View Full Version : Girls in science, liberals, and unintended consequences

10-24-17, 14:01

Girl is a science whiz at age 8.
Girl makes tv shows that inspire other girls to be good at science.
Obama invites girl to WH as a role model for girls everywhere to compete with boys in STEM.
Girl says she’s really a boy.
Liberals heads explode.


ETA: I am not implying girls should avoid science or that boys are inherently better with this post.

Doc Safari
10-24-17, 14:32
Well, this is about all I can say about that.


10-24-17, 14:33
You know what, people shouldnt put kids in the spotlight so much.

Maybe a phase, maybe not. She's gotta do her

10-24-17, 15:46
Mental illness is real.

26 Inf
10-24-17, 15:54

Girl is a science whiz at age 8.
Girl makes tv shows that inspire other girls to be good at science.
Obama invites girl to WH as a role model for girls everywhere to compete with boys in STEM.
Girl says she’s really a boy.
Liberals heads explode.


ETA: I am not implying girls should avoid science or that boys are inherently better with this post.

Hey, do us, well, at least me, a favor. If it is a WaPo story, copy it, because it won't let me see it without subscribing online.

10-24-17, 15:55
This is funny. I live just 8 miles from these people. Still involved with local school stuff. Never heard of him/her.

10-24-17, 16:14
Mental illness is real.

Why you gotta say that man?

Why? She's an intelligent young person who might be going through a phase, maybe not.

You don't know her life.

I knew some hardcore lesbians in my day who said "I just needed a man. I had a craving."

It's called being a gold star because of how rare it is.
She could be the next Madame Curie. Cut her some slack. When she starts selling meth or building bombs for terries; then I might get concerned.

But the term "mental illness" means things. She's like 18? Shoot, man. She's smart and got a wild streak.

Mental Illness is like misused on folks who are different.

I dunno how old or young you are, but we all look back to our salad days with some cringe and if you dont then you are either a square or a lying to yourself.

ETA She's 16 and looks like a girl with a pixie cut who has a "boyfriend" who is another girl.

Probably a phase. She's 16. Being 16. Doing 16 year old things. I bet if Ryan Gosling showed up and asked her if she wanted to shoot skinjobs and fly in a flying car she would not object.

I wouldnt object. I mean he's so non-threatening, yet confidence inspiring. Didn't y'all ever watch The Notebook

10-24-17, 19:39
16 yo girls are weird. Science is still a pretty male dominated arena. If she’s truly a genius in that field and spends a lot of time around guys she might just be trying to fit in with the guys. She may just be the geek variant of a tomboy. It’s a pretty tough time for girls. Some paint their hair purple, some date bad boys...

Wouldn’t quite throw her out with the bath water, but I might bitch slap the parents for being doofuses and pushing their kid into the limelight for nothing useful.

10-24-17, 20:30
Why you gotta say that man?

Why? She's an intelligent young person who might be going through a phase, maybe not.

You don't know her life.

I knew some hardcore lesbians in my day who said "I just needed a man. I had a craving."

It's called being a gold star because of how rare it is.
She could be the next Madame Curie. Cut her some slack. When she starts selling meth or building bombs for terries; then I might get concerned.

But the term "mental illness" means things. She's like 18? Shoot, man. She's smart and got a wild streak.

Mental Illness is like misused on folks who are different.

I dunno how old or young you are, but we all look back to our salad days with some cringe and if you dont then you are either a square or a lying to yourself.

ETA She's 16 and looks like a girl with a pixie cut who has a "boyfriend" who is another girl.

Probably a phase. She's 16. Being 16. Doing 16 year old things. I bet if Ryan Gosling showed up and asked her if she wanted to shoot skinjobs and fly in a flying car she would not object.

I wouldnt object. I mean he's so non-threatening, yet confidence inspiring. Didn't y'all ever watch The Notebook

Mental illness and intelligence are not mutually exclusive. Maybe it’s a phase, I blame society and parents mostly. Puberty is an awkward time, and we push people to fit into molds. It’s mind blowing, liberals are the ones who want to de-genderize everything, but in the process, are pushing people to pick a gender, and forming stereotypes of what that gender is.

I remember in the 90s when a guy could wear a dress and just be a cross dresser on Friday’s. No need to run and cut stuff off to be a “real” girl.

Lastly, if this girl is a guy, but likes guys, is he gay, or is She straight?

10-24-17, 21:09
I dont think parents should necessarily crush a kid unless they are being self-destructive (which this isnt really), but also need to know when to kinda pump the brakes.

Teen girls are weird, odd, and very awkward. It's either go through an odd phase or start messing with grown men.

Letting her give herself a weird name and be a tomboy and have a girl "boyfriend" is really pretty harmless. Putting her on display probably made her more than a bit self conscious and this is a coping mechanism.

I think once she gets it out of her system she'll mellow out. They always do.

I doubt she needs to be committed to a sanitarium just yet.

Girls either get 'active' too early and crash and burn with three kids by 19 or they have a weird phase where they go goth, punk, metal, boy, or be deliberately weird.

I figure she'll eventually work herself through it, ease up, and once her limelight is done she will dial it back.

I've known too many girls who were alternative only to be pretty normal well before 30. I dare say, to a limited extent, this should be encouraged. If she got cracked down on too hard it will just make her stick with it.

If I were her dad, I would let her go through her she-boy phase with good humor. It's much better than her doing dope or messing with grown males.

Actually, I have something for this...


10-24-17, 21:15
Why you gotta say that man?

Why? She's an intelligent young person who might be going through a phase, maybe not.

You don't know her life.

I knew some hardcore lesbians in my day who said "I just needed a man. I had a craving."

It's called being a gold star because of how rare it is.
She could be the next Madame Curie. Cut her some slack. When she starts selling meth or building bombs for terries; then I might get concerned.

But the term "mental illness" means things. She's like 18? Shoot, man. She's smart and got a wild streak.

Mental Illness is like misused on folks who are different.

I dunno how old or young you are, but we all look back to our salad days with some cringe and if you dont then you are either a square or a lying to yourself.

ETA She's 16 and looks like a girl with a pixie cut who has a "boyfriend" who is another girl.

Probably a phase. She's 16. Being 16. Doing 16 year old things. I bet if Ryan Gosling showed up and asked her if she wanted to shoot skinjobs and fly in a flying car she would not object.

I wouldnt object. I mean he's so non-threatening, yet confidence inspiring. Didn't y'all ever watch The Notebook

Please don't perpetuate the normalization of mental illness. It really is not cool, and is best left to lesser intelligent beings, or those with an agenda. And it does unrepairable harm to our youth.

Even the ultra-liberal American Psychiatric Association agrees gender dysphoria is a disorder, for now...

Unfortunately, the APA also - incorrectly I should add - removed homosexuality from the DSM in the 70's.

The harm done to children by the crazies will have significant consequences for mankind.

10-24-17, 21:35
Please don't perpetuate the normalization of mental illness. It really is not cool, and is best left to lesser intelligent beings, or those with an agenda. And it does unrepairable harm to our youth.

Even the ultra-liberal American Psychiatric Association agrees gender dysphoria is a disorder, for now...

Unfortunately, the APA also - incorrectly I should add - removed homosexuality from the DSM in the 70's.

The harm done to children by the crazies will have significant consequences for mankind.

Do you have professional certifications in behavioral health?

10-24-17, 21:35
Please don't perpetuate the normalization of mental illness. It really is not cool, and is best left to lesser intelligent beings, or those with an agenda. And it does unrepairable harm to our youth.

Even the ultra-liberal American Psychiatric Association agrees gender dysphoria is a disorder, for now...

Unfortunately, the APA also - incorrectly I should add - removed homosexuality from the DSM in the 70's.

The harm done to children by the crazies will have significant consequences for mankind.

Are you qualified to diagnose Gender Dysphoria?

Did Feline go get his Doctorate in Behavioral Psychology, defend a Thesis, and get x number of residency hours working with people who had been clinically diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria? Have you sat down and interviewed a person who was medically transitioning?

Or are we just hearing your opinions and feelings based on an interview with a 16 year old girl with a hippie dad?

He's probably happy he's not having to chase off all the dicks in town because his daughter is a 'boy' and her 'boyfriend' is a girl and all they probably do is hug and hold hands which is what girls do anyways.

None of this is new.

Now if we were talking about that boy on TLC who wants his winky dink wacked off at age 16 then, yes. I might agree.

The way I figure, it should be illegal to cut off or inject anything until you are age of majority.

But growing armpit hair and dressing boyish is nowhere near that level.

10-24-17, 22:32
Or are we just hearing your opinions and feelings

Isn’t that kind of what your last few post have been regarding this subject?

10-24-17, 22:43
Isn’t that kind of what your last few post have been regarding this subject?

Yeah, but if I offer opinions; it is to defend rather than condemn.

Calling folks crazy or degenerate willy nilly is a bit of a broad brush.

Calling someone mentally ill that you don't know and aren't qualified to deem mentally ill is not good.

It's like me saying "Why do you own a gun? Are you paranoid or just insecure?"

You wouldn't appreciate that, so why chump out a kid doing kid stuff?