View Full Version : My First P-07 Failure

09-17-17, 16:27
They only reason I post this simple FTEject is to show that even the mighty P-07 is a mortal. A failure was bound to eventually happen but I really enjoyed being able to say "Not one single hiccup. Not even anything that could be blamed on ammo, magazine, shooter or anything else you can think of".

5447 rounds at time of failure. Running and gunning weak hand only. I could blame the aluminum cased ammo or possibly having limp wristed it but it's a failure none the less.

Bone stock pistol. I didn't plan on replacing any parts, springs included, until mechanical operation required it or first failure. I think I will leave the pistol as is and push on at this time.

A simple TRB cleared the case which was surprisingly easy to resist shooting weak hand only (Noted and will be addressed).

Had I been shooting strong hand the picture would have had to been staged. My .22 Kadet conversion has made my TRB's instantaneous.


09-17-17, 16:40
Say it ain't so.

Is this what i have to look forward to in 2113 rounds?

The sword of Damocles, now hangs over my head.

Evel Baldgui
09-17-17, 18:07
I'm just shy of 4k rds now so will be on the look out :-)

09-17-17, 19:25
Which recoil spring is in there?

The original stiffer blue one or the newer softer black one?

09-17-17, 20:13
Which recoil spring is in there?

The original stiffer blue one or the newer softer black one?

It's a Gen 1 pistol with a factory installed blue recoil spring. Should have mentioned that I ran through another 100 rounds with, as expected, zero issues.

09-17-17, 20:47
IMO (and the CZ factory), the blue spring is to stiff for low powered ammo.

It works fine with full power NATO stuff, but has issues with weak ammo and weak grip.

Current 9mms are shipping with the black spring, which is noticeably softer.

CZ has even "reclassified" the blue spring as ".40 S&W".



09-17-17, 20:58
Interesting. I didn't know that. Thank you for the info.

09-18-17, 07:26
This is nothing to worry about. Recently, I had my CZ compact in my SP 2022 to get stove pipes because of weak ammunition. By the way, one was Blazer brass the other was American steel. Now I am using wolf or tula and no problems. The P07 is a very robust and reliable pistol. The double action trigger has a lot to be desired, but it is a good and accurate pistol.

09-18-17, 11:51
Better sell it and get a Glock :jester:

Big A
09-18-17, 12:52
That firearm is completely unreliable. Send it to me along with $50 and I will properly dispose of it.

09-19-17, 19:49
See all the glockers are right....the 07 is just another CZ range toy.

09-21-17, 23:35
Shoulda bought a revolver.

Well, there was that one time my GP100 locked up.


Maybe we should go back to swords :jester: