View Full Version : You thought eating Tide Pods was dumb?

01-29-18, 19:58
The arms race of stupidity has reached its new level. Gentlemen, I present to you the “No Lackin’ Challenge”

Arguably THE best way to get shot by a “friend”. I’m going to leave the low hanging fruit of jokes based on the name alone for now. Enjoy.


01-29-18, 20:09

01-29-18, 20:11
Interference with natural selection precludes evolution

Dist. Expert 26
01-29-18, 20:28
To paraphrase the great Sterling Archer- "Do you want to get shot? Because that's how you get shot"

01-29-18, 20:40
Interference with natural selection precludes evolution

This i true. But, that interference has been going on so long that it is the norm now.

To paraphrase the great Sterling Archer- "Do you want to get shot? Because that's how you get shot"

I thought that too.
I am just seeing someone pull this on the street and someone from this forum going, gun, threat to bystander, and pumping hot 9mm into the guy only to then have the media make him out to be the bad guy for interfering with the youtube hits. Also, see above comment about natural selection.

Bubba FAL
01-29-18, 20:42
Just another day of fun and games in the s-hole called Memphis.

01-29-18, 20:52
Just another day of fun and games in the s-hole called Memphis.


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01-29-18, 20:58
when they catch idiots doing this or any little thugs using guns or weapons in any crime just chop off the hands get them used to sharia law early :)

also make sure to put them in the never will receive any kinda benefits again ever !

very shortly the gang population will go down the amount on welfare will plummet and crime will come down :) might take a generation but the upside is there :)

kinda like the knock out idiocy I can see the next thing will be to pull gun on regular folks to see/record the reactions !

01-29-18, 22:59
Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal.

01-29-18, 23:10
Thanks to the internet, I no longer have an expectation basement for stupidity.

When the day comes, when people knowingly challenge each other to ingest as much cyanide as they can, even with the expectation that it is likely fatal but they consider youtube glory to be a suitable goal worthy of death, I won't even be surprised.

What will surprise me is my own lack of creativity when it comes to predicting the nature of the stupidity that will be demonstrated by the lowest common denominator of society.

LMT Shooter
01-29-18, 23:14
Evolution stops when stupidity is no longer fatal.

May I make this my signature line here, please?

01-29-18, 23:34
Wotta shame. Harvard & Yale are denied some quality scholarship students in that bunch... :cray: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg245/tpriest82/Andrews%20Pics/other_sarcasmMeter.gif

01-30-18, 02:59
We have almost 7.7 billion people.

Youd think some wouldn't be the best eggs in the basket.

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01-30-18, 03:56
You would think after being in school all day, doing homework and working the evening shift kids would be too worn out to play around dreaming up stupid crap to do. Oh wait...

01-30-18, 05:29
Self resolving issue- go for it boys.

01-30-18, 11:20
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
--Albert Einstein

Only two things in Creation are limitless: the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
--Einstein again

01-30-18, 15:41
We have almost 7.7 billion people.

These kind of shenanigans thin the fools from the herd.

It's a win-win for Earth.

01-30-18, 16:22
These kind of shenanigans thin the fools from the herd.

It's a win-win for Earth.

I agree! The more of these stupid ****ers that kill themselves off, the better we'll be as a species. #dranochallenge

01-30-18, 21:54
I agree! The more of these stupid ****ers that kill themselves off, the better we'll be as a species. #dranochallenge

Yep. I think we should get some more of these "challenges" going:

The "dress up like a deer and run around in the woods on opening day of deer season" challenge.

The "sit in the middle of the interstate wearing all black at night" challenge.

The "roll around in razor wire with Magic Johnson" challenge.

The "douse yourself in gasoline and walk on hot coals" challenge.

The "grab a live power line" challenge.

The "put your head in a hydraulic press" challenge.

The "piss on a Hells Angel's bike" challenge

The median IQ of the human race would raise quite a bit. Consequently, many of the blue states would probably turn red again.

01-30-18, 22:07
A morbid part of me wants to interdub some meek mill into all the Deer Hunter Russian Roulette scenes and sex it up to see if I can bring it back.

No matter who loses, we win

Bonus points for using an autopistol....IF YOU PIMP ENOUGH

Big A
01-30-18, 22:08

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01-31-18, 12:50
The "roll around in razor wire with Magic Johnson" challenge.

The "put your head in a hydraulic press" challenge.

The "piss on a Hells Angel's bike" challenge

The median IQ of the human race would raise quite a bit. Consequently, many of the blue states would probably turn red again.


I like the way your brain works.

01-31-18, 13:22
If we had more challenges like these and fewer warnings on products the world would be a much better place....

01-31-18, 14:49
A morbid part of me wants to interdub some meek mill into all the Deer Hunter Russian Roulette scenes and sex it up to see if I can bring it back.

No matter who loses, we win

Bonus points for using an autopistol....IF YOU PIMP ENOUGH

You mean like this guy?


01-31-18, 15:20
You guys are so insensitive!

THUG LYFE.... matters.

Bubba FAL
01-31-18, 20:33
You mean like this guy?


Kinda like the Hamas dude that just shot himself in the face "checking his gun.

01-31-18, 21:31
One about a One Shot Stop with a lousy .25, from a guy who used to be a THR mod before it went to Hell.

01-31-18, 21:44

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01-31-18, 22:19

I just wish we could increase Bluff tourism. Bring your nicest cars, prettiest girls, and finest jewelry to Vine City, the Pearl of Atlanta. Lots of friendly and gentle people there.

01-31-18, 22:44
Too bad we can't do enough with paleo-DNA to clone and build Jurassic Park. "Hey, dare ya to go take a swim with the Mosasaur..." (If you're dumb enough to swim with something that thinks Jaws is just a tasty little morsel, you DESERVE to be eaten.)

01-31-18, 23:08
Bonus points for using an autopistol....IF YOU PIMP ENOUGH

It's been done. I remember seeing it in the Houston Chronicle the day or so after it happened and I knew he would likely be a leading candidate that year.


(28 February 2000, Texas) A Houston man earned a succinct lesson in gun safety when he played Russian roulette with a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol. Rashaad, nineteen, was visiting friends when he announced his intention to play the deadly game. He apparently did not realize that a semiautomatic pistol, unlike a revolver, automatically inserts a cartridge into the firing chamber when the gun is cocked. His chance of winning a round of Russian roulette was zero, as he quickly discovered.

02-01-18, 09:16
Maybe I'm becoming a bit too jaded these days.. To me this seems like a problem that resolves itself.

02-01-18, 10:10
I have seen these videos before, and it tends to be the urban youths that participate in this. Some of which have had some pretty heavy hardware. The I see it is let them play their game and pop one another they are just skipping to the end of theirs stories any way.

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02-01-18, 10:14

I just wish we could increase Bluff tourism. Bring your nicest cars, prettiest girls, and finest jewelry to Vine City, the Pearl of Atlanta. Lots of friendly and gentle people there.


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02-01-18, 11:54



02-01-18, 19:13
100 million sperm and these dumbasses were fastest.

These guys are lacking. Lacking 6 well placed high velocity projectiles to the chestal region.

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