View Full Version : Another mass shooting. Brace for impact (Rancho Tehama CA)

11-14-17, 14:41

Another high-capacity magzine/semiautomatic rifle mass shooting. Brace for impact....

11-14-17, 15:07
What else can be said that hasn't already been said? California has laws against hi-cap mags, type of semi-auto one can own, etc .... Just another example of someone breaking the law and I'm sure we'll hear the usual "GUN CONTROL!!" from the usual suspects. But you can't legislate evil out of people, plain and simple. I refuse to be held accountable for the action of someone else.

With all that said, prayers for the families that have been impacted by this POS' actions today.

11-14-17, 15:14
Tragic and my thoughts are with the victims and their families, and the first responders.

This quote comes to mind about the influx of AS events recently:

The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.
George Orwell

11-14-17, 15:22
For anyone who hasn't seen it yet...


11-14-17, 15:28
One line in the local news article really jumped out at me...


"Living near the gunman was "hell," Flint said, and the man was a known felon who often harassed him and his neighbors.

Hmmmm... That and aren't high-cap mags illegal in Kommiefornia?

Dist. Expert 26
11-14-17, 15:29
I was thinking about this the other day.

The more bad things happen the less people care. At a certain point it becomes SSDD.

There's no shock value for the general public. Most people will just turn the channel or scroll past.

No shock = no knee jerk legislation

11-14-17, 15:40
One line in the local news article really jumped out at me...


"Living near the gunman was "hell," Flint said, and the man was a known felon who often harassed him and his neighbors.

Hmmmm... That and aren't high-cap mags illegal in Kommiefornia?

Right now we are in a hold pattern on mags. An injunction stopped the total ban of hi caps. So if you had some you can still have them. Folks new to guns couldn't buy them.

11-14-17, 16:00
Yet another crime I had nothing to do with nor facillitated.

And therefore should not be accountable for.

We live in a nation of 330 million.

California is a big state.
Texas is a big state.





11-14-17, 16:07
One line in the local news article really jumped out at me...


"Living near the gunman was "hell," Flint said, and the man was a known felon who often harassed him and his neighbors.

Hmmmm... That and aren't high-cap mags illegal in Kommiefornia?

Aint felons having fire arms illegal in Kommiefornia? Did the system fu$& up again?

Alex V
11-14-17, 16:16
Looks like three (3) dead, possibly including the gunman, I doubt this will go far...

11-14-17, 18:26
Tragic and my thoughts are with the victims and their families, and the first responders.

This quote comes to mind about the influx of AS events recently:

The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.
George Orwell

I have said it before- George Orwell is THE visionary of our time.

11-14-17, 19:47
Another gunman who didn’t survive. You have to wonder if the CIA will ever run out.

11-14-17, 20:18
Another gunman who didn’t survive. You have to wonder if the CIA will ever run out.

I reckon you are/were kidding of course
but so true :)

then again look how huge the left is these days :) plenty of a pool to choose from

11-14-17, 20:33
Another gunman who didn’t survive. You have to wonder if the CIA will ever run out.

It is a subset of the suicides of mentally ill people, but they are so nihilistic and narcissistic that they decide they want the fame of the most heinous act we are capable committing as members of society.

11-14-17, 20:33
Sincere condolences to the victims and their family.

Yet another mad dog needing to be put down.

11-14-17, 22:36
So it's looking like a known felon, who also had a restraining order, was doing lots of casual shooting and the neighbors were scared of him. In a state where legally owning guns is difficult for law-abiding people and there's a bunch of laws to take guns away without due process, and this guy was a double no under federal law anyway. Tell me again what kind of gun laws would have fixed this?

I suspect some LE agency dropped the ball too.

Aint felons having fire arms illegal in Kommiefornia? Did the system fu$& up again?

If the felon is a state legislator, it's mandatory for them to have illegal firearms.

11-14-17, 22:43
Here is an interesting tidbit from the fox piece “Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said that one of the victims was a woman the gunman stabbed in January”. Conveniently left as had previous contact with law enforcement by CNN and the rest of the commie world.

Hmmmmmmm. Yet another clear case of the government not doing its job of protecting the tax payers from KNOWN violent threats. Why is it that someone who stabbed a person in January is out walking about in November.

11-14-17, 22:44
amazed the leo did not actually go HEY this guy is a felon how is he shooting guns and threatening people and actually do something ?

kinda like the boston bomber guys ?

sad that innocent have to pay the price for scumb ike this and the lack of truly going after criminals till its to late

11-14-17, 22:49
I wonder what California will come up with next, making assault sights illegal? BUIS with a bullet button?

11-14-17, 23:36
Another gunman who didn’t survive. You have to wonder if the CIA will ever run out.

let us know if your phone starts making a dial done sound in the background when you send or receive phone calls.

11-14-17, 23:44
let us know if your phone starts making a dial done sound in the background when you send or receive phone calls.

Yours doesn’t?

11-15-17, 01:10
Aint felons having fire arms illegal in Kommiefornia? Did the system fu$& up again?

I was under the impression it's illegal to own/buy firearms in *any* state if one is a felon?

So it's looking like a known felon, who also had a restraining order, was doing lots of casual shooting and the neighbors were scared of him. In a state where legally owning guns is difficult for law-abiding people and there's a bunch of laws to take guns away without due process, and this guy was a double no under federal law anyway. Tell me again what kind of gun laws would have fixed this?

I suspect some LE agency dropped the ball too.

If the felon is a state legislator, it's mandatory for them to have illegal firearms.

Here is an interesting tidbit from the fox piece “Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said that one of the victims was a woman the gunman stabbed in January”. Conveniently left as had previous contact with law enforcement by CNN and the rest of the commie world.

Hmmmmmmm. Yet another clear case of the government not doing its job of protecting the tax payers from KNOWN violent threats. Why is it that someone who stabbed a person in January is out walking about in November.

Lemme guess... they forgot to enter this fella's criminal history in a database somewhere and he didn't get flagged as a no-go for guns, like the Texas guy....?

11-15-17, 04:09
Well the photos of the 02 thief look like he was a member of the Manson Family.

11-15-17, 07:15
I was under the impression it's illegal to own/buy firearms in *any* state if one is a felon?

It was sarcasm :cool:

11-15-17, 07:33
Yours doesn’t?

Oh gosh. This was pure hilarity for me at 7:30AM.

Thank you good sir, this witty comeback made my day.

In on topicness, this is crazy. System failed them for sure if he had just stabbed someone and was out poppin' rounds without a care. Something coulda/shoulda been done to get this guy off the streets.

11-15-17, 09:45
I wonder what California will come up with next, making assault sights illegal? BUIS with a bullet button?

I'm picturing rifles with fake bores that you have to put a fake ramrod down to ' load' for the next shot....

I think it is pretty clear that the extremes on the Progressive side are pushing for confiscation- they are dropping all pretenses and admitting that none of these laws will stop the crimes.

11-15-17, 10:58
I think it is pretty clear that the extremes on the Progressive side are pushing for confiscation- they are dropping all pretenses and admitting that none of these laws will stop the crimes.

This. It’s getting to the point where they can’t make up any more BS excuses.

Time for a mandatory Aussie style “buyback” campaign.

You don’t “have” to turn in your guns for twenty cents on the dollar, feel free to go to prison instead. You will have a choice. Have a nice day.

11-15-17, 12:14
I'm picturing rifles with fake bores that you have to put a fake ramrod down to ' load' for the next shot....

I think it is pretty clear that the extremes on the Progressive side are pushing for confiscation- they are dropping all pretenses and admitting that none of these laws will stop the crimes.

This is pretty much why I’m done participating in debates. I’ve been pretty reasonable and open to discussions in the past, to the point I was accused here of, “talking like an anti” after Sandy Hook.

No more.

Once every discussion I had started ending with the other person saying, “It’s a start,” I knew that the only way they really saw the debate ending was when all firearms were banned and confiscated. Being nice and explanatory went out the window. There is no law they they think goes too far, it’s only a matter of what they can slip in now while they chip away.

At this point...come and take them.

11-15-17, 12:20
Our rights were never supposed to be up for debate. That's why we even have the 2nd.

11-15-17, 12:47
I think it is pretty clear that the extremes on the Progressive side are pushing for confiscation- they are dropping all pretenses and admitting that none of these laws will stop the crimes.

Yes. They really have no place else to go other than Australian-style confiscation legislation, and that is just not going to fly until the 2nd Amendment is repealed. They are further boxed in by the makeup of the SCOTUS, and especially given the one or two more Supreme Court Justice appointments that Trump might have in the next three years.

11-15-17, 12:54
This is pretty much why I’m done participating in debates. I’ve been pretty reasonable and open to discussions in the past, to the point I was accused here of, “talking like an anti” after Sandy Hook.

No more.

Once every discussion I had started ending with the other person saying, “It’s a start,” I knew that the only way they really saw the debate ending was when all firearms were banned and confiscated. Being nice and explanatory went out the window. There is no law they they think goes too far, it’s only a matter of what they can slip in now while they chip away.

At this point...come and take them.

Yeah, about that, umm..........

11-15-17, 13:55
They found the shooters wife buries under the floor in the house.

11-15-17, 14:46
Yes. They really have no place else to go other than Australian-style confiscation legislation, and that is just not going to fly until the 2nd Amendment is repealed. They are further boxed in by the makeup of the SCOTUS, and especially given the one or two more Supreme Court Justice appointments that Trump might have in the next three years.

There is an important difference between words on paper, and deeply held ideas. On paper many communist countries respected more rights than the USA. On paper many countries have some freedom of speech, or religion. On paper most European countries have an official state religion of Christianity. Many of these things aren't really observed.

Are you familiar with the Seventh Amendment?

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Tell me, if you sue someone over $21.00, will you get a jury trial?

What about Article 1, Section 10?

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Ever heard of legal tender laws? Do they limit payment to gold and silver coin???

My point is not to be snide, but note that words on paper matter only to the extent that the idea is known and held by a significant number of people. Here, we are actually in excellent shape for RKBA / Second Amendment issues. Any semi-literate American is aware of the Second Amendment, whether they love it or hate it. Roughly half the country, maybe even 60%, believes like we do that it respects and protects an inherent right of free men, that it has nothing to do with any National Guard unit or the other bogus claims of the anti's. A large subset of that group, and growing by the day, is aware that confiscation of weapons routinely precedes genocide, and while that doesn't happen 100% of the time, they aren't looking to gamble on hope and good will.

In short - it's not the Second Amendment as a legal point that matters, it's the common belief, and we are in relatively good shape on that.

11-16-17, 12:01
This didn't take long. The shooting in California, they are saying that he had 2 home made rifles.

So that will probably be the next item on the ban list .

“These firearms were manufactured illegally, we believe, by him at his home,” Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said Wednesday. “So they [the guns] were obtained in an illegal manner, not through a legal process. They are not registered.”


11-16-17, 12:10
Strict gun control works again.

11-16-17, 12:24
Wonder if it was an 80% lower assembly.

11-16-17, 12:35
My Dad told me about how he used to make "zip guns" from a scrap of wood and an old radio antenna.
The whole thing could blow up in your hand when fired, but you could shoot .22 ammo pretty safely most of the time he explained.
So, if someone wants a gun, how so you stop them from making one like that?
You can't stop a determined criminal from criminal activities, so how do you prevent the insane from committing insane acts?
You just ain't.
If you agree with "You just ain't" as fact and move forward with that as fact, you'll understand just what they really want to control.

11-16-17, 12:39
Again, the system is what failed those dead people. How about this one? Look at the long list of crimes committed and (apparently) not a felony conviction among them:

"with a gun and a — and falsely imprisoning two women in Tehama County. Neal did not have a felony conviction against him that would have prevented him from owning a gun, Johnston said.

Neal had been arrested numerous times in California and North Carolina for such crimes as drug sales and hit-and-run driving, Tehama County District Attorney Gregg Cohen said.

After allegedly attacking the two women, who were his neighbors, he got out of jail on bail, set at $160,000. Cohen said bail was set by jail officials, and his office did not get a chance to argue for higher bail in court."


11-16-17, 12:39
Again, the system is what failed those dead people. How about this one? Look at the long list of crimes committed and (apparently) not a felony conviction among them:

"with a gun and a — and falsely imprisoning two women in Tehama County. Neal did not have a felony conviction against him that would have prevented him from owning a gun, Johnston said.

Neal had been arrested numerous times in California and North Carolina for such crimes as drug sales and hit-and-run driving, Tehama County District Attorney Gregg Cohen said.

After allegedly attacking the two women, who were his neighbors, he got out of jail on bail, set at $160,000. Cohen said bail was set by jail officials, and his office did not get a chance to argue for higher bail in court."


11-16-17, 12:40
Double T

11-16-17, 13:34
I haven't really been tracking, because didn't have much interest in 80% lowers, but I'm almost sure that CA had a law recently passed that mandated registering 80% lowers once completed.

I'll have to look again, but if that's the case then...

Doc Safari
11-16-17, 13:37
Wonder if it was an 80% lower assembly.

That was my thinking...or 3D printer or something similar.