View Full Version : Hell On Earth (documentary, Syria conflict)

10-09-17, 11:31
Full title 'Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS' this is a documentary from National Geographic which goes through the Syria conflict from many angles. Starting 'Arab spring', formation of FSA, militias, daesh, Western involvement, Obama, et cetera. Two hours. Whereas I knew much of the reporting from the MSM and non-MSM news outlets it served as a refresher overview, and shows non-MSM footage from 'the front lines' including much graphic material so be forewarned. Many images of child deaths, grieving mothers, war injuries of fighters and collateral injuries of civilians, White Helmet crews, civil first responders; graphic daesh punishment and torture and public executions. "Allahu Akbar" is shouted about 1000 times throughout the film.

May be on your cable box, not certain about Netflix or Hulu type platforms.


3 AE
11-11-17, 00:40
A short documentary of a Canadian member, Hanna Bohman, of the Kurdish all women YPJ unit dedicated to protecting women from ISIS.

"Watching the new documentary short Fear Us Women and its subject Hanna Bohman — a Canadian citizen who traded her life of comfort for one of terror as a volunteer anti-ISIS soldier in Syria — it’s easy to view her as some sort of untouchable superhero."

An incredible woman who walks the walk against an enemy that gives no quarter and deserves none in return. May God bless and protect you and your sisters in your crusade.

Short background article. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/canadian-woman-volunteered-fight-isis-syrian-front-lines-194614943.html

Link to 27 minute documentary titled, "Fear Us Women". https://www.go90.com/videos/6UMzkXLNVJW