View Full Version : Parsons Green, London Tube Bombing

09-15-17, 05:37
I was surprised to see them call it terrorism so quickly. . .

Parsons Green: London Underground blast is terror incident

An explosion on a Tube train in south-west London is being treated as terrorism, Scotland Yard has said.

Passengers were injured following the blast at 08:20 BST at Parsons Green station on the District Line.
Pictures show a white bucket on fire inside a supermarket bag, but do not appear to show extensive damage to the inside of the carriage.

Eighteen people had been taken hospital, the London Ambulance Service said in a statement.


09-15-17, 06:20
Lets hope they catch the perps soon and the victims make a speedy recovery....

09-15-17, 06:23
just part and parcel of living in a big city..........

09-15-17, 08:46
Could have been far worse, but the religion is peace at it again:

LONDON — Britain was hit by a terrorist attack on Friday morning, when a crude device exploded on a crowded London Underground train, injuring commuters, sowing panic, disrupting service and drawing a heavy response from armed police officers and emergency workers.

The device exploded at 8:20 a.m. on a District Line train leaving the Parsons Green station in Southwest London.

“This was a detonation of an improvised explosive device,” Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley of the Metropolitan Police, a top counterterrorism official, said at a news conference. He urged anyone who had seen what happened, or had taken photos or videos of the bombing, to come forward.

The authorities immediately beefed up security around the transit system, as hundreds of police officers and detectives combed the scene for clues.

At least 23 people were hospitalized, several of whom had apparently been injured as panicked commuters fled. None had life-threatening injuries, and hospital officials described the victims as “walking wounded.”


09-15-17, 09:16
Threads merged.

09-15-17, 09:44
If they can't find this guy with all the cameras that they have, something is wrong. Either with the surveillance concept itself, or they don't want to find him for some reason.

09-15-17, 10:27
The thought process behind bringing thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people in to your Country in mass.
All unvetted and all from a war torn region and all in the name of compassion and diversity is lost on me.
It would seem to be a unique form of suicide.

09-15-17, 11:08
If they can't find this guy with all the cameras that they have, something is wrong. Either with the surveillance concept itself, or they don't want to find him for some reason.

They'll find the Snackbar. The cameras don't prevent anything, but they help clean up the mess left behind.

09-15-17, 17:39
Apparently the Saxons remain asleep...


09-16-17, 06:08
Also a "hammer attack" in France where a muslim man attacked two indigenous French women.

France: Women injured in hammer attack

A man is on the run after injuring two women with a hammer in Chalon-sur-Saône, in eastern France.

The women were allegedly assaulted, about 15 minutes apart, by a man just before midday on Friday.

Witnesses said the suspect shouted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest" in Arabic) during the attacks.

French prosecutors say they are treating the incident as a possible terror attack, but did not rule out other motives.


Two islamic terror attacks in Western Europe on September 15th 2017, the date has significance to jihadists. Eid al-Mubahalah viewed as a victory over Christianity in the fifteenth century is commemorated annually but this year it is of importance to the hardliners.
