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Doc Safari
10-24-17, 16:12

House Committees Announce Investigation Into Hillary's Approval Of Russia's Uranium One Deal

Just moments after the House Judiciary and Oversight committees announced an investigation into Comey's handling of the Hillary email investigation, the House Intelligence and Oversight committees have also announced an investigation in the Uranium One deal which handed Russia 20% of America's uranium reserves and landed the Clinton Foundation some $145 million in donations and a $500,000 speaking gig for former President Bill Clinton.

As we've pointed out over the past couple of days, the Uranium One deal has recently resurfaced in public discussion after a former FBI informant came forward suggesting that he personally witnessed Russian operatives in a massive bribery, extortion and money laundering scheme discussing efforts to curry favor with the Clintons. The informant has requested an audience with certain Congressional committees but has so far been silenced by an NDA he signed with the FBI.

Here are a couple of our recent posts on the topic as a recap:

FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot Before Obama Approved Uranium One Deal, Netting Clintons Millions
Emails Reveal Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin Just Before Uranium One Deal
FBI Informant "Threatened" After Offering Details Linking Clinton Foundation To Russian Bribery Case

A confidential informant has come forward to the committees, according to Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), and the two panels are currently in discussions with the Justice Department to release that individual from a nondisclosure agreement.

Supposedly, this informant is able to sing quite a detailed tune with lots of names and dates, but we will see.

Do we dare hope that Hillary will finally see a prison cell? I'm not optimistic, but I have high hopes that at least the stress will destroy the rest of her health. Burn in Hell, bitch.

10-24-17, 16:36
I had a longwinded post about Hillary being perpwalked but it got out of hand, bordering on fanfiction.

It wont happen though

10-24-17, 16:49
Semi unrelated. I read somewhere that Slick Willy had proofread her book and gave her a heavily red marked copy with his notes. Further stating she shouldn't release the book because it's blaming everyone but her. Then she and he split apart and hadn't been seen in public together since. This was about two weeks ago I read that, then I believe she cancelled her U.K. book signing tour stating she 'stubbed her toe'...

10-24-17, 16:54
I obviously have no idea who this informant is, but i'm thinking, based on the history of the Clintons, that the poor schmuck ain't long for this world...

I sure hope I'm wrong...love to hear the testimony...

Doc Safari
10-24-17, 16:55
I obviously have no idea who this informant is, but i'm thinking, based on the history of the Clintons, that the poor schmuck ain't long for this world...

I sure hope I'm wrong...love to hear the testimony...

Makes me wonder if the testimony will be behind closed doors and we won't even get to see it...

(Then they will release a statement saying, "We found nothing.")

Rush Limbaugh thinks the whole thing with Mueller is to provide cover for the Uranium deal.

10-24-17, 17:10
Way out back of beyond here is a Uranium One facility; had a friend that worked there before the current "management" took over. I've been there. I remember when the NYT, of all things, ran a fairly detailed story on the national security issues it raised. I also remember the thunderous silence afterwards.

I didn't learn much hist'ry in school (or anything else, either-- but I digress). But I do remember a Thomas Nast cartoon from the 1870 s or so about the outrageous corrupt political machine run by New York's Boss Tweed. It featured a corpulent Tweed watching a Tammany tiger savage a victim; the caption read, "What are you going to do about it?" For some reason it made quite an impression on me at the time.


It may only be a coincidence, but in the cartoons Tweed bore a striking resemblance to Harvey Weisenstein...

Happy ending alert--Tweed died in jail, broke.

10-24-17, 17:27
I would be shocked if anything happened regarding any of this.

brushy bill
10-24-17, 18:03
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

― George Orwell, Animal Farm

10-24-17, 18:09
Remind me when the last time a congressional committee testimony resulted in a sucessful DoJ prosecution was? :rolleyes:

10-24-17, 18:10
I would be shocked if anything happened regarding any of this.

^ Pretty much this (unfortunately).

Dist. Expert 26
10-24-17, 18:11
Nothing to see peasants. Carry on with your meager existence.

In all seriousness though, I hope this takes what's left of her sanity and grinds it to dust. The day that miserable old hag finally dies will be an annual holiday at my place, complete with fireworks, alcohol and "Ding dong the witch is dead" playing on repeat.

10-24-17, 18:41
Nothing to see peasants. Carry on with your meager existence.

In all seriousness though, I hope this takes what's left of her sanity and grinds it to dust. The day that miserable old hag finally dies will be an annual holiday at my place, complete with fireworks, alcohol and "Ding dong the witch is dead" playing on repeat.

Bruh, I got tunes fo dat


Hope you like Stoli, Ribs, and phat ass black chicks cuz Imma bringing them too

Dist. Expert 26
10-24-17, 18:52
Bruh, I got tunes fo dat


Hope you like Stoli, Ribs, and phat ass black chicks cuz Imma bringing them too

Hells yeah.

I'll spend the evening clothed only in an American flag loincloth with a fifth of the finest bourbon my local ABC has to offer.

10-24-17, 18:55
See, thats why I like you. You know where Im coming from

Dist. Expert 26
10-24-17, 19:02
See, thats why I like you. You know where Im coming from

I got you man.

From where I'm at our celebration will be witnessed for miles around. It will be glorious.

10-24-17, 22:03
Old Peyronie Bill is gonna throw a wake to end all wakes; hot and cold running wimmen, pharmaceuticals, fireworks, and an ocean of booze.

Vladimir Putin will probably show up, too.

10-24-17, 22:10
ditto she is in the untouchable class at this point and most likely will stay there she let Americans die and she ran for president and did quite well that says about all there is :)

places like Russia when the outgoing family was completely eliminated including any offspring :) true change of direction could happen of course not for the best sometimes but these days many elite can get away with murder and actually gain ground by doing so

10-25-17, 02:47
That sucking sound you hear? That is the sound of a draining swamp.
So not only did the Russia investigation end up with Hillary, Bill and Obama getting some very unwanted attention we have this happening;

Flake’s fall, which is significant in and of itself, is also even more consequential because it comes after a wave of other establishment Republicans out of step with President Trump’s agenda have also disintegrated. On Sept. 26, appointed incumbent Sen. Luther Strange of Alabama lost a GOP primary runoff to conservative Judge Roy Moore after GOP establishment-connected institutions spent more than $30 million trying to prop up Strange and take down Moore. As that happened, just hours before the polls closed, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) announced his impending retirement.

This is exactly what we needed, they all need to be exposed and are now walking away before being run out of office in failed primary bids for re election.

10-25-17, 03:19
Just so we are clear. Absolutely nothing will come of this, just like all the other worthless investigations and committee's. Congress is a joke and they couldn't muster a hard-on with IV Cialis.

10-25-17, 03:45
Just so we are clear. Absolutely nothing will come of this, just like all the other worthless investigations and committee's. Congress is a joke and they couldn't muster a hard-on with IV Cialis.

They are being openly humiliated by the POTUS, the MSM is being caught in their lies and Mueller hand has been forced to open the investigation implicating the Clintons and Obama.
It's not the totality of what I want as justice or political reform, but even if they don't get perp walked watching the humiliation is a sort of justice unto itself.

The political system is now a rolling dumpster fire and right now, that's making me very, very Happy!

Coal Dragger
10-25-17, 03:52
Remind me when the last time a congressional committee testimony resulted in a sucessful DoJ prosecution was? :rolleyes:

Not in my lifetime.

This will provide entertainment and commentary for right wing talking heads, but in the end Hillary will as usual go Scott free, and remain fabulously wealthy.

Coal Dragger
10-25-17, 03:54
Bruh, I got tunes fo dat


Hope you like Stoli, Ribs, and phat ass black chicks cuz Imma bringing them too

Will the fine black ladies be amenable to some extra curricular activities after they’ had enough Stoli and ribs?

If yes, this sounds like an excellent time.

10-25-17, 03:59
Just so we are clear. Absolutely nothing will come of this, just like all the other worthless investigations and committee's. Congress is a joke and they couldn't muster a hard-on with IV Cialis.
Not even if those IV's were driven by the most powerful fuel pumps in the history of aerospace engineering... too many are afraid they'd be the next to be ground to powder by the wheels of justice.

10-25-17, 08:31
I'm guessing some of the nuances of the upside to this are being lost here.
Swamp Creatures bailing.
The Russia Investigation as it formerly was against Trump is over, the guy who's been running it has some responsibility for what has happened with the urainim.
Comey is screwed.
Both Clinton and Obama have been implicated along with a good share of Obama's cabinet.
Trump is herding Rino's over the cliff.
We will have a tax break.
The market is doing great.
Business is rolling right along, more people employed, fewer on food stamps.
And the Winning ain't over yet.

10-25-17, 09:07
Then there's this that you probably won't see on the MSM: "On Tuesday, a federal judge stopped the release of two emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server, citing a significant risk to national security.

The emails have the subject line “quick summary of POTUS calls to presidents of Libya and Egypt.”

The judge viewed the emails in a closed session to verify their significant nature.

They were sent two days after a U.S. ambassador to Libya was killed."


Doc Safari
10-25-17, 09:22
Much as I despise Hillary, my objective opinion is that nothing will come of it in the legal sense unless Trump pushes it.

And he might just do it if he gets mad enough.

What I think the real consequence will be is that in this age of the internet and alternative news the cynicism and disgust with the democrat party will solidify even more. In other words, the "real" judges, the American people, will reward the left with even more defeats at the polls and even less trust in their narrative.

For that reason I hope this drags out for the next ten years. The left tried to tie Trump to Russia and ended up tying themselves to Russia instead.

So let them keep hollering "treason" at Trump. "Out of thine own mouth be judged" will be the indictment from God that hangs them and their party, I hope for the next fifty or so years.

10-25-17, 10:31
Much as I despise Hillary, my objective opinion is that nothing will come of it in the legal sense unless Trump pushes it.

And he might just do it if he gets mad enough.

What I think the real consequence will be is that in this age of the internet and alternative news the cynicism and disgust with the democrat party will solidify even more. In other words, the "real" judges, the American people, will reward the left with even more defeats at the polls and even less trust in their narrative.

For that reason I hope this drags out for the next ten years. The left tried to tie Trump to Russia and ended up tying themselves to Russia instead.

So let them keep hollering "treason" at Trump. "Out of thine own mouth be judged" will be the indictment from God that hangs them and their party, I hope for the next fifty or so years.

Leftists need to ask themselves whether their quest to vanquish Trump is critical enough to suffer their own oxen being gored. Not a single one of them is innocent, not even Bernie. Careful what you wish for, you just might get it! ;)

10-25-17, 11:16
Leftists need to ask themselves whether their quest to vanquish Trump is critical enough to suffer their own oxen being gored. Not a single one of them is innocent, not even Bernie. Careful what you wish for, you just might get it! ;)

And there it is,
Essentially the left has pushed it past it's limits already. They may not acknowledge that, but the the Justice Department could now ask Mueller to step down, close up shop and hand him a supponea when he turns out the lights and locks the office doors.
From there Comey and Holder could each get one also.
This meets the definition of collusion already with what has been found on the table.
I would very much enjoy the sight of Putin showing up to spill the beans on all of this and I do believe he might happily do so is asked and he hasn't a binding nondisclosure.

You're watching the implosion of the left.

10-25-17, 12:30
ditto she is in the untouchable class at this point and most likely will stay there she let Americans die and she ran for president and did quite well that says about all there is :)

She didn't just "do well"- half the country still thinks she should have won... :rolleyes:
So you're going to hear nothing but apologetic bleating on her behave in the MSM, and then, as ususal...

Just so we are clear. Absolutely nothing will come of this, just like all the other worthless investigations and committee's. Congress is a joke and they couldn't muster a hard-on with IV Cialis.

That being said, it's still fun to watch the show and think about what could be.

Leftists need to ask themselves whether their quest to vanquish Trump is critical enough to suffer their own oxen being gored. Not a single one of them is innocent, not even Bernie. Careful what you wish for, you just might get it! ;)


Or in the name of one of their organizations "BAMN".
Given they're hellbent on burning down the US and anything Western in general, I seriously doubt they'd care as long as they won.

10-25-17, 15:34
The really bad side of this is seeing how Comey and Mueller have taken a crap on the credibility of the entire FBI.
And to think how many Agents were angry when Comey got shown the door when this drama began almost a year ago.
It's time for Sessions to clean house in light of all of this. There may be no one going to jail, but there is no reason for them to remain without some sort of punishment.
These two Muppets make everyone in the FBI appear questionable.

Doc Safari
10-25-17, 15:36
Another turn of the screw:

...now that the Uranium One story has found its way back into mainstream consciousness, Chuck Grassley, the widely respected head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is calling for the DOJ to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the deal. The thinking is, presumably, if Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein felt comfortable appointing a prosecutor to dig into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, he should be equally comfortable appointing a prosecutor to investigate these serious allegations from the Obama era. "Whoever in DOJ is capable" of launching an investigation into Uranium One should go ahead and do so, Grassley tweeted.

In addition, the chairmen of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees yesterday announced a joint investigation into the FBI’s handling of a probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server after emails showed earlier this month that former FBI Director James Comey drafted a letter exonerating Clinton before the investigation had been officially completed.

Looking ahead, we wonder if Grassley will be joined by Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on Grassley's committee who has previously expressed support for an investigation into Clinton’s campaign-era conduct (specifically whether the Clinton’s improperly colluded with former AG Loretta Lynch) or perhaps some other Democrat.

The significance of this is that if DOJ doesn't pursue it, then it will be beyond the shadow of a doubt that an anti-Trump bias kept the Russian probe going with regard to whether Russia tried to interfere with the 2016 election.

It's a turn of the vice holding certain people's scrotums, if nothing else.

10-25-17, 18:14
I'm still waiting for Bill and Al to answer for selling state secrets to the CHICOMs.

10-25-17, 18:46
As per my earlier comment concerning the damage to the FBI.
“There are lots of good people in the FBI, thank God,” he reflected. “But the leadership has been, I believe, corrupt for some time. Jim Comey, for example, has been called by many a ‘dirty cop.’ Bob Mueller has been shown now, I think, to be compromised. Andrew McCabe, for crying out loud, took money from Hillary Clinton’s best friend – through his wife, of course – $750,000 while he’s investigating Hillary Clinton. You just can’t make this stuff up.”

“The people in the bowels of that bureau are poorly served, as is the country, by this kind of leadership,” he said. “It’s high time that Donald Trump cleans the place out, I think.”

As another example of corruption, Gaffney cited the case of “this Pakistani national at the heart of the CFIUS process,” linking it to how “Imran Awan and his family were deeply tied to a number of these members of Congress through IT services.”

“At the very time that the FBI is telling us that they’re satisfied – this is Jim Comey – that the Democratic National Committee’s computer services were penetrated by the Russians, it turns out that Imran Awan, who may have ties to Pakistani intelligence, by the way, had the passwords for Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s access to that system,” he said.

Gaffney cited Republican representatives in an informal meeting saying there is “much more evidence of Pakistan’s intelligence service being involved in the compromise of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC and so on than there is of the Russians.”

10-25-17, 22:29
Gaffney cited Republican representatives in an informal meeting saying there is “much more evidence of Pakistan’s intelligence service being involved in the compromise of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC and so on than there is of the Russians.”

There has been so much subterfuge on the part of DWS regarding this which makes me think she has been more of a willing participant.

Coal Dragger
10-26-17, 00:13
The really bad side of this is seeing how Comey and Mueller have taken a crap on the credibility of the entire FBI.
And to think how many Agents were angry when Comey got shown the door when this drama began almost a year ago.
It's time for Sessions to clean house in light of all of this. There may be no one going to jail, but there is no reason for them to remain without some sort of punishment.
These two Muppets make everyone in the FBI appear questionable.

Unfortunately I don’t think the FBI has been an honest organization or an impartial investigator of crimes for several decades. Going back to the 1990’s at least.

Perhaps it is time to disband the FBI, terminate the vast majority of the senior staff, and senior agents etc for cause, revoke their security clearances and other credentials, and start over.

I hate to use the word “purge” (Stalinist as it is), but I think in this instance for this organization it may be necessary.

10-26-17, 05:02
Unfortunately I don’t think the FBI has been an honest organization or an impartial investigator of crimes for several decades. Going back to the 1990’s at least.

Perhaps it is time to disband the FBI, terminate the vast majority of the senior staff, and senior agents etc for cause, revoke their security clearances and other credentials, and start over.

I hate to use the word “purge” (Stalinist as it is), but I think in this instance for this organization it may be necessary.

Really, if it was up to me, I'd restructure all Federal LE so the only ones with arrest powers are the Marshal's Service, and the others while badged and authorized to carry arms for self defense would only be technical and advisory agencies supporting USMS by running labs, providing profiler support, etc. HRT I'd just move over as-is in its entirety.

Seriously, we have too many armed agencies as it is... why does frickin' SOCIAL SECURITY need its own stash of shotguns and ammo? Why does the freakin' EDUCATION DEPARTMENT need its own SWAT team? Why does the USDA need its own armed personnel?

10-26-17, 07:34
The DOJ released the witness from his ND agreement so he can spill the beans now to congress. Going to get interesting now.

10-26-17, 08:16
Just so we are clear. Absolutely nothing will come of this, just like all the other worthless investigations and committee's. Congress is a joke and they couldn't muster a hard-on with IV Cialis.

We really need a like button on this forum! This is the cold hard truth. It is nice to see what we all knew all along, that the alleged Trump collusion was just a smoke screen to cover Obummer and Killary's collusion.

10-26-17, 09:09
I'll be surprised if the witness makes it to congress without being yet another suicide victim. But even so if he does, like IG says nothing will come of it. All involved are above the law.

Apparently Hillary didn't know anything about her funding the dossier...


10-26-17, 10:03
I'll be surprised if the witness makes it to congress without being yet another suicide victim. But even so if he does, like IG says nothing will come of it. All involved are above the law.

Apparently Hillary didn't know anything about her funding the dossier...


I could actually believe that. But it doesn't matter, because she's spent all her adult life doing dirty deals and surrounding herself with amoral, corrupt people. She owns it, right down to the toner used to print the dossier. :(

10-26-17, 10:09
I'll be surprised if the witness makes it to congress without being yet another suicide victim. But even so if he does, like IG says nothing will come of it. All involved are above the law.

Apparently Hillary didn't know anything about her funding the dossier...


Yep, someone is going to end up dead, in a park.

HRC is eventually going to say, "Oh, that kompromat....."

10-26-17, 11:49
I'd absolutely love to believe criminal charges and a jail cell awaited the wicked witch of the east- but that's just not happening.

It's really just the next "thing" in a long line of "things" to distract from the real issues the nation faces. It's the circus.

Gotta distract as many people as possible from this: http://www.usdebtclock.org

10-26-17, 11:57
I would be happy if this was even acknowledged by the MSM at this point.
They've managed to do thier best to not report a bit of it so far.

10-26-17, 13:44
I would be happy if this was even acknowledged by the MSM at this point.
They've managed to do thier best to not report a bit of it so far.

It might just be wishful thinking on my part, but the dreaded MSM doesn't seem to have the clout it used to have anymore. And being a True Believer takes a helluva lot of energy over a long period of time.

10-27-17, 11:32
Both MSNBC and CNN's morning shows covered the issues this morning, everything from the payment for the report to the money the Clinton's foundation received along with a brief connecting time line.
Since it cannot be ignored, it must be reported. If it's being reported by these guys, it's going to be an issue for Obama, the DNC and Clinton.

Dist. Expert 26
10-27-17, 11:35
Both MSNBC and CNN's morning shows covered the issues this morning, everything from the payment for the report to the money the Clinton's foundation received along with a brief connecting time line.
Since it cannot be ignored, it must be reported. If it's being reported by these guys, it's going to be an issue for Obama, the DNC and Clinton.

Trump and the Russians are still best buds though. I saw it on CNN at the gym yesterday.

10-27-17, 11:40
Then maybe if they ask nice Putin will testify before Congress. ��

Doc Safari
10-27-17, 11:45

The Fusion GPS saga isn’t over. The Clinton-DNC funding is but a first glimpse into the shady election doings concealed within that oppo-research firm’s walls. We now know where Fusion got some of its cash, but the next question is how the firm used it. With whom did it work beyond former British spy Christopher Steele ? Whom did it pay? Who else was paying it?

The answers are in Fusion’s bank records. Fusion has doggedly refused to divulge the names of its clients for months now, despite extraordinary pressure. So why did the firm suddenly insist that middleman law firm Perkins Coie release Fusion from confidentiality agreements, and spill the beans on who hired it?

Because there’s something Fusion cares about keeping secret even more than the Clinton-DNC news—and that something is in those bank records. The release of the client names was a last-ditch effort to appease the House Intelligence Committee, which issued subpoenas to Fusion’s bank and was close to obtaining records until Fusion filed suit last week. The release was also likely aimed at currying favor with the court, given Fusion’s otherwise weak legal case. The judge could rule as early as Friday morning.

If the House wins, don’t be surprised if those records include money connected to Russians. In the past Fusion has worked with Russians, including lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who happened to show up last year in Donald Trump Jr.’s office.

FBI bombshells are also yet to come. The bureau has stonewalled congressional subpoenas for documents related to the dossier, but that became harder with the DNC-Clinton news. On Thursday Speaker Paul Ryan announced the FBI had finally pledged to turn over its dossier file next week.

Assuming the FBI is comprehensive in its disclosure, expect to learn that the dossier was indeed a major basis of investigating the Trump team—despite reading like “the National Enquirer,” as Rep. Trey Gowdy aptly put it. We may learn the FBI knew the dossier was a bought-and-paid-for product of Candidate Clinton, but used it anyway. Or that it didn’t know, which would be equally disturbing.

It might show the bureau was simply had. Don’t forget that it wasn’t until January the dossier became public, and the media started unearthing details. And the more ugly info that came out (Fusion, Democratic clients, intelligence-for-hire) the more former Obama officials seemed skeptical of it. In May, former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper said his people could never “corroborate” its “sourcing.” In June, Mr. Comey derided it as “salacious and unverified.”

Yet none of this jibes with reports that the FBI debated paying Mr. Steele to continue his work. Or that Mr. Comey was so convinced by the dossier that he pushed to have it included in the intelligence community’s January report on Russian meddling. Imagine if it turns out the FBI was duped by a politically contracted document that might have been filled up by the Kremlin.

There’s plenty yet to come with regard to the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Every senior Democrat is disclaiming knowledge of the dossier deal, leaving Perkins Coie holding the bag. But while it is not unusual for law firms to hire opposition-research outfits for political clients, it is highly unusual for a law firm to pay bills without a client’s approval. Somewhere, Perkins Coie has documents showing who signed off on those bills, and they aren’t protected by attorney-client privilege.

Those names will matter, since someone at the DNC and at the Clinton campaign will need to explain how they somehow both forgot to list Fusion as a vendor in their campaign-finance filings. Some Justice Department lawyer is presumably already looking into whether this was a willful evasion, which can carry criminal penalties. It’s one thing to forget to list that local hot-dog supplier for the campaign picnic. It’s a little fishier when two entities both fail to list the firm that supplied them the most explosive hit job in a generation.

And there are still bombshells with regard to unmasking of Americans in surveilled communications. If the Steele dossier reports (which appear to date back to June 2016) were making their way into the hands of senior DNC and Clinton political operatives, you can bet they were making their way to the Obama White House. This may explain why Obama political appointees began monitoring the Trump campaign and abusing unmasking. They were looking for a “gotcha,” something to disqualify a Trump presidency. Of course, they were doing so on the basis of “salacious and unverified” accusations made by anonymous Russians, but never mind.

No, this probe of the Democratic Party’s Russian dalliance has a long, long way to go. And, let us hope, with revelations too big for even the media to ignore.

My take: there isn't going to be one grand execution day for Ms. Clinton, just a slow death of a thousand cuts as this gets bigger and bigger until her health starts failing as she sees any future political chances dissolving so thoroughly that even she can no longer fantasize about being anything but a failed presidential candidate.

10-27-17, 13:39

My take: there isn't going to be one grand execution day for Ms. Clinton, just a slow death of a thousand cuts as this gets bigger and bigger until her health starts failing as she sees any future political chances dissolving so thoroughly that even she can no longer fantasize about being anything but a failed presidential candidate.

Which is ironic, considering that her biggest failure is also her biggest achievement in life. LOL

10-27-17, 14:31
That every Dem near a mic is saying that they don't have any clue about Fusion GPS and the Russian dossier (and can please call it the Russian Dossier, not the Trump Dossier), I think they know the writing is on the wall that there is 'something' here. Someone, low level probably, is going to fall on their keyboard and take the blame for not telling people what was going on. That while Dems take the 5th and suddenly remember to say "I don't remember" a lot.

I know few things with certitude. One is that God hates Hillary Clinton. This has gone past 'testing' her to full on Old Testament wrath.

10-27-17, 14:55

My take: there isn't going to be one grand execution day for Ms. Clinton, just a slow death of a thousand cuts as this gets bigger and bigger until her health starts failing as she sees any future political chances dissolving so thoroughly that even she can no longer fantasize about being anything but a failed presidential candidate.

Personally, I'm hoping America's Mother-in-Law From Hell has at least two more campaigns in her before things run their course... because other than my lost-their-minds former comrades at #NeverTrump (we fought to the bitter end in Cleveland, we lost, politics is "the art of the possible" so we need to look for opportunities for policy Points on the Board wherever we can rather than going out of our way to poop in everybody's Cocoa Puffs and if that means working with an ideological atheist where "everything is transactional" like Trump so be it), every campaign she runs she pushes more people to our side.

10-27-17, 15:35
She not going to jail but will end up old and shitting herself.

God, who unequivocally exists, believes in the Buddhist concept of Karma.

She won't end up going peacefully in her sleep surrounded by loved ones like the lady from Titanic.

She'll be demented, stuck in a wheelchair, covered in filth, and with just enough clarity of mind to know despite all her wealth; she never got the power.

Like some Rod Serling Twilight Zone Harlan Ellison No Mouth, but Must Scream cosmic retribution.

And our first female president will be a hot black chick who's cool and totally not a bitch.

10-27-17, 15:38
Condoleezza Rice being the first female POTUS would be a hell of a Spiking the Football for Red Team. :)

Anybody who looks Butthurt Little Special Snowflakes in the eye when they whine about 'safe spaces' and tells them "It's not my job to make you comfortable; in fact it's my job to make you UNcomfortable because if you're not examining uncomfortable ideas you're not thinking" can't be all bad...

10-27-17, 16:29
Condoleezza Rice being the first female POTUS would be a hell of a Spiking the Football for Red Team. :)

At this point I would not be surprised in the least if the DNC runs Micheal . . . err um Michelle Obama next time around. They'll nail three birds with one stone with that one and leftists are rabid fans.

26 Inf
10-27-17, 16:37
Which is ironic, considering that her biggest failure is also her biggest achievement in life. LOL

That was kind of my thought. Myself, I'd would have been happy with Senator, and even happier with Secretary of State, damn sure wouldn't be trying for a new job at age 70, but that is just me.

Doc Safari
10-27-17, 16:40
That was kind of my thought. Myself, I'd would have been happy with Senator, and even happier with Secretary of State, damn sure wouldn't be trying for a new job at age 70, but that is just me.

Being president has literally been her life-long ambition. She can't give it up any more than a junkie can get off heroin. I fully expect her to try to run for president again if this thing doesn't cause the rest of the DNC to throw her overboard. And even then she'd run third party.

10-27-17, 18:49
I think about Hillary brokering the uranium deal through the server in her basement. Man it would be terrific to watch them all swing for this one. You could wrap up Hillary, Barack, holder, Lynch, Comey, Mueller and Good Ole Billy boy. Somehow throw Schumer, Pelosi and Feinstein in too and it might be more joy than I could handle

10-27-17, 20:00
I hope the last thing she sees is this coming straight at her:


10-27-17, 20:08
She not going to jail but will end up old and shitting herself.

God, who unequivocally exists, believes in the Buddhist concept of Karma.

She won't end up going peacefully in her sleep surrounded by loved ones like the lady from Titanic.

She'll be demented, stuck in a wheelchair, covered in filth, and with just enough clarity of mind to know despite all her wealth; she never got the power.

Like some Rod Serling Twilight Zone Harlan Ellison No Mouth, but Must Scream cosmic retribution.

And our first female president will be a hot black chick who's cool and totally not a bitch.

Was actually hoping Ivanka might carry on the Trump dynasty in 2024. Would be worth it to watch heads explode. In the meantime we can groom Jennifer Carroll for 2028. Of course, we'd need to get her a Hawaiian birth certificate.

10-27-17, 20:48
At this point I would not be surprised in the least if the DNC runs Micheal . . . err um Michelle Obama next time around. They'll nail three birds with one stone with that one and leftists are rabid fans.

Just what the country needs... another Mother-in-Law From Hell, empowered with the Race Card, and trying to ram nasty-ass tofu and arugula down everybody's throats. *rolls eyes*

10-27-17, 22:48
Was actually hoping Ivanka might carry on the Trump dynasty in 2024. Would be worth it to watch heads explode. In the meantime we can groom Jennifer Carroll for 2028. Of course, we'd need to get her a Hawaiian birth certificate.

I had to google Jennifer Carroll.

Gawd Awmighty......

The things I would do to her could make Terry Mcmillan another best seller.

Sing it with me "CAARRIBEAN QUEEN Now we're sharing the same dream"

Black chicks are my kryptonite. But you surmised as much.

Honestly, though....I wouldnt vote for Ivanka. I actually wish she and Jared would piss off for a while.

10-27-17, 22:52
Ironic isn't it?
This story has finally grown to the point that the MSM cannot avoid it and suddenly Mueller has charges to file the next Monday....
I'm really thinking we're done.

10-27-17, 22:54
Ironic isn't it?
This story has finally grown to the point that the MSM cannot avoid it and suddenly Mueller has charges to file the next Monday....
I'm really thinking we're done.

Define "done". Done with the "muh Russia" spiel or done in a bad way?

10-27-17, 22:56
Define "done". Done with the "muh Russia" spiel or done in a bad way?

I'm leaning towards the soft coup getting a little bit more......hard.

10-27-17, 22:56
My glass, the one that is half empty tells me Mueller is wanting to shut this down right now before he gets called to complete the instigation and charge some of his cronies.
The timing really makes me suspicious.

10-27-17, 23:00
Im sorry. I'm still confused. Is this good or bad?

Trump isnt getting impeached and isnt getting removed from office, regardless

10-27-17, 23:06
Im sorry. I'm still confused. Is this good or bad?

Trump isnt getting impeached and isnt getting removed from office, regardless

Oh I would agree, but it would seem like the embarrassment in light of recent events has wounded the Clinton/Obama team.
The question might better be phrased, "So who is Mueller aligned with?"

10-27-17, 23:31
Now I'm tracking.

I am betting they wished they had STFU about Russia back in January

10-27-17, 23:40
As I like to call it, "Karma Boomerang Suppository."

What goes around, not only comes around but shoves itself up your ass, sideways and without courtesy of lube.

10-28-17, 00:33
Honestly, though....I wouldnt vote for Ivanka. I actually wish she and Jared would piss off for a while.

Even if the Dems nominated Elizabeth Warren?

10-28-17, 00:49
Even if the Dems nominated Elizabeth Warren?
What's the difference? Both are liberal Democrats... if there MUST be another Trump better Eric or Don Jr., who we know are at least somewhat pro-gun.

If I had the power to pass just one Constitutional Amendment... okay, two, the first would be a clarification to give the Second some teeth and strike down all State and Local bans and make Shall Issue for both residents and nonresidents law-of-land anywhere that requires permits, but after that my next move would be a little draft I call the "Dynasty Amendment": Without a 3/5 vote of both Houses of Congress or the several State Legislatures granting an individual exemption, no parent/parent-in-law, spouse, sibling/sibling-in-law, child, aunt/uncle or niece/nephew of an individual elected or acceded to the Presidency shall be eligible to serve as President. Any such exemption vote shall be for ONE term only, and shall require reauthorization for a second term.

No more Bushes, Clintons or Obamas, at least without skipping a generation.

Doc Safari
10-29-17, 18:15
I guess we'll find out tomorrow, but I'm wondering if Mueller has the stones to indict Jared as a way to hamstring Daddy O's presidency. When it's your son in the hot seat you might tend to make a deal, like...say....drop the Uranium One investigation in exchange for dropping charges on Jared?

I hope I turn out to be wrong but if you listened to Ground Zero Friday night, Clyde Lewis laid out a scenario where the government shoved the Bundy's off BLM land so they could mine Uranium for the Russians and now Mueller is firing the opening shot in what will end up destroying both sides in this government.

11-02-17, 13:22
Saw this little nugget today, penned by Donna Brazile. Of course it was rigged in Hillary's favor and of course Brazile is covering her own butt. Bottom line is that this will amount to nothing because the MSM is too busy squawking about the special council that that barely indicted three guys not named Trump, none of which really had anything to do with Russia.


Doc Safari
11-02-17, 13:32
I read this earlier today. You mean to tell me she didn't know? I suppose she still thinks Santa Claus is real, too, because that's the kind of mentality it takes to not realize that the DNC had become "all Hillary all the time" and that Bernie was just a throwaway candidate. I suspect they propped up Bernie to be a "fake opposition" candidate to make Hilldog look stronger (like she can actually beat somebody). Funny how Bernie just kind of went away there at the end. Guess he was spending that "hush" money.

Yo, Donna, why don't you look into how much money Bernie Sanders got to throw the election? That'd be even more "shocking", don't ya think?

Honestly, do they think we are that stupid? Do they think we really swallow the narrative that "I couldn't believe my eyes when I found out what was really going on." We understand plausible deniability. We get it. You want to stay out of prison or reclaim your political virginity or whatever the f*** so you wrote a book telling us you can't believe what you found.

I'm channeling Ben Stein, only this time he's chanting, "Mueller.....Muelller......Mueller...."

11-02-17, 14:08
In Donna's next tell all she exposes her findings on the sky being blue, the sun being at the center of our solar system and finally uncovering the fact that she supplied Clinton with the debate questions in advance of the debate; all things she never knew before but researched over the last year and can now confirm...

What a twunt.

11-02-17, 14:12
We understand plausible deniability. We get it. You want to stay out of prison or reclaim your political virginity or whatever the f*** so you wrote a book telling us you can't believe what you found.

gee, with the timing and all, wonder if she might have heard a rumor that indictments were coming, and she's hoping not to be on the list?

Doc Safari
11-02-17, 14:16
gee, with the timing and all, wonder if she might have heard a rumor that indictments were coming, and she's hoping not to be on the list?

Frankly, it's a common tactic. I used to work for a government agency. You know the shit is about to hit the fan so you pipe up and admit to noticing the feces was stored near said fan. It's a way of putting the major guilt off on someone else by saying, "Jeez, at the time I thought something looked fishy and I did blah blah blah so I shouldn't be thought of as part of the conspiracy."

11-02-17, 14:17
Wasn't she involved in getting Hillary debate questions prior to a debate?

11-02-17, 14:19
Wasn't she involved in getting Hillary debate questions prior to a debate?

Yes, she supplied Hillary the debate questions prior to a debate.

11-02-17, 14:29
Typical leftist tactic. When guilty of a crime, blame someone else. If it's a co-conspirator, all the better. (Echoing what Doc said) Like satan blaming lucifer for evil.

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Doc Safari
11-02-17, 17:44
Another turn of the screw. What is significant about this is that someone in Congress actually uses the phrase "beyond a shadow of a doubt" when usually they waffle about things:


Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) spoke with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Thursday regarding a proposed Mueller amendment to limit the special counsel investigation to between March 2015 and the present, and also tax reform in the House.
“We know now without a shadow of a doubt that the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, paid Fusion GPS and Steele to acquire this dossier, which required colluding with Russian operatives and Russian nationals. So, they produced this dossier and I believe, yesterday I called for the FBI, the Justice Department to declassify all the FISA applications involving Trump associates because what I think happened is, I think they used the information from this dossier to be able to get surveillance on Trump and his associates.”

“And then the fruits of that,” he continued, “formed the basis of what had been leaked to the press over the first three or four months of Trump’s White House.”

11-02-17, 17:49
Then Donna Brazile took a crap on Hillary today.
It would appear their days as King and Queen of the Progressives are over.

11-02-17, 22:42
Another turn of the screw. What is significant about this is that someone in Congress actually uses the phrase "beyond a shadow of a doubt" when usually they waffle about things:


IF, Papadumbass wore a wire into the Whitehouse and one of Comey/Mueller's team leaked damaging information about priviliged Executive Branch communications, then this makes Watergate look like swiping a pack of bubblegum from the corner stop and rob. Is this why Brazille is cutting Hillary loose after being one of her enablers? Does she see the writing on the wall? Will more rats flee the sinking ship?

I'd never believe it if the stench of desperation weren't all over them since Trump won.

11-02-17, 23:44
Is this why Brazille is cutting Hillary loose after being one of her enablers? Does she see the writing on the wall? Will more rats flee the sinking ship?
I'd never believe it if the stench of desperation weren't all over them since Trump won.
If you'll remember Donna Brazille was feeding Hillary questions that were going to be asked during one of the major debates.
Brazzile can try and distance herself from the relationship that she and Hillary had however, she was neck deep in leveraging the debate for her when she was acting as a reporter/debate moderator when DWS still held the reigns as chairman of the DNC.
You can't even call her an enabler, Brazzile fed her the questions while the Clintons were controlling all of the money DNC and had put the DNC on a budget as they fed and skimmed money in order to on one hand keep everyone in the states chapters in line with Hillary's nomination and on the other skimmed the majority of the money to get the nomination and secure the office of POTUS.
Ever notice that when DWS had herself in a bind and had to leave as chairperson of the DNC, who took the seat? Donna Brazzile. She's in deep and if there is any justice, she'll be out of that seat soon.
I'm not sure if any laws were broke in all of that, but likely as not the Clinton's tip toed the legal edges while controlling the whole DNC and their budget, which was hundreds of millions of dollars.
Ever wonder how two rubes from Illinois and Arkansas with no real jobs are now worth a quarter of a billion dollars in combined net worth?

11-03-17, 00:09
Anybody want to bet on who the first Republicans will be to screw up this melt down? You know somebody is going to do or say something. If there was ever a time to turn the heat up it's now but when a team only knows how to play defense I'm afraid it will end as another missed opportunity.

Then again, when your opponent is self devouring, I guess the stand back and watch approach makes a lot of sense.

11-03-17, 01:33
So the only people that were hacking votes to get the outcome they wanted were the Clintons? Color me surprised....

11-03-17, 07:34
Fauxcahontas has jumped into the fray. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/laurettabrown/2017/11/03/sen-warren-says-yes-the-dnc-was-rigged-for-clinton-n2404204

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11-03-17, 07:38
Only one thing to do when the sharks are biting each other...

Dump more chum into the water and encourage the Feeding Frenzy, hope they eat each other. Let the Team Blue Cannibal Feast begin!

11-03-17, 07:44
Only one thing to do when the sharks are biting each other...

Dump more chum into the water and encourage the Feeding Frenzy, hope they eat each other. Let the Team Blue Cannibal Feast begin!We can all enjoy watching the frenzy from the USS MAGA. :)

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11-03-17, 08:54
Link 1 (https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2017/11/03/elizabeth-warren-thinks-the-2016-primary-was-rigged-in-hillary-clintons-favor) Link 2 (http://time.com/5008524/elizabeth-warren-democratic-national-committee-rigged-favor-clinton/).


Doc Safari
11-03-17, 09:08
Only one thing to do when the sharks are biting each other...

Dump more chum into the water and encourage the Feeding Frenzy, hope they eat each other. Let the Team Blue Cannibal Feast begin!

Definitely. The canary in the coal mine for whether or not Hillary and Bill might actually face charges is whether the people closest to them are indicted as a way to get them to sing.

Until we see major players perp-walked the Clintons have still gotten away with it, but at least this is still worth watching.

Meanwhile the Brazile admission has thrown gasoline on the DNC civil war fire:


Brazile’s revelations have revived conversations about whether the party has an obligation to ensure a fair primary (one judge who dismissed a lawsuit against the DNC suggested the organization is actually under no obligation to do so, even confirming that it showed a “palpable bias” toward Clinton).

Offering their two cents on the issue, a group of former Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign staffers chimed in on the debate, claiming that “corruption has plagued” the DNC for years and that the problem stretches far beyond the 2016 campaign, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Saikat Chakrabarti, who was director of organizing strategy for the Sanders campaign and now runs a group aiming to change the Democratic Party, said he wasn't surprised to hear the admission from Brazile.

"We all knew that the primary was rigged," Chakrabarti said on behalf of Justice Democrats, a group he founded. "But the corruption that plagues the Democratic Party is bigger than one primary—it's become a rot set at the very root of a party [that] claims to be for working people."

Chakrabarti added that the Democratic Party is currently "devoid of message, devoid of money, and devoid of a winning strategy."

"The people want a party that works for the people and wins," he said. "We are sick and tired of wasting money on helping a party that wastes it through incompetence and corrupt negligence."

Justice Democrats says it has seen an uptick in donations—$2,500 an hour—since Brazile's admission broke on Thursday morning. The group currently has a slate of candidates running for office in 2018, many of them challenging Democratic incumbents.

My take: it's one thing to suspect for years that you are taking it between the butt cheeks. It's another to finally have it confirmed. The DNC has taken a hit that will plague it for decades to come.

11-03-17, 09:19
I thought this was already a known thing?

11-03-17, 09:30
It's pretty much incontrovertible now. The Hillary campaign colluded with foreign agents, including Russians on the dossier against Trump. That came after they gained a controlling interest in the DNC and subverted the democratic election process. Anyone claiming election tampering and collusion as long and loud as Hillary, most likely did such themselves. I think the witch's luck may have finally run out.

11-03-17, 09:54
Any chance the chattel Democrats will wake up and recognize the petroleum jelly on their rear ends for what it is?

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11-03-17, 09:58
Definitely. The canary in the coal mine for whether or not Hillary and Bill might actually face charges is whether the people closest to them are indicted as a way to get them to sing.

Until we see major players perp-walked the Clintons have still gotten away with it, but at least this is still worth watching.

Meanwhile the Brazile admission has thrown gasoline on the DNC civil war fire:


My take: it's one thing to suspect for years that you are taking it between the butt cheeks. It's another to finally have it confirmed. The DNC has taken a hit that will plague it for decades to come.

To be fair, the GOP has the same issues. To a lesser degree perhaps and not quite as slimy and underhanded, but issues nonetheless. The GOPe RINO cucks control the party of "Do Nothing, Accomplish Nothing, Ride the Coattails of Everything". It's fine to sit back, crack open a cold one and watch the DNC self-destruct, but we should be looking for the brooms and dust pans once that first can is empty. :(

Doc Safari
11-03-17, 10:00
To be fair, the GOP has the same issues. To a lesser degree perhaps and not quite as slimy and underhanded, but issues nonetheless. The GOPe RINO cucks control the party of "Do Nothing, Accomplish Nothing, Ride the Coattails of Everything". It's fine to sit back, crack open a cold one and watch the DNC self-destruct, but we should be looking for the brooms and dust pans once that fist can is empty. :(

Agree. The GOP has made its bed too and will eventually have to lie in it, but that's the subject for another thread.

11-03-17, 10:21
Any chance the chattel Democrats will wake up and recognize the petroleum jelly on their rear ends for what it is?

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No. As long as the MSM is an arm of the DNC and the Rinos continue to go after President Trump I do not foresee anything more than a few useless congressional hearings. But I hope I am wrong.

11-03-17, 10:50
So what major event or scandal is about to break to take attention away from this?

11-03-17, 11:14
So what major event or scandal is about to break to take attention away from this?

NYC marathon terror attack and / or NYC marathon derailed by antifa.

Just a guess.

11-03-17, 12:05
Any chance the chattel Democrats will wake up and recognize the petroleum jelly on their rear ends for what it is?

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalkbohica-crats

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11-03-17, 12:31
NYC marathon terror attack and / or NYC marathon derailed by antifa.

Just a guess.

Good guess, or maybe "North Korea" (wink, wink) will do something stupid.

11-03-17, 16:57
If you look at this and read a bit of what DWS, Brazille, Sanders and now Warren have either had a slip of the tongue, an veiled accusation or an outright admission that the primaries were rigged.
Now Brazille has come out and confirmed it with a detailed explaination of how the Clinton's hijacked the DNC's budget.
Former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, Donna Brazile, recently claimed that Hillary Clinton’s team took control of the DNC before she won the primary elections against Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren corroborated Brazile’s claims,
And this article is even more damning;
I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process,
So I followed the money. My predecessor, Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had not been the most active chair in fundraising at a time when President Barack Obama’s neglect had left the party in significant debt. As Hillary’s campaign gained momentum, she resolved the party’s debt and put it on a starvation diet. It had become dependent on her campaign for survival, for which she expected to wield control of its operations.
The Saturday morning after the convention in July, I called Gary Gensler, the chief financial officer of Hillary’s campaign. He wasted no words. He told me the Democratic Party was broke and $2 million in debt. “What?” I screamed. “I am an officer of the party and they’ve been telling us everything is fine and they were raising money with no problems.”
On the phone Gary told me the DNC had needed a $2 million loan, which the campaign had arranged.
“No! That can’t be true!” I said. “The party cannot take out a loan without the unanimous agreement of all of the officers.”
“Gary, how did they do this without me knowing?” I asked. “I don’t know how Debbie relates to the officers,” Gary said. He described the party as fully under the control of Hillary’s campaign, which seemed to confirm the suspicions of the Bernie camp.

Right around the time of the convention, the leaked emails revealed Hillary’s campaign was grabbing money from the state parties for its own purposes, leaving the states with very little to support down-ballot races. A Politico story published on May 2, 2016, described the big fund-raising vehicle she had launched through the states the summer before, quoting a vow she had made to rebuild “the party from the ground up … when our state parties are strong, we win. That’s what will happen.”
Yet the states kept less than half of 1 percent of the $82 million they had amassed from the extravagant fund-raisers Hillary’s campaign was holding, just as Gary had described to me when he and I talked in August. When the Politico story described this arrangement as “essentially … money laundering” for the Clinton campaign, Hillary’s people were outraged at being accused of doing something shady. Bernie’s people were angry for their own reasons, saying this was part of a calculated strategy to throw the nomination to Hillary.

I'm no expert, but I'm guessing this warrants some sort of investigation.
As it currently is the DNC is split in to to distinct factions, the Clinton's Camp and the Warren/Sanders and the Brazille camp.So Socialist Progressive light versus the out right Socialist Communist hardliners.
I would say the ball is in the hands of the Justice Department and Sessions is about to be looking for work.

11-04-17, 21:48
Good guess, or maybe "North Korea" (wink, wink) will do something stupid.

Rocket launched from Yemen towards Saudi Arabia?

11-04-17, 21:50
This slipped in the news sometime today: http://www.oann.com/fbi-hands-over-new-documents-to-congress-over-clinton-investigation/

26 Inf
11-05-17, 00:50
Rocket launched from Yemen towards Saudi Arabia?

I think Patriots got it over King Khalid Airport(?)

So the Houthis claim to have launched it; the Houthis are backed by Iran; Iran is buddies with Korea.

That my friends is just 3 degrees of separation, so it is the little fat one's fault.

11-05-17, 01:07
Rocket launched from Yemen towards Saudi Arabia?

I think Patriots got it over King Khalid Airport(?)

So the Houthis claim to have launched it; the Houthis are backed by Iran; Iran is buddies with Korea.

That my friends is just 3 degrees of separation, so it is the little fat one's fault.

Ruh roh Raggy.

11-05-17, 09:18
There’s an internet rumor that Tony Podesta either was arrested or turned himself in. With a supposed ‘media blackout’. I’d give it 10% possibility. Too good to be true.

11-05-17, 10:41
There’s an internet rumor that Tony Podesta either was arrested or turned himself in. With a supposed ‘media blackout’. I’d give it 10% possibility. Too good to be true.

Not on the Sunday news circuit that's for sure. The great OZ Tom Brokejaw even said today that the Dems need to forget about all this yesterday's news. It's in the past. Translation.... "What difference at this point does it make?!"

They had a 70 year 'pat themselves on the back' day at Meet The Depressed.

11-05-17, 22:06
Donna Brazille is claiming that she feared for her life after Seth Rich was found dead.

11-05-17, 22:14
Donna Brazille is claiming that she feared for her life after Seth Rich was found dead.

You blame her? I'd be in fear for my life just happening to even tangentially cross their path... the Clinton Crime Family's Circle of Death is like a modern-day Black Plague.

11-05-17, 22:15
Donna Brazille is claiming that she feared for her life after Seth Rich was found dead.

Got a source on that? Sounds like disinformation.

11-05-17, 22:27
Got a source on that? Sounds like disinformation.

I've read about this on the Washington Post:


11-06-17, 00:38
The Democrats are pushing hard through thier friends in the media to project a strong and united front, they are anything but.

Doc Safari
11-06-17, 07:46
Donna Brazille is claiming that she feared for her life after Seth Rich was found dead.

I wouldn't doubt it. Even if that's fake news I could still see it being true.

11-06-17, 07:51
Donna Brazille is claiming that she feared for her life after Seth Rich was found dead.They might up the round count for her suicide.

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Doc Safari
11-06-17, 08:58
Found one source for the Brazile/Rich story:


Brazile says she feared possible retribution from shadowy elements within the campaign and the Democratic Party who might blame her for the leak. Her fears only intensified, she says, after the mysterious shooting of former campaign staffer Seth Rich, who the authorities said was killed during a robbery, though many so-called conspiracy theorists have speculated about a possible Democratic plot to kill Rich for his role in leaking the stash of DNC emails to Wikileaks. Brazile's anxiety eventually spiraled out of control, to the point where she feared for her own life while serving as interim chairwoman of the DNC.

Brazile describes her mounting anxiety about Russia’s theft of emails and other data from DNC servers, the slow process of discovering the full extent of the cyberattacks and the personal fallout. She likens the feeling to having rats in your basement: “You take measures to get rid of them, but knowing they are there, or have been there, means you never feel truly at peace.”

Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. She wonders whether Russians had placed a listening device in plants in the DNC executive suite.

At first, Brazile writes of the hacking, top Democratic officials were “encouraging us not to talk about it.” But she says a wake-up moment came when she visited the White House in August 2016, for President Obama’s 55th birthday party. National security adviser Susan E. Rice and former attorney general Eric Holder separately pulled her aside quietly to urge her to take the Russian hacking seriously, which she did, she writes.
While she doesn’t elaborate on her reasons for suspecting that Rich’s death may have been a homicide, just the fact that Brazile says she, too, suspected that something nefarious might’ve been afoot is reason enough to take a second look at Rich’s death. Of course, if it’s true that Rich was killed as punishment for leaking the emails, then that would of course invalidata most of the evidence supporting the Russia interference narrative that has been propagated by the Democrats and their partners in the intelligence community.

11-06-17, 09:14
Now the question might be "Did Brazille fear that she might receive some retribution if she didn't provide Hillary the questions in the debate ?"
That might well be the big question. Was there a climate of fear and distrust due to the campaign being run like a criminal Enterprise?

11-06-17, 09:25
Now the question might be "Did Brazille fear that she might receive some retribution if she didn't provide Hillary the questions in the debate ?"
That might well be the big question. Was there a climate of fear and distrust due to the campaign being a criminal Enterprise?
FIFY. :)

11-06-17, 11:37
So anyone hear from Donna this AM. With the weekends distraction I’m wondering if she’s still around.

11-06-17, 12:06
So anyone hear from Donna this AM. With the weekends distraction I’m wondering if she’s still around.

She's telling people who're tell her to shut up, to "go to hell". :)

Coal Dragger
11-06-17, 15:36
So much optimism in this thread, it will be sad to see it crushed by reality.

Reality is this:

1.) The FBI, and for that matter most of the DOJ are a corrupt enforcement arm of the DNC. They do not prosecute high level wealthy Democrats. Period. At most they conduct kid glove “inquiries” that never produce charges. For evidence of this look at Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Rod Rosenstein, Jim Comey, and Robert Mueller as recent examples. Plus all of their underlings who are too numerous to name. They’re all in the tank for the Clintons and the DNC, otherwise the Russian spy ring prosecution would have gone into Uranium One for starters.

2.) The mainstream news media are also in the tank for the Clintons and the DNC. They will gloss over, downplay, and cover up for any and all high level Democrat wrong doings.

3.) No one takes Donna Brazile seriously, not in the media or in the realm of Federal “law enforcement” (in as much as we can call the FBI a legitimate law enforcement agency anymore). Her statements will go nowhere. She could produce video of the Clintons raping a bus full of kindergarten kids, and no one would do shit about it.

4.) Hillary Clinton will die of old age as free as a bird, politically powerful, wantonly corrupt, evil as ever, and wealthy beyond our wildest dreams.

5.) Donald Trump will be charged by Robert Mueller for something, because he is a corrupt shit heel who will stop at nothing to complete the coup d’etat that was started the night Trump won the election.

6.) There’s not a damn thing any of us can do about it within the law.

11-06-17, 15:43
So much optimism in this thread, it will be sad to see it crushed by reality.

Reality is this:

1.) The FBI, and for that matter most of the DOJ are a corrupt enforcement arm of the DNC. They do not prosecute high level wealthy Democrats. Period. At most they conduct kid glove “inquiries” that never produce charges. For evidence of this look at Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Rod Rosenstein, Jim Comey, and Robert Mueller as recent examples. Plus all of their underlings who are too numerous to name. They’re all in the tank for the Clintons and the DNC, otherwise the Russian spy ring prosecution would have gone into Uranium One for starters.

2.) The mainstream news media are also in the tank for the Clintons and the DNC. They will gloss over, downplay, and cover up for any and all high level Democrat wrong doings.

3.) No one takes Donna Brazile seriously, not in the media or in the realm of Federal “law enforcement” (in as much as we can call the FBI a legitimate law enforcement agency anymore). Her statements will go nowhere. She could produce video of the Clintons raping a bus full of kindergarten kids, and no one would do shit about it.

4.) Hillary Clinton will die of old age as free as a bird, politically powerful, wantonly corrupt, evil as ever, and wealthy beyond our wildest dreams.

5.) Donald Trump will be charged by Robert Mueller for something, because he is a corrupt shit heel who will stop at nothing to complete the coup d’etat that was started the night Trump won the election.

6.) There’s not a damn thing any of us can do about it within the law.

Sadly, more than likely all of that is true.

11-10-17, 10:17
I mentioned it in the Hollyweird thread, here is the link because PizzaGate and CPP are tied to Podesta and Clinton.


Doc Safari
11-10-17, 10:31
An encouraging perspective (if you think Hillary's bunch should be prosecuted):


Trump’s famous “because you’d be in jail” line is constantly rotated throughout the Internet via memes and videos on social media to this day; however, what many seem to have forgotten is the first part of Trump’s statement: he promised to assign a special prosecutor to look into Clinton’s crimes.

Fast forward to May 16, President Trump is now in the White House and meets with Robert Mueller.

I believe Trump was finalizing his decision to appoint Mueller as his special prosecutor to investigate Clinton. Don’t believe it? Keep reading.

The day after Mueller’s meeting with Trump, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller to serve as special counsel for the United States Department of Justice.

The fact is President Trump and Robert Mueller are performing the greatest sting operation in history. Clinton’s lies and machinations have come back to haunt her, and her closest allies are going to prison. The only question left unanswered is whether Hillary Clinton herself will also end up behind bars.

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct an investigation including “any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”

Trump did not collude with Russia. The left and the media have carried that narrative based off of lies and a fake dossier. Trump allowed them to carry their false narrative because he knew he was innocent and that the investigation would eventually turn to the real parties who colluded with Russia. Enter the Clintons. What stands out in the affidavit Rosenstein signed included “matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation” because they knew an investigation into Russian collusion would eventually lead to Clinton.

The left and the media has been so blinded by their partisanship that they’ve failed to see that the greatest bait and switch in the history of the world is going down right before their very eyes. They’ve naively assumed that since Mueller had been a part of the swamp, he’d protect the swamp. However, just because he’s associated with corrupt politicians like the Clintons for years does not mean that he likes them or has any interest in protecting them at this point. After all, the Clintons did go to Trump’s wedding and you know what they say: keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

So the investigation is steering straight for the real guilty actors and Tony Podesta is under the gun for The Podesta Group’s involvement with selling the country’s Uranium to Russia. This will lead to the indictments of his brother, John, Clinton’s former campaign manager, and, yes, Hillary too! Now if Mueller wasn’t going after Tony, why did he step down as CEO of his company last week? Multiple sources have confirmed to me Podesta is one of the 17 sealed indictments currently sitting in DC.

Other guilty swamp creatures are catching on to the true nature of Mueller’s investigation. On Oct. 30, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi issued a call for an independent investigation into Trump’s alleged campaign collusion with Russians just moments after Mueller unsealed indictments for campaign operatives Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. She’s also softened her tone from calling for Trump’s impeachment to now stating “impeaching Trump is not someplace we should go”.

Last week, top Democrats Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile threw Clinton under the bus by admitting she rigged the primary against Bernie Sanders. Why would they do this now? They’re distancing themselves from Clinton for a reason.

My take: I can't say if this speculation is true, but it sure makes you go "Hmmmmmm......"

11-10-17, 10:44
All of this is a Moot Point with Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and Jeff Sessions in place.
A better plan would be to get some repeal of the ACA, a new Tax Plan done and a Secure Border with a Wall, leave prosecuting criminal democrats alone until those are accomplished otherwise Trump is a single term POTUS.
By the time those three things are completed Jeff Sessions (In my opinion the worst Republican choice for an Attorney General in modern history) will have tap danced on his Johnson enough times to prove his incompetency and get fired.
Until all of the legislative stuff is well in hand and a number of choices for the Judicial Branch are sitting on their benches this "Lets Prosecute Hillary and Barrack stuff is a tar baby. You touch it and everything important goes to the wayside.
We were promised some pretty exact legislative action on important issues Ryan and McConnell aren't in a hurry to make that happen. Some boot needs to be applied to some ass.

Coal Dragger
11-10-17, 14:18
The leadership in Congress can’t get anything done. Pretty much looks as if they want to lose.

As long as pro-gun candidates are selected by Democrats in South Dakota where I live, which is likely, I’ll vote for them in 2018.

11-10-17, 14:51
The leadership in Congress can’t get anything done. Pretty much looks as if they want to lose.

As long as pro-gun candidates are selected by Democrats in South Dakota where I live, which is likely, I’ll vote for them in 2018.

Don't forget... The dems stick together almost without exception. No matter what your local dems promise you in SD they will vote with the herd in Washington.

Coal Dragger
11-10-17, 14:58
I know that is true on a lot of issues. Have to see how pro-gun they are, sometimes on guns Dems don’t always go lock step.

Either way it’ll be strictly symbolic, I doubt a dem could win in SD if the Republicans ran Adolph Hitler.

11-10-17, 17:29
I know that is true on a lot of issues. Have to see how pro-gun they are, sometimes on guns Dems don’t always go lock step.

Either way it’ll be strictly symbolic, I doubt a dem could win in SD if the Republicans ran Adolph Hitler.

And the converse is true here in WA if the Dems ran Zombie Goosestepper. Seriously, even the Republicans here suck sweaty, nasty donkey balls. That Powerball win to get the rels uprooted and out of this cold, wet Bluefascist Hell cannot come soon enough... Hey, any of our industry members looking to hire an intern? No experience, but long on willingness to learn and to work hard...

11-14-17, 01:51
Much like many other current events topics relating to DNC / HRC / BO / Sessions / Mueller / SA / DJT / Illuminati Confirmed the premise of doing the right thing is promising however the faith to a resolution is hard to have.


Another article:



The attorney general also said the DOJ is conducting 27 investigations involving classified leaks, saying it has reached — quote — “epidemic proportions.”

Sessions was later questioned by GOP Representative Jim Jordan, who recently called for a second special counsel to investigate former FBI Director James Comey on a basis of conflict of interest with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Sessions said more facts would need to come to light, but opened the door for an appointment of special counsel.

The attorney general has called on his department to investigate the Obama-era Uranium One Deal and the Clinton Foundation.

In a letter Monday, he directed senior federal prosecutors to look into the sale of Uranium One, unlawful dealings of the Clinton Foundation, and James Comey’s handling of the Clinton email probe and dossier.


Doc Safari
11-14-17, 09:14

Attorney General Jeff Sessions might soon appoint a second special counsel to investigate allegations of corruption and self-dealing involving several prominent Democrats and Obama-era officials, including Bill and Hillary Clinton.

According to the Washington Post, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is entertaining the idea of appointing a second special counsel to investigate alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation and the controversial sale of a uranium company to Russia. A letter obtained by WaPo shows Sessions directed senior federal prosecutors to explore at least some of these matters and report back to him and his top deputy, Rod Rosenstein, as to whether the DOJ should follow up with a full-blown investigation.

The list of matters he wanted probed was wide ranging, but included the FBI’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, various dealings of the Clinton Foundation and several matters connected to the purchase of the Canadian mining company Uranium One by Russia’s nuclear energy agency. Goodlatte took particular aim at former FBI director James Comey, asking for a second special counsel to evaluate the leaks he directed about his conversations with President Trump, among other things.

Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd wrote that Sessions had “directed senior federal prosecutors to evaluate certain issues raised in your letters,” and those prosecutors would “report directly to the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, as appropriate, and will make recommendations as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of a Special Counsel."

My take: if TPTB have any integrity, they will have to pursue criminal proceedings against Hillary Clinton if they find the evidence. Of course, that's the $64,000 question.

Dist. Expert 26
11-14-17, 17:39
It's all a show.

High level politicians are above the law.

11-14-17, 17:51
It's all a show.

High level politicians are above the law.

Sessions isn't going there and because of that the POTUS is sending him to Alabama to run again.

11-14-17, 17:52
It's all a show.

High level politicians are above the law.
Shhh don’t tell anyone.


11-14-17, 19:10
Sessions is feckless and he isn't about to challenge the political status quo. I agree it's just a show.

Coal Dragger
11-14-17, 19:33
It's all a show.

High level politicians are above the law.


So many hopes and dreams gonna get crushed here.

11-14-17, 20:21
I can only wonder if a high level hunting trip gone wrong is around the corner

11-14-17, 20:29
I sense a rash suicides, botched robberies ending in death yet no missing the wallet and tragic car accidents coming soon.

11-15-17, 11:59
Ok so Sessions alludes to special counsel, then looks like he may be sent to fill Moore seat. Leaving AG seat open. Perhaps his successor will be on board to investigate and prosecute HRC et al? Who will be his successor?

Coal Dragger
11-15-17, 12:43
Trump will probably install Loretta Lynch, or Jim Comey as AG if Sessions leaves. LOL.

11-15-17, 13:52
Pulled this from an alt news source, make of it what you will. I have no affiliations with any parties, platforms, or authors.

“Wikileaks has over a 1-year record of 100 percent accuracy, so when the organization makes a claim, people should listen.
Last year, speculation was abound that Wikileaks’ source for the “hacked” emails from John Podesta and the DNC was none other than murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was mercilessly gunned down from behind in a “botched robber,” although nothing was missing from his body. Wikileaks’ found Julian Assange further fueled speculation during an interview on Dutch TV when he mentioned Rich while speaking about how dangerous it is to be a whistleblower.
The interview came shortly after Wikileaks offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to Rich’s murder.
“Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often significant risks. There was a 27-year old that works for the DNC who was shot in the back… murdered.. for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington,” Assange said during the interview. Assange was then asked if he was suggesting Rich was involved, and he stated that “we have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States and that our sources face serious risks… that’s why they come to us so we can protect their anonymity.”
It’s also worth noting that notorious hacker Kim Dotcom has also stated that he knew Rich personally, and that Rich was the source for the leaked emails.
Now, there’s a new twist in the story.
On Monday, Donald Trump, Jr. released a direct message chain between him and Wikileaks during the summer of last year. In it, there’s a link to a website that Wikileaks had wanted then-candidate Donald Trump to plug if he were to mention Wikileaks.
The web address is http://wlsearch.tk/. At the time, according to a tweet from Wikileaks, the link took web users to “The Podesta Emails Part 4 (1193 new emails).” However, the website has since been edited to be something else entirely – it appears to confirm that Rich was the source for the emails Wikileaks published.
The website has a clock as the banner, and consists of only one page, which reads the following, in part [emphasis mine]:
You finally found me! I’m the source of the John Podesta/DNC Email hacks. I’ve been waiting so long for you to join me.
Thanks to Wikileaks and Trump Jr you’ll all soon know why Hillary Clinton and John Podesta had me killed.
As you can see I’m no Russian agent. I was just a proud DNC staffer who believed in the system until I found out Hillary Clinton and the DNC rigged the primaries against my candidate Bernie Sanders. That’s when I decided to take action and release these emails to Wikileaks.
John Podesta was determined to make an example out of me and had me taken care of. Why did you think they didn’t let the FBI examine the DNC servers? Yep, those servers would have lead them straight to me. John couldn’t let that happen.
The last paragraph seen on the website reads, “Thanks again Wikileaks for upping my reward to solve my murder. I wonder why you’d do that for me? Oh, you are trying to tell the world I was your source. Whoops cat’s outta the bag now.”
It would seem as if Wikileaks edited their website in the wake of Don, Jr. publishing their email chain to reveal that Rich was their source. Of course, without Assange or Wikileaks directly verifying it, we’ll never know for certain; however, it’s hard to imagine Wikileaks, which survives off of hacking and unauthorized entry into computers, would allow itself to be hacked in such a manner.
If you enjoyed this story, be sure to follow Sean Brown on Facebook!”

11-15-17, 17:18
I sense a rash suicides, botched robberies ending in death yet no missing the wallet and tragic car accidents coming soon.
Yep, three self inflicted gun shots to the back of the head with a single shot pistol. ;)


11-16-17, 12:30
I think we're missing a key opportunity here. Are the Clintons above the law because of their White Privilege? This needs to be brought up whenever discussed among leftists that if they want true equality- then we need equal protection under the law. Imagine if Condoleezza Rice during the Bush administration had been the one to broker a fifth of our uranium deposits to Russia in exchange for $45 million deposited in her own private "charity fund". I would think for certain she would have been prosecuted for such an abuse of power.


11-16-17, 14:03
I think we're missing a key opportunity here. Are the Clintons above the law because of their White Privilege? This needs to be brought up whenever discussed among leftists that if they want true equality- then we need equal protection under the law. Imagine if Condoleezza Rice during the Bush administration had been the one to broker a fifth of our uranium deposits to Russia in exchange for $45 million deposited in her own private "charity fund". I would think for certain she would have been prosecuted for such an abuse of power.


You know none of that uranium went to Russia and it wasn’t Clinton that authorized it right?

11-16-17, 14:56
You know none of that uranium went to Russia and it wasn’t Clinton that authorized it right?
I don't personally know where that uranium is, but I know I've seen conflicting reports.
I'm not sure how or why this went the way it did, but in the time of a nuclear powered North Korea and a soon to be nuclear powered Iran is this acceptable to you?
I find the coincidences between the deal and the donations almost miraculous.
Considering the Clinton's humble beginnings and careers their current net worth and how that happened might be worth looking in to.

11-16-17, 15:03
I don't personally know where that uranium is, but I know I've seen conflicting reports.
I'm not sure how or why this went the way it did, but in the time of a nuclear powered North Korea and a soon to be nuclear powered Iran is this acceptable to you?
I find the coincidences between the deal and the donations almost miraculous.
Considering the Clinton's humble beginnings and careers their current net worth and how that happened might be worth looking in to.

Under US regulations, Uranium One cannot export uranium produced in the US. This whole story is a big nothingburger if you actually look at the facts of what happened and don’t believe someone looking to sell books or get clicks.

It wasn’t Clinton who even approved it. Nine senior US officials composed of the Secretary of State, defense, treasury, homeland security, commerce, energy, the attorney general, and two White House representatives had to ok the deal. They can’t even block it, they could only recommend that it be blocked by Obama. It was unanimously approved.

The main player who donated most of the $145M to the Clinton Foundation sold all of his shares in the company 1.5 years before Clinton became Secretary of State and 3 years before this deal.

11-16-17, 15:47
What could be more productive for accumulating donations to your "foundation", than traveling the world while being Secretary of State?

Doc Safari
11-16-17, 15:50
A confidential informant has come forward willing to testify, and he has been named. I wonder how long it will be before he "commits suicide" under mysterious circumstances?


More information about the Congressional probes into the Obama-era Uranium One deal leaked out Thursday when Reuters reported that Senate Republicans say their investigation into the Clinton’s role in approving the deal largely hinges on the testimony of a secret informant who was until recently the subject of a federal gag order.

But a month after Trump asked the DOJ to lift the gag order - a command that the DOJ promptly obeyed - the man has decided to speak out publicly for the first time in an interview with Reuters.

His name is Christopher Campbell, and was formerly a lobbyist for Tenex, the US-based arm of Rosatom, the Russian government’s nuclear agency.

This is the significant part. He implies he "has the goods."


Campbell countered those who dismiss his knowledge of the Uranium One deal. “I have worked with the Justice Department undercover for several years, and documentation relating to Uranium One and political influence does exist and I have it,” Campbell said. He declined to give details of those documents.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley said in a letter to Toensing, Campbell’s lawyer, that her client appears to have information “critical to the Committee’s oversight of the Justice Department and its ongoing inquiry into the manner in which” the Uranium One sale was approved.

Given his proximity to some of the individuals at the center of the Congressional investigations, it’s possible Campbell might be able to provide some game-changing information about Uranium One that could better illuminate the Clintons’ role in approving the deal.

And the downside:

Of course, he could be just another crank.

My take: he is most likely legit. If he is as much of an insider as he claims, he HAS GOT TO KNOW the danger he is in. He should keep a picture of Seth Rich in his wallet and start being careful where he parks, eats, sleeps, etc.

EDITED TO ADD: I've been following Sara Carter's appearances on Sean Hannity's radio and TV shows, and it's clear she believes this will be the linchpin that leads to indictments and convictions, maybe even of some very high officials. Dare we hope Hilldog is among the indicted?

11-16-17, 16:01
What could be more productive for accumulating donations to your "foundation", than traveling the world while being Secretary of State?

Wasn't she required to divest her stake in the Clinton Foundation as SoS? Oh, wait, that requirement only applies to the little people. And Republicans. There's no way she could ever be influenced in her official duties by millions of dollars flowing into her foundation! Never mind! :rolleyes:

11-16-17, 16:19
You know none of that uranium went to Russia and it wasn’t Clinton that authorized it right?

Right, that's how it's being spun by the left now because they know this is very serious. She can have fun explaining how she didn't know anything about this deal while at the same time explaining the bribes she failed to disclose in her charity that came directly from the Russians.

Here is the full story from the New York Times of all places. In it they state, the Clinton Foundation received $31.3 million in initial donations and additional donations directly linked to the Russians for "speaking fees" etc. Something like $45 million total, most of which not disclosed- which hopefully will be their undoing.



11-16-17, 16:30
Right, that's how it's being spun by the left now because they know this is very serious. She can have fun explaining how she didn't know anything about this deal while at the same time explaining the bribes she failed to disclose in her charity that came directly from the Russians.

Here is the full story from the New York Times of all places. In it they state, the Clinton Foundation received $31.3 million in initial donations and additional donations directly linked to the Russians for "speaking fees" etc. Something like $45 million total, most of which not disclosed- which hopefully will be their undoing.



And where in that proves your claim that the uranium deposits went to Russia when it is against US regulations for the uranium mined here to be exported? Don’t deflect, I posted facts above, if you can disprove them please do so.

11-16-17, 16:47
And where in that proves your claim that the uranium deposits went to Russia when it is against US regulations for the uranium mined here to be exported? Don’t deflect, I posted facts above, if you can disprove them please do so.

I guess I fail to see the connection. She benefited from a deal through direct donations to her charity which she failed to disclose, that allowed the sale of the uranium deposits. Whether the Russians bought those deposits to make money off of the stock from the companies processing the uranium or whether they did it to reduce our hold on those natural resources isn't the point. What they did with it after they bought it is their business. However the fact that she was the secretary of state, using her position of power to broker our nation's natural resources in direct exchange to donations to her slush fund charity- is the issue here. Hopefully a special counsel can get to the bottom of this.

11-16-17, 16:49
I guess I fail to see the connection. She benefited from a deal through direct donations to her charity which she failed to disclose, that allowed the sale of the uranium deposits. Whether the Russians bought those deposits to perhaps make money off of the stock from the companies processing that uranium or whether they did it to reduce our hold on those natural resources isn't the point.

She also was not the one who approved the deal and the guy giving the foundation all the money had no stake in the company a year and a half before she even became SOS. One big nothingburger.

Doc Safari
11-16-17, 16:52
A few more sketchy details on the informant, Mr. Campbell:

Mr. Campbell told Reuters that he was the confidential informant cited in the Mikerin case. And Victoria Toensing, a lawyer for the informant, has previously told Fox News that her client filed a civil lawsuit to get an unspecified amount of money back that he paid out in bribes during the case after the FBI failed to return the money to him. She has not responded to subsequent requests for comment.

It’s unclear what new information Mr. Campbell might be able to offer congressional investigators in their probes, or why he sought to speak with investigators this year.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued a series of letters inquiring about the Uranium One deal on Oct. 12.

The Hill published an article a week later alleging that the FBI’s confidential informant in the Mikerin case had been blocked by the Obama Justice Department “from telling Congress about conversations and transactions he witnessed related to the Russian nuclear industry’s efforts to win favor with Bill and Hillary Clinton and influence Obama administration decisions.”

Ms. Toensing told Fox that her client could offer details about what Russian officials “were saying during the time about how they were spending money.”


My take:

1. He may be able to point out who said what to whom, thereby widening the investigation.

2. The Obama administration is the one that "gagged" him. What a co-inki-dink.

11-16-17, 17:00
She also was not the one who approved the deal and the guy giving the foundation all the money had no stake in the company a year and a half before she even became SOS. One big nothingburger.

I saw her interview with Mother Jones asking about this specific issue and she looked absolutely terrified. They are trying desperately now to dilute the connections or downplay this but it's being investigated and hopefully justice will be served. I'm not holding my breath but the corruption needs to end.

11-16-17, 17:54
I saw her interview with Mother Jones asking about this specific issue and she looked absolutely terrified. They are trying desperately now to dilute the connections or downplay this but it's being investigated and hopefully justice will be served. I'm not holding my breath but the corruption needs to end.

What’s about the 8 other people that were part of the process of approving the sale? Also, how was she bribed when the guy who gave her most of the money has no stake in the company for years? You keep ignoring these things.

11-16-17, 18:06
What’s about the 8 other people that were part of the process of approving the sale? Also, how was she bribed when the guy who gave her most of the money has no stake in the company for years? You keep ignoring these things.

So who does have a stake in the process of Hillary's "Foundation" getting money and it arriving right when the deal took place?
The Clinton's have been implicated several times in some shady deals, they've always managed to squeak by, so once again, I ask, "How do these two end up with hundreds of millions of dollars in personal wealth?".
I'm just kind of curious because although I don't think she is the "Smartest Woman in America." I would imagine she's upped her game since getting involved in some deals earlier that made her money or offered her (or Bill) protection from prosecution.
Here is an article from that right wing purveyor of Republican Propaganda.
National Public Radio...
I'm just saying, if somewhere, anywhere along the line as much zeal was offered up toward prosecuting the Clinton's as has been toward "Russian Collusion" these two would be making big rocks in to little rocks.

11-16-17, 19:15
What’s about the 8 other people that were part of the process of approving the sale? Also, how was she bribed when the guy who gave her most of the money has no stake in the company for years? You keep ignoring these things.

You think she would handle this directly? She took a $30+ million dollar "donation" to her "charity" by a man who used to work directly with mining companies while the uranium deal was green lighted by the panel to sign off on. So how they decided to layer this is just a matter of connecting the dots. That money was on top of the additional speaking fees and other such arrangements made directly from the Russians themselves. This is outright treason.

11-16-17, 20:33
You think she would handle this directly? She took a $30+ million dollar "donation" to her "charity" by a man who used to work directly with mining companies while the uranium deal was green lighted by the panel to sign off on. So how they decided to layer this is just a matter of connecting the dots. That money was on top of the additional speaking fees and other such arrangements made directly from the Russians themselves. This is outright treason.

So basically you have nothing to go on but guesses that it was shady?

Let’s go back to the facts:

1) Under US regulations, Uranium One cannot export uranium produced in the US. This is the main reason this story got traction in the first place claiming Russia was taking our uranium.

2) It wasn’t Clinton who even approved it. Nine senior US officials composed of the Secretary of State, defense, treasury, homeland security, commerce, energy, the attorney general, and two White House representatives had to ok the deal. They can’t even block it, they could only recommend that it be blocked by Obama. It was unanimously approved. So all of those people must have been in on it and wanted Hillary to get her payday and are also guilty of treason as you say.

3) The main player who donated most of the $145M to the Clinton Foundation sold all of his shares in the company 1.5 years before Clinton became Secretary of State and 3 years before this deal. If someone needed to bribe her it wasn’t this guy.

These are all facts. You haven’t addressed any of them and instead just brew up more conspiracy theories based on nothing but your intuition.

11-16-17, 20:56
the left are funny unhinged from reality :) hahahahahahah

kinda like a mob/cartel boss being innocent cause well you know he did not actually deal the drugs or kill the last guy directly with his hands so he is innoncent

well billy through rocks at the windows also to so I am innocent !

well yeah I drove the car but I did not actually rob the place !

well it was my friend that had the gun and shot the guy I was just recording the video with my phone while I watched I did not do anything wrong

sure I accepted the money knowing it was stolen but I am innocent


clintons are the lefties lords and can do no wrong

they can post talking points and then try to say you have to prove your side is wrong cause what I said is write just because I said it is and well snopes said so to !!!!

11-16-17, 20:57

Rather than give Rosatom a direct export license — which would have raised red flags inside a Congress already suspicious of the deal — the NRC in 2012 authorized an amendment to an existing export license for a Paducah, Ky.-based trucking firm called RSB Logistics Services Inc. to simply add Uranium One to the list of clients whose uranium it could move to Canada.

The license, reviewed by The Hill, is dated March 16, 2012, and it increased the amount of uranium ore concentrate that RSB Logistics could ship to the Cameco Corp. plant in Ontario from 7,500,000 kilograms to 12,000,000 kilograms and added Uranium One to the “other parties to Export.”

The move escaped notice in Congress.

Uranium One's American arm, however, emailed a statement to The Hill on Wednesday evening confirming it did export uranium to Canada through the trucking firm and that 25 percent of that nuclear fuel eventually made its way outside North America to Europe and Asia, stressing all the exports complied with federal law.

11-16-17, 21:08
just read this page


the fact even though lefty wants to say NO but it did go to canada and other countries via uranium one which its parent russian company posted here ! so yes it did go to the russians and their benefit of making money with our resources and again did export them outside the us

ROSATOM is a proponent of the uniform national policy and best management practices in nuclear power utilization, the nuclear weapons industry, and nuclear safety. ROSATOM is responsible for meeting Russia's international commitments regarding peaceful uses of nuclear energy and nuclear non-proliferation.

11-16-17, 21:14


However, in 2012, RSB Logistics Services, a shipping company, received from the NRC an amendment to its export license to allow it to export uranium from various sources, including the Uranium One, Inc. Willow Creek site in Wyoming, to the Blind River conversion plant in Canada, and then return the uranium to the U.S. for further processing.


no Uranium One, Inc.-produced uranium has been shipped directly to Russia and the U.S. Government has not authorized any country to re-transfer U.S. uranium to Russia.

11-16-17, 21:38
Doesn't change the fact that tens of millions of dollars were exchanged for 1/5th of the American uranium supply in what is now looking more and more like a giant cover up.

Who received what, who was paid, who was using their influence to make this deal happen- all needs to be investigated.

11-16-17, 21:39
they do not know where it all went

it did go to other countries is the bottom line and was not just all kept here so direct to Russia I doubt it indirect I am sure it did

again a Russian company in the nuclear arms biz took our resources and money and should never have been allowed

11-16-17, 21:42
Doesn't change the fact that tens of millions of dollars were exchanged for 1/5th of the American uranium supply in what is now looking more and more like a giant cover up.

Who received what, who was paid, who was using their influence to make this deal happen- all needs to be investigated.

You’ve been doing an awful lot of backpedaling and speculating without much to back it up

11-16-17, 21:48
You’ve been doing an awful lot of backpedaling and speculating without much to back it up



Where is the uranium now?

How much was paid for it and to whom?

11-16-17, 21:49
hillary did not allow it directly and solely

she did have huge influence and did make a ton of money off the blessing of it as you might say and her connections and so on
was she again the sole direct person NO just like a mob boss does not do everything direct but uses the network of people etc..

the lefty looser president we had could have stopped it but did not

but the left wants the destruction of this country and loves socialism communism etc.. so no surprise the stuff that happened under bush and obama of course :)

11-16-17, 22:01
Where is the uranium now?

How much was paid for it and to whom?

Do you have any proof it is anywhere other than where it was said to have gone? Instead of actually addressing any of the facts I posted you just ask questions to try and prove your point but at the end of the day you have absolutely no concrete evidence of anything illegal going down.

The reason the Trump administration hasn’t gone after her because of this isn’t because they are a bunch of cucks, it’s because it’s a big nothingburger except for something Trump can throw out to the media to distract everyone and get the tin foil hat wearers all worked up.

11-16-17, 22:22
Do you have any proof it is anywhere other than where it was said to have gone? Instead of actually addressing any of the facts I posted you just ask questions to try and prove your point but at the end of the day you have absolutely no concrete evidence of anything illegal going down.

The reason the Trump administration hasn’t gone after her because of this isn’t because they are a bunch of cucks, it’s because it’s a big nothingburger except for something Trump can throw out to the media to distract everyone and get the tin foil hat wearers all worked up.

Apparently a witness, an FBI Informant- who served as former lobbyist on behalf of the Russian firm that involved Clinton with the bribe is willing to testify.

Here is Hannity discussing it.


Gorka discussing it.


11-16-17, 22:35
Do you have any proof it is anywhere other than where it was said to have gone? Instead of actually addressing any of the facts I posted you just ask questions to try and prove your point but at the end of the day you have absolutely no concrete evidence of anything illegal going down.

The reason the Trump administration hasn’t gone after her because of this isn’t because they are a bunch of cucks, it’s because it’s a big nothingburger except for something Trump can throw out to the media to distract everyone and get the tin foil hat wearers all worked up.

25 percent of that nuclear fuel eventually made its way outside North America to Europe and Asia,

Later, the Obama administration approved some of that uranium going all the way to Europe, government documents show.

just a simple yes or no did some make it out of the US ?

remember earlier you said they can not export ?

Under US regulations, Uranium One cannot export uranium produced in the US. This whole story is a big nothingburger if you actually look at the facts of what happened and don’t believe someone looking to sell books or get clicks.

really curious do you really believe she had absolutely nothing to do with any of this at all ?
and that selling our uranium resources to Russia and allowing them to mine and make money on our resources which then left our country is OK ?

11-17-17, 06:14
Did you read the document I posted? Why is this only a Clinton thing when it took 9 people plus the president to approve it?

11-17-17, 06:31
since you did not answer or see it here it is again

do you really believe she had absolutely nothing to do with any of this at all ?
and that selling our uranium resources to Russia and allowing them to mine and make money on our resources which then left our country is OK ?

Did you read the document I posted? Why is this only a Clinton thing when it took 9 people plus the president to approve it?

Coal Dragger
11-17-17, 06:40
Trying to get a strait answer out of skywalkrNCSU on that will not be possible. He was, and evidently remains a big Hillary Clinton supporter.

11-17-17, 07:43
Did you read the document I posted? Why is this only a Clinton thing when it took 9 people plus the president to approve it?

Apparently now there is a lobbyist who is willing to come forward with information regarding Clinton taking that large bribe to greenlight this deal.

11-17-17, 08:15
since you did not answer or see it here it is again

do you really believe she had absolutely nothing to do with any of this at all ?
and that selling our uranium resources to Russia and allowing them to mine and make money on our resources which then left our country is OK ?

There is no proof that uranium from the US has been sold to Russia as a part of this deal

11-17-17, 08:17
Trying to get a strait answer out of skywalkrNCSU on that will not be possible. He was, and evidently remains a big Hillary Clinton supporter.

If you can find any post of mine showing I am or ever have been a Clinton supporter please show me. I’ve been asking for straight answers from 7n6 throughout this whole thread and gotten nothing but deflection. Unfortunately around here needing actual evidence and not believing loony toon conspiracy theorists makes you a leftist Clinton supporter. Grow up.

11-17-17, 08:19
Apparently now there is a lobbyist who is willing to come forward with information regarding Clinton taking that large bribe to greenlight this deal.

Again, how does Clinton green light this deal? It took 7 department heads and two White House representatives and even then they couldn’t stop the deal, only Obama could.

11-17-17, 08:32
Guys- It's just another current events/social issues thread on a firearms discussion forum. Don't take it so seriously.

Doc Safari
11-17-17, 08:55
Guys- It's just another current events/social issues thread on a firearms discussion forum. Don't take it so seriously.

Amen, and AMEN. I posted this as more of an informational thread to chronicle the collapse of the Clinton/Obama/Democrat corruption empire.

Much as I despise Hillary, I'd be happy if any guilty party in all of this goes to prison, even if she is totally exonerated.

The 800-lb gorilla in the room is that some very powerful players in our government are beyond corrupt and make the US look like a banana republic. No matter who the guilty parties are (if any), if we don't get a handle on cleaning up the filth in Washington our country will be no better than some Third World shit hole where you can do whatever you want because you have the power to stay above the law.

11-17-17, 08:58
If you can find any post of mine showing I am or ever have been a Clinton supporter please show me. I’ve been asking for straight answers from 7n6 throughout this whole thread and gotten nothing but deflection. Unfortunately around here needing actual evidence and not believing loony toon conspiracy theorists makes you a leftist Clinton supporter. Grow up.

I already posted links, articles, and two videos discussing the investigation along with a lobbyist willing to testify before Congress.

Basically it's national news at this point and not a "loony toon conspiracy".


11-17-17, 09:13
The defence Hillary is putting up is enough to make you wonder "If there is nothing to see here, why worry?"
Suddenly she's being picked on and Trump is a tyrant. I dunno, but if all of this is a clean deal and above board in the words of a former Secretary of State "What does it matter anyway?".
BTW supposedly the now named witness has video of the bribe packets being put together.

Doc Safari
11-20-17, 09:28
Video evidence allegedly surfaces:


An undercover FBI informant in the Russian nuclear industry who was made to sign an “illegal NDA” by former AG Loretta Lynch, claims to have video evidence showing Russian agents with briefcases full of bribe money related to the controversial Uranium One deal – according to The Hill investigative journalist John Solomon and Circa‘s Sara Carter.

The informant, whose identity was revealed by Reuters as William D. Campbell, will testify before congress next week after the NDA which carried the threat of prison time was lifted. Campbell, originally misidentifed by Reuters as a lobbyist is actually a nuclear industry consultant who is currently battling cancer.

My take: We are still several steps removed from tying this directly to Hillary, but like the layers of an onion being peeled back, this is just starting. The man is apparently trying to clear his conscience before he dies. If he possesses actual video evidence and it can be linked to Obama and/or Clinton, it's hard to see how this does not end up being a very bad day for both of them, even if it's only in the history books. Somehow, knowing Hillary Clinton's ambition to go down in history, I think being remembered as a traitor on the level of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg is almost a worse punishment than prison.

11-20-17, 13:21
The 800-lb gorilla in the room is that some very powerful players in our government are beyond corrupt and make the US look like a banana republic.

I think you meant to say many if not most powerful players are corrupt. This is why there is little action taking place instead of kits of gum flapping. The only way this onion is getting skinned is if there is no way to hide it. If it gets skinned I expect both sides to be hit hard. Both the GOP and the DNC will have to cough up some sacrifices and pray the American people are too busy with Black Friday, the NFL, groping or whatever to not notice that their elected leaders are asshats galore.

11-20-17, 13:46
I think you meant to say many if not most powerful players are corrupt. This is why there is little action taking place instead of kits of gum flapping. The only way this onion is getting skinned is if there is no way to hide it. If it gets skinned I expect both sides to be hit hard. Both the GOP and the DNC will have to cough up some sacrifices and pray the American people are too busy with Black Friday, the NFL, groping or whatever to not notice that their elected leaders are asshats galore.

This! Everyone is dirty to some extent... I'd say both sides are actively looking for a fall guy.

11-20-17, 15:37
I think you meant to say many if not most powerful players are corrupt. This is why there is little action taking place instead of kits of gum flapping. The only way this onion is getting skinned is if there is no way to hide it. If it gets skinned I expect both sides to be hit hard. Both the GOP and the DNC will have to cough up some sacrifices and pray the American people are too busy with Black Friday, the NFL, groping or whatever to not notice that their elected leaders are asshats galore.
You forgot Active Shooters and Gun Control.

11-21-17, 07:56
So Bill has four more accusations of sexual harassment, it's on record that it happened while he was flying on business.
Hillary of course offered to turn her private investigator team to discredit all four.
The four just want a pay off to go away.

Doc Safari
11-21-17, 09:44
Another name added to the Clinton death count:


A wealthy Democratic mega-donor who co-founded the Ready for Hillary PAC, which helped launch Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for the White House, has died of a gunshot wound to the head after “a sudden onset and battle with a mental health issue,” his family says.

Steve Mostyn, a 46-year-old Texas trial lawyer who reportedly contributed millions to pro-Clinton super PACs, was found dead in his Houston home on Nov. 15.

Mostyn’s death was ruled a suicide by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences. According to the New York Times, Mostyn’s wife, Amber, said her husband died after a “sudden onset and battle with a mental health issue.”

This article is also interesting because it gives a pretty complete list of all the deaths that are mysteriously associated with the Clintons.

11-21-17, 09:49
Another name added to the Clinton death count:


This article is also interesting because it gives a pretty complete list of all the deaths that are mysteriously associated with the Clintons.

If he donated millions to Hillary, his "mental health issue" was not sudden onset.

11-21-17, 10:02
Another name added to the Clinton death count:


This article is also interesting because it gives a pretty complete list of all the deaths that are mysteriously associated with the Clintons.
Good article.

If he donated millions to Hillary, his "mental health issue" was not sudden onset.

Doc Safari
11-21-17, 10:42
Tying it all together, would anyone care to place your bets on how long Mr. Campbell remains alive?


FBI informant Campbell, acting as a consultant trying to help Rosatom overcome political opposition to the Uranium One deal, gathered evidence for six years, and, according to the more than 5,000 pages of documents from the counterintelligence investigation, there are a number of evidenciary links betweeen corrupt Russians, President Obama, and Hillary Clinton...

Multiple congressional committees recently got permission from the Justice Department to interview Campbell after The Hill reported last month the existence of his informant work. Lawmakers want to know what the FBI did with the evidence Campbell gathered in real time and whether it warned President Obama and top leaders before they made the Russian-favorable decisions, like the Uranium One deal.

Since Campbell’s identity emerged in recent days, there have been several statements by Justice officials, both on the record and anonymously, casting doubt on the timing and value of his work, and specifically his knowledge about Uranium One. However, as The Hill's John Solomon crucially details, the more than 5,000 pages of documents reviewed by The Hill directly conflict with some of the Justice officials’ accounts.

The Hill's sources familiar with the full body of Campbell’s work said they expect he can provide significant new information to Congress.

“Will he be able to prove that we knew Russia was engaged in criminal conduct before Uranium One was approved, you bet,” the source said.

“Were the Russians using political influence and pulling political levers to try to win stuff from the U.S. government, you bet.

All of which still leaves us asking - why is the Justice Department downplaying this evidence and not moving forward with the probe? Two immediate scenarioes are possible - first, the rot is so deep and pervasive that the establishmentarians left are forcing the hands of the few; or second, the Deep State has Sessions by the balls.

More here:


11-21-17, 10:47
So why doesn’t this guy release his evidence?

Doc Safari
11-21-17, 10:58
So why doesn’t this guy release his evidence?

One answer is that he has "lawyered up." His lawyer is Victoria Toensing. She has appeared on Sean Hannity's show to discuss this issue and is usually very tight-lipped.

11-21-17, 11:06
One answer is that he has "lawyered up." His lawyer is Victoria Toensing. She has appeared on Sean Hannity's show to discuss this issue and is usually very tight-lipped.

Sounds like he just wants attention to me but we will see if anything ever comes from it. If I was a betting man I’d wager that nothing happens.

Doc Safari
11-21-17, 11:10
Sounds like he just wants attention to me but we will see if anything ever comes from it. If I was a betting man I’d wager that nothing happens.

On the "nothing happens" part: you may be right.

On the "wants attention" part I actually think he lawyered up to potentially protect himself from prosecution for his own actions in Uranium One. My guess is he's shopping an immunity deal to deliver the goods on corrupt government officials.

My money is on him committing suicide with two shots to the back of the head.

11-21-17, 11:17
On the "nothing happens" part: you may be right.

On the "wants attention" part I actually think he lawyered up to potentially protect himself from prosecution for his own actions in Uranium One. My guess is he's shopping an immunity deal to deliver the goods on corrupt government officials.

My money is on him committing suicide with two shots to the back of the head.

If he has legit information and has lawyered up then him “killing himself” is probably unlikely since the lawyer would certainly be keeping said information safe in case of something like that.

Doc Safari
11-21-17, 11:19
If he has legit information and has lawyered up then him “killing himself” is probably unlikely since the lawyer would certainly be keeping said information safe in case of something like that.

Which is another good reason to "lawyer up": self-preservation. I'm sure he knows about the Clinton body count.

Still, he could "slip and fall in the shower."

11-21-17, 14:34
I forgot how I came across it, but a few months ago there was one of those "ask me anything" threads on Reddit where the OP claimed that they were involved in the FBI investigation into clinton's home-grown mail server and they uncovered evidence of acts of treason all the way up to obama. No specifics. I can no longer find the thread. Uranium One could just be the tip of the iceberg.

Doc Safari
12-01-17, 10:12

Government document bearing Hillary Clinton’s signature proves US-Russian Federation uranium deal occurred

A twelve-page “protocol agreement” between the governments of the United States and Russia concerning the “management and disposition of plutonium” bears former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s signature and dovetails several other agreements made in August and September of 2000 and another in September of 2006.


Doc Safari
01-04-18, 13:43

Justice Department officials are taking a fresh look at Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, The Daily Beast has learned.

An ally of Attorney General Jeff Sessions who is familiar with the thinking at the Justice Department’s Washington headquarters described it as an effort to gather new details on how Clinton and her aides handled classified material. Officials’ questions include how much classified information was sent over Clinton’s server; who put that information into an unclassified environment, and how; and which investigators knew about these matters and when. The Sessions ally also said officials have questions about immunity agreements that Clinton aides may have made.

Stephen Boyd, who heads the Justice Department's Office of Legislative Affairs, appeared to hint at the department’s interest in Clinton’s emails in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte on Nov. 13. In the letter, Boyd wrote that that Sessions “directed senior federal prosecutors to evaluate certain issues” the chairman was concerned about. He also wrote that those prosecutors would “make recommendations as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened,” and that they would sen dthose recommendations directly to the attorney general and his top deputy, Rod Rosenstein.

A spokesperson for the Justice Department refused to confirm or deny the story from the Daily Beast.

Ironically, this new information comes just one day after a mysterious fire broke out at Clinton's home in Chappaqua, NY...Destroying evidence can be very dangerous perhaps...

Doc Safari
01-05-18, 10:50

First a summary of what's going on:

The DOJ is "taking a fresh look" into the Hillary Clinton email 'matter.'
The FBI has launched a new investigation into the Clinton Foundation the day after the Clinton's Chappaqua property catches fire.
Former FBI Director James Comey's full Clinton memo was released, revealing felony evidence of changes which "decriminalized" Hillary Clinton's behavior. Oh, and every one of the memos he leaked to his Cornell professor buddy was classified, per a sworn statement by the FBI's "chief FOIA officer" in a sworn declaration obtained by Judicial Watch.
The House Intelligence Committee will be granted access to "all remaining investigative documents," unredacted, along with all witnesses sought per a deal reached between Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Nunes.
The letter, from Nunes to Rosenstein, summarizes an “agreement” reached on a phone call Wednesday evening and also says key FBI and Justice Department witnesses in the probe will be provided for interviews later this month.

The agreement comes after the DOJ and FBI faced a Wednesday deadline to comply, under the threat of new subpoenas and even contempt citations. Under deadline pressure, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Rosenstein met Wednesday with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to discuss the demands from the intelligence committee.

And now:

And now, days after Fusion GPS penned a vigorous self-defense in the New York Times, a Federal Judge struck has down a request by Fusion to block the House Intelligence Committee from obtaining complete banking records in relation to their activities during 2016. Fusion sought to invalidate a subpoena issued by Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), which they tried to claim was issued illegally as well as a violation of the 1st Amendment. U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon struck down all four of Fusion's request in his order, which is a great read.

My take: if the axiom "follow the money" is valid then we may start to see TPTB getting to the bottom of this.

01-05-18, 11:01
Seeing this on CNN was surprising

Feds actively investigating Clinton Foundation

01-05-18, 11:02
She is now being investigated on four fronts;


Clinton Foundation.

Uranium One.

Hezbollah ties.

I would like to see them open an investigation into the Clinton-Puello-Silsby child sex trafficking ring connections in Haiti and South America.


"Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by some as "Pizzagate" did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the Wikileaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting in a reduced sentence for child trafficking."

"On February 11th, the New York Times reported that Silsby's original lawyer, Jorge Puello, was suspected of leading an international human trafficking ring involving women and minors. According the the Harvard Human Rights Journal, Puello was ultimately arrested in an investigation being lead by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in connection with the ring. He was wanted in the United States, El Salvador and Costa Rica for his involvement with a network trafficking Central Americans and Haitians."


Coal Dragger
01-05-18, 15:46
It’s going to be sad watching all the hopes and dreams of justice for the Clintons get crushed again.

Nothing is going to happen. Hillary and Bill will die of natural causes free as birds and wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. The fact they’re guilty as hell, doesn’t matter because they are protected from high by the bureaucracy of the DOJ who love and adore them.

01-05-18, 16:03
It’s going to be sad watching all the hopes and dreams of justice for the Clintons get crushed again.

Nothing is going to happen. Hillary and Bill will die of natural causes free as birds and wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. The fact they’re guilty as hell, doesn’t matter because they are protected from high by the bureaucracy of the DOJ who love and adore them.

This post sums up the entire thing quite nicely. Outside of someone going rogue, she will never see justice brought to her doorstep.

Coal Dragger
01-05-18, 16:20
Unfortunately the Clintons and their pay to play foundation have had ample time now to destroy any records or other incriminating evidence per Clinton SOP.

Plus the upper levels of the DOJ will look the other way when desctruction of evidence is revealed.

01-06-18, 10:25
Long read, if accurate this is the one that puts a knot and bow on the whole package. Cannot wait to see the outcome.

This outline is the story of how the FBI Counterintelligence Division and DOJ National Security Division were weaponized. This outline is the full story of what House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is currently working to expose. This outline exposes the biggest political scandal in U.S. history. This outline is also the story of how one man’s action likely saved our constitutional republic.

His name is Admiral Mike Rogers.


01-06-18, 17:33
Long read, if accurate this is the one that puts a knot and bow on the whole package. Cannot wait to see the outcome.


How this isn't 10X bigger than Watergate, can only be explained by a complicit press. They hate Trump so much that they're willing to kill the biggest political corruption scandal in U.S. history.

01-07-18, 10:37
Long read, if accurate this is the one that puts a knot and bow on the whole package. Cannot wait to see the outcome.

Wow. What percentage of this is fact versus speculation? Some of this is so egregious one would think if true people would actively be prosecuting. Of course, I know the system is broken and people are corrupt. But still how did this one writer cobble it all together for his story and no one else has?

01-09-18, 10:06
A lot of trust has been lost by the FBI and DOJ through the combination of Mueller and Comey.
The further this investigation goes, the more Comey appears to have been caught red handed on his investigation on Hillary. I believe the only reason he rolled back and gave his second statement and threw some shade on her e-mailed was the the wind began blowing in a different direction during the election.
The guy is sketchy at best, partisan and corrupt at worst.
Bringing Mueller in was a very bad choice.

01-09-18, 10:59
Unfortunately the Clintons and their pay to play foundation have had ample time now to destroy any records or other incriminating evidence per Clinton SOP.

Plus the upper levels of the DOJ will look the other way when desctruction of evidence is revealed.

Like a fire in the server room in their house?

01-09-18, 11:29
Like a fire in the server room in their house?

I would guess the information gathered in the original investigation, plus documents made available to the FBI, which would still be in the custody of the DOJ would be all that would be necessary.
The FBI wasn't going to be allowed to destroy or erase that.
The reason I'm pretty sure that is true is the deflection going on right now.
A discredited Author coming out with a fictional book calling for 25th amendment action?
Rumor about Mueller calling for Trump to be interviewed?
A million sidetracks rather than reporting on potentially the largest case of political corruption in our history?
Come on,... really?

Doc Safari
01-09-18, 11:34
I would guess the information gathered in the original investigation, plus documents made available to the FBI, which would still be in the custody of the DOJ would be all that would be necessary.
The FBI wasn't going to be allowed to destroy or erase that.
The reason I'm pretty sure that is true is the deflection going on right now.
A discredited Author coming out with a fictional book calling for 25th amendment action?
Rumor about Mueller calling for Trump to be interviewed?
A million sidetracks rather than reporting on potentially the largest case of political corruption in our history?
Come on,... really?

If Hillary and major players in this whole mess don't end up being indicted then the rule of law in America is truly dead and we are a banana republic where all you have to do is be a major political figure and you can commit any crimes you want. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, et al, can roll over in their graves because the glorious republic they fought to establish will be little better than a South American dictatorship.

01-09-18, 12:58
If Hillary and major players in this whole mess don't end up being indicted then the rule of law in America is truly dead and we are a banana republic where all you have to do is be a major political figure and you can commit any crimes you want. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, et al, can roll over in their graves because the glorious republic they fought to establish will be little better than a South American dictatorship.

That's the thing, we fought tyranny, no more kings, no more royalty- yet these politicians, these bureaucrats are above the law.

Coal Dragger
01-09-18, 13:45
The letdown you guys will suffer in a few months when this goes nowhere is going to be delicious to this cynic.

01-09-18, 15:49
The letdown you guys will suffer in a few months when this goes nowhere is going to be delicious to this cynic.

"But muh confefe!?!?"

HAHA...So true man. Delicious!

01-09-18, 15:56
Even if She never goes to jail, as long as we drive a wooden stake deep in the heart of any possibility of Hillary, Huma, or Chelsea having a political office, I will be happy.
Even if we can't get a trial or prison time exposing the corruption and making them poison is imperative.

Doc Safari
01-09-18, 16:02
My honest opinion is that it will take so long for this to be resolved that Hellary's health problems will portend her imminent doom before she actually hears the cell door slam behind her. I see her entering the hospital to take to her death bed just as TPTB are readying the indictment to prosecute her. I do not think this will be adjudicated during the entire Trump presidency, nor do I think it will just peter out like Ken Starr's investigation of Bill Clinton in the 1990's.

Doc Safari
01-09-18, 16:12
She is now being investigated on four fronts;


Clinton Foundation.

Uranium One.

Hezbollah ties.

I would like to see them open an investigation into the Clinton-Puello-Silsby child sex trafficking ring connections in Haiti and South America.


"Contrary to reports in the media, the crowd sourced investigation labeled by some as "Pizzagate" did not begin with internet sleuths digging through the Wikileaks Podesta Files releases looking for pizza parlors and encoded language discussing human trafficking. It began with the shocking discovery that Hillary and Bill Clinton provided assistance to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby, resulting in a reduced sentence for child trafficking."

"On February 11th, the New York Times reported that Silsby's original lawyer, Jorge Puello, was suspected of leading an international human trafficking ring involving women and minors. According the the Harvard Human Rights Journal, Puello was ultimately arrested in an investigation being lead by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in connection with the ring. He was wanted in the United States, El Salvador and Costa Rica for his involvement with a network trafficking Central Americans and Haitians."


SHEEEUT. Before this is over it's going to involve the Bundy's, Waco, JFK, and the Victorio Peak treasure.

01-09-18, 19:51
SHEEEUT. Before this is over it's going to involve the Bundy's, Waco, JFK, and the Victorio Peak treasure.

You forgot Bobby Seals, drug trafficking, Iran/Contra, Whitewater, Vince Foster, and a looooong ass list suicidal associates of the Clintons. Oh yeah, and the pilfering of the White House when they vacated, reluctantly, do we have to? Well I'm taking the China, silver, paintings, carpet, furniture, wall paint, air, dust, and the recycle bins.

Post-WH the Clinton crime family went into high gear with Saudi backing. I bet in 50 years we will get some of the massive organized crime, drugs, treason, and human trafficking unraveled. But I doubt during their life times we will see all the details or any justice. Ever since Bill was a gigolo in college he has surrounded himself with very powerful people who protect him.

01-10-18, 00:23
Via social media, author ‘Ethan Sabo’:

A room full of servers and hard drives was destroyed in the Clinton house fire in Chappaqua, New York, on Wednesday, according to a Chappaqua Fire Department source, raising fears that incriminating evidence against the Clintons has been destroyed just days after a White House insider warned that Trump was preparing to prosecute their crimes.

“I saw smashed up hard drives, melted memory cards and the charred remains of paper scattered all over the room and immediately knew the fire must have started there,” a Chappaqua Fire Department source told local news reporters, explaining that the house fire was “put out by Secret Service agents” before the Fire Department arrived.

“I immediately called it a code 10-41 and requested a Fire Marshall.”

01-10-18, 00:25
Via ‘DailyPresser’:

FBI Special Agent Scott MacTaggart has confirmed to Fox News that he and his team were on their way to serve a warrant on the Clinton residence in Chappaqua, New York when they got word that a fire had broken out. Their mission was scrubbed and they were sent back to Manhattan to regroup.

The fire, which was conveniently confined to a building behind the residence “operated by the Secret Service” gives the Clintons plausible deniability to destroy any documents they may be hiding there. The building and everything in it was a “total loss”:

The Clintons have decided they don’t even need to bother making a statement on this one since the warrant was never served and whatever was there has surely been destroyed. McTaggart says his next task is to go back to the FBI and figure out who the mole is who keeps alerting the Clintons to upcoming raids on their properties. This is the 4th time in five years they’ve narrowly escaped warrants to search their home or offices.

McTaggart says the FBI is resourceful and won’t give up without a fight. The Clintons don’t seem to care. They’ve been laughing at prosecutors since the Ken Starr days

01-10-18, 08:28
Via ‘DailyPresser’:

FBI Special Agent Scott MacTaggart has confirmed to Fox News that he and his team were on their way to serve a warrant on the Clinton residence in Chappaqua, New York when they got word that a fire had broken out. Their mission was scrubbed and they were sent back to Manhattan to regroup.

The fire, which was conveniently confined to a building behind the residence “operated by the Secret Service” gives the Clintons plausible deniability to destroy any documents they may be hiding there. The building and everything in it was a “total loss”:

The Clintons have decided they don’t even need to bother making a statement on this one since the warrant was never served and whatever was there has surely been destroyed. McTaggart says his next task is to go back to the FBI and figure out who the mole is who keeps alerting the Clintons to upcoming raids on their properties. This is the 4th time in five years they’ve narrowly escaped warrants to search their home or offices.

McTaggart says the FBI is resourceful and won’t give up without a fight. The Clintons don’t seem to care. They’ve been laughing at prosecutors since the Ken Starr days

You know that “article” originated from a satire site right?


01-10-18, 12:47
So once again, one of their lackeys in the government tipped off the Clintons? Another convenient situation that removes them from another line item from a long list of corruption. I guess if the law no longer applies to government officials then the law no longer applies to the people. That's how you get anarchy. That's the danger here.

01-10-18, 12:55
You know that “article” originated from a satire site right?

CNN? Lol

No I didn’t. But even the msm is full of shit so we are all left to try and decipher for ourselves what is fake versus real anymore. The first article I posted seemed 50/50. The second one seemed about 20/80.

01-10-18, 13:18
CNN? Lol

No I didn’t. But even the msm is full of shit so we are all left to try and decipher for ourselves what is fake versus real anymore. The first article I posted seemed 50/50. The second one seemed about 20/80.

Just because the MSM is trash (and I believe they are as well) doesn’t mean that an alternative source isn’t trash as well. I’d rather err on the side of not believe anything until compelling evidence appears than believe any random website.

01-10-18, 13:23
Just because the MSM is trash (and I believe they are as well) doesn’t mean that an alternative source isn’t trash as well. I’d rather err on the side of not believe anything until compelling evidence appears than believe any random website.

I completely agree.
I did not get it from the site you referenced. It wasn’t click bait where I saw it, was on a social media outlet that *usually* (75%) has good information.

01-10-18, 14:45
The letdown you guys will suffer in a few months when this goes nowhere is going to be delicious to this cynic.

Agreed. The Ark of the Covenant will levitate out of the hole in Oak Island before anyone in the Clinton Crime Family suffers a legal consequence of any real consequence. :rolleyes:

01-13-18, 20:20
As I was doing my mandatory, annual handling of classified information training, I couldn't help but note how many different rules, procedures and regulations Hillary just ignored with her basement server scam. Unreal. Just blows my mind that there were absolutely zero consequences.

01-13-18, 20:28
The tin foil hat-wearing little person in me thinks hillary used the server and other means as dead drops. Insufficiently secured home server, classified items left in Russian hotels, at least one laptop that we know of lost in the mail...

Sent from my G8341 using Tapatalk

01-13-18, 20:28
As I was doing my mandatory, annual handling of classified information training, I couldn't help but note how many different rules, procedures and regulations Hillary just ignored with her basement server scam. Unreal. Just blows my mind that there were absolutely zero consequences.

It's because the people who would normally be in charge of investigating such treason, benefited from the Democrats position of power. Allowing them to launder money from the government to line their own pockets. Remember Comey used to sit on the board for HSBC Bank that was used to launder money for the drug cartels directly to the Clinton Foundation.


FEC is investigating Hillary campaign money laundering.

"You've heard of Benghazi and Uranium One. But more than a year after Hillary Clinton’s resounding loss to President Trump, she must now grapple with a new scandal: An ongoing Federal Election Commission investigation into an alleged $84 million money laundering scheme orchestrated by the Hillary Victory Fund — the $500 million joint fundraising committee between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and Democratic state parties."


FEC complaint.



Doc Safari
02-08-18, 15:39
From the other thread, just because it's relevant to this one.


Well seems we can't leave Obama out of all this corruption involving Hillary, keep the pressure up on all sides.

"BOMBSHELL: FBI Informant In Uranium One Scandal Testifies Against Obama. Here's What He Said."

"The informant, Douglas Campbell, told congressional investigators on Wednesday that Moscow sent millions of dollars to the U.S. with the expectation that it would benefit the Clintons, while Hillary Clinton "quarterbacked a 'reset' in US-Russian relations" in her role as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, The Hill reported."


Coal Dragger
02-08-18, 19:10
Nothing will happen.

03-04-18, 08:04
"His name was Viktor Vekselberg of Renova (a Clinton Foundation donor) and the project under his purview was the Skolkovo Innovation Center, which is being built near Moscow. The following month, Bill Clinton would receive $500,000 for a speech in Moscow from a Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin, a Clinton Foundation donor, a Skolkovo executive, and which talked up Uranium One, whose sale the Clinton State Department would approve, and whose executives together contributed $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Clinton, her State Department, the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton did much to make Skolkovo possible — did much to activate what was, according to the Army report, “arguably” a massive “clandestine industrial espionage” operation. Not that any of this is in the past. This plain-sight-“research”-cum-collusion with the Russian government goes on, and goes on unchecked — and despite the Obama administration’s supposedly hard-as-nails, cold-as-ice, tough-on-Russia finish."


The Clintons sold uranium deposits and hyper-sonic missile technology to the Russians while Hillary was secretary of state. As well as if I remember correctly, the Clintons in 1998 sold dismantled super computers along with ICBM satellite triangulation technology to the Chinese when Bill was President. He later somehow justified doing so if I remember correctly and nothing happened. Both times were for "donations" to sell these advanced state secrets. Now we got Putin bragging about some hyper-sonic missile he has. Unreal.


03-04-18, 09:29
So What!! Nothing is going to happen, accept some business associate that knows too much will end up dead or some event will happen to act as a distraction. Bitch is a made Woman/UNTOUCHABLE. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT BY NOW.

LMT Shooter
03-04-18, 12:39
Nothing to see here, move along, mind your own business.

The corruption in our government is as deep or deeper than any other government in any nation. The media is complicit in the cover up. I try not to lose sleep over it, as I don't know how this can be fixed through conventional means. Once most of the apples in a bucket are rotten, logic tells me to just throw out all the apples, and maybe the bucket, too. So I have no solution, but I'm open to the ideas of others. Meanwhile, I'm going outside to shoot & enjoy another beautiful day, then I'll have a beer.

03-04-18, 18:58
Nothing to see here, move along, mind your own business.

The corruption in our government is as deep or deeper than any other government in any nation. The media is complicit in the cover up. I try not to lose sleep over it, as I don't know how this can be fixed through conventional means. Once most of the apples in a bucket are rotten, logic tells me to just throw out all the apples, and maybe the bucket, too. So I have no solution, but I'm open to the ideas of others. Meanwhile, I'm going outside to shoot & enjoy another beautiful day, then I'll have a beer.
Great assessment.

03-04-18, 19:44
who needs to boil the frog when the gov loves frog sashimi !

yeah our country is awesome the gov not so much and out of control for sure

LMT Shooter
03-04-18, 22:01
Great assessment.

Serious, or sarcasm?

I'm to the point where I have to convince myself that I should even vote, I'm so disappointed in our "leaders." I'm always voting for who I feel will fvck up less. Disappointed ain't even strong enough a word for it.

LMT Shooter
03-04-18, 22:03
who needs to boil the frog when the gov loves frog sashimi !

yeah our country is awesome the gov not so much and out of control for sure

I love my country. I do not love my government.

03-04-18, 22:06
I love my country. I do not love my government.


03-12-18, 22:16
Clinton: White Women Voted for Trump Because Their Husbands Told Them To

"[A] sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should," Clinton said about losing the white women vote to Trump.

Hillary Clinton said that white women voted for President Trump during the 2016 presidential election because their husbands told them to, during a discussion at the India Today Conclave on Saturday.

The moderator asked Clinton why she thinks almost 52 percent of white women voted for Trump, despite them knowing about the controversial “Access Hollywood” tape.

“[Democrats] do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women,” Clinton explained. “And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”

Clinton then said that she was doing well with white women until former FBI Director James Comey released a letter announcing the FBI had reopened its investigation into Clinton’s email practices.

“It stopped my momentum, and it decreased my vote enough,” Clinton said of the Comey letter.


03-13-18, 10:23
Speaking of stopping her momentum, it appears she's having trouble with that herself...


Doc Safari
03-13-18, 10:27
Speaking of stopping her momentum, it appears she's having trouble with that herself...


If this doesn't launch a thousand memes I'll hand in my comedians' guild card.

03-13-18, 11:58
In the video she looks drunk. Maybe she flew there with Diane Feinstein.

Dist. Expert 26
03-13-18, 12:57
Morbid as it may be, I look forward to celebrating the day this miserable waste of oxygen takes her seat in hell. It will be a celebration for the ages.

03-13-18, 13:06
Speaking of stopping her momentum, it appears she's having trouble with that herself...


That video was great. Old Huma just standing their behind her boss like; "Yeap just another day at the office". No one in her posse reacted like this was out of the ordinary for her. Instead of body guards Hillary has "body-holder-uppers".

I lmao that she was on a her "What Happend" book tour bitching about men, whiteness, et al.

Never forget this sorry sod is who many wanted to be in the White House and we'd have AWB 2.0 with no sun set.

03-13-18, 13:43
Morbid as it may be, I look forward to celebrating the day this miserable waste of oxygen takes her seat in hell. It will be a celebration for the ages.

Looks like her Kuru is acting up.... Should not be long now.

03-13-18, 20:42
Looks like her Kuru is acting up.... Should not be long now.Thats a good one!!

03-13-18, 20:50
Serious, or sarcasm?

I'm to the point where I have to convince myself that I should even vote, I'm so disappointed in our "leaders." I'm always voting for who I feel will fvck up less. Disappointed ain't even strong enough a word for it.
TOTALLY SERIOUS. I'm so sick of the Corruption and Lawlessness. We're suppose to be a Nation of Laws, Not Men.