View Full Version : Bizarre Film Reviews: In Her Line Of Fire

05-04-17, 17:18
Having DXed Netflix for not having no more X-Files or anything else....I decided to dip into my personal library. This film may appeal to you if you like perverse action films but some may frown upon it.

Lets get the elephant out of the way. This movie was produced by a gay production team. Like super gay. Not Ironically or humorously gay like Bruno. But legit homosexual alternative lifestyle types.

That said.....this is actually an interestingly delightful film.

You have the redneck guy from Officer and a Gentleman who hung himself over that whore as a Republican Gulf War vet Vice President. You have a saucy, dark haired gamine with 90s bob cut hair as a bitchy, Liberal journalist trying to get her big scoop, and then you have six foot tall warrior bitch goddess Mariel Freaking Star 80 Hemingway as the Veep's Secret Service head. Her backstory is that she was involved in murky Marine Corps business along side Keith David before he got elected VP.

Anyways Air Force Two gets shot down by a SAM over some pacific island that is a mercenary camp for guys trying to overthrow some Micronesian govt. Only Keith David, Mariel Hemingway, and the bitchy girl survive.

The Mercenaries are playing mumbletypeg and pissing on the American flag when they realize they got the VP to use for ransom.

So what does Mariel Hemingway do? She shitcans her pantsuit after murdering some of the militia and puts on OG107s and British jungle camo and takes to murdering the mercenaries with a litany of far out guns like a Para FAL, a Swedish K, and a no shit HK G3 SG1.

Keith David telks the merc honcho that Mariel Hemingway will kick his ass and she does. Along the way she shut up kisses the liberal reporter who is getting emotional and breaks her and puts her rightly in her bottom/femme box.

There is a point of conscience where Mariel Hemingway feels guilty for putting the moves on the girl but David Keith gives her an oorah All American speech about how she deserves her for being so butch and badass.

Eventually after the final boss is killed they are rescued.

And....for a real San Francisco, bidet using production.....they really pulled out all the stops on the armorers side of things. M4s, M16A1s, FALs, SG1s, and a Swedish K.

While there is some intense Lesbianism in this film there is no actual nudity as it is played straight and Mariel Hemingway is all LRRPing about and gunning people down.

The faaaaabulous people may like the casual and encouraged nature of female homosexuality but the Right Wing undertones and violence would turn them off.

The gun nut types may like the gunplay and gore but the "girls kissing girls, not kissing youuuu NO BOYS ALLOWED" nature of the female interaction would be offputting ti them as well.

A walking dichotomy this film is. I myself am conflicted because at the end Mariel gets the girl and is frenching her on the life raft and David Keith is just smiling and all just sitting there. One could say that he was married and just an honest guy. But after a hellish jungle ordeal that spurs 'Nam flashbacks and you see some cougar and some wispy thing just making out and you're in the middle of nowhere.....most guys woukd at least ask to be involved.

BUT perhaps his character loved his wife.

A strange film indeed. But it has Mariel Hemingway with a Swedish K and an SG1. And being competent in her killingsmanship.

I report, you decide.

So if you wish to see this film, check out your local truck stop or paki mart. Or eBay. Only cost me 4 dollars.

05-04-17, 19:55
Okay, now I HAVE to see that film. Never heard of it before, but your great review has piqued my interest.

05-04-17, 20:10
What he said.

I've always had it for all the Hemingway chicks. Especially the one that offed herself ala papa.

05-04-17, 21:53
So what does Mariel Hemingway do? She shitcans her pantsuit after murdering some of the militia and puts on OG107s and British jungle camo and takes to murdering the mercenaries with a litany of far out guns like a Para FAL, a Swedish K, and a no shit HK G3 SG1.

Just dropped it in my Netflix queue. If you haven't seen it you might enjoy Ms.45 or Lady Snowblood, they are both kinda your speed.

05-04-17, 22:16
Just dropped it in my Netflix queue. If you haven't seen it you might enjoy Ms.45 or Lady Snowblood, they are both kinda your speed.

I own both on VHS and DVD.

I also got the original I Spit On Your Grave. Saw the remakes and actually liked them.

I'm a borderline chauvinist at times but I like seeing believable women just going to war like a primal Amazon.

Hell, I like the original Friday the 13th just for that reason alone.

Freud eould have a field day with me but there ya go

ETA and Kill Bill. Aside from Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs thats the only Tarantino movie I like anymore

05-04-17, 22:29
I own both on VHS and DVD.

I also got the original I Spit On Your Grave. Saw the remakes and actually liked them.

I'm a borderline chauvinist at times but I like seeing believable women just going to war like a primal Amazon.

Hell, I like the original Friday the 13th just for that reason alone.

Freud eould have a field day with me but there ya go

ETA and Kill Bill. Aside from Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs thats the only Tarantino movie I like anymore

I hate Kill Bill almost more than Natural Born Killers. Tarantino believed he was doing an homage to the HK and Toho classics but all he did was rip the style for his stupid revenge story. Worst of all he has made me hate Uma Thurman, who I loved in "Henry and June" but he made her a heroin addict in Pulp Fiction (you could have completely deleted her character and improved that movie) and she's 100% completely unconvincing as a person who could fight her way out of a paper bag let alone kick serious ass. The only redeeming part of Kill Bill was Gogo Yubari and she got way too little screen time. Gogo was believable.

But I can't think of a single female who could have made Kill Bill work, the movie sucked that bad. I did like Reservoir Dogs and I learned to like parts of Pulp Fiction, but Jackie Brown is his best movie ever. Somehow Pam Grier still had it all those years later, keeping in mind I thought she was past her prime on Miami Vice ten years earlier. Somehow she got it back, still prefer 1973 "Coffy" Pam Grier though.

05-04-17, 22:39
We disagree. I liked KB.

And Coffy. Peak Pam Grier...in a bikini....doing that british accent(I know she was trying to be Jamaican but...)

Really dark blsck chicks with English accents are my kryptonite.

And she tells that dude he'll blow his GD head off with that sawed off....and she DOES.

That and Cleopatra Jones. I miss blaxploitaton movies.

05-05-17, 00:22
We disagree. I liked KB.

And Coffy. Peak Pam Grier...in a bikini....doing that british accent(I know she was trying to be Jamaican but...)

Really dark blsck chicks with English accents are my kryptonite.

And she tells that dude he'll blow his GD head off with that sawed off....and she DOES.

That and Cleopatra Jones. I miss blaxploitaton movies.

Cleopatra Jones was also weak, like Uma Thurman I never believed she could actually fight and her martial arts skills were serious white belt stuff. Rudy Ray Moore broke out more legitimate martial arts skills as Dolemite in The Human Tornado and he was 49 years old and definitely carrying some extra weight.

There's only been a handful of believable females with fighting skills, especially when fighting men and more significantly when fighting trained male fighters. Even Cynthia Rothrock had some questionable scenes where she took hits that should have destroyed her skeletal structure.

I'd probably have to sit down and think about it to come up with a female martial arts actress who could actually pull off some of the stuff depicted on the screen. Ironically some of the most talented with actual speed and focus don't have a lot of actual martial arts background and just have a ton of dance or gymnastics and were coached by people like Jackie Chan and well choreographed.

Michelle Yeoh is generally considered top of her class and has probably the most comprehensive martial arts background, but even then the choreography far too often has her doing impossible "crouching tiger" stuff which really takes away from anything believable.

I once saw some behind the scenes stuff from Anita Mui, who was mostly famous for being a pop singer, and she was doing some pretty believable fight choreography in preparation for a film, sadly she doesn't seem to have transferred that skill presentation in too many actual films.

05-13-17, 14:27
OK, watched this one last night.

First thing that stuck out is I hate CGI. The cartoon plane crash had worse CGI than the porn film "Pirates." Also CGI muzzle flashes drive me crazy.

Also that wasn't a G3 SG1 but a regular 91 with bipod and scope. What was interesting is the fat guy running around with a HK51 with picto lower and A3 para stock. Too bad he didn't really shoot at anyone.

Mariel taking point with a para FAL with the stock folded was also pinging my stupid meter. Reminds me of the stupid shit they used to show on USA "Up All Night" but without the benefit of being hosted by Rhonda Shear. Also the film itself could have used a little more T&A if not actual nudity. The spin of "the girl gets the girl" is so unremarkable I barely noticed. I was mostly "who cares."

Wasn't the worst film I've ever seen, I'd give it a D+.

05-14-17, 09:05
Cynthia Rothrock

I had totally forgot about my main movie squeeze from that era of action movies. Big hips and those tight jeans didn't really go together but I was young and she tripped my trigger back then.