View Full Version : VA AG Herring enters domestic terror bill - singles out "White Nationalists"

01-24-18, 17:24

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring is pushing to make "domestic terrorism" a state crime in response to a deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville last year.

The Daily Press reports that Herring and Democratic Del. Marcia Price are pushing for legislation that would define domestic terrorism as a violent or criminal act aimed at intimidating someone based on race, religious or other factors.

The legislation would also require the state police to identify and "designate domestic terrorist organizations" and assign penalties for helping those groups or participating in them.

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article196311319.html#storylink=cpy

Now I have no love for any hate group but notice if you research this at all you will find no mention of ANTIFA.... He defines the "crime to be committed" but qualifies it with "race/religion". So ANTIFA says we will terrorize on an equal opportunity basis so they are good to go. No problem if they bring a team of combatants to a licensed rally complete with a team of "medics".

Other careful wording... "assign penalties for helping those groups or participating in them" So if you inadvertently donated money to someone that was in a group Mark doesn't like, you could have a "penalty assigned to you" ... If you helped a "White Supremacist" that was getting his head based in by an ANTIFA member... you could have "penalties" assigned to you.

... and so rolls the Virginia Dem Progressive Liberal government..... Don't think it can't happen in your State.

White Nationalists - Alt Right - Bannon - Trump - Republicans - You..... Pretty short walk Herring and the Dems create there. ANTIFA? crickets...........

01-24-18, 17:31
So since "race/religion" is a qualifier, does that apply to BLM also?

(rhetorical question, I know the real answer)

01-24-18, 17:34
Now I have no love for any hate group but notice if you research this at all you will find no mention of ANTIFA.... He defines the "crime to be committed" but qualifies it with "race/religion". So ANTIFA says we will terrorize on an equal opportunity basis so they are good to go. No problem if they bring a team of combatants to a licensed rally complete with a team of "medics".

Other careful wording... "assign penalties for helping those groups or participating in them" So if you inadvertently donated money to someone that was in a group Mark doesn't like, you could have a "penalty assigned to you" ... If you helped a "White Supremacist" that was getting his head based in by an ANTIFA member... you could have "penalties" assigned to you.

... and so rolls the Virginia Dem Progressive Liberal government..... Don't think it can't happen in your State.

White Nationalists - Alt Right - Bannon - Trump - Republicans - You..... Pretty short walk Herring and the Dems create there. ANTIFA? crickets...........
TBH, I'm surprised this hasn't been tried here in Left Coast Hell yet...

01-24-18, 17:56
The Communistwealth of Northern VA at it again.

Remember when VA used to be cool.

It's an overreach. Words mean things like "Terrorist" and "Enemy Combatant".

Rednecks with Swastika tattoos would not normally qualify for the ol Camp Omega treatment as say the numerous splinter cells of MB and ISIL already here and funneling money.

Say what you will, but had Antifa NOT shown up, they woulda talked their mess, took their selfies, and left.

Of all the people in the world, the Alt Right doesn't register compared to the folks in Islamberg, NY or Cummings, GA.
Then there's multiple infiltrators with Sureņo affiliation who are trained by either our military or their home nation who don't mind getting their beaks wet all across the SW to the SE.

But, hey....people only pick on those who they think they can take.

Like it or not the Skins who dont peddle Ice have real jobs.

The Cartels and Radicalized Jihadis....don't.

01-24-18, 20:03
I'm ashamed to be a Virginian... By birth not by choice.
Nothing new here it seems.

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

01-24-18, 20:37
Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring is pushing to make "domestic terrorism" a state crime in response to a deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville last year.

I love how they've run with that line since the event. What a blatant misrepresentation of what actually happened, but hey, with that ONE line they can now write ridiculous laws like this.
Congrats guys, you're watching history being re-written as it happens.

It's an overreach. Words mean things like "Terrorist" and "Enemy Combatant".

Rednecks with Swastika tattoos would not normally qualify for the ol Camp Omega treatment as say the numerous splinter cells of MB and ISIL already here and funneling money.

Say what you will, but had Antifa NOT shown up, they woulda talked their mess, took their selfies, and left......

Indeed, but it really has nothing to do with fact.
It's just another way for them to piss in white people's faces while ensuring their revolution continues unimpeded. You thought screaming "racist" was a great tactic to shut unwanted opposing opinion down? Try "terrorist".... That's all this is about. If you can't beat your opponent, silence them. If you can't silence them, discredit them.

01-24-18, 20:48
I love how they've run with that line since the event. What a blatant misrepresentation of what actually happened, but hey, with that ONE line they can now write ridiculous laws like this.
Congrats guys, you're watching history being re-written as it happens.

Yep, it's got that same stench to it that the "lost emails" does. Invent a lie and stick to it no matter what.

01-24-18, 21:17
Jeez, who is acting like the Gestapo now? If a GOP state did this, even with the exact same language, the MSM would go full Ape Excrement.

01-24-18, 23:09
I feel really bad for Virginians. I wish they could just give Fairfax, Arlington, Prince William, and Loudoun Counties to Maryland. They'd be back to normal if they did that.

01-25-18, 06:05
I love how they've run with that line since the event. What a blatant misrepresentation of what actually happened, but hey, with that ONE line they can now write ridiculous laws like this.
Congrats guys, you're watching history being re-written as it happens.

Indeed, but it really has nothing to do with fact.

Well they sure didn't take the BLM's murder of 5 officers in Dallas and declare BLM a terrorist group.

01-25-18, 07:02
Well they sure didn't take the BLM's murder of 5 officers in Dallas and declare BLM a terrorist group.

And don’t forget Baton Rouge...


All those cops didn’t die of heart attacks....

And it is as if some guy didn’t try to assasinate most of the GOP in Congress...... In Virginia.

01-25-18, 07:12
Ah, but there are "terrorists" and then there are State Sponsored terrorists... BLM/Antifa/WTFE are protected by Deep State Proggie bureaucrats, as they are basically the Sturmabteilung brownshirts of the reconstituted-under-new-branding NSDAP we know as the New Left and Modern Progressivism.

01-25-18, 19:38
...something about "freedom of association".....nahh, forget it.

02-06-18, 18:06
And here's a new one you'll never hear about... the Radical Left here on the Left Coast are starting to tee up to invade backwoods shooting spots and turn them into their own little terrorist-training sites.

NeedANewToyGun 6 points 1 month ago

I want to set up a group chat as well as secure communications between members. I want to use Jabber, it's like facebook messenger, or kik. However it's free open source software, offers strong encryption. Conversation and Xabber are two apps that make it easy to setup. If you choose to set it up you can PM me your account address or share it with me during the Range Day and I'll have you added to the group chat.

I like how you're already thinking about OPSEC.

My question is this, will there be any methods employed to prevent "Ghost skins" or any other alt right f*ck from infiltrating? I have what you could call "immediately identifiable features" and the last thing I need is some alt right clown taking pictures of everyone who shows up and blasting that bubblegum on their doxing channels.

Myself and another have considered wearing masks but we want to run that by you first, I'm not afraid of pulling it off and meeting whomever is in charge; Just want to avoid my face showing up on some hidden cam veritas bubblegum.

(My friend and I have both dealt with threats of violence and rape after being doxed once before, we are simply trying to prevent this from happening again.)

jiliopo[S] 2 points 1 month ago

I understand your concern, and for the time being we have no vetting process. It's alright to wear a mask, most everyone there will understand.

Range days are public events, and we will probably always some sort of monthly event. We also have no membership process as of now, however that is something I want to discuss at the range day.

Contact report from a local at https://www.northwestfirearms.com/threads/socialist-rifle-association.262462/

I have one challenge to those a**clowns:
"Which ONE of you believes in your Glorious Soviet Revolution so much that you will volunteer to DIE FIRST for it?
*more crickets*
This is why nobody respects you limpwristed limpdicks... you're all about mixing it up and throwing punches until the time comes to take 'em in return, then you run home bawling to Mommy like the Whiny Little B*tches you are."

02-07-18, 18:07
And don’t forget Baton Rouge...


All those cops didn’t die of heart attacks....

And it is as if some guy didn’t try to assasinate most of the GOP in Congress...... In Virginia.

And don't forget New York....
2 N.Y.P.D. Officers Killed in Brooklyn Ambush; Suspect Commits Suicide


Sheriff links "Black Lives Matter" movement to slain deputy

But meh, lets go after White males every time obese White leftist females die of heart attacks at protests/riots.

02-07-18, 23:08
We wouldn't have this problem in Virginia had Hillary been elected.
I'm sure this would be bringing pushed Federally instead.