nobody ill. Just thought I'd address both since I had the attention. Two birds with one stone kind of thing.

I try to be resourceful that way. [emoji6]

05-06-17, 14:45
I'm a happy guy & I wish nobody ill. Just thought I'd address both since I had the attention. Two birds with one stone kind of thing.

I try to be resourceful that way. [emoji6]

You spun up drama and got smug.

Save your cuteness. Done with it.

05-06-17, 14:50
Doc G-Are your wasp loving friends vegetarians? A lot of people like the superficial notion of not harming living creatures while ignoring their meat consumption, leather shoes, coats, use of antibiotics, pest control contract, etc. We do what we have to do to remain healthy. A lady I knew had me join the humane society as part of their fund raising drive. I used to kid her about having a humane society fund raising barbecue.

05-06-17, 16:26
It's all fun and games until those wasps sting the shit outta someone going door to door or a bunch of kids and the lawsuits roll in.

I guess its time to kill off those eagles nesting on my property before one of them swoops down and snatches a baby out of a stroller, I don't think my home owners inurance will protect me.

26 Inf
05-06-17, 17:15
This is a thread about someone complaining about their neighbors property.

Want my Professional opinion?

Here you go.

If part of Home-Owner's association, notify HOA head so that they can take direct action against said home owner.

If not under HOA, call local Special Enforcement or Code Officer to investigate and if necessary have home owner cited for failure to maintain property or if unable to conduct their affairs; have home condemned and have elderly folks investigated by Human Resources to see if they need to confined to state care.

That professional enough for you?

I could be a curt, grumpy person, but I elect not to be. Don't like my jibe? Ignore button on your settings and report button by each post I make. If I am so bad, I will be banned forever and you may resume posting whatever it is you post and anybody I really care to converse with; I have their email.

Ryno is not amongst those people so no skin off my teeth.


Perhaps this would not be the time to pontificate regarding my recent foray into Polistes exclamans conservation. Oh well, what the heck..

I'm putting the soffit on my motorcycle garage and found a small colony of Polistes exclamans beginning under one the eave on the south end of the structure.

Mindful of the lessons learned on this thread, I sat down and pondered for a moment, hatching a plan to relocate the nest to a wildlife area. I took a clear plastic container, put it over the nest and slid the nest and container downward, off the exposed rafter end, at the same time sliding the lid into place.

This worked well until I felt a brief stinging sensation on my neck. I knew from the severity of the sting it was delivered one of the Polistes exclamans I was trying to relocate. I made it to the back door of the house and managed to gasp out 'wasp' before my throat completely closed.

The wife said the one of the paramedics on the fire truck remembered responding to an early accident at the location and remarked 'well at lest he didn't fall off the roof again' as he injected me with an epi-pen.

This are the images and thoughts that flashed through my mind as I contemplated a responsible way to fulfill my stewardship responsibility to all creatures that move on the earth.

Flat iron from my grill. One blow. Quick and humane. Cheaper than Wasp spray and better for the environment. (this line is the truth)

05-06-17, 17:32
26, you my buddy and all, so I'll take glibness off you with good humor.

Since people have decided to nominate me as the conscience of pest control, howabout this:

Kill whatever you want on your own property provided it is legal to do so.

If your neighbor has wasp nests and yiu confront him about it and he dont care either pop a Midol and suck it up or call Code Enforcement on him.

If you have an allergy, carry an EpiPen, avoid wasps, and deal with it.

Accept that as people age, their life experiences may alter how they view the world. Some people get more sensitive about some things. Others more callous. Yet more a combination of the two. This isnt even taking into account personal mores, values, religious beliefs or lack thereof. If you find their aforementioned weltanschauung incompatible then disassociate from those persons and try not to whine to others about them.

As was referenced in another thread, this is why conservatives are a running joke. Rugged individuals until they hit a personal pet peeve; then they want to bring up lawsuits, shunning, absconscion, mockery, and ridicule.

Right now people are lean, hungry, and wanting to burn your cities and some of you are hung up on insects that dont know or care of your problems, but want a warm place to replicate. As part of tge ecological food chain you are cool with it or you are not

Jeezus H. Christ........

05-06-17, 17:50
As was referenced in another thread, this is why conservatives are a running joke. Rugged individuals until they hit a personal pet peeve; then they want to bring up lawsuits, shunning, absconscion, mockery, and ridicule.

Some folks just want to be left alone so they can focus on what other people are doing.

26 Inf
05-06-17, 18:50
26, you my buddy and all, so I'll take glibness off you with good humor.

Since people have decided to nominate me as the conscience of pest control, howabout this:

Kill whatever you want on your own property provided it is legal to do so.

If your neighbor has wasp nests and yiu confront him about it and he dont care either pop a Midol and suck it up or call Code Enforcement on him.

If you have an allergy, carry an EpiPen, avoid wasps, and deal with it.

Accept that as people age, their life experiences may alter how they view the world. Some people get more sensitive about some things. Others more callous. Yet more a combination of the two. This isnt even taking into account personal mores, values, religious beliefs or lack thereof. If you find their aforementioned weltanschauung incompatible then disassociate from those persons and try not to whine to others about them.

As was referenced in another thread, this is why conservatives are a running joke. Rugged individuals until they hit a personal pet peeve; then they want to bring up lawsuits, shunning, absconscion, mockery, and ridicule.

Right now people are lean, hungry, and wanting to burn your cities and some of you are hung up on insects that dont know or care of your problems, but want a warm place to replicate. As part of tge ecological food chain you are cool with it or you are not

Jeezus H. Christ........

Wingman, why the hell aren't you writing a syndicated column?

05-06-17, 19:04
I'm allergic to most all stinging insects & carry an epi pen everywhere...have had two dogs get hit by rattle snakes while dove hunting. One survived, one did not. I loathe those creatures & if I could rid every single one on the ranch I hunt, I would. I killed a 6 footer this year & It is at the taxidermist getting a full mount done. Amazing creatures but I hate them with a passion. I had another buddy get killed by killer bess while clearing some brush working for his Dad's biz. They could see the tractor going in reverse in circles from a ways off & his dad drove up to see him covered in bees half way from the tractor to his truck.

I can promise if those folks get attacked, their opinion will change right away...I'm not for the elimination of any creature completely, just all those on my area that affect me, my friends and hunting dogs.

05-06-17, 21:32
Smack them bugs. I have been stung so many times that I kill anything on my property that stings or poisons. Also rats, mice, termites, cockroaches, ticks,, fleas, lice, bed bugs, etc. I am happy for them to exist in an ecosystem somewhere else.
I got stung about 20 times while climbing a tree as a kid. I got chased by a swarm of gournd dwelling wasps a couple of year ago in my front yard.
It just seems like common sense to keep these creatures under control on my property.
If someone else wants to let them run wild at their place, I will just stay away. NMP.

05-06-17, 23:53
I wonder how many other folks would throw rocks at bees nest when they were kids :)

05-07-17, 02:48
Some of youse guys get mad over pretty pedestrian stuff.

If that was directed at my post, I wasn't "mad". Merely pointing out that old Teddy was a big time trophy hunter.

But Roosevelt did in fact believe in preserving our natural, national resources. And by all accounts was very ethical in his hunting.

He was probably the most famous conservationist. Most hunters and fishermen are as they love the lands and waters of their sport and want to preserve them for future generations.

Being a D Bag to animals is jamming fireworks up a ducks behind or playing a rousing game of frog baseball.

Animal torture is something I just can't abide by, sick ****s.

ETA after I read through the rest of the thread:

As was referenced in another thread, this is why conservatives are a running joke. Rugged individuals until they hit a personal pet peeve; then they want to bring up lawsuits, shunning, absconscion, mockery, and ridicule.

Liberals gifted us with the ACLUs and the SPLCs of the world, the special interests bullshit, the victims of society mentality, and so much more . Their reactions to pet peeves, especially the millennial generation hence the snowflake label is exactly what a few around here accuse Conservatives of being. Every time they run into a pet peeve they have to retreat to their safe spaces, file lawsuits, organize sit-ins, marches, and resort to name calling; "racist, homophobe, islamocphobe, transphobe, misogynist," et al.

I don't see any of that with Conservatives, though many Conservatives are wisely adopting the enemies tactics and using them against the Libs to much hilarity.

05-07-17, 07:50
I was in pest control for a while when I was living down in Florida. I used to get a kick out of people who wanted to get rid of bugs in and around their home, but would also asked if I could do it without killing anything.

I personally never had any problem with eradicating wasp of any variety, those damn things have one purpose, f###ing things up!

05-07-17, 09:46
I'm allergic to most all stinging insects & carry an epi pen everywhere...have had two dogs get hit by rattle snakes while dove hunting. One survived, one did not. I loathe those creatures & if I could rid every single one on the ranch I hunt, I would. I killed a 6 footer this year & It is at the taxidermist getting a full mount done. Amazing creatures but I hate them with a passion. I had another buddy get killed by killer bess while clearing some brush working for his Dad's biz. They could see the tractor going in reverse in circles from a ways off & his dad drove up to see him covered in bees half way from the tractor to his truck.

I can promise if those folks get attacked, their opinion will change right away...I'm not for the elimination of any creature completely, just all those on my area that affect me, my friends and hunting dogs.

You know,
I have a serious problems with low life scum like you,
Ruining this country.

Doing a damn full mount when I could have made a couple of good belts out of it.

05-07-17, 17:02
45496Hell, I have 3 more 5 footers I tanned that I need to get backing on...the 7 footer that killed my lab is still in my deep freeze but I left in too long according to the taxi. He also wasn't as brilliant as this recent 6ft who recently shed & had good colors. We have one of the best rattler taxis anywhere down here. Gonna take a year but will be worth it.

My buddy holding the snake is a hot shot with STI & came down to do a little hunting and brought me my 2011 he tweaked.

Apologies...I'm not sure why the pic is so small. PC doofus...

You know,
I have a serious problems with low life scum like you,
Ruining this country.

Doing a damn full mount when I could have made a couple of good belts out of it.

Doc Safari
05-07-17, 20:43
sounds like nothing is wrong with them, their land their rules. It was you that went to borrow from them after all, perhaps show some gratitude and not throw rocks for someone that helped you out.

Uh, here's the thing, Keemo Sabe. I asked them if they had a certain tool and if I could borrow it. They invited me over to borrow the tools and under the law (at least in this area) they are required to "do whatever it takes to make it safe." The law was partly passed to make people lock up their vicious dogs when they have company, but I think it applies in this case. Having an active nest of wasps right near their front door is not "doing whatever it takes to make it safe." They could have at least said, "Oh, by the way we have two active paper hornet nests at our house."

Anyway, I will never go to their house again.

05-07-17, 21:35
Uh, here's the thing, Keemo Sabe. I asked them if they had a certain tool and if I could borrow it. They invited me over to borrow the tools and under the law (at least in this area) they are required to "do whatever it takes to make it safe." The law was partly passed to make people lock up their vicious dogs when they have company, but I think it applies in this case. Having an active nest of wasps right near their front door is not "doing whatever it takes to make it safe." They could have at least said, "Oh, by the way we have two active paper hornet nests at our house."

Anyway, I will never go to their house again.

I'm sure they will not miss you... Ungrateful people are the worst.

05-07-17, 22:28
If that was directed at my post, I wasn't "mad". Merely pointing out that old Teddy was a big time trophy hunter.

He was probably the most famous conservationist. Most hunters and fishermen are as they love the lands and waters of their sport and want to preserve them for future generations.

Animal torture is something I just can't abide by, sick ****s.

ETA after I read through the rest of the thread:

Liberals gifted us with the ACLUs and the SPLCs of the world, the special interests bullshit, the victims of society mentality, and so much more . Their reactions to pet peeves, especially the millennial generation hence the snowflake label is exactly what a few around here accuse Conservatives of being. Every time they run into a pet peeve they have to retreat to their safe spaces, file lawsuits, organize sit-ins, marches, and resort to name calling; "racist, homophobe, islamocphobe, transphobe, misogynist," et al.

I don't see any of that with Conservatives, though many Conservatives are wisely adopting the enemies tactics and using them against the Libs to much hilarity.

Both sides have been using the same tactics for as long as I can remember. And I'm not a young man.

You needn't look far (no farther than this thread, in fact) to encounter some of the right's pet names for those on the left, and as to playing the victim...you must not hear the cries over Christian persecution and the wailing about the "psychological warfare" being waged against the white man.

It's time for all of those who slap political labels on themselves to don their big girl panties.

05-08-17, 05:01
. . .you must not hear the cries over Christian persecution and the wailing about the "psychological warfare" being waged against the white man.

Hear it? I SEE it everyday in our society.

Christianity is loathed in our cultural, just look at mass entertainment. Ever see islam being jabbed at over on SNL or Comedy Central? And yes the heterosexual, White male is public enemy number one according to the liberal/progressive/left.

You see there is a thing called Cultural Marxism at play, you can choose not to see it if you like but it is there none the less.

05-08-17, 10:34
One thing I'll add though, and my gf gates me for it, is even if I catch spiders in the house I usually just shoo them outside.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

I'm the same way with field spiders, wolf spiders, small garter snakes, etc. I usually don't kill wasps unless they build their nests too close to safely navigate the spaces around the house.

But let me see one brown recluse in the house or shop and I initiate scorched earth open warfare that makes the holy crusades look like a picnic outing! :nono:

05-08-17, 11:36
I had a friend invite me out to a rather unique place for a beer one evening.
Now I have over the years been to some rather low rent drinking establishments, but this one won the prize.
The Bar being located at the entrance to a Trailer Park should have been a warning. The headlights of my car reflecting on patrons passing a pipe around at the back door should have turned me away as I pulled in. The surly attitude of the Bartender and the clearly highly intoxicated patrons would have on any other day been a clear reason to leave.
But the girl who came in the back door with leaves in her hair and her skirt tucked in to the back of her pantyhose.....
Redneckery at its finest moments...

05-08-17, 20:33
Wow. What a read this thread has been… So much contention on such a seemingly simple issue.

As a person that lives in the country and deals with animals professionally, this topic is near and dear to me. I take these as a case by case basis. It doesn't have to be kill everything or kill nothing. If an animal is a pest or a problem, I put it down quickly and decisively. If an animal isn't a problem, I leave it alone. Ground squirrels and gophers are welcome to live a life of leisure and do what ever they want, except in my yard or ranch. My property is mine, and they can have the entire rest of the world to do their thing in. When they enter my territory, they die.

Spiders? Depends on the species. I kill 10-15 black widows a day while tending to the animals on my ranch. We seem to have an inexhaustible supply. When I find a jumping spider or some other beneficial species in my house, they are treated to a gentle trip out to my garden where I grow food for the animals. Keeps the pest insects from eating all my food plants without having to use toxic chemicals.

Coyotes? If I see them half a mile away from my ranch, no problem. When they get bold and hungry, come sniffing around my gate and don't bolt at the sight of me, well, then they get acute and sudden lead poisoning. I always tell people the nicest thing you can do for a wild animal is shoot it in the ass with a bb gun and teach to fear and avoid people. That will save their lives. Give them food, water or shelter? Death sentence.

Snakes? They are literally part of my profession. Non-venemous snakes are highly beneficial in that they keep the rodent and venomous snake population down. I will go out of my way to help them, and I detest people who have that "kill-all-snakes" mentality. I understand the animosity toward rattlesnakes and venomous snakes. I won't have them around my place either, and I don't mind if someone wants to kill them. I get it. But if you are killing king snakes, rat snakes, gopher snakes, and other harmless/beneficial species, you are a moron. You deserve all the rodent issues that you will experience as a result of your stupidity.

How about bats? I exchanged "words" with a less-than-intelligent jackass of a man at the sporting clays range one night. We were shooting a round of five stand at night under the lights. Well of course the lights attract bugs. Bugs attract bats. This POS went out of turn to take a shot at a bat flying by enjoying the feast, while exclaiming "If it flies it dies!!!" at the top of his lungs. He got an education about the beneficial role that bats play in mosquito control (one bat can eat over 1000 mosquito a night…) and he was promptly escorted off the range for illegally trying to kill the local wild life, which is against range rules. He was allowed back, and wisely never took another shot at the local helpful wild animals.

Wasps? If I'm out hiking or hunting in the wilderness, I will go around the wasp nests and leave them be. If they try to set up shop on my front porch, they will have to die. Realizing the importance and benefit of the myriad other insects around my house, I don't spray toxic chemicals at them. I simply wait for the cool night fall and either smash them if its a new and small nest, or wrap them up in a bag and remove them it its a larger nest. I don't feel any animosity toward some dumbass who does nothing about them and lets them build up their numbers on their own front porch. Instead, I wonder how long it will take them to figure it out on their own, because they will eventually figure it out. The wasps will eventually teach them a very valuable and painful life lesson.

I'm surprised to see some of these comments on both sides of this issue here. Seems like regular old common sense to me.

05-08-17, 20:58
Thank you. Well said. The killing of non-poisonous snakes is one of my pet peaves.

05-08-17, 21:18
I'm going to just leave this here to again reiterate my NON-hesitation to eradicate any and all wasp infestations close by and inside of residential areas, while I lived in Florida and was engaged in the pest control business. These things will literally kill you .. dead.


05-08-17, 21:37
I'm pretty sure noone is advocating for allowing the equivalent of an Alien movie worthy nest of stinging mini monsters from growing on their property.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

05-08-17, 21:37
Fight nature with nature.

I was off from work today.

The Maligator got in an extra hike, and was enjoying some tunnel, balance beam, jumps, etc.

Then out of nowhere, shit got real. A fast, dangerous predator came out of the wood line. A sprint of terror that could have been the end. If it was not dangerous, it could have stayed in the wood line, unnoticed and went its own way. It was definitely out for blood.

Like a spear of fur cast from the hand of Odin himself, the one year old Malociraptor came to my rescue.

http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu220/ramairfour/IMG_1129_zps8fa3hr0x.jpg (http://s649.photobucket.com/user/ramairfour/media/IMG_1129_zps8fa3hr0x.jpg.html)

I could have ended up like the rabbit if not for that dog.

Straight Shooter
05-08-17, 22:29
Fight nature with nature.

I was off from work today.

The Maligator got in an extra hike, and was enjoying some tunnel, balance beam, jumps, etc.

Then out of nowhere, shit got real. A fast, dangerous predator came out of the wood line. A sprint of terror that could have been the end. If it was not dangerous, it could have stayed in the wood line, unnoticed and went its own way. It was definitely out for blood.

Like a spear of fur cast from the hand of Odin himself, the one year old Malociraptor came to my rescue.

http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu220/ramairfour/IMG_1129_zps8fa3hr0x.jpg (http://s649.photobucket.com/user/ramairfour/media/IMG_1129_zps8fa3hr0x.jpg.html)

I could have ended up like the rabbit if not for that dog.

Brother- I just GOTTA ask..else I wont be able to sleep tonight: WHAT THE HELL GOT AFTER YOU?!

05-08-17, 22:34
Brother- I just GOTTA ask..else I wont be able to sleep tonight: WHAT THE HELL GOT AFTER YOU?!

Obviously, that was an attack of the killer rabbit with its heinous fangs. Ol' ramair there didn't have the holy hand grenade of Antioch with him so he had to use Rin Tin Tin there.

05-08-17, 22:54
Yep, that rabbit had it in for me.

If not for that interception by the Pateiot fur missle I might not be typing this.

Straight Shooter
05-08-17, 23:06
[QUOTE=ramairthree;2490932]Yep, that rabbit had it in for me.

If not for that interception by the Pateiot fur missle I might not be typing this.

OOOHH...I see now. Thanks!

05-09-17, 05:52
I'm going to just leave this here to again reiterate my NON-hesitation to eradicate any and all wasp infestations close by and inside of residential areas, while I lived in Florida and was engaged in the pest control business. These things will literally kill you .. dead.


This is why Odin gave us napalm.

05-09-17, 05:54
Yep, that rabbit had it in for me.

If not for that interception by the Pateiot fur missle I might not be typing this.


Doc Safari
05-09-17, 08:57
I'm surprised to see some of these comments on both sides of this issue here. Seems like regular old common sense to me.

Bottom line.

Common sense says you don't "live and let live" when it comes to letting dangerous animals nest near your dwelling. I wonder how people would feel if instead of wasps my neighbors had a nest of rattlers right next to their front door?

The bottom line is that people are "nuts" that don't have enough common sense to realize that they're endangering themselves as much as anyone who visits their home.

I laugh at the post that I must be "ungrateful" or something for complaining about their wasp nest. I suppose the person who posted that would also be happy if they were running a meth lab and I reported them to the cops.

Maybe I should have titled this thread "People just don't have any common sense anymore."

Doc Safari
05-09-17, 08:58
Thank you. Well said. The killing of non-poisonous snakes is one of my pet peaves.

I love King Snakes. I let one pretty much live under my air conditioner. I wonder where he went?

05-09-17, 10:17
Bottom line.

Common sense says you don't "live and let live" when it comes to letting dangerous animals nest near your dwelling. I wonder how people would feel if instead of wasps my neighbors had a nest of rattlers right next to their front door?

The bottom line is that people are "nuts" that don't have enough common sense to realize that they're endangering themselves as much as anyone who visits their home.

I laugh at the post that I must be "ungrateful" or something for complaining about their wasp nest. I suppose the person who posted that would also be happy if they were running a meth lab and I reported them to the cops.

Maybe I should have titled this thread "People just don't have any common sense anymore."

Because having a Insects living on your property that some knucklhead thinks you are nuts for doing because he wants to borrow your shit is the same as committing a class B felony...


Lets flip the script here... I have a serious pet dander allergy. How about everyone euthanize their cats so I can come over and barrow a ladder. You are nuts to have cats or dogs... they survey no purpose in the circle of life. In packs they maul the elderly and small kids.

Doc Safari
05-09-17, 10:19
Because having a Insects living on your property that some knucklhead thinks you are nuts for doing because he wants to borrow your shit is the same as committing a class B felony...


I don't see how you're even relating the two. They would be nuts even if I didn't borrow a tool from them. Anybody that lets dangerous stinging paper wasps build two nests in and around their house because of some liberal nature-loving horseshit is just plain nuts and has no common sense. Period. And if you can't see that then you're as nuts as they are.

05-09-17, 10:29
I don't see how you're even relating the two. They would be nuts even if I didn't borrow a tool from them. Anybody that lets dangerous stinging paper wasps build two nests in and around their house because of some liberal nature-loving horseshit is just plain nuts and has no common sense. Period. And if you can't see that then you're as nuts as they are.

Got it... you want to dictate to other people how they live because it inconveniences you while on their property. Because you know... that is your job in life. There is a word for that... what is it... can anyone help me out here.

Doc Safari
05-09-17, 10:32
Got it... you want to dictate to other people how they live because it inconveniences you while on their property. Because you know... that is your job in life. There is a word for that... what is it... can anyone help me out here.

Seems like you're the one pontificating. Yeah, they can do what they want. No problem. It's their property and not only am I not trying to tell them what to do, but also I don't have the right to tell them what to do. That does not negate the fact that they have no common sense and that they are in fact NUTS.

Now, I've explained it in as plain a form of English as I can. Do you still not get it? "English, do you speak it?"

I'm guessing you have such a problem with this because you see yourself in their place and you're taking it personally.

05-09-17, 10:47
Seems like you're the one pontificating. Yeah, they can do what they want. No problem. It's their property and not only am I not trying to tell them what to do, but also I don't have the right to tell them what to do. That does not negate the fact that they have no common sense and that they are in fact NUTS.

Now, I've explained it in as plain a form of English as I can. Do you still not get it? "English, do you speak it?"

I'm guessing you have such a problem with this because you see yourself in their place and you're taking it personally.

Ya... not what you were saying, this thread is self evident of that with all the "I was invited to their property" "there are laws" nonsense . Back peddle all you like. Does not change the fact you are calling them crazy for not doing what you think they should be doing on their property.

05-09-17, 10:51
Got it... you want to dictate to other people how they live because it inconveniences you while on their property. Because you know... that is your job in life. There is a word for that... what is it... can anyone help me out here.

There's a saying for what you're doing here too. IIRC, it has something to do with pigeons and chess boards. Can anyone help me out here? :rolleyes:

Doc Safari
05-09-17, 10:52
Ya... not what you were saying, this thread is self evident of that with all the "I was invited to their property" "there are laws" nonsense . Back peddle all you like. Does not change the fact you are calling them crazy for not doing what you think they should be doing on their property.

Yes I am calling them crazy for allowing dangerous insects to build nests near their front door and in their garage. They potentially endangered me by letting that happen, kind of like if someone invited you over to borrow something and they didn't bother to lock up their vicious dog. Am I ungrateful for not seeing how that's okay? Strange definition of ungrateful.

Honestly, I'm done arguing with you. I feel like I'm trying to reason with someone that's got Alzheimer's.