View Full Version : One year ago today . . . #MAGA!

11-08-17, 01:48
If one has a freedom boner lasting twelve months or longer should they consult a physician?


11-08-17, 05:43
Ohio voter checking in. :)

Alex V
11-08-17, 06:01
It was glorious and the TV screens were a wash in liberal tears. Delicious.

11-08-17, 07:48
It was an amazing day, but horrible as well.

My Wife and I voted Red. We got home and watched the polls. I watched for 4-5 hours, late into the eve.

My wife said she wasn't feeling well and laid down. The next day she had a Grand Mal Seizure and was diagnosed with Epilepsy on the 9th.

As scary as the situation was, I remember her waking up and asking: "Did Trump win?" I laughed and said, yup, he did.

It didn't take long for us to be joking with the hospital staff and among ourselves.

Nonetheless, Nov. 9th will be a day I remember forever. A lot of greatness, a lot of scaryness. But we've prevailed in sooo many ways.

11-08-17, 10:30
Thank goodness! It was a close call and a very much needed victory for this country.

11-08-17, 12:32

Here's to Us.

I think Trump is kind of a buffoon but it wasnt about him.

It was about Us. The People who got tired of having to know and stay in our "place".


11-08-17, 13:09
I supported Trump when he and his wife rode down that escalator in Trump Tower!

11-08-17, 14:43
It was an amazing day, but horrible as well.

My Wife and I voted Red. We got home and watched the polls. I watched for 4-5 hours, late into the eve.

My wife said she wasn't feeling well and laid down. The next day she had a Grand Mal Seizure and was diagnosed with Epilepsy on the 9th.

As scary as the situation was, I remember her waking up and asking: "Did Trump win?" I laughed and said, yup, he did.

It didn't take long for us to be joking with the hospital staff and among ourselves.

Nonetheless, Nov. 9th will be a day I remember forever. A lot of greatness, a lot of scaryness. But we've prevailed in sooo many ways.

I am so very sorry to hear about your wife.

My wife has had two grand mal seizures, both in my presence and at home (thankfully). They are debilitating and life changing to say the least. Her neurologist, a doppleganger for Dr. Ben Carson, told us that when you develop epilepsy as an adult they will probably never know why. Thankfully medication and treatment has prevented any more grand mal's but she has had to change her medication a couple of times, once because she was experiencing breakthrough seizures.

I remember exactly where and what we were doing when her grand mals struck, it's something you will never forget. I was able to catch her and prevent her from sustaining any trauma on both occasions.

11-08-17, 14:51

11-08-17, 16:36
I was deer hunting at a lodge that had one television and satellite t.v. I went to my room and hid after I got back in the field. I didn't want any part of acknowledging a HRC win. Finally at 9pm one of the guys from the lodge came, grabbed me, and let me know the good news. I honestly couldn't believe it.

11-08-17, 18:47
I am so very sorry to hear about your wife.

My wife has had two grand mal seizures, both in my presence and at home (thankfully). They are debilitating and life changing to say the least. Her neurologist, a doppleganger for Dr. Ben Carson, told us that when you develop epilepsy as an adult they will probably never know why. Thankfully medication and treatment has prevented any more grand mal's but she has had to change her medication a couple of times, once because she was experiencing breakthrough seizures.

I remember exactly where and what we were doing when her grand mals struck, it's something you will never forget. I was able to catch her and prevent her from sustaining any trauma on both occasions.

Bolded item is on topic, sorry folks, I am done now. Haha.


In the global spectrum of things, her seizures or breakthrough symptoms are very very clear with her. She has never had breakthrough symptoms since her one and only grand mal.

Thankfully I had experienced seizures very young with my grandmother, and I knew exactly what to do, she was in my office in a guest bed when it happened. I had just started working from home less than 2 weeks prior.

You're right though, forever. I will always know the exact date, time, and what was happening.

Something was watching over us, as the symptoms had been building for weeks, months, and we hadn't noticed it well enough until the big one. Thankfully I had just gotten home from a trip to New Hampshire. I fear what could, or would, have happened if I had not been there during this time.

Nonetheless, medication has served her very very well. We will never know what caused it, or if she had it very young. Our Diagnostic Nuero was very certain she has been epileptic most of her life, if not forever, and it built up after years and years.

She is on the low end of the spectrum, and I am grateful for that everyday and hope it remains that way. I hope she remains part of the 50% of people who experience a 100% normal quality of life with it under control.

We had a horrible experience with an internal medicine doctor who insisted their diagnosis was wrong and wanted to take her off the meds. When consulting our nuero, she was shocked and filed a formal complaint against the doctor. The EEG was very clear there was frontal lobe irritation/activity.

Nonetheless, quite a bit off topic, and I tend to ramble on, but, I appreciate your digression. Certainly makes it feel not so lonely out there when experiencing these things.

I hope you and your wife will never have to experience that situation again. Heck, I hope I never have to too! :)

Now, back on topic with the wonderful world of #MAGA.

Just to provide some more input to the topic at hand: I couldn't believe when WI went red. I knew, right then and there, he was going to win.

11-08-17, 20:04
I watched the whole thing unfold hour by hour minute by minute. I was incredulous. Couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was certain that our country would be accelerating in the wrong direction after HRC was elected against the will of most American's that don't live in a big liberal city on one coast or the other. Words cannot describe my elation when that didn't happen. I waited until 3 in the morning for the libtard bastards on TV to finally concede. I wanted to see Hillary's face on election night and the b**ch didn't give me the satisfaction. Imagining her throwing a tyrannical tantrum in some back room somewhere was almost as good.

It was a glorious day for American's with American values. We need many more days like that to get us back on track.

Here's hoping for good things in our future...

11-09-17, 01:16
I was actually travelling in Poland and when I went to bed some Trump campaign guy was saying that they could win without Florida- and I knew that was BS and it really meant that they didn't think that they would get FL- and therefore he was hosed. Then I started watching when I woke up in the middle of the night and they announced Iowa for Trump an d I was like WTF???

There was only one other American at the conference I was at, so we were like mini-rock stars with people wanting to know WTF.

Actually, I was really disappointed that he won. That means that there is actually a God and I need to shape the hell up.

11-09-17, 03:30
My wife was out of town on business the night of the election, NOLA off all ****ing places.

After it was announced officially that Trump had won a riot broke out just a couple blocks from her hotel at Lee Circle. Her hotel went into lock-down, a lot of good that would do considering the entire front facade is glass. We were both pissed that her company planned a trip during the election in this political climate.

11-09-17, 05:51
I’ve been seeing lots of news stories about how Liberals think they can win Congress back because of Trump, and how Republicans are scared they will lose seats because of Trump. Both may be right, but not for the reasons they will state publicly.

I voted Trump and am glad I did, but what’s torquing my shorts today are these POS Republicans who are fighting him. Bunch of friggin snowflake loving , privileged, whiny, swamp clowns who need to get on board or GTF out of the way!

Disgusting, but that’s why we elected a guy who ain’t one of the Washington inbred!