View Full Version : Best Non-X rated dreams since we are on a dream theme lately

11-27-17, 13:49
My best dreams are flying dreams. In them I run and jump into the air and start flying and soaring like an eagle. Worst part about a flying dream is when I wake up right in the middle of a good one and can't get back to sleep and back into my dream.

Doc Safari
11-27-17, 14:53
I dreamed it's Christmas season and my dad, mom, and brother are all together again going for a ride looking at the countryside and all the cool houses and whatnot.

In real life, that hasn't happened since the 1980's: dad dead, brother in another state, mom too old to drive.

Mr. Goodtimes
11-27-17, 15:11
I have a lot of dreams about tranny’s and quality portable CPAP.

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11-27-17, 15:40
I actually never have any good dreams. There's always something "wrong" in my dreams. Sometimes it's something genuinely frightening and sometimes it's just a vague feeling of unease that persists for the duration of the dream, but none of them are ever what I'd call good.

11-27-17, 15:53
My best dreams are flying dreams. In them I run and jump into the air and start flying and soaring like an eagle. Worst part about a flying dream is when I wake up right in the middle of a good one and can't get back to sleep and back into my dream.

Been having the same. Feels like an energy emanating from all around from under me. Can fly super high.


LMT Shooter
11-27-17, 17:42
Been having the same. Feels like an energy emanating from all around from under me. Can fly super high.


Me too, and yeah, it's an awesome feeling, flying like The Greatest American Hero.

11-27-17, 19:30
It involves Bailey Jay......

11-27-17, 21:06
My best dreams are flying dreams. In them I run and jump into the air and start flying and soaring like an eagle. Worst part about a flying dream is when I wake up right in the middle of a good one and can't get back to sleep and back into my dream.

I have flying dreams, but not soaring. I just start running or jumping higher and higher and it’s like the air is viscous enough to “swim” in it.

My favorites are usually flying or shooting “bad guys”. Best dream ever was getting attacked by someone and we each had an army and an all-out urban archery war ensued for half a day. It was really exciting and probably the weirdest dream I’ve ever had. I was around 12 at the time. All the “fighters” were similar age.

11-27-17, 21:36
The girlfriend and I curled up in front of the fireplace with hot drinks after a winter's day blasting away together on the range with ALL the Really Good Toys.

Yeah, I know, I'm a simple schmuck... :)

11-27-17, 21:45
My best is dreaming about going to work and waking up to Saturday.

11-27-17, 23:16
"Non X rated"? Pshhhh… I don't remember any of the other ones….

12-03-17, 00:16
My best dreams are flying dreams. In them I run and jump into the air and start flying and soaring like an eagle. Worst part about a flying dream is when I wake up right in the middle of a good one and can't get back to sleep and back into my dream.

Flying. But in mine I'm sort of like a kite and I can catch a breeze and gain altitude.

12-03-17, 00:58
I have some flying ones myself... usually at the controls of an aircraft that was never built, but should have been.

12-03-17, 01:25
OT but that looks like something out of XCom.

This will seem kinda lame but I remember in the day when tbe very first Resident Evil was in the preview stage. I didnt have a Playstation but I read every game book about it I could find that had game art or game screens and all I knew about it was "SWAT police in haunted house with zombies". That alone conjured up a lot of little scenarios where I dreamed about playing the game. Had no idea the game's capability or plot. I would doodle Jill or Chris with a shotgun or M16 shooting at waves of zombies.

I finally got to play the game and it was great. One of my favorites still but I found it was more of a puzzle game and with pretty normal guns. (No M16s or MP5s).

I haven't had a dream like that in a while because I try not to get hopes up and try not to let things get to me.

But I kinda miss being a young teen and getting so enthused about it you would dream over it and fixate on it.

But it hit all the right notes as I wore out two Dawn of the Dead VHS tapes because zombies were cool. Trying to survive and dreaming up paramilitary garb from what you saw in Combat Annual or Soldier of Fortune.

And now a Zombie show comes on once a week and I dont watch it. Despite having beaten it many times; I still play RE1 every few years just for the atmosphere but playing it in the 90s on a CRT TV drinking Pibb or Shasta, eating Crunch n Munch. and trying to duck zombies was great. I even used to record my playthroughs (dunno where the tape is).

Probably kinda wordy and a little silly but that was my dreams as a youth. Vidya games and horror flicks.

12-03-17, 01:52
OT but that looks like something out of XCom.
Maybe... that art's best known for being the basis of the old Monogram "F-19 Stealth Fighter" model kit. Monogram modified it with curvier canards, though; the only model I know of that kept the original "sharp" whiskers is a little 1/144 resin made by Anigrand in Hong Kong that comes packaged with their take on the "Aurora" concept and a stealth chopper that looks like a scaled-down ripoff of the (also 1980's) Testors "Stingbat LHX." (This is part of why I build guns now, in addition to trying to fit out to specific quirks... can't build planes anymore with the damn hand tremors. Seriously, there are days when if given the chance the only reason I wouldn't have everything from shoulder joint out replaced with arms built for a Terminator is that I can't imagine the GF appreciating having steel wrapped around her... and the loss of tactile "feel" on my end too.)

Firefly, remind me to keep you as far from my GF as possible... she's a huge RE/zombie genre in general fan, to the point that if they ever do another run of forged and budget allows I'm considering picking up a few Umbrella lowers to have the logos custom-enameled in red and white and set aside to do any potential "Hers" custom builds on.

And re wearing tapes out: try TWO copies of the Widescreen Edition of Jurassic Park, back when Widescreen/Letterbox was a new, rare and expensive thing! (Along with THREE copies of the novel... as far as talking anatomy and physiology, when it comes to Biology class I'm more at home discussing the features and details of Tyrannosaurus rex than Homo sapiens. Oh, you shoulda seen me when a paleontologist friend brought home a full-skull casting from a rex she helped dig up...)

12-03-17, 10:58
Always flying.
Ranges from levitation to full blown Superman flight.

I average a couple of WW2 flights a month, always a Corsair.

12-08-17, 15:37
It involves Bailey Jay......

12-08-17, 21:44
I'm banging this really hot chick, but she's only shown topless, so it makes the cut as an R-Rated dream...;) :D

Seriously though, one of my favorite reoccurring dreams is when I make a discovery of something amazing that I didn't know was right under my nose in my everyday life. I grew up in a very rural town, and I often dream that there is section of it that is a huge, futuristic metropolis, or there's an amusement park down the street from my childhood home, or something like that. One time I dreamed that my parents had a big luxury apartment built into their house that was accessed by a secret door, and it had been there since the house was built 20 years prior. At the time, my wife and I were underemployed and living with my parents. I was annoyed with my parents that they had us living in my old bedroom, and they hadn't even told us about the apartment. They said they had it reserved for some foreign exchange students they were going to be hosting, so we couldn't have it.

And of course, I always flying dreams.