View Full Version : Review: Wonder Woman

09-20-17, 09:11
Modern Wonder Woman has gone from being an Amazonian with fighting skills and cool weapons, to a God. So, she's Wonder Woman on God powers, which makes it much easier to believe a single woman can take out score of soldiers and such. I thought the historical time period chosen (WWI) was creative and something different, the sets and scenes well done ad part of of this movie, the casting spot on, some fun characters, and a generally good time had by all. The movie gets a bit lazy toward the end and pushes the suspension of disbelief to its max, and it would have been a better movie had they not tried to just wrap it up neatly at the end. It's a hokey movie all around, but the original series was the definition of hokey. A good super hero movie if you enjoy the genre, but still a girl power chick flick and she literally concludes only love can save the world...Oy vey. B+


09-20-17, 12:11
Greak flick. Gal Gadot... I would drink her bath water, just saying.

09-20-17, 13:28
In the comics Wonder Woman has always been a sort of god. She can even fly. The 70s tv show is what toned her down. The movie follows the comics more closely.

09-20-17, 17:43
In the comics Wonder Woman has always been a sort of god. She can even fly. The 70s tv show is what toned her down. The movie follows the comics more closely.

This deserves to be restated. The movie is actually closer to her older stories than many of the more recent iterations.

Although thankfully it skips the BDSM undertones from the originals.

09-20-17, 18:06
This deserves to be restated. The movie is actually closer to her older stories than many of the more recent iterations.

Although thankfully it skips the BDSM undertones from the originals.

Says you!

09-20-17, 18:31
I really enjoyed it.

09-20-17, 22:39
Says you!

Hey, you all know me. I don't judge. But I always hated how the BDSM undertones were there not as part of the story but just as a way for the creator to express his kink. It didn't add to the character it detracted from it in my view.

09-21-17, 07:26
Will, did this adaption get political at all?

I remember all the misandrists giddy over it's release.

Liked the character in Batman vs. Superman so hope they didn't screw this one up.

09-21-17, 08:17
I was surprised that Steve Trevor died. Wasn’t he supposed to hang around?

09-21-17, 08:33
Will, did this adaption get political at all?

I remember all the misandrists giddy over it's release.

Liked the character in Batman vs. Superman so hope they didn't screw this one up.

I don't tend to look for, or pay much attention to, political undertones of a movie unless it's just so blatant you can't avoid and then it gets a low grade from me. People seem to find political, religious, or cultural undertones in every damn movie if they look hard enough. I suppose one will see some in this movie if they look hard enough, but I tend to just takes movies at face value.

09-21-17, 10:33
I liked it; and my wife did of course. I'd give it a solid B. Gal Gadot did a good job in it and was able to convey naivete, strength and determination believably. Her lack of exposure to the outside the world was the source of a lot of humour in the movie.

09-21-17, 17:21
This deserves to be restated. The movie is actually closer to her older stories than many of the more recent iterations.

Although thankfully it skips the BDSM undertones from the originals.

Wait... What??

I enjoyed the movie as did the wife and son. I didn't really get a lot of political mumbo jumbo from the movie, but I generally don't pay much attention to that. Even less so when you have Gal Gadot running about in her WW outfit.

The whole love can save the world was corny, but then she didn't mind kicking butt when the loving stopped being enough.

09-21-17, 17:59
Wait... What??

I enjoyed the movie as did the wife and son. I didn't really get a lot of political mumbo jumbo from the movie, but I generally don't pay much attention to that. Even less so when you have Gal Gadot running about in her WW outfit.

The whole love can save the world was corny, but then she didn't mind kicking butt when the loving stopped being enough.

"When love don't work, cut them in half with a really long sword"- WW.

09-21-17, 22:03
Wait... What??

The creator of the original Wonder Woman was a psychologist who lived with his wife and mistress and they were heavy into the bondage thing. A lot of this was carried over into the original comics.


09-22-17, 04:08
I don't tend to look for, or pay much attention to, political undertones of a movie unless it's just so blatant you can't avoid and then it gets a low grade from me. People seem to find political, religious, or cultural undertones in every damn movie if they look hard enough. I suppose one will see some in this movie if they look hard enough, but I tend to just takes movies at face value.

Well good to know.

Big movie and music guy, if I didn't watch TV/films or listen to music from entertainers I didn't agree with I probably would be watching or listening to much made after 1990ish. I just hate it when Hollyweird turns a movie in to a propaganda film. Sounds like they didn't do this to WW.

09-22-17, 04:11
The creator of the original Wonder Woman was a psychologist who lived with his wife and mistress and they were heavy into the bondage thing. A lot of this was carried over into the original comics.


That and the whole "Amazon Woman" fetish where men like to be emasculated.

Dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians!

09-22-17, 11:45
The creator of the original Wonder Woman was a psychologist who lived with his wife and mistress and they were heavy into the bondage thing. A lot of this was carried over into the original comics.



He was also helped create the polygraph machine, WW's magic lasso is an homage to that invention.

I liked the movie. Watching her come out of the trench and taking on all the Kraut fire sent tingles down my spine. I think it was the best DC movie yet, glad to see them finally stepping up. And yes, Gal Gadot is smokin' hot and makes a great Wonder Woman.

09-22-17, 11:55
He was also helped create the polygraph machine, WW's magic lasso is an homage to that invention.

I liked the movie. Watching her come out of the trench and taking on all the Kraut fire sent tingles down my spine. I think it was the best DC movie yet, glad to see them finally stepping up. And yes, Gal Gadot is smokin' hot and makes a great Wonder Woman.

Best thing they could have done was to cast a relative unknown, and that what they did. Casting famous stars to get people on the seats has been a mistake all along. She did a great job of it too. I picture WW being a bit more buffed frankly, but can't have it all