View Full Version : Patton on Terrorism

10-12-08, 06:17
Great video. Watch it and stay the course. McCain and Palin 08!


10-12-08, 06:34
Where are men like him today?

All we have now are crooked, do nothing, say anything politicians.

10-13-08, 18:21
God dawn , is it possible that we don`t have men of that caliber any more ? Have we become a Nation of wimps ? Every time I see that iranian midget in tv I get piss off , and now with this quasi-comunist ruffian trying to get in the White House , we have a very serious problem ... It is not enough to be surrounded by terrorist countries , In top of that we cut be having a President and a Congress that simpatizes with these people and will , rest assure , run this country into the ground in less that 4 years...!!! Where are the Pattons and McArthurs ? Money dominates over honor and courage and balls, these days...!!!