View Full Version : Movies That Show There Is Hope for Hollywood

Doc Safari
10-20-17, 16:12

"The Mountain Between Us"


It has adventure, action, and yes, your lady will enjoy it too.

I couldn't find a thing wrong with this movie.

See it.

10-23-17, 20:18
This is, honestly, the only movie since Dunkirk I actually considered seeing in theaters. I have high hopes for it. Nothing political, no stupid Will Ferrell-esq dumb comedy, no underlying messages. Just a good drama, survival movie.

Doc Safari
11-01-17, 17:02
Found another one. True heroes. See it. It will make it seem like most mundane jobs are not worth doing. Only the Brave.


11-01-17, 17:35
I got a problem. The pilot died. The pilot ALWAYS dies. WTF. Will watch.

11-01-17, 18:56
What about Atomic Blonde?

She shot KGB and Stasi with a CZ75, made out with that French chick, and all while playing 80s music.

11-01-17, 19:30
There is no hope for HarveyWood.

11-01-17, 20:28
Not a movie, but the show Stranger Things is excellent. Engrossing story, great acting, and it pays homage to the great sci-fi movies and shows of the 1980s without being a parody or satire. A lot of cliches from the movies of that era, but that's a lot of why I like it. Also, it's pretty devoid of preachy-ness regarding today's issues, at least from what I can tell. So yeah, Stranger Things is another breath of fresh air in Hollywood.

11-02-17, 09:26
Not a movie, but the show Stranger Things is excellent. Engrossing story, great acting, and it pays homage to the great sci-fi movies and shows of the 1980s without being a parody or satire. A lot of cliches from the movies of that era, but that's a lot of why I like it. Also, it's pretty devoid of preachy-ness regarding today's issues, at least from what I can tell. So yeah, Stranger Things is another breath of fresh air in Hollywood.

Agreed, though I've only seen season 1 so far.

That's been out over a year now I suppose, but, possible slight spoiler-ish

It has no hangups about kids having access to firearms, only using them when and as necessary

Doc Safari
11-08-17, 13:22

Doc Safari
11-08-17, 13:27

11-08-17, 13:59
What about Atomic Blonde?

She shot KGB and Stasi with a CZ75, made out with that French chick, and all while playing 80s music.

You really wanna give hypocrite and Anti-Second Amendment Bigot Charlize Theron the time of day, never mind your money?

11-08-17, 14:28
You really wanna give hypocrite and Anti-Second Amendment Bigot Charlize Theron the time of day, never mind your money?


You seem like a decent bloke so dont take this as a ding but....

People dont pay strippers for their political opinions nor their ideas about life.
Just to get naked and gyrate.

When done, you may remark about their legs, rack, or behind, but you aren't really concerned with them as people.

I just view them as strippers and or whores who managed to be amusing for an hour and a half. Plus it had Walter Sobchack in it. And I'd like to think the guy who wrote the story, the set workers, and the other people benefitted from my shekels as much as or better than whats her name did.

Like I got to work a part time job on a few movies and a few TV shows. Some popular, some that never even aired. 99% of the people working were normal folks who were happy to be working. As in carpenters, armorers, and even me getting paid 4x my usual as much per hour just to sit around in uniform and make sure traffic got diverted or nobody tried to be cute and sneak in. on top of the unarmed private security who did whatever it was they did.

So there it is.

Once she gets too old and beyond the help of make up, plastic surgery, and CGI; she'll very much be irrelevant.

Look at these women coming out on the sexual harrassment train. Most are old, wrinkly has-beens who can only get attention on twitter.

Some, if not most, probably hopped on that casting couch of their own volition but now that nobody wants to see them naked or in a low cut shirt they holler foul.

Again......like a stripper or a whore.

John Wayne was a racist, draft dodging bitch but I still liked The Green Berets and the Shootist.

Arnold BrownShwagger was a RINO who banned .50 cals for the goid-hearted people of Culifooornea, but I still like Commando and Terminator 2.

Another high priced male escort with a receding hairline and bigger tits than some leading ladies well past his prime and will probably drop over prematurely thanks to his decades of juicing.

But hey....tha's jest me

11-09-17, 19:29

This was a great flick

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