View Full Version : What are you thankful for? (OFFICIAL THANKSGIVING THREAD)

11-20-17, 21:52
Maybe this is outside my place as one of the FNG's around here, but I just thought since Thanksgiving is upon us I'd maintain a little tradition I've picked up and kept on every year that I've participated in various internet communities from wargaming to aviation to scale modeling to politics to firearms, and bring it to M4C--and with all the news about treacherous politicians, duplicitous media and unscrupulous vendors I thought we could use a little something positive to brighten spirits for the holidays.

Just one simple question I'd like to invite you all to ponder whether you post an answer here or not, and I'll go first: What are YOU thankful for this Thanksgiving?

For me, in no particular order since all of these have been of great importance to the life I've lived and making me the man (or something passing for one) I am today:

Having been lucky enough to live a life where I've never known real need and little want--never had to learn what it's like to worry about keeping the heat on or a roof over my head or where my next meal's coming from.
Living in a country where I have the freedom to pursue whatever path my heart and mind lead me to that my body and means will let me, rather than someplace that forcibly pounds "square pegs" into whatever round hole needs filling.
My family, what few I have still living, and friends, what few of them I've had and managed to stay in touch with.
A supportive Significant Other who's put up with my crazy ass through all these years across the many miles of a long-distance long-term relationship, who's been there to support me through some of my darkest times of loss over those years and despite being an internalizing, go-it-alone sort sometimes letting me in to help her with hers, and not only tolerates my gun-nuttery but encourages it and even wants to Join The Fun herself. (When your GF thinks the RKBA should be not just USA but worldwide, and include anything that can be kept and borne by a single operator, anytime, anywhere, by anyone not a danger to self or others, you know you have a keeper--I just wish we could get the cross-border issues and a few other things squared away so I could put a ring on her finger.)
Stronger and better men than I who've taken the watch through the night in faraway lands and on our streets defending the homeland so all I have to watch over is my humble little homestead, such as it is, and those dwelling therein.
The many, many men and women who've generously shared their wisdom and experiences with me over the decades, most asking nothing in return, the others asking only that I share with others as they shared with me, or that when the time comes for their stories to be told that I make sure they're told right.
A just, merciful and wise Creator who takes special care of fools, children and the USA, and for some reason utterly incomprehensible to any except Him, particularly takes better care of me than I deserve.
Far better people than I who tolerate my presence within their ranks, and help keep me generally tacking along the right path toward becoming something better than what it is my nature to be.

Well, that's enough from me... I yield the floor to you guys, and thanks for putting up with me.

11-20-17, 22:22
Well said. Those are my sentiments with #7 at the top!

11-21-17, 01:09
1. I'm thankful for the one true God and his only Son, Jesus Christ! I'm thankful for his loving discipline, his loving mercy, his loving grace and above all his loving forgiveness and salvation.

2. I just lost my dad in October but I'm thankful for the 35 years I had with him. The coming holidays will be different without him. In fact, life it self will be different without him. But I truly am thankful for his compassion, generosity, patience and understanding when it came to me.

3. I'm truly thankful for this country. I'm thankful that I live in a great state. I'm thankful, though concerned about the decline of morals, values, integrity and character in this country and to what effect it will have on our longevity.

4. I'm thankful for our President, I truly and honestly feel that he is working hard to put America on a new coarse and a new heading and I feel that, beyond all the negativity, there will be a lot of positives from his administrations.

5. I'm thankful for my family, though I love most of them more than I like them, they are still part of the family and at the end of the day, its all we have.

11-21-17, 03:32
I'm thankful for every single thing that is so easy to take for granted.

The clothes on my back.
The roof over my head.
The warm dry bed I sleep in.
But most of all my wife and son.

11-21-17, 04:19
Thankful for the fast approaching dawn sunrise at the moment.:)

11-21-17, 05:20
I am most thankful for my confirmed reservation upstairs.

Also thankful that none of my five sibs drilnk lefty kool-aid.

That living in this time and place I enjoy more security and comfort than 99% of the people of bygone eras. And for enough surplus to help a child in a miserable place have a better life.

That in retirement there are still not enough hours in the day.

Alex V
11-21-17, 07:27
I'm thankful for my family, friends and health.

Thankful that Hillary is not our President.

11-21-17, 08:00
Great thread. I am thankful for:

1. God. I am a very imperfect Christian, and it's hard to believe that in spite of my ****-ups, He still loves me.

2. My health, my family's health. Not being trite: I just turned 49, and so far I have had ortho surgeries, cancer; my sister is battling breast cancer. I work in health care so I see people who are really and truly sick, and I am thankful to not be (and my wife and kids not be) among them.

3. A good and steady job. I went to nursing school for a reason.

4. My family. I love my family. I have a great wife and six healthy kids.

5. HRC is not president. Trump ain't the best, but he's a damned sight better than HRC would have been.

11-21-17, 08:07
I'm thankful that my family and I are healthy.


11-22-18, 14:48
New year, new Turkey Day, BUMP for new answers as we enjoy our time with food and family!

This year, we can add the GF's dad surviving a bout with cancer to my list--he lost most of one lung, but so far onlyminor complications on his road to recovery.

11-22-18, 15:01
I am most grateful for my wife and sons.

11-22-18, 18:16
I am a very lucky person and have so many things to be thankful for. One more gift was added this year when my first grandchild, Michelle was born.


11-22-18, 18:32
Congrats, Andy.

11-22-18, 19:12
Thankful for being blessed with the gift of life. All kinds of shit had to happen just right in order for me to be here today. All else is gravy on top.

11-23-18, 07:43