View Full Version : Libs freaking out about new gun add

01-23-18, 10:28
There is a new gun ad out that has libs freaking out. It has law abiding citizens defending their freedom against antifa thugs hell bent on destruction, using Spikes Tactical products.

1. Both my ARs are built on Spikes lowers, and they run very well. They are as good as any other company out there.

2. The advertising campaign of people (like me, and probably most of you) who just want to defend their freedom from anarchy is long overdue.

Bravo Spikes...



01-23-18, 10:42
AWESOME AD! I'd love to have a Poster of it, I'd even hang it up at work here, I love it! I don't know about everyone else here, I'm sure they'd be acouple WUSSES. :laugh:

01-23-18, 10:47
The poster, much like the whole "III%" crowd, is cute. I've gotta give it to ANTIFA, at least they are "men" of action. What's the III% crowd doing? Buying Spikes posters?

01-23-18, 10:54
The poster, much like the whole "III%" crowd, is cute. I've gotta give it to ANTIFA, at least they are "men" of action. What's the III% crowd doing? Buying Spikes posters?

Give me a break & YEP!

01-23-18, 11:09
Give me a break & YEP!

Sorry, I don't mean to knock anyone here. I just get a kick out of seeing propaganda from our side when all we do is talk.

01-23-18, 11:24
The poster, much like the whole "III%" crowd, is cute. I've gotta give it to ANTIFA, at least they are "men" of action. What's the III% crowd doing? Buying Spikes posters?

And getting Moron Labe tattoos!

01-23-18, 11:37
Im not into Fantasy art, guess some guys are into that.

WTF is “pipe hitters union?” Sounds like the gun version of HArley Davidson, or Bone Collector. The Skull just tops it off.

01-23-18, 11:42
Sorry, I don't mean to knock anyone here. I just get a kick out of seeing propaganda from our side when all we do is talk.

"Our side" is made up of moral men who have families and jobs. (well, I'm retired, but I HAD a job. I was a soldier for 28 years, til I got blowed up) My point is we don't go out in the streets crying when we don't get our way. We go on living our lives. Be that as it may, should the time come to defend our freedom from anarchy, we will be there. That is the difference. We are not an offensive bunch. We want to be left alone to live in peace. We only respond in defense of freedom, and will use deadly force only when necessary.

I do get the point, however, and wish that politically the conservataves were more active. That could help to cause deadly force to be less likely to me needed. Then again, this is how we got President Trump, so... we shall see.

Just don't go thinking that the antifa crowd will continue to have free reign over the nation. They will either fade away, be politically defeated, or one day (God forbid) go too far... but they will not win.

01-23-18, 11:46
We're cool man..;)

Sorry, I don't mean to knock anyone here. I just get a kick out of seeing propaganda from our side when all we do is talk.

01-23-18, 11:49
Honestly, I didn't even notice color or tats.. I just Saw a FEW Standing Up against Many, that's what I like about it, as it seems to me, it's the way it is..

01-23-18, 11:57
I always love the instant trashing of anything like this. The III% term starts getting thrown around, and of course so does molon labe. It's no wonder gun owners are always on the defensive legally and never seem to be able to make any real progress. We can't seem to help but rush to be the first one to try and be the cool one tearing each other down.

01-23-18, 12:03
And this is print proof Spikes is a bunch of dumb fuks.

Companies with brains know better than stupid adds like this, it does nothing good for us or our community.

Spikes is a company of dumb asses marketing guns to dumb asses.

01-23-18, 12:13
And this is print proof Spikes is a bunch of dumb fuks.

Companies with brains know better than stupid adds like this, it does nothing good for us or our community.

Spikes is a company of dumb asses marketing guns to dumb asses.

With what I said in my previous post, make no mistake. I agree with TIMS on this. The add isn't the best thing for the gun community but I have no doubt it will sell them a lot of spikes gear.

01-23-18, 12:24
I dont like politics in my guns or Spike's but the advert made me smile.

01-23-18, 12:25
It doesn't do anyone any good.
If anyone buys a Spike's product, does Spike's want to show up. With multiple attorneys when some delusional SOB decides to replicate the scene on that advertisement?
Some people should know better, but they saddle up and ride on in anyway.

01-23-18, 12:32
So on one hand we complain that our side doesn't do enough to fight back. On the other hand we dump on a reputable gun company when they have the temerity to stand up and publicly fight back against our enemies, at tremendous personal risk for doing so.

Which is it? Stand up and stand against communist thugs that are actively trying to take over our country, or don't do and say dumb stuff that some people might not like?

For those who don't like the ad and lament about how our side doesn't do anything, what SHOULD we be doing? What do YOU personally do instead of making ads like Spike's? What suggestions have you for the rest of us that want to put a stop to this, want to fight back, but don't know what to do? Instead of complaining about what someone on our side did, why don't you tell us what should be done to end this BS?

01-23-18, 12:39
So the most amusing thing about this ad campaign is that it appears (?) to have caused an Antifa member to admit chasing the Charlottesville driver with a rifle, which might mean he was fleeing for his life rather than trying to hurt people.

All the links below are basically the same article, and all the sites are fringe/iffy/ whatever you want to call them, but FYI.





01-23-18, 12:55
So on one hand we complain that our side doesn't do enough to fight back. On the other hand we dump on a reputable gun company when they have the temerity to stand up and publicly fight back against our enemies, at tremendous personal risk for doing so.

Which is it? Stand up and stand against communist thugs that are actively trying to take over our country, or don't do and say dumb stuff that some people might not like?

For those who don't like the ad and lament about how our side doesn't do anything, what SHOULD we be doing? What do YOU personally do instead of making ads like Spike's? What suggestions have you for the rest of us that want to put a stop to this, want to fight back, but don't know what to do? Instead of complaining about what someone on our side did, why don't you tell us what should be done to end this BS?

When are we going to get a LIKE button?

01-23-18, 13:06
So on one hand we complain that our side doesn't do enough to fight back. On the other hand we dump on a reputable gun company when they have the temerity to stand up and publicly fight back against our enemies, at tremendous personal risk for doing so.

Which is it? Stand up and stand against communist thugs that are actively trying to take over our country, or don't do and say dumb stuff that some people might not like?

For those who don't like the ad and lament about how our side doesn't do anything, what SHOULD we be doing? What do YOU personally do instead of making ads like Spike's? What suggestions have you for the rest of us that want to put a stop to this, want to fight back, but don't know what to do? Instead of complaining about what someone on our side did, why don't you tell us what should be done to end this BS?

dang bro.... you just CRUSHED it.

01-23-18, 13:14
All I see is vigilante propaganda.

01-23-18, 13:20
All I see is vigilante propaganda.

I see Peacekeepers behind a barricade facing down a dangerous and violent mob.

01-23-18, 13:35
They should print up "Pinochet Helicopter Tours" tickets and pop a couple with the lowers. Maybe even Papa Johns rebates.

If you gon be a bear, be a grizzly!!

Dist. Expert 26
01-23-18, 13:47
Honestly this is probably the best business decision Spikes ever made. Every wannabe operator is going to be rocking Spikes' stuff now.

Besides that, the feigned shock from the left is fantastic.

01-23-18, 13:53
Sheeyit, even I kinda want a Spikes lower now......just because everybody mad.

Their guns are shite but I like rebels

01-23-18, 13:54
I see a weapons race;
Antifa will now buy AR-15 rifles,
Spikes will produce 6lb .308 rifles,
Antifa will buy .308 Tavors,
Where will it end ???

Dist. Expert 26
01-23-18, 14:02
Sheeyit, even I kinda want a Spikes lower now......just because everybody mad.

Their guns are shite but I like rebels

I'm proud to say I've been running their T2 buffer for the last few years. You might say I was ahead of the times.

01-23-18, 14:04
I see a weapons race;
Antifa will now buy AR-15 rifles,
Spikes will produce 6lb .308 rifles,
Antifa will buy .308 Tavors,
Where will it end ???

When soyboys run out of money.

They are a threat but they aint exactly Shining Path or 26 de Julio

Coal Dragger
01-23-18, 14:05
I see a weapons race;
Antifa will now buy AR-15 rifles,
Spikes will produce 6lb .308 rifles,
Antifa will buy .308 Tavors,
Where will it end ???

With Antifa and their counterparts putting $$$ in gun manufacturers pockets, while both parties talk a lot of shit at each other.

01-23-18, 14:11
I see Peacekeepers behind a barricade facing down a dangerous and violent mob.

I see guys looking for a fight that should be at home touching up the Punisher logos on their plate carriers instead of pretending to be cops. Maybe I just can't see going out of my way to hang out at a riot... With my rifle... And a plate carrier.

01-23-18, 14:17
I see guys looking for a fight that should be at home touching up the Punisher logos on their plate carriers instead of pretending to be cops. Maybe I just can't see going out of my way to hang out at a riot... With my rifle... And a plate carrier.

Depending on OT and how cool the DA is...
.I might. ;)

Well, if I were 5 years younger....

or hepped up on Peanut Butter Twix, Rip it and Rip Fuel.

01-23-18, 15:32
I see guys looking for a fight that should be at home touching up the Punisher logos on their plate carriers instead of pretending to be cops. Maybe I just can't see going out of my way to hang out at a riot... With my rifle... And a plate carrier.

With the political chains binding departments hiring, actions, and policies, etc. the Cheeto-raters are probably no less effective than the cops pretending to be cops and the cops pretending to be operators.

01-23-18, 15:43
With the political chains binding departments hiring, actions, and policies, etc. the Cheeto-raters are probably no less effective than the cops pretending to be cops and the cops pretending to be operators.

Sadly this....

I would, God help me, almost (key word) take a buncha LARPers over 90lb pissant women and diversity hires "just wantin' a mufu'in' paycheck and sheeyit, yo" against an angry mob of piss chuckers, Columbine kids, and fire bombers.

Really....if we could just dole out pumpkinheads like it was 1929, they would all go home and open a book.

All I need is a 3" Registered Magnum, an 1897, a 6 D maglite, and a Cocobolo two footer with a leather wrist strap and no cameras, no SPLC, no ACLU, and a DA and a State AG that were cool...

01-23-18, 15:46
I know the public expects me to be outraged and full of indignation and to despise the concept of this poster, and I should loudly display my virtue expressing this outrage.

But, the reality is,
In my head,
This is on OK...
Before poster.

What true man’s heart does not long for the AFTER poster-
Gloriously happy men passing skins of wine and fermented goats milk before a field of vanquished ANTIFA,
Piles of loot and their naked, bound women at your feet.


What Would Thor Do.

The world would be so much more advanced, prosperous and cut and dried,
With colonies on the moon and Mars.

There would be no racial issues, as the practice of impregnating women of conquered lands would have ensured one single olive-esh race by this time.

Politically, democracy would be even stronger,
With the right to cross swords one on one an option instead of bitching on the Internet over grievances.

Medical and budget spending would be wonderfully under control, with Darwinian processes intact and little need for nursing homes.

Oh wait,
I forgot. Umm.
This is an outrage.
I am offended.
Forget the other stuff.

01-23-18, 15:50

What does any of that have to do with Trenchguns, Pumpkinheads, and black chicks with afros and purple lipstick in leather jumpsuits calling me "Big Daddy Fly"?

01-23-18, 16:26
Nothing Firefly.

I am just commenting,
That society’s conditioning of us to be outraged over the poster conflicts with what a true man feels,
The desire to crush your enemy, see him driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of his women.

01-23-18, 17:44
Nothing Firefly.

I am just commenting,
That society’s conditioning of us to be outraged over the poster conflicts with what a true man feels,
The desire to crush your enemy, see him driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of his women.

Interesting post ramairthree,

I am finishing up a very good book that is based on the belief that a man was designed and instilled with the need for three things to fulfill his life on Earth:

1. An enemy to defeat
2. An adventure to live
3. A beauty to win

01-23-18, 17:50
These days, Conan would have said, "...and to hear the lamentation of the beta males..."

01-23-18, 17:52
I hope y'all nickels know Conan was written by a guy who lived at home, suffered severe depression, and ate a .38 Super at around age 30.

Books and movies, it's not like it's a Bible verse or nothing

01-23-18, 18:01
I'm puzzled by the fact one of those operators in the poster apparently chose to bring an AR pistol to his playdate with Antifa. I mean....why?
I don't have much of an opinion on Spike's beyond the fact that once you see the Dueling Penises in their logo, you never see the spider again, and that their trigger guard roll pins were the easiest to install of any I've ever used. While the poster is pretty goddamn cringey, I appreciate Spike's utterly unapologetic stance on it.
The important thing here is that people I don't like were upset by it.
Honestly a poster depicting those pipe hitter dudes just flat out opening fire on that mob would have been even better.
I actually think that would be less cringey and more legitimately funny.

01-23-18, 18:10
All I need is a 3" Registered Magnum, an 1897, a 6 D maglite, and a Cocobolo two footer with a leather wrist strap and no cameras, no SPLC, no ACLU, and a DA and a State AG that were cool...

Maybe a .38 snubbie in each pocket of your giant dark blue wool coat when your walking your neighborhood?
My Grandfathers Brother was a Chicago Cop waaaaay back in the day. He still could scare the crap out of us when he was like 85 or so.
Hell, the boots that guy wore were lethal weapons.

Standing in line may make a nice poster, but if you were making a video?
Just random melons popping, no noise, random shots, all head shots, then the panic sets in...

01-23-18, 18:19
Maybe a .38 snubbie in each pocket of your giant dark blue wool coat when your walking your neighborhood?
My Grandfathers Brother was a Chicago Cop waaaaay back in the day. He still could scare the crap out of us when he was like 85 or so.
Hell, the boots that guy wore were lethal weapons.

Standing in line may make a nice poster, but if you were making a video?
Just random melons popping, no noise, random shots, all head shots, then the panic sets in...

Yessir. Model 49 hamerlesses loaded up with Nyclad.

No wool, but classic leather and the campaign hat. A good pair of steel toes.


Mr. Goodtimes
01-23-18, 18:47
There is a new gun ad out that has libs freaking out. It has law abiding citizens defending their freedom against antifa thugs hell bent on destruction, using Spikes Tactical products.

1. Both my ARs are built on Spikes lowers, and they run very well. They are as good as any other company out there.

2. The advertising campaign of people (like me, and probably most of you) who just want to defend their freedom from anarchy is long overdue.

Bravo Spikes...




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-23-18, 19:07
...I don't have much of an opinion on Spike's beyond the fact that once you see the Dueling Penises in their logo, you never see the spider again...

Okay, never heard that before...actually went to the Spikes web site to check out the logo and figure out WTF. Took a minute, and honestly, the first thing I saw that wasn't meant to be there was a kinda weird liking buck skull and antlers. Your penises look more like an arch....

Do you see hidden penises in other places? Old Sigmund Freud would be LOL!

01-23-18, 19:17
Super gay...It's so gay that there are two dicks on every rifle.

And what the hell is a Pipe Hitters Union? Sounds like a gay bar.

01-23-18, 19:38
Super gay...It's so gay that there are two dicks on every rifle.

And what the hell is a Pipe Hitters Union? Sounds like a gay bar.


Chosen urban gear of 3% everywhere
They are the gun crowd equivalent of American Apparel.

01-23-18, 19:39
The poster, much like the whole "III%" crowd, is cute. I've gotta give it to ANTIFA, at least they are "men" of action. What's the III% crowd doing? Buying Spikes posters?

Again, most of us are "law abiding" folks with things to lose. Homes, families, firearms, life savings, etc. We try and "take it to the streets" and we could lose all of it which is why we generally confine our actions to writing letters, voting and trying to work the system.

We don't have multiple arrests for arson, vandalism and assault on a LEO. We don't gypsy around the country from riot to riot living off of donations made to our "go fund me" page. We can't live in a tent and we have higher aspirations than "getting high."

And while humorous in a zombie apocalypse sort of way, that is also why you won't see a bunch of black rifle guys facing down antifa unless antifa makes the fatal mistake of burning down shit in the suburbs. The only thing more pathetic than the walther mitty fantasies of gun owners who think they are gonna stand down antifa "in the streets" with rifle from Spikes are people on the left who freak out about the same advertisement.

01-23-18, 19:40


Yeah, like this level of gay....

01-23-18, 19:44
It doesn't do anyone any good.
If anyone buys a Spike's product, does Spike's want to show up. With multiple attorneys when some delusional SOB decides to replicate the scene on that advertisement?
Some people should know better, but they saddle up and ride on in anyway.

Gun advertisement, covered under freedom of speech. Far less offensive than a lot of expressions of free speech I have seen. Pretty sure it has a net zero effect on the gun debate. Nobody who is anti gun is going to become "more" anti gun as a result, nobody who is pro gun is going to become "less" pro gun as a result and I don't think it will flip anyone on the fence to either side.

New coke, was a much, much bigger deal.

01-23-18, 19:49
I see guys looking for a fight that should be at home touching up the Punisher logos on their plate carriers instead of pretending to be cops. Maybe I just can't see going out of my way to hang out at a riot... With my rifle... And a plate carrier.

Them Koreans should have just called 911...oh wait...they tried.

01-23-18, 19:49
Super gay...It's so gay that there are two dicks on every rifle.

And what the hell is a Pipe Hitters Union? Sounds like a gay bar.

Hahaha. And yeah, once you see the two phallic symbols on Spikes rifles you can never unsee them. Sometimes I wonder if Spikes did that on purpose.

01-23-18, 20:02
Needs more neckbeard and punisher logo.

01-23-18, 20:31
Super gay...It's so gay that there are two dicks on every rifle.

And what the hell is a Pipe Hitters Union? Sounds like a gay bar.

Whoa hold up there, ONE dick is gay. TWO actually cancel each other out (Notice how they face in opposite directions, gotta pay attention to the symbolism), thus not gay at all, but rather super ultra-straight. Now if Spike's figures out a place to put a THIRD dick, well then all bets are off.

01-23-18, 20:33
Whoa hold up there, ONE dick is gay. TWO actually cancel each other out (Notice how they face in opposite directions, gotta pay attention to the symbolism), thus not gay at all, but rather super ultra-straight. Now if Spike's figures out a place to put a THIRD dick, well then all bets are off.

When did frotting cease to be gay?

Mr. Goodtimes
01-23-18, 20:51

Yeah, like this level of gay....

I can not think of a more appropriate representation of the level of pure phaggotry. A phaggot poster by a phaggot company for phaggots who wear phaggot clothes with phaggot posters hung in their office with a safe full of phaggot AR-15’s.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bubba FAL
01-23-18, 21:07
Them Koreans should have just called 911...oh wait...they tried.

Exactly! On the night of 22 May 2011, after law enforcement evacuated our neighborhood, I sat in the driveway of my tornado ravaged house with a fully loaded Mossberg on my lap and M&P 40 on my hip. Does that mean I'm some sort of vigilante?

I don't have tats, don't own any Tapout, Punisher, or Affliction shit, but I would have unloaded that shotgun without hesitation into the first stupid sob that came into my house looking to loot what was left of our stuff. I wasn't looking for a fight, but after the trauma of that evening, I was in no mood for any b.s.. I can tell you for certain that there were more than a few people who, having turned the corner to walk down my street, saw me sitting there and decided to go somewhere else. What were they doing there? I didn't know and didn't care.
Vigilante? Or maybe as I explained to the Deputies who asked me to evacuate, there were many "reasons" why I had to stay at the house that night, "reasons" that I didn't want falling into the wrong hands.

01-23-18, 22:05
People think Pipe Hitters means dudes pumping iron but the real etymology derives from dudes who suck up crack or meth.





So be choosy with which umbrella you wanna be under.

If someone called me a "pipe hitter" them'd be fighting words

01-23-18, 22:34


So be choosy with which umbrella you wanna be under.



01-23-18, 22:51
People think Pipe Hitters means dudes pumping iron but the real etymology derives from dudes who suck up crack or meth.



So be choosy with which umbrella you wanna be under.

If someone called me a "pipe hitter" them'd be fighting words

When I heard "pipe hitting" in Pulp Fiction I assumed it was a "we be clubbing" reference.

01-23-18, 22:55
When I heard "pipe hitting" in Pulp Fiction I assumed it was a "we be clubbing" reference.

Nope. He clearly makes reference that they were crazy, geeked up hop-heads who didnt GAF.

This is what happens when squares misappropriate street culture
(not you, but dudes putting "pipe hitter" on smedium shirts with their short man syndrome)

01-23-18, 23:08
When I heard "pipe hitting" in Pulp Fiction I assumed it was a "we be clubbing" reference.

Same here. Bad dudes that hit people with pipes.

01-23-18, 23:42
The poster, much like the whole "III%" crowd, is cute. I've gotta give it to ANTIFA, at least they are "persons" of action. What's the III% crowd doing? Buying Spikes posters?
Fixed it for you, cis scum. ;)

Sorry, I don't mean to knock anyone here. I just get a kick out of seeing propaganda from our side when all we do is talk.

I always love the instant trashing of anything like this. The III% term starts getting thrown around, and of course so does molon labe. It's no wonder gun owners are always on the defensive legally and never seem to be able to make any real progress. We can't seem to help but rush to be the first one to try and be the cool one tearing each other down.

So on one hand we complain that our side doesn't do enough to fight back. On the other hand we dump on a reputable gun company when they have the temerity to stand up and publicly fight back against our enemies, at tremendous personal risk for doing so.............
For those who don't like the ad and lament about how our side doesn't do anything, what SHOULD we be doing? What do YOU personally do instead of making ads like Spike's? What suggestions have you for the rest of us that want to put a stop to this, want to fight back, but don't know what to do? Instead of complaining about what someone on our side did, why don't you tell us what should be done to end this BS?

I actually agree with both sides there.
It's a ridiculous wannabe ad, that appeals more to the "tactical lifestyle" crowd than anyone with any sense.
On the flip side, see me give a damn what the lefties think. **** 'em, they started whacking the beehive with their shenanigans, and then they want to act surprised and "outraged" after all the offensive signals they've been sending out? Gimme a break. This is just a fair trade for ONE of many things they've said and done that has gone unanswered...

I don't see this as Spikes "standing up" for something- it's just another publicity stunt for them to sell rifles in a down market.
Just like that "crusader rifle" hooplah they were the source of last time around.... Doesn't mean shit coming from them.

Per Bulletdog's bold, I actually do have the answer for this (ta daaaaaa, fete me fellows! :laugh: ).
Start networking with likeminded folk. Not online, in person. "Humint not rumint" as some like to say. Start relationships, talk openly and bluntly about your outlook on the issues, train together regularly, make plans together. Build a solid personal base, then when that's done, go find some more people and do it again.
As far as "fighting back", well, we're SOL on that til the lead starts flying. Which is when you'll want real-life friends you know and trust. I mean, by all means, continue to slug it out in the polls and online. That's about the extent of "fighting back" you're going to get right now, but for the folks that think it's going to be effective forever, remember our pet congresscritters are fickle as the wind and subject to change every 2-4 years, and internet arguments rarely win anything...

I will say this- I also pretty much assure you that it won't work out long term. As we're all to fond of saying "I don't care I have a job and a life and things more dear to me than this nonsense" and for those reasons, nothing will ever change. There will always be "something" else more important that causes people to delay personal interactions outside their daily sphere of influence, or that they can convince themselves to elevate above the fate of the very country they exist in, and so even the most initially committed groups fall apart. Time and complacency are the great enemy, not Antifa and the other Leftist twatwaffles... I've seen it happen a number of times. The other side knows this, and have hung around in the background since the generations of the 60's and 70's failed to nip their nonsense in the bud... so now we're all stuck in the shit.

Which is it? Stand up and stand against communist thugs that are actively trying to take over our country, or don't do and say dumb stuff that some people might not like?
Given the appalling display at hand even here when things start looking grim on our one pet issue, never mind everything else going on beyond that, I think we all know the answer to that....
What's that old saying- something like "the best lack all conviction while the worst are consumed with passionate intensity..."

I see a weapons race;
Antifa will now buy AR-15 rifles,
Spikes will produce 6lb .308 rifles,
Antifa will buy .308 Tavors,
Where will it end ???

With everyone enjoying shooting their cool-guy guns at the range and even less of a chance of anything being banned?
What, I can dream too.... :laugh:

The important thing here is that people I don't like were upset by it.
Honestly a poster depicting those pipe hitter dudes just flat out opening fire on that mob would have been even better.
I actually think that would be less cringey and more legitimately funny.
Only funny if it was some dude firing 2 AR pistols with the arm braces on whilst jumping through the air....

01-23-18, 23:49
Is Antifa even a thing anymore?

01-24-18, 04:42
As a general guideline--admittedly with some exceptions--anybody who causes the Whiny Little Bitchflakes to have some Old Testament Biblical Level Butthurt is doing at least *something* right.

This is, of course, a *general* guideline, there are exceeptions to the rule.

01-24-18, 05:56
Is Antifa even a thing anymore?

Eh, don't know and don't care. Even if they were they aren't coming to my rural neighborhood. And knowing some of my neighbors even if they did make it out here Antifa wouldn't get but a couple of hundred yards down my road before a clean up crew would be needed.

01-24-18, 06:48
When did frotting cease to be gay?

I thought long and hard about this and couldn't come up with any retort that wasn't so gross I was actually uncomfortable posting it.

Eh, don't know and don't care. Even if they were they aren't coming to my rural neighborhood. And knowing some of my neighbors even if they did make it out here Antifa wouldn't get but a couple of hundred yards down my road before a clean up crew would be needed.

They should do their own ad.

01-24-18, 08:09
Consider this thread dead and a DNR has been issued. Some of you all are extremely childish and should do some research before you post the crap that has been posted.