View Full Version : Hurricane Irma - Strongest Atlantic Hurricane Ever

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09-04-17, 13:00
If you are in a flood zone from NC to Texas you should keep an eye on this. What preps are you making and more importantly at what point do you consider evacuating?. Most folks around here ain't skeered and have zero concern about effects here (Cape Verde's rarely hit my AO due to weather patterns) but a Category 4 is no joke. Fortunately it appears to be a smaller storm and is moving quickly, so a Harvey like rain maker is unlikely.

I saw a lot of folks in '04 evacuate from Hurricane Charley - and ended up right in the middle of the worst part of the storm due to an erratic shift east several hours before landfall. It's certainly a tough call. If you leave too late you'll be stuck on the roads, if you leave too early it may be a waste of effort as it could impact 500 miles away (and right where you evacuated to)

These images should update with the most recent forecast tracks automatically:



09-04-17, 14:23
Dammit, I was hoping to be out of here before I had to do another hurricane drill. Really hoping we get missed.

Outlander Systems
09-04-17, 14:46
My Famalam in the Keys are hunkering down and making preemptive Costco runs.

09-04-17, 14:52
Friend of mine called me yesterday about listing her house so she can move to Texas or Florida... I personally think her and her and her husband are insane for wanting to move to hurricane country. More power to you guys who can tolerate it.

09-04-17, 15:43
Looks like it should miss my spot in the Bahamas, but tracks change. I will be on the edge of my seat for this one. Hopefully the tracks that push it up and north and back out in to the Atlantic manage to be accurate. There are only a couple as of right now.

09-04-17, 16:20
My Famalam in the Keys are hunkering down and making preemptive Costco runs.

Nobody in their right mind would stay unless they have NO other options. The damage done by our little cat2 last year (mostly trees) was unbelievable. Our island is roughly 12 miles long and 1 1/2 miles wide at the widest point. FEMA ran 75 tandem trucks 24-7 for 3 months hauling trees. They just cleaned a small wetland area on our road last week. 10 months after Mathew. What are we doing... Booking our getaway rooms tomorrow. We waited too long last year and had to go further than we wanted. Collecting 15-20 5 gallon buckets with lids to fill with water and store waste in. We were without water for 2 days after being allowed back on the island last year. We had his and her buckets but it would have been more pleasant to use one for a day and screw a lid on it and get a fresh one for the next day. 2 people can take decent showers with 5 gallons a day. We keep enough food, propane and water to last a month anyway.

09-04-17, 20:19
Friend of mine called me yesterday about listing her house so she can move to Texas or Florida... I personally think her and her and her husband are insane for wanting to move to hurricane country. More power to you guys who can tolerate it.

Live in the SE US and the entire E coast and you are vulnerable to hurricanes. Live on the SW and entire W coast and you have the risk of fires. Live in the mid states and you are at risk of tornadoes. Additionally lots of those places have earthquake risks. And while all of those things can happen, you can also go decades with no incidents at all.

So there really is no safe place and if nobody lived in areas at risk for something, 2/3s of the US would be uninhabited. And even if you move to Montana, they still get blizzards and the weather can get pretty unfriendly.

That said, doing the hurricane drill is for young people. Securing all my shit is a lot of work and that is if NOTHING happens. Post hurricane life really sucks. Between living life on a generator, supplies of gasoline and fast food being limited and pulling security it really sucks.

Mr. Goodtimes
09-04-17, 20:33
@Eurodriver, you back in the 727?

I'm keeping an eye on it. My duty day is actually Sunday but there's a possibility I may get called into work early sat night or held over on Monday depending on what things look like. I'm hoping Hillsborough County doesn't get smashed. Either way, I know it's early but I'm going to take it seriously. A lot of the spaghetti does have it coming up Florida, so I would imagine even if Tampa doesn't get a direct hit (unlikely) it's going to at least get a good amount of wind and rain.

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09-04-17, 21:17
As if Texas didn't have enough to deal with. Looks like another storm forming up in the Gulf.


09-05-17, 05:24
Live in the SE US and the entire E coast and you are vulnerable to hurricanes. Live on the SW and entire W coast and you have the risk of fires. Live in the mid states and you are at risk of tornadoes. Additionally lots of those places have earthquake risks.

Texas is a South Western state, it is also a Southern state, and a Gulf Coast state. We have hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, wild fires, and our earth quake activity as been increasing over the last decade or two.

As if Texas didn't have enough to deal with. Looks like another storm forming up in the Gulf.


Woohoo, the "non-shortage" gas shortage will only get better! :p

09-05-17, 05:29
I'm in Naples, this thing is looking uglier and uglier, I've had an uneasy feeling about Irma from the start, looks like any hope of it staying out in the Atlantic and not hitting anything are gone. I'm not in a flood zone and I know our drainage is good, but our water levels are pretty damn high right now.

09-05-17, 05:31
@Eurodriver, you back in the 727?

I'm keeping an eye on it. My duty day is actually Sunday but there's a possibility I may get called into work early sat night or held over on Monday depending on what things look like. I'm hoping Hillsborough County doesn't get smashed. Either way, I know it's early but I'm going to take it seriously. A lot of the spaghetti does have it coming up Florida, so I would imagine even if Tampa doesn't get a direct hit (unlikely) it's going to at least get a good amount of wind and rain.

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I really wasn't worried about this storm until 5 minutes ago when I saw the latest track. It has this pulling a Charley. Charley wiped out Punta Gorda and missed us due to a literal last minute shift. I drove through there about 6 months after the fact and they still had no trees and tarps on every single roof.

Be safe at work man. My wife is part of the critical team at work so she gets evacuated. I'm not sure if I should stay in my house that was built in the 1940s but at least I have the option. I live in the hood and know for a fact things will get hairy. Staying could be "sporting" but also be a literal nightmare with the bugs and lack of ac. Fortunately I am not in a flood zone. Couldn't imagine having to be posted up somewhere while my famalam had to fend for themselves.

Mr. Goodtimes
09-05-17, 05:57

I really wasn't worried about this storm until 5 minutes ago when I saw the latest track. It has this pulling a Charley. Charley wiped out Punta Gorda and missed us due to a literal last minute shift. I drove through there about 6 months after the fact and they still had no trees and tarps on every single roof.

Be safe at work man. My wife is part of the critical team at work so she gets evacuated. I'm not sure if I should stay in my house that was built in the 1940s but at least I have the option. I live in the hood and know for a fact things will get hairy. Staying could be "sporting" but also be a literal nightmare with the bugs and lack of ac. Fortunately I am not in a flood zone. Couldn't imagine having to be posted up somewhere while my famalam had to fend for themselves.

Where I am we aren't in a flood zone either, and it's a dry area that doesn't hold much water anyway, however, I'm a little concerned about wind damage. I'm no hurry cane expert but I would imagine that if this thing makes landfall in Miami as a cat 4 or 5 and heads straight up the state it's going to still be pretty strong when it hits the Bay Area. And if it's a slow moving storm with sustained winds, that could be bad.

The girlfriend and I have made evacuation plans for her to get out with her family if I'm unable to evacuate. They have a place up around Gainesville in the middle of no where that there looking at heading too. If I'm stuck on duty I'm planning on bringing everything I need with me to the station. Depending on the timeline, If it does warrant an evac, I'll be securing the house before I leave for work Sunday morning and if possible, traveling to meet them up there Monday late morning.

If the current predictions put the storm over Cuba at 0900 on Saturday I would imagine it will be here early Sunday?

Give me a call if you need anything bro. If this storm hits the Bay Area and does some serious damage, I would imagine things will get fairly sporty in the aftermath. If you can, I'd leave it. Insurance can replace stolen and damaged things, but I would not want to ride this storm out with no roof in 100+ mph winds.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-05-17, 06:25
I'm in Naples, this thing is looking uglier and uglier, I've had an uneasy feeling about Irma from the start, looks like any hope of it staying out in the Atlantic and not hitting anything are gone. I'm not in a flood zone and I know our drainage is good, but our water levels are pretty damn high right now.

Samesies. When I made this thread I "knew" it was going to curve northeast and go into no man's land. It looks like they are pretty confident it will make it into the gulf. From there, at this stage of the forecast, it is a pinball machine as to where it will actually go. It sucks hoping that it doesn't hit here at this point, because that means it will hit somewhere else. Could you imagine if this hits Houston as a Cat 4 or 5? Goodness.

Where I am we aren't in a flood zone either, and it's a dry area that doesn't hold much water anyway, however, I'm a little concerned about wind damage. I'm no hurry cane expert but I would imagine that if this thing makes landfall in Miami as a cat 4 or 5 and heads straight up the state it's going to still be pretty strong when it hits the Bay Area. And if it's a slow moving storm with sustained winds, that could be bad.

The girlfriend and I have made evacuation plans for her to get out with her family if I'm unable to evacuate. They have a place up around Gainesville in the middle of no where that there looking at heading too. If I'm stuck on duty I'm planning on bringing everything I need with me to the station. Depending on the timeline, If it does warrant an evac, I'll be securing the house before I leave for work Sunday morning and if possible, traveling to meet them up there Monday late morning.

If the current predictions put the storm over Cuba at 0900 on Saturday I would imagine it will be here early Sunday?

Give me a call if you need anything bro. If this storm hits the Bay Area and does some serious damage, I would imagine things will get fairly sporty in the aftermath. If you can, I'd leave it. Insurance can replace stolen and damaged things, but I would not want to ride this storm out with no roof in 100+ mph winds.

Thanks man. Glad to hear about your girlfriend. I know your AO and always thought you were lower. Glad to hear you're not in a flood zone but I hear you about the winds. Literally nothing in my house is built up to modern code. The glass windows are just single pane sheets of glass. Your house is concrete block, right? When will your work inform you that you need to stay? Aren't you glad you got that TRD? :)

What sucks about this whole thing is that you literally have no idea where it can go until the day of. They have the center of the forecast track damn near right over the Keys at 0200 on Sunday. That means a Sunday night landfall for our AO if it shifts north, but no one knows when that turn will be right now. I just wish these forecasts were more accurate. As I know you know (but maybe our other M4C'ers don't) while the cloud coverage of these storms looks impressive sometimes the most intense winds and storm surge is confined to an area as small as 40 miles wide, and it usually is confined to the "right" side of the storm. We had Charley's eye wall damn near come over our house and we lost 3 or 4 shingles because we were on the left side of the storm.

I think by Thursday we will have a really good idea for where it will go. The 3 day forecast is infinitely more accurate than the 5 day.

09-05-17, 07:00
We got hit by Matthew last year pretty good. So we are hoping this isn't a repeat. Thankfully my house ins't anywhere near being in a flood zone. Regardless we are already stocking up on water and other essentials. I already have a generator and have had it for 5-6 years now. It will keep the fridges running so we won't loose anything there. House is on natural gas so stove ans hot water heater will run if we don't lose water. Last year was an adventure though. My son goes to The Citadel and they evacuated the school before Matthew hit. We had 4 cadets and my son at our house. Getting down there to pick them up was easy. Dropping them off and getting back was a different story. I95 was close in multiple areas so we took a ton of back roads and a bunch of them weren't even passable. In preparation for IRMA The Citadel has already prepared an evacuation roster and we will have 3 cadets plus my son with us again. Hopefully I won't have to resort to back roads gain this time if Irma hits. We will see what happens.

Alex V
09-05-17, 07:33
The older tracking showed it making the turn north earlier and heading right for NJ like Sandy did. Looks like it won't happen but FL is gonna get hammered. Stay safe guys and keep your powder dry!

09-05-17, 08:19
Days like this make me very happy that the worst Natural Disaster we can have is a huge Blizzard.

We got an old wood stove, a few months worth of wood and wooded property on 3 of four sides. We are surrounded by thick woods otherwise.

We have water filtration and heat for years if we ever really needed it. Food is where it gets freaky in the winter, but seeing as we have enough stores for at least a couple months for 4-5 people, we could make due in the mean time.

We did get bad rains one year, but we have amazing drainage and our area doesn't get a whole lot of basements under water.

Nonetheless, godspeed, I hope everyone will be safe and sound when this blows over.

09-05-17, 10:34
We got hit by Matthew last year pretty good. So we are hoping this isn't a repeat. Thankfully my house ins't anywhere near being in a flood zone. Regardless we are already stocking up on water and other essentials. I already have a generator and have had it for 5-6 years now. It will keep the fridges running so we won't loose anything there. House is on natural gas so stove ans hot water heater will run if we don't lose water. Last year was an adventure though. My son goes to The Citadel and they evacuated the school before Matthew hit. We had 4 cadets and my son at our house. Getting down there to pick them up was easy. Dropping them off and getting back was a different story. I95 was close in multiple areas so we took a ton of back roads and a bunch of them weren't even passable. In preparation for IRMA The Citadel has already prepared an evacuation roster and we will have 3 cadets plus my son with us again. Hopefully I won't have to resort to back roads gain this time if Irma hits. We will see what happens.

I was attending The Citadel in 1989 when Hurricane Hugo struck. We were evacuated the day before it made landfall and getting out of Charleston was a nightmare due to traffic. Getting back was just as bad because of debris and road closures.

09-05-17, 10:41
Texas is a South Western state, it is also a Southern state, and a Gulf Coast state. We have hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, wild fires, and our earth quake activity as been increasing over the last decade or two.

Woohoo, the "non-shortage" gas shortage will only get better! :p

Broooo. Don't get me started on that "shortage "....

09-05-17, 10:51
Hurricanes are weird.
What year was the one that flooded land locked Vermont?
Not newsworthy as a bunch of self reliant rural types just kept plugging on.
They were used to big snowstorms now and then and not having empty pantries.
Trees were dragged off the road with their skidders and tractors and many other acts.

Maybe this hurricane will do something weird and offer something for everyone.
A last minute change in direction, riled up into the biggest hurricane in history, and smack DC caught with their pants down.

Gaia lovers will get millions of deaths to ease the burden on Mother Earth.
The bastion of dead white European Christian males will be leveled and bring democracy to its knees.
Tons of hood rats will drown.
So will a bunch of rich Jews.
And a bunch of Muslim taxi drivers.
And a ton of affluent WASPs in the surrounding areas.
It will be a sign from God that he wants Trump out.
Or a sign for the swamp drowning the republic to get their act together and support him.

09-05-17, 11:17
Maybe this hurricane will do something weird and offer something for everyone.
A last minute change in direction, riled up into the biggest hurricane in history, and smack DC caught with their pants down.

Gaia lovers will get millions of deaths to ease the burden on Mother Earth.
The bastion of dead white European Christian males will be leveled and bring democracy to its knees.
Tons of hood rats will drown.
So will a bunch of rich Jews.
And a bunch of Muslim taxi drivers.
And a ton of affluent WASPs in the surrounding areas.
It will be a sign from God that he wants Trump out.
Or a sign for the swamp drowning the republic to get their act together and support him.

I wouldn't count on it. If there was ever a city that had made a pact with the devil and sacrificed virgins to keep themselves alive it would have been that shithole.

09-05-17, 11:23
FL hadn't had a major hurricane in a decade before I moved here. Awesome

09-05-17, 11:35
FL hadn't had a major hurricane in a decade before I moved here. Awesome

Just ride it out for days in a zodiac filled with food, scotch and water, pick up stranded young women,
With 120gigs of porn on an iPhone with a solar charger as a back up if that does not work out.

09-05-17, 12:47
Irma is now the strongest Atlantic Hurricane ever recorded. Expect the 5pm track to shift eastward a bit.

Forecasts 5 days+ are just too unreliable. It may miss Florida entirely. I would be much more concerned if I were on the east coast or the panhandle.

Alex V
09-05-17, 13:00
Damn... Shit guys. Stay safe please! This could be a shit show.

09-05-17, 13:26
Virgin Islands Allows National Guard To Seize Guns, Ammo Ahead Of Hurricane Irma (http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/05/virgin-islands-allows-national-guard-to-seize-guns-ammo-ahead-of-hurricane-irma/)

U.S. Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp signed an emergency order allowing the seizure of private guns, ammunition, explosives and property the National Guard may need to respond to Hurricane Irma.

ETA: OK that works new thread. (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?199712-VI-Gov-allowing-the-seizure-of-private-guns-ammunition-explosives)

09-05-17, 13:45
Irma is now the strongest Atlantic Hurricane ever recorded. Expect the 5pm track to shift eastward a bit.

Forecasts 5 days+ are just too unreliable. It may miss Florida entirely. I would be much more concerned if I were on the east coast or the panhandle.

With my scientific methods I can predict with 100% certainty (p value < 0.005) that the forecast until Friday at earliest is fully unreliable (based on a dozen mathematical models).

09-05-17, 14:06
Take a look at the history of Hurricane Donna from September 1960. Irma is following a similar path. I was 6 months old and with my parents visiting an Aunt & Uncle in Sarasota, Florida when that storm rolled up the west coast of the Sunshine State. I have Kodachrome slides my dad took showing fishing and pleasure boats carried a mile inland from the Gulf Coast as a result of that storm. Hurricane Donna was only a Category 4 Storm.

09-05-17, 14:26
Take a look at the history of Hurricane Donna from September 1960. Irma is following a similar path. I was 6 months old and with my parents visiting an Aunt & Uncle in Sarasota, Florida when that storm rolled up the west coast of the Sunshine State. I have Kodachrome slides my dad took showing fishing and pleasure boats carried a mile inland from the Gulf Coast as a result of that storm. Hurricane Donna was only a Category 4 Storm.

Rode out Donna and other early 60's hurricanes in Miami. And other wimpier ones in Ft Pierce as a teen/college kid.

Even Hugo (charleston) which was not huge had big boats displaced a mile inland, remember them vividly. Some on top of buildings. Cabin cruisers, not skiffs!

Donna caused 13' storm surge in the keys, which pretty much means all land was submerged. And the keys do not trap water like the gulf storms do. Even cat 1's can flood my brother's property in the keys, so they are in full prep for evac. Due to his job he stays for Cat 1 & 2, but they are expecting it to be at least a 3+ regardless of track, so will evacuate in addition to his family.

This storm has the potential to be another Andrew, but hopefully it will moderate some when it encounters the island mountains before it hit's S FL. BTW, Andrew passed right over my childhood home. Many friends had catastrophic roof/structure failure in Andrew. Some rode the storm out in the bathtub with debris over them, then ran to neighbor's house when the eye passed over. Homes literally demolished due to window/roof failure, which then pressurized the house, blew out the roof due to lifting, etc.

Saw many block homes leveled by storm surge in Katrina. You'd think it would hold up better, but unless poured solid (keys style), they often did not survive when wooden structures did. I have many pictures from coastal Miss that make you go "Hmmm, how did that happen?"

09-05-17, 14:31
I was attending The Citadel in 1989 when Hurricane Hugo struck. We were evacuated the day before it made landfall and getting out of Charleston was a nightmare due to traffic. Getting back was just as bad because of debris and road closures.

Last year they evacuated 2 days early and my son was able to call me the day before to say be here by 1pm tomorrow and we'll be waiting at the gate for you. I didn't take 26 into town which made it easy. Took Hwy17 coming back out which didn't have much traffic. Everyone was going West to Columbia.

09-05-17, 14:58
Rode out Donna and other early 60's hurricanes in Miami. And other wimpier ones in Ft Pierce as a teen/college kid.

Even Hugo (charleston) which was not huge had big boats displaced a mile inland, remember them vividly. Some on top of buildings. Cabin cruisers, not skiffs!

Donna caused 13' storm surge in the keys, which pretty much means all land was submerged. And the keys do not trap water like the gulf storms do. Even cat 1's can flood my brother's property in the keys, so they are in full prep for evac. Due to his job he stays for Cat 1 & 2, but they are expecting it to be at least a 3+ regardless of track, so will evacuate in addition to his family.
My Aunt & Uncle lived 2.5 miles inland from downtown Sarasota. I think Donna hit Florida at Marathon around September 10th, then turned north raking the west coast. My folks always told me about the winds that picked up gravel from driveways hitting the Cinder block house we were in, then the gusts shook house so bad you could feel it. All I have are the stories and those Kodachromes. Just too young.

09-05-17, 15:23
My Aunt & Uncle lived 2.5 miles inland from downtown Sarasota. I think Donna hit Florida at Marathon around September 10th, then turned north raking the west coast. My folks always told me about the winds that picked up gravel from driveways hitting the Cinder block house we were in, then the gusts shook house so bad you could feel it. All I have are the stories and those Kodachromes. Just too young.

I do not remember Donna even though I was there, but my parents talked (and still talk) about it. Betsy I have full memories of, and even though it was centered over Key Largo the eye extended up into S Miami, and was on the intense side of the storm. http://www.hurricanescience.org/images/hss/1965_betsy_track_NOAA.jpg

Our concrete block house was plastered with leaves from trees. All the jalousie windows leaked even with plywood over them. Remember driving through flooded areas where water came in the VW beetle doors. Still have the decorative kerosene lamp we used for light. Bathtub was filled with water, used that for flushing/sanitation.

09-05-17, 15:37
I am fully realizing just how unprepared I am for this storm. I have no wood with which to board up my windows. I have no tape with which to tape up my windows. I am good on batteries (thanks to my gun hobby) and water although I could have more. I always felt I was "prepped", but this is an eye opener. I have never really considered what I needed in a severe storm because it "can't happen here". Even now, I fully feel like this will be a very mild non-event for my AO. Weatherman says 185mph winds are headed my way and I say "nah"

09-05-17, 15:45
Having all of that plywood pre cut and on hand would be a real time saver.
If you get lucky and get missed, please post a check list of stuff you noticed you needed.

09-05-17, 15:55
I am fully realizing just how unprepared I am for this storm. I have no wood with which to board up my windows. I have no tape with which to tape up my windows. I am good on batteries (thanks to my gun hobby) and water although I could have more. I always felt I was "prepped", but this is an eye opener. I have never really considered what I needed in a severe storm because it "can't happen here". Even now, I fully feel like this will be a very mild non-event for my AO. Weatherman says 185mph winds are headed my way and I say "nah"

Yup. Just went through this drill with Harvey. Although it's two totally different scenarios with the flooding vs wind damage. Either way I realized too late that I was complacent for far too long and dodged a huge bullet by not being flooded and displaced.

09-05-17, 16:03
BTW, Irma was the name of the evil henchwoman that killed James Bond's only wife in "On her majesty's secret service. Irma Bunt was her name. It doesn't look good for those islands and Florida.

09-05-17, 16:27
Having all of that plywood pre cut and on hand would be a real time saver.
If you get lucky and get missed, please post a check list of stuff you noticed you needed.

Or spend the $ on high impact windows and doors which also lowers insurance. Sitting the total dark with your windows covered with plywood as an added dimension to the suck I don't wanna have personally. They also make clear impact panels for windows, which while more $ than plywood, totally worth it.

09-05-17, 16:36
Or spend the $ on high impact windows and doors which also lowers insurance. Sitting the total dark with your windows covered with plywood as an added dimension to the suck I don't wanna have personally. They also make clear impact panels for windows, which while more $ than plywood, totally worth it.

That's normally the cycle if you own your home...

- panic trying to find wood and tape, bodge something together the first time
- Carefully cut plywood and have studs or nutserts around the windows by the 2nd or 3rd storm
- Get tired of hauling stuff on and off... spend the $$ for hurricane rated shutters/doors. (Which is what my brother has done in the keys)
- Move to Alabama by the time you have evacuated 10 times

Hurricane shutters/doors won't totally keep out wind driven rain/sand, but stops most of it

Don't forget yard stuff, aka wind blown missiles if you are really in the path of the storm. This takes the most time for most to prep. Pull the boat out, turnbuckle it and the trailer into the eyes in the concrete slab...

Will, we lived on S Indian River Drive waterfront for most of my youth. I watched the eye from David cross the river, brother and I went out in the eye (like idiots). After having fighting blowing horizontal rain leaks on the front of the house, got to deal with it on all the back windows when the eye passed.

09-05-17, 18:46
I do not remember Donna even though I was there, but my parents talked (and still talk) about it. Betsy I have full memories of, and even though it was centered over Key Largo the eye extended up into S Miami, and was on the intense side of the stor

Our concrete block house was plastered with leaves from trees. All the jalousie windows leaked even with plywood over them. Remember driving through flooded areas where water came in the VW beetle doors. Still have the decorative kerosene lamp we used for light. Bathtub was filled with water, used that for flushing/sanitation.
I guess I was destined to ride out hurricanes, even as a kid growing up in rural New Mexico. I went to Florida to visit my Aunt & Uncle several times during the 1960's. The second hurricane I was in was Alma in the summer of 1966. I was between kindergarten and first grade and that one hit Sarasota as well. The joke in my family was my folks were trying to kill me off sending me down to Florida when hurricanes were hitting. All I remember about Alma is the power failing in the early evening and a weird sound the gusts made when they hit the house. Their house also had the Jalousie Windows covered with plywood. Totally dark except for oil lamps and flashlights. Six years old and I remember that. Florida was neat in the 1960's. Not overcrowded and no freeways. Main road from Sarasota to Miami was the Tamiami Trail (US 41). Beaches on the west coast were awesome.

09-05-17, 20:38
It's getting real. Brother and a sister with both of their respective families bailing from S Florida and coming up here.

The keys branch of the family is looking at 6-9' of water in their downstairs if the storm stays on it's most probable track. (Based on 13-16' predicted storm surge).

Mandatory evacuation of Monroe county has been announced. Really hope it does the crazy charlie and veers north safely into the Atlantic

09-05-17, 21:15
For all of you in FL good luck. There is a good AAR from a person that learned a lot from Harvey. The AAR is here: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?199671-AAR-My-Not-Quite-A-Bugout

09-05-17, 21:16
All this hurricane talk makes me kind of glad to have to deal with our lake effect snow. Having a new heavy duty truck with a V-plow helps....and a 16 yo son to do the shoveling that the plow can't get to.

The weather this year around here anyways has been weird. Once it stopped snowing it rained like 3 or 4 days a week until mid August. It's tapered off lately, still wetter then normal. We want to have a pole barn built but it's been wet. Now it's getting late so we'll see if we can get it done before winter.

With 3 hurricanes so close Big Harv, Irma and Jose at her six, makes me think we're not alone with the weather issues.

Stay safe M4carbiners, NYH1!

Mr. Goodtimes
09-05-17, 21:58
Samesies. When I made this thread I "knew" it was going to curve northeast and go into no man's land. It looks like they are pretty confident it will make it into the gulf. From there, at this stage of the forecast, it is a pinball machine as to where it will actually go. It sucks hoping that it doesn't hit here at this point, because that means it will hit somewhere else. Could you imagine if this hits Houston as a Cat 4 or 5? Goodness.

Thanks man. Glad to hear about your girlfriend. I know your AO and always thought you were lower. Glad to hear you're not in a flood zone but I hear you about the winds. Literally nothing in my house is built up to modern code. The glass windows are just single pane sheets of glass. Your house is concrete block, right? When will your work inform you that you need to stay? Aren't you glad you got that TRD? :)

What sucks about this whole thing is that you literally have no idea where it can go until the day of. They have the center of the forecast track damn near right over the Keys at 0200 on Sunday. That means a Sunday night landfall for our AO if it shifts north, but no one knows when that turn will be right now. I just wish these forecasts were more accurate. As I know you know (but maybe our other M4C'ers don't) while the cloud coverage of these storms looks impressive sometimes the most intense winds and storm surge is confined to an area as small as 40 miles wide, and it usually is confined to the "right" side of the storm. We had Charley's eye wall damn near come over our house and we lost 3 or 4 shingles because we were on the left side of the storm.

I think by Thursday we will have a really good idea for where it will go. The 3 day forecast is infinitely more accurate than the 5 day.

Yea man, TRD FTMFW. I'll never own a two wheel drive truck again.

At the current rate, I'm probably safe until I come on duty Sunday morning. Depending on what happens I may be held over, I also may go in early Saturday evening too depending on the weather. I don't want to get stuck not being able to report for duty because of weather and screw over the outgoing crew.

And yea, our house is block, double pane windows. Is yours wood frame? I'm not really sure how to feel or what to say... normally I don't sweat these things but I'm pretty concerned about this one. Probably because it's a cat 5 and the size of the whole ****ing state. Yea we're not in a "flood zone" but we're also only what, three miles from the bay? Depending on which way the storm goes plus rain, I'm not sure what that would do.

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Mr. Goodtimes
09-05-17, 22:26
I was on duty yesterday, we had a long night and today is the first day of my R week so I came home and crashed, my plan was to pick up water and dry food. I was able to pick up food no problem but everywhere in the St. Petersburg area appears to be out of water, there's already lines at all the gas stations and some are even out of gas. If this thing hits I'm afraid this area is going to go full retard.

I actually always have a weeks worth of dry food stashed away as part of my backpacking kit but me and the girlfriend recently ate out way through it as it was approaching time to cycle it out and I hadn't re stocked it yet. We went all year without a hurricane and now it looks like we're making up for lost time.

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09-06-17, 05:24
I am stressing on how my people and farm in the Dominican Republic will fair. 180 MPH winds will not do good things to my cacao trees. I told my manager to collect as many of their people that live in tin shacks and put them in my place which is a cement building.

09-06-17, 05:48
Well, my concern is now exactly zero. Latest plots have the center well off the east coast of FL. This will most likely miss FL altogether and bring in some dry cooler air from the north. Very excited at having a pleasant weekend.

Alex V
09-06-17, 07:18
I am stressing on how my people and farm in the Dominican Republic will fair. 180 MPH winds will not do good things to my cacao trees. I told my manager to collect as many of their people that live in tin shacks and put them in my place which is a cement building.

My wife's friend is on vacation in Punta Cana right now. Starting 8am today they are not allowed to leave their room and are having boxes meals brought to them by the staff.

We vacation in Punta Cana every year but in Feb/Mar. No way in hell would I go there during hurricane season.

Well, my concern is now exactly zero. Latest plots have the center well off the east coast of FL. This will most likely miss FL altogether and bring in some dry cooler air from the north. Very excited at having a pleasant weekend.

Sometimes I feel like sometimes we need a sarcasm emoji.

09-06-17, 07:24
My wife's friend is on vacation in Punta Cana right now. Starting 8am today they are not allowed to leave their room and are having boxes meals brought to them by the staff.

We vacation in Punta Cana every year but in Feb/Mar. No way in hell would I go there during hurricane season.

Sometimes I feel like sometimes we need a sarcasm emoji.

What's sarcastic about my post? We dodged a bullet. Tropical cyclones headed north always bring pleasant weather to Florida when they are off the east coast. I would wager a small sum that the center doesn't even impact the state at all.

Alex V
09-06-17, 07:33
What's sarcastic about my post? We dodged a bullet. Tropical cyclones headed north always bring pleasant weather to Florida when they are off the east coast. I would wager a small sum that the center doesn't even impact the state at all.

The links you posted still show the track going right up the pee hole of the wang of America. ???

09-06-17, 07:34
Well, my concern is now exactly zero. Latest plots have the center well off the east coast of FL. This will most likely miss FL altogether and bring in some dry cooler air from the north. Very excited at having a pleasant weekend.

Some of the plots. Some others still have it riding the west coast of Fla.

09-06-17, 07:45
The links you posted still show the track going right up the pee hole of the wang of America. ???

Lmao. It's how these things always play out and why I struggle to take hurricane preps seriously.

The center line in a forecast is meaningless. The cone is the important part and the spaghetti models are what influence the cone. As of now they are showing a very significant shift east. I think the meteorologists knew this all along but gave preference to the westerly track to keep people prepared.

By tomorrow that center line will be in the Atlantic

Mr. Goodtimes
09-06-17, 07:46
Well, my concern is now exactly zero. Latest plots have the center well off the east coast of FL. This will most likely miss FL altogether and bring in some dry cooler air from the north. Very excited at having a pleasant weekend.

I wouldn't write it off quite yet. Mother Nature is Mother Nature.

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Alex V
09-06-17, 08:36
Lmao. It's how these things always play out and why I struggle to take hurricane preps seriously.

The center line in a forecast is meaningless. The cone is the important part and the spaghetti models are what influence the cone. As of now they are showing a very significant shift east. I think the meteorologists knew this all along but gave preference to the westerly track to keep people prepared.

By tomorrow that center line will be in the Atlantic

Let's hope!

09-06-17, 09:00
Lmao. It's how these things always play out and why I struggle to take hurricane preps seriously.

The center line in a forecast is meaningless. The cone is the important part and the spaghetti models are what influence the cone. As of now they are showing a very significant shift east. I think the meteorologists knew this all along but gave preference to the westerly track to keep people prepared.

By tomorrow that center line will be in the Atlantic.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170906/36259a979164894a16b290ea57f0f3ff.jpg

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09-06-17, 09:06
The center line in a forecast is meaningless. The cone is the important part and the spaghetti models are what influence the cone.

Kinda but not really. The centerline has the highest probability based on models and probability. The further out the cone goes, the less probability it stays on the centerline, but the higher the probability it stays within the cone. Each "degree" out from centerline is a standard deviation. The centerline has 100% (well, p<0.05) probability within a specific time. But on a given model there is equal probability that it goes on the west side of the cone as well as to the east side of the cone.

09-06-17, 12:31
Lmao. It's how these things always play out and why I struggle to take hurricane preps seriously.

The center line in a forecast is meaningless. The cone is the important part and the spaghetti models are what influence the cone. As of now they are showing a very significant shift east. I think the meteorologists knew this all along but gave preference to the westerly track to keep people prepared.

By tomorrow that center line will be in the Atlantic

I would love to get a miss. Should happen just as soon as I have all my shutters up and have completed my preps and loaded the car.

09-06-17, 14:31
Really hope it does veer out to sea even more... but lest anyone think this is no big deal. Brother in the keys reminded me:

- The eye is about 40 miles across. So in his case, the expected storm center landfall moved from Key West to N Miami, but either way, he's still near the eye
- Hurricane winds are about 70-80 mile *radius*
- Tropical Storm winds are about 140 mile radius

It's a huge storm. Maybe not blowing as hard as Andrew yet, but getting close.

Euro may just see a breezy day, but the Keys & coastal areas up through Ft Pierce or further could still be in for a very hard blow.

Likewise, staying at sea allows the storm to strengthen, so JAX to Charleston needs to be concerned.

Have an aging Aunt in FTL planning to ride it out, and shes in a mandatory evac area. She's been in Miami/FTL since the late 50's, so been through a bunch of them. That's the old mindset, we never evacuated.

I traversed the Andrew damage zone a couple of weeks after it hit. Just hard to imagine, much less describe. Twenty mile slice across S Miami with pretty much every window blown out of commercial buildings, most homes lost their roof, many lost structural integrity, etc. (Including my childhood home) Anemometer at the top of Turkey Point Nuclear plant was breaking 200 mph in gusts before it was destroyed.

Hopefully this one won't do that. Don't want to fear monger, but also we should not get complacent.

09-06-17, 15:31
It's a huge storm. Maybe not blowing as hard as Andrew yet, but getting close.

If I'm not mistaken, it's already topped out over Andrew. Not sure what it will be doing when it hits Florida but anything 3 or more is not a fun time. The current path is a bit worrisome because if it skims the coastline going north everyone east of I-95 will be treated to a Cat 4 hurricane. It would have to go very far off the coast to spare those in costal cities.

Would LOVE for that to happen but it doesn't look likely and we won't know really until Friday. I have multiple bug out plans depending on where it actually lands. Got some friends in the center of the state a bit north so that would put some real estate between us and the center of the storm.

09-06-17, 16:27
If I'm not mistaken, it's already topped out over Andrew. Not sure what it will be doing when it hits Florida but anything 3 or more is not a fun time.

There are debates about windspeed, etc. Ground vs Air, etc.

As my brother puts it, the difference between ceramic tiles hitting your house at 100 vs 150 mph is a bit academic.

Andrew looked like tornado type damage, but over a very wide footprint. (normally tornadoes are narrow footprint)

09-06-17, 16:52
The best place for us here on Hilton Head Island to be with the storm at least 4 days out is directly in the crosshairs. The odds are the track will change between now and landfall.

09-06-17, 18:34
I think tonight my manager might have 20 to 30 people bunked out in my place in the Dominican. Note to self next trip down take more batteries. I had them bought food to feed up to 30 for a week just in case.

09-06-17, 19:09
There are debates about windspeed, etc. Ground vs Air, etc.

As my brother puts it, the difference between ceramic tiles hitting your house at 100 vs 150 mph is a bit academic.

Andrew looked like tornado type damage, but over a very wide footprint. (normally tornadoes are narrow footprint)

Anything 3 or more is sucksville. That's all that really matters.

09-06-17, 19:12
The best place for us here on Hilton Head Island to be with the storm at least 4 days out is directly in the crosshairs. The odds are the track will change between now and landfall.

That is what I am hoping for, that the track changes in the next four days. I practically grew up in Beaufort and my parents and sisters still live there.

09-06-17, 19:29
I was stationed on Guam when super typhoon Pongsona hit. The winds listed on the wikipedia entry don't quite match what were told in regards to max sustained winds. In any case I saw the damage and yeah, it's all academic when you're stuff gets wiped out.


09-07-17, 07:28
Sound of Irma in Puerto Rico yesterday. I haven't heard that since the Moore Tornado a couple of years ago.


09-07-17, 09:06
Lived on Sint Maarten for several yrs.

Friends we've managed to contact on the island says it is completely wrecked. Damage extremely severe. No idea how people will make it with the number of homes destroyed. Infrastructure took huge hit. Many homeless. No running water. Sint Maarten has no streams or lakes. Government center building destroyed. Multiple fire stations destroyed. Roads washed out completely. Many businesses destroyed.

French side is expected to be just as bad, but no info. coming out yet.

Life is going to be very rough on several islands for the foreseeable future.

09-07-17, 09:12
BTW, this is tech worth looking at for the future:


I may get the least expensive stuff for a few windows at some point.

09-07-17, 09:57
Lived on Sint Maarten for several yrs.

Friends we've managed to contact on the island says it is completely wrecked. Damage extremely severe. No idea how people will make it with the number of homes destroyed. Infrastructure took huge hit. Many homeless. No running water. Sint Maarten has no streams or lakes. Government center building destroyed. Multiple fire stations destroyed. Roads washed out completely. Many businesses destroyed.

French side is expected to be just as bad, but no info. coming out yet.

Life is going to be very rough on several islands for the foreseeable future.

I hate to hear this. Beautiful island and great people. The wife and I had a trip planned(flights and hotel already booked) in November. Looks like I will be doing the refund process. Sucks but I can't imagine the suckville the people on the island are going to be dealing with for the 6 months.

09-07-17, 10:06
BTW, this is tech worth looking at for the future:


I may get the least expensive stuff for a few windows at some point.

That looks like a good answer.

09-07-17, 10:11
They will be evacuating Charleston soon. My son is at the Citadel and they are evacuating tomorrow morning.

09-07-17, 10:40
That looks like a good answer.

Does the 3M security film do any good for thesnkind of circumstances?

09-07-17, 10:45
I hate to hear this. Beautiful island and great people. The wife and I had a trip planned(flights and hotel already booked) in November. Looks like I will be doing the refund process. Sucks but I can't imagine the suckville the people on the island are going to be dealing with for the 6 months.

Wife and I are going to Curacao in January, which is well below the hurricane belt so we are fortunate. However, we were on St. Thomas this past January and at Punta Cana DR the January before. Got lucky I guess.

09-07-17, 11:42
Family in forced evacuation from a couple of different areas are running into closed & out of fuel gas stations. Closed stores. Huge traffic jams.

It's a mess, and will get worse.

09-07-17, 12:41
Family in forced evacuation from a couple of different areas are running into closed & out of fuel gas stations. Closed stores. Huge traffic jams.

It's a mess, and will get worse.

Same. Can't find gas anywhere. I've got 7/8 of a tank but Florida is a looonnggg state at 18mpg

09-07-17, 12:42
Family in forced evacuation from a couple of different areas are running into closed & out of fuel gas stations. Closed stores. Huge traffic jams.

It's a mess, and will get worse.

My mom and grandmother live in SW Florida (Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda area). They were going to drive up and stay with us here in TN but decided not to once the gas situation, lack of lodging (they are old and didn't want to drive the whole way non-stop), and I-75 traffic jams became known. My brother and sister also live near there so they will be looked after but that was a helluva choice: either ride it out down there or face the possibility of running out of gas with no lodging available and sitting it out on some interstate exit.

09-07-17, 12:48
IF the current models are mashed up into one big track, the center will be about 100 miles west Tuesday morning. At that time it was be just under hurricane strength with 60 mph winds; here, likely 45 mph, and heavy rain. All that said, today it is 75 with low humidity, the sun is shining, and people are saying "Irma who?"

People here won't take it seriously until Monday.

09-07-17, 12:49
Turnpike and N I-75 seem to be the worst. SIL had no problems getting from the keys west to Ft Meyers. Maybe be think about 27 nw and over to west coast. If 75 still logjaammed head cross country N into S GA or AL.

Sister & family took 4-5 hrs to get from Jensen Beach'ish to Orlando, normally about 90 minutes. Would have been far better going west first

09-07-17, 15:10
Does the 3M security film do any good for thesnkind of circumstances?

There are more than one 3M film and system. None of them prevent the glass from breaking. They contain the glass shards and meet certain impact resistant standards. They will not replace a dedicated hurricane shutter/panel but in most cases are better than nothing. It meets our local building code for DP rating and most insurance companies requirements if not in a velocity zone. A velocity zone is an area where debris can get a running start like adjacent to open water or even over a marsh. In my opinion simple, inexpensive 1/2" plywood panels are better than film. The problem is most people would have to hire someone to put them up. Especially if the house is elevated or multi story.

Big A
09-07-17, 15:42
Same. Can't find gas anywhere. I've got 7/8 of a tank but Florida is a looonnggg state at 18mpgA hard lesson learned there bro...

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Mr. Goodtimes
09-07-17, 15:53
Wawa seems to have gas in most cases.

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09-07-17, 16:54
Turnpike and N I-75 seem to be the worst. SIL had no problems getting from the keys west to Ft Meyers. Maybe be think about 27 nw and over to west coast. If 75 still logjaammed head cross country N into S GA or AL.

Sister & family took 4-5 hrs to get from Jensen Beach'ish to Orlando, normally about 90 minutes. Would have been far better going west first

Google shows the US highways (US 27, US 41, US 98) west of 75 to be relatively clear. That's what I'd be on if I was heading north.

09-07-17, 16:55
Wawa seems to have gas in most cases.

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Thanks for the text man I just sent my wife to that station she's gonna let me know

09-07-17, 18:23
Google shows the US highways (US 27, US 41, US 98) west of 75 to be relatively clear. That's what I'd be on if I was heading north.

Except going up Tamiami Trail (41), with all the lights, would probably eat as much gas as being stop-and-go on the interstate. We were just there last week and I remarked to my wife about how insane traffic and the damn lights were, and that was before the panic.

09-07-17, 18:28
If I were in south FL and needed to get to GA I'd take 75 to 275 then hop on the veterans expressway then US19. Easy peazy.

The turnpike is ****kkkeeedd. Also saw on the news that they have initiated a ground stop at All FL airports because too many planes were leaving FL at once lol

09-07-17, 18:41
My friend left last night and went to TN.
One of my guys at work is stuck in Orlando.

09-07-17, 18:44
Track change... Now predicting key largo hit, then north up the center of FL. If it holds we could see entire width of FL with hurricane force winds.

It'll change again, but S Florida odds of a hard hit increasing.

Mr. Goodtimes
09-07-17, 19:12
Thanks for the text man I just sent my wife to that station she's gonna let me know

Good talking to you again bro. Good luck dude and stay in touch. I can't believe we haven't ran into each other at publix lol.

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09-07-17, 19:53
Good talking to you again bro. Good luck dude and stay in touch. I can't believe we haven't ran into each other at publix lol.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkI still don't get the obsession with publix and then tendie subs... Like do y'all even Wegmans ?? Lol

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

09-07-17, 20:06
I still don't get the obsession with publix and then tendie subs... Like do y'all even Wegmans ?? Lol

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Publix > Wegmans

09-07-17, 20:08
I still don't get the obsession with publix and then tendie subs... Like do y'all even Wegmans ?? Lol

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk


09-07-17, 20:14
Only Publix I've ever been to was in Ft. Lauderdale. Wegmans here is for people with $$$$. Only reason I stop in there occasionally is for beer (Pa liquor laws suck. Just recently allowed to buy/sell beer in supermarkets) and escargot. Otherwise it's the place to go if you like paying $12 for milk and $50 salmon fillet

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-07-17, 20:16
Good luck to you guys in Florida

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09-07-17, 20:20

Remember this little storm? They said it would go to Florida as well. All need to keep an eye on Irma.

Mr. Goodtimes
09-07-17, 20:35
I still don't get the obsession with publix and then tendie subs... Like do y'all even Wegmans ?? Lol

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

What are tendie subs? You mean the chicken tender subs at publix? lol. I've never Wegmansed before but I've heard of a grocery store from the great north that was pretty awesome. Some day even better than the Publix.

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Mr. Goodtimes
09-07-17, 20:37
Only Publix I've ever been to was in Ft. Lauderdale. Wegmans here is for people with $$$$. Only reason I stop in there occasionally is for beer (Pa liquor laws suck. Just recently allowed to buy/sell beer in supermarkets) and escargot. Otherwise it's the place to go if you like paying $12 for milk and $50 salmon fillet

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

Perhaps Wegmans is more like our Fresh Market or even Whole Foods. If I could afford it, I'd shop at those places. I hate shopping with the proletariat. They smell funny and wear non name brand clothes.

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09-07-17, 21:05
Except going up Tamiami Trail (41), with all the lights, would probably eat as much gas as being stop-and-go on the interstate. We were just there last week and I remarked to my wife about how insane traffic and the damn lights were, and that was before the panic.

This is true. I was mainly referring to the sections north of Wildwood (where the turnpike meets I-75) as that's where the I-75 has been really bad this afternoon (and even appears to still be).

09-07-17, 21:23
Only Publix I've ever been to was in Ft. Lauderdale. Wegmans here is for people with $$$$. Only reason I stop in there occasionally is for beer (Pa liquor laws suck. Just recently allowed to buy/sell beer in supermarkets) and escargot. Otherwise it's the place to go if you like paying $12 for milk and $50 salmon fillet

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

Pubix is more like Giant (or Giant Eagle for the OH/west PA area).
Wegmans is Alright. It's nice, but there's a ton of stuff I'd never buy- only go if they have something Price rite doesn't have... gotta save gun $.

Good luck to the Floridians. A buddy of mine is hunkered down in the Keys.

09-07-17, 21:29
I still don't get the obsession with publix and then tendie subs... Like do y'all even Wegmans ?? Lol

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

You uncultured he-bitch.

09-07-17, 21:33
You uncultured he-bitch.

I disagree. JP does the Lords work protecting good people.

09-07-17, 21:35
Haha.. I love you guys

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

09-07-17, 23:05
Another Florida get-together after the hurricane?? I’ll fly from NV to join in... with good whisky

Mr. Goodtimes
09-07-17, 23:22
You uncultured he-bitch.

I disagree. JP does the Lords work protecting good people.


Oh ffffaaaawwwwkkkkk


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09-07-17, 23:30

Oh ffffaaaawwwwkkkkk

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This is pretty much worst case scenario for 3 different batches of my family, who have fled north to stay with us.

I'm very concerned about looting, property damage, and wild animals.

Then again, they've stayed with us before and behaved, so maybe it will be ok.

09-08-17, 05:01
Track continues to shift west. They're predicting a Category 4 impact on Miami and it continuing to be a Category 2 hitting places like Tampa and Orlando.

Essentially the entire state is getting hit by a Category 1 hurricane at minimum. Except Pensacola...

09-08-17, 05:21
Does anyone know if gas stations in Jacksonville, Lake City, Valdosta, etc have any gas?

09-08-17, 05:24
Does anyone know if gas stations in Jacksonville, Lake City, Valdosta, etc have any gas?

Not really. I about ran my patrol vehicle out of fuel yesterday between answering calls for service and trying to find fuel for the hoe. The bad thing is we have been put on 12 on 12 off starting Sunday.

Looking at the 5:00 am track it looks like it's taking I-75 north. That bitch.


09-08-17, 05:31
Looking at the 5:00 am track it looks like it's taking I-75 north.


09-08-17, 06:31

09-08-17, 06:50
My Wife's family lives on the Coast, Vero Beach, they're all staying put. They rode out both Francis and Jeanne back in 04 and Irene before that in 99. Not sure they made the right choice, but they are a stubborn lot!

This is one time I'm glad to be back up North instead of down there!

Stay safe boys, good luck! I'll most likely be down that way in the next couple weeks to help my Brother and Father In Law clean up

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09-08-17, 06:53
This is pretty much worst case scenario for 3 different batches of my family, who have fled north to stay with us.

I'm very concerned about looting, property damage, and wild animals.

Then again, they've stayed with us before and behaved, so maybe it will be ok.

I see what you did there.

Outlander Systems
09-08-17, 06:57
If you haven't had a Publix Chicken Tendie sub, you are missing the damn hell out.

09-08-17, 08:34


I like what you got.

Good job.

Mr. Goodtimes
09-08-17, 09:22
If you haven't had a Publix Chicken Tendie sub, you are missing the damn hell out.

Ohhhhhhh.... a chicken tender sub... you people and your damn internetz language.... yea those tendie subs are on point. I get mine with the extra sharp white cheddar and some bacon on white bread. That shit changed my life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-08-17, 09:50
Ohhhhhhh.... a chicken tender sub... you people and your damn internetz language.... yea those tendie subs are on point. I get mine with the extra sharp white cheddar and some bacon on white bread. That shit changed my life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Any word on when the Publix's around us are closing? I know South FL is closing at noon today or 8am tomorrow but I was there last night getting some tendies and didn't see any notice or anything.

09-08-17, 10:14
11am forecast has it moving even more west.

Outlander Systems
09-08-17, 10:35
No trying to salt wounds, but I'm t-t-totally going to meal out on a Tendie Sub for dinner.

Ohhhhhhh.... a chicken tender sub... you people and your damn internetz language.... yea those tendie subs are on point. I get mine with the extra sharp white cheddar and some bacon on white bread. That shit changed my life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mr. Goodtimes
09-08-17, 13:19

Any word on when the Publix's around us are closing? I know South FL is closing at noon today or 8am tomorrow but I was there last night getting some tendies and didn't see any notice or anything.

No idea, hoping they're open regular hours today. I need to pick some stuff up, If they even have it.

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Mr. Goodtimes
09-08-17, 13:21
No trying to salt wounds, but I'm t-t-totally going to meal out on a Tendie Sub for dinner.

I may just grab one my self. I figure I'll treat my self tonight as I may be getting my shit pushed in for the next 72+ hours.

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09-08-17, 13:26
Someone in my office had to go to Tampa, actually north of Tampa, yesterday then turn around to come back same day. The trip down was not bad. On the way back north, he was traveling with all those northbound refugees. He said it took him 13 hours to get back to the north side of ATL, it's usually a 6 hour trip.

09-08-17, 13:51
This is pretty much worst case scenario for 3 different batches of my family, who have fled north to stay with us.

I'm very concerned about looting, property damage, and wild animals.

Then again, they've stayed with us before and behaved, so maybe it will be ok.
That's savage bro! :smile:


Big A
09-08-17, 14:01
Does anyone know if gas stations in Jacksonville, Lake City, Valdosta, etc have any gas?There is still gas in my area of Jax (Mandarin /Southside). Publix is still open but packed, saying they will be open Saturday. 95 & 295 North bound are packed but moving at speed limit currently.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Big A
09-08-17, 14:04
If you haven't had a Publix Chicken Tendie sub, you are missing the damn hell out.Publix Greenwise Peanut butter trinity premium ice cream.

And their seasonal Peanut butter pie premium ice cream.

Might as well just inject the fat straight into my ass...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Big A
09-08-17, 14:12

Mr. Goodtimes
09-08-17, 14:22
Someone in my office had to go to Tampa, actually north of Tampa, yesterday then turn around to come back same day. The trip down was not bad. On the way back north, he was traveling with all those northbound refugees. He said it took him 13 hours to get back to the north side of ATL, it's usually a 6 hour trip.

Yea 75 north bound is a parking lot. I'm predicting tomorrow and early Sunday has the potential to be even worse. Depending on what this storm does and how strong it is when it hits, I think a lot of people who weren't going to evacuate are going to change their minds.

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09-08-17, 14:36
If you don't already have it, download "GAS BUDDY" apps to your cell phone. It will let you know the price and availability of gas in YOUR area based on reports from actual users in YOUR area.

09-08-17, 14:41
If you don't already have it, download "GAS BUDDY" apps to your cell phone. It will let you know the price and availability of gas in YOUR area based on reports from actual users in YOUR area.

Got it, thanx.

09-08-17, 16:21
If you don't already have it, download "GAS BUDDY" apps to your cell phone. It will let you know the price and availability of gas in YOUR area based on reports from actual users in YOUR area.

Yep, used that one during the great gaspocalypse in Dallas recently. Works great, just remember to contribute and update the app with availability and price.

09-08-17, 17:59
Yep, used that one during the great gaspocalypse in Dallas recently. Works great, just remember to contribute and update the app with availability and price.

I have it but did not need it. I did get a T shirt....


09-08-17, 21:32
Weather channel app has the eye projected to go directly over my house and as a cat 4. I've prepared the best I can, I pray this thing loses steam.

09-08-17, 21:36
I have it but did not need it. I did get a T shirt....


I need this

09-08-17, 21:37
If you don't already have it, download "GAS BUDDY" apps to your cell phone. It will let you know the price and availability of gas in YOUR area based on reports from actual users in YOUR area.

What I found most useful was going to tracker.gasbuddy.com on your computer and zooming in to your area. Makes it a lot easier to see what stations have gas, the app was a bit clunky to me.

09-08-17, 23:26
This is looking like a forecasting certainty that the Eurocastle will see a direct hit of a Category 4.

The Eurocastle is wood.

And 80 years old.

Surrounded by dead oak trees.

And vandals.

Will get sporting.

09-08-17, 23:27
This is looking like a forecasting certainty that the Eurocastle will see a direct hit of a Category 4.

The Eurocastle is wood.

And 80 years old.

Surrounded by dead oak trees.

And vandals.

Will get sporting.

Good luck and GOD speed. Stay safe

26 Inf
09-08-17, 23:40
This is looking like a forecasting certainty that the Eurocastle will see a direct hit of a Category 4.

The Eurocastle is wood.

And 80 years old.

Surrounded by dead oak trees.

And vandals.

Will get sporting.

Are you going to be sheltering in the house or evaced?

To my way of thinking a hurricane is like a tornado, except wetter.

I'm assuming 80 year old structures were not built to current hurricane code.

That being said, if you are forced to shelter in the house, consider the chimney and make sure you are protected from all of it falling on you. Seen several serious injuries from those circumstances in local tornadoes. Edit to add - hopefully you have a very heavy sturdy table to get under if it comes to that.

Good luck. Been thinking essentially non stop about those at risk from these storms.

Mr. Goodtimes
09-08-17, 23:42
This is looking like a forecasting certainty that the Eurocastle will see a direct hit of a Category 4.

The Eurocastle is wood.

And 80 years old.

Surrounded by dead oak trees.

And vandals.

Will get sporting.

This looks like shit. The paths just keep getting worse and worse. It indeed looks like we're going to get a direct hit. Stay safe bro.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-08-17, 23:54
This is looking like a forecasting certainty that the Eurocastle will see a direct hit of a Category 4.

The Eurocastle is wood.

And 80 years old.

Surrounded by dead oak trees.

And vandals.

Will get sporting.Stackem deep brown.

Oh, and stay safe.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

09-08-17, 23:56
I'm down here in Ft. Lauderdale taking care of my 100 yr. old mother. Keep your fingers crossed for us guys please.

09-08-17, 23:59

Listening to the nets while getting in some range practice this evening.

Are you going to be sheltering in the house or evaced?

To my way of thinking a hurricane is like a tornado, except wetter.

I'm assuming 80 year old structures were not built to current hurricane code.

That being said, if you are forced to shelter in the house, consider the chimney and make sure you are protected from all of it falling on you. Seen several serious injuries from those circumstances in local tornadoes. Edit to add - hopefully you have a very heavy sturdy table to get under if it comes to that.

Good luck. Been thinking essentially non stop about those at risk from these storms.

I am 90% sure I will stay put. There is a small possibility, dependent on the storm's track, that I will evac to family in a modern home about 3 hours away.

There is no chimney. I have no very heavy, sturdy tables. Single pane windows that are enormous (3ft x 5ft) all over the house. No hurricane ties in the roof. This house isn't in poor shape at all, but it's essentially one level above that of a mobile home as far as sturdiness goes.

This looks like shit. The paths just keep getting worse and worse. It indeed looks like we're going to get a direct hit. Stay safe bro.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The NHC track shows the eye tracking in a manner that places the eyewall directly over our AO. Our last hope lies on a significant westward track over Cuba and associated weakening through tomorrow evening. The storm is unlikely to shift East (best case scenario for us) and a westward shift would be even worse. I feel like a sucker. I prep for everything. I am always ready for shit, but having been through so many hurricanes and made fun of so many folks who move here in May and then get scared in June I thought we were immune to it.

09-09-17, 01:55

didn't you have some posts about shooting at long range in the wind? You should be able to one up those. Stay safe.

Do you put as many things in big plastic bins and duct tape them to keep stuff dry in case of rain or flooding?

Such a foreign concept after living out there for 10 years, though 18 months ago I did have to shovel a 3 foot 'drift' of hail to keep water from damning up and coming under a door during a freak storm.

09-09-17, 02:14

didn't you have some posts about shooting at long range in the wind? You should be able to one up those. Stay safe.

Do you put as many things in big plastic bins and duct tape them to keep stuff dry in case of rain or flooding?

Such a foreign concept after living out there for 10 years, though 18 months ago I did have to shovel a 3 foot 'drift' of hail to keep water from damning up and coming under a door during a freak storm.

Haha yes. But that was when HurricaneMatthew was 50 miles offshore on the east coast and it only gusted to 30mph. I'd love to do some windy shooting tomorrow evening (40mph+ Sustained) but unfortunately they will be closing all of the bridges and I won't be able to get home. I know you're joking, but I actually wanted to do it. How many people have shot .223 to 600 yards in 60mph winds? :)

I regret to say I haven't done any preparing whatsoever for this storm at all. (Hence why I am awake at 3am). I have no duct tape. I have no plastic tarps. I just genuinely thought it was going to go east of us. .

I was able to fill my gas tank this evening, put my motorcycle on a stand and throw a cover on it, and I have 11 gallons of water. Aside from having lots of batteries for my nighttime civil defense system that's about the extent of my preps.

09-09-17, 05:12
5am NHC track has the eye of a Category 3 moving directly over my and Mr Goodtimes AO.

09-09-17, 05:21
If you don't already have it, download "GAS BUDDY" apps to your cell phone. It will let you know the price and availability of gas in YOUR area based on reports from actual users in YOUR area.


During the great Harvey non-shortage of 2017 I was able to locate the precious juice via their gas tracker.

What I found most useful was going to tracker.gasbuddy.com on your computer and zooming in to your area. Makes it a lot easier to see what stations have gas, the app was a bit clunky to me.

AND this.

09-09-17, 06:42
Saw something yesterday about removing the racks from a dishwasher for a sturdy waterproof storage space for documents or anything else that would be destroyed by water. If you don't have bins and tape that may be an option. Stay safe.

09-09-17, 07:22
Fill up bath tubs, and shut off the incoming water line to your water heater, should net you a few dozen gallons of water.

09-09-17, 07:49
Good luck Euro and other Florida people. Stay safe out there.

09-09-17, 08:49
Fill up bath tubs, and shut off the incoming water line to your water heater, should net you a few dozen gallons of water.

Water heater has 50gal of water sitting there for use too. That's one reason I probably wont get a inline water heater in FL.

09-09-17, 08:58
Good luck to you guys. Stay safe

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

09-09-17, 09:39
My wife's grandmother filled up trash cans (new) with water for y2k. Should work well for toilet flushing and bathing.

Didn't think about water heater- that's good too.

09-09-17, 10:07
As I mentioned earlier, I was in Donna 1960 and Alma 1966, both times visiting my aunt & uncle in Sarasota. I am digging out my Dad's Kodachrome slides from 1960 showing Donna's devastation. Irma seems to be following a very similar course to 1960. Going to have to dig out those old slides again. Some impressive shots of pleasure and fishing boats carried inland. I'd be looking for high ground at least 15-20 feet above sea level.

09-09-17, 10:11
Fill up bath tubs, and shut off the incoming water line to your water heater, should net you a few dozen gallons of water.

Fill up your washing machine also. With ice if you have enough....

09-09-17, 11:25
Fill up your washing machine also. With ice if you have enough....

That's a new one to me.

Good luck everyone.


And good luck after the storm...


In the aftermath of the 2004 hurricane season, I took a look at the more than 100 deaths associated with either Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan or Jeanne, four storms that hit Florida that year. I read and reread the statistics and was amazed to understand how each person died. So many of them were initial survivors of the disaster but perished in the recovery phase.

09-09-17, 14:15
Buddy of mine in Boca had a flight to leave Thurs which was well ahead of this storm and they cancelled on him and his family. Knowing the storms normally hit east and was supposed to hit Miami first, they were able to get a hotel in Fort Myers, which now appears about ground zero. I'm sure the hotel will hold up, but man, talk about bad luck. He'd have been better off just staying in Boca.

09-09-17, 14:29
Buddy of mine in Boca had a flight to leave Thurs which was well ahead of this storm and they cancelled on him and his family. Knowing the storms normally hit east and was supposed to hit Miami first, they were able to get a hotel in Fort Myers, which now appears about ground zero. I'm sure the hotel will hold up, but man, talk about bad luck. He'd have been better off just staying in Boca.
I'm not that up on flight cancellation protocols, why were they cancelling so many flights so early?

09-09-17, 14:41
Buddy of mine in Boca had a flight to leave Thurs which was well ahead of this storm and they cancelled on him and his family. Knowing the storms normally hit east and was supposed to hit Miami first, they were able to get a hotel in Fort Myers, which now appears about ground zero. I'm sure the hotel will hold up, but man, talk about bad luck. He'd have been better off just staying in Boca.

I had my father planning to come to my house in Naples from Lake Worth along with my sister who lives in Boynton Beach planning to stay with my mother who lives down the street from me, that is until Friday morning the projected track moved West. I told them from the start it was a crap shoot, my fiancée's parents from Miami came to crash with us because when they left it appeared the storm would hit the east coast and they had no hurricane shutters. This storm's exact track is unpredictable and the reality is nobody is completely safe from it in Florida (even now). Projected winds on the east coast will hit 90-100mph. As it stands now, tracking this thing on radar it seems to be a little more east than the current track predicts (staying in the gulf when passing by Naples). Yesterday the weather channel had the eye going over my house, we'll see how close it gets and how strong it is. My house was built in 2011, I have electronic hurricane shutters that are down, I prepared my house as well as I could and thankfully I am not in an evacuation (storm surge) zone as my house is a little further inland. I cannot wait for this damn thing to pass.

09-09-17, 15:56
I'm not that up on flight cancellation protocols, why were they cancelling so many flights so early?

I don't know. I do know they used to fly right until the wind was too high (30mph or there abouts I recall) and only then cancelled. They screwed a lot of people with these early cancellations who thought they'd be easily gone. I have taken off and landed in some pretty scary weather, but they flew until they could not.

09-09-17, 16:10
I don't know. I do know they used to fly right until the wind was too high (30mph or there abouts I recall) and only then cancelled. They screwed a lot of people with these early cancellations who thought they'd be easily gone. I have taken off and landed in some pretty scary weather, but they flew until they could not.

Maybe airport staff is becoming MIA to the point they cannot operate? They may want to leave as well...

09-09-17, 16:33
Good luck to everyone in the path.

Stay safe.

09-09-17, 18:41
Two friends of mine were in this group that were "left behind" by the Marriott in St. Thomas. Apparently the boat they brought in had room for 1800 people and they left the island only 300 on board. The boat captain first stated they could take everyone and then Marriott management stepped in and said no.


09-09-17, 18:43
It's an eerie thing pulling out your bug-in bag for real and facing the very real possibility of your house not being here tomorrow.

09-09-17, 20:28
Good luck to everyone in the path.

Stay safe.

Ditto here! God bless and keep Y'all safe!

Mr. Goodtimes
09-09-17, 20:42
It's an eerie thing pulling out your bug-in bag for real and facing the very real possibility of your house not being here tomorrow.

It is very weird. It always happens to someone else... I think we will be alright though, news is saying 80-90 mph gusts. Not sure how that is possible in a cat 3 but I'll take it...

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09-09-17, 21:19
It's an eerie thing pulling out your bug-in bag for real and facing the very real possibility of your house not being here tomorrow.

Hope everything is fine - but sounds like you are GingTFO = good.

It is very weird. It always happens to someone else... I think we will be alright though, news is saying 80-90 mph gusts. Not sure how that is possible in a cat 3 but I'll take it...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They are calling for a cat 4 still up to around Tampa last I saw. Storm surge of 5-8'. Waves on top of that. 2 story concrete building, I'd still try to get out as there is a possibility of water coming into the 2nd story.

09-09-17, 22:22
Prayers for everyone in the path.

09-09-17, 22:38
Yeah - really hoping that Irma moves more West. My mom lives in the Villages in central FL (Sumter county).

09-09-17, 22:42
They are calling for a cat 4 still up to around Tampa last I saw. Storm surge of 5-8'. Waves on top of that.

I saw a graphic today on percentage of impact type and deaths.

Storm surge = 45%+ I forget the exact number
Flood rain = 27%

So about 75% of the deaths are from the water, not the wind. They just found some lady in the ceiling of a building. She got stuck in an elevator and no one could find her.

It's bigger than the State of Texas. Now reporting it likely will not strengthen. It looks like it's trying to jog around Key West. It would nice if it pulled into he Gulf and slowed down before landfall.

09-09-17, 23:21
I saw a graphic today on percentage of impact type and deaths.

Storm surge = 45%+ I forget the exact number
Flood rain = 27%

So about 75% of the deaths are from the water, not the wind. They just found some lady in the ceiling of a building. She got stuck in an elevator and no one could find her.

It's bigger than the State of Texas. Now reporting it likely will not strengthen. It looks like it's trying to jog around Key West. It would nice if it pulled into he Gulf and slowed down before landfall.

Then of course, there are those tempting Darwin's Law...


"I'm like a storm chaser."

09-10-17, 02:30
I don't know. I do know they used to fly right until the wind was too high (30mph or there abouts I recall) and only then cancelled. They screwed a lot of people with these early cancellations who thought they'd be easily gone. I have taken off and landed in some pretty scary weather, but they flew until they could not.

A lot of the airlines have switched from run as hard and as long as you can and then try to put it all back on track afterwards to preemptively stopping with planes in good places to restart in an orderly fashion with crews rested (and with lots of hours left to fly) and planes in good spots. The problem is if things like snowstorms don't materialize, you end up looking like dumbasses and flights are cancelled when there are blue skies. We'll see which system wins out in the long run.

That Marriott thing is crazy. I stay a lot at Marriotts, even met Mr. Marriott once. They are usually awesome at customer care. I wonder what the heck was going on there.

09-10-17, 04:21
Two friends of mine were in this group that were "left behind" by the Marriott in St. Thomas. Apparently the boat they brought in had room for 1800 people and they left the island only 300 on board. The boat captain first stated they could take everyone and then Marriott management stepped in and said no.


How in the actual **** does a hotel have the final say in what and where their paying customers go especially concerning their egress from a hurricane devastated zone with no water or food? Hotels have no legal say in such matters, about all they can do is call LE to remove unruly lodgers and that's during normal operating conditions not after the island your on has been destroyed.

09-10-17, 05:36
Hope everything is fine - but sounds like you are GingTFO = good.

They are calling for a cat 4 still up to around Tampa last I saw. Storm surge of 5-8'. Waves on top of that. 2 story concrete building, I'd still try to get out as there is a possibility of water coming into the 2nd story.

Now it is showing a Cat 3 on landfall, but I have been watching the news and they've been showing city by city max wind gusts and I haven't seen anything higher than 95mph. That is a Category 1 and those are merely gusts. Category 3 is, I believe, 111+ sustained.

I think this will cause power outages and that's it. A few sensationalized images of trees falling on roofs and damaged mobile homes but this will be a non event.

09-10-17, 06:31
I saw a graphic today on percentage of impact type and deaths.

Storm surge = 45%+ I forget the exact number
Flood rain = 27%

So about 75% of the deaths are from the water, not the wind. They just found some lady in the ceiling of a building. She got stuck in an elevator and no one could find her.

It's bigger than the State of Texas. Now reporting it likely will not strengthen. It looks like it's trying to jog around Key West. It would nice if it pulled into he Gulf and slowed down before landfall.

The way the media sensationalizes the news any death that occurs during a weather event gets counted as death by storm. Do you know how many old people die every day in SW Florida? There are trucking companies that haul them back north for burial.

09-10-17, 07:04
I don't know. I do know they used to fly right until the wind was too high (30mph or there abouts I recall) and only then cancelled. They screwed a lot of people with these early cancellations who thought they'd be easily gone. I have taken off and landed in some pretty scary weather, but they flew until they could not.
Good to hear people or companies are being more proactive, just closures on Thursday sound too early. I see what you're saying about the winds, and I get that. Thoughts and prayers for any and all in the path.

09-10-17, 07:53
Police just came by for a welfare check. Asked wtf I was still doing here and why I don't have boards on my windows.

Said they will no longer be responding to emergency calls in an hour or so. Trees have started falling in my neighborhood and it's starting to get unsafe. Surprisingly little rain though.

The beer is still cold though. Crisis averted.

09-10-17, 07:54
I'm in Naples, we still have power, no crazy winds yet but a lot of rain. Good luck to everyone else in this storm's path. Btw, I am not in a storm surge zone like 3/4 of Naples is, I never actually realized how at risk Naples was, dumb luck I am not in that surge zone.

Mr. Goodtimes
09-10-17, 08:43
Police just came by for a welfare check. Asked wtf I was still doing here and why I don't have boards on my windows.

Said they will no longer be responding to emergency calls in an hour or so. Trees have started falling in my neighborhood and it's starting to get unsafe. Surprisingly little rain though.

The beer is still cold though. Crisis averted.

Any big trees already down? The wind isn't bad here at all yet, actually it's not even really blowing.

We're currently still responding to calls. We stop when winds reach 40 mph ish.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-10-17, 08:59
Any big trees already down? The wind isn't bad here at all yet, actually it's not even really blowing.

We're currently still responding to calls. We stop when winds reach 40 mph ish.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not much wind in Naples either (yet anyway).

09-10-17, 09:52
News now calling it a Cat 4.

Good luck, NYH1.

09-10-17, 09:56
News now calling it a Cat 4.

Good luck, NYH1.

Areas of the gulf coast are gonna take it without lube. East coast will still see hurricane force winds and major flooding due to the shear size of the storm, which is approx twice as wide as the state. Seeing 100+ mph gusts and heavy rain where I am now on east side.

I blame you all for convincing me to move to FL :neo:

09-10-17, 10:12
Stay safe brother!


09-10-17, 10:16
I blame you all for convincing me to move to FL :neo:
Don't look at me...I advised you to move to Minnesota... ;) We haven't had a hurricane all year. Or...ever...

09-10-17, 10:33
Just heard from a friend of mine who is in Ft Myers, he went down last week to help his elderly parents..They're now in a shelter in east Ft Myers. His folks duplex is in Cape Coral, and he expects it to get flooded out with the storm surge, his parents will probably lose everything inside. I guess if there's a bright side here, it is that they're all safe.I know my friend has lost alot of the interest he had in retiring and moving down there after this.I hate to think how much insurance companies are going to jack up the rates for insuring property down there after this..

09-10-17, 10:33
RE this supposed "unprecedented" hurricane season and climate change. Quite a good interview on the topic with someone with the creds to comment on it.


09-10-17, 11:12
Power just went out here and Naples, winds kicking up.

09-10-17, 11:14
Any big trees already down? The wind isn't bad here at all yet, actually it's not even really blowing.

We're currently still responding to calls. We stop when winds reach 40 mph ish.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was in DTSP checking on a buddy's boat and the police were really not cool with me being there. There are loads of LE all over the evacuation zones and I even saw people jogging and taking their dogs for a walk.

The track shifted slightly east and it seems to be weakening. I don't think this will be as bad as we thought it would be 36 hours ago. We might not even see winds >80mph. This storm got kind of hyped up when it was supposed to hit SE FL cuz damn near everyone in the US owns a home there or knows someone who does. No one really knows what Bonita Springs is.

Also, the neighborhoods like mine with old trees are already having issues with wind. Idk your exact AO at the station but Maybe it's coming off the bay stronger. we've had gusts up well above 40.

09-10-17, 12:01
I was in DTSP checking on a buddy's boat and the police were really not cool with me being there. There are loads of LE all over the evacuation zones and I even saw people jogging and taking their dogs for a walk.

The track shifted slightly east and it seems to be weakening. I don't think this will be as bad as we thought it would be 36 hours ago. We might not even see winds >80mph. This storm got kind of hyped up when it was supposed to hit SE FL cuz damn near everyone in the US owns a home there or knows someone who does. No one really knows what Bonita Springs is.

Also, the neighborhoods like mine with old trees are already having issues with wind. Idk your exact AO at the station but Maybe it's coming off the bay stronger. we've had gusts up well above 40.

I'm seeing gusts that high now on the east side, so when it hits land on the gulf side as a cat 4, which seems to be the prediction still, 130-150mph is likely. It may jog a bit east or west, but, I don't see this as being anything less than a really nasty event. I hope I'm totally wrong...

Mr. Goodtimes
09-10-17, 12:18
Just ran into a deputy who said there has already been some light looting up in Lutz, people stealing plywood and other stuff from construction sites.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-10-17, 12:27
RE this supposed "unprecedented" hurricane season and climate change. Quite a good interview on the topic with someone with the creds to comment on it.


Dr. Spencer appears to have a history of cooking the books, calling those who disagree with him Nazis because they disagree with him, and has said that his job as a scientist isn't the pursuit of truth, but mollifying taxpayers. The last paper I could find that he had published on climate science was insufficiently peer-reviewed, resulted in the editor of the journal resigning for allowing it to be published, and wasn't even published in a journal of climatology.

I understand that he gets a lot of play with Fox News, though.

09-10-17, 12:35
Well so far I am glad to see that so far our Florida people are making it.

Per Climate Change, I reckon we are screwing up the planet somehow. But I wont be here in 20 or 30 years and have no children nor do I want them so......

Good luck with it.

09-10-17, 12:37
Also, the neighborhoods like mine with old trees are already having issues with wind. Idk your exact AO at the station but Maybe it's coming off the bay stronger. we've had gusts up well above 40.

We routinely see this in Atlanta area with weakening hurricanes/tropical storms/depressions. And prepping for it in this case.

Saturating rain + 40-70 mph winds + big mature trees are very problematic. I've lost big trees at two different houses from that situation, one with significant structural damage. You really do not want to be around falling 80-100' trees. Even in a house.

Being even 100 miles due east of even a cat 2 should be taken seriously due to tornado/tree risk.

On the good news side, it appears my brother's place in the upper keys dodged a big bullet, at least in terms of the strike.

Neighbors reporting Fla Bay and canals drained dry, bizarre.

09-10-17, 12:44
Dr. Spencer appears to have a history of cooking the books, calling those who disagree with him Nazis because they disagree with him, and has said that his job as a scientist isn't the pursuit of truth, but mollifying taxpayers. The last paper I could find that he had published on climate science was insufficiently peer-reviewed, resulted in the editor of the journal resigning for allowing it to be published, and wasn't even published in a journal of climatology.

I understand that he gets a lot of play with Fox News, though.

I can't speak to any of that. I did find the interview interesting and seemingly well balanced as he agrees that man likely having some impact on global warming and does not deny that, but feels the impact is greatly exaggerated. Also, anyone who does not agree with the current group think, will be called all manner of names and have difficulty getting papers published. For example, I don't care how good your data is, try and get a paper suggesting guns are a net plus on crime rates in a major med journal while papers not worth the paper thry are printed on, that some how survived peer review* get published.

That's a general point vs specific to Dr. Spencer as I don't know his work well enough to comment, but I do know the process of tearing people down who don't fall in line with the group think of various topics.

* = Referees for peer review also have their own bias and journals, sadly, often choose reviewers who are biased in favor of the journal's stances, EIC, etc. I have been a referee for several journals myself and the process on the back end is eye opening. I have also been rejected by journals because they simply didn't agree with X, no matter how good the data or review of the data was, and accepted for the same paper in a different journal known to be less biased, etc.

09-10-17, 12:49
We routinely see this in Atlanta area with weakening hurricanes/tropical storms/depressions. And prepping for it in this case.

Saturating rain + 40-70 mph winds + big mature trees are very problematic. I've lost big trees at two different houses from that situation, one with significant structural damage. You really do not want to be around falling 80-100' trees. Even in a house.

Being even 100 miles due east of even a cat 2 should be taken seriously due to tornado/tree risk.

On the good news side, it appears my brother's place in the upper keys dodged a big bullet, at least in terms of the strike.

Neighbors reporting Fla Bay and canals drained dry, bizarre.

When you're 100-200 miles east of a cat 4 that's 3-400 miles wide, one can do the math to see you're not getting away from that without issues and experiencing legit cat 2-3 winds and rain. We are also getting continuous tornado warnings right now due edge of storm so close and it's only getting started here.

09-10-17, 12:51
I'm hearing reports from people who still have power and cable that we're (Naples) getting hit with 87mph winds... It sure as hell sounds every bit of 87mph. Marco Island is about to get blasted looking at my radar and this damn thing is moving west very slowly. I might be 2 hours from getting hit with that eye wall (Western side, which is the most intense side). I'm hoping it misses me and if it does it will be very close.

09-10-17, 15:33
I am in the eyewall, if anyone ever wondered if you get service, Sprint is continuing to work. Weather channel is reporting 95mph sustained with 130mph gusts. So far, so good, house is holding up.

Alex V
09-10-17, 15:58
Well so far I am glad to see that so far our Florida people are making it.

Per Climate Change, I reckon we are screwing up the planet somehow. But I wont be here in 20 or 30 years and have no children nor do I want them so......

Good luck with it.

We have this in common. No kids, no worries. Tho I hope I make it a bit more than 20 or 30 years lol

Alex V
09-10-17, 15:59
I am in the eyewall, if anyone ever wondered if you get service, Sprint is continuing to work. Weather channel is reporting 95mph sustained with 130mph gusts. So far, so good, house is holding up.

Holy poop dude. The weather channel live broadcast is nuts. Stay safe!

Mr. Goodtimes
09-10-17, 18:32
I am in the eyewall, if anyone ever wondered if you get service, Sprint is continuing to work. Weather channel is reporting 95mph sustained with 130mph gusts. So far, so good, house is holding up.

That's good to know. Stay safe brosafina! Were getting some good gusts up here. It's been a quite shift thus far, though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-10-17, 18:56
Fence fell apart between my house and my neighbor's. My neighbor and I were trying to repair it and he had a nail go through his foot and EMS won't come and provided first aid instructions over the phone. Shit is real.

09-10-17, 19:31
off topic.

09-10-17, 19:32
Ft Lauderdale is reporting that Looters are being arrested.
Pawn Shops, Tennis Shoe Stores and Loan Companies. What can you walk out the door with from a Handi-Loan?

Mr. Goodtimes
09-10-17, 19:40
Ft Lauderdale is reporting that Looters are being arrested.
Pawn Shops, Tennis Shoe Stores and Loan Companies. What can you walk out the door with from a Handi-Loan?

Bad credit?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-10-17, 19:48
Id much rather you, as an MD, lecture me on how to get the nail out of his calcaneous safely instead of harping on us for wanting to use a service we pay for. It's not something we feel comfortable doing. We have no anathestic or any training.

I'm sure you have a reason and no time yet to tell the story but I guess I don't get the urgency on making a repair to a fence during the storm...

That said a nail in the heel has got to be miserable. I'm guessing Tylenol is the best bet for now as ibuprofen or aspirin could make it bleed more.

#1 rule in disasters is don't make a bad situation worse. I had a neighbor fry his whole house by hooking up a generator improperly and insurance wouldn't pay.

Had another friend trimming a dead tree before an ice storm ended up smashing his garage.

Good luck to everyone down there.

09-10-17, 19:50

26 Inf
09-10-17, 19:53
How in the actual **** does a hotel have the final say in what and where their paying customers go especially concerning their egress from a hurricane devastated zone with no water or food? Hotels have no legal say in such matters, about all they can do is call LE to remove unruly lodgers and that's during normal operating conditions not after the island your on has been destroyed.

Perhaps because the St. Thomas Marriott had chartered the boat? In that case they would have legal say on who boarded the boat.

Although the vessel's Captain certainly could have said 'I don't sail in these conditions unless I'm fully loaded, regardless of what you say'

Anyway you look at it management screwed the pooch on that one.

09-10-17, 19:53
SWAT standoff in Orlando at Academy Sports, two suspects barricaded with stolen firearms from the store, now in custody. This occurred right as Orlando began to see the worst weather they've seen so far today.


09-10-17, 19:57
I have my entire immediate family....mother, grandmother, brother, sister and her family....riding it out at my sister's house in North Port. If this ends up being just a major pain in the ass instead of a freaking disaster I will be VERY grateful.

My brother's place is in Rotondo, however, and that may be a different story due to the storm surge. He rents so it wouldn't be total heartbreak but he likes where he lives and now there will certainly be at least a few thousand people more looking to rent in the SW Florida area. My mom and grandmother live a little west of I-75 off the King's Highway exit so their duplex will probably be okay (at least as far as we can surmise at this point).

09-10-17, 19:58
Perhaps because the St. Thomas Marriott had chartered the boat? In that case they would have legal say on who boarded the boat.

Although the vessel's Captain certainly could have said 'I don't sail in these conditions unless I'm fully loaded, regardless of what you say'

Anyway you look at it management screwed the pooch on that one.

Was just at the St. Thomas Marriott Frenchman's Reef this past January.

09-10-17, 20:02
I'm sure you have a reason and no time yet to tell the story but I guess I don't get the urgency on making a repair to a fence during the storm...

That said a nail in the heel has got to be miserable. I'm guessing Tylenol is the best bet for now as ibuprofen or aspirin could make it bleed more.

#1 rule in disasters is don't make a bad situation worse. I had a neighbor fry his whole house by hooking up a generator improperly and insurance wouldn't pay.

Had another friend trimming a dead tree before an ice storm ended up smashing his garage.

Good luck to everyone down there.

Have you seen what two fence panels flipping around in 60-80mph winds can do to the remaining parts of a fence?

I did. I didn't want that shit hitting my house and my neighbor didn't want it hitting his. His wife drove him to the ER. Crisis averted. Maybe he should quit his job, become a meth addict and then call 911 daily for free rides as that seems to not be the true cause for a bloated healthcare system.

Oh, and to GH who said we are bleeding hearts you must have read a different post because I don't recall saying anything of that nature.

09-10-17, 20:22
Let's talk about the hurricane, like Sam mentioned.

Please be as safe you can, those who are exposed to weather and danger.

09-10-17, 20:31
Since my last post about Looters the numbers of arrests have more than doubled, now at 19 with one Looters being shot dead.

09-10-17, 20:47
I am actually kind of surprised they only had one looter shot.

Of course, most people don't have dope on their range card for 100+ mph crosswinds. So it's understandable, I guess.

Mr. Goodtimes
09-10-17, 20:48
Since my last post about Looters the numbers of arrests have more than doubled, now at 19 with one Looters being shot dead.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-10-17, 20:55
I have deleted posts that don't have anything to do with the hurricane and will continue to do so.

26 Inf
09-10-17, 20:59
I have my entire immediate family....mother, grandmother, brother, sister and her family....riding it out at my sister's house in North Port. If this ends up being just a major pain in the ass instead of a freaking disaster I will be VERY grateful.

That is the attitude. Too damned many folks will be grumbling because of the pain in the ass instead of thankful it wasn't as bad as anticipated.

09-10-17, 21:04
Perhaps because the St. Thomas Marriott had chartered the boat? In that case they would have legal say on who boarded the boat.

Although the vessel's Captain certainly could have said 'I don't sail in these conditions unless I'm fully loaded, regardless of what you say'

Anyway you look at it management screwed the pooch on that one.

That actually seems to be the case and I have some more information at this time.

The Marriott somehow contacted this vessel with an agreement to evacuate THEIR guests. (Unsure if Marriott may or may not own this ship). Anyway, they or their guests advertised or passed word all over the island that this boat was evacuating people to San Juan.

When the boat arrived there were 32 people that approached the gangway in an organized manner and asked to board. The captain gave approval and at least some were already on board when the resort management kicked them off and turned them all around. They were told that Marriott did not want the liability of transporting non-customers in these conditions.

Supposedly the Norwegian crusie line is sending a ship to take anyone who wants to go from St Thomas to Miami arriving Thursday if the weather allows. Apparently the situation in the leeward and Virgin Islands is very dire at this time.

Big A
09-10-17, 21:20
I am actually kind of surprised they only had one looter shot.

Of course, most people don't have dope on their range card for 100+ mph crosswinds. So it's understandable, I guess.Lolz.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

09-10-17, 21:23
Are any of you guys where the sea was basically sucked out and then the surge back in? I have never noticed that happen before. I was curious what the insurge was like and does it follow the eye or just how the system works when that much water has been pulled out.

I just can't picture where the surge water is and when does it flood back in? I mean I know where the water is but it seems so strange that an approaching force that big is drawing water out. I was wondering if the storm died down in wind speed could the surge simply be the next high tide and maybe not much more. Would it be possible that the predicted surge levels could simply not happen now.

I've seen storms come up a bay with a high tide and that is a mess, but never seen one suck all the water out as it approaches.

09-10-17, 21:32
Are any of you guys where the sea was basically sucked out and then the surge back in? I have never noticed that happen before. I was curious what the insurge was like and does it follow the eye or just how the system works when that much water has been pulled out.

I just can't picture where the surge water is and when does it flood back in? I mean I know where the water is but it seems so strange that an approaching force that big is drawing water out. I was wondering if the storm died down in wind speed could the surge simply be the next high tide and maybe not much more. Would it be possible that the predicted surge levels could simply not happen now.

I've seen storms come up a bay with a high tide and that is a mess, but never seen one suck all the water out as it approaches.

I've seen pictures from as far away as Mobile Bay today showing a reduction in water level. I think the more easterly impact had some impact on the storm surge predictions; instead of Tampa Bay, Charlotte Harbor, and the Caloosahatchee River, etc, being filled with water from the NE quadrant pushing water into them, they got the NW quadrant pushing water out of them. Collier County (Naples/Marco Island), on the other hand....

ETA: That said, as some of these regions are now getting SW winds, the water is going to get pushed back in. Cape Coral is issuing a warning of inbound storm surge.

09-10-17, 21:42
I just can't picture where the surge water is and when does it flood back in? I mean I know where the water is but it seems so strange that an approaching force that big is drawing water out. I was wondering if the storm died down in wind speed could the surge simply be the next high tide and maybe not much more. Would it be possible that the predicted surge levels could simply not happen now.

I've seen storms come up a bay with a high tide and that is a mess, but never seen one suck all the water out as it approaches.

It looks kinda like when Moses parted the Red Sea :)

Seriously, I would like to know that myself, how rapid is the returning tide? is it like a dam break or gradual?

09-10-17, 22:04
Tsunami have the same effect, water is pulled out and then gets pushed bsck, usually at a much higher level.

09-10-17, 22:32
Pictures I took earlier today.

For reference the water mark at low tide is up to the grassy area. Its incredible how much force it takes to lower the ocean level by that much.


Those rocks are usually under 3ft of water at low tide.


It is now dark out but the water still hasn't returned. The air is still blowing south so it will probably be a few hours before it starts. I would imagine its a gradual return simply because the wind directly gradually shifts. It isn't like the wind is blowing all of the water out and then it just shuts off.

09-10-17, 22:39
It looks kinda like when Moses parted the Red Sea :)

Seriously, I would like to know that myself, how rapid is the returning tide? is it like a dam break or gradual?

They were discussing that on one of the news channels earlier and apparently, it's gradual coming back in. Major difference is it just continues to rise (storm surge) until the storm is past.

09-11-17, 03:54
Neighbors reporting Fla Bay and canals drained dry, bizarre.

Saw this vid from the Bahamas after Irma passed . . .


09-11-17, 04:03
That actually seems to be the case and I have some more information at this time.

The Marriott somehow contacted this vessel with an agreement to evacuate THEIR guests. (Unsure if Marriott may or may not own this ship). Anyway, they or their guests advertised or passed word all over the island that this boat was evacuating people to San Juan.

When the boat arrived there were 32 people that approached the gangway in an organized manner and asked to board. The captain gave approval and at least some were already on board when the resort management kicked them off and turned them all around. They were told that Marriott did not want the liability of transporting non-customers in these conditions.

Supposedly the Norwegian crusie line is sending a ship to take anyone who wants to go from St Thomas to Miami arriving Thursday if the weather allows. Apparently the situation in the leeward and Virgin Islands is very dire at this time.

Okay this makes a little more sense now.

But still, denying people to board a ship with plenty of room that have no access to water or food over concerns of liability is bullshit. If it's a matter of payment, bill them.

09-11-17, 04:12
Since my last post about Looters the numbers of arrests have more than doubled, now at 19 with one Looters being shot dead.

As of 04:00 EST, CNN has reported 23 looters arrested in Miami-Dade alone and that it is "wide spread". I was a little surprised that CNN would report on looting. Estimated four million Floridians are without power as of this morning.

Anyone heard from Steyr? Hope he and his are doing alright, I'm sure he is patrolling his perimeter with NODs and an MP5.

09-11-17, 04:47
Thankfully these misunderstood victims of climate change risked life and limb in hurricane winds to rescue all those Nikes . . .

Looters caught by Local 10 cameras arrested by Fort Lauderdale police

09-11-17, 07:21
Tree fell on my street. I have to drive through a park in order to get out. I don't have any chains to drag it out of the way. My avocado tree is down, my orange tree is down, my oak tree is literally gone. It was a sapling and I cannot find it. We won't talk about the fence being gone though, lest someone safe many states away calls me a bleeding heart.

Drove around and checked on some houses and boats. No damage other than a lot of trees down, fences down, and a lot of road signs blown away. Saw a huge Oak tree down and it literally landed 6" away from a Kia Sportage. Power is still on for me despite some pretty awe inspiring pyrotechnic shows from transformers across the street. Got good video of that. Those sparks will literally dance across the road like a jitterbug. Insane. And they're the size of baseballs.

I was surprised I never even had to use my NODs and that the power went out in more modern places like FTL but not here. Also very happy to see the community come together and start cleaning up as early as 7am.

Someone would have to be pretty ballsy to loot here now. Every single police officer in the city is out (literally, it's not shift work) as well as highway patrol, and lots of out of state police and I have seen national guard trucks driving around as well.

Hope those in Naples and the Keys are fairing ok. I saw Marathon was really messed up.

09-11-17, 07:24
Are you trying to get another thread locked?

09-11-17, 07:34
Are you trying to get another thread locked?

Good point. I'll take any concerns I have with people not even in the path of this hurricane lecturing us on what's really going on here to PM.

09-11-17, 09:03

09-11-17, 09:09
His wife drove him to the ER. Crisis averted.


09-11-17, 10:40
Spent the morning cutting down dead and removing fallen branches. I am one of 3 houses in my neighborhood with power. People heard my power tools and we are running extension cords. At least the weather is cool, for now.


This is not Hurricane related, and you missed the sarcasm.

26 Inf
09-11-17, 11:42
Good point. I'll take any concerns I have with people not even in the path of this hurricane lecturing us on what's really going on here to PM.

Euro, Glad things are okay. There are a lot of us who live in parts of the country where weather related disasters are not unheard of, your area had the potential to get hammered much harder than it was, so thanks for that.

That it is part of our DNA to help others in order to ensure the safety of the group is always most evidenced after a disaster. Neighbors who don't talk to each other throughout the year often work together to help other neighbors clear their debris before they clear theirs.

Be safe as you work. One of the 'blessings' of such a disaster is that many folks develop bonds with their neighbors that will last through the years.

Let's talk seriously about the ambulance deal.

I've crewed on an ambulance, and responded to medical emergencies on our Fire District's squad. One of my pet peeves is that fire and EMS run code all the time to calls, often needlessly. This unnecessarily endangers the public. (As an aside, FD and EMS do much better at clearing intersections as a rule than LE). In a storm situation like you had, the dangers increase exponentially.

If your situation is uncomfortable, but not life or limb threatening, you are tying up resources potentially needed to actually save lives, especially in a storm.

I can not tell you how many times I've wanted to say: 'Really, you couldn't walk your fat ass to the car and have someone drive you to the hospital for a fvcking stomachache?' or 'Hey Werner, put your mind to it, which do you think would have been faster, waiting for us to get up, drive out in the ambulance, then drive back to the hospital AT THE LEGAL SPEED LIMIT?'

(ETA: of course, any chest pain is potentially cardiac pain, so never got disgusted about someone pulling the trigger on chest pain, wish more would.)

Plus, the guy you are mocking is pretty even keeled and considered in his responses, he deserves better.


09-11-17, 12:43
Spoke to my folks in Ocala just a few minutes ago. Mom reports they are ok and have power but no cable but about half of their development is without power. Relatives in Sanford are ok but w/o power. Glad to hear from the members that have checked in and are safe. Hoping to hear from others soon.

09-11-17, 13:00
I need some tech support for a system I'm working on......yup, it's in Tallahassee. LOL.

09-11-17, 14:08
Wind is picking up in my area. Reports of trees down popping up all around.

09-11-17, 14:46
Spoke to my folks in Ocala just a few minutes ago. Mom reports they are ok and have power but no cable but about half of their development is without power. Relatives in Sanford are ok but w/o power. Glad to hear from the members that have checked in and are safe. Hoping to hear from others soon.

Glad to hear they are OK. Have they reported any significant storm damage?

09-11-17, 16:28
Wind is picking up in my area. Reports of trees down popping up all around.



It's been busy on shift today.

Outlander Systems
09-11-17, 16:36


Wind is picking up in my area. Reports of trees down popping up all around.

09-11-17, 20:22


The warning sign seems to have anticipated the downed tree.

09-11-17, 20:37


What road was that?

09-11-17, 23:36
Tree fell on my street. I have to drive through a park in order to get out. I don't have any chains to drag it out of the way. My avocado tree is down, my orange tree is down, my oak tree is literally gone. It was a sapling and I cannot find it. We won't talk about the fence being gone though, lest someone safe many states away calls me a bleeding heart.

Drove around and checked on some houses and boats. No damage other than a lot of trees down, fences down, and a lot of road signs blown away. Saw a huge Oak tree down and it literally landed 6" away from a Kia Sportage. Power is still on for me despite some pretty awe inspiring pyrotechnic shows from transformers across the street. Got good video of that. Those sparks will literally dance across the road like a jitterbug. Insane. And they're the size of baseballs.

I was surprised I never even had to use my NODs and that the power went out in more modern places like FTL but not here. Also very happy to see the community come together and start cleaning up as early as 7am.

Someone would have to be pretty ballsy to loot here now. Every single police officer in the city is out (literally, it's not shift work) as well as highway patrol, and lots of out of state police and I have seen national guard trucks driving around as well.

Hope those in Naples and the Keys are fairing ok. I saw Marathon was really messed up.

Sounds like it could have been much worse and I'm genuinely glad it wasn't for you!

There was no bleeding heart implied sorry if it came that way. I seriously knew there must have been some s/7t going down if you had to run outside during the storm to take care of business and I figured you were simply too busy to tell the whole story. My apologies.

Good luck.

09-12-17, 15:58
I'm safe fellas, I guess Irma dumped all its energy on the Keys, Marco Island and Naples before fizzing out (at least according to the radio). I have had no power, no cell service, water came back yesterday but we were hit with the north/east side of the eyewall with 140mph wind gusts (we had at least 10 of those gusts). My house had 2-3 tiles come off (probably a few that are loose), 2/3 trees behind my lanai fell onto my lanai (damage not too bad there). Tons of trees down all over Naples, besides some lanais that appeared to have been hit with a wrecking ball, I don't see too many major structures damaged.

09-13-17, 11:31
I'm safe fellas, I guess Irma dumped all its energy on the Keys, Marco Island and Naples before fizzing out (at least according to the radio). I have had no power, no cell service, water came back yesterday but we were hit with the north/east side of the eyewall with 140mph wind gusts (we had at least 10 of those gusts). My house had 2-3 tiles come off (probably a few that are loose), 2/3 trees behind my lanai fell onto my lanai (damage not too bad there). Tons of trees down all over Naples, besides some lanais that appeared to have been hit with a wrecking ball, I don't see too many major structures damaged.
Good to hear you're safe my friend!


09-13-17, 13:42
Was there no storm surge? That all they were talking about until the eye passed, then I never heard the phrase again.

I couldn't find anything on google either.

Big A
09-13-17, 14:00
Was there no storm surge? That all they were talking about until the eye passed, then I never heard the phrase again.

I couldn't find anything on google either.

The St. Johns river flooded several areas in Jacksonville.

Big A
09-14-17, 06:36
Anybody Hear from SteyrAUG yet? he hasn't posted since before the storm so I hope he and his family are doing ok.

09-14-17, 09:40
Storm surge wrecked the keys & Marco Island, Naples was hit with it but not as hard as what some thought. Much of Naples is a storm surge zone. I am in north(east) Naples and I am not in a storm surge zone. I'm currently waiting in a gas line, it's crazy to see the eastern half of Naples with trees all going down to the north, western Naples has trees all going down to the south (other side of the eyewall). Cell service seems to be getting a little better but still sketchy in most places including where I live, power is back on in many but not all spots (my house has power), water is back on almost everywhere. Comcast tells me me cable/internet/landline will be back on 09/15 at 7:19pm (idk how they know the exact minute but whatever)... No looters in my neighborhood & apparently POTUS is in town.

09-14-17, 10:00
Anybody Hear from SteyrAUG yet? he hasn't posted since before the storm so I hope he and his family are doing ok.

Just sent him a text.

Edit: he responded and is still without power, trees down, etc but not major issues or drama and probably pop up here tomorrow ish.

Big A
09-14-17, 11:41
Just sent him a text.

Edit: he responded and is still without power, trees down, etc but not major issues or drama and probably pop up here tomorrow ish.

Cool, glad to hear that he didn't have anything major happen.

09-14-17, 12:50
It's good to hear he's alright.

09-14-17, 13:02
It's good to hear he's alright.

I'll bet he's hot as hell though without AC or even a fan to move the hot air around.