View Full Version : My father finally lost his battle.

10-16-17, 00:10
I know this is not the place but I thought I would share:

My dad, mentor and best friend has finally lost his battle with Multiple System Atrophy/Ataxia. He was 64, married to the same woman for 43 years. He died in his sleep, in his own bed at his own home which is what he would have wanted. Watching him slowing go down hill over the last few years has been really hard on me and even given me anxiety, and a lot of unanswered questions. I was always bothered with the thought that one day I am going to get a call- the call that no one wants. I can honestly say that his death has brought closure to me and he took my anxiety and fear with him. I am actually comforted to know that on Friday, my dad pulled himself from his recliner to his wheelchair, pulled himself into bed and went to sleep a man who was disabled and impaired in just about every aspect of his life, woke up in the presence of the Lord and in His healing arms. I got to see him before his body was picked up and he looked peaceful, he looked comfortable, he looked like he was sound asleep. Though my many prayers weren't answered with the outcome that I had asked, the Lord has given me peace, rest and has brought to me comfort. The great hope of the followers of Christ is in the resurrection when we will we reunited with each other and will dwell with God forever, so its not really a good bye, but a "see you later".


10-16-17, 00:20
I'm sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.

26 Inf
10-16-17, 00:42
Please accept our family's condolences for your loss.

10-16-17, 01:55
I am very, very sorry.
It's gonna hurt for the rest of your life.
My dad was my best friend I ever had.
And anytime I feel I miss him, remember all the times he talked to you, hugged you, kissed you, teased you, encouraged you to get a little dirty and the times he got teetotaling pissed at you.

Treasure all those memories. Keep them close, and he'll never really be gone.

And one day, you'll have a son and you can keep it going.

But for now, grieve. For there are few things worse than losing a father.
Not just a father....a dad.

And He knows you loved him.

10-16-17, 02:24
Condolences. RIP.

10-16-17, 04:26
I'm very sorry to hear this.
My best to you and yours.

10-16-17, 05:47
Elephant, I'm sorry for your loss. You have my sincerest condolences.

Sounds like your father fought the good fight long and hard, that he departed this world on his own terms, in his own bed, and at peace. You really can't ask for much more than that.

10-16-17, 05:56
I’m very sorry for your loss, Brother. I included your Dad and your family in my prayers this morning, and I wish you all peace and tranquillity as you work through this difficult time.

10-16-17, 07:52
Sorry for your loss. I lost my dad last year and think of him often.

10-16-17, 08:27
My condolences brother, it is always difficult losing a family member, but there does seem to be a some semblance of relief when they have been struggling with conditions like your father did. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.

10-16-17, 08:31
My condolences for you and your family. Thankfully you've found the closure you need. Your faith, family and friends will help you carry on.

10-16-17, 09:03
Sorry for your lost. My condolences.

10-16-17, 09:16
I'm so sorry for your loss brother. Prayers sent.

10-16-17, 09:30
Sorry for your loss, praise God he'll be waiting!

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

10-16-17, 09:58
Condolences, good sir.

It's something I fear to know about. But know I will experience it someday.

Stay strong, brother.

10-16-17, 12:55
I'm very sorry for your loss, may your father rest in peace and your family find peace and strength.

10-16-17, 13:12
My condolences. R.I.P.

10-16-17, 13:52
I'm sorry for the loss of your dad. My dad is my best friend, and I can't fathom the hurt that brings. I dread that day with all of my heart. I'm relieved and happy that you've been given peace from our heavenly father as you've lost your earthly father. Your family's in my prayers.

10-16-17, 13:57
Sorry for your loss.


10-16-17, 14:22
You have my condolences; I can commiserate.

The death of my father was the single most important (in a bad way) thing in my life, and that was 51 years ago. The only events that are even in the same ballpark are getting married and the birth of my son. Those were good things.

One other good thing was knowing him for the time I did. I remain thankful for that.

If you balance the loss with all you gained from knowing him, I think you may find that you can take a brighter view of things.

My best wishes to you in your sorrow.

Coal Dragger
10-16-17, 14:32

Sorry for your loss.

10-16-17, 15:49
I am very, very sorry.
It's gonna hurt for the rest of your life.
My dad was my best friend I ever had.
And anytime I feel I miss him, remember all the times he talked to you, hugged you, kissed you, teased you, encouraged you to get a little dirty and the times he got teetotaling pissed at you.

Treasure all those memories. Keep them close, and he'll never really be gone.

And one day, you'll have a son and you can keep it going.

But for now, grieve. For there are few things worse than losing a father.
Not just a father....a dad.

And He knows you loved him.

Well said.

You will never forget the day. My dad died on March 13th, 1999. The pain never goes away but it not as intense as time goes by and you tend to remember the good things more than the pain.

10-16-17, 16:42
My condolences for you and your family.

Alex V
10-16-17, 17:24
I can't imagine what you are going through.

My condolences to your family and you.

Crow Hunter
10-16-17, 20:35
Sorry for your loss. I would like to say the pain gets better, but it doesn't, it just becomes less sharp.

I lost mine at 62 after a 2 year battle with cancer, that was 13 years ago and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him or miss him. Even today, sometimes I will wake up thinking about something and say to myself that I should tell Dad about it.

One day I will, as will you.

God bless.

10-16-17, 21:05
So sorry for your loss. They say time heals everything, but years from now you will wish you could just have another afternoon to sit and talk to your Dad about things.

I lost my father in 1999 at the age of 84. I retired from the Army to take over the family business after his death. The Bible tells us to Praise God in all things, and that is really hard to understand. But I guess we should Praise God for the time we do have with our loved ones, and for the promise of being reunited at some point.

10-16-17, 21:47
What a blessing to see that you have the right eternal perspective. It is the promise of the Lord that we as believers will meet again and helps to bring comfort during these times. May the Lord bless and comfort you during this time. God Bless.

10-16-17, 21:48
I appreciate all the nice words from you guys. I do think time heals. My dad for the longest time never had anything good to say about his dad, the last year or so, I saw an attitude change in my dad and he started telling me stories about his dad. I guess he chose to forgive him and focus on the things he loved about him. Ive always loved my dad. I think his battle over the last 4 years was hard on me and I think it actually prepared me for this day. I wasn't in shock, I knew it would eventually happen and I knew the time frame was right but didn't think it would be so soon. He planned and prepaid for his whole funeral about a year ago without anyone knowing, he bought the cheapest of everything! That's typical of my dad but he did prepay for catering since we expect somewhere around 400 people. I know I will miss him, I don't think it has sink in yet, but I know given time, it will finally become reality for me. But I really am glad that he isn't struggling in his decaying body that left him crippled anymore. I'm comforted knowing that he is with the Lord.

10-17-17, 10:32
Sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.

I can't imagine what you're going through.

Thank God he isn't suffering. Take comfort knowing he's with the lord. He taught you what a dad should be. Youll see him again someday.

Peace be with you.

10-18-17, 07:34
Sorry for your loss

10-18-17, 12:45
He's walking with the Lord now. Take some comfort in that during you and your Family's grieving process. Let that hole in your heart be filled by helping other family members that can't cope as well. I'm sorry.