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Doc Safari
12-15-17, 10:20
For some reason, over the years I've sort of adopted a quest to become a deliberate lightweight with regard to adult beverages. I used to savor the slightly stronger beers like Sam Adams, Warsteiner, 1554, and the like.

One day I had an epiphany and decided I'd rather spend more time outdoors, and if I do have some beers, I'd rather lean toward the lighter side so I can keep drinking longer and not get drunk quickly.

To wit, I now actually drink Michelob Ultra, which I used to make fun of as a glorified soda pop. Now I kind of like the fact that you can't get more than a light buzz even after drinking several of them.

Other beers I'm warming up to because they're a little less: Tecate, Miller Lite.

Would love to know of other beers in the "not too strong/not too weak" category.

What are you drinking today?

12-15-17, 10:30
I switched to Yuengling Traditional Lager a couple months back because it's inexpensive in the 24 pack cans and actually is quite a good amber ale. Has a nice color and good finish. I just pour it into frosty mugs. I got tired of buying over priced craft beer six packs but didn't want to go to the cheap blonde ales like Bud or whatever.

This is what the 24 pack looks like and it's usually priced around $18.


12-15-17, 10:31
Your very soul is on the verge of...
Not damnation,
But a slow fade into nothingness that will simply cease to be.

Others, please,
Save this man.

12-15-17, 10:33
On the rare occasion I get a desire for alcohol, Guinness in the winter, Leinenkugels grapefruit shandy in the summer.

12-15-17, 10:55
I switched to Yuengling Traditional Lager a couple months back because it's inexpensive in the 24 pack cans and actually is quite a good amber ale. Has a nice color and good finish. I just pour it into frosty mugs. I got tired of buying over priced craft beer six packs but didn't want to go to the cheap blonde ales like Bud or whatever.

This is what the 24 pack looks like and it's usually priced around $18.


I too am a fan of Yuengling and have been drinking it for some time, it from the oldest still operating brewery in country, which is cool, and the family from ym understand is pro gun. At least I know of a few who have run into them purchasing firearms in the past, I believe one of the owners was looking for a trap or sporting clays shotgun at an auction a while back that friends had been at. They had very good things to say about the man. I will say that I do prefer my beer in bottles, I have my reasons for that, but they may be outside the scope of this discussion.

That said, Yuengling is about as light of a beer as I buy. and it is a bit stronger than Miller or others. Baring Yuenginling I like my Shiner Bock, which is a darker beer, though perhaps lower ABV, I;m not sure at the moment. After that I like my Yards ales, their ales of the revolution are tasty, though two of the three have like an 8% content.

For light beer, I actually like PBR. So I am a heathen there to some.

That said, I learned a long time ago that I will drink what I like and simply pace myself. I'd rather nurse a tasty brew than suck down three that are less so.

Doc Safari
12-15-17, 11:02
PBR is good. We can't even get Yuengling around here.

12-15-17, 11:03
This time of year I imbibe many barrel aged beers. Sours, Belgians, Barley wines, Imperial Russian stouts, etc.

Here's what I brewed and have on tap currently:

Bourbon Barrel Aged Belgian dark strong ale (16.6% alc)
Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged Imperial Russian Stout aged with Cherries and figs (17% alc)
Belgian Trippel (10%)
Session IPA with tons of Mosaic, Ekuanot, Mandarina Bavaria and Galaxy hops. (4.5% alc)
New England style Double IPA (8% Alc)
American style barley wine (12.7% alc)
Absynthe barrel aged saison aged on Cabernet grapes (7% alc)
Apple wine (13.4% alc)

I've also got some guest taps:
Comrade Brewing super power IPA
Breckinridge Brewing Whiskey barrel aged 471 Double IPA
Odell's Isolation Ale
Stone Brewing Tangerine Express IPA

Edited to add:
Fizzy yellow piss beers are for pussy's and liberals! :jester:

12-15-17, 11:15
This time of year I imbibe many barrel aged beers. Sours, Belgians, Barley wines, Imperial Russian stouts, etc.

Here's what I brewed and have on tap currently:

Bourbon Barrel Aged Belgian dark strong ale (16.6% alc)
Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged Imperial Russian Stout aged with Cherries and figs (17% alc)
Belgian Trippel (10%)
Session IPA with tons of Mosaic, Ekuanot, Mandarina Bavaria and Galaxy hops. (4.5% alc)
New England style Double IPA (8% Alc)
American style barley wine (12.7% alc)
Absynthe barrel aged saison aged on Cabernet grapes (7% alc)
Apple wine (13.4% alc)

I've also got some guest taps:
Comrade Brewing super power IPA
Breckinridge Brewing Whiskey barrel aged 471 Double IPA
Odell's Isolation Ale
Stone Brewing Tangerine Express IPA

Edited to add:
Fizzy yellow piss beers are for pussy's and liberals! :jester:

Do you have a beard and wear skinny jeans?

12-15-17, 11:24
Do you have a beard and wear skinny jeans?

Beard yes, skinny jean-FVCK no!

26 Inf
12-15-17, 11:43
I guess I'm a pussy and a liberal! I guess I'd rather be that than a leg. :jester:

Seriously, it sounds as if you really have a handle on and enjoy crafting different beers.

I enjoy a beer now and again for taste, primarily in the summer, and I'm just as happy with an ice cold grocery store Corona (3.2%) as I am a liquor store one. I like bottled MGDL but you can't find it every place, Corona you can find just about anyplace.

I just don't like the more robust beers and stick with pales.

Years ago, a ski buddy and I got in the habit of carrying a bota of Crown and taking a squirt before starting down. He passed from cancer several years ago, and about once a month I toast him with a shot of Crown from the freezer.

Other than that I pretty much stick to tea, diet pepsi and crystal geyser.

12-15-17, 11:45
I switched to Yuengling Traditional Lager a couple months back because it's inexpensive in the 24 pack cans and actually is quite a good amber ale. Has a nice color and good finish. I just pour it into frosty mugs. I got tired of buying over priced craft beer six packs but didn't want to go to the cheap blonde ales like Bud or whatever.

This is what the 24 pack looks like and it's usually priced around $18.


Yuengling lager here too. That and Rhinegeist Truth or Cougar. Sometimes Stella. Usually just one with a meal. I can't binge like I could in my 20s, one is enough.


12-15-17, 12:30
Yuengling lager here too. That and Rhinegeist Truth or Cougar. Sometimes Stella. Usually just one with a meal. I can't binge like I could in my 20s, one is enough.


I can still pound some beers once in a great while but not like I used to in my twenties without feeling like garbage the next day. However I've been down to the Rhinegeist Brewery a few times, it's a neat place and my favorite is their Panther Porter. In deep winter though, I do like a good Stout; Great Lakes Blackout Stout or Northcoast Old Rasputin Imperial Stout. Rest of the year Yuengling Lager or Shiner Bock once in a while.


12-15-17, 12:32
I guess I'm a pussy and a liberal! I guess I'd rather be that than a leg. :jester:

Seriously, it sounds as if you really have a handle on and enjoy crafting different beers.

I enjoy a beer now and again for taste, primarily in the summer, and I'm just as happy with an ice cold grocery store Corona (3.2%) as I am a liquor store one. I like bottled MGDL but you can't find it every place, Corona you can find just about anyplace.

I just don't like the more robust beers and stick with pales.

Years ago, a ski buddy and I got in the habit of carrying a bota of Crown and taking a squirt before starting down. He passed from cancer several years ago, and about once a month I toast him with a shot of Crown from the freezer.

Other than that I pretty much stick to tea, diet pepsi and crystal geyser.

You know, at much as I don't care for it normally, at the height of summer, an ice cold Corona or three taste pretty damn good.

And I do like my Crown as well. Which is really why there isn't any left at the house at moment. Need to restock that supply.

26 Inf
12-15-17, 12:40
And I do like my Crown as well. Which is really why there isn't any left at the house at moment. Need to restock that supply.

LOL little jaunt off topic here: why is it that my sewer line only gets clogged by roots in the late fall/early winter? Waiting for roto rooter. Needed to do some toilet business so went to the local quick shop.

This is where great minds think a like. After exiting their refreshingly clean bathroom, with this thread in mind, I wondered over to the liquor store across the street to get some Crown Royal Salted Caramel (I know, I know, but I liked it). No can do, not available, it was a limited run. Oh well, settled for the original.

12-15-17, 12:47
LOL little jaunt off topic here: why is it that my sewer line only gets clogged by roots in the late fall/early winter? Waiting for roto rooter. Needed to do some toilet business so went to the local quick shop.

This is where great minds think a like. After exiting their refreshingly clean bathroom, with this thread in mind, I wondered over to the liquor store across the street to get some Crown Royal Salted Caramel (I know, I know, but I liked it). No can do, not available, it was a limited run. Oh well, settled for the original.

I didn't try that one, did pick up a both of the I think it was Canadian Rye that was on clearance up here. There was a reason it was on clearance I tell you, the original is much smoother. Especially over ice.

And now I am thirsty. Damn you OP!!!! Lol.

12-15-17, 12:59
Fruit belongs in wine. [emoji6]

A family member knows I like Crown and bought me Crown Apple last year as a gift. I laughed out loud but it's actually decent sipping whiskey.

I've tried several IPAs but never acquired the taste. Good People Brewing Pale Ale is about the best craft beer I've had. Fat Tire isn't a bad ale.

All the same I'd rather have Yuengling.

Followed by Miller as my last choice.

12-15-17, 13:58

Never again.

12-15-17, 14:14
I'm slowly turning into a non-drinker. Which makes me a cheap date when I do decided to imbibe.

My company trucks the beer from our local brewery to it's distributor 100 miles away. When we started I could get all the free beer I wanted (dented cans), but I gained 20 lbs in two months and that had to stop. They make a nice light colored beer called Agave Gold that is really easy to drink...just your average ale with a touch of sweetness from blue agave. I keep a six pack around at all times and it usually lasts me a month.

Doc Safari
12-15-17, 14:20
... I could get all the free beer I wanted (dented cans), but I gained 20 lbs in two months and that had to stop.

This website is your friend:


12-15-17, 15:23

12-15-17, 16:50
Bourbon Barrel Aged Belgian dark strong ale (16.6% alc)
Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged Imperial Russian Stout aged with Cherries and figs (17% alc)
Belgian Trippel (10%)

I had a drink new years day and haven't had another since for no particular reason but that is making my mouth water. That Russian sounds like what I would pick off a menu as a must have.

How do you keep that stuff fresh? I know you brew it, but how can you brew so much and keep it fresh?

12-15-17, 16:51

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12-15-17, 17:19
never really liked beer :)

had one a few years ago at a friends forgot what it was he said it was good ? not bad I guess and I can see how some would ike the various flavors etc..

used to drink more beer when I was diving as coming in off the boat hot tired was nice to go sit in the hot tub and have a couple and cool the core as I say :) and just relax the day end but never cared what it was
for me was a good drink not sweet yuck and some taste vs plain water and kinda had a small fill your stomach effect so felt I was not famished for food after having two

I also very rarely drink alchohol like maybe 4 drinks a year often at dinner with friends or some occasion if its served ?
I do like good aged tawny ports like 20 year types
bumbo (rum lime cane juice spices common when I was in the Caribean)
margarita reckon cause of the lime flavor but maybe one every few years if we go out to dinner on the rocks :)

sodas ? yeah maybe again a Bday party fun to have gingerale or rootbeer if its good

I did love ginger beer in the islands but getting the real stuff here is near impossible but that was good stuff if done correct

the older I get the less I care to drink ?

I like some teas like pu'er and such
also coffee that is good
both above coffee tea maybe one a day

other than that water and water and with dinner water
even our kids we drink water with most meals and one meal they have a small glass of juice or milk but mostly water ?

12-15-17, 17:36
Well since you asked, I'm drinking water today. And some iced tea with lunch.

When I drink beer, I prefer the Mexican beers. Any of them. I think these fit the definition of what you are looking for. Tecate, XX, Corona, Sol, Modelo, Pacifico, etc… I like them all.

I took a brewery tour in Mexico years ago and apparently, it was the Germans who taught the Mexicans how to make beer, yet I don't care for any of the German beers.

I drink beer for enjoyment. If getting drunk is the goal, I much prefer Tequila, Whiskey, or home made moonshine.

12-15-17, 17:43
Water. Nothing but water.

12-15-17, 18:01
Bourbon would be my #1 except in my dotage even a couple stiff ones make me suffer the next day. Kinda lost interest in beer. An occaisional Guiness just for the memories. Tonight it's my favorite red - D'Autrefois Pinot Noir. Under $10 on sale. Drink it slow and it is kind in the morning.

12-15-17, 18:16
For some reason, over the years I've sort of adopted a quest to become a deliberate lightweight with regard to adult beverages. I used to savor the slightly stronger beers like Sam Adams, Warsteiner, 1554, and the like.

One day I had an epiphany and decided I'd rather spend more time outdoors, and if I do have some beers, I'd rather lean toward the lighter side so I can keep drinking longer and not get drunk quickly.

To wit, I now actually drink Michelob Ultra, which I used to make fun of as a glorified soda pop. Now I kind of like the fact that you can't get more than a light buzz even after drinking several of them.

Other beers I'm warming up to because they're a little less: Tecate, Miller Lite.

Would love to know of other beers in the "not too strong/not too weak" category.


I’m with you OP. While I do like a pint of Guinness every now and again, my preferred brew these days is Lonestar Light. I also like Shiner Light Blonde.

If you want a beer that’s one step above fizzy water and makes you piss all night long and stay pretty straight, try Natural Light.

Another way to spend a long night drinking with the fellas by a fire or at a poker table is the “1B-1W” rule. Every time you finish a beer, you switch to a 12 oz glass of water. When the water is downed, you can pop another top. If you stick with this plan, you can drink most any beer you want, and rarely wake up with a hangover, which is largely caused by dehydration and toxins, which you are continually flushing via the h2o...

All cheap beers mentioned above should be drank ice cold for best results.

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12-15-17, 18:40
The older I get the more I want to drink. But not the type of drink you do when you're 22! I look out for new and unusual scotch and whiskies. Good tequilas! Good beers.

Winter time ..... coming home from work a glass with dinner goes great! Stressful day at work and you want to relax? A glass with dinner goes great! Hot summer day? A Belgian ale hits the spot!

I don't drink every day but between 0-3 times a week, after work a glass of good aged liquor

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12-15-17, 18:48
I’m with you OP. While I do like a pint of Guinness every now and again, my preferred brew these days is Lonestar Light. I also like Shiner Light Blonde.

If you want a beer that’s one step above fizzy water and makes you piss all night long and stay pretty straight, try Natural Light.

Another way to spend a long night drinking with the fellas by a fire or at a poker table is the “1B-1W” rule. Every time you finish a beer, you switch to a 12 oz glass of water. When the water is downed, you can pop another top. If you stick with this plan, you can drink most any beer you want, and rarely wake up with a hangover, which is largely caused by dehydration and toxins, which you are continually flushing via the h2o...

All cheap beers mentioned above should be drank ice cold for best results.

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I do the water rule as well if it's going to be a long party and I want to see how it ends... one water per drink..whether it's whiskey or beer.. keeps me going all night long and still functional the next day.

12-15-17, 18:51
The older I get the more I want to drink. But not the type of drink you do when you're 22! I look out for new and unusual scotch and whiskies. Good tequilas! Good beers.

Winter time ..... coming home from work a glass with dinner goes great! Stressful day at work and you want to relax? A glass with dinner goes great! Hot summer day? A Belgian ale hits the spot!

I don't drink every day but between 0-3 times a week, after work a glass of good aged liquor

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I resemble this remark.
I will go a week and grab a brew or a glass of whiskey or bourbon, or rum 3 or four times. Then I will go weeks drinking maybe once a week if at all. But, when I do, I generally want to drink something I enjoy. I don't drink for the purpose of getting ****ed up, I drink because I legit enjoy the taste. I had a Japanese, yes, Japanese, Whiskey that was more of a scotch on sunday, was quite good for a 12 year old whiskey. I am drinking a mixed drink now, but that is because I happen to like my Jack mixed. I may have some rum straight afterwards, I like the Barcardi Oakheart in that case, I like the flavors in it. In my beer I like what I like, and since I'm not drinking a case a night, $30-40 a case doesn't bother me. That said, for just cheap I like my Yuengling, but again I like the taste. As long as it the Pottsville brewery, the one out of Florida I don't care for.

12-15-17, 19:01
I resemble this remark.
I will go a week and grab a brew or a glass of whiskey or bourbon, or rum 3 or four times. Then I will go weeks drinking maybe once a week if at all. But, when I do, I generally want to drink something I enjoy. I don't drink for the purpose of getting ****ed up, I drink because I legit enjoy the taste. I had a Japanese, yes, Japanese, Whiskey that was more of a scotch on sunday, was quite good for a 12 year old whiskey. I am drinking a mixed drink now, but that is because I happen to like my Jack mixed. I may have some rum straight afterwards, I like the Barcardi Oakheart in that case, I like the flavors in it. In my beer I like what I like, and since I'm not drinking a case a night, $30-40 a case doesn't bother me. That said, for just cheap I like my Yuengling, but again I like the taste. As long as it the Pottsville brewery, the one out of Florida I don't care for.

Japanese make very good whiskey. I'm sorry I didn't stock up 10 years ago when Yamazaki was $40 instead of $80! Nikka pure malt is very good too. Have you tried Indian whiskey? Imarut is very good! So are Tiawan whiskies

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12-15-17, 19:07
I had a rough week. It’s over.
Now relaxing... cracked a bottle of 2013 Opus One. Life is Good.

12-15-17, 19:10
Japanese make very good whiskey. I'm sorry I didn't stock up 10 years ago when Yamazaki was $40 instead of $80! Nikka pure malt is very good too. Have you tried Indian whiskey? Imarut is very good! So are Tiawan whiskies

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I had Yamazaki sunday. I kept that bottle for reference. Was better than a number of other bottles i had had. A friend's wife travels to japan a few times a year and picked it up there. We working on how to get more bottles on her next trip since it like a third of the price according to him. Beats the hell out of something like Famous Grouse or Cutty Sark. :fie:

Will have to check the Taiwanese stuff out when I get a chance. You figure that they are doing basically the same process as the proper scotches, they do it well. Not taking a damn thing away from them, when it good it good.

12-15-17, 19:20
I had Yamazaki sunday. I kept that bottle for reference. Was better than a number of other bottles i had had. A friend's wife travels to japan a few times a year and picked it up there. We working on how to get more bottles on her next trip since it like a third of the price according to him. Beats the hell out of something like Famous Grouse or Cutty Sark. :fie:

Will have to check the Taiwanese stuff out when I get a chance. You figure that they are doing basically the same process as the proper scotches, they do it well. Not taking a damn thing away from them, when it good it good.Ka Va Lan started in 2006ish and in 4 years they won gold medal in whiskey competition. Their 5 year old bottle is $90. I'm not saying that price should dictate quality. I've had it and I thought it was very good ..... especially for such a young whiskey but I don't think I'll spend $90 again on it. Despite being good it still has notes of unaged liquor. Not heavy bit it's there. However, definitely give it a try if you have the opportunity

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12-15-17, 19:28
Ka Va Lan started in 2006ish and in 4 years they won gold medal in whiskey competition. Their 5 year old bottle is $90. I'm not saying that price should dictate quality. I've had it and I thought it was very good ..... especially for such a young whiskey but I don't think I'll spend $90 again on it. Despite being good it still has notes of unaged liquor. Not heavy bit it's there. However, definitely give it a try if you have the opportunity

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We do a banquet at the gunclub after the winter shooting league, usually a few of use bring a couple bottles to share. One the past few years has brought a 18 year old bottle of Scotch I forget who, but damn was that good shit.

12-15-17, 19:36
I resemble this remark.
I will go a week and grab a brew or a glass of whiskey or bourbon, or rum 3 or four times. Then I will go weeks drinking maybe once a week if at all. But, when I do, I generally want to drink something I enjoy. I don't drink for the purpose of getting ****ed up, I drink because I legit enjoy the taste. I had a Japanese, yes, Japanese, Whiskey that was more of a scotch on sunday, was quite good for a 12 year old whiskey. I am drinking a mixed drink now, but that is because I happen to like my Jack mixed. I may have some rum straight afterwards, I like the Barcardi Oakheart in that case, I like the flavors in it. In my beer I like what I like, and since I'm not drinking a case a night, $30-40 a case doesn't bother me. That said, for just cheap I like my Yuengling, but again I like the taste. As long as it the Pottsville brewery, the one out of Florida I don't care for.

I totally agree with this post. I don't drink nearly as much or often as I used to. And when I do drink, it has to be something I enjoy. But I do enjoy my cheap beer. Give me an ice cold Lonestar or Miller High Life or PBR...I can enjoy these every bit as much (or more) as I enjoy something twice as expensive...

And if we're gonna go with a whiskey, I did enjoy Sunatory when I was in Japan for 3 years. But back here in the US, I am good with domestic offerings like Buffalo Trace, JB Black, Lead Slingers (favorite), and Tin Cup.

12-15-17, 19:39
I totally agree with this post. I don't drink nearly as much or often as I used to. And when I do drink, it has to be something I enjoy. But I do enjoy my cheap beer. Give me an ice cold Lonestar or Miller High Life or PBR...I can enjoy these every bit as much (or more) as I enjoy something twice as expensive...

And if we're gonna go with a whiskey, I did enjoy Sunatory when I was in Japan for 3 years. But back here in the US, I am good with domestic offerings like Buffalo Trace, JB Black, Lead Slingers (favorite), and Tin Cup.

I actually think PBR is an under-appreciated beer.

Also, on JB Black. I can't stand regular JB. Just don't like it. But, the Black. Is legit. For the money, I gots no problem with that one.

12-15-17, 22:29
^JB Black is really good for the money. The flavor is better than most stuff a level up.

I had some steelworkers stout tonight.

12-15-17, 23:12
I bought my brother in law a bottle of some bourbon tonight for Christmas. Then picked up a bottle of Kirk and Sweeney 18 year cask aged rum for myself. It's surprisingly smooth.


12-16-17, 04:29
I switched to Yuengling Traditional Lager a couple months back because it's inexpensive in the 24 pack cans and actually is quite a good amber ale.

How can it be both an Ale and a Lager?

12-16-17, 08:53
I bought my brother in law a bottle of some bourbon tonight for Christmas. Then picked up a bottle of Kirk and Sweeney 18 year cask aged rum for myself. It's surprisingly smooth.


Haven’t tried it. English Harbor 10 year is very good if you like rum.

12-16-17, 09:03
How can it be both an Ale and a Lager?

I refer to beers in general as ales.

12-16-17, 11:00
I refer to beers in general as ales.
All ales and lagers are indeed beers, but they use different brewing methods (top vs bottom fermenting) and yeast.

12-16-17, 17:45
This time of year I imbibe many barrel aged beers. Sours, Belgians, Barley wines, Imperial Russian stouts, etc.

Here's what I brewed and have on tap currently:

Bourbon Barrel Aged Belgian dark strong ale (16.6% alc)
Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged Imperial Russian Stout aged with Cherries and figs (17% alc)
Belgian Trippel (10%)
Session IPA with tons of Mosaic, Ekuanot, Mandarina Bavaria and Galaxy hops. (4.5% alc)
New England style Double IPA (8% Alc)
American style barley wine (12.7% alc)
Absynthe barrel aged saison aged on Cabernet grapes (7% alc)
Apple wine (13.4% alc)

I've also got some guest taps:
Comrade Brewing super power IPA
Breckinridge Brewing Whiskey barrel aged 471 Double IPA
Odell's Isolation Ale
Stone Brewing Tangerine Express IPA

Edited to add:
Fizzy yellow piss beers are for pussy's and liberals! :jester:

ERMAGAWD.....Da’s scrumptious!!!!
I have a few cases of different sours n lambics i been sitting on. Oldest going back to 2001.
We need to spend a weekend tasting....

12-16-17, 18:24
All ales and lagers are indeed beers, but they use different brewing methods (top vs bottom fermenting) and yeast.Yep. Basically that. Ingredients, yeast and type of fermentation all make a difference. Lagers are actually fermented at much cooler temps. Around 50. Where as ales are in the 60s - 80s. Yeast is completely different too.

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12-16-17, 18:29
How can it be both an Ale and a Lager?

Just like Budweiser calls itself a ‘pilsner’ ....😂😂😂😂

12-16-17, 19:31
Just like Budweiser calls itself a ‘pilsner’ ....��������
Pilsner is a style of Lager. Just like Porters and Stouts are styles of Ales.

12-16-17, 19:42
Currently have a hearty pour of 20 year tawny port in front of me. Couldn't be happier with the evening.

12-16-17, 20:09
Tis a chilly, rainy evening out. So I'm drinking a very nice Glenrothes 7-year-old single malt Scotch. It's a bit young and fiery, but perfect for sitting by the fireplace with a pipe and a dog.

Sorry beer, it's just not your night.

Dist. Expert 26
12-16-17, 20:14
Currently sipping on Molly's Lips black gose from Bhramari Brewing Company in Asheville.

I'm pretty certain it's not available outside this area, but it's excellent if you enjoy sour beers.

12-16-17, 20:28
Currently have a hearty pour of 20 year tawny port in front of me. Couldn't be happier with the evening.

Oh that sounds good. I like tawny ports.


12-16-17, 20:45
Tis a chilly, rainy evening out. So I'm drinking a very nice Glenrothes 7-year-old single malt Scotch. It's a bit young and fiery, but perfect for sitting by the fireplace with a pipe and a dog.

Sorry beer, it's just not your night.
The real question is, what’s in your pipe? Were I a betting man, I’d say a proper English blend vs an aromatic, but assumptions rarely pan out.

12-16-17, 21:53
Great Lakes Blackout Stout.

12-16-17, 21:57
The real question is, what’s in your pipe? Were I a betting man, I’d say a proper English blend vs an aromatic, but assumptions rarely pan out.

Indeed, an English blend for the win. Frog Morton it is.


12-16-17, 22:38
Chateau De Laubade XO Armagnac
With a Padron maduro.

Life is good.

12-17-17, 00:19
Started with a homebrew wine i made a couple months ago from honey and apple juice, then a couple wee drams of laphroaig.

12-17-17, 01:27
Great Lakes Oatmeal Stout.

12-17-17, 03:08
Started with a homebrew wine i made a couple months ago from honey and apple juice, then a couple wee drams of laphroaig.

Which Laphroaig? I have a bottle of 10yr old here that I've been working on. Good stuff, but definitely not for everyone. I have a buddy who has no issue buying their $300+ bottles and I've found them pretty good, but I can't bring myself to spend the money on them.

12-17-17, 12:28
10 yr, I bought it because nobody else in my house will touch it. My dogs even hate it, they won't come near me if I have a glass out.

12-17-17, 20:44
10 yr, I bought it because nobody else in my house will touch it. My dogs even hate it, they won't come near me if I have a glass out.

LOL.. It's like drinking dirt... glorious smooth smokey dirt. Love the stuff, but in limited quantities.

12-17-17, 21:39
LOL.. It's like drinking dirt... glorious smooth smokey dirt. Love the stuff, but in limited quantities.Smoky salty peaty! I love it!

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

12-18-17, 09:06
Have any of you tried the Laphroaig Select....

Laphroaig has used Oloroso sherry butts, straight American white oak (non-filled with bourbon), PX seasoned hogsheads, Quarter Casks and finally of course first fill Bourbon Casks for this Scotch. This varied cask maturation technique enabled us to create 6 new flavor combinations that were then tested to choose the favorite style and indeed name. The winning flavor and name chosen by you is Laphroaig Select.

12-18-17, 11:39
Have any of you tried the Laphroaig Select....

I haven't. The reviews are all over the map, so I guess I'll have to try for myself. Considering it takes me most of 6 months to drink a bottle it won't be soon..my bottle of 10yr old is only 1/3 gone.

12-18-17, 11:43
I haven't. The reviews are all over the map, so I guess I'll have to try for myself. Considering it takes me most of 6 months to drink a bottle it won't be soon..my bottle of 10yr old is only 1/3 gone.

I was under the impression it was a Limited edition. BTW, I'm speaking of the $50 Select not that $$$ aged select.

12-24-17, 16:06
"On Any Given Sunday" (for today at least) sipping on Slow & Low as a throat soother:

http://i987.photobucket.com/albums/ae360/chc_hmc/th_SlowLow_zpsbb7goedb.png (http://s987.photobucket.com/user/chc_hmc/media/SlowLow_zpsbb7goedb.png.html)

12-24-17, 17:49
Eggnog with rum, bourbon and cognac. Merry Christmas gang!

12-24-17, 18:26
Kirk and Sweeney 12 y.o. rum.

Merry Christmas!!!

12-24-17, 19:49
Wild Turkey 101

12-24-17, 20:05
Barcardi Oakheart.

12-24-17, 20:15
Northcoast Pranqster

12-24-17, 20:45
Started with a couple fingers of Charles Goodnight, and about to have a couple fingers of Henry McKenna. Both pretty good bourbons for under $50.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20171225/e46abc113a313dcb9dc1ef92b184770a.jpg

Mr. Goodtimes
12-24-17, 20:51
Today I’m drinking mostly C4 and water.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-25-17, 00:43
Yuengling Traditional Lager, slight reddish hue in a frozen mug- my go to selection.

12-25-17, 01:59
Which Laphroaig? I have a bottle of 10yr old here that I've been working on. Good stuff, but definitely not for everyone. I have a buddy who has no issue buying their $300+ bottles and I've found them pretty good, but I can't bring myself to spend the money on them.

I have a bottle of the Quarter Cask that my wife got me for my birthday a year ago. I don't think it punches quite as hard as the standard 10yr. That said, Laphroaig, and most of the other Islay Scotches for that matter, are definitely not for everyone. I like Laphroaig, but I definitely have to be in the mood for it. Otherwise, my go-to Scotch is Balvenie 12 yr Double Wood or Highland Park 12 yr.

12-25-17, 02:17
Call me boring and a wuss, but this is something of a comfort drink for me, particularly around the holidays. Rough proportions:

1/3 ginger ale
1/3 OJ
1/3 cranberry juice or cran-raspberry or cran-cherry
squirt or two of lemon juice, lime juice or both

Easy Button way is get a 10-12oz reefer-case bottle of OJ, a 10oz bottle of cran from an Ocean Spray six-pack and a 2/3-empty liter bottle of ginger ale. Dump the two juice bottles into the one-liter, add your spike of citrus to preference, cap, shake gently to mix, let rest for a minute before opening, done.

12-26-17, 16:05
Stolie/OJ. 1:1

12-26-17, 19:22
Call me boring and a wuss, but this is something of a comfort drink for me, particularly around the holidays. Rough proportions:

1/3 ginger ale
1/3 OJ
1/3 cranberry juice or cran-raspberry or cran-cherry
squirt or two of lemon juice, lime juice or both

Easy Button way is get a 10-12oz reefer-case bottle of OJ, a 10oz bottle of cran from an Ocean Spray six-pack and a 2/3-empty liter bottle of ginger ale. Dump the two juice bottles into the one-liter, add your spike of citrus to preference, cap, shake gently to mix, let rest for a minute before opening, done.


12-26-17, 19:29
We always made something similar around the holidays. Pour all of that into a punch bowl then fill it with scoops of rainbow sherbet.

12-26-17, 20:40
one of my favs is a smoothy type drink

pineapple orange banana dole concentrate works cause its juice not corn syrup
2/3 can in a blender
add ice and milk blend to thick milkshake-like consistency

also can add rum :)
also coconut milk is good in it :)
also have made it with a whole banana and orange and pineapple but need a vitamix to blend smooth

5.56 Bonded SP
12-26-17, 21:48
Sunday night, I was drinking smalls cups of Eggnog with 1 shot of jameson whiskey. Nice for a holiday drink.

Doc Safari
12-27-17, 13:20
Sunday night, I was drinking smalls cups of Eggnog with 1 shot of jameson whiskey. Nice for a holiday drink.

Jameson is the whiskey in Bailey's Irish Cream, or so I've always heard.

12-27-17, 17:31
Just opened up a bottle of jw Kelly bourbon. Delicious and smooth!


12-27-17, 18:31

Tonight's selection. Accompanied by a Cohiba.
Life is really, really good tonight!


12-30-17, 00:00
Tonight, I'm drinking High West bourbon. It's pretty good for my taste and exceptionally good after a long day. Cheers!

12-30-17, 07:48
I tend to prefer Crown Royal as my go to "Brown Water"...could someone recommend a whiskey that is similar as I like trying new selections?

12-30-17, 09:05

12-30-17, 09:35
Water, coffee, and just made a cup of tea. :)

01-04-18, 20:04
Right this moment, Kroger Brand Ginger Beer.

01-04-18, 20:25

......in a dirty glass

Dist. Expert 26
01-04-18, 20:30
Dos Equis amber with a nice slice of fresh lime

01-04-18, 21:26
Right this moment, Kroger Brand Ginger Beer.

My condolences. Since Kroger took over Fred Meyer and forced their own store-brands from Ohio on us... the next Kroger house-brand item I try that measures up to its Freddy's President's Choice or Private Selection predecessors will be the first.

1.25-liter Dr Pepper, spiked with a generous hit of lime juice.

01-04-18, 21:31
My condolences. Since Kroger took over Fred Meyer and forced their own store-brands from Ohio on us... the next Kroger house-brand item I try that measures up to its Freddy's President's Choice or Private Selection predecessors will be the first.

1.25-liter Dr Pepper, spiked with a generous hit of lime juice.
The local FM ran out of the other brand of Ginger Beer I'd normally buy but settled for the in-house one. Interesting (suspect) that everytime I sip this Kroger branded GB it makes me cough! Personal Ginger Beer favorite is Cock'n Bull.

01-04-18, 22:28
Belle Meade Sour Mash

01-04-18, 22:36
I tend to prefer Crown Royal as my go to "Brown Water"...could someone recommend a whiskey that is similar as I like trying new selections?

My first suggestion would be a different bottle of Crown. If you're set on a different brand of Canadian whiskey, I'd suggest Forty Creek. If you just want to try something different and you're not hung up on it being a Canadian blend.... Bulleit 10 year. You're welcome.

01-05-18, 07:07
My first suggestion would be a different bottle of Crown. If you're set on a different brand of Canadian whiskey, I'd suggest Forty Creek. If you just want to try something different and you're not hung up on it being a Canadian blend.... Bulleit 10 year. You're welcome.

Yep. Try some good Bourbons, there are many out there. I like Woodford Reserve, but there are premiums from most of the distillers. Makers Mark, Four Roses, Bulleit, etc. Buffalo Trace is one of the better Bourbon values. I lived in Kentucky for several years, and never drank Bourbon before I moved there, but I like it better than a good scotch now.

01-05-18, 20:19
I tend to prefer Crown Royal as my go to "Brown Water"...could someone recommend a whiskey that is similar as I like trying new selections?

I like whiskey's and whisky's. Right now I'm drinking Jack Daniels single barrel, barrel strength, 133 proof. It needs ice! Some of my favorites are Jameson Caskmates, Breckenridge, Basil Hayden, and Bookers. If you like Canadians you probably prefer sweeter pours. Makers Mark 46 might be worth a try. Regular Jack or Jim Beam don't appeal to me but both of thier single barrels are good. For Tennessee whiskey's I prefer Dickel. I generally stay away from Scotch but on occasion will buy a bottle of Laguvulin 16.

01-06-18, 18:08
Getting wild tonight! Having a little apple cinnamon herbal tea with honey, apple cider vinegar, and a scoop of organic super food powder. No lampshades on my head, but I may hug a tree.

01-13-18, 17:34
Coca Cola in a glass bottle with real sugar is my treat drink. I just celebrated my 20th anniversary of my sobriety.

01-13-18, 17:38
Bison Ridge Canadian Whiskey and 7up.

Added a slice of lime for the giggles.

It's strange, its a Canadian body with and american oaky cask finish. But okay, even though its not what my brain expects every sip.

01-13-18, 17:50
I tend to prefer Crown Royal as my go to "Brown Water"...could someone recommend a whiskey that is similar as I like trying new selections?

I like Crown, Gentleman Jack is comparable. Jim Bean Black is good as mentioned before, not as smooth in my opinion but good. Woodford reserve Rye is very good, that and their Double Oak are two favorites. Their straight Bourbon is meh in my opinion though.

Currently drinking a Yuengling. Or rather drank it. another case in the fridge though.

01-13-18, 19:03
Right this moment, as I am typing this, I am sipping my favorite reasonably priced rum straight up: http://www.flordecana.com/en/product/gran-reserva-7/

01-13-18, 19:19
Right this moment, as I am typing this, I am sipping my favorite reasonably priced rum straight up: http://www.flordecana.com/en/product/gran-reserva-7/

Do tell me more. I am interested. Been on a bit of a rum kick, and interested in good options.

01-13-18, 19:35
Do tell me more. I am interested. Been on a bit of a rum kick, and interested in good options.

What can I tell you that isn't at the link? I may have posted this eariier in this thread, but my favorite rums are all from Central America:
--Guatemala: Ron Zacapa and Botran.
--Costa Rica: Ron Centenario.
--Nicaragua: Flor de Caña.
--Panama: Ron Abuelo.

The higher you go in age the better they are, but also more expensive. The 7 year Flour that I linked to is, IMO, a sweet spot between taste and price ($20). I have had the mid ($45) and high end ($120) Ron Zacapas and I can taste the difference, but clearly a big jump up in price. I haven't tried the Botran yet but that will be my next bottle. It is hard for me to buy anything other than Flour de Cana, even at the high end.

Ned Christiansen
01-13-18, 19:41
I second the Flor de Cana, had it first on a black sand beach in the country it's from!

I was in the big city the other night / great big liquor store where they have everything. Was reaching for the Flor de Cana when I saw something I'd been trying to mail order.... rum with an interesting history, Pusser's. Had some last night with coconut juice (the very sweet stuff, Goya brand). It's OK, a little different, really I much prefer the F de C. It might grow on me by the time I get to the bottom of it. F de C has a dark one too, that's good

01-13-18, 20:21
Also from Guatemala that I had last night. El Pasador de Oro XO.
I like it better than my Ron Abuelo 12 year, which is also excellent. I also enjoy Kirk and Sweeney 12 year from Dominican Rep.

01-13-18, 20:33
What can I tell you that isn't at the link? I may have posted this eariier in this thread, but my favorite rums are all from Central America:
--Guatemala: Ron Zacapa and Botran.
--Costa Rica: Ron Centenario.
--Nicaragua: Flor de Caña.
--Panama: Ron Abuelo.

The higher you go in age the better they are, but also more expensive. The Flour that I linked to is, IMO, a sweet spot between taste and price ($20). I have had the mid ($45) and high end ($120) Ron Zacapas and I can taste the difference. I haven't tried the Botran yet but that will be my next bottle. It is hard for me to buy anything other than Flour de Cana, even at the high end.

Running off a phone and the only thing that I get is the selection of Rums they offer on my phone.

01-13-18, 21:21
Bouncing back and forth from Founders Dirty Bastard and cabernet sauvignon... a good combo for cleaning up an old vac tube radio (Gen Electric 402) and cast iron desk fan (Eskimo 45R) that I picked up for a song earlier today, and especially for trying to find any technical info on them :p

01-13-18, 23:19
I enjoy far too many different beers to say any one in particular......though the last time I drank beer it was SBC Double Track and Stone Xocoveza. While similar can be said for my whiskey, I have been on a Balvenie kick for sometime, 12 year Doublewood, 14 year Caribbean cask, the 15 Year and of course the 17 year Doublewood

01-14-18, 01:11
Had some Buffalo Trace Bourbon earlier.

01-14-18, 05:23
Also from Guatemala that I had last night, El Pasador de Oro XO.
I'll have to give that a try, thanks. Rum Howler (https://therumhowlerblog.com/rum-reviews/dark-rums/el-pasador-de-oro-xo-les-bienheureux/) likes it and my local Total Wine stocks it.

01-14-18, 18:29
Had a glass of Arbelour 18yr and a Padron 1926 cigar on the porch today. Euphoric.

01-14-18, 20:15
Had a glass of Arbelour 18yr and a Padron 1926 cigar on the porch today. Euphoric.

Good stuff on both counts.

01-14-18, 20:18
We had a nice juicy dry aged steak grilled over wood fire.

Opened a 2014 Stags Leap FAY Cab to go with. Delightful!

01-14-18, 21:52
H2O + Lime

01-15-18, 18:30
Jack Daniel's No 5 Limited Edition Master Distiller series.
For the money, not a bad tasting whiskey. Gonna have to grab and squirrel away a few bottles of this stuff. Actually better straight than on ice in my opinion.

01-17-18, 21:36

01-17-18, 21:46

What is it upside down? Are you that drunk on a Wednesday?

01-17-18, 22:09
Watermelon Four Loko

What? WHAT?! It snowed today.....inna South....cut me some slack

Dist. Expert 26
01-17-18, 23:15
Grolsch Premium Lager. Partly because it tastes good, partly because the bottles are cool.

01-18-18, 05:21
What is it upside down? Are you that drunk on a Wednesday?

Its right side up on my phone.

01-18-18, 18:00
Giving Cock & Bull ginger-beer a whack on another member's reco. Damn, this stuff is strong, and that's even WITH a half-dozen squirts of lime juice added... right now, the Old One is trying to place bets about how long before my ass goes Mt. St. Helens.

01-18-18, 18:41
Giving Cock & Bull ginger-beer a whack on another member's reco. Damn, this stuff is strong, and that's even WITH a half-dozen squirts of lime juice added... right now, the Old One is trying to place bets about how long before my ass goes Mt. St. Helens.

Thanks for the mental image :bad:

01-18-18, 18:52
Sorry... think I'm gonna have the last laugh, because it ain't happening unless what's in the fridge turns out to be Bad Chinese.

If it weren't for bathroom humor, I'd have NO humor...

01-25-18, 20:28
Gray Goose Vodka Martinis. Much to my surprise, I am finding I prefer shaken to stirred. Expected to find no difference and cut a corner on the second drink.

01-25-18, 20:41
Pre workout and then a protein shake. Sad, I know. Gotta melt some lb's away.

01-25-18, 21:16
Oskar Blues Brewing Dale’s Pale Ale at the moment, and about to crack open a Catawba Brewing White Zombie.

01-25-18, 21:19
Trying some Caribou Crossing single barrel now. Just finished a Blanton's old fashioned.

01-25-18, 21:39
Johnnie Walker select

01-26-18, 00:17
Buffalo Trace Bourbon. Neat.

01-26-18, 06:30
It's 7:30 in the morning - Maxwell House.

02-03-18, 17:52
Woodford Reserve Rye on the rocks. Just killed the bottle.

02-03-18, 20:14
5 bottles of Modelo Especial beer...nothing special, just what's left after moving a mini-fridge out of a buddy's garage..

02-03-18, 20:42
Easy sipping this early evening:


02-04-18, 03:02
I'm slow cooking a brisket so I started with some Modelo Negro then some nice Jai Alai IPA. It was recommended by some dude at Whole Foods. Its pretty good. My coals went out on my smoker and I got to get it going again. Now I'm just trying to stay warm with some Henry McKenna Single Barrel Bourbon. Life is good!

02-04-18, 03:06
Just finished off the last MGD I had left, only a few, to end the night.

02-04-18, 11:02