View Full Version : Sen. Al Franken says he will resign

12-07-17, 11:33
He's pervy enough, he's gropey enough and gosh darnit, nobody likes him.

He apparently wont totally leave for a few weeks which makes me wonder if he is planning tricker.

So, what are the ramifications? Someone more worse or someone more better?

Me, personally, politics aside I just thought he looked like a human cartoon and a bit too smug for my liking.

Also, my main deal is that taking a happy snap of grabbing a handful of a girl sleeping on a flight home from a USO show with flak jacket and helmet becomes more distasteful each time I see it.

He says DJT is "worse". But DJT said girls will let you grab them in an erogenous area.

Franken looks like he roofied somebody.

Well maybe SNL will hire him back.

12-07-17, 11:41
Q already predicted this on 8 Chan. Supposedly he said next week or the week after- they start to round up all the thousands of people they've indicted for corruption who worked under Obama. Hillary apparently tried to cut a deal already and they said no. Supposedly because one of her lackeys changed some paperwork that said she was found guilty of "Gross Negligence" to "Gross Incompetence"- though Gross Negligence in handling classified material is actually punishable. These big wig Hollywood execs, liberal elites, donors and liberal politicians getting taken down with this #metoo movement for sexual assaults- is not by accident. They are gutting the left right now. The Saudi purge was just the beginning.

12-07-17, 11:47
Q already predicted this on 8 Chan. Supposedly he said next week or the week after- they start to round up all the thousands of people they've indicted for corruption who worked under Obama. Hillary apparently tried to cut a deal already and they said no. These big wig Hollywood execs, liberal elites, and liberal politicians getting taken down with this #metoo movement for sexual assaults- is not by accident. They are gutting the left right now. The Saudi purge was just the beginning.


Interesting if true. Maybe things are looking up.

Doc Safari
12-07-17, 11:48
Q already predicted this on 8 Chan. Supposedly he said next week or the week after- they start to round up all the thousands of people they've indicted for corruption who worked under Obama. Hillary apparently tried to cut a deal already and they said no. Supposedly because one of her lackeys changed some paperwork that said she was found guilty of "Gross Negligence" to "Gross Incompetence"- though Gross Negligence in handling classified material is actually punishable. These big wig Hollywood execs, liberal elites, donors and liberal politicians getting taken down with this #metoo movement for sexual assaults- is not by accident. They are gutting the left right now. The Saudi purge was just the beginning.

Link? Is this for real?

12-07-17, 11:49
What idiot will Minnasotter pick next?

Doc Safari
12-07-17, 11:50
What idiot will Minnasotter pick next?

Actually wasn't there some indication that Franken stole the election that put him in Congress originally?

12-07-17, 11:53

Interesting if true. Maybe things are looking up.

Well I updated my original post. Q said the administration is on a rampage to clean up the corrupt government.

Link? Is this for real?

They issued over 4K sealed indictments inside of three weeks shortly after the Saudi purge. The #metoo thing was started to bring down the liberal supporters among the media. This guy goes over some of Q Anon's more recent posts about going after corrupt officials- it's war. So it looks like Hillary can be brought down for Gross Negligence in handling classified material, Obama for Logan Act violations trying to undermine the current administration along with a lot of their supporters.


Alex V
12-07-17, 11:55
What idiot will Minnasotter pick next?

Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton (D) is likely to tap Lt. Gov. Tina Smith (D) to replace Sen. Al Franken (D), who resigned on Thursday, according to a report in The Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Not sure how if Smith will stay the rest of the term or if there will be a special election like in Alabama. Frankin's term was until 2020 I believe.

12-07-17, 12:25

Coal Dragger
12-07-17, 12:35
Q already predicted this on 8 Chan. Supposedly he said next week or the week after- they start to round up all the thousands of people they've indicted for corruption who worked under Obama. Hillary apparently tried to cut a deal already and they said no. Supposedly because one of her lackeys changed some paperwork that said she was found guilty of "Gross Negligence" to "Gross Incompetence"- though Gross Negligence in handling classified material is actually punishable. These big wig Hollywood execs, liberal elites, donors and liberal politicians getting taken down with this #metoo movement for sexual assaults- is not by accident. They are gutting the left right now. The Saudi purge was just the beginning.

None of that shit will happen.

Dude you need to get better at vetting your sources of information.

12-07-17, 12:46
None of that shit will happen.

Dude you need to get better at vetting your sources of information.

You say that, but anonymous forums have had more veracity over the last year or so than the lamestream news.

It was just last year that Donald Trump had a 1% chance of winning ...

That's why establishment media is trying hard to censor and silence.

In a world where everyone has a phone, camera, and internet at all times it is harder to hide things.

If JFK were shot TODAY there would be way more than one Zapruder film.
And at least 50 girls giving peace signs and duck faces during the first bullet hit

and at least ONE dude yelling "WORLDSTAR!" once his melon popped


12-07-17, 12:48
Link? Is this for real?

Of course it's not. 7n6 had a temporary break from reality... Please come back to us 7n6.

12-07-17, 12:54
He is not resigning, and he has no intention of resigning. He is hoping this blows over and is forgotten, or Roy Moore gets elected.

12-07-17, 12:56
None of that shit will happen.

Dude you need to get better at vetting your sources of information.

Q dropped a specific line code that lead to intelligence group DOS attack on the Chans in an attempt to unmask him. That's why he switched to 8 Chan. Anyway, stuff he's stated, specifically predicting the Saudi Purge before it took place- has already happened. Him saying stuff about the media elites being taken down by accusations of sexual assault part of a "stage one" operation is already happening. Him saying yesterday that Hillary tried to cut a deal with the administration over the handling of classified info but was denied- we'll see what comes out of that. He won't openly state certain things but he's letting people do their own research by dropping hints for the Anons to connect the dots. You go believe whatever you want, I'm going to sit back and watch the fireworks.

It's going to get ugly, bigly.

12/6/2017 Q Anon; "HRC tried to cut a deal today. WE SAID NO."

Someone cut this from the chans but it has his last post.



Coal Dragger
12-07-17, 13:13
Well I wish all of it were true. However reality then sets in.

The reality is a bunch of leftist hacks in the FBI and DOJ are doing everything they can to persecute D.J. Trump and his associates. These leftist hacks have no intention of bringing down any of their own. There are not 4K sealed indictments. Even if there were, there aren’t enough prosecutors available to prosecute those indictments.

Firefly points out that in the age of smart phones, and the internet that keeping secrets is very difficult. He is correct. If there were 4 thousand sealed indictments, that shit would have leaked a long time ago. That is over 1000 indictments per month since the grand jury was impaneled. Does that sound plausible to you? For one grand jury? Hell how many grand juries would it take to process that many indictments? How many investigators would it take? It would require a lot of all of the above. Which would be really hard to keep totally secret in this day and age. Yet you believe that such operational security is possible, but has been compromised by some anonymous guy on the inter webs.

12-07-17, 13:17
Actually wasn't there some indication that Franken stole the election that put him in Congress originally?

Yes, shenanigans of the highest order as I recall. Ballots "found" in someone's trunk, etc.

12-07-17, 13:19
Franken's pledged resignation is going to bear significant tactical fruit for Trump on the judiciary. This is just one reason the Dems were very reluctant to turn Franken out:


Evel Baldgui
12-07-17, 13:30
I was never able to say "senator" franken, he was always the drunk buffoon baggage handler making ape noises in the film "Trading Places." It is extremely difficult to take a pathetic shitstain like that seriously; that the people of Minnesota voted for this imbecile makes me think that they deserve all those Somali turds infesting their state.

12-07-17, 13:36
Well I wish all of it were true. However reality then sets in.

The reality is a bunch of leftist hacks in the FBI and DOJ are doing everything they can to persecute D.J. Trump and his associates. These leftist hacks have no intention of bringing down any of their own. There are not 4K sealed indictments. Even if there were, there aren’t enough prosecutors available to prosecute those indictments.

Firefly points out that in the age of smart phones, and the internet that keeping secrets is very difficult. He is correct. If there were 4 thousand sealed indictments, that shit would have leaked a long time ago. That is over 1000 indictments per month since the grand jury was impaneled. Does that sound plausible to you? For one grand jury? Hell how many grand juries would it take to process that many indictments? How many investigators would it take? It would require a lot of all of the above. Which would be really hard to keep totally secret in this day and age. Yet you believe that such operational security is possible, but has been compromised by some anonymous guy on the inter webs.

Go believe whatever you want. Here's what I read, they normally issue roughly just over a thousand sealed indictments per YEAR. That's an average per year. It has already been leaked on several sources if you want to check this exact number, the Justice Department issued 4289 sealed indictments in just the three weeks from 10/30/2017 to 11/22/2017. Not sure what it's all about but it's happening.





12-07-17, 13:40
He said in addition, to look at how many elected officials, are now being forced to retire early, giving up their seat or not seeking re-election- that number is now around seventeen since they are being told to get out or we release the dogs essentially.

Just so we're clear, who is it that's threatening/blackmailing elected officials again?

12-07-17, 13:50
Following the news, it kind of makes you wonder why someone would give up the "Job for Life" a senator or a rep has.
Incumbents get reelected at a staggering rate, so why go?
I can believe that some folks have been given the secret "leave now or else".
I have no doubt that their are Obama holdovers clogging up the system at Justice and the FBI, but I can also believe this administration has some help inside also.

12-07-17, 14:20
Just so we're clear, who is it that's threatening/blackmailing elected officials again?


What was stated by the Anon was look at how many will step down or announce they aren't running for re-election.

73 members of congress stepping down or not running for re-election just as the Anon said would happen.

Pepe' Trump; "Plata' o' plomo'?"

Winning, bigly.



12-07-17, 14:23
Actually wasn't there some indication that Franken stole the election that put him in Congress originally?

Not only ballots found in a trunk but many Felons in prisons there voted also. He went from 3-400 down to winning by a little over 300 votes I believe it was.

12-07-17, 14:33
I missed the clip on Hannity, wife said Chuck and Nancy were sucking up to Trump big time. Something must be up, they despise Trump.

12-07-17, 14:40
I missed the clip on Hannity, wife said Chuck and Nancy were sucking up to Trump big time. Something must be up, they despise Trump.

They're afraid.

Like I said ol' Pepe Trump offered them; "Plata' o' plomo'?"

Maybe they're now realizing this purge didn't stop with Saudi's- it's just getting started here now.



12-07-17, 14:41

What was stated by the Anon was look at how many will step down or announce they aren't running for re-election.

73 members of congress stepping down or not running for re-election just as the Anon said would happen.

Pepe' Trump; "Plata' o' plomo'?"

Winning, bigly.



You can't seem to answer the question but I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) that the administration is threatening or forcing elected representatives to step aside/down so they can consolidate power?

And this is winning?

"A republic, if you can keep it." Indeed.

12-07-17, 14:47
Well maybe SNL will hire him back.

Unemployment office line will suit me just fine. Fudge him. :dance3:

12-07-17, 14:47
You can't seem to answer the question but I assume (correct me if I'm wrong) that the administration is threatening or forcing elected representatives to step aside/down so they can consolidate power?

And this is winning?

"A republic, if you can keep it." Indeed.

Nah, these politicians are crooked as hell and a cancer on our nation- good riddance. When you have a public servant trading our uranium deposits for private donations to her own slush fund charity- that's beyond corruption, that's treason. From what I understand a lot of stuff surfaced and the level of corruption goes through every level of government. They didn't double our national debt inside of eight years, they stole trillions funneled to their non profit organizations brokering influence. It's about cleaning house and restoring the Republic.

Of course it's not. 7n6 had a temporary break from reality... Please come back to us 7n6.

I am reality.


12-07-17, 14:55
So, what are the ramifications? Someone more worse or someone more better?

It's Minnesota. Governor Goofy will appoint someone likely just as bad...minus the groping thing. You can be sure that will be at the top of the list of vetting questions.


12-07-17, 15:00
Nah, these politicians are crooked as hell and a cancer on our nation- good riddance. When you have a public servant trading our uranium deposits for private donations to her own slush fund charity- that's beyond corruption, that's treason. From what I understand a lot of stuff surfaced and the level of corruption goes through every level of government. They didn't double our national debt inside of eight years, they stole trillions funneled to their non profit organizations or whatever brokering influence. It's about cleaning house and restoring the Republic.

So the plan is to restore the republic through authoritarian methods behind closed doors. Do you listen to the things you're saying, or is getting back at Hillary one of those "ends justify the means" type deals?

Coal Dragger
12-07-17, 15:06
They're afraid.

Like I said ol' Pepe Trump offered them; "Plata' o' plomo'?"

Maybe they're now realizing this purge didn't stop with Saudi's- it's just getting started here now.



You really enjoy your delusions don’t you?

Do you listen to a lot of late night AM radio?

12-07-17, 15:23
So the plan is to restore the republic through authoritarian methods behind closed doors. Do you listen to the things you're saying, or is getting back at Hillary one of those "ends justify the means" type deals?

This is a war to restore the Republic. Cutting out the cancer of corruption that is destroying the very fabric of our nation. In my estimation, the administration allowing many to step down rather than risk going to trial- shows an extreme amount of leniency. They are bringing justice back to the American people. I said it in another thread, this is the moment in a Samurai duel where one opponent has been gutted by the other and just doesn't know it yet- that's the liberals right now.


12-07-17, 15:38
This is a war to restore the Republic. Cutting out the cancer of corruption that is destroying the very fabric of our nation. In my estimation, the administration allowing many to step down rather than risk going to trial- shows an extreme amount of leniency. They are bringing justice back to the American people. I said it in another thread, this is the moment in a Samurai duel where one opponent has been gutted by the other and just doesn't know it yet- that's the liberals right now.


Surely the irony isn't lost on you that you propose to restore the republic by no longer functioning as a republic...

At any rate, none of this is happening and you really should take a loooong break from reading whatever whacked-out, paranoid trash you're reading on whatever social media platform you prefer before you get yourself in too much of a tizzy and end up like Ed Welch.

12-07-17, 15:48
Surely the irony isn't lost on you that you propose to restore the republic by no longer functioning as a republic...

At any rate, none of this is happening and you really should take a loooong break from reading whatever whacked-out, paranoid trash you're reading on whatever social media platform you prefer before you get yourself in too much of a tizzy and end up like Ed Welch.

Well except what I'm saying is actually happening.



12-07-17, 15:53
Well except what I'm saying is actually happening.



So what’s the deadline here? When can we remind you that this didn’t come true?

12-07-17, 15:54
Well except what I'm saying is actually happening.



Interesting that you only responded to that part of my post.

All enemies, foreign and domestic...

12-07-17, 15:55
This is a war to restore the Republic. Cutting out the cancer of corruption that is destroying the very fabric of our nation. In my estimation, the administration allowing many to step down rather than risk going to trial- shows an extreme amount of leniency. They are bringing justice back to the American people. I said it in another thread, this is the moment in a Samurai duel where one opponent has been gutted by the other and just doesn't know it yet- that's the liberals right now.


Back to what? It's a new republic the likes of which humanity has never seen and in flux since day one really and experiencing it's growing pains in fits and starts. I really can't think of a time where the republic fully lived up to it's core principles nor potential nor it's preamble to its own Constitution, probably the most important document ever produced by mankind. Likely the most important document that will ever be produced by mankind, but I don't look back but forward to us ever living up to it. There really is no "good old days" there's only times where some areas things were working well and in others, not so much. We must look forward and find the balance for which the greatest nation on earth can live up to it's own words, and more importantly, its intent. It has yet to do that at any time in its history.

12-07-17, 16:36
Back to what? It's a new republic the likes of which humanity has never seen and in flux since day one really and experiencing it's growing pains in fits and starts. I really can't think of a time where the republic fully lived up to it's core principles nor potential nor it's preamble to its own Constitution, probably the most important document ever produced by mankind. Likely the most important document that will ever be produced by mankind, but I don't look back but forward to us ever living up to it. There really is no "good old days" there's only times where some areas things were working well and in others, not so much. We must look forward and find the balance for which the greatest nation on earth can live up to it's own words, and more importantly, its intent. It has yet to do that at any time in its history.

The point is that those who serve our great nation, should do so for the betterment of the people they represent- not to enrich themselves. At least with so many now announcing they won't be running for re-election along with a lot of the probes uncovering political corruption- it's a start. I truly believe Trump's election pushed back the anti-American Leftist agenda by at least a decade or more. We may even get more Supreme Court nominees and a few more appointments on the lower courts- anything to keep us on the path to a remaining a Constitutional Republic. This administration has the corrupt officials terrified and I am grateful for that.


12-07-17, 16:41
I am reality.


I think this sums up 7n6's Delusions quite well.

12-07-17, 16:49
Back to what? It's a new republic the likes of which humanity has never seen and in flux since day one really and experiencing it's growing pains in fits and starts. I really can't think of a time where the republic fully lived up to it's core principles nor potential nor it's preamble to its own Constitution, probably the most important document ever produced by mankind. Likely the most important document that will ever be produced by mankind, but I don't look back but forward to us ever living up to it. There really is no "good old days" there's only times where some areas things were working well and in others, not so much. We must look forward and find the balance for which the greatest nation on earth can live up to it's own words, and more importantly, its intent. It has yet to do that at any time in its history.

And then there is that. We spelled out some lofty goals 200+ years ago and we aren't quite there yet. And we've been a lot further from those ideals in the past more than recently. The 1930s and 1960s being the low water mark of the 20th century.

12-07-17, 16:54
I think this sums up 7n6's Delusions quite well.

Here's some light reading as to why the SA purge took place- supposedly to cut the purse strings from the globalists.


12-07-17, 16:59
Well except what I'm saying is actually happening.



So what’s the deadline here? When can we remind you that this didn’t come true?

Not looking to make a call on this one?

12-07-17, 17:04
Not looking to make a call on this one?

Why would I make a call on something? I'm just presenting sources for additional information. The only thing I know is that Q Anon said sometime in the "dark week" coming up soon is when the indictments will start hitting- perhaps referencing the holiday break. Maybe explains the sudden flood announcing that they are not running for re-election. Plus he said Hillary tried to make a deal and they said no dice. Either way, a ton of stuff is happening especially since the SA purge and you can either choose to ignore it or realize this is huge.


Coal Dragger
12-07-17, 17:06
Do us all a favor, when none of this shit you are spewing comes to pass, delete your account and seek professional help.

Doc Safari
12-07-17, 17:22
Here's some light reading as to why the SA purge took place- supposedly to cut the purse strings from the globalists.


All righty then. Is Mueller's subpoena of Deutsche Bank's records just a ruse (and he's really subpoening the Deep State's records)?

I realize Trump vs. the Deep State is a real war, but your link's scenario is just too perfect. I DO believe Trump went to Saudi Arabia with information that caused the purge, though.

I really want all of this to be true, but it's almost as fantastic as the Victorio Peak treasure story.

12-07-17, 17:23
I have had some SEVERE disagreements with 7n6, but I wish you all would not totally poo poo what he is saying nor insult him by calling him crazy.

You can't totally disprove what he is asserting and the chan sites are scooping Faux News and CNN. That's just the brass tacks.

There are a lot of things afoot in Denmark as they say.

I personally am taking a wait and see approach.

A lot of stuff, we can admit, is not "business as usual". The Dems are definitely on defense for some reason. And there are always known unknowns at play.

One can be skeptical without being dismissive

12-07-17, 17:42
A lot of stuff, we can admit, is not "business as usual". The Dems are definitely on defense for some reason. And there are always known unknowns at play.

One can be skeptical without being dismissive

Independent of personalities, channels, theories, it really feels like something is up.

Maybe a Tipping Point, maybe not.

Another DOJ bombshell today linked (yet again) to the dossier/FISA warrant mess.

Are the Dems sacrificing franken (spit spit) to setup an assault on Trump? Or clearing the deck of old blood in anticipation of running a new crowd, ideally female, to declare the old party dead, etc.

Interesting times. I remember some "you're delusional" talk from some here in the past when then very idea that DJT could ever win was raised. And debates on mainstream vs non polls around the same time. (When mainstream were saying no chance for DJT victory)

I'm fully convinced the Republicans have the capability to screw up an opportunity. But I also (have to) believe that in the long run, cheats and corruption get caught, and hope we are seeing that play out.

12-07-17, 17:51
All righty then. Is Mueller's subpoena of Deutsche Bank's records just a ruse (and he's really subpoening the Deep State's records)?

I realize Trump vs. the Deep State is a real war, but your link's scenario is just too perfect. I DO believe Trump went to Saudi Arabia with information that caused the purge, though.

Well first, that link is 24 days old- a lots happened even since then. I think the Saudi purge was just that, a deal, round up Demo supporters and they get to continue supplying us oil. The next purge now begins here. Remember in the weeks after the SA purge, the hashtag #massarrests dropped- referencing the supposed 4289 sealed indictments. "Q Anon" saying the round up from those indictments will begin soon. Suddenly officials stating they aren't running for re-election. Mueller yanks Comey's immunity deal. Now Hillary trying to make a deal.


12-07-17, 17:57
I guess skipping right to page 4 of this thread to get the latest news on Franken's resignation was a mistake, because I don't have a clue what's going on in here now.

12-07-17, 18:05
The point is that those who serve our great nation, should do so for the betterment of the people they represent- not to enrich themselves. At least with so many now announcing they won't be running for re-election along with a lot of the probes uncovering political corruption- it's a start. I truly believe Trump's election pushed back the anti-American Leftist agenda by at least a decade or more. We may even get more Supreme Court nominees and a few more appointments on the lower courts- anything to keep us on the path to a remaining a Constitutional Republic. This administration has the corrupt officials terrified and I am grateful for that.


Well said sir! Trumps win has put a monkey wrench the size of Saturn into the works of the "progressives", but I think truth be told, it's gonna shake up the right too, at least politically speaking.

12-07-17, 18:16
He is not resigning, and he has no intention of resigning. He is hoping this blows over and is forgotten, or Roy Moore gets elected.

I think you're right. He is desperately praying that Roy gets in and distracts the fire from his own sorry ass.

Franken ain't going anywhere. Dems rarely resign. In fact, I'm quite shocked Conyers did.

12-07-17, 21:12
Locking due to weird shit in this thread. Seriously.

When Senator Smalley resigns and all the posters have their poop in a group, we'll reopen this.