View Full Version : Social media

just a scout
10-20-17, 22:46
Boy, FB was addictive. Loved it, used to keep in touch and find guys from my units. Now? Same shit, everyday. Almost at the point of saying FIDO. Never got into Twitter or any of the other stuff.

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10-20-17, 23:49
FB is an incredibly useful tool if used correctly. It is the most effective advertising I have for my business as well as the Friends of NRA committee I chair. It is also useful to me for coordinating hunting and snowmobiling trips with far flung friends in the vast state I live in. On a lesser note I am able to stay connected with family and friends throughout the country that I probably wouldn't do so if I had to write letters or call on the phone.

The bad side is the almost intolerable illiterate ramblings of uneducated people that end up on my feed. I do a pretty good job of unfollowing folks to set up my feed as stress free as possible, but some bullshit still seeps through.

I don't Twitter, Instagram or anything else.

10-21-17, 00:01
I got off Facebook years ago and haven't looked back. I believe that I'm a much happier person for it. There came a point in time where I grew pretty tired of hearing people's political opinions, what hot new diet they are on, looking at pictures of what they had for f***ing lunch, and all the other useless horses*** that folks are dying to talk about.

With that said, Facebook can be useful for certain things, but in my case the negatives usually outweighed the positives. Mine was usually just overran with other people's bulls***, and I swear, I'd never gotten into so many arguments with friends and family in my life.

To me, being on Facebook was a little like having too much to drink . When you're sober, there is certain s*** that you may think, but you don't usually say. For some of us, the filter is still there. When you've had too much to drink, you say f*** it, dropkick the filter across the room, and say crap that probably doesn't need to be said. It's like everyone is drunk on Facebook...if that makes sense?

Anyhow, the people in my life that I care to talk to, be around, or associate with, I do in person, or I give them a phone call.

10-21-17, 01:34
Myspace was really cool, it was new in every aspect and was fun reaching out to old friends, old girlfriends but ultimately got old with because everyone wanted to know who was going to there page. It became an obsession for people. The "Top 8" made people feel insecure if they were on it. Facebook was better when it first came out, but when businesses started using it, it became like a nice country club where everyone was handing you a business card and you just wanted to socialize. I think social media had great intentions but it became a platform for people to express themselves and that is what led to its downfall. All these social media sites have restrictions but not on the things that should be restricted, snapchat allows porn, pintrest now allows nudity, facebook is too commercialized, Instagram allows all women to feel as though they are "models". Seriously, I follow probably 100 girls who are gun enthusiast and 2a supporters and its all ass, boobs and a few guns. Everyone wants to be famous these days and will do dang near anything to get famous. And that is what social media has become, a place where everyone wants to be famous and be heard.

10-21-17, 06:36
I use it, and somewhat enjoy it, because I don't take it seriously. It's good for keeping up to date with the goings on back where I grew up. The only things I post, usually, are things I find funny, or major events in my life. FB is the best medium in this day and age to make an announcement or pass along important info.

Alex V
10-21-17, 08:01
At this point FB is mostly for shit posting and effing with Leftists. My one cousins is one step away from full blown retard Commie and it's fun to start shit on her posts with her friends.

Other than that I use it to stay in touch with family and friends, share pictures and stuff like that.

10-21-17, 08:26
I don’t really go into face book much, 2x per month.

I use Instagram- gets the point across quicker. It’s fun to scroll through while using the restroom.

10-21-17, 08:46
On FB every day. It's been a useful marketing tool for me, and also used as intended: keeping in touch with friends, family, biz contacts, etc. On one Twitter and InstaCrap, both of which are useless and I post to them for marketing purposes only. For me, part of the job, so I have something of an excuse. I don't look at my FB feed much as I don't care to see the never ending political shit, etc. I do have the best looking FB friends on the planet BTW. :cool:

10-21-17, 10:11
Social media? No thank you.

You people right here are the extent of my social media.

10-21-17, 10:15
I guess if you are your business FB makes sense. I really try to keep FB and LinkedIn dedicated to social and work respectively. Don't even like adding work people to FB unless they are friends, and none of my family gives a crap about all the work stuff I do. I guess I'm old school, but when buddies start posting pictures they've scanned from college and they are funny, but something I really wouldn't want a Fortune500 HR dept to see, that is an issue. That said, if any HR dept made me let them see my FB, that would be an instant red flag to bail on the opportunity.

FB is for staying in touch.
LinkedIn is for work
Reddit is for b!tch slapping idiots in r/politics. Grade A, unadulterated stupid there to munch on. Really let's you know how left, dumb and insulated people can become.

10-21-17, 10:15
Social media? No thank you.

You people right here are the extent of my social media.

Demented and sad, but social.

10-21-17, 10:48
Meh, Eff Social Media.

I miss the 90s when everybody on the net was all about handles, anonymity, and omerta.

People seemed more helpful and it was a true functioning, positive Anarchy.

As a private person, if anybody needs to get in touch; they already can.

If I haven't talked to you since high school, that one summer of awakening at Bible Camp, College, or Academy; then there is a good reason.

I dont care how old, fat, bald, divorced, desperate, smug, rich, poor, or vegan you got.

My life is better without Minions macros, refurbished Creed lyrics, misattributed George Carlin musings, daily Bible verses, chicks hitting the wall looking for a man like Marvin the ARVN looking for a Huey out of Saigon, pictures of little Nevaeh and Cayden taking their first dump, or just plain nosy ass people in general.

And if I want to discuss conspiracies and orthopaedic appreciation....I got better and more reputable places for that than a website run by a creepy ass dude who buys into the whole "Citizen of the World" schtick.

Until I see Invid or Xenomorphs touchdown; my ass is exclusively American and screw errybody else twice and with a cigarette rubbed off on their neck.

But thats just, like, my opinion man....

3 AE
10-21-17, 11:40
Set up a FB account under an alias about five years ago, just so some family members can keep me updated if necessary. Rarely happens anyway. Under the "About Me" link, I quoted "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me." Not once in those five years has anyone requested to be "my friend". Hmmmm..... I'm so sad. NOT! :no:

just a scout
10-21-17, 11:44
Until I see Invid or Xenomorphs touchdown; my ass is exclusively American and screw errybody else twice and with a cigarette rubbed off on their neck.

Invid! My huckleberry!!

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10-21-17, 11:57
What about Zentradi?

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10-21-17, 12:27
Ned Ludd was ahead of his time.

LMT Shooter
10-21-17, 12:27
Social media? No thank you.

You people right here are the extent of my social media.

Me, too. Never been on FB, don't intend to join.

LMT Shooter
10-21-17, 12:28
Demented and sad, but social.

So I will be more sane & happier if I FB?

10-21-17, 13:35
I don't do Facebook, but my wife does to keep in touch with her relatives in Louisiana. There is a lot of crap on there, and some absolutely pure hate sites against anything Conservative, Republican or Trump. I won't hotlink to it, but there's one abortion called: Michelle Obama For President 2020. It's a non-stop hate fest towards Trump, and I know some folks who show up there just to troll and make lefties heads explode.

My taste in social media would be more of something like: In Your Facebook, with constant fights, profanity, threats of violence and just overall mayhem. Show up, do a drive by post against someone and wait for the return punch or kick. Kind of like MMA Social Media.

10-21-17, 14:07
So I will be more sane & happier if I FB?

You'll be sane and happier if you appreciate "Breakfast Club" quotes....

10-21-17, 14:14
You'll be sane and happier if you appreciate "Breakfast Club" quotes....

Oh hell naw.

Middle aged cat ladies and Starbucks hipsters DO NOT have the right to appropriate the films of my youth meant only for ME and my generation.

They can have Pretty in Pink and 16 Candles. I'll even spot them St. Elmo's Fire but leave Breakfast Club alone!!

Per Zentradi, they actually aren't too bad once they get miniaturized. That one fighter pilot chick was hot.

Naw dog, them damn Invid play for keeps.

10-21-17, 17:29
You'll be sane and happier if you appreciate "Breakfast Club" quotes....

I immediately caught the Beck lyrics from 3 AE, but I completely missed the Bender quote. Man. I can't believe I missed that one. Well done sir. Well done. I just had to repeat it in John's voice in my head.

10-21-17, 17:34

M4C and two other hobby blog sites are the only social media that I use.

I have friends that I want to stay in contact with... I call them or send them texts.

10-21-17, 19:49
In the last year I have started to follow the 'enemy' on Facebook. I wanted to know who they really were. What they believed. How extreme were they.

It's been interesting. It's also frustrating reading just how many people are that dumb. Mostly the socialist anti capitalist types. Makes you want to pull you hair out

LMT Shooter
10-22-17, 01:00
You'll be sane and happier if you appreciate "Breakfast Club" quotes....

I totally missed it. That is sad.

10-22-17, 09:37
In the last year I have started to follow the 'enemy' on Facebook. I wanted to know who they really were. What they believed. How extreme were they.

It's been interesting. It's also frustrating reading just how many people are that dumb. Mostly the socialist anti capitalist types. Makes you want to pull you hair out

And do you feel you've somehow improved yourself or improved your situation by doing that? Or did you just pull your hair out?

Outlander Systems
10-22-17, 09:47
**** naw.

This site's GD is as close as I wanna get to that shit.

As a wise poster already stated, if someone cares, they have my number and can let their fingers do the walking.

10-22-17, 19:41
In the last year I have started to follow the 'enemy' on Facebook. I wanted to know who they really were. What they believed. How extreme were they.

It's been interesting. It's also frustrating reading just how many people are that dumb. Mostly the socialist anti capitalist types. Makes you want to pull you hair out
I do as well. Use fictitious names and Yahoo & Google e-mails. One group to probe is Moveon.org, the Soros funded group. It's really informative to find out what's going on in the minds of America's domestic enemies. It's eye-opening. So much seething rage and hate. All emotion and no reasonable, intelligent thought. I really think that if that part of America ever armed up (and learned how to shoot), these people are capable of genocide, and they could totally justify it, and rationalize it....if you could call it rational thought.

10-22-17, 19:50
I must shamefully admit that I use it to troll “liberal” pages. It’s amazing how quickly you can be banned solely for using facts and a logical argument. My interest is waning though. It stops being entertaining when it takes longer to create a new account then it does to get banned.

10-22-17, 22:16
Oh hell naw.

Middle aged cat ladies and Starbucks hipsters DO NOT have the right to appropriate the films of my youth meant only for ME and my generation.

They can have Pretty in Pink and 16 Candles. I'll even spot them St. Elmo's Fire but leave Breakfast Club alone!!

Per Zentradi, they actually aren't too bad once they get miniaturized. That one fighter pilot chick was hot.

Naw dog, them damn Invid play for keeps.

Hold on there. I like 16 Candles. The Donger was very cool. :)


10-23-17, 10:03
Never had it. Never saw a reason to have it. I should clarify that I'm not old curmudgeon anti technology or anything. I just never had a reason to have it. I keep in touch with friends and family by using messaging apps.

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10-23-17, 11:49
I have friends that I want to stay in contact with... I call them or send them texts.

Gosh. You mean like having a real relationship with someone? :D

10-23-17, 13:10
I deleted my facebook account a few months ago. After having it since High School. All it is is drama anymore. Politics, hating politics, fake activism, forced PC, etc. I'd like to say I'm happier now, but I am finding I'm just not a happy person in general lol

10-23-17, 13:56
Yeah, I am on FB. Friends, family, etc. I don't go on a whole lot, especially during an election campaign.

M4C IS social media, though...and any other forums to which you belong. So I am 'active' on social media with M4C and my state firearm forum.

10-23-17, 15:29
There is a Senior E-6 here that got relieved because not of something he posted, but something he "Liked" on Facebook.
Getting hemmed up for something I Liked on Facebook after a couple of beers some Saturday night, really isn't worth your career.

10-23-17, 18:31
Sites like this are as close to social media as I get. Seems most I know that are on social media sites have more drama then anything else.


10-23-17, 18:40
I gave up on FB about two years ago...The signal to stupid bullshit ratio was all out of whack. Too much drama.