View Full Version : France election over now what ?

05-07-17, 19:14
kinda curious what France will be like in a few years now that the progressive won with no experience won and who wants to open the gates !

and what will that do to the rest of Europe and how will it impact us ?

05-07-17, 19:24
Welp, WE are fine. France is condemned to being France.

They had a chance and blew and have no one to blame but themselves for mor migrant terror.

Would have been good if Le Pen won, but she did not.

I saw some TV and dudes were waving Syrian flags so.....reap the whirlwind.

05-07-17, 19:30
obama and the one-world-government won.

As stated by Firefly:
France is condemned to being France.

05-07-17, 19:31
Business as usual. Terrorism is a way of life in France, been that way for awhile.

05-07-17, 19:36
obama and the one-world-government won.

Obama endorsed Macron, not surprised.

Dist. Expert 26
05-07-17, 19:39
I saw a clip from one of the Call of duty games where Paris is a war zone. The caption read "What France will look like in 10 years".

I think it's probably pretty damn accurate.

05-07-17, 19:53
have not seen any video but about what I thought it would be :)
back to my editing and life :) hhahahahahahah

Welp, WE are fine. France is condemned to being France.

They had a chance and blew and have no one to blame but themselves for mor migrant terror.

Would have been good if Le Pen won, but she did not.

I saw some TV and dudes were waving Syrian flags so.....reap the whirlwind.

05-07-17, 19:55
Obama endorsed Macron, not surprised.

You mean he influenced another country's election? Isn't that a no no?

05-07-17, 19:59
Two World Wars with the French and Germans slugging it out.
Today France just decided all of that was irrelevant and decided to follow the Germans in to an even bigger folly than those two wars.
Globalist Rules and if you don't play along with us well, you're a Nazi...

Please don't call us to help when this one blows up in your face, Normandy Beach part II isn't on my list of European vacations.

05-07-17, 20:27
You mean he influenced another country's election? Isn't that a no no?

Yes, I was going to post that but refrained.

05-07-17, 20:30
Who will be there to save Europe from Itself, like we did on more than one occasion during the 20th Century? You can't help people who are unwilling to help themselves; from 3rd World Shit holes to so-called enlightened, arrogant, European utopians.

05-07-17, 20:44
Yep. Which might tell you something about whether being a Nazi is in fact a bad thing.

Being a Nazi is in fact a bad thing.

Alex V
05-07-17, 21:13
Screw em. The only thing that upsets me about this is that I will never be able to take my wife to Paris. I saw Paris in 1997, she never has, and never will.

05-07-17, 21:45
Being a Nazi is in fact a bad thing.
I lol'd

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05-07-17, 21:48
Being a Nazi is in fact a bad thing.

I would have to agree.

05-07-17, 22:14
I would have to agree.

Yep. Nazis get a 30-06 to the dome piece.

05-07-17, 22:25
Screw em. The only thing that upsets me about this is that I will never be able to take my wife to Paris. I saw Paris in 1997, she never has, and never will.

Our kids have been there three times. Wife has always wanted to go to Paris... I'll refrain.

Dist. Expert 26
05-07-17, 22:25
Screw em. The only thing that upsets me about this is that I will never be able to take my wife to Paris. I saw Paris in 1997, she never has, and never will.

My wife also wanted to travel when she's done with school, but unfortunately Europe as a whole is off the list.

05-07-17, 22:40
Obama endorsed Macron, not surprised.

So Obama HACKED the French election.

Yep. Which might tell you something about whether being a Nazi is in fact a bad thing.

We hardly saved Europe from anything.
We let most of it fall into the hands of Stalin and the insanely murderous Soviet (NOT Russian, by the way, but Bolshevik) regime.
And we handed the rest of it over to bankers who flood it with Muslims.

Wow. The shit you post sometimes.

Nazi's are bad, with certain exceptions of nazi party members who did noble things. You really, really, really would NOT want to live under a national socialist government, look what happened to Germany when they lost the ability to determine their fate. The first people put into concentration camps were not jews but Germans who protested. See Dachau.

We saved Europe from a LOT of things. I know a bunch of Europeans who are grateful for our assistance. Btw, you pretty much just insulted everyone who fought and died.

Yes, Churchill gave away the store at Yalta. Sadly we had done enough fighting and wanted to be done. In the greatest of ironies, the world went to war over Poland and the war ended with Poland occupied by Hitler's ally at the time who invaded from the east a week after Hitler invaded from the west in 1939.

Not sure if Patton's plan to keep rolling right into Moscow would have worked out very well or not. Sure didn't go as planned when Germany tried it.

05-07-17, 23:20
We hardly saved Europe from anything.
We let most of it fall into the hands of Stalin and the insanely murderous Soviet (NOT Russian, by the way, but Bolshevik) regime.
And we handed the rest of it over to bankers who flood it with Muslims.
The Bankers were there and operating before the start of the 20th century. Even into the 1930's, outfits like Zurich Financial were handling the finances of Top Nazis, including the confiscation of property from the French, Poles and German Jews.

You could say that what was left in Europe was not worth saving after the risk takers and entrepreneurs emigrated to North America. Europe has been a self-inflicted death, but I still say we saved that part of the West from itself....or at least delayed the inevitable.

05-07-17, 23:29
I did Paris in the 90s too. It wasn't all that. Why chicks wanna be Francophiles bewilders me. Europe has beautiful architecture and great natural landmarks but Arab pickpockets, roving skinheads, and guys all uppity with their bisexual, socialst cheese and whine spiel were laaaaaame.

I cant imagine it has gotten better. Especially now

I'm not done with America yet. Besides the two places I really would care to spend money seeing are Jerusalem and maybe Singapore. That place is like the real life Draconis Combine.

05-08-17, 00:00
Being a Nazi is in fact a bad thing.

I think that it is pretty clear where this guy is coming from. In fact, it's been clear for months. The fact that he has made it this far is a sad statement on the quality of the discussion. I'm popping smoke. I have too much at stake to be associated with a forum where there are posts suggesting that fascism is an antidote and Nazism is good.

05-08-17, 00:26
France is one thing, Paris is another. Paris is a global city much like London, New York, San Francisco etc. I went to Paris in 2011 and it was what I expected, I will be going to the South of France later this year which is like a different country. France always had and always will have a dictator-like democracy. The greatest achievements took place many-many years ago. I think France just wants to "exist" much like other European countries without political affiliation or represent any "powers" that might be. Thought they are apart of NATO and the UN, I think they are there to veto bad deals but not to contribute new ideas. France is a established country and all the hardware is already in place, they produce steel, oil, cars, airplanes and clothing but don't have the capabilities to reach out on a global level like the UK, US, Germany, Japan, China etc.

The French elected someone who is chill and doesn't want to take a stand on the world stage, and I don't blame them. France can afford to sit out as that has been demonstrated in the last century. The French are assholes. They believe they are more elegant, classy, sophisticated, cultivated, educated, cultured and worldly than any other human being on earth. The French act as though democracy wouldn't exist if it wasn't for them. People in Paris act like people in Manhattan: stuck up, rude, fast passed and arrogant. In Saint Tropez, Nice, Monaco, Cannes and Antibes act like waspy rich people in Palm Beach and the Hamptons, but treat people like new money pricks in LA.

Speaking of Nazi's: I read that the Minister of Defense in Germany is launching a huge investigation to alt-right members of the German Army for wearing Nazi related memorabilia on there uniforms, (SS) lighting bolts, skull etc. There were a few barracks where they found restored Nazi swastikas on the walls in the halls, framed photos of Hitler, Himmler, Reinhardt, Heydrich. Cant wait to see where that goes and I bet they will blame Trump.

05-08-17, 00:37
I think that it is pretty clear where this guy is coming from. In fact, it's been clear for months. The fact that he has made it this far is a sad statement on the quality of the discussion. I'm popping smoke. I have too much at stake to be associated with a forum where there are posts suggesting that fascism is an antidote and Nazism is good.

F that. I participate on this board for a reason. It's easier to remove Nazi sympathizers than have to wade through another forum of Anderson Lower, out and proud BSery.

Me, I get that Benito is an immigrant and ironically hasnt assimilated. Hands washed. I had folks who fought in WWII.

I'm sure a mod will be along to clean up.

Cheekiness is one thing and we ball bust but this was the line for me

Dist. Expert 26
05-08-17, 00:44
Yeahhh...espousing Nazi ideals as a positive model to be followed is pretty ridiculous, even for this guy.

Differences of opinion are one thing. If you think Hitler was a great dude, good for you. But this whole zog machine/Nazi propaganda/white supremacy thing is too far for this board. This is the only forum I really frequent because of the truly intelligent discussion. Such stupidity detracts from that.

05-08-17, 01:05
I think that it is pretty clear where this guy is coming from. In fact, it's been clear for months. The fact that he has made it this far is a sad statement on the quality of the discussion. I'm popping smoke. I have too much at stake to be associated with a forum where there are posts suggesting that fascism is an antidote and Nazism is good.

Im with Firefly. Dont go. You bring good discussion to this place.

05-08-17, 01:42
We gifted Europe to the you know who.
And slowly but surely, they continue to seal Europe's fate by importing in their fellow Semitic desert people to rape and murder European whites.

I'm actually not sure but I'm gonna take a wild guess. The Jooz? Is that who really inherited postwar Europe? Because honestly I remember most of them saying "F this machine" and heading over the Palestine to blow up shit until the UK said "F this machine" and bailed leaving it up for grabs and the Izzies and the Arabs went at it for for almost a year with the Izzies coming out on top. They had a follow up war that lasted almost a week where they gained more territory.

Seems to me during all that time as many of the chosen people as possible were getting out of Europe faster than guys with a Blutgruppen tattoo. Also seems to me the Swiss were the ones doing most of the "big deal" banking after the war with lots and lots of unclaimed accounts.

I don't have an special love or hatred for any group, but I try and be objective and stick to the actual history of events where nobody is perfect and things don't always turn out perfectly.

05-08-17, 06:17
I think that it is pretty clear where this guy is coming from. In fact, it's been clear for months. The fact that he has made it this far is a sad statement on the quality of the discussion. I'm popping smoke. I have too much at stake to be associated with a forum where there are posts suggesting that fascism is an antidote and Nazism is good.

Please don't go. I can't handle the pressure of being the funniest and smartest person here. M4C still has a remarkably low dipshit level.

The big picture risk is that we end up with the screwed up EU options of Statist extremes on the left and right and we end up having to splinter off.

05-08-17, 06:21
Once again step away from the keyboard and go get some fresh air and Knock it off. EVERYONE...

Alex V
05-08-17, 08:27
That escalated quickly.

Anyway, we still want to go to Europe. My wife is graduating on this month after going back to school and with her working in her new career we would be able to afford to take two vacations. I goal was to relax on the beach during one, and explore during the other. We really wanted to start going to Europe, really saddens me to think Europe won't be around much longer.

I always wanted to see my favorite Formula 1 driver (Kimi Raikkonen) race for my favorite team (Ferrari) at my favorite track (Spa Francorchamps - Belgium) :(

05-08-17, 08:47
Yeahhh...espousing Nazi ideals as a positive model to be followed is pretty ridiculous, even for this guy.

Differences of opinion are one thing. If you think Hitler was a great dude, good for you. But this whole zog machine/Nazi propaganda/white supremacy thing is too far for this board. This is the only forum I really frequent because of the truly intelligent discussion. Such stupidity detracts from that.

The WWII German military was an amazing fighting force and as an adversary- were respected for their abilities. Their leadership however was stupid for taking on all of Europe, and worse- attacking their fellow European neighbors for no reason. As far as preservation of European culture with individual national identities for each country- well I do believe that is under attack today and will cease to exist within a hundred to a hundred and fifty years. As in, there won't be any more European native homelands within one hundred years- they have been slated by the globalists to no longer exist. That isn't propaganda- that is factually happening. The gates have been thrown open and tens of millions of Arabs and Africans have been allowed into Europe. I believe it is by design to destroy Europe and it's very unsettling. At least for now Eastern Europe; Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia- understand what is going on and likely will be the last bastions of European homelands remaining in another century. As far as France goes, they are committing cultural suicide and have elected a globalist to further their demise.

05-08-17, 08:51
I think that it is pretty clear where this guy is coming from. In fact, it's been clear for months. The fact that he has made it this far is a sad statement on the quality of the discussion. I'm popping smoke. I have too much at stake to be associated with a forum where there are posts suggesting that fascism is an antidote and Nazism is good.

One guy makes a retard statement and now the forum is pro Nazi? ok...... I worked really hard to not post the Tombstone "Well....Bye" meme.

I will be going to Europe this summer although France is not on the list. Plan is to get a few trips in before I consider it too late.

05-08-17, 08:59
I will be going to Europe this summer although France is not on the list. Plan is to get a few trips in before I consider it too late.

I believe the State Department is already issuing warnings about certain places in Europe. After this win and the aftermath of the affirmation this gives the globalists and those who seek to redefine what France is going to be in the future, I would guess the French are going to have even more violence.
I enjoyed France when I vacationed there, the history I saw up close and personal in Paris was amazing, but I doubt if it will be the same as I remember it in the future. It will forever be changed by this vote, it cannot remain French any longer at this point.
It will be sad to see it go...

05-08-17, 09:08
I believe the State Department is already issuing warnings about certain places in Europe. After this win and the aftermath of the affirmation this gives the globalists and those who seek to redefine what France is going to be in the future, I would guess the French are going to have even more violence.
I enjoyed France when I vacationed there, the history I saw up close and personal in Paris was amazing, but I doubt if it will be the same as I remember it in the future. It will forever be changed by this vote, it cannot remain French any longer at this point.
It will be sad to see it go...

Agreed. I really wish I would have made time for more travel 10 years ago. Ireland, Scotland, and England this go round. I don't think I would take my family to France at this point even thought it is a location we really want to go.

Dist. Expert 26
05-08-17, 09:17
The WWII German military was an amazing fighting force and as an adversary- were respected for their abilities. Their leadership however was stupid for taking on all of Europe, and worse- attacking their fellow European neighbors for no reason. As far as preservation of European culture with individual national identities for each country- well I do believe that is under attack today and will cease to exist within a hundred to a hundred and fifty years. As in, there won't be any more European native homelands within one hundred years- they have been slated by the globalists to no longer exist. That isn't propaganda- that is factually happening. The gates have been thrown open and tens of millions of Arabs and Africans have been allowed into Europe. I believe it is by design to destroy Europe and it's very unsettling. At least for now Eastern Europe; Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia- understand what is going on and likely will be the last bastions of European homelands remaining in another century. As far as France goes, they are committing cultural suicide and have elected a globalist to further their demise.

No argument there.

Some elements of the German military, particularly Waffen SS units, were incredible soldiers worthy of admiration. The Luftwaffe and Panzer units also come to mind. However I get the feeling that isn't what Benito is talking about.

05-08-17, 09:21
Their leadership however was stupid for taking on all of Europe, and worse- attacking their fellow European neighbors for no reason.
...and killing Jews, gays, gypsies, etc etc via the most systematic mass murder program in history.

This thread is absolutely insane.


Dist. Expert 26
05-08-17, 09:24
...and killing Jews, gays, gypsies, etc etc via the most systematic mass murder program in history.

This thread is absolutely insane.


I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt in that he was talking specifically about the German military and not the Third Reich as a whole. I haven't seen anyone but Benito defending the Nazi party.

05-08-17, 09:40
...and killing Jews, gays, gypsies, etc etc via the most systematic mass murder program in history.

This thread is absolutely insane.

I think the systematic murder of six million Jews under the Socialist German leadership in Germany was horrid. Just as I think the systematic murder of hundreds of millions of Russian citizens under the Communist Jewish leadership in Russia was far more horrid. Though neither of that has anything to do with the topic at hand.

05-08-17, 09:58
The premise everyone here seems to be operating on is that the official narrative is actually true.
There are a lot of sources, including the camp museums themselves as well as the Red Cross examination teams, that confirm that this is not in fact the case.
If you actually are open to looking into it, the information is out there.
http://www.codoh.com is one such place.

Look, I used to believe the 6 Million tale wholeheartedly, and thought the Nazis were pure distilled evil. I get it. But if you think the media lies about all sorts of things, why would WWII be any different? It is, after all, the most central narrative to modern politics and culture.

05-08-17, 10:08