View Full Version : Anonymous (hacking group)

01-08-18, 18:44
never mind :)

01-08-18, 19:08
"anonymous" is anybody that wants to be anonymous.

No centralized leadership. Nailing jello to a wall would be a,more fruitful endeavor than figuring it out.

That said, when technology makes life easy and fun; great.

When technology is used to illegally spy or swap info or keep tabs on who I am; time to pump those brakes.

This is why I was and am so Vehemently against the "patriot" act. The very name is emotional and loaded.

I remember in 2001 being called a hardcore communist over it and being pressed with "Oh what, you're not a patriot?!" when everyone was putting US flags on their cars like they were in Presidential or diplomatic convoys.

It is, pardon the analogy, the same tactic as "black lives matter". If you oppose the tactics then essentially you get "oh wait, you dont think black lives matter?!"

And emotion takes over and the term "well all lives matter" is considered an insult when you are trying to introduce rational thought to emotionality.

Like the other over emotional term, "Well if you have nothing to hide why do you care?"

Nothing to hide, just none of anybody's business.

Privacy isnt a bad thing. It avoids conflicts. Some topics are best left unbroached.

I have gotten along great with folks until they start bringing up stuff, then badgering my opinion (key word), then come at me the other way solely because I had a different thoughtpath on what is cosmically a trivial matter.

So thats why people dont really need to know where I go or who I hang out with or personal, yet legal, kinks I may or may not have.

Any efforts to expose the self appointed technocracy is a good thing.

01-08-18, 21:33
never mind :)

01-09-18, 16:45
The hacker named 4chan called and wants to know were you got the low down on his friend AnOnyMoUs.

Describing the later as "they" is about as dumb as implying the same about the former.