View Full Version : First major gun bill since mass shootings -next wednesday

11-27-17, 16:54

"The Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote Wednesday on a National Rifle Association-supported bill that would allow a gun owner with a state-issued concealed carry permit to carry a handgun in any state that allows concealed weapons. The reciprocity measure would allow gun owners to travel freely between states without worrying about conflicting state laws or "onerous" civil suits, said Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., the bill's sponsor.
The Judiciary panel also is expected to consider legislation to strengthen the FBI database of prohibited gun buyers after the Air Force failed to report the criminal history of the gunman who slaughtered more than two dozen people at a Texas church."

"A bid to ban the "bump stock" device that the Las Vegas shooter used to fire a semi-automatic rifle at near-automatic rates fizzled, even as lawmakers from both parties expressed openness to the idea in the days following the shooting."

I hope they don't stuff this bill with a bunch of secret gun control measures.

Any thoughts?

11-27-17, 21:05
My thoughts? I hope it passes so that all the Americans living in socialist controlled states can legally exercise their God given birthrights again without fear of arrest, prosecution or persecution. How fun will it be watching all the libs freak out and cry on TV again about how the sky is falling, and we are all going to die now, and its all Trump's fault, and the Russians too…

I'm traveling to NYC on business soon and its driving me crazy that I have to walk around unarmed. Why is it that the places you need it most are the places where it is the most illegal? Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

I've got two great big one finger salutes just waiting for Fineswine here in CA.