View Full Version : Elderly Man jumps on Moving School Bus.

10-13-17, 10:33
You can't make this stuff up.
according to WMAR.
Baltimore County police said the incident happened around 3:15 p..m. on October 5, 2017 near Putty Hill Avenue and Hoerner Avenue.
Several witnesses told police that the man had attempted to stop the school bus after a bottle was allegedly thrown from the bus and struck the man’s vehicle. The man banged on the doors, attempted to get inside, but the driver refused to open the doors.
The man then went to the front of the bus and jumped onto the front hood while the bus was moving forward.

In some ways a rather funny story, in others kind of sad. You have to give him this, he was one determined SOB anyway.

10-13-17, 11:22
I wanted to post this when it happened.

But I knew I couldn’t make a thread without asking one question.

Whats his M4C Username?


10-13-17, 11:29
I wanted to post this when it happened.

But I knew I couldn’t make a thread without asking one question.

Whats his M4C Username?


You Caught Me....

10-13-17, 11:38
He's a retired Teacher.
Really, that's all you needed to know.

10-13-17, 14:07
if kids are throwing bottles from the bus ?

punk kids need to be in major trouble but that will never happen either ?

10-13-17, 15:06
At my old school, crazy old men didn't jump the bus....."

10-13-17, 15:22
Got my Halloween costume idea- crazy old NRA member.

10-13-17, 16:18
He would have done better to call the police. I was next to a school bus on a high way and had 3 kids in a matter of minutes piss out of the window. School bus driver ranks near the bottom of jobs I would want to do.

10-13-17, 19:26
I had a buddy that was convinced his School Bus Driver was crazy.
He hid a cinder block in a old school grocery bag and proved it.
No reason to go outside the solid line except the bus Driver thought that big brown bag needed hitting.

School Bus Drivers have been known to get the occasional DUI on duty here.

Coal Dragger
10-13-17, 23:15
Why did he have to be wearing an NRA hat.

10-14-17, 06:01
Why did he have to be wearing an NRA hat.

That is the FREE hat they send to everyone that joins along with the sticker and gym bag. This guy probably picked it up at a thrift store or a garage sale and doesn't even know WTF the NRA is. Well that or a gun show.

10-14-17, 07:52
That is the FREE hat they send to everyone that joins along with the sticker and gym bag. This guy probably picked it up at a thrift store or a garage sale and doesn't even know WTF the NRA is. Well that or a gun show.

Before I respond, I need to know if you really believe that.

Do you really believe that?

Why did he have to be wearing an NRA hat.

Because a lot of NRA members are grouchy, angry, senile old guys who think they are above the law and smarter than everyone else. To be frank, I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often.

And I’m drop dead serious.

10-14-17, 08:03
Before I respond, I need to know if you really believe that.

Do you really believe that?

Because a lot of NRA members are grouchy, angry, senile old guys who think they are above the law and smarter than everyone else. To be frank, I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often.

And I’m drop dead serious.

I must agree with Euro on this one. But on the flip side, many non-NRA, non-gun-toting individuals are angry, too.

10-14-17, 09:00
He would have done better to call the police. I was next to a school bus on a high way and had 3 kids in a matter of minutes piss out of the window. School bus driver ranks near the bottom of jobs I would want to do.
Yeah, I noticed that our school district was hiring bus drivers so I asked my wife if she thought I'd make a good bus driver or not. She said no. I was rather shocked, I said why not, I can drive anything. She said it's not the driving part, it's the kids part, you don't kids....even our own kids. Forgot about that part! :rolleyes:


10-14-17, 09:14
You know it might not be so much about being a senile old fart, well, perhaps not as much as you think.

Perhaps a few of them feel like they did the right thing, raised a family, paid their taxes, went off to fight in some war or another and now they are looking back and thinking WTF,....no really WTF happened here?
They perhaps feel like they did everything right, played by the rules and now they are discarded, ignored, just forgotten and pretty much screwed by the system.
His grandson wears a dress and is growing tits, Millionaire NFL Players don't want to stand up for the National Anthem, Some Jackass just bumpfired a ton of hillbillies in Vegas and now everyone wants his AR's, seriously wtf???
He's riding along in his twenty year old Buick and has been told he's broke, medicare can't help him and he has dick cancer and "Boink", the Gatoraide bottle bounces off of the hood of the Buick.
He just had a Senior Moment is all, it will be fine....

This is of course nothing I have personally experienced....

10-14-17, 09:14
Double Tap

10-15-17, 05:37
Before I respond, I need to know if you really believe that.

Do you really believe that?

Belief is subjective.

It was a mere hypothesis and a two part one at that guess you missed my gun show comment, but please spare me another one of your diatribes against old White men. :rolleyes:

10-15-17, 05:39
You know it might not be so much about being a senile old fart, well, perhaps not as much as you think.

Perhaps a few of them feel like they did the right thing, raised a family, paid their taxes, went off to fight in some war or another and now they are looking back and thinking WTF,....no really WTF happened here?
They perhaps feel like they did everything right, played by the rules and now they are discarded, ignored, just forgotten and pretty much screwed by the system.
His grandson wears a dress and is growing tits, Millionaire NFL Players don't want to stand up for the National Anthem, Some Jackass just bumpfired a ton of hillbillies in Vegas and now everyone wants his AR's, seriously wtf???
He's riding along in his twenty year old Buick and has been told he's broke, medicare can't help him and he has dick cancer and "Boink", the Gatoraide bottle bounces off of the hood of the Buick.
He just had a Senior Moment is all, it will be fine....

This is of course nothing I have personally experienced....


10-15-17, 08:26
Before I respond, I need to know if you really believe that.

Do you really believe that?

Plot twist, it is actually Moosey jumping on that bus

10-15-17, 12:20
Before I respond, I need to know if you really believe that.

Do you really believe that?

Because a lot of NRA members are grouchy, angry, senile old guys who think they are above the law and smarter than everyone else. To be frank, I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often.

And I’m drop dead serious.

I always wanted to have a custom National Recovery Act hat made just to screw with people.


10-15-17, 13:05
He just had a Senior Moment is all, it will be fine....

This^^^. When I read the title of this post I halfway expected to see my Dad on the front of the bus. Recently he was coming out of Lowe's when a car full of 20 something's pulled up behind him and laid on the horn while laughing out loud and pointing at him. This 70 year old, 5'6" retired Marine had a " senior moment" when he walked to the driver's side window and tried to pull the guy out of the car. They got scared, rolled the windows up and backed out of the parking lot as fast as they could.