View Full Version : Assault truck attacks list

11-01-17, 14:18
"But trucks and cars are made for driving and guns are made for killing people, so that's different" would be the usual response to this of course by anti gun/Anti 2A types, but good summary:

Vehicle attacks around the world since 2000

"relatively rare, though they are becoming more frequent. One thing that stands out is that 83% of these mass public attacks were committed by Radical Muslims. Including attacks where fewer than 4 victims were killed, 80% of all these vehicle attacks were carried out by Muslims. We have previously done research comparing the rates of mass public shootings and bombings around the world and specifically between the US and Europe.

While there have been 8 previous vehicle attacks in the United States since 2000, the attack in New York City on October 31st, 2017 was the first one that left at least 4 victims dead, though the 2015 attack in Las Vegas had more total casualties."
