View Full Version : Reoccurring gun dreams ?

11-26-17, 18:31
Do you have reoccurring dreams or themes in dreams that involve firearms? I do, and they always suck. In my (bad) dreams, when some zombie attacks me, the firearm invariably does not function. Click, no bang. In the dream I'm doing some type of immediate action drill to get it to function, and nadda. On occasion the gun will function, but it has not effect on the goblin. Both of those scenarios are my classic frustration themed dreams. What you got?

11-26-17, 18:35
Yes. It usually involves me somehow being stuck in NJ and accidentally forgetting to leave my gun in Pa. For some reason they're no way out and every exit has cops.

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LMT Shooter
11-26-17, 18:40
I have had both the dreams where my guns don't function and the ones where my rounds are ineffective. It is quite disconcerting, but I don't put too much emphasis on the meanings. Most modern psychologists & psychiatrists don't either, as far as I know.

11-26-17, 18:53
A little OT. Reoccurring yes, guns not, but have had a few random gun related. Two, one really good, the other really bad. The bad, off to a gig and gear gets stolen just before. I guess I never got over my SG getting stolen by a club owner. The good, snow skiing on a moonlit night down a wooded path that goes for miles through the alpines, scenic. I always look forward to those to happen again. Starts in the same place.

11-26-17, 18:57
Do you have reoccurring dreams or themes in dreams that involve firearms? I do, and they always suck. In my (bad) dreams, when some zombie attacks me, the firearm invariably does not function. Click, no bang. In the dream I'm doing some type of immediate action drill to get it to function, and nadda. On occasion the gun will function, but it has not effect on the goblin. Both of those scenarios are my classic frustration themed dreams. What you got?

Yep, I get the same thing; bad guy attacks and I go to use my firearm and it’s either click or I shoot and it has zero effect.

11-26-17, 18:58
Not some much reoccurring, but I have had dreams involving guns. Some bad, some badass. It really is a bitch when you wake up from a dream where you make Neo look like a bitch because you were cutting down the horde of invading aliens while leaping from building to building, or kicking the ass off a some mutant tremor looking mofo. I really got to cut back on the Ringo and Larry Correia before bed. Some of the zombie dreams were kind of ****ed up too. But, the really ****ed up ones were the ones a friend of mine used to have. I really don't read to much into them though.

11-26-17, 18:59
I often dream of either being in a home invasion and having the intruder be between me and my gun, or being in a public place like a mall and that being the one time I forgot my gun at home.

Outlander Systems
11-26-17, 18:59
Most of my dreams that involve "shooting" don't involve guns, nomsayin?

11-26-17, 19:00
I've had a recurring dream where I try to pull the trigger and the trigger pull is so heavy I have to use more than one finger. The gun will almost never fire because in addition to the heavy pull, the length of the pull goes on forever. On the occasion where the gun fired, the rounds had no affect.

11-26-17, 19:22
Real answer, I used to when I was younger.

The gun doesn't work or the trigger wont pull. Cant begin to recount what the threat is.

After some living and shooting and getting squared away to where you cant mess up if you tried they tend to go away.

I dont have vivid dreams anymore. I wake up kinda bitter but nothing specific.

11-26-17, 19:22
Yes, this happens to me all the time. Typically it’s a grizzly or something attacking and I shoot it and it does nothing...like it’s immune. I shoot until I’m out of ammunition.

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Crow Hunter
11-26-17, 19:30
Do you have reoccurring dreams or themes in dreams that involve firearms? I do, and they always suck. In my (bad) dreams, when some zombie attacks me, the firearm invariably does not function. Click, no bang. In the dream I'm doing some type of immediate action drill to get it to function, and nadda. On occasion the gun will function, but it has not effect on the goblin. Both of those scenarios are my classic frustration themed dreams. What you got?


Mine is always related to Glock pistols. I pull the trigger and it will not fire. Tap/Rack, still won't fire no matter how hard I pull or what I try. The trigger moves a full stroke, just no bang.

Actually it has gotten to be such a dream trope that it has recently become a key to unlock lucid dreaming for me.

It will happen, then I will realize that I must be dreaming and so I think, well if I am dreaming then I want to have telekinesis and fly, then it usually gets really fun. Like dreaming in "creative mode". :cool:

11-26-17, 19:50
I don't really have a recurring dream, but ineffective ammunition is a frequent theme.

In every dream that it has occurred in, I've continued to reload and fire, regardless of effect. In one case, I continued to fire until part of the dream environment - a car - was used to neutralize the threat.

Since I got my M1 rifle, most of my firearms dreams revolve around it - but so far, I've had no issues with the effectiveness of somnic M2 ball ammunition.

11-26-17, 20:13
Most of my dreams that involve "shooting" don't involve guns, nomsayin?

Real answer, I used to when I was younger.

The gun doesn't work or the trigger wont pull. Cant begin to recount what the threat is.

After some living and shooting and getting squared away to where you cant mess up if you tried they tend to go away.

I dont have vivid dreams anymore. I wake up kinda bitter but nothing specific.

You guys should see a sleep doc if it’s bothering you. May need a change in diet, CPAP, etc.

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11-26-17, 20:22
I have one reoccurring dream. I'm in a country town that is familiar but in reality it doesn't exist. I'm always driving and always passing over water weather it be a lake or river. The weird thing is, is that the town in the dream resembles real places that I have been to, its a combination of Bridgeport Tx, which is a small city of 5,000 on a small lake named Lake Bridgeport, and it resembles an area that I grew up in in South West Dallas called Ovilla. In the dream, I am driving and I keep driving further and further on this one road that has a rail road parallel to it and the road dead ends on the other side of the bridge going over the lake. It dead ends into a small subdivision. On the main road, as I keep driving I discover things I have never noticed like I have lived here my whole life but never noticed "that". On the other side of the tracks is a river and it is a roaring river and that's where I live- on the other side- there is no bridge, you have to drive around to get home.

I have had this dream maybe 20 times in the last 5 years and I remember it in full detail.

11-26-17, 20:26
Usually the guns in my dreams don't function, don't have ammo or inexplicably turn into 1/6th scale toy versions.
Two notable exceptions involved me having functional AKs in dreams.
I also had a dream that involved my having somehow ended up in the middle of Connecticut with a duffle bag full of ARs, and the whole dream consisted of me trying to get myself and my cargo out of the state without being busted by Connecticut's various LE agencies. I think the dream ended with me trying to talk my way out of being arrested by a lady cop, while on a ferry boat crossing a river.

11-26-17, 21:53
Tell me about your mother....

You mean like dreams where my shotgun won’t shoot and the barrel droops to the floor and my wife is saved by another man with a 50cal hand cannon? No, not really.

Actually did have those kinds of dreams before I learned how to really run a gun. Now I don’t often have gun dreams and when I do everything works, and my wife smokes cigars from other men...

11-26-17, 22:32
I have had both the dreams where my guns don't function and the ones where my rounds are ineffective. It is quite disconcerting, but I don't put too much emphasis on the meanings. Most modern psychologists & psychiatrists don't either, as far as I know.

hahahahahahahah OH I have those really freaking annoying

one was this huge snake got in our yard after our dogs and I was shooting it and was doing nothing :)

26 Inf
11-26-17, 22:39
Tell me about your mother....

You mean like dreams where my shotgun won’t shoot and the barrel droops to the floor and my wife is saved by another man with a 50cal hand cannon? No, not really.

Actually did have those kinds of dreams before I learned how to really run a gun. Now I don’t often have gun dreams and when I do everything works, and my wife smokes cigars from other men...

Okay, I'm taking that as a cry for help........

26 Inf
11-26-17, 22:44
Rarely have dreams that I remember.

None that I remember are about firearms.

LMT Shooter
11-26-17, 22:52
hahahahahahahah OH I have those really freaking annoying

one was this huge snake got in our yard after our dogs and I was shooting it and was doing nothing :)

Shit, if I had dreams about my guns not working AND snakes in the same dream, I would probably wet the bed. I hate snakes!

11-26-17, 23:08
Rarely have dreams that I remember.

None that I remember are about firearms.

Same here. I don't ever recall having a firearms dream. Oddly enough, I don't dream about my other hobbies as well. When I do have dreams of me being some sort of bad ass it usually is with fists, big sticks, and physical feats that I am completely incapable of.

11-26-17, 23:28
Yeah, I've had a lot of those- not the same, and not consecutive, but a good number. They actively contribute to my paranoia about always having extra ammo on hand... :laugh:

I had one pretty funny one- it was the 20's and myself and a few other people were being chased by some gangsters down a back road.
They're shooting at us with Thompsons and such, and I'm the only one in our car with a gun- a crappy snub-nose .22 revolver....
So I'm facing backwards on the seat trying to shoot back with the thing, but it's a .22, and what do all .22s have in common? Yeah... that...
I'm all like "BANG BANG click BANG click BANG". :rolleyes:
And to top it off, I've only got a small vest pocketful of extra loose rounds. So I'm shooting the rounds that work (for all the good it's doing), and dumping the FTF ones out on the seat with the spent shells....

To top it off, our driver is an idiot. Despite our pathetic return fire, we're actually a bit faster and given the twists on a back road, are actually managing to evade the gangsters. However, every time we get away, the driver wants to stop and see if they're still chasing us, and I'm like "no, keep going" and he's all like "naw, I can't see 'em they're gone. I'm just gonna stop and be sure". And without fail about two seconds after he stops, the gangsters coming roaring around the corner blazing away, and the chase starts again. Luckily they're Hollywood level shots, and aside from a smashed rear window and some cliche bullet holes in the car body, miraculously nobody gets shot (which is shocking, because for me these sort of dreams always end in casualties), but this idiot KEEPS STOPPING every time we get away....

The chase goes on for long enough that I run out of ammo, and so, like every good .22 shooter I decide to re-try some of the FTF rounds. Well, this is a chase, and we're careening around like a right proper chase scene, so of course all the spent shells are now all over the back of the car. Even more annoying, the gansgter car is now on some kind of elastic mode, where they'll zoom up right behind us (where annoyingly I *could* actually shoot them with this peezy ass .22 if I had ammo...), then falling way back, then zooming back up again...

So I'm rooting around between the seats, under the seats, on the floor trying to find a few of the FTF rounds. So I find one, stick in in the revolver with the un-struck rim toward the hammer, and *click*, dammit gotta find some more... grabbed a couple more, "click BANG" Aha!
And of course with the gangster car zooming back and forth behind us they're always oh-so-conveniently right behind us when I'm digging around for the ammo, and then so far behind as soon as I try to shoot it... *sigh*
And so it went til I woke up.

SO.... lesson of the day, always make sure the person driving can be trusted to acted rationally when taking fire... :laugh:

Usually these types of dream just suck (I've literally never had a "nice day shooting at the range" type of gun dream), but I did have a spectacular one where I was a space marine (40K) fighting a bunch of chaos cultist in a city. Couldn't tell you what happened, all I remember is it was AWESOME and I've literally never woken up in the morning *that* pumped...like my life actually had meaning that day... :laugh:

11-27-17, 07:43
I've had very similar dreams numerous times in the past. They're very much the same as many of yours. Either the trigger is so heavy I can't pull it, or the rounds have no effect on the target. I also have had similar dreams where I'm in a physical encounter and can't hurt my opponent due to my arm being so heavy I can't get enough force behind it. I actually haven't had one of these dreams in a while, but I suspect it's because I'm a fairly new dad and don't dream much anymore due to being so tired. :lazy2:

11-27-17, 09:47
I have had both the dreams where my guns don't function and the ones where my rounds are ineffective. It is quite disconcerting, but I don't put too much emphasis on the meanings. Most modern psychologists & psychiatrists don't either, as far as I know.

I have had these types as well. Non Functioning or Non Effective.

I literally had a dream that I was engaging an attacker and my bullet like "Plooped" out of the barrel and into the ground. It was very disconcerting. I usually wake up due to the adrenaline response of "Oh F***, it's not working." And then laugh at myself.

I am also a moderate Lucid dreamer, and have become Lucid, more often than not, during these dreams as the environments and situations are so unrealistic.

I have had realistic ones that left me waking up with: "Well, damn, I froze up. I woulda been dead." And leave it as a figment of my imagination and nothing more.

ETA: For the record, though, most (if not all) involved protecting myself AND my wife. I have always believed these dreams to be in reference of protecting my family in those situations. In these dreams, while firearms related, they usually have a sub theme. Like, losing sight of your loved ones, etc, etc.

11-27-17, 10:58
I don't really have a recurring dream, but ineffective ammunition is a frequent theme.

In every dream that it has occurred in, I've continued to reload and fire, regardless of effect. In one case, I continued to fire until part of the dream environment - a car - was used to neutralize the threat.

Since I got my M1 rifle, most of my firearms dreams revolve around it - but so far, I've had no issues with the effectiveness of somnic M2 ball ammunition.

I rarely ever have dreams or nightmares that I remember much past waking up, but I had a doozie just last week. I and several other people were trapped inside an open warehouse with an AS on the roof. There were places where the AS could shoot down into the building and there were casualties both inside and outside the building. Myself and a couple of others were armed and we were trying to suppress the shooter. It went on for a while and at one point, I could tell the shooter was trying to escape. I figured out where he was coming down and crossing over to another building, so I went up to try and "take the high ground". There was another way up and I crossed over to a catwalk and platform with open grating that connected to the other building. This is where it got interesting.

The AS moved faster than I expected and came up under me before I got to a solid position. He spotted me above him and turned to engage. I had a carbine and took a snap shot before he could shoot. My shot connected to the upper right side torso, which spun him back a bit. But then he came back around and started aggressing again. I fired twice more and both rounds were solid, high center mass hits that should've driven straight down into the heart, aortic bundle. He kept coming so I transitioned to the head and walked rounds from the face, up across the forehead and into the top of his dome, 1...2..3,4,567. I can see the solid hits and marvel that not a single round gets caught or deflected by the grating, but he does. not. go. down. I can't believe that such solid 5.56 hits aren't slowing him up even slightly. It just looks like pencil poke holes from my perspective, but even those should drop him like a sack of potatoes based on impact points. Then I wake up.

I was like, WTF? Figured it would fade away but it stuck with me all day. It's not like I stoke my carbines with M196 ball for defense work. I pay for premium fodder for a reason! :confused:

Doc Safari
11-27-17, 11:06
I have an occasional home invasion dream, and usually the perps are somehow preventing me from getting to the room where the gun is.

11-27-17, 13:47
Home invasion dreams where either I can't pull the trigger no matter how hard I squeeze or when the gun does go off the bullet pops out of the barrel and falls to the ground 2 or 3 feet from the barrel. Right when the bad guys jumps on me I scream so that my wife wakes me up. Wimpy I know but it works every time.

11-28-17, 16:38
Had another one last night. Can’t remember the lead up. But a white male suspect approaching towards me with a gun. I raise up and shoot one shot, hitting him in the right chest between the front deltoid and pectoral. Saw the shirt move from the impact. He flinches backwards with the impact but continues the slow walk forward. Try to pull the trigger again but it’s all grit. To the point that I reach my support index finger inside the trigger guard on top of my trigger finger to try to get it to fire and notice I can barely keep the sights aligned from the exertion. Then I wake up without a conclusion. Haha

Edit to add:

Maybe Will can provide insight on this: I started taking GAT Vita-test which has some Tribulus in it. Reviews mentioned very lucid dreams. Man they weren’t lying. My dreams have been ridiculously vivid and memorable since starting this.

11-30-17, 13:27
I have had both the dreams where my guns don't function and the ones where my rounds are ineffective. It is quite disconcerting, but I don't put too much emphasis on the meanings. Most modern psychologists & psychiatrists don't either, as far as I know.

I've had both of those types. While they don't necessarily "mean" anything, I tend to believe they reflect what's going on subconsciously in your life, which can be a powerful "wakeup" or reminder, since we're otherwise to busy to pay attention to it consciously, if that makes any sense.

11-30-17, 14:12
My dreams are where I am in a home invasion scenario and my pistol will have a really heavy trigger and it throws my shots off, or the bullets dribble out of the gun after being fired and either bounce off the baddy, or land about a foot in front like a golf ball being chipped near a hole.

I also have the malfunction dream where no matter what I do, the gun will malfunction and all of my malfunction drills don't work, and the bad dude can easily walk up and stab me in the chest with a comically long knife.