View Full Version : Well, I went ahead and did it.

Jay Cunningham
10-03-08, 16:15
I just donated to the McCain/Palin campaign

I am under no illusions about McCain - I know that he can be an infuriating douchebag with populist instincts.

But still...

Barak Obama and Joe Biden?


10-03-08, 16:22
Good job. We can only work with the tools we've got...

10-03-08, 16:23
Dude! Unfortunately it's over for McCain.

10-03-08, 16:24
I am voting against all incumbents and Obama. Not really voting for anyone, damn, I wish the AGW crowd was right and the sea would go up 20 feet and eat DC, LA, and NYC.

Jay Cunningham
10-03-08, 16:26
Dude! Unfortunately it's over for McCain.

"Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"

10-03-08, 17:37

10-03-08, 17:56
"Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"

Don't stop him he's on a roll.

10-03-08, 18:28
"Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"

INCOMING!!!!!!! RUN FOREST, RUN! Well my true hope is that somehow, McCain can pull it off. But the republican brand is damaged goods right now.I think once AMERICA gets what it ask for .i.e. The Great one Obama. You will see the American people in droves voting for Independents,Third parties, and oh yes BTW the republicans.

10-03-08, 19:33
He bailed on us the other day.

McCain Pulls Out of Michigan (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/10/02/mccain_pulls_out_of_michigan.html)

Jay Cunningham
10-03-08, 19:45
He bailed on us the other day.

McCain Pulls Out of Michigan (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/10/02/mccain_pulls_out_of_michigan.html)

So you are saying McCain had a chance spending his resources in Michigan?

10-03-08, 20:57
So you are saying McCain had a chance spending his resources in Michigan?

No, not saying that at all. It's just a little disappointing thinking that my vote likely will not matter because of the electoral system. Michigan is generally pretty close red vs. blue, but not this year. I remember the yard signs in my area being very close to 50/50 in 2004. This year spotting a McCain sign is like spotting a unicorn.

10-03-08, 21:17
I contributed the day after John McC. announced Sarah Palin as his VP running mate. Coincidentally, I received a thank you letter today.

Don't give up, where's the faith? It's that kind of attitude that the dems want us to feel and spread. Never give up the fight. No white flag.

B. Hussein O. is NOT an option.


Jay Cunningham
10-03-08, 21:44
It's just a little disappointing thinking that my vote likely will not matter because of the electoral system.

Hey, I live in PA - the primary was alredy decided by the time I got to cast my vote.

So I voted for Ron Paul - lol!

10-04-08, 00:57
Hey, I live in PA - the primary was alredy decided by the time I got to cast my vote.

So I voted for Ron Paul - lol!

Well he's still alive in PA and CO, IMO those 2 states will decide the election. And personally I think he could win MI if the Palins campaigned there hard, but there's only so many days and so much money left so I disappointingly agree that focusing on a smaller number of battleground states that are more likely to vote for McCain is the better choice at the moment.

10-04-08, 03:42
be sure to go to the polls and vote no matter what it looks like! I truely believe that a lot of people will say they are voting for Obama, but when they are in the booth and no one is watching, will vote for McCain/Palin.

30 cal slut
10-04-08, 05:24
I'm a lifelong republican, and will dutifully head to the polls in Nov and vote McCain / Palin.

I don't think it will matter in my commie-lib state. But I'll do it anyways and would encourage everyone else to do the same.

Make every vote count dammit.

As far as this election goes, I am under the impression that BHO will likely win.

In some ways, I will feel sorry for him.

He is going to inherit a such a huge economic mess that he's likely going to spend a ton of time putting out fires.

-$9 trillion in fed.gov debt

-$800 B / year of stuff that we import in excess of what we export ... all that has to be financed

-negative personal savings rate (we owe more than we save)

-long-term secular shifts in global energy consumption (high energy prices)

-and finally, a severely weakened U.S. dollar that will weaken further. all because some idiots (Alan Greenspan and his protege Bernanke) cranked up the government printing press, and literally quadrupled the money supply, while GDP only doubled over the same period (since 1987).

this last issue is extremely important, because it's what started this entire credit bubble and bust.

cheap money encouraged folks to consume like morons.

cheap hot money encouraged folks to get in over their heads with crazy mortgages.

cheap hot money gave financial institutions a false sense of security to lever up 30x their net worth.

most folks are looking at yesterday's bailout package like ... "things should be okay now, it's all over."

bullshat. $700 B is just the tip of the iceberg.

From 2002-2007, over $2 trillion of subprime mortgages were underwritten.

Compare that to:

$65 trillion cash loan market in the U.S. (includes $2 trillion of subprime mortgage loans)

$63 trillion (notional) of credit default swaps (synthetic financial default insurance) in the U.S. alone

$1.3 quadrillion (notional) of global financial derivatives contracts.

The point here is that other loans and leverage instruments are going to blow up too. Hell, credit cards and commercial real estate loans are next! It will make your head spin.

Some folks are estimating that it's going to cost $5 effin trillion to clean this up when the dust settles. $700 B? I guess that's a drop in the bucket.

I think about this, it overwhelms me, it made me puke during this morning's PT.

$5 trillion asset writedown would wipe out our stock market values.

We have a weak economy with multiple systemic imbalances, a huge credit market time bomb, and ... oh, I forgot to mention that we have $53 trillion in unfunded pension liabilities (medicare) that we can't afford.

And I'm sure our foreign enemies will be looking at our current weakness (and our future unwillingness to deal with them) with no small amount of opportunistic glee.

Barack Hussein Obama doesn't have a fix for any of this, unfortunately. Just more band-aid regulation that doesn't address the root causes of our economic problems (central bankers gone wild).

The long-term fix (raise interest rates to encourage savings, pay down the freakin debt, stop consuming like drunken sailors, an energy policy) is going to be bitter medicine, but short-term political suicide for any party that decides to undertake it.

Damn, I'm going to have to order another 10K rounds of ammo on my zero percent APR credit card now that I've worried myself sick.

10-04-08, 07:23
be sure to go to the polls and vote no matter what it looks like! I truely believe that a lot of people will say they are voting for Obama, but when they are in the booth and no one is watching, will vote for McCain/Palin.

Man I hope you're right!

10-04-08, 07:30
So you are saying McCain had a chance spending his resources in Michigan?

Of course not -- but it didn't happen in a vacuum.

The news of his abrupt withdrawal from Michigan will, right or wrong, affect the decisions of voters in battleground states with similarly dire economic conditions, and probably well beyond. As Sarah Palin might've said,

"Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Michigan and that is not what our troops need to hear today, that's for sure."

McCain-Palin's apparent concession of Michigan is hay for Obama-Biden. Strategically, it was a terrible move.

10-04-08, 13:00
The United States of America will NOT elect Obama. There... I've said it.... (hoping these "power of believing" dvds I ordered off amazon will work....) :D

Jay Cunningham
10-04-08, 15:46
I guess I ask myself this:

Would McCain/Palin be worse than:


I think about the only good one out of the bunch was Reagan, and he had his flaws as well.

Just sayin'...

10-04-08, 16:16
Good to know that, 'cause soon as I log out, I'm gonna send money to Reagan...

10-04-08, 16:42
i surely realize that i'm preaching to the choir here, but, i just can't get over the mind-set of so many americans being sucked in by this jerk, how can so many be so stupid???? there is ill winds blowing across this land, for sure.

10-04-08, 19:58
-and finally, a severely weakened U.S. dollar that will weaken further. all because some idiots (Alan Greenspan and his protege Bernanke) cranked up the government printing press, and literally quadrupled the money supply, while GDP only doubled over the same period (since 1987).

this last issue is extremely important, because it's what started this entire credit bubble and bust.

cheap money encouraged folks to consume like morons.

cheap hot money encouraged folks to get in over their heads with crazy mortgages.

cheap hot money gave financial institutions a false sense of security to lever up 30x their net worth.

most folks are looking at yesterday's bailout package like ... "things should be okay now, it's all over."

bullshat. $700 B is just the tip of the iceberg.

From 2002-2007, over $2 trillion of subprime mortgages were underwritten.

Compare that to:

$65 trillion cash loan market in the U.S. (includes $2 trillion of subprime mortgage loans)

$63 trillion (notional) of credit default swaps (synthetic financial default insurance) in the U.S. alone

$1.3 quadrillion (notional) of global financial derivatives contracts.

The point here is that other loans and leverage instruments are going to blow up too. Hell, credit cards and commercial real estate loans are next! It will make your head spin.

Some folks are estimating that it's going to cost $5 effin trillion to clean this up when the dust settles. $700 B? I guess that's a drop in the bucket.

I think about this, it overwhelms me, it made me puke during this morning's PT.

$5 trillion asset writedown would wipe out our stock market values.

We have a weak economy with multiple systemic imbalances, a huge credit market time bomb, and ... oh, I forgot to mention that we have $53 trillion in unfunded pension liabilities (medicare) that we can't afford.

And I'm sure our foreign enemies will be looking at our current weakness (and our future unwillingness to deal with them) with no small amount of opportunistic glee.

Barack Hussein Obama doesn't have a fix for any of this, unfortunately. Just more band-aid regulation that doesn't address the root causes of our economic problems (central bankers gone wild).

The long-term fix (raise interest rates to encourage savings, pay down the freakin debt, stop consuming like drunken sailors, an energy policy) is going to be bitter medicine, but short-term political suicide for any party that decides to undertake it.

Damn, I'm going to have to order another 10K rounds of ammo on my zero percent APR credit card now that I've worried myself sick.

I could not have said it any better....bandaids on gaping wounds....

i majored in both finance and economics and went on to get my MS in econ. worked on wall street for 10 years as a derivatives trader and guess what that has gotten me.....i currently have a multitude mortgages that i obtained in the last 2 years that would be classified as Alt-A. these are loans granted based solely on exceptional credit with NO income verification , generally at high(90%+) loan-to-value ratios. this is the type of mortgage that will be the next wave of this crisis. i do not have the exact dollar amount of this catagory currently outstanding but read in the economist about 8 months ago that it was over 1 trillion bucks. Also, took my credit card with a zero balance and ran it up well past 5 figures in the last couple months stockpiling EBR's, mags and ammo. i was fortunate to negotiate a favourable rate (1% or so)until next november so hoepfully i can survive until then.

this will get worse. $9 tril in debt and they keep printing money. they will have to print it to "bail out" the mortgage companies now who lent purely on greed and speculation. folks who are responsible and make payments timely are penalised for the ingnorant folks and callous banks. what will a dollar buy you next year? i dont know. i do know that lowering rates and freeing banks from bad debt writeoffs should create a freer flow of money. what if it does? bargain hunters will come out of the woodwork to scoop up all the distressed properties, large corporations will take advantage to consolodate or buy smaller companies cheaply. the cycle will start again. the other alternative is that banks become more prudent in their lending practices. this does very little for the consumer who will not qualify or be able to afford ridiculously high rates or have the 20+% in cash to put down on a house. hey i cant complain about that, i own a ton of apartments and those who cannot qualify or have the cash to buy will have to rent but i really dont want to be that selfish of a bastard. it seems we have gone from one extreme to the other in terms of lending practices. the truth is that americans have always lived in debt and on credit , now that there is no cashs in the banks and any investments that are in the market are seriously eroded...again, i rant and yes i am part of the problem but the reality is that i see it getting alot worse before it gets better. i hope i am wrong. i know more than a few people that have gotten into serious trouble in the last 3 or 4 months.
i hoep that everyone can stay strong and survive this crisis. panic will just make it worse.

Jay Cunningham
10-04-08, 20:38
No doubt this "bailout" was 100% bullshit. And McCain is playing a populist card now in the aftermath of it, but the old bastard was all over it a few years ago, I will give him that.

I saw the video of him on the floor of the Senate (I think in 2005) saying Fannie and Freddie needed much more oversight and that they were going to wind up imploding just like they did.

The media tried to hide it, but McCain was 100% right about it. So credit where credit's due.

10-04-08, 21:18
i will preface this by saying that i am not crazy about wither candidate however i hvae made my choice and it was not just based on my views of the 2nd amendment and risks that a liberal government posed to it. i will also say that i too realised that the republican primary was decided before i made it to the poll and , like Kater, voted for ron paul....

well the facts are the facts, unfortunately the mass media tends to have a liberal bias. obama is the "chosen" one. his "message" is loud and clear to the desperate and the bleeding hearts. he has a following beyond cult status yet the methods he has used are effective. his supporters are organised. they are everywhere that i go. they are on street corners, in various local offices and even came to my door today to make sure i was registered and asked who i will be voting for. Bruce sprinsteen played a free outdoor concert in down towm philly today. there were at least 20 vendors selling "bootleg" obama shirts with his image and various messages on it. i cant recall ever seeing pictures of a presidential candidate on tshirts. if he is elected will people parade around with pictures of him, paint muralsi and erect statues of him. last time i checked, usually that is reserved for socialist/communist/fascist and other brainwashed "evil" countries. f i was an uninformed voter sitting on the fence i would buy into his rhetoric. he has a great marketing campaign, i see his messages on tv constantly. the message he is preaching , while lacking in substance or real possibility (even he acknowledged in the 1st debate that he would have to rethink some of his spending ideas). mccain is nowhere to be seen. i do not see his supporters or sinage anywhere-now remember i live in philly which is i believe has 80% of voters as registere. d democrat. i know that PA is supposed to be a battleground state is comprised of hard core conservative land between the major cities. i just saw a wash post poll where 14% of PA voters are undecided. has mccain just given up on 22 electoral votes?

"change" isnt that the oldest political strategy in the book. who will be paying for this change? are his proposals realistic? as discussed in previous posts, the treasury cannot keep printing money. they need income and that comes from taxes. the "rich" already pay the vast majority of the US tax bill. it is unfair to tax the biggest contributors to the govenment's income even more. those are the people that use disposable income to support companies, and make investments in new ventures. those who work hard , earn and isnpire/banlroll innovation should not be penalised for their success in order to support those who are not---where i live its the weak, lazy indifferent and incompetant(ok that was very ranty but i will say that i debated for an hour today with an educated , well -to -do economist friend of mine who is a die hard socialist) capitalism , while weakened and inefficient sometimes due to greed and corruption, works, socialism does not, i dont think i need to provide evidence to suport this

also, remember, that the president is only 1/3 of the US government. it still takes congress to create and pass laws. it has been estimated (dont quote me on it as i cant remember where i read it) that the house will be almost 60% democrat after this years elections. that helps but there are other means to debate, object and challenge the laws that they pass.

i will reiterate that i feel bad for both candidates. they will inherit a disaster of a treasury. blame will be tossed around along partisan lines and will no doubt bog down any solutions in the near term

whatever, i have a plan B...
http://geneva.angloinfo.com/countries/switzerland/residency.asp :D

oh also, while i am registered in PA as i live here more than 50% of the yeari received an unsolicited absentee ballot from colorado this week...do i get to vote twice??

Ed L.
10-04-08, 23:20
The media, who cannot even make a pretence of being unbiased, are firmly in the camp of Obama. They are turning their wishful thinking into newsreporting by emphasizing things that make Obame look good and things that make McCain/Palin look bad.

They want to declare the election over and would like nothing better than to discourage any further efforts, contributions, and even voter turnout for McCain.

10-04-08, 23:48

the lastest has obama 50-42 w +/-2 margin of error. however, the media will continue to laud obama to further deter mccain voters as well as undecided voters wich currently stand at 8% nationwide (according to gallup)

gallup is a reputable polling service however not sure how these pollsters take their surveys. i had heard not too long ago that people will give pollsters the answer that they think is the "right" or popular answer. outside of crunching numbers, im not too smart (read my posts-i cant spell or compose a coherant sentence), however i am fairly observant. i try to be realistic when making a conclusion or prediction. as i mentioned before, i think obama has run a great marketing campaign, it is impressive in size , scope and ingenuity...to me, he looks like he has sold himself to the masses-in more ways than one. he has a very affable persona, seems approachable and human and says the right things-the things people want to hear.....to me , mccain both looks and sounds old. he sounds like a tired old politician. he has not made his positions clear enough and has not marketed himself very well. i think theoretically mccain is the more qualified person for the job and has a more generalised platform that would appeal to a broader range of people. it appears that he just hasnt sold anyone that is on the fence to lean his way.

these are just my opinions based on what I have seen...could be different in small town nebraska or somewhere else. i judged this based purely on the "business" aspect of the campaign and marketing strategy. i have been a lifelong republican, socially conservative and liberal in alot of other places...however, when i made my actual decision i wondered what the appeal of obama was. i sat down and read his plan on his website and was less than impressed. lots of great ideas but they are vague and likely not feasible. he is young (in political terms) and only has limited experience in the senate. i see alot of people bashing palin for he limited experience but noone questions obamas.... i will vote for mccain, i am not thrilled in doing so...however it seems to me like we have yet another case of the "lesser of 2 evils" in this election.

Ed L.
10-04-08, 23:57

the lastest has obama 50-42 w +/-2 margin of error. however, the media will continue to laud obama to further deter mccain voters as well as undecided voters wich currently stand at 8% nationwide (according to gallup)

That's exactly it.

I hope everyone will vote. Also make sure your gunowning buddies will vote as well. Make sure that they are registered.

You can contribute online to the NRA Institute for Legislative Action and the McCain campaign.

There are 80 million gunowners in the US. If just half of them would donate $10.00 to the NRA-ILA, that would be $400 million.

Below are links.



30 cal slut
10-05-08, 09:21
whatever, i have a plan B...
http://geneva.angloinfo.com/countries/switzerland/residency.asp :D

LOL. But even Switzerland is getting beaten up by the socialist IANSA folks. No more CCW there. :mad:

I prefer to stay here and "fight the good fight."

I love this country and want to see her prosper. I want my children to do the same.

But it seems every decade or so we swing between extremes of far left-vs. right, deregulation vs. iron-fisted oversight, tastes great vs. less filling, etc. without addressing the root causes of our problems.

This crap has to stop.

Right now folks are blaming President Bush for this mess (which has been 21 years in the making), because he's a convenient whipping boy.

But the spotlight has to be on the real culprit ...

...the most destructively powerful office in the United States of America.

The Federal Reserve.

10-05-08, 11:38
Here is a very simple way of looking at this...

A vote for anyone OTHER than McCain/Palin IS a VOTE for Obama/OBiden...:confused:

One other interesting fact is the budget for Obama's campaign is almost twice McCain's...WTF...

Obama $468M in *receipts (77M cash on hand)
McCain $248M in *receipts (36M cash on hand)

*as of 8/31/08

Have YOU donated??

10-05-08, 12:24
B. Hussein O. is NOT an option.

Every time I see someone write this, or "Osama", it makes me realize how uneducated, immature and white trash some of this country is.

10-05-08, 12:30
Every time I see someone write this, or "Osama", it makes me realize how uneducated, immature and white trash some of this country is.

Please explain yourself...


10-05-08, 13:44
Every time I see someone write this, or "Osama", it makes me realize how uneducated, immature and white trash some of this country is.

That's a first. :p

B. Hussein Osama ..............

uhhhh I mean Obama is NOT an option.

10-05-08, 15:18
Please explain yourself...


Um... It's pretty self-explanatory but in case you are too dense to pick it up, I'll go ahead and point it out.

Arguing about politics is annoying as it, but using someone's name as an insult or in a derogatory manner, that they are given from birth based on their heritage and background, is outlandish and immature. I would expect the same from second graders on the playground calling Shelly "Smelly" or something equally childish.

The fact that many of the members on gun forums seem to highlight his middle name as Hussein, or his coincidental closeness of the name Obama to Osama make them all look uneducated morons who would rather personally attack the Illinois Senator on arguments that amount to nothing then taking the real time to conjure up an argument that uses more intellect then remedial elementary school mentality.

It's a ****ing name, and it's ridiculous to see that people actually use that as if for some godforsaken reason it gives them leverage when it comes to arguing politics.

Barack Obama has no correlation to Osama Bin Laden or Sadam Hussein. Get over it, and start acting like adults instead of looking like morons. You're gun owners for crying out loud, I'd hate to make the stereotype of uneducated rednecks play out anymore, but when you post on the Internet like a 16 year old jackass that flames ignorant Youtube comments all day, you sure don't do much justice to make your demographic look any more educated and responsible.

Jesus, even your patron saint McCain thinks its immature and low and called out Cunningham on it.

Yes, gun ownership is a big deal to me, but it's not the only issue. If I agreed with John McCain on more issues, he might have my vote. But I am taking the lesser half of two evils this election and that is my personal choice. Also if Palin was any what educated, that might sway me more towards the Republican side, but not this time.

10-05-08, 15:33
Um... It's pretty self-explanatory but in case you are too dense to pick it up, I'll go ahead and point it out.

Arguing about politics is annoying as it, but using someone's name as an insult or in a derogatory manner, that they are given from birth based on their heritage and background, is outlandish and immature. I would expect the same from second graders on the playground calling Shelly "Smelly" or something equally childish.

The fact that many of the members on gun forums seem to highlight his middle name as Hussein, or his coincidental closeness of the name Obama to Osama make them all look uneducated morons who would rather personally attack the Illinois Senator on arguments that amount to nothing then taking the real time to conjure up an argument that uses more intellect then remedial elementary school mentality.

It's a ****ing name, and it's ridiculous to see that people actually use that as if for some godforsaken reason it gives them leverage when it comes to arguing politics.

Barack Obama has no correlation to Osama Bin Laden or Sadam Hussein. Get over it, and start acting like adults instead of looking like morons. You're gun owners for crying out loud, I'd hate to make the stereotype of uneducated rednecks play out anymore, but when you post on the Internet like a 16 year old jackass that flames ignorant Youtube comments all day, you sure don't do much justice to make your demographic look any more educated and responsible.

Jesus, even your patron saint McCain thinks its immature and low and called out Cunningham on it.

Yes, gun ownership is a big deal to me, but it's not the only issue. If I agreed with John McCain on more issues, he might have my vote. But I am taking the lesser half of two evils this election and that is my personal choice. Also if Palin was any what educated, that might sway me more towards the Republican side, but not this time.

I'll let the personal attack go without comment.

I am glad that you responded and made your point clear (I knew what you meant but wanted you to elaborate).

If gun ownership is such a big deal to you than you MUST vote for McCain. A vote for BO is a vote for gun control, plain and simple!

I also think you might want to look at your checkbook balance, it will be MUCH smaller if BO gets elected.

As far as being educated and responsible...NO TRUE AMERICAN can look themselves in the mirror and vote for BO...

On the point of his given name...you are what you are! A leftest, radical, terrorist friendly son of Islam.

Palin, uneducated??? WTF...:rolleyes:

10-05-08, 15:44
On the point of his given name...you are what you are! A leftest, radical, terrorist friendly son of Islam.

I'd argue with you if you had never said this.

That truly is pure ignorance, which has zero bliss whatsoever.

So you are saying your given Christian name makes you a raiding, raping, forceful dictator that steals gold from natives and enslaves millions?

Cause you are what you are right?

10-05-08, 15:45
Ok, so B. Hussein nObama's buddy William Ayers is very well educated.

10-05-08, 15:47
Redsel, Way to go! The dense, immature, moronic, white trash name calling is definitely the way to earn friends. Do you know Sam, or for that matter anyone else on here personally. I do not. Do you know his education or background? IT WAS A JOKE! Get over it. I do have respect for others here, including yourself, please try to have the same.

That said, I believe that you are making a big mistake in your choice and hope I do not have to see it proven.

Jay Cunningham
10-05-08, 15:47
This has spiraled out of control.

Redsel, you need to chill out.

10-05-08, 15:48
Ok, so B. Hussein nObama's buddy William Ayers is very well educated.

And General Omar Bradley wasn't cause he that's an Arabic name right so he is an oil hungry thieving bastard.

Spare me.