View Full Version : Just saw an impeach Trump commercial

11-17-17, 19:43
Not even kidding. Some ridiculous commercial talking about the need to impeach Trump because he has hurt people's feelings and they think he's going to go lone wolf and nuke the world. My God there are some serious snow flakes these days.

11-17-17, 19:50
Sounds like the same one I saw a few days ago. It was early morning, which was a good thing, I was too tired to throw shit at the TV.
I am at the point, if Trump is pissing people off, then he must be doing at least a decent job.

11-17-17, 21:22
Sounds like the Tom Styer (sic?) ad. He's an ultra-liberal billionaire from CA. Invested 12 million for the spots. He's a sick guy.

11-17-17, 21:53
Yea they play it all the time down here in TX. It pisses me off.

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11-17-17, 21:58
I think it's great. Who watches TV, and who actually sits through ads? Not the people that they are actually trying to motivate to do something (what I don't know). These just piss off and amuse Trump people.

11-17-17, 22:03
This one?

11-17-17, 22:30
Tom Steyer is second only to George Soros as the Bankroll of Radical Leftist Evil. Don't let his look and act fool you... he's big money, with a personal Waffen-SS bigger than some police departments.

11-17-17, 22:36
"Color Revolution" folks. Note that Hillary was wearing purple when she finally admitted defeat, and Bill was wearing a purple necktie. You can look up theories on that or make up your own, and maybe some other theme will eventually be chosen. But study the Soros/CIA sponsored coups in the former combloc countries and you'll see it looks awfully familiar.

11-17-17, 22:50
"Color Revolution" folks. Note that Hillary was wearing purple when she finally admitted defeat, and Bill was wearing a purple necktie. You can look up theories on that or make up your own, and maybe some other theme will eventually be chosen. But study the Soros/CIA sponsored coups in the former combloc countries and you'll see it looks awfully familiar.
Did I read correctly somewhere Clintons daughter is married to Soros' nephew?

11-17-17, 23:32
Did I read correctly somewhere Clintons daughter is married to Soros' nephew?

That's been said, but Snopes says it's false:


I don't consider snopes very reliable or unbiased, but on this I suspect they are correct. (Stopped clock 2x a day, etc.)

There are other things of interest:

11-18-17, 00:31
Well this article is enlightening. Taking one for the team, huh.


11-18-17, 06:32
This one?

Winner, winner chicken dinner.

11-18-17, 06:51
Well this article is enlightening. Taking one for the team, huh.


The Clintons looked at pardon requests like 8 year olds look at birthday cards, how much money falls out when you open them.

11-18-17, 08:46

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11-18-17, 09:02
Not even kidding. Some ridiculous commercial talking about the need to impeach Trump because he has hurt people's feelings and they think he's going to go lone wolf and nuke the world. My God there are some serious snow flakes these days.

There is clear effort to clear the world of Trump. They are starting to roll him back into the sex scandal as well. The entire Trump family is under attack.

I was reading a post elsewhere by a known Liberal. According to this person. Fox news is the only full time propaganda outlet and the left has nothing of that sort. .. .and they were dead serious. This is not a stupid person. I don't want to say who it is but everyone here has probably been exposed to the work they do for a living.

I don't think people realize just how deep seeded the hatred is, the disgust and the frustration. I have zero doubt they will try to do anything to get rid of Trump and win back the entire political structure of the USA. In fact I would say they feel Trump supporters are probably a lower form of life than Trump.

They are fighting the 2020 battle now and by necessity the 2018 as well.

11-19-17, 03:54
I'd wish the FDA would just pass out suicide, errr self-abortion kits already.

11-19-17, 08:10
There is clear effort to clear the world of Trump. They are starting to roll him back into the sex scandal as well. The entire Trump family is under attack.

I was reading a post elsewhere by a known Liberal. According to this person. Fox news is the only full time propaganda outlet and the left has nothing of that sort. .. .and they were dead serious. This is not a stupid person. I don't want to say who it is but everyone here has probably been exposed to the work they do for a living.

I don't think people realize just how deep seeded the hatred is, the disgust and the frustration. I have zero doubt they will try to do anything to get rid of Trump and win back the entire political structure of the USA. In fact I would say they feel Trump supporters are probably a lower form of life than Trump.

They are fighting the 2020 battle now and by necessity the 2018 as well.

Because liberalism is a mental disorder. Crazy people don't think they are crazy.