View Full Version : Why does the NRA show as a local number?

09-08-17, 07:31
This morning I received my bi-annual NRA call trying to promote their 5 yr and life member discount plans, I don't care about that or that their calling.

What I'm curious about is that the gentleman I talked to was in another state but the number he was calling from showed up as a local number, do they have some system that does this intentionally?

While I was listening to the same speech I've heard over and over I was thinking in my head that it might be a spoofing scam, I don't remember the last time they called having a local number.

Is this normal?

Normally I don't answer unknown numbers but I'm working with some new contractors and don't have all their number yet.

09-08-17, 10:34
Call centers. Spoofing. THe miracles of modern telemarketing. Corporations know that people will answer a local number as opposed to a Sioux Falls number or whatever.

09-08-17, 13:08
Call centers. Spoofing. THe miracles of modern telemarketing. Corporations know that people will answer a local number as opposed to a Sioux Falls number or whatever.

Uh, how did you know my wife was from SD?

09-08-17, 13:37
Uh, how did you know my wife was from SD?

Ok so....

I just picked a place out of what I would consider the middle of nowhere and figured what would be the odds? Now off to buy the powerball ticket....

09-08-17, 13:51
Uh, how did you know my wife was from SD?

He found out from wikileak :)

09-08-17, 14:20
Ok so....

I just picked a place out of what I would consider the middle of nowhere and figured what would be the odds? Now off to buy the powerball ticket....

Well, As long as you promise your not the government spying on me I guess I can come out of the bunker now.....

Bubba FAL
09-08-17, 19:21
He found out from wikileak :)
More likely Equifax...

09-08-17, 19:44
NRA is a Master Spammer. No surprise that they use call-spoofing. I'm sure that it's just one tool in their spam-bag.

09-12-17, 07:09
NRA is a Master Spammer. No surprise that they use call-spoofing. I'm sure that it's just one tool in their spam-bag.

Your outrage at the NRA is uncalled for. You need to calm down. The NRA is soliciting funds to fight the good fight because states like Minnesota can't be relied upon to elect good Americans for POTUS or to national office in general.

09-12-17, 07:34
Your outrage at the NRA is uncalled for. You need to calm down. The NRA is soliciting funds to fight the good fight because states like Minnesota can't be relied upon to elect good Americans for POTUS or to national office in general.
I have found that if you ignore the NRA long enough, the spam decreases, but I was interested to note that my secretary told me that they'd had a call for me from "Jim from the NRA". Their persistence and skill at relentless spam is amazing. Gotta admire it, but I won't support it, and I've found that buying a membership just encourages their irritating intrusion, so....no NRA membership for me. I've fallen for that trap before.

09-12-17, 08:57
Your outrage at the NRA is uncalled for. You need to calm down. The NRA is soliciting funds to fight the good fight because states like Minnesota can't be relied upon to elect good Americans for POTUS or to national office in general.

I don't think its uncalled for at all. I was getting inundated with mail and emails soliciting donations and membership renewal. I finally caved in and became a Life Member thinking it would decrease...it didn't. Now it seems I get more spam. They are a necessary evil but I'm not naive enough to think they're not lining their pockets while "fighting the good fight". They are no different than the rest of the sleazy politicians and lobbyist groups in this area, aside from me being a fan of what they lobby for.

09-12-17, 09:55
My son can call me from his cell phone and make my own cell number show up as me calling myself (or any number he wants). The first few times I was confused, then they told me what he was doing and thought it was funny. He was 13 or so at the time and just figured out how to do it by playing with his phone. I always tell him if he put that much effort into his school work, he'd be a Road Scholar.

Not getting into the NRA debate, myself and my family being a members. If my 13 yo can do it, imagine what big companies can do. Call-spoofing as mentioned.


09-12-17, 10:41
You mean "Rhodes Scholar"? Lol

09-12-17, 11:47
Thanks for all the replies, it sounds like this is common and easy to do. Just making sure it wasn't some local scam.

09-12-17, 12:48
I haven't received an NRA call spoofing a local # yet but have been by robo calls and telemarketers. We get several 'Hi, how are you?" and other telemarketer calls on both cells and business line a day. All spoofing local numbers, some people I know. If i have time I call back and inform the owners of the numbers that it has been hijacked and used for scamming and they should report to their phone service. As far as I'm concerned none are legitimate and all are being used to scam.

Edit.. just got another..

09-12-17, 13:04
You mean "Rhodes Scholar"? Lol
Yep, I aint one! :p


09-13-17, 00:22
I probably get 2 a day, all from different local numbers....

09-13-17, 01:38
I called the NRA to be put on their no spam/no call list. Have received nothing in the mail since save for membership renewal and American Rifleman

09-13-17, 03:02
Been a member since forever, never once received a phone call from them. I get junk mail several times a month but that is all that the USPS delivers anyway so . . .

09-13-17, 07:48
I called the NRA to be put on their no spam/no call list. Have received nothing in the mail since save for membership renewal and American Rifleman
Yup. I've done that of course. Phone calls, checkboxes, "unsubscribe", "put me on your Do Not Call list"...etc