View Full Version : BOTD!

K.L. Davis
10-21-06, 20:00
Bulldog of the Day!

Just got back from the local show, we took our rescue dog down for folks to see and there were dozens of outfreekingstanding looking English Bulldogs!

A great way to spend the day...

Look at this little round mound of rebound!

10-22-06, 00:43
I have a thing tomorrow sponsored by Doberman Rescue of Missouri it ought to be hoot. I have two Red Dobies a male and a female she was 9 yrs last week he is 6 yrs, in the prime of his life which was cut short when I rescued him a condition of adoption was nuetering... I guess better him than me.
- wish I had pics I could get up


K.L. Davis
10-22-06, 08:35
Sounds like a good time! Once you get started with rescues, it seems to just never stop -- the little fat white bully there is mine, he has one more surgery and then he should be set to go for the rest of his spoiled life!

If you work with rescue folks much, shoot me an email, my wife started a organization to help out with large medical costs of the rescue.


I have a thing tomorrow sponsored by Doberman Rescue of Missouri it ought to be hoot. I have two Red Dobies a male and a female she was 9 yrs last week he is 6 yrs, in the prime of his life which was cut short when I rescued him a condition of adoption was nuetering... I guess better him than me.
- wish I had pics I could get up


10-22-06, 08:51
I have always loved bulldogs, both English and (despite their name) Frenchies. Never had one though. They're the 1911 of dogs. I can't afford a good one, and even if I could I don't have the knowledge, time, and money to keep up with maintenance. It's a goal to work toward having one someday...

Meanwhile, I shoot a Glock and have a great Boston Terrier. ;)

10-22-06, 09:36
All of my dogs- a Shepard and 5 Rotties- have been rescued. They have all- every one- been true and great friends, and i remain convinced that all of them understood the consequesnces of not being rescued.
One was literally minutes from death.
I will- and do- gladly donate to the animal rescue services.

People on the other hand can generally pound sand.

K.L. Davis
10-22-06, 09:58
People on the other hand can generally pound sand.

Truer words have never been spoken... I get asked all of the time why I do not have kids: Kids grow up to be people, I have no use for people... it is my observation that all of society's problems are directly attributed to people.

David Thomas
10-22-06, 11:22
K.L. Davis, I have to disagree with your definition of BOTD. I think you have been misinformed (you probably got your info from the internet), but BOTD means Basset of the day or Beagle of the day... not Bulldog!;)


My two boys Elvis the Basset (left) and Roscoe the bad Beagle (right). Sorry the pic is so big. I tried to resize it, but guess I do not know how. Not shown is a 90 pound Chocolate lab named Sadie.

K.L. Davis, good looking dog. I have always liked English Bulldogs, thanks for sharing!! How old is he?


10-22-06, 11:29
Body Of The Day threads will not be tolerated on this...

Ooops, nevermind :D

10-22-06, 13:46
I generally prefer the company of my two English Springers to most people.


10-22-06, 17:53
Your dogs wouldn't survive 10 minutes with my kids. :D

K.L. Davis
10-24-06, 00:03
My two boys Elvis the Basset (left) and Roscoe the bad Beagle (right). Sorry the pic is so big. I tried to resize it, but guess I do not know how. Not shown is a 90 pound Chocolate lab named Sadie.

K.L. Davis, good looking dog. I have always liked English Bulldogs, thanks for sharing!! How old is he?


Damn fine looking kids you got there!

My little guy (the white one) is a rescue, so we are guessing his age to be two years old -- he has one more surgical procedure next week and then I am sure he will be fit for duty... well, he will not be able to hear, he has one total ear ablation (teca) and has to have the other ear done, we hoped to be able to save at least one ear, but they were too badly damaged when we got him.

K.L. Davis
10-24-06, 00:04
Your dogs wouldn't survive 10 minutes with my kids. :D

...nor would I :(

10-24-06, 08:57
Nice looking dogs you have there DT but Elvis looks a little suspicious like he is up to something maybe plotting to take over the world kind of look.

10-24-06, 09:08
Since we are showing pics, here is my female springer "Molly" at Lake Gaston in NC.



10-24-06, 10:41
My mellow yellow and hyper chocolate; this picture absolutely captures their personalities.

10-24-06, 16:11

M4Carbine Rottie club checking in...and yes, she is a rescue also.....

I STILL need a bulldog though!

10-30-06, 06:58
[QUOTE=C4IGrant]I generally prefer the company of my two English Springers to most people.

I hear you my two Dobies know where I'm going before I do... and talk about good friends, my Wife is a very good friend of mine but spends way too much time waiting for me to stumble, if I fall around Hans- n - Greta they pick me up.
Okay I know what your thinking "Hans n Greta?"
Okay officially AKC register on Greta is 'Greta Von Ripnchomp' daughter of Assassin Van Halen and Grandaughter of Demon Von Barcliffe ...
and since I rescued Hans he is just Hans Von Pierce both names are very descriptive of the damage done to me while I trained them. Although Greta is a bitch she is a very very good guard she has been to basic classes Obedience 101 sorta but those classes sure taught me how to get them to do what I want them to do. Dogs are the best ...


David Thomas
10-30-06, 22:08
Here is a pic of the boys trying to hold their own against my 9 year old lab, Sadie


K.L. Davis,
Hope your big guy pulled through his surgery okay. Sorry to hear about his ear problems.

Elvis may look suspicious, but I assure you that it is the Beagle you have to watch out for!!

Lot of good looking dogs here.

K.L. Davis
10-30-06, 22:31
K.L. Davis,
Hope your big guy pulled through his surgery okay. Sorry to hear about his ear problems.

Lot of good looking dogs here.

David... thanks for sharing the pic of your kids. My guy goes in Wednesday morning for the surgery :(

K.L. Davis
10-30-06, 22:34
I wonder how true that saying is that a man and his dog are a lot alike?

I know I don't have much likeness with the English Bulldog :p

Just wondering about some of the other peole that have posted?

10-30-06, 23:00
Since we are showing pics, here is my female springer "Molly" at Lake Gaston in NC.



My brother has a Springer Named "Pike" (after Pike Bishop in The Wild Bunch), smartest damn dog I've ever known.

Here he is with my Brittany the day I brought him home.


And Here's My Brittany grown up a bit.

And here's Jug (my Brittany, named after my Favorite Plane) on that same day.
I really need to get some more recent pics of him.


10-31-06, 12:40
2 labs and a cat


10-31-06, 13:23
Love these "show your four-legged compadres" threads! :D
My rescued Rotti lady Akira who was dumped because of divorce. 80lbs full of affection:

I am not a violent person, but animal abuse could trigger a response which could get me into deep trouble...

K.L. Davis
10-31-06, 13:36
I am not a violent person, but animal abuse could trigger a response which could get me into deep trouble...

My wife setup the medical care fund in the name of out first rescue... I will get some pictures of the dog up on the website, but it is VERY disturbing that anyone could treat animals they way this dog was treated -- she needed thousands of dollars and literally years of medical care; but lived for a wonderful eight years!

11-01-06, 10:05
Storys like yours make me sad and happy at the same time. I am afraid its only the iceberg's tip we see in cruelties against the innocent & helpless. I don't even want to imagine what some children have to endure....

11-02-06, 07:52
-Sorry, I cant get pics up not that we dont have 'em but my computer
saavy renders me in the same catergory as an ardent John Kerry
supporter - a moron.
When I got my male Doberman 'Hans' he was rescued from Doberman Rescue
of Missouri operated by Ron and Donna Campbell of St Peters MO
but how I found him and how he got to the Campbells is what I think is a
story worth telling.
I had called the AKC on a Monday morning looking for a reputable breeder (of Dobies) and I was put in touch with a breeder in Illinois
who explained to me after he got the hint I wasn't going to spend $1000.00
on one of his dogs he told me of a litter of 13 pups which was recently rescued from a murder-suicide in Florissant Mo... the 13 pups were rescued after the
bodies were discovered and they went to Florissant Animal shelter Mom Dad and 13 puppies well the plot thickens a bit for the pups who contracted Parvo-Virus from Mom. By Monday evening I was in touch with the Campbells via their recorder at home - we wanted another dog/pup and I pleaded our case.
( I am the punchline to a Jeff Foxworthy joke - but I have got all the broke down trucks out of the yard!!)
One by one the pups were dying from the disease they had been given after
wandering around a house for a couple of days with a couple of gunshot corpses the cards were stacked against them. By the time we got to see the pups they were about 3 weeks old only one pup did not get Parvo. They were the sickest bunch I've ever seen but they were getting IVs and medicine to fight the Parvo but were shitting any nutrients being put in them away with volcanic diarrhea it was sad(also that I cant spell it?) our initial visit was with
10 pups and Mom was a sweetheart Dad was already adopted we had to destroy our clothes so we would not give our 2 dogs ( I told you) the virus.
Well Hans his name was Nikko as given by the Campbells jumped into my wifes lap and they fell in love he fought 9 other pups for her attention and won -
handily - my point is:
I too have never seen any living creature human (and thats sad also) or otherwise be so grateful to be alive and be loved. By the time we brought him home @ 7 weeks only 5 of his siblings remained alive. He has turned out to be one of the most affectionate and well disciplined dogs I have ever had the honor of sharing life with I am just over whelmed every time I look in his eyes he sez 'Thanks Dad' ...he has such gusto for life. I gotta stop I'm gettin' misty ... Thought I'd share that. Theres more but it only matters to me and my wife.


K.L. Davis
11-02-06, 10:38
K.L. Davis, Hope your big guy pulled through his surgery okay. Sorry to hear about his ear problems.

Just got the phone call... we should be able to take him home today! The last couple of days have been stressful to say the least -- English Bulls are known to have problems waking up from surgery, but he is up and walking around with that little spud of a tail wagging :D

Just before I cleaned up the surgical site

11-02-06, 12:24
- Good luck and Godspeed on the surgery.

K.L. Davis
11-02-06, 19:31
Just wanted to thank all of you for your posts and messages... We are home now with a very tired and sore little Bulldog, but the vet was comfortable with sending him home -- thanks again for all of your support and kind words, it meant the World to the me and my wife :D

11-03-06, 23:40
This is Meli(Hawaiian for Honey). I nabbed her up from the pound back in July when she was 2 months old, 14 lbs. Here she is at 6 months old, 30 lbs.
She's awesome.

David Thomas
11-04-06, 00:06
Just before I cleaned up the surgical site

Poor guy. I hope he is feeling better. I think he needs some extra treats. I hope they gave him some good pain meds and strong antibiotics.

None of my three babies are rescues. You guys that are taking in these rescues have my respect. It is really a testament to your character.

11-11-06, 04:28
I wanted to take a pic of my Steyr AUG-Z but Akira decided the place would be hers: :D

11-12-06, 10:59
Here's our trio, from left: Ute, Halley, and Yaeger. They are practicing their philosophy: "eat til you're tired, sleep til you're hungry."


David Thomas
11-18-06, 09:23
Your dogs wouldn't survive 10 minutes with my kids. :D

I guess it was your kids that made this mess:


No... wait a minute. Nevermind, I found the guilty party:


11-18-06, 10:48
Here's my Staffordshire Terriers (Both of them are Mixes) that we rescued from the local shelter. Buster, my big male (The multi-colored one, not the black one) is far and away the smartest dog I've ever dealt with. Both of them get lots of training time but with him you only have to run him through something a couple of times and he has it. Our little black girl Sadie is still mostly a puppy so she's still a bit silly. She's harder to train because she has a hard time paying attention.

I have to be really careful with both of them because due to the way they look (Bully breeds) people are sometimes scared of them and our local police have a more or less "Shoot first apologize later" policy for any dog that looks remotely like a pit. That being said, they're great dogs who love people, but would rip someone limb from limb if they threatened my wife or I.


11-18-06, 14:30
be careful not to be loved to death by these dangerous dogs! ;)

David Thomas
11-24-06, 21:58

too much turkey