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05-09-17, 17:07
I am surprised it took so long.

“Today, President Donald J. Trump informed FBI Director James Comey that he has been terminated and removed from office,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said in a statement.

He also said the president acted “on the clear recommendations” of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

“The FBI is one of our Nation’s most cherished and respected institutions and today will mark a new beginning for our crown jewel of law enforcement,” Trump said.

A search for a new permanent FBI director will begin immediately.


Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 17:12
Comey BTFO.

Does this mean he's not a Russian agent now? Or is He?

I can't keep up with it.

05-09-17, 17:15

No pension and total LE decertification, yes?

Part of me thinks this may be a pathway to HRC being dragged kicking and screaming to Federal prison

05-09-17, 17:18

No pension and total LE decertification, yes?

Part of me thinks this may be a pathway to HRC being dragged kicking and screaming to Federal prison
Wishful thinking......?:dance3:

Dist. Expert 26
05-09-17, 17:21
If Trump wants to stay in office as he's indicated, putting Clinton in prison would be a great way to do it. Let's hope for the best.

Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 17:22
What do we want?


When do we want him?

Right ****ing now.

My sides are literally in orbit right now.

05-09-17, 17:24
Wishful thinking......?:dance3:


It could happen! Think positive!

05-09-17, 17:39
What do we want?


When do we want him?

Right ****ing now.

Disagree...we want a co chairmanship of Outlander and Firefly.

05-09-17, 17:43
'bout time.
And who said Pepe is dead?

Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 17:46
Trump based AF:


I'm going to need Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck to mount a recovery for my sides in outer space.

Doc Safari
05-09-17, 17:49
A decent start.

Now how about Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, and every other pro-liberal federal official that twisted the law to support left-wing causes?

Doc Safari
05-09-17, 17:51
Trump based AF:


I'm going to need Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck to mount a recovery for my sides in outer space.

Classic. Tells him to his face that he's a worthless f**k.

All together now:


05-09-17, 17:56

Coal Dragger
05-09-17, 18:01
Frankly I think this will make things worse for Trump.

It looks bad. Almost Nixonian at this time.

Not that I don't agree with Comey needing to be fired.

Coal Dragger
05-09-17, 18:08
Part of me thinks this may be a pathway to HRC being dragged kicking and screaming to Federal prison

You've been a cop for awhile now yes? Have you still not learned that wealthy politically powerful people are not subject to the laws of common men and women? I wish for the same thing you do, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

I'd suggest forgetting about the crimes of Hillary Clinton from a standpoint of justice. You'll never see justice for her. She'll die free, powerful, and rich beyond your wildest dreams; all of that after leading the life of a truly terrible human being. The most we can hope for is to continue to deny her what she craves above all else: more power. That's the only punishment we peons can still touch the ruling class with in this country now. That too will change, but for now we can still vote.

05-09-17, 18:10
OMG... The fake news and the progressives are going crazy now. They're not talking conspiracy now, they are shouting at the top of their lungs. I'm OCONUS right now and only have access to the fake news network on TV. Pathetic one-sided coverage.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

05-09-17, 18:10
My liberal friends and family are making comparisons to Watergate. Some are even going so far as to quote lines from All The President's Men about when Nixon fired Archibald Cox.

Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 18:11
"Hillary arrested"
>look guys it's just for show she won't even do any time. Its all an act
"Hillary dies in prison"
>doesn't matter she isn't the real one who should have been in jail.

Cut the wimpout.

Repeat after me: Lock. Her. Up.

05-09-17, 18:16
Before anybody starts spouting off about "Nixonian":

Richard Nixon:

GEOTUS Donald Trump:


Coal Dragger
05-09-17, 18:17
Ain't gonna happen.

I'd love to be wrong about that, but I fear I am not.

05-09-17, 18:18
You've been a cop for awhile now yes? Have you still not learned that wealthy politically powerful people are not subject to the laws of common men and women? I wish for the same thing you do, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

I'd suggest forgetting about the crimes of Hillary Clinton from a standpoint of justice. You'll never see justice for her. She'll die free, powerful, and rich beyond your wildest dreams; all of that after leading the life of a truly terrible human being. The most we can hope for is to continue to deny her what she craves above all else: more power. That's the only punishment we peons can still touch the ruling class with in this country now. That too will change, but for now we can still vote.


But once in a while, miracles happen

Coal Dragger
05-09-17, 18:19
Before anybody starts spouting off about "Nixonian":

Richard Nixon:

GEOTUS Donald Trump:

It's a Richard Nixon style move.

If Obama or his underlings were being investigated, and he fired his FBI director we would all feel very differently about that.

So maintain some intellectual honesty here.

05-09-17, 18:22
Disagree...we want a co chairmanship of Outlander and Firefly.

Never happen.

That would cut into the GD forum traffic, big time! ...not to mention the global supply of Hello Kitty mouthwash. (https://www.google.com/search?q=firefly+hello+kitty+mouthwash&biw=375&bih=591&tbm=isch&prmd=sinv&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiv8LGt-ePTAhUj5IMKHVS8DKgQ_AUI0gEoAg#spf=1)

05-09-17, 18:26
It's a Richard Nixon style move.

If Obama or his underlings were being investigated, and he fired his FBI director we would all feel very differently about that.

So maintain some intellectual honesty here.

Obama did a lot of dumb ignorant and impeachable shit.

Benghazi, the race riots, Syria, putting Tanks on the Russian border, openly talking about trying to undermine the US to Medvedev on a hot mic, PNGing a lot of people, etc.

Quit the Republicrat rush to compromise.

The only thing Nixon did wrong was resign.

Slick Willie did horrid shit and stayed in office.

Again, quit the Republicrat rush to compromise and punch holding

05-09-17, 18:31
The decision was made and it wasn't made without due process.
Comey got off his chain, neither Trump or Sessions were the ones looking at Comey's actions. The number two at the Justice Department came to the conclusion that Comey had to go.
Remember Comey said time and again Trump was not involved in anything, he was not under investigation.

Coal Dragger
05-09-17, 18:35
Oh from an entertainment standpoint and a stick it to the libtards activity this is awesome.

But just because I think it's funny as hell (and long over due) doesn't make it good governance.

I'd love to see Sessions and his new deputy AG have the Clinton email investigation fired up again and empanel a grand jury. Then press charges, get a conviction, and issue that old bitch a blaze orange pantsuit with a number on it.

Not gonna happen though. This is just going to look bad and **** up DOJ even more than it already is.

Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 18:35
True. It's true, folks.

Never happen.

That would cut into the GD forum traffic, big time! ...not to mention the global supply of Hello Kitty mouthwash. (https://www.google.com/search?q=firefly+hello+kitty+mouthwash&biw=375&bih=591&tbm=isch&prmd=sinv&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiv8LGt-ePTAhUj5IMKHVS8DKgQ_AUI0gEoAg#spf=1)

05-09-17, 18:41
Get yo Republicrat on if you want to.

Dank memery and hate embracing got me this far.

05-09-17, 18:52
It's a Richard Nixon style move.

If Obama or his underlings were being investigated, and he fired his FBI director we would all feel very differently about that.

So maintain some intellectual honesty here.

It came out in the hearings, for the umpteenth time, that there was NO collusion by Trump with the Russians.

Now was the PERFECT time to cut him loose. And, if anybody is EVER gonna go after HRC, it'll be this dude.

If he were to go after her, and she DOESN'T go to jail? At the end of the day, worst case scenario, he's a one term president...and every morning still wakes up a billionaire.


Sorry for the all caps, I don't know how to italicize on this phone. So, it's all caps to ADD EMPHASIS.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-09-17, 18:58
How many of you that are saying that HRC will never be arrested are the same that said that Trump does not stand a chance? I will bet a lot and we know just how wrong all of those naysayers were.

So there may be a light at the end of the tunnel........ Hopefully it is a train headed straight for HRC.

05-09-17, 19:08
Oh from an entertainment standpoint and a stick it to the libtards activity this is awesome.

But just because I think it's funny as hell (and long over due) doesn't make it good governance.

I'd love to see Sessions and his new deputy AG have the Clinton email investigation fired up again and empanel a grand jury. Then press charges, get a conviction, and issue that old bitch a blaze orange pantsuit with a number on it.

Not gonna happen though. This is just going to look bad and **** up DOJ even more than it already is.

DoJ was trashed by Holder and Lynch. Firing Comey is part and parcel of the road to recovery. It may be the rocky part, but letting that dead fish stink up the place wasn't helping anything.

Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 19:13

The current administration is not beholden to political **** **** games, and as of 09 MAY 17 appear to be comporting themselves as a legitimate (read: Not Banana Republic) government.

DoJ was trashed by Holder and Lynch. Firing Comey is part and parcel of the road to recovery. It may be the rocky part, but letting that dead fish stink up the place wasn't helping anything.

05-09-17, 19:16
DoJ was trashed by Holder and Lynch. Firing Comey is part and parcel of the road to recovery. It may be the rocky part, but letting that dead fish stink up the place wasn't helping anything.

I agree. He has been an issue for quite some time.

05-09-17, 19:21
Suddenly Comey has been granted Sainthood by the Left. The Hypocrisy Neve Ends

Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 19:35
(Former) Director Comey actually said laws were broken in the Hillary Email scandal, and nothing was done...no arrests, no jail time, nothing.

She was using a private server and the Clinton Foundation as a "pay to play" vehicle for anyone, anywhere to funnel money to them (Clintons).

There were too many instances of our State Department turning down requests from places like Morocco for Military aid, then low and behold, the King of said country makes a 12 million dollar "donation" to the Clinton Foundation, and their aid is mysteriously approved.

The faggots that are squawking "muh Russia" conveniently forget that the Russians wanted to mine uranium ore in this country, and were told no at first. Then Bill Clinton goes to Russia to give several speeches, Russia donates several million dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and now there is a Russian company mining ore in the States. Don't forget Hillary was Secretary Of State then.

Bottom line folks, people are going to be put on trial, some of these people are going to turn States evidence, and some of those people who will be ratted out may actually do real jail time.

But, yeah, "muh Russia." :rolleyes:

Suddenly Comey has been granted Sainthood by the Left. The Hypocrisy Neve Ends

05-09-17, 19:45

But once in a while, miracles happen

We shot our wad of luck getting Trump in.

Dist. Expert 26
05-09-17, 19:46
Trump is the chosen one. He will restore balance to the force.

Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 19:51
06 MAY 17: Matt Furie kills Pepe.
09 MAY 17: Matt Furie says he'll bring Pepe back
09 MAY 17: Director of FBI fired by GEOTUS

Pepe dies, and is literally resurrected three days later. You can't make this shit up.


We shot our wad of luck getting Trump in.

05-09-17, 20:17
On Reddit, it isn't if Trump will be impeached over this, just when it will happen. Parallels to Nixon and the Saturday massacre.

Going to be interesting hearings.... of course there could be a long time with out an FBI director....

Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 20:23
Just gonna leave this here for those suffering from Cognitive Dissonance:


Which one is it, you transparent ****s?

05-09-17, 20:26
You want me to say it??? I'll say it??!!!


05-09-17, 20:29
I just listened to PBS and was surprised there wasn't a left leaning slant. I'm actually shocked. https://youtu.be/kP6KXeGcBnY

Outlander Systems
05-09-17, 20:29

You want me to say it??? I'll say it??!!!


05-09-17, 20:52
Just gonna leave this here for those suffering from Cognitive Dissonance:

Which one is it, you transparent ****s?

Who is that Keith guy stuggling to remain relevant?

This is hilarious, the desparation keeps getting worse.

05-09-17, 20:57
How many of you that are saying that HRC will never be arrested are the same that said that Trump does not stand a chance? I will bet a lot and we know just how wrong all of those naysayers were.

So there may be a light at the end of the tunnel........ Hopefully it is a train headed straight for HRC.

Amen. We can hope.

05-09-17, 21:04
Amen. We can hope.

I'm not sure I could endure that much winning.

That would be like somebody striking the sporter clause and the SCOTUS stating there is no basis for the 1968 ban on imported machine guns, small frame handguns and other "non sporting" firearms, the 1986 ban on domestic machine registration and the 1989 import ban and Colt producing transferable M-16 models for $999 plus tax stamp and HK selling MP5s and 416s for $2,200 plus tax stamp.

And honest to god I'm not sure which I'd like to see happen more.

05-09-17, 21:09
Why would he be impeached? Does the FBI director not serve at the whim of POTUS?? Comey has gone on the record and under oath that there was no investigation of Trump and that there was no evidence of collusion with Russia. So why can't he fire him? Should have been fired on Jan 20 slightly after noon.

Big A
05-09-17, 21:27
How many of you that are saying that HRC will never be arrested are the same that said that Trump does not stand a chance? I will bet a lot and we know just how wrong all of those naysayers were.

So there may be a light at the end of the tunnel........ Hopefully it is a train headed straight for HRC.
So if we keep saying it won't happen it will happen?

Sorry guys, Hillary will never see the inside of a courtroom much less a prison cell. She'll die free and rich.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

05-09-17, 21:29
So if we keep saying it won't happen it will happen?

Sorry guys, Hillary will never see the inside of a courtroom much less a prison cell. She'll die free and rich.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

I see what you are doing.... Keep up the good work. :jester:

Coal Dragger
05-09-17, 23:14
That is why I keep saying it. I bet a friend of mine in 2015 that Hillary would win the election. Kek listened to this and decided to prove me wrong. I am hoping for a repeat... does Kek know that I am using reverse psychology?

05-10-17, 00:20
I'll bet that created some conga lines in FBI offices!

05-10-17, 04:43
Suddenly Comey has been granted Sainthood by the Left. The Hypocrisy Neve Ends

Yup, I love the Watergate comparisons as well.

One day, it will come out to the extent which the DOJ and NSA was used by Obama to spy on his political enemies. Even Rand Paul is now demanding answers into allegations that his campaign was spied upon. Just this week we have Obama's National Security Advisor refusing to testify and stating it's "classified" where they got specific information about the Trump campaign and Russia hacking the election lol. That scandal is 10x bigger than Watergate ever was.

05-10-17, 07:22
I am surprised it took so long.

Pretty much that.

05-10-17, 07:48
Oh from an entertainment standpoint and a stick it to the libtards activity this is awesome.

But just because I think it's funny as hell (and long over due) doesn't make it good governance.

I'd love to see Sessions and his new deputy AG have the Clinton email investigation fired up again and empanel a grand jury. Then press charges, get a conviction, and issue that old bitch a blaze orange pantsuit with a number on it.

I've got dibs on "00" for her.

05-10-17, 08:04
Constitutional crisis

These people don't know what these words mean.

Comley was a train wreck. I personally thought he tried to be independent, but he wouldn't pull the trigger on Clinton's email. The legal gymnastics over not charging her, in light of Russian hacking is crazy. The deference to Clinton and her gang was unprofessional. At the least the server admin should have been charged. He should have pulled Huma's immunity deal over the Wiener email copies, charged her with false statements and perjury. After what Scooter Libby went through, it is inexplicable what Comley did.

Put the Clinton email case in front of a Grand Jury and see what comes out. If no bill, it is all secret anyways. If you get a charge, it wasn't you who decided to do it. Start with the sys admin and start rolling it up.

05-10-17, 08:48
Constitutional crisis

These people don't know what these words mean.

Comley was a train wreck. I personally thought he tried to be independent, but he wouldn't pull the trigger on Clinton's email. The legal gymnastics over not charging her, in light of Russian hacking is crazy. The deference to Clinton and her gang was unprofessional. At the least the server admin should have been charged. He should have pulled Huma's immunity deal over the Wiener email copies, charged her with false statements and perjury. After what Scooter Libby went through, it is inexplicable what Comley did.

Put the Clinton email case in front of a Grand Jury and see what comes out. If no bill, it is all secret anyways. If you get a charge, it wasn't you who decided to do it. Start with the sys admin and start rolling it up.

The one who took the 5th and refused to answer any Qs?

05-10-17, 09:53
I thought he was the one that refused to show up?

05-10-17, 10:03
Susan Rice was the one who refused to show up. Funny all the libs and Democrats that are crying foul were the one's hating him because he caused Hillary to lose the election. So which one is it? Either he was fired because he was investigating Trump (Which he said 3 times he wasn't) or he was the greatest thing since ice cream. So confusing..

05-10-17, 10:18
The mental gymnastics by the left on this one is fascinating

05-10-17, 10:31
It was going to (had to in fact) happen eventually. The man was between a rock and a hard place last fall and made some pretty poor decisions in regards to the Hillary scandals.

I have this feeling even if Hillary won he would have been asked nicely to "resign to spend time with my family" or whatever excuse he wanted to make up. I am surprised it took him this long to last with Trump. He was damned if he did, damned if he didn't.

He'll get a talking head position with one of the networks and a book deal with someone.

05-10-17, 10:31
It's a Richard Nixon style move.

And how did it work out for Nixon?

The simple fact it is trying to compare it to anything is silly. The departure of the DIR does not shutdown any investigations, if anything, there will be more scrutiny, and the acting DIR is clearly in the HRC/DEM camp....

Outlander Systems
05-10-17, 10:31
It really is.

>wtf, opening an investigation!? he's rigging the election I hate him
>he said she had no intent! BTFO Drumpftards hehehehehe I love him
>wtf, he reopned the investigation!? scum! I hate him #FireComey
>wtf, trump fired him! I love him!

The mental gymnastics by the left on this one is fascinating

05-10-17, 10:41
It really is.

>wtf, opening an investigation!? he's rigging the election I hate him
>he said she had no intent! BTFO Drumpftards hehehehehe I love him
>wtf, he reopned the investigation!? scum! I hate him #FireComey
>wtf, trump fired him! I love him!

This was my exact thought this morning while listening to NPR this morning. I can usually tolerate the leftist stance of NPR in order to receive good news, but the outrage of firing the leftist hero/antihero Comey was too much for me.

05-10-17, 11:06
And how did it work out for Nixon?

The simple fact it is trying to compare it to anything is silly. The departure of the DIR does not shutdown any investigations, if anything, there will be more scrutiny, and the acting DIR is clearly in the HRC/DEM camp....

Trying to explain this to uninformed people is like trying to teach a Pig Algebra.
There are so many ways that this is unique that trying to draw some sort of comparison to Nixon/Watergate is simply grasping for relevancy when there clearly and factually is none.
Honestly you would have to sit the average liberal down and begin with some sort of sixth grade level government class to build a foundation on what would become a sixteen hour block of instruction that would end with the; who, what, when, where and why of how Comey failed at his job and was fired.
That the Attorney General stepped aside and turned this matter over to his Deputy Attorney General for investigation, that on at least three occasions Comey clearly stated there were no Trump/Russia ties that were relevant to what happened in our election, that numerous Democrats have cried foul and asked that Comey be removed, that Comey was appointed by a Democrat,....All of that is irrelevant, it's Russia, it's Trump is the cry from the progressive left.
Now they want a special Prosecutor, further investigation and they are rattling sabers calling for Trump to be impeached.

I have a great idea, lets take a deep breath and learn a bit about how government works, then get the facts straight or just go ahead and admit the average leftist/progressive democrat is too stupid to understand the facts as they are.
No ongoing investigation in to Russia's influence on our election is going to stop because Comey got fired. That's the same as saying if the CEO of Goodyear got fired no one would be able to buy Goodyear tires tomorrow.
At a higher and more Machiavellian level where they actually understand the facts, they are going for a way to tie Trump and the Attorney Generals hands with special investigations and hearings on every possible or made up event.
Nothing gets done when you have to defend yourself against false accusations at every turn.

05-10-17, 11:16
Yup, I love the Watergate comparisons as well.

One day, it will come out to the extent which the DOJ and NSA was used by Obama to spy on his political enemies. Even Rand Paul is now demanding answers into allegations that his campaign was spied upon. Just this week we have Obama's National Security Advisor refusing to testify and stating it's "classified" where they got specific information about the Trump campaign and Russia hacking the election lol. That scandal is 10x bigger than Watergate ever was.

I'll bet that created some conga lines in FBI offices!

The meme's on FB are hillarious.

http://i859.photobucket.com/albums/ab160/usmcvet0331/Schumer_zpsb0msvyfo.jpg (http://s859.photobucket.com/user/usmcvet0331/media/Schumer_zpsb0msvyfo.jpg.html)

I did not remember Clinton firing the FBI Director. It sounds like it was the right move then too.

"Flashback: Defiant FBI Chief Removed From Job by President Clinton"

Constitutional crisis

These people don't know what these words mean.

Comley was a train wreck. I personally thought he tried to be independent, but he wouldn't pull the trigger on Clinton's email. The legal gymnastics over not charging her, in light of Russian hacking is crazy. The deference to Clinton and her gang was unprofessional. At the least the server admin should have been charged. He should have pulled Huma's immunity deal over the Wiener email copies, charged her with false statements and perjury. After what Scooter Libby went through, it is inexplicable what Comley did.

Put the Clinton email case in front of a Grand Jury and see what comes out. If no bill, it is all secret anyways. If you get a charge, it wasn't you who decided to do it. Start with the sys admin and start rolling it up.

People saying it's a constitutional crisis are way out in left field. The AG has not been in office long. This had to be one of the things he planned to review. Trump has surrounded himself with some very good people, Especially Chaos (Mattis) and he is apparently listening to them. That's the sign of a good leader.

Susan Rice was the one who refused to show up. Funny all the libs and Democrats that are crying foul were the one's hating him because he caused Hillary to lose the election. So which one is it? Either he was fired because he was investigating Trump (Which he said 3 times he wasn't) or he was the greatest thing since ice cream. So confusing..

http://i859.photobucket.com/albums/ab160/usmcvet0331/Schumer_zpsb0msvyfo.jpg (http://s859.photobucket.com/user/usmcvet0331/media/Schumer_zpsb0msvyfo.jpg.html)

I had to double tap that one. It makes me laugh my ass off!

Outlander Systems
05-10-17, 11:27
I actually like NPR's calm presentation-style.

I don't care for their agenda, but, that's generally true for most of what I read, hear and watch.

That said, yeah...it's literally like watching mass schizophrenia.

This was my exact thought this morning while listening to NPR this morning. I can usually tolerate the leftist stance of NPR in order to receive good news, but the outrage of firing the leftist hero/antihero Comey was too much for me.

05-10-17, 11:36
The mental gymnastics by the left on this one is fascinating

It really is.

>wtf, opening an investigation!? he's rigging the election I hate him
>he said she had no intent! BTFO Drumpftards hehehehehe I love him
>wtf, he reopned the investigation!? scum! I hate him #FireComey
>wtf, trump fired him! I love him!

Trying to explain this to uninformed people is like trying to teach a Pig Algebra.
There are so many ways that this is unique that trying to draw some sort of comparison to Nixon/Watergate is simply grasping for relevancy when there clearly and factually is none.
Honestly you would have to sit the average liberal down and begin with some sort of sixth grade level government class to build a foundation on what would become a sixteen hour block of instruction that would end with the; who, what, when, where and why of how Comey failed at his job and was fired.
That the Attorney General stepped aside and turned this matter over to his Deputy Attorney General for investigation, that on at least three occasions Comey clearly stated there were no Trump/Russia ties that were relevant to what happened in our election, that numerous Democrats have cried foul and asked that Comey be removed, that Comey was appointed by a Democrat,....All of that is irrelevant, it's Russia, it's Trump is the cry from the progressive left.
Now they want a special Prosecutor, further investigation and they are rattling sabers calling for Trump to be impeached.

I have a great idea, lets take a deep breath and learn a bit about how government works, then get the facts straight or just go ahead and admit the average leftist/progressive democrat is too stupid to understand the facts as they are.
No ongoing investigation in to Russia's influence on our election is going to stop because Comey got fired. That's the same as saying if the CEO of Goodyear got fired no one would be able to buy Goodyear tires tomorrow.
At a higher and more Machiavellian level where they actually understand the facts, they are going for a way to tie Trump and the Attorney Generals hands with special investigations and hearings on every possible or made up event.
Nothing gets done when you have to defend yourself against false accusations at every turn.

All of the above is so true! The left is doing all they can to keep creating a false sense of drama to keep their masses enraged. It's detrimental, and borderline criminal what the left is doing to our country. I would love to see those charlatans evicted from office during the next election cycle. Sadly, Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, and their ilk are too firmly entrenched, but it's hilarious to watch their flip flopping douchebaggery.

05-10-17, 11:37
The meme's on FB are hillarious.

http://i859.photobucket.com/albums/ab160/usmcvet0331/Schumer_zpsb0msvyfo.jpg (http://s859.photobucket.com/user/usmcvet0331/media/Schumer_zpsb0msvyfo.jpg.html)

Pure gold right there!

Outlander Systems
05-10-17, 11:45
It's proof they have absolutely nothing to go on but the false, "Muh Russia" derp.

It's over for them. These idiots forget that the internet is forever, and it takes an autist literally two minutes to find every conflicting statement they've ever made, turn into a meme, and mock them mercilessly.

They're a joke.

All of the above is so true! The left is doing all they can to keep creating a false sense of drama to keep their masses enraged. It's detrimental, and borderline criminal what the left is doing to our country. I would love to see those charlatans evicted from office during the next election cycle. Sadly, Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, and their ilk are too firmly entrenched, but it's hilarious to watch their flip flopping douchebaggery.

05-10-17, 12:14
Please quit taking the Republicrat bait and calling this "Nixonian" or "Just like Watergate"

That's what they want.

Back in 2016, Comey was simply not doing his job. Lots of people were down about it.

He should have retired Jan 1st. He didnt. He was hoping his mismanagement would go away. It didnt.

The Trump/Russia spiel made no sense yet it was allowed to spread.

Imagine someone saying "_______ isn't under formal investigation but so far he isn't a rapist/murderer/chomo/spy"

That would be a lawsuit.

All I know is meetings on tarmacs in broad daylight took the taco.

So if anything "Nixonian" happened it was by THE CLINTONS.

Trump said he was going to change things. He has. He is doing ecactly what he said.

Please please please quit rushing to compromise, appeasement, and capitulation.

Big A
05-10-17, 12:19
Please quit taking the Republicrat bait and calling this "Nixonian" or "Just like Watergate"

That's what they want.

Back in 2016, Comey was simply not doing his job. Lots of people were down about it.

He should have retired Jan 1st. He didnt. He was hoping his mismanagement would go away. It didnt.

The Trump/Russia spiel made no sense yet it was allowed to spread.

Imagine someone saying "_______ isn't under formal investigation but so far he isn't a rapist/murderer/chomo/spy"

That would be a lawsuit.

All I know is meetings on tarmacs in broad daylight took the taco.

So if anything "Nixonian" happened it was by THE CLINTONS.

Trump said he was going to change things. He has. He is doing ecactly what he said.

Please please please quit rushing to compromise, appeasement, and capitulation.

Don't forget to include MC B-Rock.

05-10-17, 12:23
Don't forget to include MC B-Rock.

Yep. Fast and Furious ALONE should have him in prison.

Outlander Systems
05-10-17, 12:25
Bingo, kiddo!

Since everyone wants to talk, "Foreign Interference," now that it's been brought up...


Please quit taking the Republicrat bait and calling this "Nixonian" or "Just like Watergate"

That's what they want.

Back in 2016, Comey was simply not doing his job. Lots of people were down about it.

He should have retired Jan 1st. He didnt. He was hoping his mismanagement would go away. It didnt.

The Trump/Russia spiel made no sense yet it was allowed to spread.

Imagine someone saying "_______ isn't under formal investigation but so far he isn't a rapist/murderer/chomo/spy"

That would be a lawsuit.

All I know is meetings on tarmacs in broad daylight took the taco.

So if anything "Nixonian" happened it was by THE CLINTONS.

Trump said he was going to change things. He has. He is doing ecactly what he said.

Please please please quit rushing to compromise, appeasement, and capitulation.

Big A
05-10-17, 12:38
Bingo, kiddo!

Since everyone wants to talk, "Foreign Interference," now that it's been brought up...


So? She still won't see the inside of a courtroom much less a prison cell...

05-10-17, 12:48
Don't be a Negative Nelly. It could happen.

Magic is real and miracles happen.

05-10-17, 12:48
Gotta love the stupidity at CNN:

Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump

Bharara was going to be gone with the other USAs, no surprise there.

Yates was around only because the Dems were dragging their feet on getting Trump's people voted on.

Comey, was Comey. Even Schumer said that he had 'lost confidence' in Comey.

But sure, it was because they were all investigating Trump....


05-10-17, 12:48
Comey is in the spotlight because of the hearings related to Clinton and her missing emails.
I believe Comey was being persuaded by Obama and Lynch during the hearings because Clinton was the front runner for the DNC
I believe Comey is still being persuaded by outside influence and that is not good for the FBI director

Until the final days of the election, I have not heard the term "Russian" without being related to the cold war. Ever since November 8, there has been talk about Russian influence in our election process. The presence of Russian money used for political purposes. Tactics in the style of the KGB (now defunct) to hack into DNC email server, electronic voting machines and political spies that have helped Trump conquer the USA.

Flynn was hired by Trump and fired within a few weeks but no one until now has decided to come forward and say "we warned Trump about Flynn". Obama viewed Flynns's telephone conversation with Sergey Kislyak on the current sanctions as a violation of the Logan Act ( which says that none of us are allowed to negotiate with foreign powers on behalf of the US), Comey stated that it was his concern was that Flynn might be vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow. Obama and Yates believed that Flynn had excepted money from the Russian government which would violate the Emoluments Clause. Yates told Trump that Flynn had not been completely honest about his conversations with Sergey Kislyak and Donald did the right thing, He fired Flynn and ultimately fired Yates but for not following the Muslim Ban along with Daniel Ragsdale.

Donald tried to separate himself from any problem that could arise later. Especially with ties between Russia and Trump himself and his cabinet.

Comey was investigating the possible coordination between Trump and Russia during the election if possible were any crimes committed.

Comey hurt his reputation when he forced Apple to testify before senate hearing about putting "back door" on apple products after (San Bernardino shootings)

Comey failed during the Clinton email hearings and now wants to use his Government Surveillance oversight ability to launch investigations on everyone. The house oversight committee has suggested that Comey, much like J Edgar Hoover had more ability to influence an election than Russia.

Comey got fired because his lack of trust with the Senate, American people and Trumps Cabinet. Plain and Simple.

05-10-17, 13:00

Я торжественно клянусь, что я буду добросовестно выполнять Канцелярию президента Соединенных Штатов и буду в меру своих возможностей сохранять, защищать и защищать Конституцию Соединенных Штатов.

Coal Dragger
05-10-17, 13:05
Muh Russians!

05-10-17, 13:07
Oath of office in Russian. Cute.

Remember that time Trump got hot miced while talking to Medvedev?

Oh wait, that was Obama

Outlander Systems
05-10-17, 13:08

Я торжественно клянусь, что я буду добросовестно выполнять Канцелярию президента Соединенных Штатов и буду в меру своих возможностей сохранять, защищать и защищать Конституцию Соединенных Штатов.


05-10-17, 13:12

Command word: TRINITY
Action Word: JERICHO

Let's get this party started

Outlander Systems
05-10-17, 13:26

Command word: TRINITY
Action Word: JERICHO

Let's get this party started

Big A
05-10-17, 13:37
Yep. Fast and Furious ALONE should have him in prison.


Don't be a Negative Nelly. It could happen.

Magic is real and miracles happen.

See posts 48 & 49 ;)

05-10-17, 14:32
Command word: TRINITY
Action Word: JERICHO

Let's get this party started

Good movie reference!

05-10-17, 14:37
Found this hilarious.


05-10-17, 15:51
Is that a swamp I hear'a drainin?

05-10-17, 16:05
I actually like NPR's calm presentation-style.

I don't care for their agenda, but, that's generally true for most of what I read, hear and watch.

That said, yeah...it's literally like watching mass schizophrenia.

I posted a link to a PBS story. I think it was in my original post. I was surprised at the level hotheadedness of the story. It's been one of the few I've heard.

Pure gold right there!

It really makes me laugh. Gotta laugh more these days!

It's proof they have absolutely nothing to go on but the false, "Muh Russia" derp.

It's over for them. These idiots forget that the internet is forever, and it takes an autist literally two minutes to find every conflicting statement they've ever made, turn into a meme, and mock them mercilessly.

They're a joke.

It is amazing. They know they are lying and they ignore it. Even when they are caught because their base just does not give a rip!

Please quit taking the Republicrat bait and calling this "Nixonian" or "Just like Watergate"

That's what they want.

Back in 2016, Comey was simply not doing his job. Lots of people were down about it.

He should have retired Jan 1st. He didnt. He was hoping his mismanagement would go away. It didnt.

The Trump/Russia spiel made no sense yet it was allowed to spread.

Imagine someone saying "_______ isn't under formal investigation but so far he isn't a rapist/murderer/chomo/spy"

That would be a lawsuit.

All I know is meetings on tarmacs in broad daylight took the taco.

So if anything "Nixonian" happened it was by THE CLINTONS.

Trump said he was going to change things. He has. He is doing exactly what he said.

Please please please quit rushing to compromise, appeasement, and capitulation.

I agree the meeting on the tarmac was un freaking believable. There is no denying it. They influenced the investigation.

05-10-17, 16:47
I just heard George Tiwilliger on NPR. It's the best response I've heard. You can listen to the clip by clicking the link in the upper left hand corner in the link below.

"George Terwilliger was the deputy attorney general under President George H. W. Bush. NPR's Kelly McEvers talks to Terwilliger about why he was critical of some of James Comey's past public statements and thinks replacing him as FBI director was the right move."


05-10-17, 19:42
Anither great clip showing the "outrage" from the left last year. https://www.facebook.com/FoxNews/videos/10155409573176336/

26 Inf
05-10-17, 20:03
To me Comey's firing in itself is not a big deal. The big deal to me is that it is yet another position in this administration that is being filled by someone who wasn't appointed. President Trump needs to get those positions filled.

05-11-17, 00:05
To me Comey's firing in itself is not a big deal. The big deal to me is that it is yet another position in this administration that is being filled by someone who wasn't appointed. President Trump needs to get those positions filled.

Filling Comey's seat is going to be a circus....

05-11-17, 10:09
Former FBI Director James Comey reportedly told associates in March that President Trump was "crazy" for suggesting former President Barack Obama had wiretapped him.
Comey also called the president “outside the realm of normal,” according to a report from The New York Times on Wednesday.

Comey reportedly, though, told associates that he thought Trump was unlikely to fire him, believing his removal would make people revisit how he handled the probe into Hillary Clinton’s email server – in particular the announcement days before the election that they were reopening the investigation. Comey thought that treating his decisions as wrong would call into question Trump’s election victory.

I dropped this here because it has a bit of a slant to it;
Trump had long questioned Comey’s loyalty and judgment, and was infuriated by what he viewed as the director’s lack of action in recent weeks on leaks from within the federal government. By last weekend, he had made up his mind: Comey had to go.
At his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., Trump groused over Comey’s latest congressional testimony, which he thought was “strange,” and grew impatient with what he viewed as his sanctimony, according to White House officials. Comey, Trump figured, was using the Russia probe to become a martyr.
Comey had almost a year to come up with something, anything to tie Trump to Russia hacking in to the election, so far, bumpcus.
Is it a wonder Trump grew impatient? Comey seemed less than concerned where the leaks were coming from and little evidence shows he was pursuing the case.

Rosenstein threatened to resign after the narrative emerging from the White House on Tuesday evening cast him as a prime mover of the decision to fire Comey and that the president acted only on his recommendation, said the person close to the White House, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.
Justice Department officials declined to comment.
I'm curious as to just how true this might be?
And finally, from the same article, I find this rather telling...
In the weeks leading up to Comey’s firing, Trump administration officials had repeatedly urged the FBI to more aggressively pursue leak investigations, according to people familiar with the discussions. Administration officials sometimes sought to push the FBI to prioritize leak probes over the Russia interference case, and at other times urged the bureau to investigate disclosures of information that was not classified or highly sensitive and therefore did not constitute crimes, these people said.
Over time, administration officials grew increasingly dissatisfied with the FBI’s actions on that front. Comey’s appearances at congressional hearings caused even more tension between the White House and FBI, as Trump administration officials were angered that the director’s statements increased, rather than diminished, public attention on the Russia probe, officials said.
Did Comey know he was in trouble and used his continued "talk" about the Trump/Russia probe as a wedge in order to keep his job by a veiled threat?

05-11-17, 10:22
More Good Stuff
In light of FBI Director James Comey's firing Tuesday night, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is calling on the Bureau to clarify publicly whether President Donald Trump is under criminal investigation.
"The American people deserve to know if senior government officials are under active criminal or intelligence investigation," Grassley said Thursday during an executive business meeting.
Comey has never confirmed publicly whether this is the case, sowing much doubt and controversy over the FBI's investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election. Comey has confirmed the Bureau is investigating "the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russia government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts."
During sworn testimony in front of the Committee last week, Comey refused to answer questions about whether the President was under investigation by the Bureau, citing confidential information. According to Grassley, during a closed door meeting with Comey, he was told nothing different than what President Trump presented in his Tuesday evening letter.
"Mr. Comey did brief Ranking Member Feinstein and me on who the targets of the various investigations are. It would not be appropriate for me to reveal those details before the professionals conducting the investigations are ready. So, I will not answer any questions about who are targets of the ongoing Russia investigations. But I will say this: Shortly after Director Comey briefed us, I tweeted that he should be transparent. I said he should tell the public what he told Senator Feinstein and me about whether the FBI is or is not investigating the President," Grassley said. "On Tuesday, the President’s letter said that Director Comey told him he was not under investigation. Senator Feinstein and I heard nothing that contradicted the President’s statement. Now Mr. Comey is no longer the FBI director. But the FBI should still follow my advice. It should confirm to the public whether it is or is not investigating the President. Because it has failed to make this clear, speculation has run rampant."

I'm beginning to feel not only did the POTUS do the right thing, but Comey was acting in his own self interest and not doing his job by doing so.
We still do not know where the leaks were coming from and who was doing the leaking.

05-11-17, 10:24
Trumps trolling the dems by all accounts. And it's hilarious

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

05-11-17, 10:37
Trumps trolling the dems by all accounts. And it's hilarious

I'm not sure someone shouldn't send him a copy of Dale Carnegies book, "How to win friends and influence people."
Calling the Boss "Nuts" and ignoring his directives didn't seem to go over too well now did it?

05-11-17, 10:48
And now as an example of integrity and honestly, I give you Maxine Waters....
First, as Newsbusters astutely pointed out, the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart conveniently omitted mention in his column regarding Congresswoman Maxine Waters of her rather stunning admission that she has not seen anything in intelligence briefings to back up the allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians:
CAPEHART: But the collusion, though?
WATERS: No, we have not. That’s why investigations are so important, to drill down and to connect those dots and to get the facts. What we have is a lot of smoke that causes us to want to know more about what has happened.
Waters has become the darling of the MTV set due, in large part, to her vocal opposition to Donald Trump and his administration.
So…she’s repeatedly called for Trump’s head and she’s just certain there’s fire in all the smoke, but despite the ongoing investigation and the scrutiny directed toward it, she has yet to see any actual evidence of it? Seems like not much has changed in the two months since Senator Chris Coons acknowledged to Chris Wallace that he’d seen no hard evidence of collusion either.
But that’s okay – we’ll just keep banging the impeachment drum on this hunch!
Ahhhhh such a delite to see our government at work....not.

05-11-17, 11:01
Dems throw smoke grenades and yell fire.

05-11-17, 13:08
Dems throw smoke grenades and yell fire.

And Republicans come out and say stupid sh**.
Republican Sen. Mike Lee believes the man blocked from becoming a Supreme Court justice should get a crack at becoming America’s top cop.
Lee on Thursday tweeted his unexpected pick to be the next FBI director: Judge Merrick Garland.
Is this guy Mike Lee deranged or is he just and idiot? Compromise the appease, lose elections, get nothing done, wash rinse and repeat....
I have this feeling Mike got a wedgie one too many times on the playground and it's effecting his thinking.

05-11-17, 13:21
And Republicans come out and say stupid sh**.
Republican Sen. Mike Lee believes the man blocked from becoming a Supreme Court justice should get a crack at becoming America’s top cop.
Lee on Thursday tweeted his unexpected pick to be the next FBI director: Judge Merrick Garland.
Is this guy Mike Lee deranged or is he just and idiot? Compromise the appease, lose elections, get nothing done, wash rinse and repeat....
I have this feeling Mike got a wedgie one too many times on the playground and it's effecting his thinking.

WTF is he thinking? :fie:

05-11-17, 13:30
The thought there was that Garland then vacates his seat on US district court of appeals and then Trump appoints a conservative to the court.

05-11-17, 13:56
This isnt the Montreal Screwjob

Comey got Comey fired

05-11-17, 14:56
This isnt the Montreal Screwjob

Comey got Comey fired

Comey didn't get the firing he wanted, he got the firing he deserved. :)

Outlander Systems
05-11-17, 16:32


This isnt the Montreal Screwjob

Comey got Comey fired

26 Inf
05-11-17, 17:04
Okay, so this guy obviously has his time in:

Acting FBI Director McCabe, contradicting White House, says Comey 'enjoyed broad support within FBI:'

"I hold Director Comey in the absolute highest regard. I have the highest respect for his considerable abilities and his integrity, and it has been the greatest privilege and honor of my professional life to work with him. ... [He] enjoyed broad support within the FBI and still does."

From the same interview I think, this certainly makes me feel better:

RISCH: Thank you very much. Gentlemen, I -- the purpose of this hearing as the chairman expressed is to give the American people some insight into what we all do, which they don't see pretty much at all. And so I think what I want to do is I want to make an observation and then I want to get your take on it, anybody who wants to volunteer. And I'm going to start with you Director Coats, to volunteer.

My -- I have been -- I've been on this committee all the time I've been here in the Senate and all through the last administration. And I have been greatly impressed by the current administrations hitting the ground running during the first hundred days, as far as their engagement on intelligence matters and their engagement with foreign countries. The national media here is focused on domestic issues which is of great interest to the American people be it healthcare, be it personnel issues in the government.

And they don't -- the -- the media isn't as focused on this administrations fast, and in my judgment, robust engagement with the intelligence communities around the world and with other governments. And my impression is that it's good and it is aggressive. And I want -- I'd like you're -- I'd like your impression of where we're going. Almost all of you had real engagement in the last administration and all the administrations are different. So Director Coats, you want to take that on to start with?

COATS: I'd be happy to start with that, I think most presidents that come into office come with an agenda in mind in terms of what issues they'd like to pursue, many of them issues that effect -- domestic issues that affect infrastructure and education and a number of things only to find that this is dangerous world, that the United States -- that the threats that exist out there need to be -- be given attention to.

This president, who I think the perception was not interested in that, I think Director Pompeo and I can certify the fact that we have spent far more hours in the Oval Office than we anticipated. The president is a voracious consumer of information and asking questions and asking us to provide intelligence. I -- we are both part of a process run through the national security council, General McMaster, all through the deputy's committees and the principal's committees consuming hours and hours of time looking at the threats, how do we address those threats, what is the intelligence that tells us -- that informs the policy makers in terms of how they put a strategy in place.

And so what I initially thought would be a one or two time a week, 10 to 15 minute quick brief, has turned into an everyday, sometimes exceeding 45 minutes to an hour or more just in briefing the president. We have -- I have brought along several of our directors to come and show the president what their agencies do and how important it is the info -- that the information they provide how that -- for the basis of making policy decisions.

I'd like to turn to my CIA colleague to get -- let him give you, and others, to give you their impression.

RISCH: I appreciate that. We're almost out of time but I did -- Director Pompeo you kind of sit in the same spot we all sit in through the last several years and I kind of like your observations along the line of Director Coats, what you feel about the matter?

POMPEO: Yeah, I think Director Coats had it right. He and I spend time with the president everyday, briefing him with the most urgent intelligence matters that are presented to us as -- in our roles. He asks good, hard questions. Make us go make sure we're doing our work in the right way.

Second, you asked about engagement in the world. This administration has reentered the battle space in places the administration -- the previous administration was completely absent. You all travel some too...


POMPEO: ... you will hear that when you go travel. I've now taken two trips to places and they welcome American leadership. They're not looking for American soldiers, they're not looking for American boots on the ground, they're looking for American leadership around the globe and this president has reentered that space in a way that I think will serve America's interest very well.

Big A
05-11-17, 17:13

05-11-17, 17:18
I wish CSM would take the job. He wouldnt be on TV running his mouth and Putin would be found dead from Autoerotic Asphyxiation, North Korea would be 'Manchurian Republic', and HRC would be taking that long, looong overdue Cuban vacation

Outlander Systems
05-11-17, 17:20
I could support Director Cancerman.

I wish CSM would take the job. He wouldnt be on TV running his mouth and Putin would be found dead from Autoerotic Asphyxiation, North Korea would be 'Manchurian Republic', and HRC would be taking that long, looong overdue Cuban vacation

05-11-17, 18:25

You know, I don't have a problem with that.
We could get an alien time machine and go back to Viet Nam and square away the South Vietnamese regimes with silenced 9mm's, go back to the Korean War and Drop a half dozen A bombs on China. Go back and re-arm the SS and pull them in to American Armored Divisions and head East. We could go back and shut the Volstead Act down before it was even thought of. We could go back and Shoot William R Hearst while he was in short pants and avoid the Spanish American War. We could win the Mexican American War and have a lot more coast line...
You see where this is going, right?

05-11-17, 20:12
You know, I don't have a problem with that.
We could get an alien time machine and go back to Viet Nam and square away the South Vietnamese regimes with silenced 9mm's, go back to the Korean War and Drop a half dozen A bombs on China. Go back and re-arm the SS and pull them in to American Armored Divisions and head East. We could go back and shut the Volstead Act down before it was even thought of. We could go back and Shoot William R Hearst while he was in short pants and avoid the Spanish American War. We could win the Mexican American War and have a lot more coast line...
You see where this is going, right?

I'm sorry. Did you just advocate arming the SS and siding with them?

05-11-17, 20:19
Instead of arming the SS we could just steal their tanks.

Dist. Expert 26
05-11-17, 20:30
People automatically equate the SS with concentration camps, failing to realize that Waffen SS units were the best soldiers Germany had to offer. Most of whom (I can't speak for numbers so I won't try) has nothing to do with the holocaust.

05-11-17, 20:33
Instead of arming the SS we could just steal their tanks.

Why not go all out and fully support them when the SS and Nazis represent values that more than a few M4C'ers reminisce about.

(See signature)

05-11-17, 20:34
People automatically equate the SS with concentration camps, failing to realize that Waffen SS units were the best soldiers Germany had to offer. Most of whom (I can't speak for numbers so I won't try) has nothing to do with the holocaust.

Bro I am picking up what you're putting down but 300,000 Americans died defeating those bastards who might have been good soldiers but still represented a ****ed up way to live.

I can be a badass motorcycle rider but if I am cool turning a blind eye to your daughter being raped and gassed to death am I still gonna be thought of positively by you?

Probably not, unless you didn't like your daughter to begin with. Probably viewed her as a source of all your problems. Her skin tone might be a little different. Maybe she owns a bank...etc

Dist. Expert 26
05-11-17, 20:37
Bro I am picking up what you're putting down but 400,000 Americans died

Hey I'm not saying I fall on the side of the Nazis, because I don't. At all. I was merely playing along with the idea presented that we could have possibly united to defeat the Soviets.

We had much more in common with Germans than we ever did with Russians.

05-11-17, 20:38
Forgive them for they know not what they do. It's just the inner George S Patton inside them coming out.

05-11-17, 20:39
Yeah Germans had some high speed gear and sharp soldiers but they were simply wrong entirely on their practices, ethics, and were nazis

05-11-17, 20:40
Hey I'm not saying I fall on the side of the Nazis, because I don't. At all. I was merely playing along with the idea presented that we could have possibly united to defeat the Soviets.

We had much more in common with Germans than we ever did with Russians.

As long as you are talking about the average German and not Nazis. But then one must also sympathize with the average Russian and not the Soviets/Bolsheviks/Communists. After all, bad and evil is bad and evil regardless of the name of the people that you are talking about.

05-11-17, 20:41
Instead of arming the SS we could just steal their tanks.

By, 'steal,' I assume you mean, 'take the basic layout, armor configuration, and gun and remove the stupid over-complicated German engineering'?

Or we could just swap the gas engines for diesel in the Shermans and pump up the production numbers of the M26 Pershing. Maybe up gun the Shermans to bring them more in line with the later Israeli Shermans.

If the concern is T-34/85s and IS-2/3s, then history shows that the Sherman, Pershing, and M46 Patton tanks proved to be equal to the task during fighting in Korea.

Or, if the objective is to prevent Hitler from being defeated by Stalin, you could just totally cut all shipments of Lend-Lease equipment to the Soviet Union. Hitler still won't win, but his forces will be destroying Soviet tanks faster than they can build them. I don't know why you'd do that, though, because then you'd have Nazi Germany controlling the continent of Europe and the Soviet Union and Chairman Mao controlling Asia and all three powers aligned against the US, UK, and Japan: Eurasia versus the Indo-Pacific.

Dist. Expert 26
05-11-17, 20:44
As long as you are talking about the average German and not Nazis. But then one must also sympathize with the average Russian and not the Soviets/Bolsheviks/Communists.

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

Both the Nazi and Soviet regimes needed to be defeated.

05-11-17, 20:46
Forgive them for they know not what they do. It's just the inner George S Patton inside them coming out.

lol Why not jyst say they'd avoid Patton's assassination then? He had plans, man

05-11-17, 20:49
lol Why not jyst say they'd avoid Patton's assassination then? He had plans, man
God bless him yes he did. Imagine what world history would be like if Ike just stayed out of his way from the get-go through the end. Or imagine Korea with him in charge instead of Mac

05-11-17, 20:52
I think Patton was the best Marine the Army ever had!

Coal Dragger
05-11-17, 20:58
Instead of arming the SS we could just steal their tanks.

**** them and their tanks. The Panther, Tiger I, and Tiger II were all horrendously unreliable.

By mid 1945 we had the M26 Pershing and by most accounts it was quite serviceable. The Brits had the Centurion I by late 1945 early 1946. I'd take either one of those two over any late war German tank.

05-11-17, 21:05
Ok gentlemen, let's get back on topic. But if you feel the discussion on Comey's firing is done, we can simply close it.

Coal Dragger
05-11-17, 21:23
I suspect the Comey firing subject is just getting started. Back on topic now.

05-11-17, 23:47
People automatically equate the SS with concentration camps, failing to realize that Waffen SS units were the best soldiers Germany had to offer. Most of whom (I can't speak for numbers so I won't try) has nothing to do with the holocaust.

—The SS envisioned that some 11 million Jews, some of them not living on German-controlled territory, would be eradicated as part of the Nazi program.

or this and so so so so many more things they were directly involved with in the extermination of the jews !

did not see the back on track till I got down this far :) sorry :)

but also I think this is a clear case of the firing and how it will go down in history !!!! the fact people here think the SS had nothing to do with the holocaust ? yet all of them knew what was up and what it was about !!!
some other things said here about history and the complete lack of knowing history will show that the left will control and teach that Trump is just a racist pig and fired him for the Russian connections !!!

sadly its a no win situation for Trump

05-12-17, 01:29
Looking at President Trump's hair, I can't help but think he fired the wrong "Comby"

05-12-17, 06:28
Grassley told committee members at an executive meeting that he and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) had met with Comey last week, and that he had briefed them on who the targets of the various investigations are.
“Senator Feinstein and I heard nothing that contradicted the President’s statement,” he said.
Feinstein then said after Grassley’s statement, “I very much appreciate what you’ve said and it’s very accurate, and we were briefed.”
I bet it almost killed her to say that...

Establishment media outlets and the president’s political opponents are using words like “coup,” “cover-up,” and “constitutional crisis” to describe Trump’s decision on Tuesday to fire Comey. Some are even using legal terms like “obstruction of justice” (which is a felony), and invoking the “I-word” (impeachment).
These pundits and politicians should try switching to decaf. Breathlessly twisting this political situation into a legal one is utterly baseless.
Under a federal law enacted in 1976 and found at 28 U.S.C. § 532 note, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation serves up to a 10-year term, during which time he can be removed by the president for any reason. Some pundits erroneously claim this means he is guaranteed to serve a decade. He is not.
Instead, this law guarantees that there would never be another J. Edgar Hoover, who controlled the FBI for 38 years, spanning six presidencies, and reportedly developed dossiers containing embarrassing details on countless political and public figures. Congress decided that no one person should have such vast investigative power over American citizens for so long, and codified into statute, “A Director may not serve more than one ten-year term.”
Comey's flipping and flopping on issues might be seen as a revelation due to new evidence or it could mean he was hanging on by his nails and desperate. I believe that latter is more accurate.

05-12-17, 06:36

I dont think Lester Holt would be interrupting President Obama like this.
This is a good watch as they talk about firing Comey and discuss the investigation. The guy isn't stopping the investigation by firing Comey, no more than firing the CEO of Goodyear would stop the production of tires.
Comey earned being fired.

05-12-17, 08:12
Keep this narrowly on topic.

05-12-17, 09:46
I had an opportunity to skim the leftist propaganda channels this morning. What I heard regarding this issue was a complete and utter abdication of journalistic integrity. One bobblehead literally couldn't wipe the smug grin off his face as he breathlessly described how Nixonian Trump was acting and how much trouble he's in. SMH :(

05-12-17, 16:08
President Trump warned former FBI Director James Comey Friday morning, after accounts surfaced in the press about a dinner they had in January, attributed to Comey associates.
“James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes; of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” Trump tweeted.
According to the White House, one of the many reasons Comey was fired was because he failed to stop sensitive leaks of information to the media.


Only nine days ago, James Comey, then director of the FBI, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on FBI oversight that he had never been an anonymous source for news reports related to the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race.
Comey further testified that he never authorized anyone else at the FBI to serve as an anonymous source in news media coverage of that investigation or the agency’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
Fast forward to yesterday. The New York Times published intimate details allegedly from inside a one-on-one dinner at the White House between Comey and Trump that took place seven days after the president was sworn in.
The article quoted liberally from “two people who have heard [Comey’s] account of the dinner” in what seems to be a leak from Comey’s camp to fight back after Trump fired Comey earlier this week. At one point in the article, the Times describes the sources as “associates” of Comey’s.


Former FBI director James Comey has rejected an invitation to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee next week.

Comey, who was fired on Tuesday by President Trump, was invited for a closed sessionbefore the panel by Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., and Vice Chairman Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.
Warner said on MSNBC Friday afternoon that Comey would not appear before the committee on Tuesday. Burr's office confirmed to the Washington Examiner that Comey would not meet with the committee behind closed doors next week.
"It is our hope in the not-too-distant future that we can find a time for [Comey] to come in and talk to our Committee," Warner said.

It's one of those things that make you go "Hmmmmm" isn't it?
It's going to be awfully hard for him to come back and finish a "career" in Law Enforcement at this point. He's simply at this point not trustworthy.

05-12-17, 16:16
So Obama appointees Rice and Comey "decline" to testify? Interesting...

05-12-17, 16:26
Comey won't testify until it comes out whether or not there were tapes? He doesn't know what to embellish and what to say- which I take to mean that there isn't much negative about Trump in their discussions- but Comey could spin them a bit one way- as long as the tapes aren't around to refute him.

Schiff wants the tapes? All kinds of exec privilege around that. Can we get the notes the staffers write for him?

Coal Dragger
05-12-17, 16:44
What kind of moron would think that the White House non residence areas are NOT wired for sound? Probably video too.

If I visited the White House I would operate under the assumption that I was being recorded.

05-12-17, 16:55
Whether WH convos are taped or not is irrelevant. The mere possibility they are is enough to make anyone considering a "whitewash" of discussions in the WH to take pause. It also has the benefit of driving the media propagandists to lose their shit. The best tactics are always multi-faceted. :)

05-12-17, 18:09
I couldn't believe it when Trump kept Comey on after his inauguration, because it was obvious that Comey was off the reservation when he didn't turn over the Clinton investigation with a recommendation that a grand jury be impaneled. I think Comey was trying to do the Justice Dept. a favor and also save the FBI from a full partisan attack by letting Clinton off the hook. But it has backfired, because the public's view of the FBI has been irrevocably damaged by failing to recommend prosecution for HRC's obvious crimes.

I am happy Comey is gone...we need a 'Just the facts, Mame' FBI Director that can help, to the extent possible, restore the FBI's credibility.

I hope they go back and re-examine the HRC files. She's as crooked and corrupt as they come.

05-13-17, 07:30
Comey won't testify until it comes out whether or not there were tapes? He doesn't know what to embellish and what to say- which I take to mean that there isn't much negative about Trump in their discussions- but Comey could spin them a bit one way- as long as the tapes aren't around to refute him.

Schiff wants the tapes? All kinds of exec privilege around that. Can we get the notes the staffers write for him?

This would seem to be the case.
Oh to have a recording of what Lynch and Clinton said on that jet on the tarmac....

05-13-17, 10:22
More here;
It would appear this guy liked the limelight more than being employed..
How things have changed. Only nine days ago, James Comey, then director of the FBI, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on FBI oversight that he had never been an anonymous source for news reports related to the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race.
Comey further testified that he never authorized anyone else at the FBI to serve as an anonymous source in news media coverage of that investigation or the agency’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Fast forward to yesterday. The New York Times published intimate details allegedly from inside a one-on-one dinner at the White House between Comey and Trump that took place seven days after the president was sworn in.

The article quoted liberally from “two people who have heard [Comey’s] account of the dinner” in what seems to be a leak from Comey’s camp to fight back after Trump fired Comey earlier this week. At one point in the article, the Times describes the sources as “associates” of Comey’s.

The White House disputed the Times’ dinner account, which claims that Trump asked Comey to pledge loyalty to him.
Straw that broke the Camels back?
And of course more because no matter what this dummy's Attorney's might be telling him he can't STFU.
Comey’s people, “who have heard his account of the dinner” and spoke anonymously, insist that Trump asked the director to pledge his personal loyalty to him, but he declined. They added that Comey was wary about dining with the president, but believed he couldn’t turn him down.

The White House, however, disputed the report.

“We don’t believe this to be an accurate account,” said Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the deputy press secretary. “The integrity of our law enforcement agencies and their leadership is of the utmost importance to President Trump. He would never even suggest the expectation of personal loyalty, only loyalty to our country and its great people.”

According to the White House, one of the many reasons Comey was fired was because he failed to stop sensitive leaks of information to the media.

In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Trump said he asked Comey whether he was under investigation during a dinner with the FBI director and also spoke with him on the phone.

“I said, if it’s possible would you let me know, am I under investigation? He said, ‘You are not under investigation.'” Trump told Holt.

Trump said Comey was “a showboat” and “a grandstander.”

05-13-17, 10:50
And now more about these "Leaks".
Some pretty unflattering details in there.
Those leaks and others ignited chatter among Trump’s allies that FBI officials would retaliate against the president by planting negative stories about him in the press.
Deep State...

26 Inf
05-13-17, 10:52
Deleted: Unsure if it fit definition of narrow focus.

05-13-17, 11:07
Sorry, got to be honest here. That's the pot calling the kettle black.

Oh, I so agree with you.
It's a personality cult to no small degree, but to be honest who in politics doesn't have a huge ego?
The difference to me is Law Enforcement at every level requires the people serving in it to be discreet in their interactions with the public and even more so with the Press. Comey wanted to be the first "Rock Star" FBI Director, he never met a microphone or a podium he could resist.
I really would feel a lot better if the FBI operated quietly in the background and the next director operated in such a manner that his face wasn't constantly in the News and he wasn't always in front of a hearing about some scandal his is involved in.

It has been said that Comey's reaction to Trumps claims of being bugged was to tell his subordinates "he's an idiot." When Trump requested he look in to these leaks, Comey went forward with other tasks and the leaks actually increased.
I really don't care what kind of work someone does, if your Boss asks you something in secret, it shouldn't leak. If the only way to get you to STFU is to imply your private conversations have been recorded and your lies may come back on you, well, you own that one.
Comey was Comey's own worse enemy, he's been out of control for over a year. He was long past deserving to be fired.
That FBI Agents in the field are incensed at Comey's firing shows me just how deep the Deep State goes.

05-13-17, 14:16
What is next? !!!



05-13-17, 14:33
What is next? !!!

What do you think about that story?

05-13-17, 18:23
I was 27yo when Clinton was elected, so a voting, thinking adult with memory that hasn't faded (yet anyway!). I do not recall the uproar when he fired William Sessions as FBI Director, the only other time it has been done.

Comey should have been gone on Day 1 of the Trump administration. I was surprised he wasn't shit-canned then. Doing it now was obviously going to make it look nefarious.

05-13-17, 18:37
What do you think about that story?

To be honest, I have no friggin idea, though The Shadow Knows.

Initially thought someone was just throwing mud balls against the wall and praying something would stick.

If true & or false, why would Newsweek cover the story.

26 Inf
05-13-17, 19:02
That FBI Agents in the field are incensed at Comey's firing shows me just how deep the Deep State goes.

I don't think it is that at all. Veteran agents have some idea of how the agency ran prior to Comey taking over in 2013. That might have some bearing on how they viewed him. Comey, even as the Director of the FBI was not a household name until recently.

I really had no opinion on him one way or the other, so I had to do so background reading. As someone who thinks the 4th is perhaps our most precious Ameendment, this little excerpt makes me think I like the cut of his jib:

In early January 2006, The New York Times, as part of its investigation into domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency, reported that Comey, who was Acting Attorney General during the March 2004 hospitalization of John Ashcroft, refused to certify the legality of central aspects of the NSA program. The certification was required under White House procedures in order for the program to continue.

After Comey's refusal, the newspaper reported, Andrew H. Card Jr., White House Chief of Staff, and Alberto R. Gonzales, then White House counsel and future Attorney General, made a visit to the George Washington University Hospital, to attempt to win approval directly from Ashcroft for the program. According to the 2007 memoir of Jack Goldsmith, who had been head of the Office of Legal Counsel at the time, Comey went to the hospital to give Ashcroft support in withstanding pressure from the White House.

BTW most FBI agents are of the fairly buttoned down variety, and probably have IQ's at least in the low triple digits, so maybe what we are seeing with their tacit approval of Comey, is a more cerebral understanding of what has transpired.

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe defended James B. Comey’s integrity and performance Thursday, distancing himself from White House claims that the ousted FBI director had damaged morale at the bureau.

McCabe’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee implicitly rebutted assertions by President Trump earlier Thursday that Comey’s tenure had left the FBI “in turmoil.”

He also appeared to challenge his boss, Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein, who wrote in a letter that the White House initially cited to justify Comey’s firing that the director made “serious mistakes” that had damaged morale at the FBI.

Comey “enjoyed broad support within the FBI and still does,” said McCabe, a career FBI agent who became acting director by statute after Trump fired Comey without warning on Tuesday.

"I hold Director Comey in the absolute highest regard. I have the highest respect for his considerable abilities and his integrity," McCabe told members of the Senate intelligence committee.

He said Comey, who was fired by President Donald Trump on Tuesday, enjoyed "broad support within the FBI and still does to this day." He added, "The majority, the vast majority of FBI employees enjoyed a deep, positive connection to Director Comey."

“I have the highest respect for his considerable abilities and his integrity, and it has been the greatest privilege and honor of my professional life to work with him,” said McCabe, who was Comey’s deputy.


President Trump is our President. He deserves the respect given to holders of that office, regardless of our views. However, election does not confer deity status, aqs some of us apparently believe.

He had every right to fire Comey, and we should respect that. I really don't care one way or another. However, IMO, the President would do well to have a small degree of class in taking such steps, instead of acting like a small time bully bragging about what he has done.

05-13-17, 19:19
That FBI Agents in the field are incensed at Comey's firing shows me just how deep the Deep State goes.

Believe that isn't accurate: For the last 2-3 years, I shoot twice a week with a retired FBI agent. Actually if you would google his name, you would receive hits on many major cases from the early 70's through mid 2000's. Since July he has been referencing a forum for retirees and active agents, from his description of the post, both active|retired were hammering Comey.

McCabe, public testimony Thursday backs up what my friend has stated since July. McCabe stated "some", my friend stated "many".

05-13-17, 22:27
Munoz at United is loved far more than Smisek was, but that doesn't mean that he didn't botch the Dr. Dao incident, just like Comey cocked up the HRC investigations.

05-13-17, 22:36
Munoz at United is loved far more than Smisek was, but that doesn't mean that he didn't botch the Dr. Dao incident, just like Comey cocked up the HRC investigations.

05-15-17, 11:36
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper described Sunday a U.S. government “under assault” after President Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey.
"I think, in many ways, our institutions are under assault, both externally -- and that's the big news here, is the Russian interference in our election system," Clapper said in a televised interview with CNN. "I think as well our institutions are under assault internally."
When he was asked, "Internally, from the president?" Clapper said, "Exactly."

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a televised interview on NBC that Trump should hire an FBI agent who would allow the nation to “reset.” He dismissed as less desirable at least two of the 14 candidates under consideration by Trump, former Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan and Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, explaining that "these are not normal circumstances."
"It's now time to pick somebody who comes from within the ranks, or is of such a reputation who has no political background at all who can go into the job from Day 1," Graham said. Asked whether Rogers or Cornyn would be good choices, Graham flatly said, "no."

They act as if Comey didn't cock this up himself and that he didn't earn his unemployment.
I wonder about the allegiances of both of these guys and if they wear a "Deep State" T-Shirt on Weekends and Holidays.

05-15-17, 13:22
And then there is this Dummy...
Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough stated, “if there are articles of impeachment ever drawn up, the first article of impeachment drawn up against Donald Trump will be the first article of impeachment drawn up against Richard Nixon, and that is obstruction of justice.”
Scarborough said the president admitted FBI Director James Comey “was fired to end an investigation against the president and all the president’s men. Which is exactly what happened. And I’m not being hyperbolic when I say it, if there are articles of impeachment ever drawn up, the first article of impeachment drawn up against Donald Trump will be the first article of impeachment drawn up against Richard Nixon, and that is obstruction of justice.
Isn't Joe Scarborough special?
I'm still not sure where the President "Admitted" to firing Comey to end the investigation, but I'm still not sure how going on a year and finding nothing that ties Trump and Russia working together to sink Hillary works .

05-15-17, 13:28
And then there is this Dummy...
Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough stated, “if there are articles of impeachment ever drawn up, the first article of impeachment drawn up against Donald Trump will be the first article of impeachment drawn up against Richard Nixon, and that is obstruction of justice.”
Scarborough said the president admitted FBI Director James Comey “was fired to end an investigation against the president and all the president’s men. Which is exactly what happened. And I’m not being hyperbolic when I say it, if there are articles of impeachment ever drawn up, the first article of impeachment drawn up against Donald Trump will be the first article of impeachment drawn up against Richard Nixon, and that is obstruction of justice.
Isn't Joe Scarborough special?
I'm still not sure where the President "Admitted" to firing Comey to end the investigation, but I'm still not sure how going on a year and finding nothing that ties Trump and Russia working together to sink Hillary.
Hahhh that sh*it's hilarious.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

05-15-17, 13:54
They're asking for a special prosecutor and impeachment and still don't have anything tying Russia to Trump in collusion to hurt Hillary's campaign.
Pretty much if this type of railroading were to take place against anyone from the Progressive Left there would be Constitutional Law Scholars falling all over themselves to line up and explain how first a crime requires evidence, not hopes, dreams and a sparkly Unicorn fart full of Commie wishes to pass as evidence. Once you have the evidence then you take it to a prosecutor.
These guys are stirring the pot hoping to raise the rabble of the hard left to "take it to the streets" again.

05-15-17, 14:03
Here we go, you might want to open a beer before you watch it.


05-15-17, 15:35
And even more proof he's MAGA !!
President Trump fired FBI Director James B. Comey a week ago — a move the administration (initially) explained was needed to “restore public confidence in the FBI.”
Either it did that almost instantly, or there was no real crisis of confidence to begin with.
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, in fact, shows Americans now see the FBI more positively than they have at any point since at least 1995. The 52 percent who have a positive opinion of it represents the first time over that span that a majority of Americans said they liked the nation's leading law enforcement agency.
It does come after a dip in faith in the FBI. After Comey in early July announced that he would not recommend charges against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, positive views of the bureau dropped from 48 percent in June to 40 percent in July.
Then Comey, in late October, made the controversial announcement of more emails discovered in the Clinton probe — an announcement that Democrats still blame for Clinton's loss. By December, just 37 percent had a positive view of the FBI, compared with 27 percent negative, or plus-10.
I'm chortling, I didn't even know how to chortle until I read that .

26 Inf
05-15-17, 16:45
I don't know if many of you subscribe to the Washington Post, or if I just try to look at more WP articles than the average bear, but WP won't let you look at linked articles unless you subscribe.

Same thing with the Wall Street Journal.


05-15-17, 18:06
I don't know if many of you subscribe to the Washington Post, or if I just try to look at more WP articles than the average bear, but WP won't let you look at linked articles unless you subscribe.

Same thing with the Wall Street Journal.

FYI.Clear your cache and cookies and read away at WaPo; WSJ is a freemium site...

05-15-17, 20:00
Here we go, you might want to open a beer before you watch it.


AWESOME :) hahahaha

getting so sick of this gov !!!! truly needs term limits and major income limits

05-15-17, 21:38
Here we go, fever pitch now,...

President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

Which details? Which Government Officials?

After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.“This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”

Leaks anyone,...leaks? Were these the Leaks our POTUS asked Comey to look at?


The story that came out tonight as reported is false. The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation.
At no time, at no time, where intelligent sources or methods discussed. And the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known. Two other senior officials who were present, including the Secretary of the State, remember the meeting the same way and have said so. Their on the record accounts should outweigh anonymous sources. I was in the room. It didn't happen.

So,...Deep State Anyone?
Cannot a POTUS have his own foreign policy?

26 Inf
05-15-17, 21:40
Clear your cache and cookies and read away at WaPo; WSJ is a freemium site...

Did you just tell me to dig up my buried food and eat my stash of maple leaf cookies?

05-15-17, 21:43
At this point I kinda just want Trump to burn the whole thing to the ground and take the whole of the establishment with him.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Dist. Expert 26
05-15-17, 22:30
At what point is the whole "muh Russians" thing going to go away? It's like the media is trying to self destruct.

05-15-17, 22:33
At what point is the whole "muh Russians" thing going to go away? It's like the media is trying to self destruct.
If I had to wager, mid term elections.

In other news, Hillary did it.


05-16-17, 04:35
This latest intelligence issue with the Russians is beyond bizarre? McMasters laid it out pretty clear and with out much wiggle room, but CNN is saying people came out of the meeting and sent out warnings to intelligence services. What is true?

I'd like to see someone call McMaster a liar to his face. Dude doesn't seem to be in 'nuances'.

I really think we are seeing the first American coup.

05-16-17, 08:25
And suddenly the investigation concerning Seth Rich has legs again....

05-16-17, 09:37
This latest intelligence issue with the Russians is beyond bizarre? McMasters laid it out pretty clear and with out much wiggle room, but CNN is saying people came out of the meeting and sent out warnings to intelligence services. What is true?

I'd like to see someone call McMaster a liar to his face. Dude doesn't seem to be in 'nuances'.

I really think we are seeing the first American coup.

The liberals and socialists genuinely believe they were robbed of the election. If the actions of Antifa are to be taken seriously, and they should be, you may be on to something. Maybe not a violent coup but they are going to keep looking for anything to depose Trump as President.

In other news, why is Merrick Garland continually being brought up as a possible candidate for FBI director? Is the guy really qualified or is this more of a possible consolation prize to the Dems since he lost his shot at SCOTUS and they lost the election?

05-16-17, 09:50

Or perhaps more appropriately...


05-16-17, 10:38
In other news, why is Merrick Garland continually being brought up as a possible candidate for FBI director? Is the guy really qualified or is this more of a possible consolation prize to the Dems since he lost his shot at SCOTUS and they lost the election?

There is no damned way at this point he should take any suggestion from anyone else as gospel regarding who he should nominate to the position.
He is already in trouble with leaks, he hasn't been able to get the cooperation of the FBI in regards to investigating these leaks. It's been reported that Comey called Trump an idiot when he said that he was being hacked by insiders left over from the Obama Administration.
Seeing what is happening, who would you trust at this point?

The information appears to me to be coming from more than one source within the administration. There were few people in the room when he was speaking to the Russians, so it is either wild speculation or someone has access to what is being said behind closed doors.
Now think about that a minute.

05-16-17, 10:45
Here we go, fever pitch now,...

President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

Which details? Which Government Officials?

After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.“This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”

Leaks anyone,...leaks? Were these the Leaks our POTUS asked Comey to look at?


The story that came out tonight as reported is false. The president and the foreign minister reviewed a range of common threats to our two countries, including threats to civil aviation.
At no time, at no time, where intelligent sources or methods discussed. And the president did not disclose any military operations that were not already publicly known. Two other senior officials who were present, including the Secretary of the State, remember the meeting the same way and have said so. Their on the record accounts should outweigh anonymous sources. I was in the room. It didn't happen.

So,...Deep State Anyone?
Cannot a POTUS have his own foreign policy?

He can have his own policy... but he is proving to be in WAY over his head.

He cant get on the same page with his own staff, cant keep secrets, cant keep his foot out of his mouth.

I thought he would not do much damage and would just be relegated to being a figure head, I was wrong. He needs an intervention.

05-16-17, 10:49
He can have his own policy... but he is proving to be in WAY over his head.

He cant get on the same page with his own staff, cant keep secrets, cant keep his foot out of his mouth.

I thought he would not do much damage and would just be relegated to being a figure head, I was wrong. He needs an intervention.

The biggest thing that concerns me is the leaks and then the lack of desire by the FBI to pursue those leaks.
That McMasters would come out and openly deny that there was any Classified Information given means a lot to me, but the story has legs and the information was clearly leaked.

05-16-17, 10:56
The biggest thing that concerns me is the leaks and then the lack of desire by the FBI to pursue those leaks.
That McMasters would come out and openly deny that there was any Classified Information given means a lot to me, but the story has legs and the information was clearly leaked.

Leaks are being looked into, the issue is more and more are seeing writing on the wall and are looking to cover themselves from the impending disaster.

The Irony of this is everyone said "well don't send classified emails, who cares how it was leaked" are now saying "WTF why all the leaks?".

The bottom line is just like Hillary, Trump is inept at being president. The very first blunder was surrounding himself with "yes men", always a sign of week leadership and inflated ego.

05-16-17, 11:07
Most alarmingly, officials said, Trump revealed the city in the Islamic State’s territory where the U.S. intelligence partner detected the threat.

Alarming indeed, as no person could ever guess a city in the Islamic State’s territory planning terroristism.

Also, breaking, POTUS Roosevelt revealed in 1942 Berlin was the source of Nazi Germany war planning......

05-16-17, 11:14
Alarming indeed, as no person could ever guess a city in the Islamic State’s territory planning terroristism.

Also, breaking, POTUS Roosevelt revealed in 1942 Berlin was the source of Nazi Germany war planning......

It is more detailed than that, he told them who their partner was(even tho that partner expressly told them not to tell anyone.) and not just what city they were operating in but what part of the city and what methods they are using to collect information on impending threats.

In the eyes of the intelligence community this is just as bad as what Snowden did. That partner now has to scrap the method and find alternate was of collecting the information.

05-16-17, 11:18
Or, that's not what happened but "officials" are saying that's what happened because they have an agenda.

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05-16-17, 11:24
It is more detailed than that, he told them who their partner was(even tho that partner expressly told them not to tell anyone.) and not just what city they were operating in but what part of the city and what methods they are using to collect information on impending threats.

Who is reporting that? WaPo broke the story and did not report that. WaPo is only revealing he revealed the city name ("The Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities.").

In the eyes of the intelligence community this is just as bad as what Snowden did. That partner now has to scrap the method and find alternate was of collecting the information

Doubtful, but with so much of the story not being reported, it is hard to assess. As former employee of the intelligence community , I can say I never saw a scenario where S&M was compromised and NEVER revealed intel again. Not surprisingly, bad guys continue to use compromised sources, just like people continue to post stupid stuff on Facebook/YouTube.

My guess is this is a seriously overblown story, like most anti-Trump stories.

05-16-17, 11:25
Or, that's not what happened but "officials" are saying that's what happened because they have an agenda.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

I don't think officials would intentionally give a long time partner the shaft for the sake of rubbing Trumps nose in it. Nothing can be done to Trump over his brain fart except bad press. However that partner is now going to ice out the US intelligence community.

Remember these are not just an official, this is coming from multiple officials that Trump invited... They know how big of a ****up this is.

05-16-17, 11:28
Who is reporting that? WaPo broke the story and did not report that. WaPo is only revealing he revealed the city name ("The Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities.").

Doubtful, but with so much of the story not being reported, it is hard to assess. As former employee of the intelligence community , I can say I never saw a scenario where S&M was compromised and NEVER revealed intel again. Not surprisingly, bad guys continue to use compromised sources, just like people continue to post stupid stuff on Facebook/YouTube.

My guess is this is a seriously overblown story, like most anti-Trump stories.

Overblown is a mater of perspective, does this **** Trump? No. Does it **** our partner? Yes.

05-16-17, 11:31
Overblown is a mater of perspective, does this **** Trump? No. Does it **** our partner? Yes.

Your assuming it is accurate. Most anti-Trump stories have only a shred of truth to them and are overblown. This story is second-hand leak at best, perhaps third hand.

WaPo: "Trump leaked a secret, we cannot tell you our source, we cannot tell you what the secret was, but trust us is was a big secret" Uh yeah, sure.

05-16-17, 11:33
Or, why didn't they (the "officials) just handle it in house and be done with? Why leak it to the press if they don't have an agenda? I mean if it's that big of a deal why let it go public? Oh, that's right...

More than that this hearsay crap is getting old.

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05-16-17, 12:09
Your assuming it is accurate. Most anti-Trump stories have only a shred of truth to them and are overblown. This story is second-hand leak at best, perhaps third hand.

WaPo: "Trump leaked a secret, we cannot tell you our source, we cannot tell you what the secret was, but trust us is was a big secret" Uh yeah, sure.

It is accurate. I suspect a lot more will be coming out to the public soon, as with most things of this nature it will takes several days to vet sources and information.

Fox, CNN, BBC are just now getting their side out. Trump is trying to color the exchange as his right to (Which he is right). For their to be a leak, the information has to be valid. Which in this case it is.

That whole meeting was a exercise in lack of appropriate procedure as well as violation of WHS policy.

05-16-17, 12:12
Or, why didn't they (the "officials) just handle it in house and be done with? Why leak it to the press if they don't have an agenda? I mean if it's that big of a deal why let it go public? Oh, that's right...

More than that this hearsay crap is getting old.

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They are covering themselves, and who are they going to handle it with? That house is in total disarray, Trump is not listening to anyone except the people who are his yes men. He does not even talk to the VP anymore when doing things...

05-16-17, 12:13
It is accurate.

We are so fortunate here on M4C to have someone who can confirm a conversation in the Oval Office involving codeworded info, in spite of folks who have been confirmed to have been there denying it.

05-16-17, 12:13
So you've already vetted everything eh?

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05-16-17, 12:19
We are so fortunate here on M4C to have someone who can confirm a conversation in the Oval Office involving codeworded info, in spite of folks who have been confirmed to have been there denying it.

The way I understand it there were between five to possibly seven people in the room at the time, certainly less than ten.
My guess would be it is highly unlikely that anyone allowed in that room would spill the beans, McMasters certainly denied the story. I wouldn't consider McMasters a "Yes Man."
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that most of this is clear supposition on the part of whomever is leaking this information. They wouldn't need to know the entire conversation, just the general notes of what would be discussed to build a semi plausible story.

05-16-17, 12:21
They are covering themselves, and who are they going to handle it with? That house is in total disarray, Trump is not listening to anyone except the people who are his yes men. He does not even talk to the VP anymore when doing things...
Green or blue?

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05-16-17, 12:23
We are so fortunate here on M4C to have someone who can confirm a conversation in the Oval Office involving codeworded info, in spite of folks who have been confirmed to have been there denying it.

I can confirm the reaction and directives that were generated because of this meeting.

Don't take my word for it, Just sit back and watch things will become clear... as previously stated the public will get their information. Things like this do not just go away.

05-16-17, 12:23
The way I understand it there were between five to possibly seven people in the room at the time, certainly less than ten.
My guess would be it is highly unlikely that anyone allowed in that room would spill the beans, McMasters certainly denied the story. I wouldn't consider McMasters a "Yes Man."
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that most of this is clear supposition on the part of whomever is leaking this information. They wouldn't need to know the entire conversation, just the general notes of what would be discussed to build a semi plausible story.

Yes, hence why I said second-hand or third-hand source. Trump, McMasters, Tillerson have been confirmed to be in the room. Priebus probably was too. And then the Russia delegation.

05-16-17, 12:25
Things like this do not just go away.

This story will be gone before Trump gets on AF1 for his trip later this week. Maybe sooner if he tweets something.

05-16-17, 12:27
Yes, hence why I said second-hand or third-hand source. Trump, McMasters, Tillerson have been confirmed to be in the room. Priebus probably was too. And then the Russia delegation.

I believe we are in agreement.
I see this and wonder about where it is coming from and I have to say I do believe there is someone in the White House and the IC working together to sink this Administration.

05-16-17, 12:31
The way I understand it there were between five to possibly seven people in the room at the time, certainly less than ten.
My guess would be it is highly unlikely that anyone allowed in that room would spill the beans, McMasters certainly denied the story. I wouldn't consider McMasters a "Yes Man."
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that most of this is clear supposition on the part of whomever is leaking this information. They wouldn't need to know the entire conversation, just the general notes of what would be discussed to build a semi plausible story.

The number of people was most certainly higher than that. Three from Russia alone, office of records management people are always in pairs.

I would not be at all surprised the number of principals were 8-9 and various support personnel 4-5.

05-16-17, 12:31
I believe we are in agreement.
I see this and wonder about where it is coming from and I have to say I do believe there is someone in the White House and the IC working together to sink this Administration.

Absolutely. The fact this was leaked literally within hours of the meeting, with the intent to harm Trump and the US and its allies in the GWOT (as opposed to inform the public), is sickening.

05-16-17, 13:30
It must be exhausting to continually make excuses for Trump every time he does something stupid

05-16-17, 13:31
It must be exhausting to continually make excuses for Trump every time he does something stupid

Indeed... been happening all to often.

26 Inf
05-16-17, 13:42
upon consideration adds nothing to convo

05-16-17, 13:46
Just remember that Trump's greatest accomplishment happened in November when he kept Hillary out of office. Of course it's going to be downhill from there.

05-16-17, 13:47
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday adamantly defended President Trump’s conversations with Russian officials as “wholly appropriate,” pushing back for a second day on a news report claiming the president revealed highly classified information on an Islamic State terror threat during that meeting.
During a tense White House briefing, McMaster also ripped the leaks fueling such media reports – and said the president was not “even aware” of the source of the information he apparently shared with the Russians.
“He wasn’t briefed on the source and method of the information,” McMaster said.
McMaster’s central contention was that the details discussed in that meeting concerned ongoing operations that were public for months and information available in “open source reporting.”
“The president in no way compromised any sources or methods in the course of this conversation,” McMaster said.


So what do you guys know that McMaster's is lying about here?

I'm not sure how much longer this will be allowed to continue, but I'm guessing if McMaster's has to come out and defend his statement a second time in consecutive days, wll as the head of the NSA someone might get a fire lit under their keister when it comes to finding out.
At this point Trump's tweets and statements are a lot less embarrassing than the leaks and conjecture the Press are printing as truth.

05-16-17, 14:38
Just remember that Trump's greatest accomplishment happened in November when he kept Hillary out of office. Of course it's going to be downhill from there.

Very true.

05-16-17, 14:40
WSJ and MSNBC are claiming Israel is the source of the intelligence.
I'm wondering who and where the leaks are coming from, it would appear now that information is flowing as fast as the news media power curve is covering it?

05-16-17, 14:41
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Tuesday adamantly defended President Trump’s conversations with Russian officials as “wholly appropriate,” pushing back for a second day on a news report claiming the president revealed highly classified information on an Islamic State terror threat during that meeting.
During a tense White House briefing, McMaster also ripped the leaks fueling such media reports – and said the president was not “even aware” of the source of the information he apparently shared with the Russians.
“He wasn’t briefed on the source and method of the information,” McMaster said.
McMaster’s central contention was that the details discussed in that meeting concerned ongoing operations that were public for months and information available in “open source reporting.”
“The president in no way compromised any sources or methods in the course of this conversation,” McMaster said.


So what do you guys know that McMaster's is lying about here?

I'm not sure how much longer this will be allowed to continue, but I'm guessing if McMaster's has to come out and defend his statement a second time in consecutive days, wll as the head of the NSA someone might get a fire lit under their keister when it comes to finding out.
At this point Trump's tweets and statements are a lot less embarrassing than the leaks and conjecture the Press are printing as truth.

Well one of those bolded statements is simply not true, but that is business as usually. Unless he goes under oath he can, will and should say anything that is in the best interest of the country.

05-16-17, 14:45
Well one of those bolded statements is simply not true, but that is business as usually. Unless he goes under oath he can, will and should say anything that is in the best interest of the country.

Any particular statement?

05-16-17, 14:47
WSJ and MSNBC are claiming Israel is the source of the intelligence.
I'm wondering who and where the leaks are coming from, it would appear now that information is flowing as fast as the news media power curve is covering it?

More will be flowing as the days go by. This is not just one source leaking this. The interesting situation is this. If the leaks are found there is no legal recourse, since that would also be applied to Trump. There is also no way to bring lesser charges since the Whitehouse has decided not to vet and NDA people coming in (Trump changed this).

05-16-17, 14:49
Any particular statement?

I'm going to have to dance around that one, but you should be able to infer which one as more information becomes available. One statement is obvious.

05-16-17, 15:00
The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to the episode.
In a statement emailed to The New York Times, Ron Dermer, the Israeli ambassador to the United States, reaffirmed that the two countries would maintain a close counterterrorism relationship.
“Israel has full confidence in our intelligence-sharing relationship with the United States and looks forward to deepening that relationship in the years ahead under President Trump,” Mr. Dermer said.
I'm tracking it had to do with lap top computers and bombs. I'm not sure how that is any revelation if it is indeed the case.

05-16-17, 15:11
The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to the episode.
In a statement emailed to The New York Times, Ron Dermer, the Israeli ambassador to the United States, reaffirmed that the two countries would maintain a close counterterrorism relationship.
“Israel has full confidence in our intelligence-sharing relationship with the United States and looks forward to deepening that relationship in the years ahead under President Trump,” Mr. Dermer said.
I'm tracking it had to do with lap top computers and bombs. I'm not sure how that is any revelation if it is indeed the case.

The what is going to happen is not the issue. The issue is the method in which the information was obtained and then divulged to Russia.

To clarify, the core issue is Trump told how our partner was able to obtain the information.

That method is not just used with ISIS, there is other fronts where the partner and Russia are on opposite sides of the intelligence game.

That partner will have to now scrap that method.

05-16-17, 15:19
There is no damned way at this point he should take any suggestion from anyone else as gospel regarding who he should nominate to the position.
He is already in trouble with leaks, he hasn't been able to get the cooperation of the FBI in regards to investigating these leaks. It's been reported that Comey called Trump an idiot when he said that he was being hacked by insiders left over from the Obama Administration.
Seeing what is happening, who would you trust at this point?

The information appears to me to be coming from more than one source within the administration. There were few people in the room when he was speaking to the Russians, so it is either wild speculation or someone has access to what is being said behind closed doors.
Now think about that a minute.

There are tried and true methods to out leak sources. I'm appalled that Trump hasn't utilized them to uncover the leakers and have them arrested publicly. It's past time for perp walks on national TV! :(

05-16-17, 15:24
There are tried and true methods to out leak sources. I'm appalled that Trump hasn't utilized them to uncover the leakers and have them arrested publicly. It's past time for perp walks on national TV! :(

There would be no legal standing to arrest them. Since Trump has stated the information was not classified and they are not requiring NDA's for most visitors at the Whitehouse now. Best that could be done is a public shaming.

05-16-17, 15:25
The what is going to happen is not the issue. The issue is the method in which the information was obtained and then divulged to Russia.

To clarify, the core issue is Trump told how our partner was able to obtain the information.

That method is not just used with ISIS, there is other fronts where the partner and Russia are on opposite sides of the intelligence game.

That partner will have to now scrap that method.

Clearly McMaster said that not only did Trump not know the source, but that he did not disclose anything Classified.
I believe he stated: "“The president in no way compromised any sources or methods in the course of this conversation”, "He wasn’t briefed on the source and method of the information” and that everything discussed was "Wholly Appropriate."
If this is the case, unless the whole conversation is fabricated and something completely different was discussed and disclosed, I'm not seeing an issue.
The idea of bombs in laptop computers isn't much of a revelation, I've been required to turn on my laptop the last several times I have flown with it. That this was a method being discussed and is somehow now "Classified" just isn't passing my smell test.
I'm anxious to see how this develops.

05-16-17, 15:29
Clearly McMaster said that not only did Trump not know the source, but that he did not disclose anything Classified.
I believe he stated: "“The president in no way compromised any sources or methods in the course of this conversation”, "He wasn’t briefed on the source and method of the information” and that everything discussed was "Wholly Appropriate."
If this is the case, unless the whole conversation is fabricated and something completely different was discussed and disclosed, I'm not seeing an issue.
The idea of bombs in laptop computers isn't much of a revelation, I've been required to turn on my laptop the last several times I have flown with it. That this was a method being discussed and is somehow now "Classified" just isn't passing my smell test.
I'm anxious to see how this develops.

Honestly I suspect some hearings will be held, and some people will plead the 5th. As previously stated a statement to the media should not be held in the same light as fact. Him even making a statement is bazar in itself, that agency was not even involved in the meeting or the recipient of the partners information sharing.

"Unless he goes under oath he can, will and should say anything that is in the best interest of the country. "

05-16-17, 15:31
There are tried and true methods to out leak sources. I'm appalled that Trump hasn't utilized them to uncover the leakers and have them arrested publicly. It's past time for perp walks on national TV! :(
I would agree, but there is a caveat to that;
That there is more than one active source of these leaks is likely. Let us say there are three for instance, those leaks are going to continue on for a long time if these guys are rotating as the source for this information to the MSM.
I'm guessing McMasters is embarrassed as hell at this point. I would also guess no small amount of fire and brimstone are about to befall whomever is being tasked to find the source, I would also guess no amount of manpower or money being spent is going to be an obstacle at this point.
I would guess there will be charges and Jeff Sessions will be tasked to make sure they damned well stick.

05-16-17, 15:38
There would be no legal standing to arrest them. Since Trump has stated the information was not classified and they are not requiring NDA's for most visitors at the Whitehouse now. Best that could be done is a public shaming.

I'd be OK with a very public "You're fired!".

05-16-17, 15:45
Looks like whole bunch of Aides and Staff have sent in their resignation notices amass. I guess some erratic and unprofessional behavior from Kushner and the constant undermining by Trumps inner circle has taken its toll. They are being asked to please stick around until replacements can be found.

05-16-17, 15:49
Looks like whole bunch of Aides and Staff have sent in their resignation notices amass. I guess some erratic and unprofessional behavior from Kushner and the constant undermining by Trumps inner circle has taken its toll. They are being asked to please stick around until replacements can be found.

The tension is likely a bitch.
Kushner,....really, he has enough of his own baggage and should bow out gracefully.

05-16-17, 16:02
The tension is likely a bitch.
Kushner,....really, he has enough of his own baggage and should bow out gracefully.

Story is he went way overboard.

My guess is equal pressure and equal frustration. It would cause me sleepless nights to be told to do a job, then have my boss invalidate my work only to be yelled at by a guy who is unqualified and got a position due to nepotism. While that is certainly not new in life, on that stage it has to be soul crushing.

05-16-17, 16:18
The liberals and socialists genuinely believe they were robbed of the election. If the actions of Antifa are to be taken seriously, and they should be, you may be on to something. Maybe not a violent coup but they are going to keep looking for anything to depose Trump as President.

In other news, why is Merrick Garland continually being brought up as a possible candidate for FBI director? Is the guy really qualified or is this more of a possible consolation prize to the Dems since he lost his shot at SCOTUS and they lost the election?

Personally, I think they fully believe that Schumer will try to block ANY appointee...so why not put forth the lefts darling. Make them block him. To show what obstructionist pieces of shit they are.

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05-16-17, 16:18
Sweet Jesus... I guess what happened is Kushner was going force Staff to use Aides he selects and to get rid of all the ones the Staff selected. Staff pushed back and Kushner lost it... through a man child "I'm boss" tizzy.

Also found out why McMasters was selected, he was chosen by Spicer and Kushner. His statement was prepared by Spicer and McMasters Aide a few hours before he delivered it.

Shit is falling apart over there.

05-16-17, 16:39
If it is true that Kushner tried to get tough with McCaster then if I were McCaster.i would have told to to GFY. And make damn sure he understands not to ever raise his voice to me ever again.

05-16-17, 17:06
If it is true that Kushner tried to get tough with McCaster then if I were McCaster.i would have told to to GFY. And make damn sure he understands not to ever raise his voice to me ever again.

He was not involved in that meeting, his aide was actually already selected for him. I forgot her name...

This was mostly the communications and strategy groups.

05-16-17, 17:23
The pressure must be amazing.
Now the NY Times is claiming the POTUS asked Comey to drop the Flynn probe.
Comey isn't commenting. No one from the FBI or Justice Department can confirm Comey was told this by Trump.
Rosenstien and McCabe said there was no interference in there investigations.
Still no evidence of what was said to the Russians.
Still no hard evidence of anything.
There are however leaks. Lots and lots of leaks.

05-16-17, 17:31
The pressure must be amazing.
Now the NY Times is claiming the POTUS asked Comey to drop the Flynn probe.
Comey isn't commenting.
Come on man gotta push that confirmation bias.

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05-16-17, 17:35
The pressure must be amazing.
Now the NY Times is claiming the POTUS asked Comey to drop the Flynn probe.
Comey isn't commenting. No one from the FBI or Justice Department can confirm Comey was told this by Trump.
Rosenstien and McCabe said there was no interference in there investigations.
Still no evidence of what was said to the Russians.
Still no hard evidence of anything.
There are however leaks. Lots and lots of leaks.

I expect that to intensify 10 fold now that the communication and strategy groups are in revolt.

Shit is going to get wild the next few weeks.

05-16-17, 17:37
There is some hue and cry for a special Prosecutor from members of the House and Senate, yet no evidence of a crime.
Rumor and speculation do not warrant a Prosecutor. These guys are Attorneys for the most part.
This leads me to ask them to put up or shut up.

05-16-17, 17:47
There is some hue and cry for a special Prosecutor from members of the House and Senate, yet no evidence of a crime.
Rumor and speculation do not warrant a Prosecutor. These guys are Attorneys for the most part.
This leads me to ask them to put up or shut up.

The crazy part is that is coming from all three groups... GOP,DEM and Independent.

Unfortunately this is a situation of Trumps own making.

What competent person, invites a Russian delegate and breaks all white house procedures when they visit when there is SOOOO much heat on the subject. Just not a good choice.

05-16-17, 18:00
Hard evidence and intent have yet to be brought forward.
It's all again still hearsay.
Should Trump play a CYA game?
Has Comey held back evidence as a "Trump" card?
Or has the deep state ramped up a war against Trump and his Administration?
The only hard evidence points toward that third choice.

05-16-17, 18:06
Hard evidence and intent have yet to be brought forward.
It's all again still hearsay.
Should he play a CYA game?
Has Come held back evidence as a "Trump" card?
Or has the deep state ramped up a war against Trump and his Administration?
The only hard evidence points toward that third choice.

There is no hard evidence, but there is substantial where his Aides are concerned. Anything the FBI says at this stage is pointless, they are not going to look into anything until a new DIR is put in place. 6 of the candidates have removed themselves form consideration over the last two days. Two of those candidates were begging for the position until this happened.

05-16-17, 18:26
There is no hard evidence, but there is substantial where his Aides are concerned. Anything the FBI says at this stage is pointless, they are not going to look into anything until a new DIR is put in place. 6 of the candidates have removed themselves form consideration over the last two days. Two of those candidates were begging for the position until this happened.
And your getting this info directly from a trump staffer?

So where was the outrage when Obama did it? Assuming trump actually did anything.


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05-16-17, 18:42
The above is just one example. When POTUS Obama said Hillary Clinton was not guilty of any crime, was that not obstruction of Justice?
The more I hear about these claims from anonomus sources the more I believe it's weaponized Media.
This is a direct attack being brought by leaks from unknown sources with no clear evidence.
They are overthrowing Trump.

Dist. Expert 26
05-16-17, 18:46
Well they're certainly trying anyhow. Accusations don't mean squat without evidence to back them up.

Trump should go underground until they can get this straightened out. No talking to the media, no meetings with foreign diplomats, nothing. The leaks and media frenzy are out of control.

05-16-17, 18:51
And your getting this info directly from a trump staffer?

So where was the outrage when Obama did it? Assuming trump actually did anything.


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The beltway is a close group.

That nonsense lacks context and is clearly not even up to blogger level... The CIA issue was an unintentional blunder. Looking to share our information with Russia intentionally through an agreements is one thing. Sharing information from another country that we promised we would not share is another.
Trump has shown himself to be a completely out of his depth and clearly incompetent. I cannot fathom what people see in him, even his own hand selected people are starting to turn on him...

05-16-17, 18:54
Well they're certainly trying anyhow. Accusations don't mean squat without evidence to back them up.

Trump should go underground until they can get this straightened out. No talking to the media, no meetings with foreign diplomats, nothing. The leaks and media frenzy are out of control.

Any sane person would do just that...

Seriously, evidence or not why did he think is was a good idea to invite Russia and their media crew when he just started a shit storm with Comey... that is clearly a moronic act. A huge percentage of politics is perception, when is he going to grow up and realize that?

05-16-17, 18:56

I just got a notice countries are demanding an airgap between the .mil and Whitehouse before they share the higher level intel again.... just great....

05-17-17, 00:48
I'm so confused why so many conservatives are continuing to make excuses for and stand by this guy. You see somethings up right?

Is it loyalty to the republican party no matter what? That can't make sense. If Trump goes and Pence is put in office there is a much better chance for a republican win in 2020. Hell, if the GOP throws trump out or impeaches him there is a much better chance the GOP will withstand the push-back in the 2018 mid terms.

What has this guy done for you? Why wouldn't we be better off with Pence who can lay low. This sin't a conspiracy, it's a bad presidency.

Getting rid of trump and getting someone stable in office is the best thing for the GOP. You have two more elections to win in 4 years. No reelection no red supreme court.

This is the guy who talked shit to John McCain about being a POW. I don't get the loyalty.

05-17-17, 05:17
The above is just one example. When POTUS Obama said Hillary Clinton was not guilty of any crime, was that not obstruction of Justice?
The more I hear about these claims from anonomus sources the more I believe it's weaponized Media.
This is a direct attack being brought by leaks from unknown sources with no clear evidence.
They are overthrowing Trump.

It's always an "anonymous" source.

05-17-17, 07:10
The above is just one example. When POTUS Obama said Hillary Clinton was not guilty of any crime, was that not obstruction of Justice?
The more I hear about these claims from anonomus sources the more I believe it's weaponized Media.
This is a direct attack being brought by leaks from unknown sources with no clear evidence.
They are overthrowing Trump.

Not to mention the absolute double standard of most in the media.

Maybe Trump should have had the meeting with Comey in the "obstruction free zone"...an airplane on the tarmac. They could have also discussed their grandchildren while there.

Im not a Trump fan, but as far as I'm concerned he met the ROI with the Gorsuch appointment.


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05-17-17, 08:30
I'm so confused why so many conservatives are continuing to make excuses for and stand by this guy. You see somethings up right?

Is it loyalty to the republican party no matter what? That can't make sense. If Trump goes and Pence is put in office there is a much better chance for a republican win in 2020. Hell, if the GOP throws trump out or impeaches him there is a much better chance the GOP will withstand the push-back in the 2018 mid terms.

What has this guy done for you? Why wouldn't we be better off with Pence who can lay low. This sin't a conspiracy, it's a bad presidency.

Getting rid of trump and getting someone stable in office is the best thing for the GOP. You have two more elections to win in 4 years. No reelection no red supreme court.

This is the guy who talked shit to John McCain about being a POW. I don't get the loyalty.

Just a couple of things and I will try and put them out there and in order.
I don't have any loyalty to the GOP, they have time and again failed the very people who put them in office by refusing to fight.
There is a much better chance of Trump climbing out of this hole and proving these are nothing but rumor and innuendo if he continues to fight. Again, facts and hard evidence are required for a crime to have taken place, other than that it is weaponized media.
Take the spotlight off of Trump and place it on Pense and in minutes the Washington Post will have the same shi+ storm against Pense. If your battle plan works against your enemy, continue with your battle plan.
There are three and a half more years of this to go yet. That's a pretty significant amount of time for some of our USSC Justices, there might be more, perhaps as many as two more appointed in three and a half years.
Trump is as he appears because he is taking a beating in the Press, in no small part due to leaks. As long as the leaks continue does it matter who is in office?
John McCain may not deserve the criticism of his time as a POW, but the last two decades, well he pretty much sucks. He is a very poor representative of the conservative people who continue to elect him, he has the State of Arizona sewn up and will never lose a primary, other than that he has little chance at promoting anything "Conservative".

The facts may not be good for Trump, but the fiction, promoted by the Socialist/Progressives is what is really killing him. Consider the other option in that election and where we would have been...
Scalia replaced, RBG replaced and possibly one more SCJ. There would no longer be a Second or First Amendment as we now know them.

05-17-17, 08:32
This guy is playing chess... very shrewd move. A masterful approach to creating total disarray.


05-17-17, 08:34
Asks the head of the FBI to drop the investigation against Flynn. This just keeps getting worse and worse.

05-17-17, 09:15
The above is just one example. When POTUS Obama said Hillary Clinton was not guilty of any crime, was that not obstruction of Justice?
The more I hear about these claims from anonomus sources the more I believe it's weaponized Media.
This is a direct attack being brought by leaks from unknown sources with no clear evidence.
They are overthrowing Trump.

Here is where we are. Trump operated at a frequency and a channel that the MSM couldn't deal with. Trump's twitter channel and message was not able to be countered by the MSM. By the time the MSM could fix and focus on something that Trump tweeted, he was onto the next tweet and topic.

The MSM has finally changed their operational tempo and and countered Trump with their own barrage of charges and stories- which never actually seem to check out. Reports of this or that from unnamed sources. The MSM just churns out these stories and there is no check against them. They own the airwaves. Taking down O'Reilly silenced the biggest voice on the right.

We are in the middle of a e-coup. Trump seems to be starting to understand this. That Putin is the rational analyst of what is happening shows how crazy our politics has become. Trump confounded the MSM and now the MSM has gotten inside his OODA loop. Trump better figure out a way out of their gunsights.

05-17-17, 09:16
The above is just one example. When POTUS Obama said Hillary Clinton was not guilty of any crime, was that not obstruction of Justice?
The more I hear about these claims from anonomus sources the more I believe it's weaponized Media.
This is a direct attack being brought by leaks from unknown sources with no clear evidence.
They are overthrowing Trump.

Here is where we are. Trump operated at a frequency and a channel that the MSM couldn't deal with. Trump's twitter channel and message was not able to be countered by the MSM. By the time the MSM could fix and focus on something that Trump tweeted, he was onto the next tweet and topic.

The MSM has finally changed their operational tempo and and countered Trump with their own barrage of charges and stories- which never actually seem to check out. Reports of this or that from unnamed sources. The MSM just churns out these stories and there is no check against them. They own the airwaves. Taking down O'Reilly silenced the biggest voice on the right.

We are in the middle of a e-coup. Trump seems to be starting to understand this. That Putin is the rational analyst of what is happening shows how crazy our politics has become. Trump confounded the MSM and now the MSM has gotten inside his OODA loop. Trump better figure out a way out of their gunsights.

05-17-17, 09:33
The crazy part is that is coming from all three groups... GOP,DEM and Independent.

Unfortunately this is a situation of Trumps own making.

What competent person, invites a Russian delegate and breaks all white house procedures when they visit when there is SOOOO much heat on the subject. Just not a good choice.

True,,, but it is hardly solely "Trumps on making". The Dems have been in 'de-legitimize mode' since dinner time Nov 3rd. Every word spoken, every body language movement, every possible appearance, and flat out fiction, is being utilized to every extent possible. That of course magnifies Trump's 'unusual' manners. If he gives in to the 'heat' then that's the same as saying he has decided to not fight the fight he signed up to. That was his entire campaign... put out the fire in DC and eliminate the sewer rats. Can you imagine what our government would be if the left were in charge and putting this much effort into securing their form of government? Also with the media's blessing and behind closed doors? If anyone thought Hillary was bad.. it would be like Hillary x10.

Also I think a lot of the 'heat' is not to break Trump but break his weak minded forces. They really want to break the troupes. Only a few traitors and impressionable members are needed.

Now there may be some stupidness and even some guiltiness on the right side but the Left is doing everything they can make it seem as though 'everything' is corrupt.

But yeah, Trump could tighten up his act a bit.

05-17-17, 09:40
I'm so confused why so many conservatives are continuing to make excuses for and stand by this guy. You see somethings up right?

Is it loyalty to the republican party no matter what? That can't make sense. If Trump goes and Pence is put in office there is a much better chance for a republican win in 2020. Hell, if the GOP throws trump out or impeaches him there is a much better chance the GOP will withstand the push-back in the 2018 mid terms.

What has this guy done for you? Why wouldn't we be better off with Pence who can lay low. This sin't a conspiracy, it's a bad presidency.

Getting rid of trump and getting someone stable in office is the best thing for the GOP. You have two more elections to win in 4 years. No reelection no red supreme court.

This is the guy who talked shit to John McCain about being a POW. I don't get the loyalty.

LOL, the GOP is a rolling dumpster fire and has been since long before Trump came in and upset their apple cart. And I'll never denigrate McCain's military service, but I do wonder why he tries so hard to negate it with all his political nonsense? If the GOP is a dumpster fire, McCain is the smoldering grease trail it leaves in it's wake. As for Trump himself, all he's done so far is defeat Hillary when the GOP couldn't be bothered to, appointed Gorsuch instead of whatever tragedy Hillary would've chosen and undone some of Obama's egregious E.O.s. That's about it but frankly, my bar for him is pretty low. He's not a pol as he's aptly proven and he's going to continue getting chewed up by the D.C. piranhas.

Just a couple of things and I will try and put them out there and in order.
I don't have any loyalty to the GOP, they have time and again failed the very people who put them in office by refusing to fight.
There is a much better chance of Trump climbing out of this hole and proving these are nothing but rumor and innuendo if he continues to fight. Again, facts and hard evidence are required for a crime to have taken place, other than that it is weaponized media.
Take the spotlight off of Trump and place it on Pense and in minutes the Washington Post will have the same shi+ storm against Pense. If your battle plan works against your enemy, continue with your battle plan.
There are three and a half more years of this to go yet. That's a pretty significant amount of time for some of our USSC Justices, there might be more, perhaps as many as two more appointed in three and a half years.
Trump is as he appears because he is taking a beating in the Press, in no small part due to leaks. As long as the leaks continue does it matter who is in office?
John McCain may not deserve the criticism of his time as a POW, but the last two decades, well he pretty much sucks. He is a very poor representative of the conservative people who continue to elect him, he has the State of Arizona sewn up and will never lose a primary, other than that he has little chance at promoting anything "Conservative".

The facts may not be good for Trump, but the fiction, promoted by the Socialist/Progressives is what is really killing him. Consider the other option in that election and where we would have been...
Scalia replaced, RBG replaced and possibly one more SCJ. There would no longer be a Second or First Amendment as we now know them.

Damned good post. If Trump falls, Pence is a lame duck POTUS on Day 1 and the leftist feeding frenzy will continue unabated. I'd love to see Trump institute a media blackout and let the political bobbleheads consume themselves. It's a damned shame he's tried to appease them this long, knowing full well they're domestic enemies of the republic.

Asks the head of the FBI to drop the investigation against Flynn. This just keeps getting worse and worse.

Feel free to post proof of that, because Comey writing a memo to himself, isn't proof. I wholeheartedly agree that Trump MAY be in actual trouble, but the left has gone completely off the reservation in running innuendo, anonymous leaks and speculative leaps of logic as proof. if there IS fire, then why are they blowing so much smoke?

I'd also like to ask when the left became so isolationist and xenophobic? Because that's when they look like when it comes to Russia. :rolleyes:

05-17-17, 09:45
At least we can all agree that had Hildog been elected and reports that she intentionally leaked classified secrets to the Russians came out and she asked the head of the FBI to end an investigation into her cabinet members people around here would be defending her and saying there is a lack of solid proof.

05-17-17, 10:56
LOL, the GOP is a rolling dumpster fire and has been since long before Trump came in and upset their apple cart. And I'll never denigrate McCain's military service, but I do wonder why he tries so hard to negate it with all his political nonsense? If the GOP is a dumpster fire, McCain is the smoldering grease trail it leaves in it's wake. As for Trump himself, all he's done so far is defeat Hillary when the GOP couldn't be bothered to, appointed Gorsuch instead of whatever tragedy Hillary would've chosen and undone some of Obama's egregious E.O.s. That's about it but frankly, my bar for him is pretty low. He's not a pol as he's aptly proven and he's going to continue getting chewed up by the D.C. piranhas.

Damned good post. If Trump falls, Pence is a lame duck POTUS on Day 1 and the leftist feeding frenzy will continue unabated. I'd love to see Trump institute a media blackout and let the political bobbleheads consume themselves. It's a damned shame he's tried to appease them this long, knowing full well they're domestic enemies of the republic.

Feel free to post proof of that, because Comey writing a memo to himself, isn't proof. I wholeheartedly agree that Trump MAY be in actual trouble, but the left has gone completely off the reservation in running innuendo, anonymous leaks and speculative leaps of logic as proof. if there IS fire, then why are they blowing so much smoke?

I'd also like to ask when the left became so isolationist and xenophobic? Because that's when they look like when it comes to Russia. :rolleyes:

Media blackout is a bad idea...this latest "scandal" is proof of that. No matter what he did or did not say, the only people available to refute the leak are Trump's people, and the Russians. And that sucks, frankly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

26 Inf
05-17-17, 11:06
At least we can all agree that had Hildog been elected and reports that she intentionally leaked classified secrets to the Russians came out and she asked the head of the FBI to end an investigation into her cabinet members people around here would be defending her and saying there is a lack of solid proof.

I'm thinking that may have gone over a few heads.

05-17-17, 11:12
Trump has failed to understand the establishment has sharpened their knives since election day.

Trump should have promoted Comey to Ambassador to some great place and gotten rid of him in a good way.

05-17-17, 11:26
I'm thinking that may have gone over a few heads.

It would still require more proof than we have here, which is none at all so far. TBH, most of us would assume Hillary was selling secrets to foreign actors for payola, based in past history. :(

05-17-17, 11:39
Trump has failed to understand the establishment has sharpened their knives since election day.

Trump should have promoted Comey to Ambassador to some great place and gotten rid of him in a good way.

Both great points. Both great points as how Trump is just that dumb.

When a president who has the whole establishment and depnstate against him, not to mention at least half the public and he pulls this shit I wonder if he's not trying to get himself impeached or assasinated.

He needs to slow his role or someone is going to do it for him.

The only thing I can say is that he seems to be acting to keep in the good graces of the miltary industrial complex. Though I don't know if that's enough to save his skin.

05-17-17, 11:48
Lets say you decided to purchase a piece of property that a local Newspaper Editor also had his eye on.
You buy the property fair and square and begin to improve an enjoy it. Before you know it your local Newspaper Editor writes a editorial about how unnamed sources report that you were seen having sex with a local unnamed teenage girl. The editor has referenced hard evidence, yet refuses to either name his source or produce this evidence.
The major disruption caused in your life is terrible, but time goes by and you build a house on your new property and the problems caused to your marriage by this story seem to have abided,..
Just as you move in to your new house, what don't you know, another story, similar and quoting another un named source and again undisclosed evidence. The story heats up your situation, you try and deny it, try and control its effects on your life, business and marriage.
As your pool is nearly completed you find out the contractor building the pool has called you a pervert and a pedophile and the results of this have delayed the construction, and quality and completion of your pool. In fact some sub contractors now no longer want to work for you.
So you fire the pool contractor and again the stories start up. The Newspaper Editor is calling for you to be charged as a rapist, pedophile and pervert because of all of these allegations of impropriety stated by these unnamed sources and proven by the yet to be disclosed evidence....

So do you just take the loss and sell your house to the Newspaper Editor at a reduced price. It may save your name, your marriage, your business, even your families sanity, so what do you do?
You See How That Works?

05-17-17, 12:14
Lets say you decided to purchase a piece of property that a local Newspaper Editor also had his eye on.
You buy the property fair and square and begin to improve an enjoy it. Before you know it your local Newspaper Editor writes a editorial about how unnamed sources report that you were seen having sex with a local unnamed teenage girl. The editor has referenced hard evidence, yet refuses to either name his source or produce this evidence.
The major disruption caused in your life is terrible, but time goes by and you build a house on your new property and the problems caused to your marriage by this story seem to have abided,..
Just as you move in to your new house, what don't you know, another story, similar and quoting another un named source and again undisclosed evidence. The story heats up your situation, you try and deny it, try and control its effects on your life, business and marriage.
As your pool is nearly completed you find out the contractor building the pool has called you a pervert and a pedophile and the results of this have delayed the construction, and quality and completion of your pool. In fact some sub contractors now no longer want to work for you.
So you fire the pool contractor and again the stories start up. The Newspaper Editor is calling for you to be charged as a rapist, pedophile and pervert because of all of these allegations of impropriety stated by these unnamed sources and proven by the yet to be disclosed evidence....

So do you just take the loss and sell your house to the Newspaper Editor at a reduced price. It may save your name, your marriage, your business, even your families sanity, so what do you do?
You See How That Works?

Solid. These types of scurrilous attacks are as old as the Democratic Party.

Here's some backup on that exact point.
