View Full Version : Accumulating

10-29-17, 20:32

10-29-17, 20:45
I would recommend a recovery group, but it would just turn into a swap meet.

In other words, welcome to the club.

The Dumb Gun Collector
10-29-17, 21:18
1 Stage one. Take advice from somebody and buy a gun. It will be the only one you ever need.
2. Oops, I don’t like this gun, Steve shoots his gun better and I like that other gun. Lemme get that one.
3. Buy 20 different guns seeking that one gun.
4. Sell all your guns, striving towards shooting just one gun for reasons. At this point you start lecturing everyone about wasting their time and how your choice is best(much like an ex smoker).
5. Slowly accumulate 100 more guns and just give in and enjoy it!

10-29-17, 21:25
It's a hobby. Like anything else.

Yes it may save your life one day and possibly be applicable to one's vocation but it's a hobby.

I'm where I want to be with it.

10-29-17, 21:27
Go to the strip club on payday. Strippers need book stipends for college too, you know.

Less money for new guns.

10-29-17, 21:43

10-29-17, 22:00
Touché, I lost three teeth last time I was in Enterprise.

10-29-17, 22:22

For the types "accumulator" and "collector", I'd add "user".
With these definitions:
Accumulator - Just gathers guns to increase inventory for ego boosts, investments, etc. with little knowledge gained from experience or serious studying. More money than brains. Guys that spend many hours at gun shops and shows yacking and yacking about what the last Guns and Ammo magazine article they read.
Collector - Very knowledgeable about what they own. Generally, specific to certain types, history, manufacturers, models, etc. Willing to share knowledge but can be hard headed. Generally focused on the specifics of what they've learned and experienced. True "collectors" especially historical ones are becoming rarer.
User - May have a lot of guns but they all have a purpose. Will sell or trade what doesn't meet their needs. Look at guns as tools that must be functional.

But maybe this is just me....


10-29-17, 22:39
If you've accumulated pistols that you don't need but like, and you don't mind having them around, then that's ok.

If you think it's detrimental to your shooting skill or goals, then hide 'em from yourself or get rid of 'em.

I've never done well shooting a bunch of different types of pistols so my whole collection is just 3 identical Glock 19s, and 3 identical Glock 43s, two identical ARs, and a 3rd almost identical AR.

10-29-17, 22:48
The more I shoot, the less I care about other guns or accessories.
If you have money, keep what you have, pick a duty gun and run with it.

If you don’t have money, pick a duty gun, sell everything else and run with it.

10-29-17, 23:13
Been there...didn’t even think about it until one day I was looking at a second safe just for handguns.

Sold everything off but a carry gun, backup/practice for that, a competition gun, a USP 40 in case there’s another run on 9, and a Ruger Mk IV because everyone needs a 22 pistol.

My rifles are a bit more varied because I have some guns from both world wars that are rarely shot but I keep for their historical aspect. Pistols I’m pretty meh about.

10-30-17, 00:28
Handguns have a revolving door policy for me, in and out as I get bored. There are a few I won't sell and yes, a G19 is one of them. I've even resisted trading in for shiny new Gen 5. Caliber consolidation is fun. We've done that right? Only to end up with a bunch of different calibers again!