View Full Version : CNN attacks Paul

11-11-17, 07:51
If being attacked by his neighbor and sustain multiple broken ribs, etc, was not bad enough, CNN does a hit piece on him making sound like the bad guy in this event and interviewed/quoted people making the attack almost warranted. Like this gem:

"Can you imagine living next door to that guy?" said one congressional colleague who has regularly tangled with Paul over policy. "I'm pulling for the neighbor."


11-11-17, 08:00
Ever wonder why these attacks seem to come out of nowhere and for the most part the people being attacked are conservative?
It seems to be ramping up in its frequency, but of course they're never politically motivated.

Otherwise the crime would have a much stiffer sentence..

11-11-17, 08:11
I hate when people get so political they lose their sense of reality.

That statement is no different than saying "Did you see what she was wearing? She had it coming!"

11-11-17, 08:35
I hate when people get so political they lose their sense of reality.

That statement is no different than saying "Did you see what she was wearing? She had it coming!"

My values, the things I have used as rules to live by are time tested and have served me well. These are the values I live my life by.
I wouldn't say I am a Republican, because they have failed the test on a values check many times. I know I am not a Democrat because their values are diametrically opposed to mine and often immoral.
My values are my reality, therefore so are my political beliefs and I feel strongly about them.

And yet I haven't committed any crimes, attempted to assassinate any political figures, burned anyone's business to the ground, loot during a riot or even go outside and carry a sign at a protest march. I haven't tried to use force of law to remove the free choice of others, or picked anyone's pocket to pay for something they are morally opposed to.
So when the Socialist Progressives understand that THEY are the ones so political that THEY have lost all sense of reality maybe we can talk about it. I don't however see that happening anytime soon.

11-11-17, 09:02

That's because you are a regular guy just wanting to live your life.

These people are self appointed gatekeepers. Things must be "their way" otherwise you must be "corrected". The problem is that "their way" changes everyday and that the only "solution" is ruination or destruction.

And even if they totally got "their way" and had full compliance; they'd find a reason to mess people over still.

And most of them dont believe in anything.

I am relatively apolitical. Each election is a choice between a slap in the face or a kick in the balls.

And I, and I imagine you as well, just want to be left alone.

Like if someone beat the shit out of Hillary Clinton. I wouldn't be cheering. Even if they kicked her teeth in and broke her jaw. That's a crime. Thats wrong.

But if she were fully investigated, given a fair trial, found guilty by an impartial jury, and dragged off to jail in bright orange prison clothes kicking and screaming and with no sense of self dignity; then that would be different

Tl;dr Violence for difference of opinion is wrong

11-11-17, 10:41
Neighbor wars are a bad deal. Anyone whose ever dealt with this can tell you that it can be quite serious.

Was this about politics? I dunno. Could be. Seems plausible. The lefties are really really frustrated by current events right now.

But more importantly, Senator Paul mows his own lawn??? How about that? Man, that is something I can respect. The man is a "Washington Elite" type, but still mows his own lawn. Don't see that very often. I'll bet if he got a flat tire he could put on the spare by himself. How many Washington politicians can say that?

Hoping for a speedy recovery for the Senator and swift justice for his attacker.

11-11-17, 10:58
What we need is to have a all out brawl in Congress. I mean some straight up gangs of New York style fight. Let these ****s get it on and see who the real men are and who the talkers are.

11-11-17, 11:04
The man is a "Washington Elite" type, but still mows his own lawn. Don't see that very often. I'll bet if he got a flat tire he could put on the spare by himself. How many Washington politicians can say that?

Rand is an “elite”? He’s one of the only ones fighting for Bill of Rights anymore. Seems he practices what he preaches. One of the few brights spots in Washington.

There are now three GOP senators attacked this year to move the balance of power in the Senate. One shot. One hospitalized with assault and battery. One slandered with egregious accusations as the campaign begins. “How many more Senators have to be attacked until the Dems do SOMETHING to denounce it?”

11-11-17, 11:10
A misdemeanor?

I agree that him mowing his lawn seemed odd, for someone so busy. He wouldn't be able to do it all the time, so he has a an on-again/off-again deal with a service?

Or was he riding the mower to piss off his neighbor...just would like to know the real story behind everything. Sounds like a Cohen brother movie.

11-11-17, 11:11
The lefties and Country Club Rockefeller Wing/#NeverTrump Derangement Syndrome GOP are really really frustrated by current events right now.
FIFY. Seruiously, if you saw how batshit most of the Front Pagers at RedState (which USED to be the bellwether of conservative media) are right now, one Susan Wright in particular... seriously, that poor woman is in dire need of psychiatric help, and all the management does is block any attempt at intervention and keep egging her on. I feel sorry for her, really I do.

11-11-17, 11:27
The guy committed some felony level assault, charge and sentence him accordingly.
I give a damn if it was politically motivated or not, at some point you need to set a precedent about violence against people holding political office.

Oh and btw, he was operating a bladed gas powered tool at the time he was attacked. WTFdoes it take to escalate the charges to the proper level?

PD Sgt.
11-11-17, 18:36
I saw an interview yesterday and it sounds like the State Police are just waiting on the official medical documentation of Senator Paul’s injuries before they file felony charges. From my experience this is not uncommon, particularly when an assault that on its face would likely be a misdemeanor (such as a tackle) results in serious physical harm.

11-11-17, 20:35
Of all the shit I have endured living next door to, Rand Paul would be like a day off.

26 Inf
11-12-17, 01:27
I saw an interview yesterday and it sounds like the State Police are just waiting on the official medical documentation of Senator Paul’s injuries before they file felony charges. From my experience this is not uncommon, particularly when an assault that on its face would likely be a misdemeanor (such as a tackle) results in serious physical harm.

I thought the guy had already appeared and pleaded guilty. If that is the case, and they wanted to up the ante, they are too late. I also understood that Senator Paul has retained an attorney for a civil suit.

11-12-17, 08:18
I thought the guy had already appeared and pleaded guilty. If that is the case, and they wanted to up the ante, they are too late. I also understood that Senator Paul has retained an attorney for a civil suit.

Are Federal changes filed yet and did he plead guilty to those? I have a hard time believing assault and battery on a sitting US Senator is merely a misdemeanor.

11-12-17, 10:29
Are Federal changes filed yet and did he plead guilty to those? I have a hard time believing assault and battery on a sitting US Senator is merely a misdemeanor.
Simple A&B is a State/Local offense. A&B on a Congressmember is Federal felony, so technically if the state has filed and settled the Feds still have a bite at the apple too. (IIRC the theory is the State covers assault on the person, the Federal takes it as an assault upon the office and the Federal Government itself, and you know how Feral Gov is about "what's ours must be protected Uber Alles and to Hell with all you pissant proles and whatever you may have"...)

26 Inf
11-12-17, 12:32
Simple A&B is a State/Local offense. A&B on a Congressmember is Federal felony, so technically if the state has filed and settled the Feds still have a bite at the apple too. (IIRC the theory is the State covers assault on the person, the Federal takes it as an assault upon the office and the Federal Government itself, and you know how Feral Gov is about "what's ours must be protected Uber Alles and to Hell with all you pissant proles and whatever you may have"...)

You are going to have to show me where it says someone can be tried/convicted twice for the same crime. Not trying to be snarky, but I've always been told that if one jurisdiction has already reached a verdict or accepted a plea, the other jurisdiction doesn't get to do anything. Likewise, if you are tried and found not guilty, the Feds can't grab you and send you to trial for the same thing.

It seems to be pretty common sense, a sytem that allowed that would be ripe for petty abuse.

11-12-17, 14:12
You are going to have to show me where it says someone can be tried/convicted twice for the same crime. Not trying to be snarky, but I've always been told that if one jurisdiction has already reached a verdict or accepted a plea, the other jurisdiction doesn't get to do anything. Likewise, if you are tried and found not guilty, the Feds can't grab you and send you to trial for the same thing.

It seems to be pretty common sense, a sytem that allowed that would be ripe for petty abuse.

If a higher or lower jurisdiction has a different law that applies, they can be charged with each crime. Being found not guilty of one cime does not automatically mean you're not guilty of the other, as there may be different elements to each crime. It would be double jeopardy for the same court to retry you for the same crime.

There's a reason I refer to it as the legal system and not the justice system BTW.

26 Inf
11-12-17, 15:23
If a higher or lower jurisdiction has a different law that applies, they can be charged with each crime. Being found not guilty of one cime does not automatically mean you're not guilty of the other, as there may be different elements to each crime. It would be double jeopardy for the same court to retry you for the same crime.

There's a reason I refer to it as the legal system and not the justice system BTW.

I'm still gonna go with, if the other jurisdiction has already arraigned the case, accepted a plea and levied punishment that is it for crimes including the same elements, for $800.00, Alex.

Here is the statute:

(e) Whoever assaults any person designated in subsection (a) of this section shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the assault involved the use of a dangerous weapon, or personal injury results, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

(f) If Federal investigative or prosecutive jurisdiction is asserted for a violation of this section, such assertion shall suspend the exercise of jurisdiction by a State or local authority, under any applicable State or local law, until Federal action is terminated.

(g) Violations of this section shall be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Assistance may be requested from any Federal, State, or local agency, including the Army, Navy, and Air Force, any statute, rule, or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding.

(h) In a prosecution for an offense under this section the Government need not prove that the defendant knew that the victim of the offense was an individual protected by this section.

But it is a moot point, the guy pleaded not guilty, so the Feds can assert jurisdictional authority if they wish:


11-12-17, 15:29
You are going to have to show me where it says someone can be tried/convicted twice for the same crime. Not trying to be snarky, but I've always been told that if one jurisdiction has already reached a verdict or accepted a plea, the other jurisdiction doesn't get to do anything. Likewise, if you are tried and found not guilty, the Feds can't grab you and send you to trial for the same thing.

It seems to be pretty common sense, a sytem that allowed that would be ripe for petty abuse.

And ironically enough, that's pretty much right in line with Libertarian views of government.

11-12-17, 17:48
If someone tackles me while I'm cutting the grass, broken ribs or not, I don't think a misdemeanor is going to be something I'm willing to settle for.
What are the odds that in the middle of that malarkey someone's foot or hand goes under the mower deck and contacts a revolving blade?
This entire storyline hasn't been revealed yet, I'm always curious about the why, but I'm guessing politics enters in to it somewhere.

11-13-17, 18:32
This entire storyline hasn't been revealed yet, I'm always curious about the why, but I'm guessing politics enters in to it somewhere.

If a Democrat lawmaker was attacked like this it would be front and center of the news cycle.

I started a thread about a month or so ago now where a local DNC guy executed his neighbor who was a local GOP guy.

Then of course was the shooting on the GOP baseball practice before that.

I'm seeing an escalation of violence here from our friends on the left.