View Full Version : Virginia NoVA Voters

09-20-17, 10:03
Last night Ed Gillespie debated Ralph Northam through Chuck Todd(rabid Liberal mouthpiece). Along with a panel of 3 alphabet soup 'journalists'.

It's was basically a 5:1 and at best a 2:1 debate. Northam should have stayed home and just let Chuck Todd debate Gillespie. It would have have been easier for Chuck and Ralph to come across as sounding like either had a clue.

None the less, Todd took it upon himself to inform the masses that Northern Virginia Republicans are not going to vote for Ed. As in, 'Ed, you do know that NoVA republicans are not going to vote for you?' 'They don't like Trump and thus you.'

The whole ordeal was a shallow fiasco. At any rate. I know a lot of you are from NoVa and you need to call all your friends and family and go vote. The only way to break the Democrat stronghold in VA is to get them out of office.

Absentee vote if you need to. There are many reasons to be able to vote absentee in VA, working out of your City/county on election day, LEO, first res ponder, vacation, disability, and page of other possibilities. http://www.elections.virginia.gov/casting-a-ballot/absentee-voting/index.html

These elections can come down to just thousands and sometimes hundreds of votes. It's time to paint the town red again.

Go vote and take your friends with you.