View Full Version : Harvard Study finds media bias

05-20-17, 11:20
I know, shocking...As I said post election, biggest disappointment for me was the media via the major outlets. They lost what little credibility they had with me. Your mileage may differ. Now comes a study out of Harvard examining the topic. Harvard is of course a very left leaning university.

NOTE: I'm not a Trump fan, and didn't vote for him but what irritates the hell out of me and many others I suspect is the blatant hypocrisy and bias of the major media outlets. As I said before he was elected, when he gets a US Ambassador, his entire staff, and two SEALs killed, wake me up.

"A major new study out of Harvard University has revealed the true extent of the mainstream media’s bias against Donald Trump.
Academics at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy analyzed coverage from Trump’s first 100 days in office across 10 major TV and print outlets.
They found that the tone of some outlets was negative in as many as 98% of reports, significantly more hostile than the first 100 days of the three previous administrations"





Dist. Expert 26
05-20-17, 11:32
No s**t.

Anyone who thinks the media is anything more than democrat propaganda is an absolute fool. Sadly a lot of older Americans, those who were around when the media could be trusted as a legitimate source of information, still believe that what they see on TV is the truth.

05-20-17, 11:56
Despite what it may seem, I'm NOT part of the Trump Admiration Society. He had major flaws as a candidate and he has major flaws as a POTUS. All the way back to his rise as a candidate, I called him a spoiler to the RINO camp, the Dems and the media because he would say the things that no one else would or could. My hope was that he would fizzle out a little too late for the RINOs to recover and make room for a decent conservative candidate to get the nod. That didn't happen so we got stuck with him.

He did the one thing I know in my heart the other GOP candidates couldn't, defeat Hillary. I just never envisioned the depths to which the unholy media/Democrat/RINO cabal would sink to negate his entire presidency and try to end it early. The damage they're willing to do to the country in this effort is unprecedented.

If we were to honestly evaluate even the unproven allegations they're accusing him of, none of it is any worse than other presidents have been guilty of, even when you exclude Nixon. In the balance, Trump is less damaging to the country than what they're doing to oust him.

That's put me in the horrible position of defending an man I'd otherwise probably be criticizing, albeit tempered by the alternatives, which remain less appealing. I'd still prefer a Paul, Cruz or any of a handful of more well regarded figures who didn't run as POTUS, but that ship has sailed. I think I'm to the point where even calling out the flaws and hypocrisy of the haters is counterproductive. I think I'm going to sit back, watch the shit show and say I told you so when it all goes to hell in a handbag after they topple Trump.

They'll have damned well earned the folly they're thirsting for! :(

05-20-17, 12:05
No s**t.

Anyone who thinks the media is anything more than democrat propaganda is an absolute fool. Sadly a lot of older Americans, those who were around when the media could be trusted as a legitimate source of information, still believe that what they see on TV is the truth.

^^^^^^^THIS. The Democrats, and their media propagandists are guilty of sedition for trying to undermine the legitimate President of the U.S., and our government in general over NOTHING. They are guilty of creating instability, and undermining the security of our country. They are the ones that need to be prosecuted.

05-20-17, 14:08
I'm actually shocked. Harvard? This isn't a fake news source is it?

05-20-17, 14:12
Yep. Listening to NPR news today about signing the Saudi arms deal, the reporter had to go into some detail about how almost everything Trump signed had been negotiated by the Obama Administration. It wasn't a line or two either, it was half the story.

I'm no Trump cheerleader but the MSM f*cking hate his guts and it is glaringly obvious.

05-20-17, 14:40
I'm actually shocked. Harvard? This isn't a fake news source is it?

Direct source linked above.

05-20-17, 17:30
Direct source linked above.

I know, it was a, perhaps poor attempt at humor.

Thanks for the.links.

05-20-17, 21:13
The puppet theater.

05-21-17, 02:50
Harvard is obviously a bunch of "white privilege" racists.

05-21-17, 08:00
And water is wet.

05-21-17, 10:23
I will just leave this right here....
A study conducted by neuroscientist Tara Swift and the London Press Club determined that "the highest functions of journalists brains were operating at a lower level than the average population, due to dehydration, self-medicating, and fueling their brains with caffeine and high-sugar foods"
Journalists' brains show a lower level of executive function - that is, the ability of the brain to regulate emotions, suppress biases, switch between tasks, solve complex problems and think flexibly and creatively - than the average person because to their heavy drinking, and caffeine consumption. They also eat too many high-sugar foods, and don't devote enough time to mindfulness.
Hmmmm, I always wondered...

05-21-17, 14:09
Anyone who needed a Harvard study to tell them this, please raise your hand…

No one? Right. Moving on...

05-22-17, 20:29
Anyone who needed a Harvard study to tell them this, please raise your hand…

No one? Right. Moving on...


I was expecting a bomb-shell revelation, like they found that the media displayed a consistent conservative bias.

Zero shock in this report, although at least now when I say it I can back it up with Harvard. Ask any liberal and they'll all tell you how the major media is all far too conservative.

05-23-17, 00:25
Ask any liberal and they'll all tell you how the major media is all far too conservative.

Not coincidentally, I just had that conversation with a Trump hater. "Stop watching Fox News.", she said to me. I replied, "I don't watch Fox News. Most of what they say is just as left as the lefty stations. No thank you."

05-23-17, 00:26
Double Post.

05-23-17, 11:25
Enough!! This media bias must end, it is time for alternative media (https://www.infowars.com/its-official-infowars-receives-white-house-press-credentials/) to bring us the true truth. :sarcastic:

05-23-17, 12:20
Anyone who needed a Harvard study to tell them this, please raise your hand…

No one? Right. Moving on...

I'd say that we are looking at this wrong. When the left/Progressives get this kind of study, they use it to get more money for more studies (lines their buddies pockets) and they use the study to ask for some 'relief' or change. Then it just snowballs. Look what they can get from harping on 'racism'- a never ending stream of benes and funding. Once it becomes common knowledge, then they use that to press for system wide change.