View Full Version : NYT UFO report

12-22-17, 08:54
You'd think people would be paying attention to a ground breaking report from the NYT report on the Pentagons program and some vid released, that yet again proves what's flying around in our airspace is not weather balloons, stars, atmospheric phenomenon, etc. This type of hard sighting by highly qualified people happens all the time. What are they? I don't know (hence the U in UFO) but Kim K's ass and Trump golf trips is more interesting to most Americans than something as incredible as this:

"A video shows an encounter between a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet and an unknown object. It was released by the Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program."


Outlander Systems
12-22-17, 09:06
I'd really like to see some of the recovered materiel mentioned...

You'd think people would be paying attention to a ground breaking report from the NYT report on the Pentagons program and some vid released, that yet again proves what's flying around in our airspace is not weather balloons, stars, atmospheric phenomenon, etc. This type of hard sighting by highly qualified people happens all the time. What are they? I don't know (hence the U in UFO) but Kim K's ass and Trump golf trips is more interesting to most Americans than something as incredible as this:

"A video shows an encounter between a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet and an unknown object. It was released by the Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program."


12-22-17, 09:18
I'd really like to see some of the recovered materiel mentioned...

Wouldbn't we all, but it's kept away from us "for our own good"

12-22-17, 09:20
Was that white hot or black hot?
It looks like the air around it was the opposite temperature of the object itself, or does thermal just do that?

12-22-17, 09:53
Here's a skeptics POV on the vid linked above:


One should never ignore counter views, no matter how mad we wanna believe (X Files reference intended). However, one aspect that supports such a siting (or helps debunk) are hard radar capture, which also happens often. Some times, even ground radar corroborates, so you have radar confirmation of the speed, location, etc, by highly advanced systems in top end fighter jets, visual, and ground radar confirmation. So simply visual effect? No.

I'd like to know if the F18s in that vid has hard radar confirmation, but it does not say. I also have a difficult time believing pilots at their level would unable to distinguish between far of visual effects from another plane, but that's me.

Note: pilots comments on SA and their being a fleet of them. I'm biased admittedly, but I have a tough time with the skeptics explanation on that one.

12-22-17, 12:05
yeah been watching reading some of this coming forward now :)

but I guess I always believed :)

12-22-17, 12:25
On the first video, the jet is in a constant left hand turn, correct? But the object doesn't change relative position, so the object is moving in a circle at the same speed? Where is the rest of that footage? I'd like to see how the encounter started and ended.

12-22-17, 12:55
I think the government is using the "UFO" angle to cover up their TR3 technology.

12-22-17, 13:05
On the first video, the jet is in a constant left hand turn, correct? But the object doesn't change relative position, so the object is moving in a circle at the same speed? Where is the rest of that footage? I'd like to see how the encounter started and ended.

Well, even more interesting, it appears the ships radar was tracking them, they dropped from something like 80k ft to 20k in a blink (typical of "legit" UFO contacts that no earthly plane can achieve) and the F18s sent to investigate. So the optical illusion theory is obviously BS.

12-22-17, 14:35
Swamp gas.


12-22-17, 14:52
Swamp gas.

I recall in LA during WWII they fired AA at a large group of them thinking it was a Japanese invasion.

12-22-17, 15:13
Didn't we have Project Blue Book looking into UFO's in the 1960's? And before that it was Project Sign and Project Grudge. Somewhere there's probably one or more classified studies that are still active.

12-22-17, 15:21
You'd think people would be paying attention to a ground breaking report from the NYT report on the Pentagons program and some vid released, that yet again proves what's flying around in our airspace is not weather balloons, stars, atmospheric phenomenon, etc. This type of hard sighting by highly qualified people happens all the time. What are they? I don't know (hence the U in UFO) but Kim K's ass and Trump golf trips is more interesting to most Americans than something as incredible as this:

"A video shows an encounter between a Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet and an unknown object. It was released by the Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program."

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html?_r=0So....do you have any new info on Kim k' s ass

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Outlander Systems
12-22-17, 15:28

12-22-17, 16:29
So....do you have any new info on Kim k' s ass

Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk

Breaking News! It's Still ENORMOUS!!!

12-22-17, 17:00
Didn't we have Project Blue Book looking into UFO's in the 1960's? And before that it was Project Sign and Project Grudge. Somewhere there's probably one or more classified studies that are still active.

Covered some in the OP.

12-22-17, 17:01
Breaking News! It's Still ENORMOUS, dimpled, and nasty

Fixed for ya :cool:

12-22-17, 17:27
I wont even lie y'all, if the aliens turn out to be fit 6'3" amazons in bikini armor with green anime hair in search of breeding stock; I am selling all y'all asses out and telling them what diseases we have no cure for and where all the world leaders live.

I'll be Audi 5000.

But if its Xenomorphs or the Devil then I reckon it'll be on like Donkey Kong

Outlander Systems
12-22-17, 17:32

I wont even lie y'all, if the aliens turn out to be fit 6'3" amazons in bikini armor with green anime hair in search of breeding stock; I am selling all y'all asses out and telling them what diseases we have no cure for and where all the world leaders live.

I'll be Audi 5000.

But if its Xenomorphs or the Devil then I reckon it'll be on like Donkey Kong

12-22-17, 17:33
That ends the "optical illusion" theory and nullifies that one totally. The jets were sent due to hard radar contact:

"The object had been detected appearing suddenly at 80,000ft by the USS Princeton, a Naval cruiser, which had been tracking mysterious aircraft for two weeks.

“Look at that thing, dude,” one of the pilots is heard exclaiming in the clip. “It’s rotating.”

Commander Fravor told The New York Times the object was about 40ft long, had no plumes, wings or rotors, and outpaced their F-18s. It was big enough to churn the sea 50ft below it, he said.

“I have no idea what I saw... It accelerated like nothing I’ve ever seen,” he added, admitting he was “pretty weirded out”.


12-22-17, 17:36
Saw what you like but Imma working on a 6.8 build just for aliens until Hornady rereleases that 10mm×42 Caseless ammo they did a short run of a while back.

I would rewatch Little Green Men if Netflix hadnt removed X Files like the communists they are

12-22-17, 18:12
I don't know. If this was such a sensitive/sensational/unexplainable event why was the footage released in the first place?

12-22-17, 18:16
I don't know. If this was such a sensitive/sensational/unexplainable event why was the footage released in the first place?

Was wondering the same thing.

That said, one would have to be pretty arrogant and naïve to think we are the only intelligent life out there.

12-22-17, 18:27
Was wondering the same thing.

That said, one would have to be pretty arrogant and naïve to think we are the only intelligent life out there.

That's true and most scientists in the field would agree when you look at the shear numbers, but that's a very different issue from their making the trip to visit us.

12-22-17, 18:39
I think we get too caught up in thinking inside the box of our own understanding and perception- for instance "distances" that would need to be traveled. It's likely there is a form of travel that doesn't require utilizing movement from point "a" to point "b" in a fixed linear fashion.

It's also possible that all of these places are right on top or underneath us- in so far as our perception of our own dimension/plane of existence is concerned and with the right physics and technology you could "jump" between them without navigating vast disances over tremendous periods of time. Interdimensional/quantum travel if you will.

I can't believe for a second we are alone in this universe or the multiverse. It is so highly unlikely mathematically speaking that it is virtually impossible.

12-22-17, 18:41
That's true and most scientists in the field would agree when you look at the shear numbers, but that's a very different issue from their making the trip to visit us.

Oh no doubt about it. Speed of light travel (from my Earth-bound 21st Century human perspective) seems to be physically unobtainable. Nonetheless, the flight characteristics of these "objects" have been similar for decades.....rapid acceleration/deceleration, rapid climbs/descents, directional changes defying anything remotely close to what we can do, etc. One could argue that the aforementioned maneuvers, which have been seen for MANY years, would eventually have evolved into common aircraft if they were of human origin. That's just the evolution of technology. But it hasn't manifested itself in anything we currently have (that we know of of course).

Outlander Systems
12-22-17, 18:43
A quick rundown, if you're not familiar:


Oh no doubt about it. Speed of light travel (from my Earth-bound 21st Century human perspective) seems to be physically unobtainable. Nonetheless, the flight characteristics of these "objects" have been similar for decades.....rapid acceleration/deceleration, rapid climbs/descents, directional changes defying anything remotely close to what we can do, etc. One could argue that the aforementioned maneuvers, which have been seen for MANY years, would eventually have evolved into common aircraft if they were of human origin. That's just the evolution of technology. But it hasn't manifested itself in anything we currently have (that we know of of course).

12-22-17, 19:00
A quick rundown, if you're not familiar:


Holy shit, that made my head hurt!

12-22-17, 19:45
I've watched the most recent video, and I have used FLIR plenty of times in the past. The pilot toggled between white hot and black hot, and I could see no heat trail of any kind from that 40 foot Tic Tac. Seems to rule out jet propulsion as we know it.

What I think everyone is missing is the chaos worldwide that would happen if actual verifiable evidence was revealed by governments that there are interstellar beings that have and are visiting Earth. Theologians and religious people from all faiths would be destroyed emotionally since many times their doctrine has no room for another creation taking place elsewhere. There would be mass suicides, murders and all kinds of mayhem on a global scale that would result. People would go nuts if they found out that Jesus was actually an alien shape shifter with supernatural powers.

Maybe this is the reason that first contact (if it happened) has been concealed?

12-22-17, 20:01
I cant remember if it was outer limits or twilight zone but these people were trying to.escape a nuclear holocaust by getting to the experimental spaceship.

Like it was contemporary for the 60s and it was like the last chopper out of Saigon and the world blew up

So they set the ship to find a new planet hospitable. The dude says, "There! A planet! With LIFE! We're saved!" and everyone is all elated and the planet.....


Mind you this was during the Cuban missile crisis but still.

What if the aliens are just lame people.

No anime hair, no bikini armor.

Just space refugees trying to take our jerbs.


12-22-17, 20:19
Bible focuses on this earth and us
it does not say one way or the other about other life but it does say God created the heavens and everything in it

not sure how much chaos it would bring ? and not against you saying it would just not sure

if anything the idea that this whole earth is not created but just some accident that happened and was created from nothing how would others then take it cause life like this happening more than once would be even more impossible

how would they react when they are told there is a God and he did create everything in the universe as we know it ? would they handle it or would they deny it even though they are being told its so ?
more to say I think the ones that would go nuts are not the religous as much as the regular folks maybe :)

maybe the reason its covered up is they want to stay in control and make people think there is no God but they are the ones that are smart and we should all listen to them how smart they are with theories etc..

12-22-17, 20:54
I've watched the most recent video, and I have used FLIR plenty of times in the past. The pilot toggled between white hot and black hot, and I could see no heat trail of any kind from that 40 foot Tic Tac. Seems to rule out jet propulsion as we know it.

What I think everyone is missing is the chaos worldwide that would happen if actual verifiable evidence was revealed by governments that there are interstellar beings that have and are visiting Earth. Theologians and religious people from all faiths would be destroyed emotionally since many times their doctrine has no room for another creation taking place elsewhere. There would be mass suicides, murders and all kinds of mayhem on a global scale that would result. People would go nuts if they found out that Jesus was actually an alien shape shifter with supernatural powers.

Maybe this is the reason that first contact (if it happened) has been concealed?

I quoted you on LF if you don't mind.

12-22-17, 21:04
I quoted you on LF if you don't mind.
Sir, I don't mind, but what's "LF"?

12-22-17, 21:09
Sir, I don't mind, but what's "LF"?


12-22-17, 21:10
Bible focuses on this earth and us
it does not say one way or the other about other life but it does say God created the heavens and everything in it

not sure how much chaos it would bring ? and not against you saying it would just not sure

if anything the idea that this whole earth is not created but just some accident that happened and was created from nothing how would others then take it cause life like this happening more than once would be even more impossible

how would they react when they are told there is a God and he did create everything in the universe as we know it ? would they handle it or would they deny it even though they are being told its so ?
more to say I think the ones that would go nuts are not the religous as much as the regular folks maybe :)

maybe the reason its covered up is they want to stay in control and make people think there is no God but they are the ones that are smart and we should all listen to them how smart they are with theories etc..

If you don't wanna see this thread locked soon, I recommend we avoid that angle/topic on this forum.

12-22-17, 21:12
I've watched the most recent video, and I have used FLIR plenty of times in the past. The pilot toggled between white hot and black hot, and I could see no heat trail of any kind from that 40 foot Tic Tac. Seems to rule out jet propulsion as we know it.

What I think everyone is missing is the chaos worldwide that would happen if actual verifiable evidence was revealed by governments that there are interstellar beings that have and are visiting Earth. Theologians and religious people from all faiths would be destroyed emotionally since many times their doctrine has no room for another creation taking place elsewhere. There would be mass suicides, murders and all kinds of mayhem on a global scale that would result. People would go nuts if they found out that Jesus was actually an alien shape shifter with supernatural powers.

Maybe this is the reason that first contact (if it happened) has been concealed?

That suggests we have some means to constrain the activity of these would be entities, which I doubt. I mean what’s stopping them for setting down right in the middle of the Super Bowl?

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12-22-17, 21:29
I'd probably be like "Well, that sucks" and keep living.

Nothing you can really do about it. I guess some folks might commit suicide or engage in abject nihilism.

All we ever really are is dust in the wind.

I mean if God was just an Alien who was a deadbeat dad, I wouldn't be happy, sad, or mad.

I wouldn't even toss on the ol' green german flag army jacket and blast The Creeps while I wrote cringey poetry and shouted at the sky while I told some raccoon eyed girl with daddy issues how angry I was.

No....I'd just keep on with my day.

It doesnt matter......

I'm never going on a spaceship ride, I'm never going to get a laser gun, I'm never going to pilot a Gundam or Veritech, and giant Amazons in bikini armor are not going to use me for stud.

Life itself is a sexually transmitted terminal disease.

Once you accept these truths, nothing can hurt you.

12-22-17, 21:39
I consider myself a person of faith, but I don't have a problem with the concept of other life in other star systems, or life in other galaxies outside the Milky Way. I don't have a problem with the concept of multiple universes as well. However, I do think there would be a lot of people who couldn't handle that kind of news.

As Willbrink warned, it's probably not wise to chase jackrabbit trails into religion. I will say is that theology comes pre-packaged for human consumption, and each religion markets and sells their individual doctrine. All I can say is that if E.T. does exist, it just makes existence even more interesting for me.

12-22-17, 21:51
I've watched the most recent video, and I have used FLIR plenty of times in the past. The pilot toggled between white hot and black hot, and I could see no heat trail of any kind from that 40 foot Tic Tac. Seems to rule out jet propulsion as we know it.

What I think everyone is missing is the chaos worldwide that would happen if actual verifiable evidence was revealed by governments that there are interstellar beings that have and are visiting Earth. Theologians and religious people from all faiths would be destroyed emotionally since many times their doctrine has no room for another creation taking place elsewhere. There would be mass suicides, murders and all kinds of mayhem on a global scale that would result. People would go nuts if they found out that Jesus was actually an alien shape shifter with supernatural powers.

Maybe this is the reason that first contact (if it happened) has been concealed?

If you don't wanna see this thread locked soon, I recommend we avoid that angle/topic on this forum.

a response to this :)

12-22-17, 22:18
Well, as long as it's not the Cylons, I guess.

Outlander Systems
12-22-17, 22:19


Amazons in bikini armor are not going to use me for stud.

12-23-17, 03:17
I cant remember if it was outer limits or twilight zone but these people were trying to.escape a nuclear holocaust by getting to the experimental spaceship.

Like it was contemporary for the 60s and it was like the last chopper out of Saigon and the world blew up

So they set the ship to find a new planet hospitable. The dude says, "There! A planet! With LIFE! We're saved!" and everyone is all elated and the planet.....


Mind you this was during the Cuban missile crisis but still.

What if the aliens are just lame people.

No anime hair, no bikini armor.

Just space refugees trying to take our jerbs.


Sounds like "Planet of the Vampires."

Personally I'd be fine with Cat Women of the Moon.


12-23-17, 06:23
That ends the "optical illusion" theory and nullifies that one totally. The jets were sent due to hard radar contact:

"The object had been detected appearing suddenly at 80,000ft by the USS Princeton, a Naval cruiser, which had been tracking mysterious aircraft for two weeks.

“Look at that thing, dude,” one of the pilots is heard exclaiming in the clip. “It’s rotating.”

Commander Fravor told The New York Times the object was about 40ft long, had no plumes, wings or rotors, and outpaced their F-18s. It was big enough to churn the sea 50ft below it, he said.

“I have no idea what I saw... It accelerated like nothing I’ve ever seen,” he added, admitting he was “pretty weirded out”.


David Fravor was on Tucker Carlson’s show the other night. You can see the interview on you tube.

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12-23-17, 06:28
If folks are interested in going down this path, you should look up “L A Marzulli”. Most folks think he’s total whack job conspiracy theorist. But I find this stuff intriguing simply from the sheer number of people who claim to witness and encounter these things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-23-17, 07:51
In the pilots own words:


Outlander Systems
12-23-17, 08:05
That's incredible! Thanks for posting.

In the pilots own words:


12-23-17, 08:15
I just wish he'd tried a squatch vocalization over the radio to observe its reaction. I've always believed the Squatch to not be from this earth and the reasons we haven't discovered them is they are flying advanced ships beneath the oceans.

12-23-17, 09:02
In the name of objectivity, there's a lot of shady stuff under the hood of the release of that vid, but personally, I see it as two different issues. Still, some skepticism warranted:

Why The NY Times Pentagon UFO Disclosures Deserve More Skepticism


12-23-17, 09:03
The Catholic church believes in Aliens.

Google project Serpo.

The ebens believe in the same god as we do and its pretty close to the Catholic doctrine.

Bizarre I know.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

12-23-17, 09:20
Its going to end up being Space Marxists coming to spread our wealth around for us.

Either that or the Dems will declate first contact was made by Pelosi and Schumer and the Aliens along with the entire universe demands Trumps abdication or the Earth gets turned to dust.

12-23-17, 10:40
Too much of it sounds too far fetched to me. If there were beings from other planets hanging around since the 50's (Area 51?) or earlier, why wouldn't we know them by name by now?

As was already mentioned earlier in the thread, do "we" have some sort of method for restraining these beings capable of interstellar travel and piloting aircraft that defy what we know of the physical limitations of matter and life? They can travel across the universe, but some how the US government can make them not land or show up wherever they want and introduce themselves?

I could understand if the "aliens" themselves wanted to remain secretive, but if that were the case, they are doing a piss poor job of staying hidden. And if it is really aliens, why would the world governments be trying to hide this all the time and cover up sightings?

I think maybe they are here and we know them as Democrats and SJWs. Whenever I hear members of these two groups make their assertions, I frequently ask myself: "What planet are the crazy people from?" Maybe they aren't "people" at all… I wanna know what Giorgio Tsoukalos has to say about my theories here. I worked with him once. Nice guy, but I'm not sure he isn't "one of them".

12-23-17, 10:52
In the name of objectivity, there's a lot of shady stuff under the hood of the release of that vid, but personally, I see it as two different issues. Still, some skepticism warranted:

Why The NY Times Pentagon UFO Disclosures Deserve More Skepticism


Motive....it's always about motive. Are we being conditioned for something much bigger? I still think the public reaction to verifiable evidence of E.T. would be chaos. Fundamentalist Christians would either lose faith and be emotionally destroyed, or they'd conclude that it's demonic activity being manifested. Keep in mind that in this part of New Mexico's rural southwest, we still have secret groups of devout Catholics called Penitentes. How would the Southern Baptist Conference react to such evidence? For me, I'd want to interact with E.T. and find out about their culture, history and if they have any understanding of a supreme being. Lots of questions to be asked.

Also, the 2004 video focused on one of the 40 foot Tic Tacs, but the interaction between the pilots indicated there was something right at, or just below the surface of the water causing wave action. The pilots indicated there was more than one of these Tic Tacs flying around. So are these UFO fast movers unoccupied scout vehicles, which are normally housed in a "mother ship" that remains below the ocean surface?

I still have a little bit of belief that this is terrestrial and man-made, but this sort of thing is much bigger than Area 51. I am keeping an open mind because I honestly don't have a clue as to what is going on. Giant hoax...maybe. Real E.T. stuff....perhaps.

12-23-17, 11:02
......I just want my jetpack and ray gun.

Outlander Systems
12-23-17, 11:11

12-23-17, 11:31
Too much of it sounds too far fetched to me. If there were beings from other planets hanging around since the 50's (Area 51?) or earlier, why wouldn't we know them by name by now?

Way before 50s. Like a thousand years worth. Maybe we do know them by name...

As was already mentioned earlier in the thread, do "we" have some sort of method for restraining these beings capable of interstellar travel and piloting aircraft that defy what we know of the physical limitations of matter and life? They can travel across the universe, but some how the US government can make them not land or show up wherever they want and introduce themselves?

I don't track that. "They" make our jets look like slow POS. How would we force them to do a damn thing? Like saying why don't cats just force humans to be nicer to cats.

I could understand if the "aliens" themselves wanted to remain secretive, but if that were the case, they are doing a piss poor job of staying hidden. And if it is really aliens, why would the world governments be trying to hide this all the time and cover up sightings?

A good Q, but discussed many times: most assume it's like a lot of things, the gubment has decided it's for our own good, people can't handle the truth, they don't want to adnit something totally out of their control freely cruises in our air space, etc. Also, not world governments, mostly just ours at this point. Read OP for more details.

Alex V
12-23-17, 11:37
What if this is all an elaborate marketing campaigne by Fox to promote the upcoming season of XFiles?

I would rewatch Little Green Men if Netflix hadnt removed X Files like the communists they are

WHAT! That's bull crap! Good thing I have all 9 seasons and both movies on DVD. I think season 10 is available on OnDemand.

What if instead of aliens, the visitors are us, but from the future!?

Outlander Systems
12-23-17, 11:39
The timing of this release/disclosure is curious.



12-23-17, 11:40
Motive....it's always about motive. Are we being conditioned for something much bigger? I still think the public reaction to verifiable evidence of E.T. would be chaos. Fundamentalist Christians would either lose faith and be emotionally destroyed, or they'd conclude that it's demonic activity being manifested. Keep in mind that in this part of New Mexico's rural southwest, we still have secret groups of devout Catholics called Penitentes. How would the Southern Baptist Conference react to such evidence? For me, I'd want to interact with E.T. and find out about their culture, history and if they have any understanding of a supreme being. Lots of questions to be asked.

Also, the 2004 video focused on one of the 40 foot Tic Tacs, but the interaction between the pilots indicated there was something right at, or just below the surface of the water causing wave action. The pilots indicated there was more than one of these Tic Tacs flying around. So are these UFO fast movers unoccupied scout vehicles, which are normally housed in a "mother ship" that remains below the ocean surface?

I still have a little bit of belief that this is terrestrial and man-made, but this sort of thing is much bigger than Area 51. I am keeping an open mind because I honestly don't have a clue as to what is going on. Giant hoax...maybe. Real E.T. stuff....perhaps.

Don't disagree. It would turn humanities view of the world, etc on it's ass, and eliminate the human-centric tendency to put ourselves at the center of everything as we have since day one. It may change humanity for the better long term as we'd stop seeing each other as different and the enemy all the time, realize how small this planet really is etc, but I agree, short term, would be a cluster. I'm ready...

Outlander Systems
12-23-17, 11:46

12-23-17, 14:11
I would think that any alien civilization advanced enough to fly here across space would have weapons technology that would be mind-boggling. I don't think we would be a major problem for them should things go south.

12-23-17, 14:28
I would think that any alien civilization advanced enough to fly here across space would have weapons technology that would be mind-boggling. I don't think we would be a major problem for them should things go south.

Lotsa dudes in Bentleys get car jacked if they go to the wrong part of town :)

I have no doubt we are the ghetto of the galaxy.

"Holy shit.....they have wars over race and religion. We have natural purple, green, and blue hair and pray to 80 different gods. They would rape and kill us!"

I mean....imagine you are Lor of Hurjel. You pull right on up. Park. Wear your Sunday best and put on your church manners and automatically dudes with beltfeds and rockets thug up on you before you can even say "Sup guys". Half the people wanna know how you can die and the other half wanna know what kind of sex orifice you use and all are pretty much curious about both.

Would YOU really wanna stop? Would you really?

We expect to land dudes on other planets with guns and power armor and beginning colonies.

Plus they think we think they randomly snatch folks up from Bugtussle, Tennessee just to do anal probes.

Nobody visiting us, man.....

Remember that line from Bebes Kids?

"The pizza man dont come around here no mo'"

12-23-17, 14:57
What if this is all an elaborate marketing campaigne by Fox to promote the upcoming season of XFiles?

WHAT! That's bull crap! Good thing I have all 9 seasons and both movies on DVD. I think season 10 is available on OnDemand.

What if instead of aliens, the visitors are us, but from the future!?

I've often pondered similar thoughts.

I think about this and here's a short list of what UFO's could be:
1) Non-Earth beings/aliens
2) Original inhabitants of Earth that branched out into the universe long ago before we came to be
3) Time traveling humans
4) Interdimensional beings
5) Classified military tests/equipment
6) Breakaway civilization
7) Natural distortions of time and space overlapping dimensions for brief moments

Going off of what I said earlier in how we perceive/know the physical world around us- it's obvious that technology and knowledge can overcome just about any obstacle and render it void as a barrier, see our relatively short known history; went from a long distance was from one town to another, then across oceans, then deep into the ocean, then to the moon and back, etc.

With the capabilities of these UFO's; what we observe at least, being well beyond our capabilities- it's likely that there is much more tech at play we can't fathom.

Think of the evolution of our technology as a species. What we have tech wise today would be mind boggling to someone from 30,000 years ago (or perhaps it would be seen as inferior? We really don't know)

It's staggering over a long period of time what would be possible if civilization kept advancing. Now expand what we know and how we harness the physical world around us from now to another 1,000 years or 10,000 or 1,000,000 years down the road and what's possible is beyond our ability to comprehend.

It's possible that worm holes and warp bubbles are simple/common tech in the grand scheme of the universe and we just happen to be mere infants as a civilization unable to do anything but theorize about such things.

12-23-17, 18:41
Beliefs and theories seem to run the gamut here. I find it extremely unlikely that we are the only sentient beings in our own galaxy, much less the known universe. Kinda like that line from the film Contact, "If we're the only ones, isn't the rest of the universe an awfully big waste of space".

The conservative estimate is that there are at least 100 billion and possibly as many as 400 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy alone. That's just one galaxy. There are an estmated 100 billion other galaxies in the known universe. I can't even wrap my head around the math it would take to determine the probability that our sun is the only solar system with a life sustaining planet in it's orbit.

We emerged as modern humans on this planet 200,000 years ago. It was less than 50 years ago we managed to send men 238k miles to the moon and back. Who knows how long it will take us to develop the technology to travel 25 trillion miles or so to the solar system next door?

I am sure that if we as a species ever figure out how to do it, we most certainly will take that leap just to satisfy our limitless curiosity. I also think there are much more important things we need to figure out before we even try to venture out of our own solar system.

I find it likely that any beings that have travelled here to study us have gone back and reported that we are not even worth the effort to communicate with yet and it will likely be thousands of years before we are. We are probably about as interesting to them as a nice aquarium setup is to us. It's like going to the zoo.

12-23-17, 21:32
Beliefs and theories seem to run the gamut here. I find it extremely unlikely that we are the only sentient beings in our own galaxy, much less the known universe. Kinda like that line from the film Contact, "If we're the only ones, isn't the rest of the universe an awfully big waste of space".

When look at the shear numbers we are dealing with (hundreds of billions of stars in out galaxy alone among hundreds of billions of galaxies),the fact planets are very common everywhere we look, and I believe over a 1000+ discovered so far and counting, the fact our galaxy relatively young, water is common, amino acids found in comets, etc, etc, the probability of us being the only intelligent life approaches zero. The vast majority of scientists working in the field would agree. Considering what we have learned about physics in the last 100 years, imagine a civilization that has a million years on us, just 10K years on us, or 100K, which is an eye blink in cosmic time scales.

However, that's a totally different topic from whether or not any civilization could cross those distances to visit us. People often view the topic as interchangeable and they are not and the % of scientists who think we have been visited dwindles quickly, but is higher than many may realize.

Personally, I think it's a lock there is, and has been, something in our airspace that aint us.


Probability intelligent life exists other than our planet is very high by most estimations

Probability that intelligent life has visited us at some point in our history, can't be calculated

12-23-17, 21:34
Think of the evolution of our technology as a species. What we have tech wise today would be mind boggling to someone from 30,000 years ago (or perhaps it would be seen as inferior? We really don't know)

30K? 2K and you would be viewed a God, and 200 years a witch and burned at the stake.

12-24-17, 00:12
30K? 2K and you would be viewed a God, and 200 years a witch and burned at the stake.

Absolutely. My point being that perception, knowledge base and frame of reference based on our beliefs and understanding of the universe work against us as much as they work for us when discussing and thinking about these topics.

30,000 years ago may be much different then we imagine/believe. And that's not even a blip of time compared to the age of our universe.

We are a young species. What we understand and are able to conceptualize- is vastly minuscule. Our recorded and known history is very limited.

What we understand, experience and know as an entire species is likely less than a trillionth of a percent of what exists out there; given the magnitude of our universe.

12-24-17, 10:07
Absolutely. My point being that perception, knowledge base and frame of reference based on our beliefs and understanding of the universe work against us as much as they work for us when discussing and thinking about these topics.

30,000 years ago may be much different then we imagine/believe. And that's not even a blip of time compared to the age of our universe.

We are a young species. What we understand and are able to conceptualize- is vastly minuscule. Our recorded and known history is very limited.

What we understand, experience and know as an entire species is likely less than a trillionth of a percent of what exists out there; given the magnitude of our universe.

Like the man said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C Clarke

12-24-17, 10:14
I was in Prescott when the Paulden/Prescott/Phoenix UFOs hit in March 1997. They cruised over head and then ended up being the part of the "lights" down in Phoenix. I am kicking myself for being inside... But some classmates saw it and we talked about it for a while.

They said it was a big V shaped craft that was silent, low and slow. I never thought it was aliens but a classified aircraft of some sort. If it was a classified airship program, why fly them all over AZ?

Dang, I wish I could have seen it!!!



12-24-17, 11:14
I was in Prescott when the Paulden/Prescott/Phoenix UFOs hit in March 1997. They cruised over head and then ended up being the part of the "lights" down in Phoenix. I am kicking myself for being inside... But some classmates saw it and we talked about it for a while.

They said it was a big V shaped craft that was silent, low and slow. I never thought it was aliens but a classified aircraft of some sort. If it was a classified airship program, why fly them all over AZ?

Dang, I wish I could have seen it!!!



The big dead quiet V shape is a common one. A buddy of mine was in the Iraq desert during early part of Iraq II. He said as they were walking along and the little light they had from the stars, went black, so they all looked up and saw a huge V shaped craft passing over them low and slow making no noise at all. They all looked at each other like "WTF?" and pretty much went back to the job of not getting discovered or killed. He said they were split on whether it was some next gen thing of ours, or alien in nature. He said they didn't report it and it was not the first time or last others he knew experienced such a thing. I was not there, but he was not one to fabricate such a thing and it was told in confidence.

From link above "This was later shown to be a string of flares dropped by the Maryland Air National Guard over the North Tac military range"

I'd challenge anyone who has extensive experience (which I don't have) with flairs to watch the vids and tell me those were flares. Now, I don't believe that was one massive V shaped craft or anything like that. No clue what it was, not convinced it was some alien tech, but the flare explanation is a tough one for me to swallow.

12-24-17, 14:04
In 1997 I was stationed at Luke AFB outside Phoenix and lived about 5 miles from base in Peoria. I think I must have been home asleep or watching TV when the "Phoenix Lights" incident happened. The next day some guys at the shop were talking about it, but I don't recall anything other than a passing interest in the whole event.

I was a Munitions Troop by trade (2W1X0) and am familiar with the LUU-2 parachute flare that is mentioned in some explanations. I used to load them into the SUU-25 flare dispenser for use by A-10's. A fully loaded dispenser can accommodate 8 of these battlefield illumination flares. They produce about 2 million candlepower for 5 minutes duration (the heat from the burning magnesium candle actually produces a certain amount of lift for the cruciform parachute to help keep it aloft). I don't have any explanation (and little interest) for this event, but a string of burning LUU-2's in the right area would - to my mind- be a plausible explanation.

12-24-17, 14:44
In 1997 I was stationed at Luke AFB outside Phoenix and lived about 5 miles from base in Peoria. I think I must have been home asleep or watching TV when the "Phoenix Lights" incident happened. The next day some guys at the shop were talking about it, but I don't recall anything other than a passing interest in the whole event.

I was a Munitions Troop by trade (2W1X0) and am familiar with the LUU-2 parachute flare that is mentioned in some explanations. I used to load them into the SUU-25 flare dispenser for use by A-10's. A fully loaded dispenser can accommodate 8 of these battlefield illumination flares. They produce about 2 million candlepower for 5 minutes duration (the heat from the burning magnesium candle actually produces a certain amount of lift for the cruciform parachute to help keep it aloft). I don't have any explanation (and little interest) for this event, but a string of burning LUU-2's in the right area would - to my mind- be a plausible explanation.

my dad flew out of luke but in the 50s F-86 sabre

12-24-17, 14:59
have heard some say the tech they got was what made the hugest leap in history
we figured out how to break the speed of sound
we got to travel to space
made the semiconductor
LED, fiber optics etc....
all in that late 50s early 60s huge major breakthroughs that even today its more refinements not major like that time

even gorilla glass we use in the phones today was invented back then

now like taking a modern cell phone back to 1920 they would be like hmmmmm we have no way of making this but we can gleam things from the tech and get ideas
and would make huge changes and leaps in tech

not saying this is just saying some say :)

12-24-17, 16:00
In 1997 I was stationed at Luke AFB outside Phoenix and lived about 5 miles from base in Peoria. I think I must have been home asleep or watching TV when the "Phoenix Lights" incident happened. The next day some guys at the shop were talking about it, but I don't recall anything other than a passing interest in the whole event.

I was a Munitions Troop by trade (2W1X0) and am familiar with the LUU-2 parachute flare that is mentioned in some explanations. I used to load them into the SUU-25 flare dispenser for use by A-10's. A fully loaded dispenser can accommodate 8 of these battlefield illumination flares. They produce about 2 million candlepower for 5 minutes duration (the heat from the burning magnesium candle actually produces a certain amount of lift for the cruciform parachute to help keep it aloft). I don't have any explanation (and little interest) for this event, but a string of burning LUU-2's in the right area would - to my mind- be a plausible explanation.

Good intel, thanx. I (possibly) stand corrected.

12-24-17, 16:35
I caught the interview with Luis Elizondo on Beck last week. One thing he noted is that they can go from 80k to 50 ft and back in an instant. What could possibly survive those Gs? It reminded me of the Jerusalem sighting over the Dome in 2011. Clip below are from 5 different observers around the dome. Curious too, the Dome also seems to be of interest. the flash before the ascent is also curious. 1:46, 2:40, 3:40


12-24-17, 16:48
I caught the interview with Luis Elizondo on Beck last week. One thing he noted is that they can go from 80k to 50 ft and back in an instant. What could possibly survive those Gs? It reminded me of the Jerusalem sighting over the Dome in 2011. Clip below are from 5 different observers around the dome. Curious too, the Dome also seems to be of interest. the flash before the ascent is also curious. 1:46, 2:40, 3:40

At 4:03, wow. Damn that's some acceleration for swamp gas or a flare...to answer your Q, no human would survive those Gs. That's one of a number of hallmarks of their behavior that tells us they (what ever they are) have some how been able to manipulate physics as we understand it, such as inertia which some how does seem to apply to them.

12-24-17, 18:29
The original Fravor article in the first page briefly mentioned a WWII pilot saying a UFO study program should be made after he served, but it didn't mention that many pilots of that era reported seeing similar tech in the skies during the war. Back then, almost everything was experimental or relatively new, but many attributed it to some secret German science or technology. However the pilots' descriptions of what they saw are similar to the sightings in the videos in this thread, which is well beyond any current human technology, so it must have been truly mind boggling in the 40s.

Outlander Systems
12-24-17, 18:41

"We propose to study the implementation of an innovative thrust producing technology for use in NASA missions involving in space main propulsion. Mach Effect Thruster (MET) propulsion is based on peer-reviewed, technically credible physics. Mach effects are transient variations in the rest masses of objects that simultaneously experience accelerations and internal energy changes. They are predicted by standard physics where Mach’s principle applies – as discussed in peer-reviewed papers spanning 20 years and a recent book, Making Starships and Stargates: the Science of Interstellar Transport and Absurdly Benign Wormholes published recently by Springer-Verlag. These effects have the revolutionary capability to produce thrust without the irreversible ejection of propellant, eliminating the need to carry propellant as required with most other propulsion systems."



12-24-17, 21:55
At 4:03, wow. Damn that's some acceleration for swamp gas or a flare...to answer your Q, no human would survive those Gs. That's one of a number of hallmarks of their behavior that tells us they (what ever they are) have some how been able to manipulate physics as we understand it, such as inertia which some how does seem to apply to them.have you ever looked into the Nazi bell?

A podcast I listen to called astonishing legends goes over it in great detail and explains a lot of this kind of theoretical tech.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

12-25-17, 07:57
have you ever looked into the Nazi bell?

A podcast I listen to called astonishing legends goes over it in great detail and explains a lot of this kind of theoretical tech.

I have. Very interesting stuff but rather inconclusive at best.

12-25-17, 09:37
A less fascinating, perhaps more believable explanation of the bell as an enrichment device to create Uranium 233 is here: https://sites.google.com/site/nazibelluncovered/

12-25-17, 17:27
The big dead quiet V shape is a common one. A buddy of mine was in the Iraq desert during early part of Iraq II. He said as they were walking along and the little light they had from the stars, went black, so they all looked up and saw a huge V shaped craft passing over them low and slow making no noise at all. They all looked at each other like "WTF?" and pretty much went back to the job of not getting discovered or killed. He said they were split on whether it was some next gen thing of ours, or alien in nature. He said they didn't report it and it was not the first time or last others he knew experienced such a thing. I was not there, but he was not one to fabricate such a thing and it was told in confidence.

From link above "This was later shown to be a string of flares dropped by the Maryland Air National Guard over the North Tac military range"

I'd challenge anyone who has extensive experience (which I don't have) with flairs to watch the vids and tell me those were flares. Now, I don't believe that was one massive V shaped craft or anything like that. No clue what it was, not convinced it was some alien tech, but the flare explanation is a tough one for me to swallow.

Just note that there were 2 incidents that day. The first, the V shaped vehicle that traveled from the north to the south of the state. Later in the night, the "lights" in Phoenix. There are no videos of the first incident but I think folks were out in force that night afterwards with cameras.

I met a guy who worked composites at the airport, must have been 1998 or 1999. He mentioned a working a black airship/blimp program at some point in the past. In my mind that project could have been what was flown in AZ. Your buddy seeing the same thing in Iraq just kind of makes me believe it was something we built and not aliens, man.

Those lights going vertical in Jerusalem are nuts. Pretty cool.

12-26-17, 08:15
Just note that there were 2 incidents that day. The first, the V shaped vehicle that traveled from the north to the south of the state. Later in the night, the "lights" in Phoenix. There are no videos of the first incident but I think folks were out in force that night afterwards with cameras.

I met a guy who worked composites at the airport, must have been 1998 or 1999. He mentioned a working a black airship/blimp program at some point in the past. In my mind that project could have been what was flown in AZ. Your buddy seeing the same thing in Iraq just kind of makes me believe it was something we built and not aliens, man.

Those lights going vertical in Jerusalem are nuts. Pretty cool.

Thanx for the reminder. I often forget that important fact. UFOs have been seen all through history during human conflict.