View Full Version : Newport News VA election - pick name from hat

12-20-17, 13:48
The Rs won Newport News by 10 votes in November. The Dems and in other close election Rs demanded recounts.

Yesterday the recount found the Dem as winner by 1 vote. Today one ballot was disqualified. Now it's a tie.

If, I believe, a three judge panel accepts this to all be correct now. someone will simply draw a name from a hat.

If the two other recounts hold steady ( today and tomorrow ) and the Dem wins the hat, then VA will be divided 50/50 with no tie breakers.

Votes count. If you live in any sort of battle ground City. County, State... make voting day a family affair. or vote absentee.

Ironically this woman in NN, VA says she can't wait to get to work. Ironically her winning will mean no work gets done. If she cared about all VA citizens she would bow out and accept the original count. At least then something could get done. I guess the Dems see her as a place holder though. Which I can't blame them for.

I hope it's made clear when things go south that she is named as the rusted cog that froze up the machine.

What are the odds? 200K people and they have a tie.

and here how they won it.....

Women, outside the state groups, young people under 40, etc... anti Trump.

12-20-17, 22:00
Let me guess, the Democrat districts were the last as usual to turn over their count.

12-20-17, 22:30
*Geico voice* "If you're a Democrat, you commit systemic Election Fraud. It's What You Do."

Just ask anybody who remembers Queen Christine Fraudoire stealing the Governorship here in Washington with her "keep recounting until it goes my way"...

01-04-18, 11:13
Woot!!!!!! Yancy(R) won the fish bowl draw.

After the Cheshire Cat had recount and recounts of recounts, then court orders, she still lost.


The Rs hold the VA Legislature

We made an offer to make the draw tomorrow final, which Yancey has declined. Just to be clear: no deal means all options are still on the table for us moving forward.
Translation... If I win, it's over. If Yancy wins, we continue to try to steal the seat.

01-04-18, 12:20
Just ask anybody who remembers Queen Christine Fraudoire stealing the Governorship here in Washington with her "keep recounting until it goes my way"...
As I was a resident of Seattle during the Fraudoire issues, when this all started happening here in Newport News where I currently reside, I actually said that this was somehow my fault...

The most annoying thing is that it's still not over, and this bitch is going to be demanding yet another recount. Zero doubt that if they count them again, more votes for her will MAGICALLY APPEAR as if cast by the hand of God himself for her win.

01-04-18, 16:14
Is it so wrong that when I think of this Godforsaken shithole and play World in Conflict (an alternate-history 1989 Cold War Gone Hot-setting game) and the opening mission is trying to fight off a Soviet amphibious assault in Puget Sound (don't ask me how they got here, makes no sense to me either) I wish there was an Opposing Force campaign where I could play as the other team and flatten the place? (Granted, the writers didn't know dick about geography or topography here... they wrote the USS Missouri sailing into Grays Harbor for Naval Gunfire Support, and I'm pretty sure that GH is too shallow and Mighty Mo wouldn't have made it through the various bridges.)

01-04-18, 17:31
They are going to contest another district tomorrow. So in theory.... if they win that that it will be 49-49... which means the Cheshire Cat from NN could keep contesting and win.

01-04-18, 18:09
They are going to contest another district tomorrow. So in theory.... if they win that that it will be 49-49... which means the Cheshire Cat from NN could keep contesting and win.

Then we should contest *all* of theirs. Remember Malone's sage advice to Eliot Ness?

01-04-18, 18:32

We used to know how to deal with this stuff.