View Full Version : Trayvon Martin to receive honorary college degree...

05-07-17, 08:11
in aeronautical science....you can't make this chit up:

"Trayvon Martin to receive honorary college degree

Florida Memorial University will award a posthumous degree to Trayvon Martin, five years after the black teen was shot dead by a neighbourhood watchman.

The teen's parents will accept a degree in aeronautical science on his behalf on 13 May.

The university said it wants to honour the 17-year-old's ambition to become a pilot before he died in 2012."


Some text messages from the young aeronautical scientist that were admitted to his trial:

The text messages, some of which are redacted, do not make clear whom Trayvon was talking to at different times. Sometimes it appears he was joking with a friend, other times with a girlfriend and, in at least one instance, with his father.

Some of the earliest text messages date back to early November 2011, in which Trayvon, a junior at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade, indicates he was suspended from school for being in a fistfight.

Later in the month, on the 21st, he exchanged messages with at least one friend about an after-school fight.

One of Trayvon’s cellphone pictures shows two teens about to square off against one another as a third stands in the middle like a referee. Trayvon said he fought a rival who “snitched on me.”

Trayvon: “I lost da 1st round but won da 2nd nd 3rd.”

Friend: “Ohhh So It Wass 3 Rounds? Damn well at least yu wonn lol but yuu needa stop fighting.”

Trayvon: “Nay im not done with fool.. he gone hav 2 see me again.”

Friend: “Nooo Stop, yuu waint gonn bee satisified till yuh suspended again, huh?”

Trayvon told another friend at the time that his mother wanted him to move in with his dad after he was suspended.

“Da police caught me outta skool,” Trayvon wrote.

Months later, Trayvon appeared to get into trouble again, but suggested on Jan. 6, 2012, that he was an innocent bystander: “‘I was watcn a fight nd a teacher say I hit em.” The following month he complained he got in trouble for something “I didn’t do.”

In between these messages, he appears to flirt with a girl and talk extensively about smoking marijuana, or “kush.” One friend called him a “WEEDHEAD.”

Trayvon’s troubles appeared to get worse and, on Feb. 13, he explained to a friend that he was serving “10 dayz” of suspension.

Five days later, he repeatedly appears to inquire about a gun with a friend: “U got heat??” Hours later he was asked by text: “You want a 22 revolver?” The friend who sent the message said it was bought by “my mommy.”

On Feb. 21, Trayvon appeared to be heading to Sanford to live with his father. But he hadn’t lost interest in guns.

“U wanna share a .380?” he asked one friend.

Hours after that, someone who appears to be his father sent him text messages about staying in Sanford.

“Show much respect to [redacted] and adjust to my Lady & [redacted]. Show them that you a good kid and you want positive things around you,” his father, Tracy Martin, wrote to Trayvon.

A minute later he followed up: “Be a big brother and not a DONKEY LOVE DAD.”


05-07-17, 08:24
Maybe United will hire him they need some good PR.

05-07-17, 08:26
Yeah but who cares?

05-07-17, 08:40
This is just the beginning of the myth. Think about it from the perspective of people telling the story to kids not yet born. Trayvon, pilot, humitarian and scholar, is remembered for being taken too soon, guilty only of loving too much, and being snuffed out, execution style, as he tried spreading his message of peace and unity.

05-07-17, 08:43
This is just the beginning of the myth. Think about it from the perspective of people telling the story to kids not yet born. Trayvon, pilot, humitarian and scholar, is remembered for being taken too soon, guilty only of loving too much, and being snuffed out, execution style, as he tried spreading his message of peace and unity.

The US version of Che Guevara.

05-07-17, 09:10
If he can walk across the stage to collect his degree, more power to him.

The incident was stupid, and this is even more stupid.

05-07-17, 09:16
I bet they'll be really surprised when they find out he's dead.

05-07-17, 09:21
I think Tray Tray's parents are being trolled.
Seriously. Aeronautical science? For reals?? LOL
Tray Tray wuz a good boy who dindunuffin. He would have gone on to be a Nuclear Physicist is that evil White Hispanic Nazi hadn't shot him in cold blooded self defense.

05-07-17, 09:30
Just a first step in his posthumous progression towards Sainthood. Next comes the Masters in Theological Studies followed by a Doctor of Divinity. At this point the Roman Catholic Church takes over with his Canonization, and you know how this will turn out.

Someday, probably not in my lifetime, in your local Catholic Church with modern names like: The Immaculate Heart Of Jerry, or Our Lady of Perpetual Motion, you'll find a statue or painting of the Sunshine State's first beatified native.....Saint Trayvon.

Oh what a glorious day that will be.

05-07-17, 09:57
The US version of Che Guevara.

Amazing isn't it? I see the BLM, Occupy Wall Street, Millenials, and other radicals wearing Che Guevara tee shirts, flying Che Guevera flags, with Che Guevara posters in their Mom's basement.

Tray is a pilot. He is flying with his carbon harp, somewhere in the nether regions of Hades.

diving dave
05-07-17, 10:12
He probably would have made a good pilot, looks like he had alot of experience getting high....:rolleyes:

05-07-17, 10:19
Aeronautical science? Unclear why we didnt give him a degree in nuclear physics or maybe a PHD may have been a better posthumous degree?

05-07-17, 10:20
He probably would have made a good pilot, looks like he had alot of experience getting high....:rolleyes:

We've gotta get a 'like' button.

Florida 'Memorial' University?

In Chicago they vote, it Florida they graduate....

05-07-17, 10:29
Amazing isn't it? I see the BLM, Occupy Wall Street, Millenials, and other radicals wearing Che Guevara tee shirts, flying Che Guevera flags, with Che Guevara posters in their Mom's basement.

When 30 seconds of Google Fu would find you vids of him shooting gay people in the head, etc. He was a sociopath hiding behind a cause like so many.

05-07-17, 10:42
Do we even know if Trayvon Martin who called himself on facebook "No Limit N____" and had a penchant for purple drank actually had an interest in aeronautical science?

Why dont we give John Dillinger a Degree in Banking and Finance or Al Capone a Degree in Community Organization too?

I mean some people go to college and work for their diploma

05-07-17, 11:22
Given the quotes in Will Brink's original post, I believe Mr. Martin should have been awarded an honorary degree in English.

05-07-17, 13:47
yo nigg* I gona be a pilot fly in fresh kush and get me some from them stewerdress hoes !

a quote from him I am sure :) (yes words misspelled on purpose above)

05-07-17, 14:03
Yeah but who cares?

Everyone who busted their ass to get a similar degree, especially any black kids who avoided "thug life" traps that could have derailed their dream.

And to a lesser extent, the rest of us who are damn sick of the mythology being developed.

Malcom X was a racist who believed white people were ACTUALLY the devil. It wasn't just a name he called them. He believed the world belonged to the black man and white people "stole it" and one day UFOs will come down and help them reclaim the world from the white devil. But that isn't how he or Elijah Mohammed are presented today. Watch Spike Lee's film and he's a likeable "freedom fighter" for the civil rights movement who unlike MLK promoted justifiable "self defense" against those who attack innocent "black racists." Even the ending of the movie suggests he was killed by white man "organizations" rather than the Black Nation of Islam which he eventually betrayed when they tried to control his message.

05-07-17, 14:07
“Da police caught me outta skool,” Trayvon wrote.

Wow, if that isn't justification for a degree in anything....I donts be nowin wat is.

26 Inf
05-07-17, 14:12
This is just the beginning of the myth. Think about it from the perspective of people telling the story to kids not yet born. Trayvon, pilot, humitarian and scholar, is remembered for being taken too soon, guilty only of loving too much, and being snuffed out, execution style, as he tried spreading his message of peace and unity.

Heck, sounds good. Could you get to work on my eulogy?

05-07-17, 14:14
yo nigg* I gona be a pilot fly in fresh kush and get me some from them stewerdress hoes !

a quote from him I am sure :) (yes words misspelled on purpose above)

Who says they're misspelled?
If Hussein had a language, it'd look like Ebonics.

05-07-17, 14:37
This is up there with that kid who got accepted to Stanford just for typing "Black Lives Matter" repeatedly in his admission essay.

05-07-17, 14:51
Friend said

"The school lists only three notable alumni: a pilot who solo circumnavigated the world in 2007, a gospel singer, and Trayvon"

05-07-17, 14:58
Everyone who busted their ass to get a similar degree, especially any black kids who avoided "thug life" traps that could have derailed their dream.

Bruh, people who worked to get a degree don't really cares if some dead kid got an honorary degree from some crappy Florida school. It doesn't make any degree less valuable, it's completely pointless and 99% of the population won't even know about it.

05-07-17, 15:42
Heck, sounds good. Could you get to work on my eulogy?

Here Lies 26 Inf, known to most as Jack "The Stack" Manskar. He raced F1 cars, loved many women, killed many men, and was one of the original Village People before they went mainstream. He lived a good life. And if he's not where I'm at in the afterlife, then I owe him a Coke. Also he punched out David Cassidy once.

05-07-17, 15:52
Everyone who busted their ass to get a similar degree, especially any black kids who avoided "thug life" traps that could have derailed their dream.

And to a lesser extent, the rest of us who are damn sick of the mythology being developed.

Malcom X was a racist who believed white people were ACTUALLY the devil. It wasn't just a name he called them. He believed the world belonged to the black man and white people "stole it" and one day UFOs will come down and help them reclaim the world from the white devil. But that isn't how he or Elijah Mohammed are presented today. Watch Spike Lee's film and he's a likeable "freedom fighter" for the civil rights movement who unlike MLK promoted justifiable "self defense" against those who attack innocent "black racists." Even the ending of the movie suggests he was killed by white man "organizations" rather than the Black Nation of Islam which he eventually betrayed when they tried to control his message.

I'd really be pissed if I'd gotten that degree from that college. It really annoys me when a college bestows an honorary PhD on some idiot like Bill Cosby just because he graced the school with some speech at graduation. I don't have an issue with it being done for someone who due to deeds done and genuine accomplishments in the field made, are given an honorary PhD.

05-07-17, 15:58
I wish I was dean of Harvard. I'd give him a JD in Constitutional Law.

Just to troll people. All these elites would be pissed in private.

05-07-17, 16:26
Bruh, people who worked to get a degree don't really cares if some dead kid got an honorary degree from some crappy Florida school. It doesn't make any degree less valuable, it's completely pointless and 99% of the population won't even know about it.

They wouldn't care is somebody deserving got it, but it's a lot like giving a Nobel prize to "actual terrorists", it insults and diminishes anyone deserving who also has a peace prize. In fact, it is now to the point where those who receive it are so ridiculous, it has the opposite of the intended credibility.

05-07-17, 16:35
They wouldn't care is somebody deserving got it, but it's a lot like giving a Nobel prize to "actual terrorists", it insults and diminishes anyone deserving who also has a peace prize. In fact, it is now to the point where those who receive it are so ridiculous, it has the opposite of the intended credibility.

I have a feeling the distinguished graduates of Florida Memorial University probably don't care too much

05-07-17, 19:51
This is the only way Tray was going to get a degree, he obviously wasn't interested in doing it for himself. It's just gross.

They wouldn't care is somebody deserving got it, but it's a lot like giving a Nobel prize to "actual terrorists", it insults and diminishes anyone deserving who also has a peace prize. In fact, it is now to the point where those who receive it are so ridiculous, it has the opposite of the intended credibility.

Just what I was thinking, with daddy "o" receiving one and all.

05-07-17, 20:40
This is the only way Tray was going to get a degree, he obviously wasn't interested in doing it for himself. It's just gross.

Just what I was thinking, with daddy "o" receiving one and all.

This. I saw a lot of people first semester in college entry level engineering that I knew wouldn't make it.

He was never going to get it. Just another person too weak to get out of the 'hood', even when he actually got out.

26 Inf
05-07-17, 23:02
Here Lies 26 Inf, known to most as Jack "The Stack" Manskar. He raced F1 cars, loved many women, killed many men, and was one of the original Village People before they went mainstream. He lived a good life. And if he's not where I'm at in the afterlife, then I owe him a Coke. Also he punched out David Cassidy once.

Ten words, Fly, ten words. It costs money to chisel that stuff.

05-07-17, 23:21
Ten words, Fly, ten words. It costs money to chisel that stuff.

Here lies 26 Inf, eh...he did okay most days


05-07-17, 23:30
Ten words, Fly, ten words. It costs money to chisel that stuff.

You'd be dead, what would you care about the cost? Also, happy 4'000th post.

05-07-17, 23:46
Who comes up with these ridiculous ideas?

05-07-17, 23:50
Who comes up with these ridiculous ideas?

Attention whores

05-08-17, 07:08
SJW Attention whores

Fixed it for ya

05-08-17, 07:15
I hope he uses it to do amazing thing later in life... oh wait.

05-08-17, 11:29
Aside from the glaring racist posts (and racism that has permeated M4C as of late), there are some hilarious comments in this thread.