View Full Version : I Was Wrong: looking back at POTUS election

12-13-17, 10:07
Now that time has passed and emotions (slightly) cooled off, what were you wrong about in your predictions of this past election? Here's two things I was totally wrong on:

I predicted a record high vote for third party. Given the choices from Dem/GOP I suspect people would turn out in higher numbers to vote 3d if for no other reason to make their displeasure at those choices known. At no time did I think a third party candidate would win or had any chance at winning, but I thought higher numbers this election would show third party viability which would bide well for the next elections and do forth. That did not happen

Two, I thought there would be a record turn out of voters regardless, as it was as much a vote against HC or Trump as it for either of them. Yet, it seemed many simply stayed home.

It just confirms to me how stupid people are, and supports the expression “In a democracy, people get the leaders they deserve.” - Joseph de Maistre.

What did you predict that was totally off?

12-13-17, 10:40
When he actually won, which I did not think he would, I predicted that after 8 years of Obama, the GOP would rally behind Trump and really stick it to the democrats and pass a sh**-load of legislation since they controlled both houses. I did not realize the magnitude of republicans that would be indistinguishable from the democrats.

12-13-17, 10:48
I predicted that after 8 years of Obama, the GOP would rally behind Trump and really stick it to the democrats and pass a sh**-load of legislation since they controlled both houses. I did not realize the magnitude of republicans that would be indistinguishable from the democrats.

I think many (most?) in the GOP dislike Trump only slightly less than the Dems do, so passive aggressive obstructionism will be the strategy from the GOP rit large. That's not coming as any surprise to me personally. It's what I pretty much expected.

12-13-17, 10:49
I predicted a Hillary landslide (and geared up accordingly) because Trump was/is not a serious Candidate/President. I really didn't think that folks were ready to burn down/turn our backs on our institutions.

Doc Safari
12-13-17, 11:18
I thought Trump would win up until the Billy Bush recording, then I thought Hillary would win. Comey re-opening his investigation at the last minute and Hillary's fainting spells caused me to re-evaluate that. On election night I ended up thinking it would be closer than it was, but I was hopeful Trump would win all the areas Hillary was supposed to carry, like Wisconsin. I was right. Ultimately I let the size of Trump's rallies and the enthusiasm for him sway my thinking. I ended up cautiously optimistic Trump would win and I turned out to be right.

12-13-17, 11:43
I thought there were two very different political parties with different goals .
They are different sides of the same coin, nothing more.
They care only for themselves and the powers that own them.
Nowhere do's the populace enter into that equation.

12-13-17, 11:51
What did you predict that was totally off?

I never predicted anything so I would say I can still offer that Hillary winning would have been really bad. I never knew what Trump might do or how things would go. Only that something new -could- happen. with Hillary there would be no choice of anything new.

In fact, you know the Bitcoin thread? When you watch that Antonopolous guy.. He has a 2hr interview with some Brit. I just happened to be listening to part of it last night.... He was talking about Greece and it's decline, then he mentions Europe and how it's spreading then he says.... and I think we just had a bad election here..... Trump, but it would make no difference. Hillary / Trump same thing... everything is leading towards Totalitarianism.

So if I'm wrong about something I suppose it would be that I chose plan B in the hopes of positive change and opposed to plan Hillary which I was certain would be no change. The reality being, and something else this guy mentions is that Bitcoin is a social thing that the people control. that is what we need in our government. I never really expected Trump would cure the discord but I did feel he might be willing to try.... and honestly I'm still torn on that. I think the media forces Trump to divide as they know that is how he alerts his base. I think that technique is ineffective now.

It's a really tricky situation. If Trump tries to comply he will be hung by the Left. If he continues to bark back he will lose his base, which the Dems know, so every minute of every day they give him something to bark at.

Honestly I don't know. I just had next to no expectations. I guess if I was wrong about something it was that I believed the Dems would quiet down and give Trump a try, but they have done just the opposite. They are clearly trying to break him and his family. Emotionally and financially.

I guess I saw Trump as a stepping stone so I would be wrong in that. No way he will win 2020 at the current pace. Dems will win 2018 and 2020. NK will become a full out nuke power. the SCOTUS will get two Dem ultra Liberals and then it's pretty much no way back home. The bridge will be burned.

12-13-17, 11:55
I thought Trump would win and then burn the globalist establishment to the ground. Through this election he exposed the elitists, leftist media and globalist traitors on both sides of the isle. What I did not see was just how embedded the establishment apparatus truly were. For instance our intelligence agencies from what I can see are near wholly corrupted with perhaps a few patriots that have to keep quiet. I still feel the military overall are patriots which perhaps is our only saving grace. It's really becoming apparent that the Republic will fail at some point by design, to simply bankrupt the nation through dependency social programs and likely be reborn as an entirely socialist nation. Anyway, I'm thankful he won because at least for now I feel the country might stand a chance to last a little longer.

12-13-17, 12:01
I thought the election was going to be a toss up and it basically was. What I totally underestimated was the staying power of the media and the progressive's anger towards Trump and their continued full court press to make sure his presidency was going to be a wreck. They have been remarkably successful so far. It doesn't help that Republicans in congress also seem to have the same goal.

12-13-17, 12:01
I predicted a Hillary landslide (and geared up accordingly) because Trump was/is not a serious Candidate/President. I really didn't think that folks were ready to burn down/turn our backs on our institutions.

Me, too. I didn't think Trump had a snowball's chance in hell to win.

12-13-17, 12:02
We had a choice between Shit Sandwich and Shit Soup. I figured Shit Soup would win handily, but I as wrong.
Then, I hoped Shit Sandwich wouldn't turn out to be a shit show, but again...Wrong.

In a couple years, we'll have another round of Election Theater and try to choose which end of the turd is less chunky; all the while knowing that the two ends are the same turd, shit rolls downhill, and nothing will change for those of us with a net worth of less than $10 billion.

Whatever...Short of lighting torches and busting out the guillotine, can't really do much about any of this anyway, so I'm not sure I care anymore. My plan is to go about my business, try to not get shot by the police, and enjoy ride to the bottom.

12-13-17, 12:03
............, , I predicted that after 8 years of Obama, the GOP would rally behind Trump and really stick it to the democrats and pass a sh**-load of legislation since they controlled both houses. I did not realize the magnitude of republicans that would be indistinguishable from the democrats.
Count me in on this also. Really disapointed. Still better than Hillary.

12-13-17, 12:16
I have to first clarify that I engaged in a metric buttload of hyperbole and eye poking prior to the election. Internally, I believed it would all be sound and fury, signifying nothing.

I was not wrong. :(

12-13-17, 15:37
I thought Trump would win and then burn the globalist establishment to the ground. Through this election he exposed the elitists, leftist media and globalist traitors on both sides of the isle. What I did not see was just how embedded the establishment apparatus truly were. For instance our intelligence agencies from what I can see are near wholly corrupted with perhaps a few patriots that have to keep quiet. I still feel the military overall are patriots which perhaps is our only saving grace. It's really becoming apparent that the Republic will fail at some point by design, to simply bankrupt the nation through dependency social programs and likely be reborn as an entirely socialist nation. Anyway, I'm thankful he won because at least for now I feel the country might stand a chance to last a little longer.

I see some striking parallels between the United States for which you're advocating above and the United States that existed in the mid 1920s. Insular, protected, disengaged from the world stage, with a huge number of young vets carrying with them the horrors of the first mechanized war in world history. There was no government safety net, very little regulation of anything (well, Prohibition being their equivalent of our War on Drugs), and a particular form of capitalism ran the economy.

That United States ended in 1929, and the next ten years were hell for millions of Americans.

Yeah, lots of nuances to be sure, but you can't say we don't have some sense for how a freewheeling, hands-off, disengaged United States might end up...

12-13-17, 16:15
I was actually right.
But was prepared to be wrong

12-13-17, 17:17
I'll be honest.

I dislike and distrust Trump. I was one of #NeverTrump and fought tooth-and-nail to the bitter end in Cleveland, and somehow managed to keep my sanity and perspective while the rest of the movement went Full Metal Clinical Derangement (see the RedState Front Page for glaring examples) and morphed into what a wise man once referred to as "those who would rather see MacArthur lose a battle than America win the war."
I HATE the Rethuglican Establishment who do their damnedest to collude with the Dems and thwart anyone who dares defeat their Chosen Candidate in a primary.
I POSITIVELY F***ING HATE the Democratic Fascist Thugocrats.

That said, in terms of actual rubber-meets-road achievement, even if Trump is not an Ideological Conservative, he has so far not been the New York Leftist I feared, and he's put more points-on-the-board implementing conservative/small-government policy than both of his GOP predecessors combined.

Prediction: He will continue to "Dance With Those Who Brought Him" until the 2020 Election. If the worm is going to turn, the change-up will come when he no longer has any reason to fear the voters' reprisal. I don't know how I'm going to vote in '20. Might go Trump, will probably go 3rd Party again. (Don't blame me for that douchebag kapo Egg McMuffin, I voted for the stoner.)

Doc Safari
12-13-17, 17:29
That said, in terms of actual rubber-meets-road achievement, even if Trump is not an Ideological Conservative, he has so far not been the New York Leftist I feared, and he's put more points-on-the-board implementing conservative/small-government policy than both of his GOP predecessors combined.

Prediction: He will continue to "Dance With Those Who Brought Him" until the 2020 Election. If the worm is going to turn, the change-up will come when he no longer has any reason to fear the voters' reprisal. I don't know how I'm going to vote in '20. Might go Trump, will probably go 3rd Party again. (Don't blame me for that douchebag kapo Egg McMuffin, I voted for the stoner.)

I actually think Trump is the embodiment of "if you're not liberal when you're young you have no heart/if you're not conservative when you're old you have no head."

I think Trump has changed his mind on a lot of "New York liberal" ideas he used to have--either because of his kids or just his getting older.

12-13-17, 17:49
Now that time has passed and emotions (slightly) cooled off, what were you wrong about in your predictions of this past election? Here's two things I was totally wrong on:

I predicted a record high vote for third party. Given the choices from Dem/GOP I suspect people would turn out in higher numbers to vote 3d if for no other reason to make their displeasure at those choices known. At no time did I think a third party candidate would win or had any chance at winning, but I thought higher numbers this election would show third party viability which would bide well for the next elections and do forth. That did not happen

Two, I thought there would be a record turn out of voters regardless, as it was as much a vote against HC or Trump as it for either of them. Yet, it seemed many simply stayed home.

It just confirms to me how stupid people are, and supports the expression “In a democracy, people get the leaders they deserve.” - Joseph de Maistre.

What did you predict that was totally off?

Trump was the third party except he ran as a Republican, and won. Which is why I think the RINOs would have rather seen Hillary win than Trump.

12-13-17, 19:15
I figured this election would make the threads in General Discussion even more angry, more bitter, and the personal attacks much more frequent.

Nailed it.

12-13-17, 19:20
Trump was the third party except he ran as a Republican, and won. Which is why I think the RINOs would have rather seen Hillary win than Trump.

Oh, the deals that they could have made....

I never thought that Trump could win. Everytime I ran the calculator you'd have to run the table- and I thought if he did get close, that guy in Utah would screw it up.

I thought the Russia thing would have been further along than it is, I realize the congressional stuff will go forever. I thought the economy would not be as good as it is because people would be afraid of what might happen.

The US is headed in an awesome direction that people have no appreciation for because Trump can't keep his mouth out of the news. Now the tipping point is the tax deal. IF he doesn't get that the stock rally ends and has aftershocks and there isn't any more legislative agenda really after this till next years election and then he gets hobbled in 2018. If he gets the Tax plan and the Russia deal peters out like it looks then he is the master of his own fate- like Lenny with a rabbit.

12-13-17, 21:07
I anticipated a close election with a Hillary win. However, I was more than happy to vote for an outsider like Trump. In some ways I have always hoped for another Reagan. I worked his 1976 campaign and as a 16 year old had dinner with him in a private home 27 May 1976.

Trump is no Reagan, but they are totally different people. Reagan had a certain way of saying the right thing at the right time. He was a booster and cheerleader for America who could melt the political competition into ineffectiveness. On the other hand Trump is a street brawler, uncouth and unpolished; kind of the anti-politician who is just too much of an outsider to even function in the political establishment of D.C., or ever be accepted.

That's fine. D.C. is like a house filled with vampires and Trump is shooting holes in the walls to let the sunlight in (ala From Dusk till Dawn). We're going to have three more years of pure hell and chaos as the merchants of darkness and evil (Main Stream Media and the Swamp) fight everything Trump does. This could pull America apart and we could be in uncharted waters come the next Presidential election. I am not optimistic.

12-13-17, 21:29
I anticipated a close election with a Hillary win. However, I was more than happy to vote for an outsider like Trump. In some ways I have always hoped for another Reagan. I worked his 1976 campaign and as a 16 year old had dinner with him in a private home 27 May 1976.


My God, I've been a huge fan of your's cowboy for awhile, but that just takes it to the next level. Did you have jelly beans for dessert?

12-13-17, 21:33
...... I worked his 1976 campaign and as a 16 year old had dinner with him in a private home 27 May 1976.


This website really needs a like button.

12-13-17, 21:44
I figured this election would make the threads in General Discussion even more angry, more bitter, and the personal attacks much more frequent.

Nailed it.

It is like you had a Crystal ball. Nobody else would have ever imagined that. LOL :jester:

12-13-17, 21:44
This website really needs a like button.

The only other forum I am on has a reaction option for posts. It is extremely useful.

12-13-17, 21:49
I love OH58D's stories.

Reagan promised us satellites and lasers.

If Trump can resurrect the space program, oh man. We'd be back in business.

I was promised space war now! Mech suits and lasers. Its 2017 (soon to be 18).

Defund welfare, give Swedish, Swiss, and German scientists all the immigrarion points. Lets get this party started. Earth is lame and full of people.

12-13-17, 21:54
The only other forum I am on has a reaction option for posts. It is extremely useful.

I am on 2 other firearm related forums and both have like buttons.

12-13-17, 21:55
Defund welfare, give Swedish, Swiss, and German scientists all the immigrarion points. Lets get this party started. Earth is lame and full of people.

Love it! Woulda hit the like button if there had been one.

12-13-17, 21:57
The Like button has been suggested to the Jedi Council. It's under consideration.

But I'll probably get a purple lightsaber before that happens. So don't start holding your breath just yet.

12-13-17, 22:12
My mother was Reagan's campaign co-chair for New Mexico in 1976. Ronald Reagan was coming for a rally and fundraising dinner. The Young Republicans gave me a job of stapling 300+ signs to wooden sticks. The blue signs said: "This is Reagan Country". For that job I got the formal invitation card to the big rancher's house where the dinner was held. I dressed up in my finest big city 1970's clothing and it was a Lime Green Polyester Leisure suit. I felt out of place with all the adults there since I seemed to be the youngest one in the place, however I got to sit next to former Governor Reagan at the table on his right side. What I remember the most is how black his hair was. I was trying to figure out if it was dyed or not. I also remember the Secret Service and the helicopter circling the location.

After Reagan's loss to Ford for the nomination and in the latter part of the 1976 election season, I was visiting some cousins in San Diego, California. I was kind of a political radical at the time (still age 16) and I spent some money at a print shop on University Ave to have bumper stickers printed up. They were white with black letters. I went to downtown San Diego to some of the nicer hotels, including the U.S. Grant Hotel on Broadway, went into a couple of the Men's restrooms and placed my stickers on the stainless steel toilet seat cover dispensers. My stickers said: "Free Carter Campaign Hats"

12-13-17, 22:16
I dressed up in my finest big city 1970's clothing and it was a Lime Green Polyester Leisure suit.

So you were the one that bought the one that sold. LOL!

12-13-17, 22:26
I predicted a Hillary landslide (and geared up accordingly) because Trump was/is not a serious Candidate/President. I really didn't think that folks were ready to burn down/turn our backs on our institutions.


I was with Trump since he announced and thought he would win.

I didn’t realize how truly F’d up the Government and Republican Party was / is at all levels.

If Trump does nothing more than Gorsuch I am happy. However, he is in a path to do much more and he has shown how corrupt the media and government truly are.....something I didn’t expect.

12-14-17, 00:36
I felt out of place with all the adults there since I seemed to be the youngest one in the place, however I got to sit next to former Governor Reagan at the table on his right side.

You code name is JESUS since you got to sit at the right hand of God.

A like button might cut down on the chatter here.

12-14-17, 03:32
In all honesty, when Donald J Trump, the billionaire from New York, went to twitter and said "Stay tuned next week, I have a major announcement, Lets make America Great Again" on June 12, 2016, a full 4 days before he rode down a gold plated escalator in Trump Tower with his wife, Melania and talked about how the US leaders were losers and illegals were rapist. I knew, 100% for a fact, that HE would become our next president.

I supported him all the way to the time of writing this statement. I did however, donate money to Dr. Ben Carson and I was #42 on the list of donors. I did this because I felt that Dr. Carson had a message and as a Christian, I felt compelled to contribute to his campaign. I am glad that President Trump saw something in Dr. Carson and appointed him Secretary of HUD.

Donald J Trump would speak to 5000 people with his $100 million dollar Boeing 757 as a back drop and people loved it. He never changed his look, his attitude, his character. He wore a $8,000 Brioni suit and put on a $10 dollar hat that said, "make America great again" and people including me felt that we had more in common with him that we did with any politician. For God Sakes, he flew his Sikorsky helicopter into a state fair, got out, eating a corn dog and was letting children crawl all up in his helicopter and play around in it. And people saw that as humble and down to earth. He was always original,

Doc Safari
12-14-17, 09:06
I figured this election would make the threads in General Discussion even more angry, more bitter, and the personal attacks much more frequent.

Nailed it.

I never wanted kids because I didn't want to babysit kids. Then I went into the business world and found out I had to babysit my co-workers just like kids. This is how I knew I was damned to wander the earth seeking rest. Life at the ranch was the only thing that saved me.

12-14-17, 09:19
I assumed a HRH win by +5 and prepared accordingly, but I too thought there would be record turnout, which would keep it relatively close. I remember actually getting excited about the possibilities of an "outsider" winning the WH on election night...I stopped apologizing for him around May. Guy's a demagogue, plain and simple.

12-14-17, 12:32
I really thought Trump would completely undermine the RINO elements of the GOP, instead we got the reverse. I probably should have known.

Outlander Systems
12-14-17, 13:21

The Like button has been suggested to the Jedi Council. It's under consideration.

But I'll probably get a purple lightsaber before that happens. So don't start holding your breath just yet.

12-14-17, 13:28

If any post ever deserved a like button it is this one.

Doc Safari
12-14-17, 13:32


12-14-17, 15:14
Just saying...


Doc Safari
12-14-17, 15:15
Just saying...


NO NO NO! That's just a ploy by the light saber grabbers to disarm Jedis.

12-14-17, 15:31
NO NO NO! That's just a ploy by the light saber grabbers to disarm Jedis.

My personal experience with nunchuks and butterfly knives would tend to support the graphic I posted, but then I was never all that coordinated to begin with! :fie:

12-14-17, 19:33
I do own one of these.


It's got the initials "BMF" on it. That's how they know it's mine.

Serious on the lightsaber. Not serious on the initials.

12-14-17, 19:46


12-14-17, 19:49
I want a lightsaber bayonet.


26 Inf
12-14-17, 19:51
Who would have thought that a thread reflecting on the last Presidential election would have devolved into a discussion of light sabers?

Et tu, Serious Student? :D

Outlander Systems
12-14-17, 19:54
Please post more pics.




26 Inf
12-14-17, 19:56
I never wanted kids because I didn't want to babysit kids. Then I went into the business world and found out I had to babysit my co-workers just like kids. This is how I knew I was damned to wander the earth seeking rest. Life at the ranch was the only thing that saved me.

Of course, you know you are part of the problem, don't you? When the conservatives don't breed and sire young conservatives, the immigrants take over. I don't want to play the blame game, but, it's all your fault. :jester:

12-14-17, 20:04
Who would have thought that a thread reflecting on the last Presidential election would have devolved into a discussion of light sabers?

Et tu, Serious Student? :D

I like stuff that works.

Belt-fed machine guns, C4, lightsabers, stuff like that.

It does help quiet down an unruly staff meeting as well. I only had to fire that sucker up one time, and order returned with a quickness.

12-14-17, 20:23
I miss my green Lightsaber I had as a kid.

The most hardcore of Lightsabers. Like if they had Lightsabers in The 'Nam, MACV-SOG would have used Green.

Because seeing red and blue lightsaber battles either causes epilepsy or makes black guys go "Dammit, now what?! I'm just sitting here.

(Its a jooooke....)

12-14-17, 20:50
Please post more pics.


Very well. Different tools for different tasks:


12-14-17, 21:15
I miss my green Lightsaber I had as a kid.

The most hardcore of Lightsabers. Like if they had Lightsabers in The 'Nam, MACV-SOG would have used Green.

Because seeing red and blue lightsaber battles either causes epilepsy or makes black guys go "Dammit, now what?! I'm just sitting here.

(Its a jooooke....)

Really digging your NWH avatar. I'd have gone with Ginger personally, but still dig it. Btw, did you know that Jack Baker was in a couple episodes of "Happy Days?"

12-14-17, 21:18
Who would have thought that a thread reflecting on the last Presidential election would have devolved into a discussion of light sabers?

Et tu, Serious Student? :D

Discussion of reality tv show President < Lightsaber w/ 9.5 nerd factor.

12-14-17, 21:24
Really digging your NWH avatar. I'd have gone with Ginger personally, but still dig it. Btw, did you know that Jack Baker was in a couple episodes of "Happy Days?"

I actually did but I identified more with Jamie Gillis role.

I liked my black SR-25 chick but she was too small and looked and fuzzy

26 Inf
12-14-17, 21:28
I like stuff that works.

Belt-fed machine guns, C4, lightsabers, stuff like that.

It does help quiet down an unruly staff meeting as well. I only had to fire that sucker up one time, and order returned with a quickness.

I glanced at the site, does it make the 'bzzzzzap' noise?

12-14-17, 21:34
I glanced at the site, does it make the 'bzzzzzap' noise?

Mine does. It's one of the old ones that Jeff custom built for me years ago. You could go to his shop and essentially pick out exactly what you wanted, and he'd make it for you.

Wasn't cheap, but elegant weapons for a more civilized age cost money.

12-14-17, 23:45
I actually did but I identified more with Jamie Gillis role.

I liked my black SR-25 chick but she was too small and looked and fuzzy

If I ever change mine, I'm definitely going with Ginger.


Doc Safari
12-15-17, 08:57
Of course, you know you are part of the problem, don't you? When the conservatives don't breed and sire young conservatives, the immigrants take over. I don't want to play the blame game, but, it's all your fault. :jester:

I wish I had been born rich instead of incredibly handsome.

Doc Safari
12-15-17, 08:57
If I ever change mine, I'm definitely going with Ginger.


Ginger Lynn Allen?