View Full Version : American Assassin Review

12-08-17, 09:14
Based on the books by Vince Flynn (RIP), a series I read from book one until the authors death. Yes, to use a cliche, the book(s) was better. This movie has all the right ingredients to be a first class thriller that did the book justice, but those ingredients never fully come together to make a great movie. It's not a bad movie, but the casting for the main characters is weak, no character development to speak of, plot holes and or a few too many eye rolling moments for me, and you end up with something on par with the other series based on a popular books, the Bourne series. Not bad movies, just not great movies. Realistic violence that add to a movie is fine, but it seems the new trend is simply gratuitous violence to the point it just detracts from the movie. American Assassin is sort of Bourne meets Wick, and like them, predictable all the way with blood and brain parts, etc too often. If you wanna get your action movie on, American Assassin is fun to watch and visually striking, but you wont be thinking about it the next day. I will say the trailer is great and makes it seem like it will be a far better movie. B-


12-08-17, 09:25
I haven't read any of the books but I thought the movie was pretty cool.

12-08-17, 10:37
I haven't read any of the books but I thought the movie was pretty cool.

Anything in the B rating area is worth a watch in my view, but I didn't find it a stand out in the genre, and I don't think that would change if I had not read the books. Grabbing the blade of a knife in full swing as his "signature" move, which saves the day while he's getting his ass kicked on the boat, knives that seemed to be in a fight scene then disappear (where at least I didn't see how he'd disarmed them), that they (apparently) got their people ready by training in combat (virtual training scene was lame I thought...), and not a damn bit of spy craft, etc, etc. Chick blowing her own brains out for dramatic effect, that just really had no value to the movie, plot, etc. Seen far worse to be sure, but seen far better I thought.

12-08-17, 10:55
DVD from Netflix coming today so I will watch it this weekend.

Interesting thing about the books is that American Assassin, event wise, is the 1st book in the series but was actually written 10th in 2010. Flynn wrote the actual first book in 1999 but he later figured out the series would be better if there was background on how Rapp became an assassin in the first place:

12-08-17, 11:24
DVD from Netflix coming today so I will watch it this weekend.

Interesting thing about the books is that American Assassin, event wise, is the 1st book in the series but was actually written 10th in 2010. Flynn wrote the actual first book in 1999 but he later figured out the series would be better if there was background on how Rapp became an assassin in the first place:

Not an uncommon strategy really. Start with the fun stuff, fill in the details of who the dude is and why later once people give a damn. Sorta doing that with my own fiction series.

12-08-17, 16:55
was curious and going to look it up see if it was worth it:) now I do not have to and will watch it

your reviews are fun touch to the forum thanks !

12-08-17, 17:06
was curious and going to look it up see if it was worth it:) now I do not have to and will watch it
your reviews are fun touch to the forum thanks !

Thanx, glad you find them helpful. I find them easy and fun to do. I only post them here and on my FB page.

12-08-17, 18:46
Thanx, glad you find them helpful. I find them easy and fun to do. I only post them here and on my FB page.
And I appreciate them as well.

12-09-17, 20:11
Just finished watching it and agree with Will's review in post #1. OK, but not great.

12-09-17, 20:27
And I appreciate them as well.

Just finished watching it and agree with Will's review in post #1. OK, but not great.

Thanx bro!

12-09-17, 21:07
I'm glad this passed me by.

Just like Jason Bourne, The Recruit and countless, countless other movies where a troubled, but intelligent young man with non-threatening good looks gets taken in by the CIA and ends up being some badass.

I already saw it with Rambo where he was played by a middle aged man who looked like he juiced and lifted everyday and was given a backstory of having been in an SOG unit in one of the bloodiest conflicts of the 20th Century. I could suspend disbelief.

But some dude who looks like the guy from an H&M catalogue just puts me off.

They need to go back to finding dudes who look like they came outta tge game Contra for action movies and NOT Vin Diesel or The Rock. Both are played out.

I'm tired of 5'9" guys who look queer being in action movies killing up the same generic Russians.

So I shall patiently wait for Strike Back

12-09-17, 21:29
I'm glad this passed me by.

Just like Jason Bourne, The Recruit and countless, countless other movies where a troubled, but intelligent young man with non-threatening good looks gets taken in by the CIA and ends up being some badass.

I already saw it with Rambo where he was played by a middle aged man who looked like he juiced and lifted everyday and was given a backstory of having been in an SOG unit in one of the bloodiest conflicts of the 20th Century. I could suspend disbelief.

But some dude who looks like the guy from an H&M catalogue just puts me off.

They need to go back to finding dudes who look like they came outta tge game Contra for action movies and NOT Vin Diesel or The Rock. Both are played out.

I'm tired of 5'9" guys who look queer being in action movies killing up the same generic Russians.

So I shall patiently wait for Strike Back

Ain't that odd? Despite the past 16 years (and actually many before that) I don't recall a lot of Neo-Nazi or Russian terror attacks. Not that those entites are on my "best buds" list or anything but very strange how it's never an Islamofascist terror group depicted. Gee, I'm stumped......:rolleyes:

12-09-17, 21:37
Ain't that odd? Despite the past 16 years (and actually many before that) I don't recall a lot of Neo-Nazi or Russian terror attacks. Not that those entites are on my "best buds" list or anything but very strange how it's never an Islamofascist terror group depicted. Gee, I'm stumped......:rolleyes:

Curious indeed.

Actually it was a month or so ago I saw Delta Force 3 where the Delta Force (minus Chuck Noris) and the Spetsnaz teamed up to waste Iranian terries.

It was Israel-sploitation Canon films but they had real AKs and Galils and I still get a kick out of that one part where dude tosses his knife to the Delta Force guy and he stabs the dudes foot to the pressure pad for the bomb then the Russian Makarovs him in the head.

"Nice throw"

and the Soviet pornstache captain goes

"Nice catch" and gives a thumbs up.


Yep the 80s had the most fun movies.

Dist. Expert 26
12-09-17, 22:31
I'm glad this passed me by.

Just like Jason Bourne, The Recruit and countless, countless other movies where a troubled, but intelligent young man with non-threatening good looks gets taken in by the CIA and ends up being some badass.

I already saw it with Rambo where he was played by a middle aged man who looked like he juiced and lifted everyday and was given a backstory of having been in an SOG unit in one of the bloodiest conflicts of the 20th Century. I could suspend disbelief.

But some dude who looks like the guy from an H&M catalogue just puts me off.

They need to go back to finding dudes who look like they came outta tge game Contra for action movies and NOT Vin Diesel or The Rock. Both are played out.

I'm tired of 5'9" guys who look queer being in action movies killing up the same generic Russians.

So I shall patiently wait for Strike Back

The actor they chose for the role didn't fit the bill. Like, at all.

Mitch Rapp was supposed to be a super athlete, does triathlons for fun, very masculine dude. The kind of guy women lose their minds over. Granted, the character had no military background, but still. He's a badass killing machine. Not this kid that looks like he came out of a bad YouTube skateboarding video.

To be fair Jason Bourne was formerly CAG, but I see your point.

12-09-17, 22:32
Yep the 80s had the most fun movies.
Offtopic, the '90s had one truly EPIC film moment... Early June 1993. Opening weekend for Jurassic Park. T-rex gets served up lawyer on porcelain platter... and the whole bloody theater goes nuts cheering. :)

It was one of those things that you really had to be there Opening Weekend to appreciate, back when Summer Event Movies were still a thing and could have multi-month theater runs.

But yeah, nothing today compares to the stuff when we were kids or before back when writers had to write and actors had to act, no matter how much money and technology they throw at it.

12-09-17, 22:56
The actor they chose for the role didn't fit the bill. Like, at all.

Mitch Rapp was supposed to be a super athlete, does triathlons for fun, very masculine dude. The kind of guy women lose their minds over. Granted, the character had no military background, but still. He's a badass killing machine. Not this kid that looks like he came out of a bad YouTube skateboarding video.

To be fair Jason Bourne was formerly CAG, but I see your point.

Via the movies or the books?

Dist. Expert 26
12-09-17, 22:57
Via the movies or the books?

Via the movies.

12-09-17, 23:16
Offtopic, the '90s had one truly EPIC film moment... Early June 1993. Opening weekend for Jurassic Park. T-rex gets served up lawyer on porcelain platter... and the whole bloody theater goes nuts cheering. :)

It was one of those things that you really had to be there Opening Weekend to appreciate, back when Summer Event Movies were still a thing and could have multi-month theater runs.

But yeah, nothing today compares to the stuff when we were kids or before back when writers had to write and actors had to act, no matter how much money and technology they throw at it.

I remember that. EVERYBODY CHEERED!

Going to the movies was fun in the 90s. I remember when you could take your skateboard with you and a napsack and we'd smuggle big macs and cokes (when I still drank coca cola). Two people could see a film for 5 bucks.

Though I will argue there were more epic moments like

T2 Sarah Connor one handed racking the shotgun

JP2 where the Japanese dude is running from the T Rex. EVERYBODY was shouting "GODZILLA! GODZILLA!"

Seeing stuff blow up in ID4.

Men in Black with the red button.

I went to mostly black folks theatres in the day and it was always a fun crowd.

But now....uuuuuggghhhh. Almost 20 bucks for one ticket. 6 dollar drinks 15 dollar popcorn.

These days I just wait to stream unless it is something really interesting then I catch the matinee.

I almost wonder why people dont just make everything direct to video. After dumping 40 bucks to see a movie I dont feel like MST3King anything or even making out because consarnit that's 40 bucks.

In the day....It was 10 bucks WITH drinks for two people and if the movie wasnt that great you at least had a dark place for kissyface.

Like Vidya, I'll happily wait a year or two or three to play something for 19.99 as opposed to 60 bucks for something that sucks.

I'll leave it there but yeah...

get off my lawn

12-10-17, 00:06
I remember that. EVERYBODY CHEERED!
That was my thirteenth birthday... Best. EVER. Even better than Mom taking me to Reno for my 21st... :) (Booze, hookers and gambling? Not me. One drink, maybe $50 in video poker... no, where THIS uncool cat went crazy was the railroad-museum bookstores in Sacramento and Carson City.)

JP2 where the Japanese dude is running from the T Rex. EVERYBODY was shouting "GODZILLA! GODZILLA!"
Trivia, what he says translates as "I moved out of Tokyo to get AWAY from this!" Also, the Unlucky Bastard who gets The Big Chomp is none other than scriptwriter David Koepp.

get off my lawn
GRAY PRIDE: We're old, we're tired... :D

12-10-17, 07:00
But now....uuuuuggghhhh. Almost 20 bucks for one ticket. 6 dollar drinks 15 dollar popcorn.
I watch a lot of movies and I used to watch them in movie theaters. But I quit a long time ago when asshats started talking on their phones and doing other stupid stuff. I invested my movie theater money instead in a nice home theater and 5.1/DTS sound system and haven't been in a movie theater since 1996. I have upgraded my system several times and there is no way you will catch me in a movie theater ever again. I am not only $ ahead but enjoy it more.

12-10-17, 09:22
Ain't that odd? Despite the past 16 years (and actually many before that) I don't recall a lot of Neo-Nazi or Russian terror attacks. Not that those entites are on my "best buds" list or anything but very strange how it's never an Islamofascist terror group depicted. Gee, I'm stumped......:rolleyes:

This movie at least has Iranians as the bad guys, with a twist, which is a lame twist.

12-10-17, 09:22
Via the movies.

I don't recall that.

12-10-17, 09:29
I watch a lot of movies and I used to watch them in movie theaters. But I quit a long time ago when asshats started talking on their phones and doing other stupid stuff. I invested my movie theater money instead in a nice home theater and 5.1/DTS sound system and haven't been in a movie theater since 1996. I have upgraded my system several times and there is no way you will catch me in a movie theater ever again. I am not only $ ahead but enjoy it more.

I had a killer home system and didn't go to the theater but very rarely. My L/R mains were B&W 803Ds if that tells you anything...These days I actually watch movies on my lap top up close (the retina screen on the mac pro is very good) si it's approx theater size to my eyes and wear B&W headphones. The effect is a real movie experience without shaking the house and scaring the dog and annoying the GF, who is not a movie person sadly.

12-10-17, 09:31
Via the movies.

In the books he'd just been a spy I recall. Read the early books up to like the 4th in the series I think.

Dist. Expert 26
12-10-17, 09:37
I don't recall that.

Details man, details. It's not explicitly said, just in his personnel file when he joined Treadstone.


12-10-17, 15:49
In the books he'd just been a spy I recall. Read the early books up to like the 4th in the series I think.

I tried to keep up after Ultimatum, right up until Lustbader decided "writing these old characters is too much work, I'm just gonna kill off everybody including David Webb (the "host" to Bourne's "alter") and make shit up as I go." Yes, writing to fit a pre-existing canon and cast of characters is HARD WORK, but if you don't like it go create your own literary 'verse rather than pooping all over somebody else's Cocoa Puffs! (The Bourne Identity novel was actually used by one of my Psych profs in class when discussing amnesia.)