View Full Version : Combat, Orders and Judgment, Small Wars Journal.

06-12-17, 18:54
He went to the gunnery officer's position and began to examine the beach with the best telescope on the ship. What he saw through all the chaos was the lone tank that made it to the cliffs as well as the broached tank in the water. He could see those engaging targets. He immediately moved his ship, absent authority, closer--less than 800 meters from the beach and a rising tide. There was less than three feet under the keel.

Immediately, he began firing at the targets the tanks were engaging. The tanker near the cliff quickly figured out what was happening, and a sergeant rose out of the turret with a signal flag and waved at the ship. The two in tandem, then began a methodical bombardment of the cliff bunkers. The tank would fire a round indicating target and the Frankford would mass fire at the same spot with positive results. Several bunkers were undercut and literally rolled down the cliff face. One such undermining is clearly visible today above Dog Green as a deep “v” incised in the crest.

That is an amazing read.

06-12-17, 19:31
Thank ypu for posting - good stuff.

06-12-17, 20:19
Darn good read! Thanks!

26 Inf
06-12-17, 20:49
Read that when it was originally posted.

I wonder, does anyone know who those two Navy Ensign LCT drivers were?

06-13-17, 07:33
Good example of initiative and adapting to the battlefield.

06-13-17, 09:52
The LT's in those LCT's were doing some amazing and risky maneuvers to get those LCT's as far forward as possible in an attempt to save the lives of those crews and deliver those tanks to the beach.
They truly saved some lives that day.
As an old Tanker, I can truly appreciate that.